Updated In 2024, Blender Green Screen Effects

Updated In 2024, Blender Green Screen Effects

Chloe Lv12

Blender Green Screen Effects

Blender is an open-source cross-platform 3D graphics program, but this doesn’t mean it’s a low-rent option. Just like commercial packages like Lightwave 3D, it is also a very capable compositing package. Unlike Lightwave, it is a modern node-based compositor like Nuke or Fusion. It’s not what the software is designed for, but it does a bangup job of green screen compositing, as you will soon see.

Blender green screen uses technique of the chroma key a color is isolated (in our case the green of thegreen screen), or a particular luminance, it is removed and the area that was occupied by it becomes transparent, thus becoming part of the alpha channel. The transparent parts will thus show the video or the image below, which will thus define the environment in which the subject of the first movie will act.

How to Use Green Screen in Blender

So we need to pull these two elements into Blender and pull a key on the green bits to make the background show through in as naturalistic a way as possible. Blender is a node-based compositor which means the control mechanism is nodes or little LEGO blocks of love which you place on the screen and link with little strings which form your signal path.


Locate the drop-down (it goes up, actually, but you know what we mean) at the bottom of the view, and select “Movie Clip Editor.”

Click the “Open” button and choose and load your green screen footage. (You can also load sequences of images for uncompressed keys in this step if you have the space, and the footage is the right size.)

Once the clip is loaded, go back to the drop-down and select Node Editor.

The screen will be blank, but just go to the bottom of the view and click the middle button marked “Node Tree Type” to Display, and then check the Use Nodes and Backdrop buttons.

Select the “Render Layers” node, and because we won’t need it you can delete it (on the Mac this is the Forward Delete key). Then move the Compositing node out of the way because we won’t need it yet.

**Note: to zoom in and out of the nodes, use the centre scroll wheel of the mouse if you have it. To zoom in and out of the images you are working on, use the V and Alt-V keys.

**Compositing Nodes

Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

**Important: in this program flow goes from left to right, so node inputs are on the left of a node, and outputs are on the right of a node.

Now select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.

You now have to select the key colour, the colour which the keyer is changing to transparent. Click the Key Colour button on the Keying node, and this displays a colour selector. Click the eyedropper, and click on the image in the background somewhere on the green screen.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are some areas which still have a bit of colour and are not fully transparent. You can check this more accurately by dragging the string from the Matte output on the Keying node and linking to the input on the viewer. This is the key you have made. As you can see, the dark bits are supposed to be totally black, and there are still greys showing through. (This is because the source material wasn’t perfect.)

There are many different ways to fix this depending on the shot, but if it’s a reasonably well-shot green screen, all you will need to do is the following.

Adjust the Black Clip slider to expand the amount of greens which turn to black. Then adjust the White Clip to push the whites to prevent them from becoming transparent.

Once you have pure white and pure black, reconnect the image output of the keying node to the image input on the viewer, and you’ll see you have a decent key.

You can adjust the amount of fringing and spill (reflections from the green screen on the model), but generally the keyer does a good job of guessing that for you with a decently-shot green screen.

**Adding the background

After this, adding the background is more of the same with a slight twist. “Add -> Input -> Movie Clip,” navigate to your background clip and load it.

To blend the two layers, you have to make a mix of the two clips so that the background shows through the now transparent bits of the foreground.

“Add -> Colour -> Mix node”. Take the output from the background clip, and feed it to the top image input of the mix node. Take the output from the keying node, and feed it into the lower image input on the mix node.

Click the Alpha channel button next to the drop-down on the mix node.

And finally we have our key. The background is way too sharp and makes the green screen footage look really soft and crappy, so we need to soften the background. There is a really nice Bokeh Blur filter in blender for just this purpose to make the background look out of focus and add lots of gorgeous Bokeh blobs.

“Add -> Filter -> Bokeh Blur” and put it between the background clip and the mix. In Blender, if you add a node and place it over a string between two nodes, the string goes yellow, and dropping it will automatically insert the new node into the signal path connecting inputs and outputs.

Finally add an image to the Bokeh Blur for the shape you want the bokeh to be; we opted for a donut-shaped iris pattern.

To render out your video, connect the output of the Mix node to the input of the compositing node we left lying about earlier. It’s okay for this output to be connected to the input node of the viewer, too, as this means we see progress while rendering.

Make sure you are set up to render the right amount of frames at 30fps in the render panel on the far right. 30fps for 5 seconds (the duration of our clip) is 150 frames. Insert 150 where it says End Fr.

Select a place and a filename to output to in the Output panel further down the right-hand side. Then to render, select the info menu bar from the top-left drop-down, and finally choose “Render Menu -> Render Animation,” and the render will begin.

Wondershare Filmora

If you’re just starting out with video editing, or just want a simple program that works, Wondershare Filmora might be what you’re looking for. It has the essential tools, and anyone can learn to use it easily.

Wondershare Filmora is the one of best video editing software with cool features that compares to other competing video editing Softwares. Many video editing programs claim to offer professional results; Filmora is one of a few consumer-level tools that actually delivers.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Do You Want to Edit a TikTok After Posting? This Article Will Provide Multiple Methods Through Which You Can Do It in No Time

If you are planning to start your own business but have limited marketing resources, use TikTok. Your marketing expense will be minimized, and you will reach a large audience quickly. You can easily create the product video on TikTok and save it in a draft for later use. Many thinks adding TikTok back to the feed from the draft is complicated, but it is not.

Additionally, you can make as many videos on TikTok as you want and share them across the globe. It is also possible to make changes in the posted TikTok videos to enhance engagement. This article will help you learn how to edit a TikTok video after posting.

tiktok featured image

Part 1: Editing Your TikTok Posted Video

Sometimes you want to make changes to the uploaded TikTok videos because they are not gaining more likes. You don’t have to make it again from scratch because it is possible to edit TikTok videos even after uploading. You can then follow the underneath steps to learn how to edit a TikTok video after posting:

Step 1: Open your TikTok profile and select the video you want to edit. Tap the “Three Dots” icon present in the right panel. Press the “Save Video” icon. After successfully saving the video, locate and select the “Delete” option to remove the video from your profile.

tap on save video

Step 2: Now tap on the “Plus” sign and select the “Upload” option. Choose the video which you have recently saved and then click the “Next” button.

select the upload option

Step 3: Select the “Edit” icon in the right panel to start editing. Tap on the timeline video to enable editing options like split, speed, volume, rotate and delete. More editing options, such as sound, text, overlay, and effect, will appear when you unselect the timeline video.

use tiktok editor tools

Step 4: After editing the video, save the changes using the “Save” option present at the top. Now hit the “Next” button to add desired hashtags and use the “Post” button to publish your video.

save the tiktok edits

Part 2: Editing a Draft

From the above part, it is clear how you can edit videos in different ways by using the TikTok app. If you don’t want to publicize your video, it is possible to store the video as a draft. TikTok doesn’t require you to make your videos public. Moreover, it is possible to edit videos stored in the TikTok drafts.

You don’t have to worry about how to put a TikTok back from the draft because it is a simple procedure, and anyone can perform it in no time. We have provided simple steps for editing a draft using the TikTok app:

Step 1: Launch TikTok mobile app on your smartphone and open your “Profile.” Afterward, select the draft you want to edit from the “Drafts” menu.

access the tiktok drafts

Step 2: Press the “Edit” icon to edit the draft. Different editing options will appear when you select the draft video present in the timeline. Adjust the speed, volume, and orientation of the draft video through the features available in the bottom toolbar.

customize the tiktok draft

Step 3: Now tap again to unselect the draft. A wide range of options will appear that can be used for adding sound, text, and effects to the video. Use them according to your requirement.

access more editing tools

Step 4: After making changes to the draft, tap the “Save” option and hit the “Next” button. Write a description of the post if you want and press the “Post” button.

post the tiktok video

Part 3: Using a Third-Party Video Editor to Make a New Video or Edit an Old One

Although TikTok provides the option of editing, however, they are very few tools to make the required changes to the video. You can go for the Wondershare Filmora mobile app, as it gives more advanced editing options.

Filmora is a powerful application used by more than 100 million users for making trending videos for social media accounts. This award-winner video editor can make surprising changes in your clips through its filters, effects, and transitions.

download filmora app for ios ](https://app.adjust.com/b0k9hf2%5F4bsu85t ) download filmora app for android ](https://app.adjust.com/b0k9hf2%5F4bsu85t )

filmora mobile video editor

Amazing Features of Filmora

If you are confused about why you should use Filmora to edit a TikTok after posting, read these fantastic features of Filmora that are discussed below:

1. Speed Ramping

TikTok videos can be made more cinematic by adjusting their speed. Filmora presents speed ramping options such as Bullet, Montage, or Jump Cut to professionally adjust the speed of the video. You can also create your speed ramping effect and save it for later use. Don’t worry about the audio pitch during speed ramping because Filmora automatically adjusts the pitch of video sound.

2. Title Editing

You can add up to the mark titles to your TikTok videos to convey your main theme. These titles can be added in the form of text or animations, each having different colors and styles. Its title feature is loaded with varying styles of text that can be used to catch viewers’ attention.

3. Stickers and Effects

Multiple effects options are available on the Filmora video editor to give the video an exclusive look. These effects help you to enhance your video beauty and make you more confident on TikTok. You can also use the stickers option to beautify your TikTok video. Those people who make TikTok can engage children by adding GIFs or emojis in videos with this app.

4. Music Library

Filmora also allows its users to add music to the video. You can use its royal-free music library or add your voice. The volume of the soundtrack can easily be adjusted through its volume adjustment feature. You can also extract the music from a video and split the audio to eliminate the unnecessary part. Moreover, its beat detection feature is highly advanced and adjusts the beat according to the video.

Steps to Use Filmora Mobile App to Edit TikTok Videos

Are you interested in making further edits to your TikTok video? Simply follow the underneath steps to avail the editing features of this app to edit a TikTok after posting:

Step 1: Download Wondershare Filmora

Download Wondershare Filmora and launch it on your smartphone. While doing so, make sure you have a strong internet connection.

install the filmora editor

Step 2: Import the Video

Go to the “New Project” tab present at the top and then select the “Video” button. All the videos on your device will appear; just choose the one you want to edit for TikTok. Following this, press the “Import” button.

tap on create project button

Step 3: Edit the TikTok Video

After importing process completes, multiple options for editing will appear. You can add music, text, or stickers to the video. Different filters and effects can also be used to make the video more trending.

use filmora editor tools

Step 4: Use More Editing Options

Now, select the video clip from the timeline to find more editing options like crop, precut, mask, adjust, and many more. The tool also provides fade-in and fade-out options to give an artistic touch to the video. Once all the changes have been made, select the video resolution and export the TikTok video.

press the export button


This article has answered all the queries related to “can you edit a posted TikTok.” To cut a long story short, Filmora is the best video editing tool that can be used for making amazing videos for TikTok. Anyone can create breathtaking video clips from this innovative video editing mobile app in no time. So, folks, increase your TikTok following by editing videos through Filmora.

filmora mobile video editor

Amazing Features of Filmora

If you are confused about why you should use Filmora to edit a TikTok after posting, read these fantastic features of Filmora that are discussed below:

1. Speed Ramping

TikTok videos can be made more cinematic by adjusting their speed. Filmora presents speed ramping options such as Bullet, Montage, or Jump Cut to professionally adjust the speed of the video. You can also create your speed ramping effect and save it for later use. Don’t worry about the audio pitch during speed ramping because Filmora automatically adjusts the pitch of video sound.

2. Title Editing

You can add up to the mark titles to your TikTok videos to convey your main theme. These titles can be added in the form of text or animations, each having different colors and styles. Its title feature is loaded with varying styles of text that can be used to catch viewers’ attention.

3. Stickers and Effects

Multiple effects options are available on the Filmora video editor to give the video an exclusive look. These effects help you to enhance your video beauty and make you more confident on TikTok. You can also use the stickers option to beautify your TikTok video. Those people who make TikTok can engage children by adding GIFs or emojis in videos with this app.

4. Music Library

Filmora also allows its users to add music to the video. You can use its royal-free music library or add your voice. The volume of the soundtrack can easily be adjusted through its volume adjustment feature. You can also extract the music from a video and split the audio to eliminate the unnecessary part. Moreover, its beat detection feature is highly advanced and adjusts the beat according to the video.

Steps to Use Filmora Mobile App to Edit TikTok Videos

Are you interested in making further edits to your TikTok video? Simply follow the underneath steps to avail the editing features of this app to edit a TikTok after posting:

Step 1: Download Wondershare Filmora

Download Wondershare Filmora and launch it on your smartphone. While doing so, make sure you have a strong internet connection.

install the filmora editor

Step 2: Import the Video

Go to the “New Project” tab present at the top and then select the “Video” button. All the videos on your device will appear; just choose the one you want to edit for TikTok. Following this, press the “Import” button.

tap on create project button

Step 3: Edit the TikTok Video

After importing process completes, multiple options for editing will appear. You can add music, text, or stickers to the video. Different filters and effects can also be used to make the video more trending.

use filmora editor tools

Step 4: Use More Editing Options

Now, select the video clip from the timeline to find more editing options like crop, precut, mask, adjust, and many more. The tool also provides fade-in and fade-out options to give an artistic touch to the video. Once all the changes have been made, select the video resolution and export the TikTok video.

press the export button


This article has answered all the queries related to “can you edit a posted TikTok.” To cut a long story short, Filmora is the best video editing tool that can be used for making amazing videos for TikTok. Anyone can create breathtaking video clips from this innovative video editing mobile app in no time. So, folks, increase your TikTok following by editing videos through Filmora.

How to Combine Videos Into One on Instagram

Instagram is your favorite social media platform, and even if you use it frequently, there are still some features you’d like to master. You’d like to post a series of films on the stories, but you’re unsure how to put them together.

Suppose things are exactly like this, and you’re wondering how to combine numerous videos in Instagram stories. In that case, you’ll be happy to know that I’ll show you how to do it using the native capability built into the Instagram app for smartphones. I’ll also give you some pointers on accomplishing similar tasks utilizing well-known third-party software.

Combine many clips into a single video and share it on Instagram.


Here are a few simple methods for combining two or more videos into one and posting them on Instagram (IG).

Using the Instagram official app

There is no simple way to combine many videos into one on Instagram. You can, however, utilize the Story technique.

  1. Create an Instagram Story with two or more videos. You can add stickers, text, and other elements if you like.

  2. Tap the three dots icon on your Instagram Tale > Save > Save story. Your current Instagram Stories films and photos will be saved to the Photos app as a single video file.

  3. Upload the resulting Video to Instagram!

Tools To Use to Combine videos for Instagram.

  1. Wondershare Filmora is an easy-to-use video merger.

Before I detail online video joiners, I’d like to mention Wondershare Filmora, which can automatically merge video files without or with transitions. It merges video files with the same or various file extensions in 1:1 quality (.mp4, .mov, .mkv, .avi, etc). Continue reading to learn more about this simple video merging and how to merge videos.

Part 2: Using Filmora to combine, merge, and join clips

To join videos, first, import them.


You can drag the files from Windows File Explorer to the User’s Album or click the “Import” button on the window and choose files from your computer. All imported files will appear in thumbnail format in the User’s Album. To preview a file in the right-hand preview window, double-click it.

  1. To merge video files, drag & drop them.


Move videos from the User’s Album to the video track on the Timeline after that. All video files will be combined into a single video with no transition. However, you can use the following method to add transitions between video clips.

  1. Add transitions in the third step (optional)


Add transitions between clips for a smooth transition from one to the next to make the linked videos look like a complete movie. Go to the Transition tab and drag the desired change to the intersection of two clips. You can also right-click any transition to bring up a menu with choices such as “Apply to All” and “Random to All” for your convenience.

Step 4: Combine video files into a single file.


Now that you’ve seen the merged Movie click the “Export” option to save the several video segments to a single file. Select any format from the list under the Format tab. All of the most common video formats are supported. Choose “Device” and choose the thumbnail of your device to play the combined video file on iPod, iPhone, or iPad. You may also publish the combined Video on YouTube or burn it to DVDs to watch on television.

Other Online Video Mergers

  1. Androvid combine-video-instagram-

Androvid is a video joiner and video editor in one. Multiple files can be easily combined into a single video. This tool also allows you to divide videos, apply effects, convert videos, and do a lot more. Use this program to effortlessly merge video files in MPEG, 3GP, MP4, AVI, and more formats.

  1. Video Toolbox


Users can merge and unite videos up to 600MB in size using this fantastic video editing tool. This platform is popular among professionals due to its comprehensive cutting, cropping, combining, and effects editing services. More significantly, joining videos is completely free.

  1. Inshot


This is a free video editing app that allows you to merge multiple videos into a single file. This is how:

  1. Install and run Inshot.

  2. Select Video.

  3. Tap the check button after selecting multiple videos.

  4. Optional: Here is where you can edit the videos. Select the 16:9 comprehensive video layout or another option by tapping Canvas.

  1. With iMovie


Apple’s iMovie app is available for free on iPhones, iPad, and Mac. Here’s how to combine two or more videos for an Instagram post:

  1. Get iMovie and open it on your iPhone.

  2. Select Movie from the Create Project menu.

  3. Choose your movies. To see only the clips, go to the top left and tap Media, then Video. Choose a video and press the check button.

  4. Tap Create Movie after selecting two or more video clips.

  5. Swipe horizontally to the point where one video clip ends and another begins if desired. You can edit or remove the transition effect between videos by tapping the two triangle icon.

  6. Optional: You can also experiment with other iMovie features such as adding music, text, and video speed changes. You can tap a video clip, tap the tiny plus icon, and zoom in and out with two fingers.

  7. When you’re done, tap Done in the top left corner.

  8. From the bottom, tap the share button and select Save Video.

  9. Your iPhone’s Photos app now contains the merged clip. Open Instagram and make an individual post with the final combined Video.

This is how you can combine multiple clips into one Instagram video. I hope you found this quick tutorial helpful. Of course, you can merge two or more clips into one single video file using any other video editing app besides the ones listed above.

Here are a few simple methods for combining two or more videos into one and posting them on Instagram (IG).

Using the Instagram official app

There is no simple way to combine many videos into one on Instagram. You can, however, utilize the Story technique.

  1. Create an Instagram Story with two or more videos. You can add stickers, text, and other elements if you like.

  2. Tap the three dots icon on your Instagram Tale > Save > Save story. Your current Instagram Stories films and photos will be saved to the Photos app as a single video file.

  3. Upload the resulting Video to Instagram!

Tools To Use to Combine videos for Instagram.

  1. Wondershare Filmora is an easy-to-use video merger.

Before I detail online video joiners, I’d like to mention Wondershare Filmora, which can automatically merge video files without or with transitions. It merges video files with the same or various file extensions in 1:1 quality (.mp4, .mov, .mkv, .avi, etc). Continue reading to learn more about this simple video merging and how to merge videos.

Part 2: Using Filmora to combine, merge, and join clips

To join videos, first, import them.


You can drag the files from Windows File Explorer to the User’s Album or click the “Import” button on the window and choose files from your computer. All imported files will appear in thumbnail format in the User’s Album. To preview a file in the right-hand preview window, double-click it.

  1. To merge video files, drag & drop them.


Move videos from the User’s Album to the video track on the Timeline after that. All video files will be combined into a single video with no transition. However, you can use the following method to add transitions between video clips.

  1. Add transitions in the third step (optional)


Add transitions between clips for a smooth transition from one to the next to make the linked videos look like a complete movie. Go to the Transition tab and drag the desired change to the intersection of two clips. You can also right-click any transition to bring up a menu with choices such as “Apply to All” and “Random to All” for your convenience.

Step 4: Combine video files into a single file.


Now that you’ve seen the merged Movie click the “Export” option to save the several video segments to a single file. Select any format from the list under the Format tab. All of the most common video formats are supported. Choose “Device” and choose the thumbnail of your device to play the combined video file on iPod, iPhone, or iPad. You may also publish the combined Video on YouTube or burn it to DVDs to watch on television.

Other Online Video Mergers

  1. Androvid combine-video-instagram-

Androvid is a video joiner and video editor in one. Multiple files can be easily combined into a single video. This tool also allows you to divide videos, apply effects, convert videos, and do a lot more. Use this program to effortlessly merge video files in MPEG, 3GP, MP4, AVI, and more formats.

  1. Video Toolbox


Users can merge and unite videos up to 600MB in size using this fantastic video editing tool. This platform is popular among professionals due to its comprehensive cutting, cropping, combining, and effects editing services. More significantly, joining videos is completely free.

  1. Inshot


This is a free video editing app that allows you to merge multiple videos into a single file. This is how:

  1. Install and run Inshot.

  2. Select Video.

  3. Tap the check button after selecting multiple videos.

  4. Optional: Here is where you can edit the videos. Select the 16:9 comprehensive video layout or another option by tapping Canvas.

  1. With iMovie


Apple’s iMovie app is available for free on iPhones, iPad, and Mac. Here’s how to combine two or more videos for an Instagram post:

  1. Get iMovie and open it on your iPhone.

  2. Select Movie from the Create Project menu.

  3. Choose your movies. To see only the clips, go to the top left and tap Media, then Video. Choose a video and press the check button.

  4. Tap Create Movie after selecting two or more video clips.

  5. Swipe horizontally to the point where one video clip ends and another begins if desired. You can edit or remove the transition effect between videos by tapping the two triangle icon.

  6. Optional: You can also experiment with other iMovie features such as adding music, text, and video speed changes. You can tap a video clip, tap the tiny plus icon, and zoom in and out with two fingers.

  7. When you’re done, tap Done in the top left corner.

  8. From the bottom, tap the share button and select Save Video.

  9. Your iPhone’s Photos app now contains the merged clip. Open Instagram and make an individual post with the final combined Video.

This is how you can combine multiple clips into one Instagram video. I hope you found this quick tutorial helpful. Of course, you can merge two or more clips into one single video file using any other video editing app besides the ones listed above.

Here are a few simple methods for combining two or more videos into one and posting them on Instagram (IG).

Using the Instagram official app

There is no simple way to combine many videos into one on Instagram. You can, however, utilize the Story technique.

  1. Create an Instagram Story with two or more videos. You can add stickers, text, and other elements if you like.

  2. Tap the three dots icon on your Instagram Tale > Save > Save story. Your current Instagram Stories films and photos will be saved to the Photos app as a single video file.

  3. Upload the resulting Video to Instagram!

Tools To Use to Combine videos for Instagram.

  1. Wondershare Filmora is an easy-to-use video merger.

Before I detail online video joiners, I’d like to mention Wondershare Filmora, which can automatically merge video files without or with transitions. It merges video files with the same or various file extensions in 1:1 quality (.mp4, .mov, .mkv, .avi, etc). Continue reading to learn more about this simple video merging and how to merge videos.

Part 2: Using Filmora to combine, merge, and join clips

To join videos, first, import them.


You can drag the files from Windows File Explorer to the User’s Album or click the “Import” button on the window and choose files from your computer. All imported files will appear in thumbnail format in the User’s Album. To preview a file in the right-hand preview window, double-click it.

  1. To merge video files, drag & drop them.


Move videos from the User’s Album to the video track on the Timeline after that. All video files will be combined into a single video with no transition. However, you can use the following method to add transitions between video clips.

  1. Add transitions in the third step (optional)


Add transitions between clips for a smooth transition from one to the next to make the linked videos look like a complete movie. Go to the Transition tab and drag the desired change to the intersection of two clips. You can also right-click any transition to bring up a menu with choices such as “Apply to All” and “Random to All” for your convenience.

Step 4: Combine video files into a single file.


Now that you’ve seen the merged Movie click the “Export” option to save the several video segments to a single file. Select any format from the list under the Format tab. All of the most common video formats are supported. Choose “Device” and choose the thumbnail of your device to play the combined video file on iPod, iPhone, or iPad. You may also publish the combined Video on YouTube or burn it to DVDs to watch on television.

Other Online Video Mergers

  1. Androvid combine-video-instagram-

Androvid is a video joiner and video editor in one. Multiple files can be easily combined into a single video. This tool also allows you to divide videos, apply effects, convert videos, and do a lot more. Use this program to effortlessly merge video files in MPEG, 3GP, MP4, AVI, and more formats.

  1. Video Toolbox


Users can merge and unite videos up to 600MB in size using this fantastic video editing tool. This platform is popular among professionals due to its comprehensive cutting, cropping, combining, and effects editing services. More significantly, joining videos is completely free.

  1. Inshot


This is a free video editing app that allows you to merge multiple videos into a single file. This is how:

  1. Install and run Inshot.

  2. Select Video.

  3. Tap the check button after selecting multiple videos.

  4. Optional: Here is where you can edit the videos. Select the 16:9 comprehensive video layout or another option by tapping Canvas.

  1. With iMovie


Apple’s iMovie app is available for free on iPhones, iPad, and Mac. Here’s how to combine two or more videos for an Instagram post:

  1. Get iMovie and open it on your iPhone.

  2. Select Movie from the Create Project menu.

  3. Choose your movies. To see only the clips, go to the top left and tap Media, then Video. Choose a video and press the check button.

  4. Tap Create Movie after selecting two or more video clips.

  5. Swipe horizontally to the point where one video clip ends and another begins if desired. You can edit or remove the transition effect between videos by tapping the two triangle icon.

  6. Optional: You can also experiment with other iMovie features such as adding music, text, and video speed changes. You can tap a video clip, tap the tiny plus icon, and zoom in and out with two fingers.

  7. When you’re done, tap Done in the top left corner.

  8. From the bottom, tap the share button and select Save Video.

  9. Your iPhone’s Photos app now contains the merged clip. Open Instagram and make an individual post with the final combined Video.

This is how you can combine multiple clips into one Instagram video. I hope you found this quick tutorial helpful. Of course, you can merge two or more clips into one single video file using any other video editing app besides the ones listed above.

Here are a few simple methods for combining two or more videos into one and posting them on Instagram (IG).

Using the Instagram official app

There is no simple way to combine many videos into one on Instagram. You can, however, utilize the Story technique.

  1. Create an Instagram Story with two or more videos. You can add stickers, text, and other elements if you like.

  2. Tap the three dots icon on your Instagram Tale > Save > Save story. Your current Instagram Stories films and photos will be saved to the Photos app as a single video file.

  3. Upload the resulting Video to Instagram!

Tools To Use to Combine videos for Instagram.

  1. Wondershare Filmora is an easy-to-use video merger.

Before I detail online video joiners, I’d like to mention Wondershare Filmora, which can automatically merge video files without or with transitions. It merges video files with the same or various file extensions in 1:1 quality (.mp4, .mov, .mkv, .avi, etc). Continue reading to learn more about this simple video merging and how to merge videos.

Part 2: Using Filmora to combine, merge, and join clips

To join videos, first, import them.


You can drag the files from Windows File Explorer to the User’s Album or click the “Import” button on the window and choose files from your computer. All imported files will appear in thumbnail format in the User’s Album. To preview a file in the right-hand preview window, double-click it.

  1. To merge video files, drag & drop them.


Move videos from the User’s Album to the video track on the Timeline after that. All video files will be combined into a single video with no transition. However, you can use the following method to add transitions between video clips.

  1. Add transitions in the third step (optional)


Add transitions between clips for a smooth transition from one to the next to make the linked videos look like a complete movie. Go to the Transition tab and drag the desired change to the intersection of two clips. You can also right-click any transition to bring up a menu with choices such as “Apply to All” and “Random to All” for your convenience.

Step 4: Combine video files into a single file.


Now that you’ve seen the merged Movie click the “Export” option to save the several video segments to a single file. Select any format from the list under the Format tab. All of the most common video formats are supported. Choose “Device” and choose the thumbnail of your device to play the combined video file on iPod, iPhone, or iPad. You may also publish the combined Video on YouTube or burn it to DVDs to watch on television.

Other Online Video Mergers

  1. Androvid combine-video-instagram-

Androvid is a video joiner and video editor in one. Multiple files can be easily combined into a single video. This tool also allows you to divide videos, apply effects, convert videos, and do a lot more. Use this program to effortlessly merge video files in MPEG, 3GP, MP4, AVI, and more formats.

  1. Video Toolbox


Users can merge and unite videos up to 600MB in size using this fantastic video editing tool. This platform is popular among professionals due to its comprehensive cutting, cropping, combining, and effects editing services. More significantly, joining videos is completely free.

  1. Inshot


This is a free video editing app that allows you to merge multiple videos into a single file. This is how:

  1. Install and run Inshot.

  2. Select Video.

  3. Tap the check button after selecting multiple videos.

  4. Optional: Here is where you can edit the videos. Select the 16:9 comprehensive video layout or another option by tapping Canvas.

  1. With iMovie


Apple’s iMovie app is available for free on iPhones, iPad, and Mac. Here’s how to combine two or more videos for an Instagram post:

  1. Get iMovie and open it on your iPhone.

  2. Select Movie from the Create Project menu.

  3. Choose your movies. To see only the clips, go to the top left and tap Media, then Video. Choose a video and press the check button.

  4. Tap Create Movie after selecting two or more video clips.

  5. Swipe horizontally to the point where one video clip ends and another begins if desired. You can edit or remove the transition effect between videos by tapping the two triangle icon.

  6. Optional: You can also experiment with other iMovie features such as adding music, text, and video speed changes. You can tap a video clip, tap the tiny plus icon, and zoom in and out with two fingers.

  7. When you’re done, tap Done in the top left corner.

  8. From the bottom, tap the share button and select Save Video.

  9. Your iPhone’s Photos app now contains the merged clip. Open Instagram and make an individual post with the final combined Video.

This is how you can combine multiple clips into one Instagram video. I hope you found this quick tutorial helpful. Of course, you can merge two or more clips into one single video file using any other video editing app besides the ones listed above.

Fast Method to Match Color in Photoshop

Fast and Easy Method to Match Color in Photoshop

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Photoshop is one such editing tool where we can easily edit our photos and videos. And Photoshop matches can colour in the same image, which is one of the most incredible features of this tool. And in the following discussion, we will be talking about how you can color match photos online with the help of Photoshop.

And lastly, we will be introducing you to another proficient tool that has the perfect feature to help you edit and colour match photos. So, let us get started with our discussion without any further delay.

In this article

01 [What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?](#Part 1)

02 [How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos?](#Part 2)

03 [Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?

You can match color in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. And as far as the question of what scene can be used for it, you can use any and every photo you want to match the colour for. And the following steps will be noting how you can adjust the color of an image in Photoshop.

Step Open both the images, the one you want to alter and the one you want to change it with. And if it is just one image, open and select that one image.

Step Choose the “Image” and then select the “Adjustment” option. And after you choose the “Adjustment” option, go to the “Match Colour” option. You will be noticing the target photo that you have opted for.

Step You will find the “Image Statistics” portion in the dialogue portion. Opt for the “Source” list and select the image name consisting of the shades and hues you would want your image to be altered. You will notice a thumbnail appearing in the dialogue as you do so. And you will automatically see the colours of the photo have changed.

Step Now use the “Preview” feature to see the photoshop match colour tone, and then you will be done with adjusting the colour!

Part 2 How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos

Now, we will be discussing the different steps that will help you match color from photo in Photoshop, with absolute precision and effortlessness. Here is the list of steps that you would need to follow to match skin tone in Photoshop most perfectly.

Step 1 Duplicate the background of the original photo

The first and the most essential step to match lighting photoshop or the colour or any other editing task is to duplicate the background of the original image. The reason for this is that without this step, we might lose out on the original background information, which is essential for the image.

And to duplicate the background of an image in Photoshop, you need to use a few shortcuts of your keyboard. If you are using a Windows device, then the shortcut for this will be “Ctrl+J”, and if you are using Mac, then the shortcut will be “ Command+J”.

photoshop duplicate layer

Step 2 Select the Image whose colour you want to change.

Photoshop has several selection tools. Choose one of the many selection tools. You might choose the “Pen Tool” or the “Lasso Tool” or anything else. Select the image with the tool by drawing along the image with the tool. And when you are done with tracing the image with the selection tool of your choice, you will see a border marching around the image.

selection tool

Step 3 Select the area of the second image

You will need the selection tool again. The second image is the one that consists of the colour you would want the original image to match with. So, use the selection tool again to trace out an area in the second picture with the colour you want.

Ensure that you trace out a substantial area with the colour you need. You need not be highly precise with selecting the area. Instead, focus on covering a large area so that you can cover up the different shades and hues of the colour.

select purple

Step 4 Move back to the original picture

We will proceed with the “Colour Match” feature in Photoshop, but before that, you must make sure that you have the original image selected. The technical term to use here is “Focus”. So, ensure that the original image is in focus.

You can bring the original image into “focus” by clicking anywhere inside the document’s window where the original image is present. And that will automatically bring back the focus to the original image.

Step 5 Bring the “Colour Match” command into function

After selecting the original image, reach out to the “Image” option and click on the “Adjustments” option. You will find the “Match Colour” option; click on it.

There are two sections of the “Color Match” option. One is the “Image Statistics” portion, and the other is the “Destination Image”. The “destination Image” portion consists of the name of the original image and a few image settings as well. The options include “luminescence”, “color intensity”, “fade”, and “neutralize”.

Step 6 Head to the “Image Statistics” portion

The “Image Statistics” portion consists of the “Source” option. It is present in the bottom down part of the “Image Statistics” box. It is a drop-down box, and you will have to click on it. Tap on the small downward arrow beside the “Source” option and then choose the second image where you traced out the area of the colour you would want your original image to have.

match color source

Your image might have more than one layer, and if so, you will have to opt for the correct layer from the “Layer” option of Photoshop.

Step 7 Select the correct options in the “Image Statistics” area

In the “Image Statistics” portion, you will find some options, such as “Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colours” and “Use Selection In Target To Calculate Adjustment”. You will have to click on this option and agree to them. It will instruct Photoshop to follow these instructions and colour match photos accordingly.

match color

Click on “OK” after doing the changes mentioned above and exit the dialogue box to proceed with the next step.

Step 8 Add “Adjustment Layer”

Go to the “Layers” option and then opt for the “Layers Palette” present at the bottom. Then select “New Adjustment Layer” and click on the “Levels” option.

choose levels

Step 9 Adjust the Pointers

You will find two pointers, one black and the other white. You will have to bring both the pointers to the centre of the line.

Then click on “OK” and exit the box to proceed with the next step.

level adjustment layer

Step 10 Select “Luminosity”

You will find the “Blend Mode” in the “Layers palette”. Select the “Blend Mode” from there. You will find it reflecting “Normal”, which is the default setting. You need to click on the small drop-down arrow and change the option from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.

luminosity blend mode

Step 11 Deselect

Now, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+D” if you are using windows and “Command+D” working on a Mac device. And this completes the entire process of colour matching in photoshop.

Part 3 Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?

You will find numerous other tools that give you the opportunity of editing images and videos. But there are only a few that will offer you the quality of precise and proficient features. And if you ask us whether there are any other ways of using colour matching, we would like to introduce to you one of the best photo editing tools- Filmora 11!

It has an incredible feature of “Colour Matching” that will offer you the ease of altering colours of your pictures in the most effortless way, with the quality of original intact and even sometimes enhanced. And now, we will be discussing the “Colour Matching” feature of Filmora 11.

If you want to change the color of a clipping, then Filmora 11’s “Color Matching” allows you to extract the clip and then match colors in just a few steps.

You can use the filters of this tool, and it allows you to match color from to 10as well. So, the efficiency and quality are incomparable.

It has an adaptive scene change, and no matter in which device you use Filmora to edit our images, it will work with equal proficiency.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In this discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed the scene in which you can match colors in Photoshop.

Then we proceeded with the steps to help you use the “Color Match” feature of Photoshop.

And lastly, we introduced o you to Filmora 1the best photo and video editing tool, and its incredible feature of “Color Matching”.

Try It Free Try It Free

Photoshop is one such editing tool where we can easily edit our photos and videos. And Photoshop matches can colour in the same image, which is one of the most incredible features of this tool. And in the following discussion, we will be talking about how you can color match photos online with the help of Photoshop.

And lastly, we will be introducing you to another proficient tool that has the perfect feature to help you edit and colour match photos. So, let us get started with our discussion without any further delay.

In this article

01 [What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?](#Part 1)

02 [How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos?](#Part 2)

03 [Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?

You can match color in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. And as far as the question of what scene can be used for it, you can use any and every photo you want to match the colour for. And the following steps will be noting how you can adjust the color of an image in Photoshop.

Step Open both the images, the one you want to alter and the one you want to change it with. And if it is just one image, open and select that one image.

Step Choose the “Image” and then select the “Adjustment” option. And after you choose the “Adjustment” option, go to the “Match Colour” option. You will be noticing the target photo that you have opted for.

Step You will find the “Image Statistics” portion in the dialogue portion. Opt for the “Source” list and select the image name consisting of the shades and hues you would want your image to be altered. You will notice a thumbnail appearing in the dialogue as you do so. And you will automatically see the colours of the photo have changed.

Step Now use the “Preview” feature to see the photoshop match colour tone, and then you will be done with adjusting the colour!

Part 2 How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos

Now, we will be discussing the different steps that will help you match color from photo in Photoshop, with absolute precision and effortlessness. Here is the list of steps that you would need to follow to match skin tone in Photoshop most perfectly.

Step 1 Duplicate the background of the original photo

The first and the most essential step to match lighting photoshop or the colour or any other editing task is to duplicate the background of the original image. The reason for this is that without this step, we might lose out on the original background information, which is essential for the image.

And to duplicate the background of an image in Photoshop, you need to use a few shortcuts of your keyboard. If you are using a Windows device, then the shortcut for this will be “Ctrl+J”, and if you are using Mac, then the shortcut will be “ Command+J”.

photoshop duplicate layer

Step 2 Select the Image whose colour you want to change.

Photoshop has several selection tools. Choose one of the many selection tools. You might choose the “Pen Tool” or the “Lasso Tool” or anything else. Select the image with the tool by drawing along the image with the tool. And when you are done with tracing the image with the selection tool of your choice, you will see a border marching around the image.

selection tool

Step 3 Select the area of the second image

You will need the selection tool again. The second image is the one that consists of the colour you would want the original image to match with. So, use the selection tool again to trace out an area in the second picture with the colour you want.

Ensure that you trace out a substantial area with the colour you need. You need not be highly precise with selecting the area. Instead, focus on covering a large area so that you can cover up the different shades and hues of the colour.

select purple

Step 4 Move back to the original picture

We will proceed with the “Colour Match” feature in Photoshop, but before that, you must make sure that you have the original image selected. The technical term to use here is “Focus”. So, ensure that the original image is in focus.

You can bring the original image into “focus” by clicking anywhere inside the document’s window where the original image is present. And that will automatically bring back the focus to the original image.

Step 5 Bring the “Colour Match” command into function

After selecting the original image, reach out to the “Image” option and click on the “Adjustments” option. You will find the “Match Colour” option; click on it.

There are two sections of the “Color Match” option. One is the “Image Statistics” portion, and the other is the “Destination Image”. The “destination Image” portion consists of the name of the original image and a few image settings as well. The options include “luminescence”, “color intensity”, “fade”, and “neutralize”.

Step 6 Head to the “Image Statistics” portion

The “Image Statistics” portion consists of the “Source” option. It is present in the bottom down part of the “Image Statistics” box. It is a drop-down box, and you will have to click on it. Tap on the small downward arrow beside the “Source” option and then choose the second image where you traced out the area of the colour you would want your original image to have.

match color source

Your image might have more than one layer, and if so, you will have to opt for the correct layer from the “Layer” option of Photoshop.

Step 7 Select the correct options in the “Image Statistics” area

In the “Image Statistics” portion, you will find some options, such as “Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colours” and “Use Selection In Target To Calculate Adjustment”. You will have to click on this option and agree to them. It will instruct Photoshop to follow these instructions and colour match photos accordingly.

match color

Click on “OK” after doing the changes mentioned above and exit the dialogue box to proceed with the next step.

Step 8 Add “Adjustment Layer”

Go to the “Layers” option and then opt for the “Layers Palette” present at the bottom. Then select “New Adjustment Layer” and click on the “Levels” option.

choose levels

Step 9 Adjust the Pointers

You will find two pointers, one black and the other white. You will have to bring both the pointers to the centre of the line.

Then click on “OK” and exit the box to proceed with the next step.

level adjustment layer

Step 10 Select “Luminosity”

You will find the “Blend Mode” in the “Layers palette”. Select the “Blend Mode” from there. You will find it reflecting “Normal”, which is the default setting. You need to click on the small drop-down arrow and change the option from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.

luminosity blend mode

Step 11 Deselect

Now, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+D” if you are using windows and “Command+D” working on a Mac device. And this completes the entire process of colour matching in photoshop.

Part 3 Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?

You will find numerous other tools that give you the opportunity of editing images and videos. But there are only a few that will offer you the quality of precise and proficient features. And if you ask us whether there are any other ways of using colour matching, we would like to introduce to you one of the best photo editing tools- Filmora 11!

It has an incredible feature of “Colour Matching” that will offer you the ease of altering colours of your pictures in the most effortless way, with the quality of original intact and even sometimes enhanced. And now, we will be discussing the “Colour Matching” feature of Filmora 11.

If you want to change the color of a clipping, then Filmora 11’s “Color Matching” allows you to extract the clip and then match colors in just a few steps.

You can use the filters of this tool, and it allows you to match color from to 10as well. So, the efficiency and quality are incomparable.

It has an adaptive scene change, and no matter in which device you use Filmora to edit our images, it will work with equal proficiency.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In this discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed the scene in which you can match colors in Photoshop.

Then we proceeded with the steps to help you use the “Color Match” feature of Photoshop.

And lastly, we introduced o you to Filmora 1the best photo and video editing tool, and its incredible feature of “Color Matching”.

Try It Free Try It Free

Photoshop is one such editing tool where we can easily edit our photos and videos. And Photoshop matches can colour in the same image, which is one of the most incredible features of this tool. And in the following discussion, we will be talking about how you can color match photos online with the help of Photoshop.

And lastly, we will be introducing you to another proficient tool that has the perfect feature to help you edit and colour match photos. So, let us get started with our discussion without any further delay.

In this article

01 [What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?](#Part 1)

02 [How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos?](#Part 2)

03 [Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?

You can match color in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. And as far as the question of what scene can be used for it, you can use any and every photo you want to match the colour for. And the following steps will be noting how you can adjust the color of an image in Photoshop.

Step Open both the images, the one you want to alter and the one you want to change it with. And if it is just one image, open and select that one image.

Step Choose the “Image” and then select the “Adjustment” option. And after you choose the “Adjustment” option, go to the “Match Colour” option. You will be noticing the target photo that you have opted for.

Step You will find the “Image Statistics” portion in the dialogue portion. Opt for the “Source” list and select the image name consisting of the shades and hues you would want your image to be altered. You will notice a thumbnail appearing in the dialogue as you do so. And you will automatically see the colours of the photo have changed.

Step Now use the “Preview” feature to see the photoshop match colour tone, and then you will be done with adjusting the colour!

Part 2 How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos

Now, we will be discussing the different steps that will help you match color from photo in Photoshop, with absolute precision and effortlessness. Here is the list of steps that you would need to follow to match skin tone in Photoshop most perfectly.

Step 1 Duplicate the background of the original photo

The first and the most essential step to match lighting photoshop or the colour or any other editing task is to duplicate the background of the original image. The reason for this is that without this step, we might lose out on the original background information, which is essential for the image.

And to duplicate the background of an image in Photoshop, you need to use a few shortcuts of your keyboard. If you are using a Windows device, then the shortcut for this will be “Ctrl+J”, and if you are using Mac, then the shortcut will be “ Command+J”.

photoshop duplicate layer

Step 2 Select the Image whose colour you want to change.

Photoshop has several selection tools. Choose one of the many selection tools. You might choose the “Pen Tool” or the “Lasso Tool” or anything else. Select the image with the tool by drawing along the image with the tool. And when you are done with tracing the image with the selection tool of your choice, you will see a border marching around the image.

selection tool

Step 3 Select the area of the second image

You will need the selection tool again. The second image is the one that consists of the colour you would want the original image to match with. So, use the selection tool again to trace out an area in the second picture with the colour you want.

Ensure that you trace out a substantial area with the colour you need. You need not be highly precise with selecting the area. Instead, focus on covering a large area so that you can cover up the different shades and hues of the colour.

select purple

Step 4 Move back to the original picture

We will proceed with the “Colour Match” feature in Photoshop, but before that, you must make sure that you have the original image selected. The technical term to use here is “Focus”. So, ensure that the original image is in focus.

You can bring the original image into “focus” by clicking anywhere inside the document’s window where the original image is present. And that will automatically bring back the focus to the original image.

Step 5 Bring the “Colour Match” command into function

After selecting the original image, reach out to the “Image” option and click on the “Adjustments” option. You will find the “Match Colour” option; click on it.

There are two sections of the “Color Match” option. One is the “Image Statistics” portion, and the other is the “Destination Image”. The “destination Image” portion consists of the name of the original image and a few image settings as well. The options include “luminescence”, “color intensity”, “fade”, and “neutralize”.

Step 6 Head to the “Image Statistics” portion

The “Image Statistics” portion consists of the “Source” option. It is present in the bottom down part of the “Image Statistics” box. It is a drop-down box, and you will have to click on it. Tap on the small downward arrow beside the “Source” option and then choose the second image where you traced out the area of the colour you would want your original image to have.

match color source

Your image might have more than one layer, and if so, you will have to opt for the correct layer from the “Layer” option of Photoshop.

Step 7 Select the correct options in the “Image Statistics” area

In the “Image Statistics” portion, you will find some options, such as “Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colours” and “Use Selection In Target To Calculate Adjustment”. You will have to click on this option and agree to them. It will instruct Photoshop to follow these instructions and colour match photos accordingly.

match color

Click on “OK” after doing the changes mentioned above and exit the dialogue box to proceed with the next step.

Step 8 Add “Adjustment Layer”

Go to the “Layers” option and then opt for the “Layers Palette” present at the bottom. Then select “New Adjustment Layer” and click on the “Levels” option.

choose levels

Step 9 Adjust the Pointers

You will find two pointers, one black and the other white. You will have to bring both the pointers to the centre of the line.

Then click on “OK” and exit the box to proceed with the next step.

level adjustment layer

Step 10 Select “Luminosity”

You will find the “Blend Mode” in the “Layers palette”. Select the “Blend Mode” from there. You will find it reflecting “Normal”, which is the default setting. You need to click on the small drop-down arrow and change the option from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.

luminosity blend mode

Step 11 Deselect

Now, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+D” if you are using windows and “Command+D” working on a Mac device. And this completes the entire process of colour matching in photoshop.

Part 3 Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?

You will find numerous other tools that give you the opportunity of editing images and videos. But there are only a few that will offer you the quality of precise and proficient features. And if you ask us whether there are any other ways of using colour matching, we would like to introduce to you one of the best photo editing tools- Filmora 11!

It has an incredible feature of “Colour Matching” that will offer you the ease of altering colours of your pictures in the most effortless way, with the quality of original intact and even sometimes enhanced. And now, we will be discussing the “Colour Matching” feature of Filmora 11.

If you want to change the color of a clipping, then Filmora 11’s “Color Matching” allows you to extract the clip and then match colors in just a few steps.

You can use the filters of this tool, and it allows you to match color from to 10as well. So, the efficiency and quality are incomparable.

It has an adaptive scene change, and no matter in which device you use Filmora to edit our images, it will work with equal proficiency.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In this discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed the scene in which you can match colors in Photoshop.

Then we proceeded with the steps to help you use the “Color Match” feature of Photoshop.

And lastly, we introduced o you to Filmora 1the best photo and video editing tool, and its incredible feature of “Color Matching”.

Try It Free Try It Free

Photoshop is one such editing tool where we can easily edit our photos and videos. And Photoshop matches can colour in the same image, which is one of the most incredible features of this tool. And in the following discussion, we will be talking about how you can color match photos online with the help of Photoshop.

And lastly, we will be introducing you to another proficient tool that has the perfect feature to help you edit and colour match photos. So, let us get started with our discussion without any further delay.

In this article

01 [What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?](#Part 1)

02 [How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos?](#Part 2)

03 [Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?](#Part 3)

Part 1 What Scene is Photoshop’s Color Matching Generally Used For?

You can match color in Photoshop in just a few simple steps. And as far as the question of what scene can be used for it, you can use any and every photo you want to match the colour for. And the following steps will be noting how you can adjust the color of an image in Photoshop.

Step Open both the images, the one you want to alter and the one you want to change it with. And if it is just one image, open and select that one image.

Step Choose the “Image” and then select the “Adjustment” option. And after you choose the “Adjustment” option, go to the “Match Colour” option. You will be noticing the target photo that you have opted for.

Step You will find the “Image Statistics” portion in the dialogue portion. Opt for the “Source” list and select the image name consisting of the shades and hues you would want your image to be altered. You will notice a thumbnail appearing in the dialogue as you do so. And you will automatically see the colours of the photo have changed.

Step Now use the “Preview” feature to see the photoshop match colour tone, and then you will be done with adjusting the colour!

Part 2 How to perfectly match colors in Photoshop when combining photos

Now, we will be discussing the different steps that will help you match color from photo in Photoshop, with absolute precision and effortlessness. Here is the list of steps that you would need to follow to match skin tone in Photoshop most perfectly.

Step 1 Duplicate the background of the original photo

The first and the most essential step to match lighting photoshop or the colour or any other editing task is to duplicate the background of the original image. The reason for this is that without this step, we might lose out on the original background information, which is essential for the image.

And to duplicate the background of an image in Photoshop, you need to use a few shortcuts of your keyboard. If you are using a Windows device, then the shortcut for this will be “Ctrl+J”, and if you are using Mac, then the shortcut will be “ Command+J”.

photoshop duplicate layer

Step 2 Select the Image whose colour you want to change.

Photoshop has several selection tools. Choose one of the many selection tools. You might choose the “Pen Tool” or the “Lasso Tool” or anything else. Select the image with the tool by drawing along the image with the tool. And when you are done with tracing the image with the selection tool of your choice, you will see a border marching around the image.

selection tool

Step 3 Select the area of the second image

You will need the selection tool again. The second image is the one that consists of the colour you would want the original image to match with. So, use the selection tool again to trace out an area in the second picture with the colour you want.

Ensure that you trace out a substantial area with the colour you need. You need not be highly precise with selecting the area. Instead, focus on covering a large area so that you can cover up the different shades and hues of the colour.

select purple

Step 4 Move back to the original picture

We will proceed with the “Colour Match” feature in Photoshop, but before that, you must make sure that you have the original image selected. The technical term to use here is “Focus”. So, ensure that the original image is in focus.

You can bring the original image into “focus” by clicking anywhere inside the document’s window where the original image is present. And that will automatically bring back the focus to the original image.

Step 5 Bring the “Colour Match” command into function

After selecting the original image, reach out to the “Image” option and click on the “Adjustments” option. You will find the “Match Colour” option; click on it.

There are two sections of the “Color Match” option. One is the “Image Statistics” portion, and the other is the “Destination Image”. The “destination Image” portion consists of the name of the original image and a few image settings as well. The options include “luminescence”, “color intensity”, “fade”, and “neutralize”.

Step 6 Head to the “Image Statistics” portion

The “Image Statistics” portion consists of the “Source” option. It is present in the bottom down part of the “Image Statistics” box. It is a drop-down box, and you will have to click on it. Tap on the small downward arrow beside the “Source” option and then choose the second image where you traced out the area of the colour you would want your original image to have.

match color source

Your image might have more than one layer, and if so, you will have to opt for the correct layer from the “Layer” option of Photoshop.

Step 7 Select the correct options in the “Image Statistics” area

In the “Image Statistics” portion, you will find some options, such as “Use Selection in Source to Calculate Colours” and “Use Selection In Target To Calculate Adjustment”. You will have to click on this option and agree to them. It will instruct Photoshop to follow these instructions and colour match photos accordingly.

match color

Click on “OK” after doing the changes mentioned above and exit the dialogue box to proceed with the next step.

Step 8 Add “Adjustment Layer”

Go to the “Layers” option and then opt for the “Layers Palette” present at the bottom. Then select “New Adjustment Layer” and click on the “Levels” option.

choose levels

Step 9 Adjust the Pointers

You will find two pointers, one black and the other white. You will have to bring both the pointers to the centre of the line.

Then click on “OK” and exit the box to proceed with the next step.

level adjustment layer

Step 10 Select “Luminosity”

You will find the “Blend Mode” in the “Layers palette”. Select the “Blend Mode” from there. You will find it reflecting “Normal”, which is the default setting. You need to click on the small drop-down arrow and change the option from “Normal” to “Luminosity”.

luminosity blend mode

Step 11 Deselect

Now, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+D” if you are using windows and “Command+D” working on a Mac device. And this completes the entire process of colour matching in photoshop.

Part 3 Is There Any Other Ways to Use Color Matching?

You will find numerous other tools that give you the opportunity of editing images and videos. But there are only a few that will offer you the quality of precise and proficient features. And if you ask us whether there are any other ways of using colour matching, we would like to introduce to you one of the best photo editing tools- Filmora 11!

It has an incredible feature of “Colour Matching” that will offer you the ease of altering colours of your pictures in the most effortless way, with the quality of original intact and even sometimes enhanced. And now, we will be discussing the “Colour Matching” feature of Filmora 11.

If you want to change the color of a clipping, then Filmora 11’s “Color Matching” allows you to extract the clip and then match colors in just a few steps.

You can use the filters of this tool, and it allows you to match color from to 10as well. So, the efficiency and quality are incomparable.

It has an adaptive scene change, and no matter in which device you use Filmora to edit our images, it will work with equal proficiency.

Key Takeaways from This Episode

In this discussion, we have enveloped the following topics.

We discussed the scene in which you can match colors in Photoshop.

Then we proceeded with the steps to help you use the “Color Match” feature of Photoshop.

And lastly, we introduced o you to Filmora 1the best photo and video editing tool, and its incredible feature of “Color Matching”.

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  • Title: Updated In 2024, Blender Green Screen Effects
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-06-26 06:23:59
  • Updated at : 2024-06-27 06:23:59
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-in-2024-blender-green-screen-effects/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated In 2024, Blender Green Screen Effects