Updated If Youre Looking to Create a Brand Video that Makes Your Business Pop Out, We Have Put Together some Video Editing Tips and Tricks that Work

Updated If Youre Looking to Create a Brand Video that Makes Your Business Pop Out, We Have Put Together some Video Editing Tips and Tricks that Work

Chloe Lv12

If You’re Looking to Create a Brand Video that Makes Your Business Pop Out, We Have Put Together some Video Editing Tips and Tricks that Work

Brand Video Maker - Wondershare Filmora

Provide abundant video effects - A creative video editor

Powerful color correction and grading

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

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Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free

Create a Brand Video to Make Your Business Shine

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people go ahead and purchase a product just by watching brand videos?

I’m sure you are looking for similar success when it comes to your brand video.

But you can’t just compel the audience by making any video!

  • It has to be entertaining and inspirational.
  • It has to be innovative.
  • It needs to have something that grabs the audience’s attention.

And, with all this, it should also successfully share your brand’s core values.

So, how do you create such a video?

It’s not about simply whipping out a camera and pressing the record button. A lot of thought is involved in creating a brand video, but most importantly, you need a high-quality video editor to refine your video and make it more fun, entertaining, and innovative - A video editor like Wondershare Filmora.

And that’s what this article is about - How to use the various basic and advanced editing tools in Filmora to create a brand video that makes a difference!

But first, let’s have a look at…

Wondershare Filmora’s Brand Video

What’s so special about it, you ask?

For starters, it fits right into the criteria we mentioned above. It’s innovative, entertaining, vibrant, and fun and showcases all the features of Filmora 11.

Here, see for yourself…

From all the new effects to the AR sticker themes and other video editing features like speed ramping, masking, and green screen effect, the video successfully lets the audience know how creative they can get with Filmora.

But did you see that they didn’t put the features out there just like that! They actually used all the basic and advanced video editing features in the video to give us an idea of what it looks like when put in action.

And the video quality, the content, and the flow of the video speak for themselves.

I mean, I watched the video all the way to the end without getting bored for even a single second. And, being a video editor, I might as well get Filmora 11 after watching the highly compelling video!

Now, if you’re also wow-ed by the video and would like to create a similar one, here are some tips on making a successful brand video using Wondershare Filmora.

Tips to Make a Compelling Brand Video

Like I said earlier, making a video is not simply about getting out your camera and starting recording. Many aspects need to be considered for your video to make the desired impact.

Therefore, here are some tips that might come in handy when making your brand video:

1. Define Your Objective and Audience

The very first thing that you need to think about before starting work on your brand video is its objective and audience.

Define your Objective

What are you trying to achieve from the video? Do you want to create brand awareness, or do you wish to promote a certain product?

Secondly, who’s your target audience? Is your video projected toward people who have no idea who you and your company are? Or are you addressing an existing customer base? Also, are the audience kids or adults? Because you certainly can’t make a video with cartoon characters for an audience who’s looking for something calm and relaxing, and vice versa.

Once you have your objective and audience sorted, it’s time to get busy!

2. Video Scripting

Based on what you’re trying to achieve from your brand video and the target audience, you can decide on the video’s script. This includes the content, the length, and the editing requirements.

Video Scripting

Let’s take your video’s content, for instance:

  • If you’re creating a video for an audience that doesn’t know you, you’ll have to start from the basics, explaining who you are, what you do, and the services you offer.
  • If you’re trying to create a video that tells your brand’s story, you can either keep it inspirational or you could create fun content that will be remembered for years to come!
  • If you’re creating something for the kids, you need to keep it short yet interesting, with many effects that help in grabbing their attention.

Once you have decided what to add to the video, how long it will be, and what its content will be like, you can finally record your video!

3. Video Recording

Now, for many people, recording simply means hitting the record button.

Yes, that might work for vlogs, but when it comes to making a brand video, you need to really put in effort when recording.

Record your brand video

For instance, you should have all the video clips and images you want to include in the video at hand. And they should resonate with your brand voice and match with each other as well.

If we take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video as an example, you can see that the whole video has a vibrant and warm feel to it, which can be seen throughout. It’s not that one clip is darker and the other is lighter; the whole thing sort of blends into each other.

That’s what you should take care of when recording your video. Make sure the background, hues, and overall feel of the video clips and images match each other.

4. Using Your Brand Colors and Logo

Another thing that you should keep in mind when recording is to incorporate your brand colors in the video and throw in your logo. For instance, if your brand colors are red and green, make sure to use them in the text in the video. However, if you’re not using text, you can use the colors in the video frame by having a wall or something in the background of the same colors.

Use colors of your brand in your video

As for the logo, it can be placed anywhere in the video so that the audience learns to recognize it.

But why is using your brand colors and logo so important?

Because your brand colors and logo represent your brand and become its identity in the long run. For example, yellow and red are McDonald’s brand colors and its logo, the yellow ‘M’ in arch form, is recognizable even from a distance.

5. Video Editing

Now comes the most important part of making a brand video: The editing! The part where you refine your video and add final touches to it. If you’ve got a stellar video editing software like Wondershare Filmora, it can do wonders for your video.

Wondershare Filmora at a Glance

Wondershare Filmora |Perfect solution for creating a brand video

Wondershare Filmora has plenty of basic and advanced video editing features to add that wow factor to your video. It can turn a plain boring video into something fun, exciting, and watch-worthy.

For example, the motion tracking feature lets you add an object that follows a certain movement in the video. Then we have the AR stickers that help enhance emotions and add personality to your video. Also, the green screen feature lets you add amazing background to your video to give the desired effect.

Filmora also has many video effects, templates, speed ramping, masking, auto beat sync, voice recording, and other features that can really take your brand video to the next level.

I’m sure you now have the hang of how to make a brand video that makes your business pop. But, you still might be confused about how to make the most of these features using Wondershare Filmora.

Therefore, here are some helpful tips on using these features to make an effective brand video that creates brand awareness and drives sales!

Creative Ideas to Make Brand Videos Using Filmora

If you’re up for making a video just like the video we shared earlier, you’ll need to download Wondershare Filmora from the website. And, once you’re through with this guide, nothing can stop you from making a brand video that sells!

With that sorted, here are some valuable tips and ideas to help you along the way:

1. Level Up Your Motion Tracking

As we mentioned earlier, motion tracking means tracking the movement of an object in the video and then applying the same movement to a newly added object, like text, image, logo, or any clipart.

But that’s quite a common practice, right? I mean, every video editor out there is doing it!

However, there are some ways in which you can get creative with the motion tracking feature using Filmora.


Using Motion-Tracked Texts

While the text in a video looks pretty good itself, you can make it even more impressive by motion tracking it.

For example:

  • Attach a piece of text to your introductory title. If there’s a logo or brand name in the introduction, you can add a tagline, a website address, or your Instagram or Twitter handle to it.
  • If you want to create a context for the audience, add motion-tracked captions in your brand video. This means the captions move with the movement of the subject. It looks stylish, gives relevant information, and helps tell your brand’s story without any narration.

This Fitbit commercial would be an excellent example of motion-tracked captions:

  • If your video has an introductory scene where the frame is moving from one side to the other, you can motion-track the credits so that they move along with the scene and disappear gradually instead of dedicating a single clip to the credits.
  • Highlighting important aspects in a video, like places or names of objects with motion-tracked text, can make your video truly amazing and fun to watch. This would be quite essential if you’re making a video for the real estate or travel business.

Here’s an example:

Hence, when working with Filmora, you can do plenty with the motion tracking feature to make a truly amazing video.

2. Add a Fun Factor with AR Stickers

Now that you know how to use the motion tracking feature in Filmora, let me tell you a secret!

If you incorporate face-tracking AR stickers into your video, you can succeed in creating a brand video that will have the audience glued to the screen!

The purpose of adding AR stickers to your videos is to emphasize reactions, portray enhanced emotions, and add an element of fun. This feature works best if you’re creating a brand video projected toward kids.

AR sticker on face a girl using WonderShare Filmora

So, how can you make the most of these AR stickers?

Create Multiple Characters

If you don’t have people to play different characters, don’t fret! With the AR sticker effect, you can create multiple characters for your video.

For example:

If your video has 3 animal characters, you can use AR stickers depicting a panda, cat, and bunny to show the different characters. Similarly, you can add the sticker with glasses to show a nerdy character. Or, if you’re really getting into the story-telling mode, you can use the pirate sticker to show a pirate.

Magnify Emotions

Sometimes it gets challenging to portray a certain emotion in your video. This is where AR stickers come to the rescue!

If you want to show someone in love, you can use the heart-eyes effect. Or, if you want to show that someone is being good, you can use the angel sticker to put a halo on their head.

There are many options! You just have to use your creative cells and conjure up something that’s unique and stands out from the rest.

3. Ace Your Shoot with the Green Screen Effect

A green-screen effect is quite important when it comes to making an exceptional brand video. It has been used in almost all blockbuster movies, and if you’re looking to make a video of a similar level, we’ve got some tried and tested tips to use the green screen effect to its fullest!

Make Sure the Lighting is Even

When it comes to a green screen, the lighting plays an important part. Make sure the green screen is one shade of green, and the lighting on the screen is even. If parts of the green screen are darker than the rest, the chroma key effect won’t be able to distinguish the different shades.

Contrasting Colors

Make sure the subject in the video isn’t wearing any green clothing, or there aren’t many green objects around, as they might disappear when you apply the green screen effect.

Prevent Motion Blur with High Shutter Speed

When shooting with a green screen background, make sure you keep the shutter speed high to avoid motion blur. Ideally, it should be 2x your frame rate for optimum results. But, at the same time, it shouldn’t be too high, as it can lead to a change in video exposure.

If you keep these tips in mind when shooting a video, you can easily use the chroma key effect in Wondershare Filmora to add your desired background and create an outstanding video.

4. Be Innovative with Effects

A video without effects is as bland as water! So, make your video innovative with the impressive variety of effects available in Wondershare Filmora.

But you can’t just add effects to your video like that! You need to understand when and where to use a certain effect properly.

For example:

Tell Your Story With Split Screen Effect

If you’re telling your brand story from the perspective of different individuals, using the split-screen effect is recommended. You can also use this effect to showcase how one thing is related to another in a cause-and-effect way.

Take this Lexus commercial, for example:

It shows the view from inside the car and from a viewer’s perspective.

Emphasize with Pan and Zoom Effect

As the topic of concern of this article is brand videos, the pan and zoom is an ideal effect for it.

You can easily emphasize its importance and give off an emotional storytelling vibe by zooming in on a person’s face or any other object in the frame. You can also use pan and zoom to add a transition to your video. Here’s an example:

Add Thrill with Transitions

To move from one shot to another, it’s important to add a transition effect in between. You can add different transition styles to link the shots with one another, for instance, the match cut transition to match scenes that are not otherwise linked visually. Or the whip pan transition, which involves a quick rotation of the camera’s axis to give the impression that the scene was shot in one take, although it is two separate clips.

Take Wondershare Filmora’s brand video, for example. You can see how seamlessly it moves from one effect to another. It adds value and makes the video fun to watch.

With the variety of transitions in Filmora’s library, you can add all the effects discussed above to your video for stunning results.

You’ve added motion tracking, used AR stickers, created a mystical background with the green screen effect, and gone innovative with effects. Now, it’s time to wrap up this article with…

5. Energize Your Videos with Speed Ramping

Did you know that speed ramping can actually improve your videos tenfold? Speeding up and slowing down the footage at certain points can have a significant impact. For example, the bullet dodge scene in “Matrix” wouldn’t have been so famous if it wasn’t for the slo-mo effect!

Speed Ramping in WonderShare Filmora

You can’t just randomly add speed ramps to your video. There has to be a purpose behind it! Do you want to emphasize something? Do you want to show a transition? Regardless, you need to time your speed ramping properly.

And here are a few tips for it!

Use Slo-Mo For Action Sequences

If your video has an amazing action scene in it, slow down the speed at that point to emphasize the action and movement. For example, a karate kick in slow motion very clearly shows us how the move is actually performed.

Don’t Use Slo-Mo For Too Long

Another tip is to use the slow-mo only for a few seconds to emphasize something. If you prolong it, it won’t have the desired impact and might even cause the audience to lose focus.

Speed Up Footage for Long Processes

If your video shows a long process, like a time-lapse, it is the perfect time to speed up the footage. Not only do long shots lose the viewer’s attention, but they can also get boring too. A sped up footage on the other hand makes your video aesthetically pleasing and entertaining.

Add Music

Using music in videos is quite a common practice; however, it becomes quite exciting if you speed ramp your video according to the music. For example, time the slo-mo effect with the more silent or riverbed parts of the music, and speed it up when the crescendo comes.

You can do this easily with the auto beat-sync feature in Filmora that matches the music with the footage.

Auto beat sync in WonderShare Filmora

How’s that for a thrilling video?

Speed Ramp for Transitions

Here’s a bonus tip! Use speed ramping at the end of one clip and the beginning of the next one to create a seamless flow between the two. It’ll also give a transition effect and make your brand video look professional.

So you see, you have ample options to add a touch of creativity to your brand videos. The key is to use a good video editor and the right video editing tools.

Wrapping Up

Shooting a brand video is easy, and it’s even easier to edit it. All you need is to let your creativity flow!

With Wondershare Filmora 11’s new and advanced editing features, making watch-worthy brand videos that give out the desired message and compel the audience to take some action has never been easier!

And, with the useful video editing tips that we have shared, you are just a click away from taking your business to new heights!

So, if you also want to create a video successfully, just like Filmora’s brand video, follow our tips, use the tricks, and edit away!

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List of Supported Whatsapp Video Format You May Want to Know

Among the different communication platforms, WhatsApp is very famous. The application lets you communicate with your loved ones living far away via messages, audio, and video calls. Unlike other platforms, WhatsApp has a lot of happy users.

With WhatsApp, you can not only communicate but also offers media file sharing. You can share your favorite meme, funny videos, and other things through WhatsApp. If you want to share a video but can’t, the WhatsApp video format is not supported. To learn about WhatsApp-supported video formats, keep reading the article.

In this article

01 Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

02 Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

03 Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Part 1. Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

Are you facing trouble with WhatsApp videos and sharing them? It might be because of the video format WhatsApp as WhatsApp supports certain video formats. You should have the video in the supported format for using videos on WhatsApp and sharing them.

supported video formats for whatsapp

WhatsApp supports a maximum file size of 16MB is approximately a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Whereas if we talk about WhatsApp status, it allows 30 seconds duration for the video. WhatsApp supports and MPEG-4 codec for videos and audio, and AC3.

Moving on, the WhatsApp-supported video formats include MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and also 3GP. Do you want to know more about these formats? Let’s help you.


This is the most commonly used format for both video and audio files. Other than this, MP4 also stores data like subtitles, still images, etc. Interesting, it also allows streaming.


MKV is an open container, free format. The format can hold videos, pictures, audio, and also an unlimited number of subtitles. Additionally, the format is universally used to store multimedia content like your favorite TV show or movies.


Audio Video Interleave is another video format supported by WhatsApp. Do you know that the AVI format supports synchronous audio-with-video playback? The file format stores both video and audio data in a file container.


Apple developed a MOV file format that can hold a wide range of media content like your audio, video, and even text. It stores data in the same file but on different tracks. The file format is commonly used in video editing software.


3GP is Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a multimedia container for multimedia services. The format works great on 3G mobile phones, but it can also be used on 2G and 4G phones. 3GP is also a video format supported by WhatsApp.

Part 2. Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

Now that you know about video formats supported by WhatsApp, shall we introduce tips to convert the file format? In case you have a video that is not supported by WhatsApp, the following section of this article will assist as we are about to introduce Wondershare UniConverter . The video converter software is GPU accelerated, and it promises to maintain the original video quality.

UniConverter offers 90x faster conversion speed. You can convert video from and to different formats and also for different devices. Moreover, with UniConverter, you can convert multiple media files at once. Do you know what else UniConverter has to offer? The software is not just a video converter; it’s much more than that; you can use its Background Remover, Subtitle Editor, Smart Trimmer, etc.

Apart from converting your videos to WhatsApp video format, with UniConverter, you can also convert them into various popular web formats like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Amazon, and also eBay. Do you know an exciting thing about UniConverter? Well, it also supports various 4K and 3D files. If you are impressed with UniConverter, let’s move on and share the steps to use the software:

Step 1: To start, launch Wondershare UniConverter on your device and make sure that you have selected the ‘Converter’ option from the left menu. After this, from the right window, import the video files that you plan to work with.

access converter

Step 2: Now, head to the bottom of the main screen and look for the ‘Output Format’ option. Open it and go to the ‘Video’ section. There, from the list of various file formats, select the supported video format for WhatsApp from the left and the right, select a resolution.

select your video format

Step 3: UniConverter is famous for its speedy conversion; for this, hit on the ‘High-Speed Conversion’ from the top right corner. Next, select your desired location to save the file from the bottom by using the ‘File Location’ field. Once done, hit the ‘Convert’ button to get the video format converted.

start the conversion process

Part 3. Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Do you plan to edit your WhatsApp videos? If you do, then we have a little treat for you; let us introduce Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . The software can change your editing game with its phenomenal features and amazing editing elements.

Do you want to know what features and elements we are talking about? Let’s tell you. Wondershare Filmora offers high-quality effects and transitions that can transform your video. Along with this, you get a wide variety of titles and other editing elements that could be used.

Filmora has a clean and straight interface; users can understand the software very quickly and work with it. Moreover, the video editor lets you select your preferred output format and then export the file. You get various cool features like green screen background, split-screen, join video, and a lot more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

Interestingly, the software offers elements according to the latest trends and events around, like Christmas, Valentine’s, birthday, etc. Do you want to use Filmora to edit your WhatsApp video? For guidance, follow the steps shared below:

Step 1: For editing, launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and import the video file by heading to the ‘File’ tab. After that, hover on to the ‘Import Media’ option and select the ‘Import Media Files’ option.

import your video file

Step 2: After locating your desired file, import it. Once successfully imported, then drag the file from the ‘Project Media’ section to the ‘Timeline’ so that you can start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Let the fun begins! You can edit and transform your video file by adding various sound effects to it that Filmora offers you. Users can access the effects from the ‘Audio’ tab.

add audio effect

Step 4: Are you worried about titles? Don’t worry because Filmora offers a wide range of title templates that you can select from and customize too. Just head to the ‘Titles’ tab from the top menu bar and enjoy.

use titles in video

Step 5: What is editing without cool transitions and effects? Filmora comes with unique and distinct video effects and transitions that you can use by accessing the ‘Effects’ and ‘Transitions’ tabs.

 add effects and transitions in video

Step 6: Once you are satisfied with all the editing, it’s time to export the video file. Hit on the ‘Export’ button and select WhatsApp-supported video format to save the file.

export the video

Wrapping Up

If you have been struggling with WhatsApp videos, this article is for you. We have discussed in detail WhatsApp-supported video formats. Not just this, we also talked about a video converter that could be used to convert video formats. Moreover, we shared a video editor to edit your WhatsApp videos. Are you ready for a bit of surprise?

Let’s talk about Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, the editing king to drastically change your videos and make them shine. The software is not an ordinary editor; it lets you trim, cut, join, split your video along with other editing options.

Do you know any good software for motion tracking? Wondershare Filmora offers many brilliant features like Key Framing, Silence Detection, Green Screen, Color Match, and whatnot. If you want to create exciting videos with exciting effects and features, then Filmora is a must-try.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

03 Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Part 1. Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

Are you facing trouble with WhatsApp videos and sharing them? It might be because of the video format WhatsApp as WhatsApp supports certain video formats. You should have the video in the supported format for using videos on WhatsApp and sharing them.

supported video formats for whatsapp

WhatsApp supports a maximum file size of 16MB is approximately a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Whereas if we talk about WhatsApp status, it allows 30 seconds duration for the video. WhatsApp supports and MPEG-4 codec for videos and audio, and AC3.

Moving on, the WhatsApp-supported video formats include MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and also 3GP. Do you want to know more about these formats? Let’s help you.


This is the most commonly used format for both video and audio files. Other than this, MP4 also stores data like subtitles, still images, etc. Interesting, it also allows streaming.


MKV is an open container, free format. The format can hold videos, pictures, audio, and also an unlimited number of subtitles. Additionally, the format is universally used to store multimedia content like your favorite TV show or movies.


Audio Video Interleave is another video format supported by WhatsApp. Do you know that the AVI format supports synchronous audio-with-video playback? The file format stores both video and audio data in a file container.


Apple developed a MOV file format that can hold a wide range of media content like your audio, video, and even text. It stores data in the same file but on different tracks. The file format is commonly used in video editing software.


3GP is Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a multimedia container for multimedia services. The format works great on 3G mobile phones, but it can also be used on 2G and 4G phones. 3GP is also a video format supported by WhatsApp.

Part 2. Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

Now that you know about video formats supported by WhatsApp, shall we introduce tips to convert the file format? In case you have a video that is not supported by WhatsApp, the following section of this article will assist as we are about to introduce Wondershare UniConverter . The video converter software is GPU accelerated, and it promises to maintain the original video quality.

UniConverter offers 90x faster conversion speed. You can convert video from and to different formats and also for different devices. Moreover, with UniConverter, you can convert multiple media files at once. Do you know what else UniConverter has to offer? The software is not just a video converter; it’s much more than that; you can use its Background Remover, Subtitle Editor, Smart Trimmer, etc.

Apart from converting your videos to WhatsApp video format, with UniConverter, you can also convert them into various popular web formats like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Amazon, and also eBay. Do you know an exciting thing about UniConverter? Well, it also supports various 4K and 3D files. If you are impressed with UniConverter, let’s move on and share the steps to use the software:

Step 1: To start, launch Wondershare UniConverter on your device and make sure that you have selected the ‘Converter’ option from the left menu. After this, from the right window, import the video files that you plan to work with.

access converter

Step 2: Now, head to the bottom of the main screen and look for the ‘Output Format’ option. Open it and go to the ‘Video’ section. There, from the list of various file formats, select the supported video format for WhatsApp from the left and the right, select a resolution.

select your video format

Step 3: UniConverter is famous for its speedy conversion; for this, hit on the ‘High-Speed Conversion’ from the top right corner. Next, select your desired location to save the file from the bottom by using the ‘File Location’ field. Once done, hit the ‘Convert’ button to get the video format converted.

start the conversion process

Part 3. Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Do you plan to edit your WhatsApp videos? If you do, then we have a little treat for you; let us introduce Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . The software can change your editing game with its phenomenal features and amazing editing elements.

Do you want to know what features and elements we are talking about? Let’s tell you. Wondershare Filmora offers high-quality effects and transitions that can transform your video. Along with this, you get a wide variety of titles and other editing elements that could be used.

Filmora has a clean and straight interface; users can understand the software very quickly and work with it. Moreover, the video editor lets you select your preferred output format and then export the file. You get various cool features like green screen background, split-screen, join video, and a lot more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Interestingly, the software offers elements according to the latest trends and events around, like Christmas, Valentine’s, birthday, etc. Do you want to use Filmora to edit your WhatsApp video? For guidance, follow the steps shared below:

Step 1: For editing, launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and import the video file by heading to the ‘File’ tab. After that, hover on to the ‘Import Media’ option and select the ‘Import Media Files’ option.

import your video file

Step 2: After locating your desired file, import it. Once successfully imported, then drag the file from the ‘Project Media’ section to the ‘Timeline’ so that you can start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Let the fun begins! You can edit and transform your video file by adding various sound effects to it that Filmora offers you. Users can access the effects from the ‘Audio’ tab.

add audio effect

Step 4: Are you worried about titles? Don’t worry because Filmora offers a wide range of title templates that you can select from and customize too. Just head to the ‘Titles’ tab from the top menu bar and enjoy.

use titles in video

Step 5: What is editing without cool transitions and effects? Filmora comes with unique and distinct video effects and transitions that you can use by accessing the ‘Effects’ and ‘Transitions’ tabs.

 add effects and transitions in video

Step 6: Once you are satisfied with all the editing, it’s time to export the video file. Hit on the ‘Export’ button and select WhatsApp-supported video format to save the file.

export the video

Wrapping Up

If you have been struggling with WhatsApp videos, this article is for you. We have discussed in detail WhatsApp-supported video formats. Not just this, we also talked about a video converter that could be used to convert video formats. Moreover, we shared a video editor to edit your WhatsApp videos. Are you ready for a bit of surprise?

Let’s talk about Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, the editing king to drastically change your videos and make them shine. The software is not an ordinary editor; it lets you trim, cut, join, split your video along with other editing options.

Do you know any good software for motion tracking? Wondershare Filmora offers many brilliant features like Key Framing, Silence Detection, Green Screen, Color Match, and whatnot. If you want to create exciting videos with exciting effects and features, then Filmora is a must-try.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

03 Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Part 1. Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

Are you facing trouble with WhatsApp videos and sharing them? It might be because of the video format WhatsApp as WhatsApp supports certain video formats. You should have the video in the supported format for using videos on WhatsApp and sharing them.

supported video formats for whatsapp

WhatsApp supports a maximum file size of 16MB is approximately a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Whereas if we talk about WhatsApp status, it allows 30 seconds duration for the video. WhatsApp supports and MPEG-4 codec for videos and audio, and AC3.

Moving on, the WhatsApp-supported video formats include MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and also 3GP. Do you want to know more about these formats? Let’s help you.


This is the most commonly used format for both video and audio files. Other than this, MP4 also stores data like subtitles, still images, etc. Interesting, it also allows streaming.


MKV is an open container, free format. The format can hold videos, pictures, audio, and also an unlimited number of subtitles. Additionally, the format is universally used to store multimedia content like your favorite TV show or movies.


Audio Video Interleave is another video format supported by WhatsApp. Do you know that the AVI format supports synchronous audio-with-video playback? The file format stores both video and audio data in a file container.


Apple developed a MOV file format that can hold a wide range of media content like your audio, video, and even text. It stores data in the same file but on different tracks. The file format is commonly used in video editing software.


3GP is Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a multimedia container for multimedia services. The format works great on 3G mobile phones, but it can also be used on 2G and 4G phones. 3GP is also a video format supported by WhatsApp.

Part 2. Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

Now that you know about video formats supported by WhatsApp, shall we introduce tips to convert the file format? In case you have a video that is not supported by WhatsApp, the following section of this article will assist as we are about to introduce Wondershare UniConverter . The video converter software is GPU accelerated, and it promises to maintain the original video quality.

UniConverter offers 90x faster conversion speed. You can convert video from and to different formats and also for different devices. Moreover, with UniConverter, you can convert multiple media files at once. Do you know what else UniConverter has to offer? The software is not just a video converter; it’s much more than that; you can use its Background Remover, Subtitle Editor, Smart Trimmer, etc.

Apart from converting your videos to WhatsApp video format, with UniConverter, you can also convert them into various popular web formats like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Amazon, and also eBay. Do you know an exciting thing about UniConverter? Well, it also supports various 4K and 3D files. If you are impressed with UniConverter, let’s move on and share the steps to use the software:

Step 1: To start, launch Wondershare UniConverter on your device and make sure that you have selected the ‘Converter’ option from the left menu. After this, from the right window, import the video files that you plan to work with.

access converter

Step 2: Now, head to the bottom of the main screen and look for the ‘Output Format’ option. Open it and go to the ‘Video’ section. There, from the list of various file formats, select the supported video format for WhatsApp from the left and the right, select a resolution.

select your video format

Step 3: UniConverter is famous for its speedy conversion; for this, hit on the ‘High-Speed Conversion’ from the top right corner. Next, select your desired location to save the file from the bottom by using the ‘File Location’ field. Once done, hit the ‘Convert’ button to get the video format converted.

start the conversion process

Part 3. Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Do you plan to edit your WhatsApp videos? If you do, then we have a little treat for you; let us introduce Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . The software can change your editing game with its phenomenal features and amazing editing elements.

Do you want to know what features and elements we are talking about? Let’s tell you. Wondershare Filmora offers high-quality effects and transitions that can transform your video. Along with this, you get a wide variety of titles and other editing elements that could be used.

Filmora has a clean and straight interface; users can understand the software very quickly and work with it. Moreover, the video editor lets you select your preferred output format and then export the file. You get various cool features like green screen background, split-screen, join video, and a lot more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Interestingly, the software offers elements according to the latest trends and events around, like Christmas, Valentine’s, birthday, etc. Do you want to use Filmora to edit your WhatsApp video? For guidance, follow the steps shared below:

Step 1: For editing, launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and import the video file by heading to the ‘File’ tab. After that, hover on to the ‘Import Media’ option and select the ‘Import Media Files’ option.

import your video file

Step 2: After locating your desired file, import it. Once successfully imported, then drag the file from the ‘Project Media’ section to the ‘Timeline’ so that you can start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Let the fun begins! You can edit and transform your video file by adding various sound effects to it that Filmora offers you. Users can access the effects from the ‘Audio’ tab.

add audio effect

Step 4: Are you worried about titles? Don’t worry because Filmora offers a wide range of title templates that you can select from and customize too. Just head to the ‘Titles’ tab from the top menu bar and enjoy.

use titles in video

Step 5: What is editing without cool transitions and effects? Filmora comes with unique and distinct video effects and transitions that you can use by accessing the ‘Effects’ and ‘Transitions’ tabs.

 add effects and transitions in video

Step 6: Once you are satisfied with all the editing, it’s time to export the video file. Hit on the ‘Export’ button and select WhatsApp-supported video format to save the file.

export the video

Wrapping Up

If you have been struggling with WhatsApp videos, this article is for you. We have discussed in detail WhatsApp-supported video formats. Not just this, we also talked about a video converter that could be used to convert video formats. Moreover, we shared a video editor to edit your WhatsApp videos. Are you ready for a bit of surprise?

Let’s talk about Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, the editing king to drastically change your videos and make them shine. The software is not an ordinary editor; it lets you trim, cut, join, split your video along with other editing options.

Do you know any good software for motion tracking? Wondershare Filmora offers many brilliant features like Key Framing, Silence Detection, Green Screen, Color Match, and whatnot. If you want to create exciting videos with exciting effects and features, then Filmora is a must-try.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

03 Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Part 1. Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

Are you facing trouble with WhatsApp videos and sharing them? It might be because of the video format WhatsApp as WhatsApp supports certain video formats. You should have the video in the supported format for using videos on WhatsApp and sharing them.

supported video formats for whatsapp

WhatsApp supports a maximum file size of 16MB is approximately a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Whereas if we talk about WhatsApp status, it allows 30 seconds duration for the video. WhatsApp supports and MPEG-4 codec for videos and audio, and AC3.

Moving on, the WhatsApp-supported video formats include MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and also 3GP. Do you want to know more about these formats? Let’s help you.


This is the most commonly used format for both video and audio files. Other than this, MP4 also stores data like subtitles, still images, etc. Interesting, it also allows streaming.


MKV is an open container, free format. The format can hold videos, pictures, audio, and also an unlimited number of subtitles. Additionally, the format is universally used to store multimedia content like your favorite TV show or movies.


Audio Video Interleave is another video format supported by WhatsApp. Do you know that the AVI format supports synchronous audio-with-video playback? The file format stores both video and audio data in a file container.


Apple developed a MOV file format that can hold a wide range of media content like your audio, video, and even text. It stores data in the same file but on different tracks. The file format is commonly used in video editing software.


3GP is Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a multimedia container for multimedia services. The format works great on 3G mobile phones, but it can also be used on 2G and 4G phones. 3GP is also a video format supported by WhatsApp.

Part 2. Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

Now that you know about video formats supported by WhatsApp, shall we introduce tips to convert the file format? In case you have a video that is not supported by WhatsApp, the following section of this article will assist as we are about to introduce Wondershare UniConverter . The video converter software is GPU accelerated, and it promises to maintain the original video quality.

UniConverter offers 90x faster conversion speed. You can convert video from and to different formats and also for different devices. Moreover, with UniConverter, you can convert multiple media files at once. Do you know what else UniConverter has to offer? The software is not just a video converter; it’s much more than that; you can use its Background Remover, Subtitle Editor, Smart Trimmer, etc.

Apart from converting your videos to WhatsApp video format, with UniConverter, you can also convert them into various popular web formats like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Amazon, and also eBay. Do you know an exciting thing about UniConverter? Well, it also supports various 4K and 3D files. If you are impressed with UniConverter, let’s move on and share the steps to use the software:

Step 1: To start, launch Wondershare UniConverter on your device and make sure that you have selected the ‘Converter’ option from the left menu. After this, from the right window, import the video files that you plan to work with.

access converter

Step 2: Now, head to the bottom of the main screen and look for the ‘Output Format’ option. Open it and go to the ‘Video’ section. There, from the list of various file formats, select the supported video format for WhatsApp from the left and the right, select a resolution.

select your video format

Step 3: UniConverter is famous for its speedy conversion; for this, hit on the ‘High-Speed Conversion’ from the top right corner. Next, select your desired location to save the file from the bottom by using the ‘File Location’ field. Once done, hit the ‘Convert’ button to get the video format converted.

start the conversion process

Part 3. Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Do you plan to edit your WhatsApp videos? If you do, then we have a little treat for you; let us introduce Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . The software can change your editing game with its phenomenal features and amazing editing elements.

Do you want to know what features and elements we are talking about? Let’s tell you. Wondershare Filmora offers high-quality effects and transitions that can transform your video. Along with this, you get a wide variety of titles and other editing elements that could be used.

Filmora has a clean and straight interface; users can understand the software very quickly and work with it. Moreover, the video editor lets you select your preferred output format and then export the file. You get various cool features like green screen background, split-screen, join video, and a lot more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Interestingly, the software offers elements according to the latest trends and events around, like Christmas, Valentine’s, birthday, etc. Do you want to use Filmora to edit your WhatsApp video? For guidance, follow the steps shared below:

Step 1: For editing, launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and import the video file by heading to the ‘File’ tab. After that, hover on to the ‘Import Media’ option and select the ‘Import Media Files’ option.

import your video file

Step 2: After locating your desired file, import it. Once successfully imported, then drag the file from the ‘Project Media’ section to the ‘Timeline’ so that you can start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Let the fun begins! You can edit and transform your video file by adding various sound effects to it that Filmora offers you. Users can access the effects from the ‘Audio’ tab.

add audio effect

Step 4: Are you worried about titles? Don’t worry because Filmora offers a wide range of title templates that you can select from and customize too. Just head to the ‘Titles’ tab from the top menu bar and enjoy.

use titles in video

Step 5: What is editing without cool transitions and effects? Filmora comes with unique and distinct video effects and transitions that you can use by accessing the ‘Effects’ and ‘Transitions’ tabs.

 add effects and transitions in video

Step 6: Once you are satisfied with all the editing, it’s time to export the video file. Hit on the ‘Export’ button and select WhatsApp-supported video format to save the file.

export the video

Wrapping Up

If you have been struggling with WhatsApp videos, this article is for you. We have discussed in detail WhatsApp-supported video formats. Not just this, we also talked about a video converter that could be used to convert video formats. Moreover, we shared a video editor to edit your WhatsApp videos. Are you ready for a bit of surprise?

Let’s talk about Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, the editing king to drastically change your videos and make them shine. The software is not an ordinary editor; it lets you trim, cut, join, split your video along with other editing options.

Do you know any good software for motion tracking? Wondershare Filmora offers many brilliant features like Key Framing, Silence Detection, Green Screen, Color Match, and whatnot. If you want to create exciting videos with exciting effects and features, then Filmora is a must-try.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


How to Color Correct in OBS

Create High-Quality Video - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful YouTube video editor

Numerous video and audio effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials are provided by the official channel

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Color Correction is an outstanding functionality that allows editing photos and videos by altering their consistency to match a particular standard. Besides, color correction is available in the premium tool and free applications. And one of the established free software tools with color correction is the OBS.

Even though the Open Broadcaster Software is mainly known for live streaming and offline video recording, it also offers color correction functionality from its open canvas. Read this article to completion and get to the bottom line of how to do color correction in OBS.

More about OBS

In this article

01 What is OBS?

02 Color Grade in OBS

03 How to Apply LUTs in OBS

What is OBS?

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Since its initial launch in 2012, OBS has made tremendous moves – This is not only from the constant release of its new versions but also the relentless increase in the functionality features. Besides, OBS is equipped with a robust API that enables plugins and scripts which provide extensive customization to precisely suit one’s needs.

However, OBS being a free application can function to date due to enough support from sponsors and backers.

How to Apply Color Correction in OBS

When you carry out basic edits to your videos or images with OBS and realize that your project has poor shade, color, or tone, you don’t have to export it to another software to correct it. Instead, you can use filters for color correction in OBS.

Apart from using OBS filters to color correct video clips and images, you can correct games, browser sources, and video capture devices.

There are various aspects of color correction in OBS. It includes:

1. Gamma

Gamma is a fundamental aspect in OBS that functions by balancing the brightness of an image through contrast. To be precise, Gamma works almost similarly to change in brightness while simultaneously increasing or decreasing the contrast.

In editing, Gamma is applicable mainly for removing shiny foreheads and webcam footage in gaming and browsing.

High Gamma is represented by “L,” whereas low Gamm is represented by “R.”

2. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in the degree of colors and tones in an image. Usually, the low contrast image has a narrow color range, whereas the high contrast images have dark shadows and bright highlights.

“L” represents high contrast in OBS contrast, whereas “R” represents low contrast.

3. Brightness

Brightness is the degree to how light or dark a picture is. To be able to understand an image clearly, it is best to correct its brightness. A change in brightness of a picture has a simultaneous change in pixels of that image.

High brightness in OBS is denounced by the letter “L,” whereas Low brightness is denounced by “R.”

4. Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of colors in a video or an image. High saturated images are bright, strong, and are rich, whereas the low saturated photos appear washed out. Black and white (grayscale) photos have no color saturation. In OBS, high saturation and low saturation are represented as “L” and “R.”

5. Hue Shift

Hue shift is the change in an image’s saturation, lightness, and hue colors. Hue shifting occurs when highlighting or shading images. In OBS, you can use the hue shift functionality to reimage your image with a completely different color palette.

With the hue shift functionality in OBS, you can place the image on top of another and have an 80% opacity. It means that you will still see the first image when you place the second one on top of it.

The “L” sign in the OBS hue shift represents 50% opacity, while the “R” represents 100% Opacity.

Color Grade in OBS

Color grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of an image through attributes such as contrast, saturation, and color, making them enchanting for presentations. Color grading is not only done for still images but also for motion pictures and images.

Color grading functionality in OBS is encompassed with several tools – This includes:

1. Lift tool

As the name suggests, lift tools are used in lifting or removing specific colors from an image. It does so without necessarily affecting other colors in an image.

With this tool, you can selectively remove unwanted colors from your image or video, replace them with your desired ones, and create astonishing results.

2. Offset

Offset is another outstanding tool in OBS color grading that controls the blacks/Shadows of an image. It functions by altering the brightness levels and leaving the highlights and the mid-tones unaffected.

3. Gain

A gain is a tool in OBS color correction that functions by only adjusting the white levels in an image. With the gain tool, brighter colors become brighter or darker.

Many people, especially beginner editors, experience difficulty differentiating between the Gamma and Offset tools. Yes, there is a closer similarity between the two, and for you to be on the safe side, you need to know that Gamma goes with the mid-tones (middle gray levels) whereas the Gain goes with highlights/whites.

How to Apply LUTs in OBS

Look up tables (LUTs) is a functionality feature that allows editors, colorists, and filmmakers to save certain colors as their templates. Therefore, when working on a particular project, they don’t have to create new working color grades; instead, you pick it from your LUT.

Using LUTs OBS is not rocket science. With LUTs, you can create unique projects with a vibrant feel. Here are the simple steps of using LUTs in OBS.

Step 1. Prepare your LUT

First, check and establish whether you have your LUT ready. If you don’t have it, you can download one from the internet. Make sure you download it as a folder. Even though OBS has LUT, It has limited color grades; therefore, it is best to download one. You can extract it to an OBS folder if you downloaded it in a zip file.

Step 2. Add your project to the OBS timeline

Open your OBS software and add your project file. Drag and drop your file to the OBS timeline.

obs color correction

Step 3. Add LUTs to your project

Right-click on the area in your project that you wish to apply LUTs, then click on “Filters.” Select “Apply LUT” from the drop-down menu,” which is usually at the top of the list.

obs color correction - add luts

Step 4. Apply your LUT as a filter

On the LUTs section, click on the browser, then open your downloaded LUT folder. Usually, the LUT is in the form of a .cube file. You can adjust your LUT by simply clicking on the “Adjust” option.

Bonus! How to Apply Color Correction for Webcam and Camera

People who primarily use their computers for recording sessions often find it difficult to capture quality videos. It is because most computer cameras are not straightforward. To do away with purchasing a new camera due to poor quality video capture, they can freely use OBS LUTs. For their camera and webcam. LUTs for webcam play a vital role in correcting the quality of photos and videos by using filters.

Here are the simple steps on how to use LUTs for color correction in webcam and camera

Step 1. Check whether your camera has additional software

Most webcams and cameras are controlled by external software, so you first need to check whether yours is also controlled. A thing with these cameras are controlled by their software is that the software determines the color settings and the specific image.

Double click on camera source and select “Configure video.” Computers with external software cameras will have a pop-up window that displays various customizable settings. Here, you can adjust the different settings based on your preference.

color correction in webcam

Step 2. Download your LUTs

Download online the LUTs you want to use. Download them as folders and extract the files you downloaded as zip files. Save them in the OBS folder.

Step 3. Apply your LUTs

Still, in your OBS software, open your camera and then right-click on it. From the displayed menu, click on “Filters.”

On the bottom left corner of your interface, hit the “+” sign, then select “Apply LUTs” > “Browse.”

Open your already downloaded OBS files. Usually, there is an “Adjust” that allows you to regulate the intensity of the LUT by sliding it.

color correction in webcam - apply luts

Step 4. Start recording with LUTs on

After turning on your LUT, you can start recording videos and taking photos. There is an eye icon on the left-hand side of your screen. You can use it to turn on or off LUT.


And that is how to do color correction in OBS. Besides, you do not have to go to the extremes of getting a new camera because of your webcam faultiness. With OBS, you can correct your camera and webcam and get outstanding results.

Download LUTs from the internet and use them as a template in OBS. Besides, you don’t have to pay for the LUTs, but you can use the free ones.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color Correction is an outstanding functionality that allows editing photos and videos by altering their consistency to match a particular standard. Besides, color correction is available in the premium tool and free applications. And one of the established free software tools with color correction is the OBS.

Even though the Open Broadcaster Software is mainly known for live streaming and offline video recording, it also offers color correction functionality from its open canvas. Read this article to completion and get to the bottom line of how to do color correction in OBS.

More about OBS

In this article

01 What is OBS?

02 Color Grade in OBS

03 How to Apply LUTs in OBS

What is OBS?

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Since its initial launch in 2012, OBS has made tremendous moves – This is not only from the constant release of its new versions but also the relentless increase in the functionality features. Besides, OBS is equipped with a robust API that enables plugins and scripts which provide extensive customization to precisely suit one’s needs.

However, OBS being a free application can function to date due to enough support from sponsors and backers.

How to Apply Color Correction in OBS

When you carry out basic edits to your videos or images with OBS and realize that your project has poor shade, color, or tone, you don’t have to export it to another software to correct it. Instead, you can use filters for color correction in OBS.

Apart from using OBS filters to color correct video clips and images, you can correct games, browser sources, and video capture devices.

There are various aspects of color correction in OBS. It includes:

1. Gamma

Gamma is a fundamental aspect in OBS that functions by balancing the brightness of an image through contrast. To be precise, Gamma works almost similarly to change in brightness while simultaneously increasing or decreasing the contrast.

In editing, Gamma is applicable mainly for removing shiny foreheads and webcam footage in gaming and browsing.

High Gamma is represented by “L,” whereas low Gamm is represented by “R.”

2. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in the degree of colors and tones in an image. Usually, the low contrast image has a narrow color range, whereas the high contrast images have dark shadows and bright highlights.

“L” represents high contrast in OBS contrast, whereas “R” represents low contrast.

3. Brightness

Brightness is the degree to how light or dark a picture is. To be able to understand an image clearly, it is best to correct its brightness. A change in brightness of a picture has a simultaneous change in pixels of that image.

High brightness in OBS is denounced by the letter “L,” whereas Low brightness is denounced by “R.”

4. Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of colors in a video or an image. High saturated images are bright, strong, and are rich, whereas the low saturated photos appear washed out. Black and white (grayscale) photos have no color saturation. In OBS, high saturation and low saturation are represented as “L” and “R.”

5. Hue Shift

Hue shift is the change in an image’s saturation, lightness, and hue colors. Hue shifting occurs when highlighting or shading images. In OBS, you can use the hue shift functionality to reimage your image with a completely different color palette.

With the hue shift functionality in OBS, you can place the image on top of another and have an 80% opacity. It means that you will still see the first image when you place the second one on top of it.

The “L” sign in the OBS hue shift represents 50% opacity, while the “R” represents 100% Opacity.

Color Grade in OBS

Color grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of an image through attributes such as contrast, saturation, and color, making them enchanting for presentations. Color grading is not only done for still images but also for motion pictures and images.

Color grading functionality in OBS is encompassed with several tools – This includes:

1. Lift tool

As the name suggests, lift tools are used in lifting or removing specific colors from an image. It does so without necessarily affecting other colors in an image.

With this tool, you can selectively remove unwanted colors from your image or video, replace them with your desired ones, and create astonishing results.

2. Offset

Offset is another outstanding tool in OBS color grading that controls the blacks/Shadows of an image. It functions by altering the brightness levels and leaving the highlights and the mid-tones unaffected.

3. Gain

A gain is a tool in OBS color correction that functions by only adjusting the white levels in an image. With the gain tool, brighter colors become brighter or darker.

Many people, especially beginner editors, experience difficulty differentiating between the Gamma and Offset tools. Yes, there is a closer similarity between the two, and for you to be on the safe side, you need to know that Gamma goes with the mid-tones (middle gray levels) whereas the Gain goes with highlights/whites.

How to Apply LUTs in OBS

Look up tables (LUTs) is a functionality feature that allows editors, colorists, and filmmakers to save certain colors as their templates. Therefore, when working on a particular project, they don’t have to create new working color grades; instead, you pick it from your LUT.

Using LUTs OBS is not rocket science. With LUTs, you can create unique projects with a vibrant feel. Here are the simple steps of using LUTs in OBS.

Step 1. Prepare your LUT

First, check and establish whether you have your LUT ready. If you don’t have it, you can download one from the internet. Make sure you download it as a folder. Even though OBS has LUT, It has limited color grades; therefore, it is best to download one. You can extract it to an OBS folder if you downloaded it in a zip file.

Step 2. Add your project to the OBS timeline

Open your OBS software and add your project file. Drag and drop your file to the OBS timeline.

obs color correction

Step 3. Add LUTs to your project

Right-click on the area in your project that you wish to apply LUTs, then click on “Filters.” Select “Apply LUT” from the drop-down menu,” which is usually at the top of the list.

obs color correction - add luts

Step 4. Apply your LUT as a filter

On the LUTs section, click on the browser, then open your downloaded LUT folder. Usually, the LUT is in the form of a .cube file. You can adjust your LUT by simply clicking on the “Adjust” option.

Bonus! How to Apply Color Correction for Webcam and Camera

People who primarily use their computers for recording sessions often find it difficult to capture quality videos. It is because most computer cameras are not straightforward. To do away with purchasing a new camera due to poor quality video capture, they can freely use OBS LUTs. For their camera and webcam. LUTs for webcam play a vital role in correcting the quality of photos and videos by using filters.

Here are the simple steps on how to use LUTs for color correction in webcam and camera

Step 1. Check whether your camera has additional software

Most webcams and cameras are controlled by external software, so you first need to check whether yours is also controlled. A thing with these cameras are controlled by their software is that the software determines the color settings and the specific image.

Double click on camera source and select “Configure video.” Computers with external software cameras will have a pop-up window that displays various customizable settings. Here, you can adjust the different settings based on your preference.

color correction in webcam

Step 2. Download your LUTs

Download online the LUTs you want to use. Download them as folders and extract the files you downloaded as zip files. Save them in the OBS folder.

Step 3. Apply your LUTs

Still, in your OBS software, open your camera and then right-click on it. From the displayed menu, click on “Filters.”

On the bottom left corner of your interface, hit the “+” sign, then select “Apply LUTs” > “Browse.”

Open your already downloaded OBS files. Usually, there is an “Adjust” that allows you to regulate the intensity of the LUT by sliding it.

color correction in webcam - apply luts

Step 4. Start recording with LUTs on

After turning on your LUT, you can start recording videos and taking photos. There is an eye icon on the left-hand side of your screen. You can use it to turn on or off LUT.


And that is how to do color correction in OBS. Besides, you do not have to go to the extremes of getting a new camera because of your webcam faultiness. With OBS, you can correct your camera and webcam and get outstanding results.

Download LUTs from the internet and use them as a template in OBS. Besides, you don’t have to pay for the LUTs, but you can use the free ones.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color Correction is an outstanding functionality that allows editing photos and videos by altering their consistency to match a particular standard. Besides, color correction is available in the premium tool and free applications. And one of the established free software tools with color correction is the OBS.

Even though the Open Broadcaster Software is mainly known for live streaming and offline video recording, it also offers color correction functionality from its open canvas. Read this article to completion and get to the bottom line of how to do color correction in OBS.

More about OBS

In this article

01 What is OBS?

02 Color Grade in OBS

03 How to Apply LUTs in OBS

What is OBS?

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Since its initial launch in 2012, OBS has made tremendous moves – This is not only from the constant release of its new versions but also the relentless increase in the functionality features. Besides, OBS is equipped with a robust API that enables plugins and scripts which provide extensive customization to precisely suit one’s needs.

However, OBS being a free application can function to date due to enough support from sponsors and backers.

How to Apply Color Correction in OBS

When you carry out basic edits to your videos or images with OBS and realize that your project has poor shade, color, or tone, you don’t have to export it to another software to correct it. Instead, you can use filters for color correction in OBS.

Apart from using OBS filters to color correct video clips and images, you can correct games, browser sources, and video capture devices.

There are various aspects of color correction in OBS. It includes:

1. Gamma

Gamma is a fundamental aspect in OBS that functions by balancing the brightness of an image through contrast. To be precise, Gamma works almost similarly to change in brightness while simultaneously increasing or decreasing the contrast.

In editing, Gamma is applicable mainly for removing shiny foreheads and webcam footage in gaming and browsing.

High Gamma is represented by “L,” whereas low Gamm is represented by “R.”

2. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in the degree of colors and tones in an image. Usually, the low contrast image has a narrow color range, whereas the high contrast images have dark shadows and bright highlights.

“L” represents high contrast in OBS contrast, whereas “R” represents low contrast.

3. Brightness

Brightness is the degree to how light or dark a picture is. To be able to understand an image clearly, it is best to correct its brightness. A change in brightness of a picture has a simultaneous change in pixels of that image.

High brightness in OBS is denounced by the letter “L,” whereas Low brightness is denounced by “R.”

4. Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of colors in a video or an image. High saturated images are bright, strong, and are rich, whereas the low saturated photos appear washed out. Black and white (grayscale) photos have no color saturation. In OBS, high saturation and low saturation are represented as “L” and “R.”

5. Hue Shift

Hue shift is the change in an image’s saturation, lightness, and hue colors. Hue shifting occurs when highlighting or shading images. In OBS, you can use the hue shift functionality to reimage your image with a completely different color palette.

With the hue shift functionality in OBS, you can place the image on top of another and have an 80% opacity. It means that you will still see the first image when you place the second one on top of it.

The “L” sign in the OBS hue shift represents 50% opacity, while the “R” represents 100% Opacity.

Color Grade in OBS

Color grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of an image through attributes such as contrast, saturation, and color, making them enchanting for presentations. Color grading is not only done for still images but also for motion pictures and images.

Color grading functionality in OBS is encompassed with several tools – This includes:

1. Lift tool

As the name suggests, lift tools are used in lifting or removing specific colors from an image. It does so without necessarily affecting other colors in an image.

With this tool, you can selectively remove unwanted colors from your image or video, replace them with your desired ones, and create astonishing results.

2. Offset

Offset is another outstanding tool in OBS color grading that controls the blacks/Shadows of an image. It functions by altering the brightness levels and leaving the highlights and the mid-tones unaffected.

3. Gain

A gain is a tool in OBS color correction that functions by only adjusting the white levels in an image. With the gain tool, brighter colors become brighter or darker.

Many people, especially beginner editors, experience difficulty differentiating between the Gamma and Offset tools. Yes, there is a closer similarity between the two, and for you to be on the safe side, you need to know that Gamma goes with the mid-tones (middle gray levels) whereas the Gain goes with highlights/whites.

How to Apply LUTs in OBS

Look up tables (LUTs) is a functionality feature that allows editors, colorists, and filmmakers to save certain colors as their templates. Therefore, when working on a particular project, they don’t have to create new working color grades; instead, you pick it from your LUT.

Using LUTs OBS is not rocket science. With LUTs, you can create unique projects with a vibrant feel. Here are the simple steps of using LUTs in OBS.

Step 1. Prepare your LUT

First, check and establish whether you have your LUT ready. If you don’t have it, you can download one from the internet. Make sure you download it as a folder. Even though OBS has LUT, It has limited color grades; therefore, it is best to download one. You can extract it to an OBS folder if you downloaded it in a zip file.

Step 2. Add your project to the OBS timeline

Open your OBS software and add your project file. Drag and drop your file to the OBS timeline.

obs color correction

Step 3. Add LUTs to your project

Right-click on the area in your project that you wish to apply LUTs, then click on “Filters.” Select “Apply LUT” from the drop-down menu,” which is usually at the top of the list.

obs color correction - add luts

Step 4. Apply your LUT as a filter

On the LUTs section, click on the browser, then open your downloaded LUT folder. Usually, the LUT is in the form of a .cube file. You can adjust your LUT by simply clicking on the “Adjust” option.

Bonus! How to Apply Color Correction for Webcam and Camera

People who primarily use their computers for recording sessions often find it difficult to capture quality videos. It is because most computer cameras are not straightforward. To do away with purchasing a new camera due to poor quality video capture, they can freely use OBS LUTs. For their camera and webcam. LUTs for webcam play a vital role in correcting the quality of photos and videos by using filters.

Here are the simple steps on how to use LUTs for color correction in webcam and camera

Step 1. Check whether your camera has additional software

Most webcams and cameras are controlled by external software, so you first need to check whether yours is also controlled. A thing with these cameras are controlled by their software is that the software determines the color settings and the specific image.

Double click on camera source and select “Configure video.” Computers with external software cameras will have a pop-up window that displays various customizable settings. Here, you can adjust the different settings based on your preference.

color correction in webcam

Step 2. Download your LUTs

Download online the LUTs you want to use. Download them as folders and extract the files you downloaded as zip files. Save them in the OBS folder.

Step 3. Apply your LUTs

Still, in your OBS software, open your camera and then right-click on it. From the displayed menu, click on “Filters.”

On the bottom left corner of your interface, hit the “+” sign, then select “Apply LUTs” > “Browse.”

Open your already downloaded OBS files. Usually, there is an “Adjust” that allows you to regulate the intensity of the LUT by sliding it.

color correction in webcam - apply luts

Step 4. Start recording with LUTs on

After turning on your LUT, you can start recording videos and taking photos. There is an eye icon on the left-hand side of your screen. You can use it to turn on or off LUT.


And that is how to do color correction in OBS. Besides, you do not have to go to the extremes of getting a new camera because of your webcam faultiness. With OBS, you can correct your camera and webcam and get outstanding results.

Download LUTs from the internet and use them as a template in OBS. Besides, you don’t have to pay for the LUTs, but you can use the free ones.

Try It Free Try It Free

Color Correction is an outstanding functionality that allows editing photos and videos by altering their consistency to match a particular standard. Besides, color correction is available in the premium tool and free applications. And one of the established free software tools with color correction is the OBS.

Even though the Open Broadcaster Software is mainly known for live streaming and offline video recording, it also offers color correction functionality from its open canvas. Read this article to completion and get to the bottom line of how to do color correction in OBS.

More about OBS

In this article

01 What is OBS?

02 Color Grade in OBS

03 How to Apply LUTs in OBS

What is OBS?

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free and open-source software that allows users to record videos and live stream events right at their comfort. The software functions effectively on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers.

Since its initial launch in 2012, OBS has made tremendous moves – This is not only from the constant release of its new versions but also the relentless increase in the functionality features. Besides, OBS is equipped with a robust API that enables plugins and scripts which provide extensive customization to precisely suit one’s needs.

However, OBS being a free application can function to date due to enough support from sponsors and backers.

How to Apply Color Correction in OBS

When you carry out basic edits to your videos or images with OBS and realize that your project has poor shade, color, or tone, you don’t have to export it to another software to correct it. Instead, you can use filters for color correction in OBS.

Apart from using OBS filters to color correct video clips and images, you can correct games, browser sources, and video capture devices.

There are various aspects of color correction in OBS. It includes:

1. Gamma

Gamma is a fundamental aspect in OBS that functions by balancing the brightness of an image through contrast. To be precise, Gamma works almost similarly to change in brightness while simultaneously increasing or decreasing the contrast.

In editing, Gamma is applicable mainly for removing shiny foreheads and webcam footage in gaming and browsing.

High Gamma is represented by “L,” whereas low Gamm is represented by “R.”

2. Contrast

Contrast is the difference in the degree of colors and tones in an image. Usually, the low contrast image has a narrow color range, whereas the high contrast images have dark shadows and bright highlights.

“L” represents high contrast in OBS contrast, whereas “R” represents low contrast.

3. Brightness

Brightness is the degree to how light or dark a picture is. To be able to understand an image clearly, it is best to correct its brightness. A change in brightness of a picture has a simultaneous change in pixels of that image.

High brightness in OBS is denounced by the letter “L,” whereas Low brightness is denounced by “R.”

4. Saturation

Saturation is the intensity of colors in a video or an image. High saturated images are bright, strong, and are rich, whereas the low saturated photos appear washed out. Black and white (grayscale) photos have no color saturation. In OBS, high saturation and low saturation are represented as “L” and “R.”

5. Hue Shift

Hue shift is the change in an image’s saturation, lightness, and hue colors. Hue shifting occurs when highlighting or shading images. In OBS, you can use the hue shift functionality to reimage your image with a completely different color palette.

With the hue shift functionality in OBS, you can place the image on top of another and have an 80% opacity. It means that you will still see the first image when you place the second one on top of it.

The “L” sign in the OBS hue shift represents 50% opacity, while the “R” represents 100% Opacity.

Color Grade in OBS

Color grading is the process of enhancing the appearance of an image through attributes such as contrast, saturation, and color, making them enchanting for presentations. Color grading is not only done for still images but also for motion pictures and images.

Color grading functionality in OBS is encompassed with several tools – This includes:

1. Lift tool

As the name suggests, lift tools are used in lifting or removing specific colors from an image. It does so without necessarily affecting other colors in an image.

With this tool, you can selectively remove unwanted colors from your image or video, replace them with your desired ones, and create astonishing results.

2. Offset

Offset is another outstanding tool in OBS color grading that controls the blacks/Shadows of an image. It functions by altering the brightness levels and leaving the highlights and the mid-tones unaffected.

3. Gain

A gain is a tool in OBS color correction that functions by only adjusting the white levels in an image. With the gain tool, brighter colors become brighter or darker.

Many people, especially beginner editors, experience difficulty differentiating between the Gamma and Offset tools. Yes, there is a closer similarity between the two, and for you to be on the safe side, you need to know that Gamma goes with the mid-tones (middle gray levels) whereas the Gain goes with highlights/whites.

How to Apply LUTs in OBS

Look up tables (LUTs) is a functionality feature that allows editors, colorists, and filmmakers to save certain colors as their templates. Therefore, when working on a particular project, they don’t have to create new working color grades; instead, you pick it from your LUT.

Using LUTs OBS is not rocket science. With LUTs, you can create unique projects with a vibrant feel. Here are the simple steps of using LUTs in OBS.

Step 1. Prepare your LUT

First, check and establish whether you have your LUT ready. If you don’t have it, you can download one from the internet. Make sure you download it as a folder. Even though OBS has LUT, It has limited color grades; therefore, it is best to download one. You can extract it to an OBS folder if you downloaded it in a zip file.

Step 2. Add your project to the OBS timeline

Open your OBS software and add your project file. Drag and drop your file to the OBS timeline.

obs color correction

Step 3. Add LUTs to your project

Right-click on the area in your project that you wish to apply LUTs, then click on “Filters.” Select “Apply LUT” from the drop-down menu,” which is usually at the top of the list.

obs color correction - add luts

Step 4. Apply your LUT as a filter

On the LUTs section, click on the browser, then open your downloaded LUT folder. Usually, the LUT is in the form of a .cube file. You can adjust your LUT by simply clicking on the “Adjust” option.

Bonus! How to Apply Color Correction for Webcam and Camera

People who primarily use their computers for recording sessions often find it difficult to capture quality videos. It is because most computer cameras are not straightforward. To do away with purchasing a new camera due to poor quality video capture, they can freely use OBS LUTs. For their camera and webcam. LUTs for webcam play a vital role in correcting the quality of photos and videos by using filters.

Here are the simple steps on how to use LUTs for color correction in webcam and camera

Step 1. Check whether your camera has additional software

Most webcams and cameras are controlled by external software, so you first need to check whether yours is also controlled. A thing with these cameras are controlled by their software is that the software determines the color settings and the specific image.

Double click on camera source and select “Configure video.” Computers with external software cameras will have a pop-up window that displays various customizable settings. Here, you can adjust the different settings based on your preference.

color correction in webcam

Step 2. Download your LUTs

Download online the LUTs you want to use. Download them as folders and extract the files you downloaded as zip files. Save them in the OBS folder.

Step 3. Apply your LUTs

Still, in your OBS software, open your camera and then right-click on it. From the displayed menu, click on “Filters.”

On the bottom left corner of your interface, hit the “+” sign, then select “Apply LUTs” > “Browse.”

Open your already downloaded OBS files. Usually, there is an “Adjust” that allows you to regulate the intensity of the LUT by sliding it.

color correction in webcam - apply luts

Step 4. Start recording with LUTs on

After turning on your LUT, you can start recording videos and taking photos. There is an eye icon on the left-hand side of your screen. You can use it to turn on or off LUT.


And that is how to do color correction in OBS. Besides, you do not have to go to the extremes of getting a new camera because of your webcam faultiness. With OBS, you can correct your camera and webcam and get outstanding results.

Download LUTs from the internet and use them as a template in OBS. Besides, you don’t have to pay for the LUTs, but you can use the free ones.

Create Promotional Video

When it comes to executing video marketing campaigns, there’s an unspoken rule that holds true no matter what your goals are. Ready for it? A great video is only as good as the brand behind it. Branding is a crucial aspect of any successful video marketing campaign because your audience needs to believe in your product or service before they will invest their time and money in you. If you want to make a real impact with your promotional videos, branding should be at the top of your mind.

brand guidelines intro

What is Branding

When you think of branding, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s your favorite pair of shoes or a piece of clothing with a logo on it. Or maybe you think about big companies with catchy slogans and memorable commercials that have been around for years. But branding isn’t just about logos and slogans—it’s so much more than that.

Branding is the process of creating an identity for your product or service that differentiates itself from others in its category. This can be as simple as coming up with a name for your company, or it could mean developing an entire brand strategy that encompasses every aspect of how you present yourself to the world (and potential customers). Branding is all about finding ways to stand out from other businesses in your industry by establishing trust with consumers through consistency across all channels, including social media, websites, advertising campaigns, and more.

Why Branding is Important

Branding is vital for any business. It’s the foundation of your brand and it sets up a strong structure for your business to grow on.

Branding helps to build trust and loyalty with customers, which is crucial to gaining new customers and retaining old ones.

If you want people to remember you, then branding is important because it makes sure people will never forget about you!

With great branding comes great responsibility in terms of communicating clearly who you are as a company, what kind of products/services that you provide or sell, how those products/services will benefit consumers (or clients), etc., so make sure these things are always clear when designing promotional videos meant specifically for marketing purposes.

Branding in Video Marketing

Branding is an important part of video marketing because it helps to create a memorable video.

You should make sure you have a clear understanding of your brand before you start creating promotional videos. Your brand is the personality that people associate with your business or company, and this will help them to remember you.

For example, if you’re selling food products related to health and fitness, then having a healthy lifestyle theme throughout all aspects of the production process will be essential to getting people excited about what they see in their minds when they think about your product or service.

It can be challenging to keep track of all the aspects of your brand, but you can use Brand Guidelines to make sure that everything is aligned with your goals and values.

About Video Brand Guidelines

Video brand guidelines are a set of rules and regulations that govern how your videos should look, feel and sound. By having these in place, you can maintain a consistent style and tone across all your video content, whether that be explainer videos or social media posts.

Why do you need Video Brand Guidelines

1. Keeps your videos on-brand

The most important reason for creating video brand guidelines is to keep all your videos feeling like they come from the same place. This way, no matter what type of video it is, viewers will always know it’s from your brand.

2. Make sure everyone’s on the same page.

With so many people involved in the production of a single video, it can be hard to keep everyone on the same page. By having guidelines in place, you can make sure that everyone knows exactly what your brand’s video style is, and how to stay true to it.

3. Saves time and money.

In the long run, having video brand guidelines will save you both time and money. With a clear understanding of your brand’s video style, you can avoid costly mistakes and re-dos, and produce content faster and more efficiently.

4. Helps with planning

It can be difficult to plan video content without knowing what kind of videos you want to make. By having guidelines in place, you can map out a clear strategy for your video content, helping you to stay on track and hit your goals.

5. Improves creativity

Having video brand guidelines doesn’t mean that your videos have to be boring or formulaic. In fact, it can actually help to improve creativity, as it gives you a clear framework to work within. This way, you can experiment and try new things, safe in the knowledge that you’re still staying true to your brand.

Strong Pillars of Video Brand Guidelines

There are three strong pillars that make up a set of video brand guidelines: aesthetic (how it looks), technical (how it’s made), and messaging (what it says).


The Aesthetic Pillar is all about how your videos look, from the overall style to the specific details like color schemes and fonts. This is usually determined by your company’s branding guidelines.


The Technical Pillar covers the more practical elements of your video, such as file formats and resolution. This ensures that your videos are compatible with all kinds of devices and platforms.


The Messaging Pillar deals with the actual content of your video, such as the script and narration. This is where you decide what message you want to communicate, and how you’re going to do it.

When writing your video brand standards, it’s important to keep all three pillars in mind. Each one plays a vital role in the overall impact of your video, so they should all be given equal attention.

Different Elements of Video Brand

There are several elements that make up a video that reflecting your brand. These include:

When and how should your logo be used? Should it appear at the beginning, end or throughout the video? These are just a few examples of what you might want to include in your guidelines. The important thing is to be as clear and concise as possible so that there’s no confusion about what does and doesn’t represent your brand.

Apple, for example, is a fantastic brand that uses its logo in video advertising. It may always be observed at the end of every video.

add logo to video

Color palette

What fonts best represent your brand and should be used in your videos?

Color has a huge impact on how people perceive your brand, so you want to choose colors that match your message and tone.

color palette

Typography choices

Typography is a key element of branding. It’s more than just picking the right typeface, though that’s important, too. Typography includes the font, size and style of your title, body copy and web copy, as well as how it’s used in your logo and all other graphics.

typograpgy choices


If you want to use images or photos in your videos, what style should they be? And are there any specific colours that need to be used?

imagery specific color


The way you speak to your customers is referred to as brand voice. Your brand’s communication style is what determines your brand voice. Your target audience will hear your brand voice, which can be informal or formal depending on the situation and needs of the client. It may have any tone as long as it feels genuine to your company’s principles and personality—

In terms of brand voice consistency, Apple conveys confidence, quality, and closeness. In terms of distinguishing oneself from the competition, Apple has always been the company to look up to. Many people feel welcomed and overindulged by having their own gadgets.


If you want to use animation in your videos, you must first select a design that best represents your business. Is it going to be more cartoonish or more corporate?

It’s also crucial to provide rules for the use of certain visual components. If you want to include the speaker’s name and job title in the lower thirds, for example, you must state how that should appear.

add title to prompt video


Transitions between shots may boost brand recognition. Consider American sports networks that frequently use a rapid logo reveal! You should decide what your branding standard for transitions will be. Will it be a basic and traditional transition, or will you utilize it to emphasize your brand?


Music and Sounds

Music can play a significant role in how your video is received. It should be used to create the right atmosphere and reinforce the tone of voice. Your brand guidelines should include examples of the types of music that would and wouldn’t be appropriate, as well as any sound effects that could be used.



This section should detail what type of videos you want to produce. For example, do you want interview-style videos, or more dynamic explainer videos? It’s also worth including some general information about length, aspect ratio and file format.

prompt video format

Shooting Style

Do you want your videos to be shot in a particular way? If so, you should include information on that in your guidelines. For example, do you want close-ups or wide shots? Do you want lots of movement or static shots?

Your video brand guidelines should also consider where your videos will be shot. If you have a preferred location or style of location, such as an office or warehouse, make sure that is included.

Lighting is another important aspect of shooting style and can really affect the look and feel of a video. Consider what sort of lighting would work best with your brand - natural light, bright light, low light etc. - and include details in your guidelines.

prompt video shoot style


A tagline is a short phrase or sentence that identifies your brand. It’s often used in conjunction with a logo and other branding elements to create an overall marketing message

Nike recognized the need to appeal to a much wider audience, and transform their brand into more than simply fitness apparel. As a result of this, “Just Do It.” was created. The slogan is easy to understand and conveys the idea effectively. More significantly, it applies to everyone, not just world-class athletes

How to create Video Brand Guidelines?

Now that we’ve gone over why you need video brand guidelines, let’s take a look at how you can create them.

1. Define your brand voice

This is perhaps the most important step in creating your guidelines, as it will determine the tone and style of all your future videos. To do this, you need to think about what makes your brand unique, and how you want it to be perceived by others. Once you have a good understanding of your brand voice, you can start to put together the rest of your guidelines.

2. Choose a video style

Depending on the kind of videos you want to make, you’ll need to choose an appropriate style. This could be anything from animation to live action, so it’s important to pick something that will work well with your brand voice.

3. Decide on a look and feel

Just like with your choice of style, the look and feel of your videos should be in line with your brand identity. This means taking into account things like colour palette, typography and overall aesthetic.

4. Write a script

Once you have all the above elements in place, you can start to write a script for your video. This will act as a blueprint for the rest of the production process, so it’s important to get it right. When writing your script, be sure to keep your brand voice in mind, and make sure that the finished product stays true to your guidelines.

5. Find the right talent

To bring your script to life, you’ll need to find the right talent. This means finding voiceover artists, actors or presenters who fit with your brand identity and can help to sell your message.

6. Record and edit your video

With all the pieces in place, you’re finally ready to record and edit your video. During this process, it’s important to stick to your guidelines, so that the finished product is on-brand and consistent with your other content.

7. Publish and promote your video

Once your video is complete, it’s time to hit publish and start promoting it to your audience. Remember to use all the channels at your disposal, from social media to email marketing, to make sure that as many people as possible see your brand-new video.

Brand Guidelines Consistency

It’s important to be consistent with your brand. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is trying to brand itself as something it isn’t. If you’re perceived as one thing and then suddenly change, it may do more harm than good for your business or organization.

The most well-known example of a company with a consistent brand is Coca Cola. It is one of the company brands with consistent brand image and a very strong reputation. This can be attributed to the company’s efforts in marketing and advertising to create a distinct brand image. The Coca Cola Company has spent millions of dollars on advertising campaigns that focus on creating a positive image for the product and reinforcing its original taste.

You need to have consistency in all aspects of your brand: logo, voice and tone (including social media), visuals (such as color scheme), and more. Your audience will immediately identify any inconsistencies between these elements - so make sure they match up well!


Creating video brand guidelines may seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the long run. By taking the time to put together a comprehensive guide, you can ensure that all your future videos are on-brand, efficient and effective. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! Do you have any tips for creating video brand guidelines? Let us know in the comments below!

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  • Title: Updated If Youre Looking to Create a Brand Video that Makes Your Business Pop Out, We Have Put Together some Video Editing Tips and Tricks that Work
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:20
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:20
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-if-youre-looking-to-create-a-brand-video-that-makes-your-business-pop-out-we-have-put-together-some-video-editing-tips-and-tricks-that-work/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated If Youre Looking to Create a Brand Video that Makes Your Business Pop Out, We Have Put Together some Video Editing Tips and Tricks that Work