Updated In 2024, Create Promotional Video

Updated In 2024, Create Promotional Video

Chloe Lv12

Create Promotional Video

When it comes to executing video marketing campaigns, there’s an unspoken rule that holds true no matter what your goals are. Ready for it? A great video is only as good as the brand behind it. Branding is a crucial aspect of any successful video marketing campaign because your audience needs to believe in your product or service before they will invest their time and money in you. If you want to make a real impact with your promotional videos, branding should be at the top of your mind.

brand guidelines intro

What is Branding

When you think of branding, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s your favorite pair of shoes or a piece of clothing with a logo on it. Or maybe you think about big companies with catchy slogans and memorable commercials that have been around for years. But branding isn’t just about logos and slogans—it’s so much more than that.

Branding is the process of creating an identity for your product or service that differentiates itself from others in its category. This can be as simple as coming up with a name for your company, or it could mean developing an entire brand strategy that encompasses every aspect of how you present yourself to the world (and potential customers). Branding is all about finding ways to stand out from other businesses in your industry by establishing trust with consumers through consistency across all channels, including social media, websites, advertising campaigns, and more.

Why Branding is Important

Branding is vital for any business. It’s the foundation of your brand and it sets up a strong structure for your business to grow on.

Branding helps to build trust and loyalty with customers, which is crucial to gaining new customers and retaining old ones.

If you want people to remember you, then branding is important because it makes sure people will never forget about you!

With great branding comes great responsibility in terms of communicating clearly who you are as a company, what kind of products/services that you provide or sell, how those products/services will benefit consumers (or clients), etc., so make sure these things are always clear when designing promotional videos meant specifically for marketing purposes.

Branding in Video Marketing

Branding is an important part of video marketing because it helps to create a memorable video.

You should make sure you have a clear understanding of your brand before you start creating promotional videos. Your brand is the personality that people associate with your business or company, and this will help them to remember you.

For example, if you’re selling food products related to health and fitness, then having a healthy lifestyle theme throughout all aspects of the production process will be essential to getting people excited about what they see in their minds when they think about your product or service.

It can be challenging to keep track of all the aspects of your brand, but you can use Brand Guidelines to make sure that everything is aligned with your goals and values.

About Video Brand Guidelines

Video brand guidelines are a set of rules and regulations that govern how your videos should look, feel and sound. By having these in place, you can maintain a consistent style and tone across all your video content, whether that be explainer videos or social media posts.

Why do you need Video Brand Guidelines

1. Keeps your videos on-brand

The most important reason for creating video brand guidelines is to keep all your videos feeling like they come from the same place. This way, no matter what type of video it is, viewers will always know it’s from your brand.

2. Make sure everyone’s on the same page.

With so many people involved in the production of a single video, it can be hard to keep everyone on the same page. By having guidelines in place, you can make sure that everyone knows exactly what your brand’s video style is, and how to stay true to it.

3. Saves time and money.

In the long run, having video brand guidelines will save you both time and money. With a clear understanding of your brand’s video style, you can avoid costly mistakes and re-dos, and produce content faster and more efficiently.

4. Helps with planning

It can be difficult to plan video content without knowing what kind of videos you want to make. By having guidelines in place, you can map out a clear strategy for your video content, helping you to stay on track and hit your goals.

5. Improves creativity

Having video brand guidelines doesn’t mean that your videos have to be boring or formulaic. In fact, it can actually help to improve creativity, as it gives you a clear framework to work within. This way, you can experiment and try new things, safe in the knowledge that you’re still staying true to your brand.

Strong Pillars of Video Brand Guidelines

There are three strong pillars that make up a set of video brand guidelines: aesthetic (how it looks), technical (how it’s made), and messaging (what it says).


The Aesthetic Pillar is all about how your videos look, from the overall style to the specific details like color schemes and fonts. This is usually determined by your company’s branding guidelines.


The Technical Pillar covers the more practical elements of your video, such as file formats and resolution. This ensures that your videos are compatible with all kinds of devices and platforms.


The Messaging Pillar deals with the actual content of your video, such as the script and narration. This is where you decide what message you want to communicate, and how you’re going to do it.

When writing your video brand standards, it’s important to keep all three pillars in mind. Each one plays a vital role in the overall impact of your video, so they should all be given equal attention.

Different Elements of Video Brand

There are several elements that make up a video that reflecting your brand. These include:

When and how should your logo be used? Should it appear at the beginning, end or throughout the video? These are just a few examples of what you might want to include in your guidelines. The important thing is to be as clear and concise as possible so that there’s no confusion about what does and doesn’t represent your brand.

Apple, for example, is a fantastic brand that uses its logo in video advertising. It may always be observed at the end of every video.

add logo to video

Color palette

What fonts best represent your brand and should be used in your videos?

Color has a huge impact on how people perceive your brand, so you want to choose colors that match your message and tone.

color palette

Typography choices

Typography is a key element of branding. It’s more than just picking the right typeface, though that’s important, too. Typography includes the font, size and style of your title, body copy and web copy, as well as how it’s used in your logo and all other graphics.

typograpgy choices


If you want to use images or photos in your videos, what style should they be? And are there any specific colours that need to be used?

imagery specific color


The way you speak to your customers is referred to as brand voice. Your brand’s communication style is what determines your brand voice. Your target audience will hear your brand voice, which can be informal or formal depending on the situation and needs of the client. It may have any tone as long as it feels genuine to your company’s principles and personality—

In terms of brand voice consistency, Apple conveys confidence, quality, and closeness. In terms of distinguishing oneself from the competition, Apple has always been the company to look up to. Many people feel welcomed and overindulged by having their own gadgets.


If you want to use animation in your videos, you must first select a design that best represents your business. Is it going to be more cartoonish or more corporate?

It’s also crucial to provide rules for the use of certain visual components. If you want to include the speaker’s name and job title in the lower thirds, for example, you must state how that should appear.

add title to prompt video


Transitions between shots may boost brand recognition. Consider American sports networks that frequently use a rapid logo reveal! You should decide what your branding standard for transitions will be. Will it be a basic and traditional transition, or will you utilize it to emphasize your brand?


Music and Sounds

Music can play a significant role in how your video is received. It should be used to create the right atmosphere and reinforce the tone of voice. Your brand guidelines should include examples of the types of music that would and wouldn’t be appropriate, as well as any sound effects that could be used.



This section should detail what type of videos you want to produce. For example, do you want interview-style videos, or more dynamic explainer videos? It’s also worth including some general information about length, aspect ratio and file format.

prompt video format

Shooting Style

Do you want your videos to be shot in a particular way? If so, you should include information on that in your guidelines. For example, do you want close-ups or wide shots? Do you want lots of movement or static shots?

Your video brand guidelines should also consider where your videos will be shot. If you have a preferred location or style of location, such as an office or warehouse, make sure that is included.

Lighting is another important aspect of shooting style and can really affect the look and feel of a video. Consider what sort of lighting would work best with your brand - natural light, bright light, low light etc. - and include details in your guidelines.

prompt video shoot style


A tagline is a short phrase or sentence that identifies your brand. It’s often used in conjunction with a logo and other branding elements to create an overall marketing message

Nike recognized the need to appeal to a much wider audience, and transform their brand into more than simply fitness apparel. As a result of this, “Just Do It.” was created. The slogan is easy to understand and conveys the idea effectively. More significantly, it applies to everyone, not just world-class athletes

How to create Video Brand Guidelines?

Now that we’ve gone over why you need video brand guidelines, let’s take a look at how you can create them.

1. Define your brand voice

This is perhaps the most important step in creating your guidelines, as it will determine the tone and style of all your future videos. To do this, you need to think about what makes your brand unique, and how you want it to be perceived by others. Once you have a good understanding of your brand voice, you can start to put together the rest of your guidelines.

2. Choose a video style

Depending on the kind of videos you want to make, you’ll need to choose an appropriate style. This could be anything from animation to live action, so it’s important to pick something that will work well with your brand voice.

3. Decide on a look and feel

Just like with your choice of style, the look and feel of your videos should be in line with your brand identity. This means taking into account things like colour palette, typography and overall aesthetic.

4. Write a script

Once you have all the above elements in place, you can start to write a script for your video. This will act as a blueprint for the rest of the production process, so it’s important to get it right. When writing your script, be sure to keep your brand voice in mind, and make sure that the finished product stays true to your guidelines.

5. Find the right talent

To bring your script to life, you’ll need to find the right talent. This means finding voiceover artists, actors or presenters who fit with your brand identity and can help to sell your message.

6. Record and edit your video

With all the pieces in place, you’re finally ready to record and edit your video. During this process, it’s important to stick to your guidelines, so that the finished product is on-brand and consistent with your other content.

7. Publish and promote your video

Once your video is complete, it’s time to hit publish and start promoting it to your audience. Remember to use all the channels at your disposal, from social media to email marketing, to make sure that as many people as possible see your brand-new video.

Brand Guidelines Consistency

It’s important to be consistent with your brand. One of the biggest mistakes a company can make is trying to brand itself as something it isn’t. If you’re perceived as one thing and then suddenly change, it may do more harm than good for your business or organization.

The most well-known example of a company with a consistent brand is Coca Cola. It is one of the company brands with consistent brand image and a very strong reputation. This can be attributed to the company’s efforts in marketing and advertising to create a distinct brand image. The Coca Cola Company has spent millions of dollars on advertising campaigns that focus on creating a positive image for the product and reinforcing its original taste.

You need to have consistency in all aspects of your brand: logo, voice and tone (including social media), visuals (such as color scheme), and more. Your audience will immediately identify any inconsistencies between these elements - so make sure they match up well!


Creating video brand guidelines may seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the long run. By taking the time to put together a comprehensive guide, you can ensure that all your future videos are on-brand, efficient and effective. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! Do you have any tips for creating video brand guidelines? Let us know in the comments below!

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Different Ways To Trim Video In Premiere Pro

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Trimming your video is one of the most effective ways to get the viewer’s attention. As such, you should always trim the end and beginning of your videos to a length that will not repel viewers. Premiere Pro can help you trim videos, leaving you with tight and compelling content that engages your audience. Developed by Adobe Inc., this timeline-based video editing software application is ideal for those who want to produce the best video. We’ll explain how to trim videos in Premiere Pro.

In this article

01 What Is the Difference Between Cutting and Trimming a Video?

02 How to Trim videos in Premiere Pro in Different Ways

03 Extra Tips About Trimming Videos in Premiere Pro

What Is the Difference Between Cutting and Trimming a Video?

If you are new to video editing, you might find that cutting and trimming video files sound the same to you. At first sight, you’ll see that these two operations are similar because they involve the cutting of videos. Let’s look at the differences between these two operations.


Trimming is the process of cutting off a portion of the end or beginning of your video to reduce its length, leaving the desired content only. Trimming is vital when you want to ensure your video starts swiftly and your viewers will not get bored while waiting for something captivating to occur.

The first seconds of a video are what draw viewers’ attention and convince them to continue watching the entire video. When you apply it intelligently, video trimming allows you to remove unnecessary frames from the beginning and end of your video and leave content that your audience will like.


Cutting is also a fundamental video editing skill, and it involves removing a portion of a video clip by cutting in two places. You’ll then lift out the middle area and combine the leftover video back together.

This operation is helpful when you want to polish your video and cut off meaningless snippets. What’s more? You can apply cutting if you intend to insert a section of your video clip into another one.

You might want to consider cutting when you want to share your video on social networks and need to cut it into pieces due to the video length limits.

People often confuse trimming with cutting because they are all about deleting sections of the video. However, trimming involves deleting the beginning and end of a video, while cutting refers to cutting a part of a video file from somewhere else. Understanding this crucial difference will allow you to edit your videos like a professional.

How to Trim videos in Premiere Pro in Different Ways

You can trim video Premiere Pro on the timeline or program. Let’s look at these two methods.

Method 1:Trim Clips on Timeline

If you are wondering: What is a timeline? It’s the area Premiere Pro where you arrange your videos and map out the edits you want to apply. You will see all your video clips, transitions, effects, and more laid out in chronological order while you are working on your project. You can Premiere Pro trim video clips on the timeline, and at any point, play your project to check how your edits will look.

Remember that edits on the Premiere Pro timeline don’t alter your source files, and they are previews of how your edits will appear. That means you can untrim a video clip to extend it to its original length without consequence.

To learn how to trim video in Premiere Pro on the timeline, follow the steps below.

  1. Double click on the video file you want to trim in Premiere Pro.
  2. Adjust the timings of your edits. Drag the ends of your video clip as if you are resizing a window to shorten or extend by trimming. As your cursor gets closer at the edge of the video clip, you’ll see a red arrow.

how to trim video in premiere pro

  1. The Ripple Edit tool lets you trim video clips without leaving a white gap. You can also use it to push adjacent video clips later in the sequence.

trim video in premiere pro

  1. The Rolling Edit tool allows you to adjust the timing of the edit you make between two video clips and extends a clip by the same size you shorten the other.
  2. Click the padlock icon located on the tracker header to lock the entire track and prevent unwanted changes.

trimming video in premiere pro

  1. You can also use the Q and W keys on your keyboard to Premiere Pro trim video. The Q key removes unwanted content at the beginning of the clip, while the W key trims the end of the clip.
  2. Choose the Selection tool once you’ve finished using the trimming tools.

Method 2:Trim Clips in the Program

You can also trim videos in the Program Monitor. Follow the guide below to learn how to trim a video in Premiere Pro program monitor.

  1. Double-click the end of your video clip to enter the Trim Mode in the program.
  2. To trim, drag on the images of your video in the program monitor. You can also use the buttons on the panel.

trimming video in premiere pro program

  1. To exit Trim mode, click an empty section in the Timeline panel.

You can change how trimming works by Command-clicking (macOS) or Control-clicking (Windows) on the images of the video in the program while you are in the Timeline panel or Trim Mode. The yellow cursor means ripple trimming, while the red pointer means regular trimming.

The benefit of trimming videos in the Program Monitor is that the precision adjustment buttons under the footage allow you to trim 1 or 5 frames at a time.

Extra Tips About Trimming Videos in Premiere Pro

We have provided some tips that you should keep in mind when using Adobe Premiere trim video.

How to Trim a Video without Re-Rendering?

When adding a video to Premiere Pro, it will be rendered by this software application to ensure high-quality playback and speed. Rendering takes time afterward, leading to loss of quality; however, it makes sure you have gotten the best video quality as much as possible by removing skipped frames and lag from the video playback.

If you are wondering how to trim videos in Premiere Pro without re-render follow the steps below:

  1. Import your video to Premiere Pro by launching the application and choosing ‘Import Media to Start’. Browse and select the video you want to trim.
  2. The video will appear in the media library area at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Drag and drop the video from the media library to the timeline. You’ll see the complete video clip duration in the timeline.
  4. You can crop the video by dragging the blue time marker to the duration where you would like to start the video.
  5. Hold the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard, then drag the starting end of the video clip to the time marker position. You’ll remove unnecessary video content from the beginning of your video.
  6. You can trim the video from its other end by following the same steps but from the opposite direction. You can only use this method to trim from one of the ends of your video clip.
  7. Choose the ‘Laser Tool’ located at the side menu of the timeline to trim from the center of the video clip. Now, click on the clip at the position you want to trim, and the application will cut the video from this position.
  8. Follow steps 2 to 4 to trim from cuts you’ve just made.

trimming video without re-rendering in premiere pro

  1. Go to ‘File’ and choose the ‘Export’ option. Tap ‘Media’ from the list, and you will be directed to the export setting. Here, you can adjust specific settings, such as quality, name, and format. Click ‘Export’ after entering the appropriate information.

trim video without re-rendering in premiere pro

When you upload a video file to Adobe Premiere Pro and take it into the timeline, the audio tracks and video will be synced and locked. Essentially, this ensures there is no misalignment when the program converts the video to another format. For example, importing it into another video editor can cause a mis-sync between audio and video if the two tracks are not locked or linked.

Video editing professionals avoid this by locking the two tracks together. As such, you might want to unlink or unlock the two before doing anything. To do this, you need to import the video into the application and take it to the timeline with the associated tracks. Then, select the video track alone.

unlink audio from video in premiere pro

Next, right-click the video track and select the Unlink option. The software will separate the audio from the video track. You can now trim either of these.

How to Trim and Re-Encode Videos without Re-Rendering

Follow the method below to trim video Premiere Pro and encode it without rendering it.

  1. Launch Premiere Pro and navigate to File, then choose import. Find the video that you want to trim and double click on it.
  2. Drag and drop the video into the timeline.
  3. Choose the ‘Ripple Edit Tool’ and then Press ‘Sequence’. Head to ‘Sequence Settings’ and set or modify the codec, bitrate, name, format, and much more.
  4. Adjust the Ripple so that it defines the end time and start time that you want for your video.
  5. Now, finalize the trim by choosing ‘File’ and tap ‘Export’. To ‘Export Settings,’ elect ‘Media’.


● Now that you know how to trim videos in Premiere Pro, you can remove unnecessary portions at the beginning or end of your videos. In turn, your videos will attract more viewers.

Try It Free Try It Free

Trimming your video is one of the most effective ways to get the viewer’s attention. As such, you should always trim the end and beginning of your videos to a length that will not repel viewers. Premiere Pro can help you trim videos, leaving you with tight and compelling content that engages your audience. Developed by Adobe Inc., this timeline-based video editing software application is ideal for those who want to produce the best video. We’ll explain how to trim videos in Premiere Pro.

In this article

01 What Is the Difference Between Cutting and Trimming a Video?

02 How to Trim videos in Premiere Pro in Different Ways

03 Extra Tips About Trimming Videos in Premiere Pro

What Is the Difference Between Cutting and Trimming a Video?

If you are new to video editing, you might find that cutting and trimming video files sound the same to you. At first sight, you’ll see that these two operations are similar because they involve the cutting of videos. Let’s look at the differences between these two operations.


Trimming is the process of cutting off a portion of the end or beginning of your video to reduce its length, leaving the desired content only. Trimming is vital when you want to ensure your video starts swiftly and your viewers will not get bored while waiting for something captivating to occur.

The first seconds of a video are what draw viewers’ attention and convince them to continue watching the entire video. When you apply it intelligently, video trimming allows you to remove unnecessary frames from the beginning and end of your video and leave content that your audience will like.


Cutting is also a fundamental video editing skill, and it involves removing a portion of a video clip by cutting in two places. You’ll then lift out the middle area and combine the leftover video back together.

This operation is helpful when you want to polish your video and cut off meaningless snippets. What’s more? You can apply cutting if you intend to insert a section of your video clip into another one.

You might want to consider cutting when you want to share your video on social networks and need to cut it into pieces due to the video length limits.

People often confuse trimming with cutting because they are all about deleting sections of the video. However, trimming involves deleting the beginning and end of a video, while cutting refers to cutting a part of a video file from somewhere else. Understanding this crucial difference will allow you to edit your videos like a professional.

How to Trim videos in Premiere Pro in Different Ways

You can trim video Premiere Pro on the timeline or program. Let’s look at these two methods.

Method 1:Trim Clips on Timeline

If you are wondering: What is a timeline? It’s the area Premiere Pro where you arrange your videos and map out the edits you want to apply. You will see all your video clips, transitions, effects, and more laid out in chronological order while you are working on your project. You can Premiere Pro trim video clips on the timeline, and at any point, play your project to check how your edits will look.

Remember that edits on the Premiere Pro timeline don’t alter your source files, and they are previews of how your edits will appear. That means you can untrim a video clip to extend it to its original length without consequence.

To learn how to trim video in Premiere Pro on the timeline, follow the steps below.

  1. Double click on the video file you want to trim in Premiere Pro.
  2. Adjust the timings of your edits. Drag the ends of your video clip as if you are resizing a window to shorten or extend by trimming. As your cursor gets closer at the edge of the video clip, you’ll see a red arrow.

how to trim video in premiere pro

  1. The Ripple Edit tool lets you trim video clips without leaving a white gap. You can also use it to push adjacent video clips later in the sequence.

trim video in premiere pro

  1. The Rolling Edit tool allows you to adjust the timing of the edit you make between two video clips and extends a clip by the same size you shorten the other.
  2. Click the padlock icon located on the tracker header to lock the entire track and prevent unwanted changes.

trimming video in premiere pro

  1. You can also use the Q and W keys on your keyboard to Premiere Pro trim video. The Q key removes unwanted content at the beginning of the clip, while the W key trims the end of the clip.
  2. Choose the Selection tool once you’ve finished using the trimming tools.

Method 2:Trim Clips in the Program

You can also trim videos in the Program Monitor. Follow the guide below to learn how to trim a video in Premiere Pro program monitor.

  1. Double-click the end of your video clip to enter the Trim Mode in the program.
  2. To trim, drag on the images of your video in the program monitor. You can also use the buttons on the panel.

trimming video in premiere pro program

  1. To exit Trim mode, click an empty section in the Timeline panel.

You can change how trimming works by Command-clicking (macOS) or Control-clicking (Windows) on the images of the video in the program while you are in the Timeline panel or Trim Mode. The yellow cursor means ripple trimming, while the red pointer means regular trimming.

The benefit of trimming videos in the Program Monitor is that the precision adjustment buttons under the footage allow you to trim 1 or 5 frames at a time.

Extra Tips About Trimming Videos in Premiere Pro

We have provided some tips that you should keep in mind when using Adobe Premiere trim video.

How to Trim a Video without Re-Rendering?

When adding a video to Premiere Pro, it will be rendered by this software application to ensure high-quality playback and speed. Rendering takes time afterward, leading to loss of quality; however, it makes sure you have gotten the best video quality as much as possible by removing skipped frames and lag from the video playback.

If you are wondering how to trim videos in Premiere Pro without re-render follow the steps below:

  1. Import your video to Premiere Pro by launching the application and choosing ‘Import Media to Start’. Browse and select the video you want to trim.
  2. The video will appear in the media library area at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Drag and drop the video from the media library to the timeline. You’ll see the complete video clip duration in the timeline.
  4. You can crop the video by dragging the blue time marker to the duration where you would like to start the video.
  5. Hold the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard, then drag the starting end of the video clip to the time marker position. You’ll remove unnecessary video content from the beginning of your video.
  6. You can trim the video from its other end by following the same steps but from the opposite direction. You can only use this method to trim from one of the ends of your video clip.
  7. Choose the ‘Laser Tool’ located at the side menu of the timeline to trim from the center of the video clip. Now, click on the clip at the position you want to trim, and the application will cut the video from this position.
  8. Follow steps 2 to 4 to trim from cuts you’ve just made.

trimming video without re-rendering in premiere pro

  1. Go to ‘File’ and choose the ‘Export’ option. Tap ‘Media’ from the list, and you will be directed to the export setting. Here, you can adjust specific settings, such as quality, name, and format. Click ‘Export’ after entering the appropriate information.

trim video without re-rendering in premiere pro

When you upload a video file to Adobe Premiere Pro and take it into the timeline, the audio tracks and video will be synced and locked. Essentially, this ensures there is no misalignment when the program converts the video to another format. For example, importing it into another video editor can cause a mis-sync between audio and video if the two tracks are not locked or linked.

Video editing professionals avoid this by locking the two tracks together. As such, you might want to unlink or unlock the two before doing anything. To do this, you need to import the video into the application and take it to the timeline with the associated tracks. Then, select the video track alone.

unlink audio from video in premiere pro

Next, right-click the video track and select the Unlink option. The software will separate the audio from the video track. You can now trim either of these.

How to Trim and Re-Encode Videos without Re-Rendering

Follow the method below to trim video Premiere Pro and encode it without rendering it.

  1. Launch Premiere Pro and navigate to File, then choose import. Find the video that you want to trim and double click on it.
  2. Drag and drop the video into the timeline.
  3. Choose the ‘Ripple Edit Tool’ and then Press ‘Sequence’. Head to ‘Sequence Settings’ and set or modify the codec, bitrate, name, format, and much more.
  4. Adjust the Ripple so that it defines the end time and start time that you want for your video.
  5. Now, finalize the trim by choosing ‘File’ and tap ‘Export’. To ‘Export Settings,’ elect ‘Media’.


● Now that you know how to trim videos in Premiere Pro, you can remove unnecessary portions at the beginning or end of your videos. In turn, your videos will attract more viewers.

Try It Free Try It Free

Trimming your video is one of the most effective ways to get the viewer’s attention. As such, you should always trim the end and beginning of your videos to a length that will not repel viewers. Premiere Pro can help you trim videos, leaving you with tight and compelling content that engages your audience. Developed by Adobe Inc., this timeline-based video editing software application is ideal for those who want to produce the best video. We’ll explain how to trim videos in Premiere Pro.

In this article

01 What Is the Difference Between Cutting and Trimming a Video?

02 How to Trim videos in Premiere Pro in Different Ways

03 Extra Tips About Trimming Videos in Premiere Pro

What Is the Difference Between Cutting and Trimming a Video?

If you are new to video editing, you might find that cutting and trimming video files sound the same to you. At first sight, you’ll see that these two operations are similar because they involve the cutting of videos. Let’s look at the differences between these two operations.


Trimming is the process of cutting off a portion of the end or beginning of your video to reduce its length, leaving the desired content only. Trimming is vital when you want to ensure your video starts swiftly and your viewers will not get bored while waiting for something captivating to occur.

The first seconds of a video are what draw viewers’ attention and convince them to continue watching the entire video. When you apply it intelligently, video trimming allows you to remove unnecessary frames from the beginning and end of your video and leave content that your audience will like.


Cutting is also a fundamental video editing skill, and it involves removing a portion of a video clip by cutting in two places. You’ll then lift out the middle area and combine the leftover video back together.

This operation is helpful when you want to polish your video and cut off meaningless snippets. What’s more? You can apply cutting if you intend to insert a section of your video clip into another one.

You might want to consider cutting when you want to share your video on social networks and need to cut it into pieces due to the video length limits.

People often confuse trimming with cutting because they are all about deleting sections of the video. However, trimming involves deleting the beginning and end of a video, while cutting refers to cutting a part of a video file from somewhere else. Understanding this crucial difference will allow you to edit your videos like a professional.

How to Trim videos in Premiere Pro in Different Ways

You can trim video Premiere Pro on the timeline or program. Let’s look at these two methods.

Method 1:Trim Clips on Timeline

If you are wondering: What is a timeline? It’s the area Premiere Pro where you arrange your videos and map out the edits you want to apply. You will see all your video clips, transitions, effects, and more laid out in chronological order while you are working on your project. You can Premiere Pro trim video clips on the timeline, and at any point, play your project to check how your edits will look.

Remember that edits on the Premiere Pro timeline don’t alter your source files, and they are previews of how your edits will appear. That means you can untrim a video clip to extend it to its original length without consequence.

To learn how to trim video in Premiere Pro on the timeline, follow the steps below.

  1. Double click on the video file you want to trim in Premiere Pro.
  2. Adjust the timings of your edits. Drag the ends of your video clip as if you are resizing a window to shorten or extend by trimming. As your cursor gets closer at the edge of the video clip, you’ll see a red arrow.

how to trim video in premiere pro

  1. The Ripple Edit tool lets you trim video clips without leaving a white gap. You can also use it to push adjacent video clips later in the sequence.

trim video in premiere pro

  1. The Rolling Edit tool allows you to adjust the timing of the edit you make between two video clips and extends a clip by the same size you shorten the other.
  2. Click the padlock icon located on the tracker header to lock the entire track and prevent unwanted changes.

trimming video in premiere pro

  1. You can also use the Q and W keys on your keyboard to Premiere Pro trim video. The Q key removes unwanted content at the beginning of the clip, while the W key trims the end of the clip.
  2. Choose the Selection tool once you’ve finished using the trimming tools.

Method 2:Trim Clips in the Program

You can also trim videos in the Program Monitor. Follow the guide below to learn how to trim a video in Premiere Pro program monitor.

  1. Double-click the end of your video clip to enter the Trim Mode in the program.
  2. To trim, drag on the images of your video in the program monitor. You can also use the buttons on the panel.

trimming video in premiere pro program

  1. To exit Trim mode, click an empty section in the Timeline panel.

You can change how trimming works by Command-clicking (macOS) or Control-clicking (Windows) on the images of the video in the program while you are in the Timeline panel or Trim Mode. The yellow cursor means ripple trimming, while the red pointer means regular trimming.

The benefit of trimming videos in the Program Monitor is that the precision adjustment buttons under the footage allow you to trim 1 or 5 frames at a time.

Extra Tips About Trimming Videos in Premiere Pro

We have provided some tips that you should keep in mind when using Adobe Premiere trim video.

How to Trim a Video without Re-Rendering?

When adding a video to Premiere Pro, it will be rendered by this software application to ensure high-quality playback and speed. Rendering takes time afterward, leading to loss of quality; however, it makes sure you have gotten the best video quality as much as possible by removing skipped frames and lag from the video playback.

If you are wondering how to trim videos in Premiere Pro without re-render follow the steps below:

  1. Import your video to Premiere Pro by launching the application and choosing ‘Import Media to Start’. Browse and select the video you want to trim.
  2. The video will appear in the media library area at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Drag and drop the video from the media library to the timeline. You’ll see the complete video clip duration in the timeline.
  4. You can crop the video by dragging the blue time marker to the duration where you would like to start the video.
  5. Hold the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard, then drag the starting end of the video clip to the time marker position. You’ll remove unnecessary video content from the beginning of your video.
  6. You can trim the video from its other end by following the same steps but from the opposite direction. You can only use this method to trim from one of the ends of your video clip.
  7. Choose the ‘Laser Tool’ located at the side menu of the timeline to trim from the center of the video clip. Now, click on the clip at the position you want to trim, and the application will cut the video from this position.
  8. Follow steps 2 to 4 to trim from cuts you’ve just made.

trimming video without re-rendering in premiere pro

  1. Go to ‘File’ and choose the ‘Export’ option. Tap ‘Media’ from the list, and you will be directed to the export setting. Here, you can adjust specific settings, such as quality, name, and format. Click ‘Export’ after entering the appropriate information.

trim video without re-rendering in premiere pro

When you upload a video file to Adobe Premiere Pro and take it into the timeline, the audio tracks and video will be synced and locked. Essentially, this ensures there is no misalignment when the program converts the video to another format. For example, importing it into another video editor can cause a mis-sync between audio and video if the two tracks are not locked or linked.

Video editing professionals avoid this by locking the two tracks together. As such, you might want to unlink or unlock the two before doing anything. To do this, you need to import the video into the application and take it to the timeline with the associated tracks. Then, select the video track alone.

unlink audio from video in premiere pro

Next, right-click the video track and select the Unlink option. The software will separate the audio from the video track. You can now trim either of these.

How to Trim and Re-Encode Videos without Re-Rendering

Follow the method below to trim video Premiere Pro and encode it without rendering it.

  1. Launch Premiere Pro and navigate to File, then choose import. Find the video that you want to trim and double click on it.
  2. Drag and drop the video into the timeline.
  3. Choose the ‘Ripple Edit Tool’ and then Press ‘Sequence’. Head to ‘Sequence Settings’ and set or modify the codec, bitrate, name, format, and much more.
  4. Adjust the Ripple so that it defines the end time and start time that you want for your video.
  5. Now, finalize the trim by choosing ‘File’ and tap ‘Export’. To ‘Export Settings,’ elect ‘Media’.


● Now that you know how to trim videos in Premiere Pro, you can remove unnecessary portions at the beginning or end of your videos. In turn, your videos will attract more viewers.

Try It Free Try It Free

Trimming your video is one of the most effective ways to get the viewer’s attention. As such, you should always trim the end and beginning of your videos to a length that will not repel viewers. Premiere Pro can help you trim videos, leaving you with tight and compelling content that engages your audience. Developed by Adobe Inc., this timeline-based video editing software application is ideal for those who want to produce the best video. We’ll explain how to trim videos in Premiere Pro.

In this article

01 What Is the Difference Between Cutting and Trimming a Video?

02 How to Trim videos in Premiere Pro in Different Ways

03 Extra Tips About Trimming Videos in Premiere Pro

What Is the Difference Between Cutting and Trimming a Video?

If you are new to video editing, you might find that cutting and trimming video files sound the same to you. At first sight, you’ll see that these two operations are similar because they involve the cutting of videos. Let’s look at the differences between these two operations.


Trimming is the process of cutting off a portion of the end or beginning of your video to reduce its length, leaving the desired content only. Trimming is vital when you want to ensure your video starts swiftly and your viewers will not get bored while waiting for something captivating to occur.

The first seconds of a video are what draw viewers’ attention and convince them to continue watching the entire video. When you apply it intelligently, video trimming allows you to remove unnecessary frames from the beginning and end of your video and leave content that your audience will like.


Cutting is also a fundamental video editing skill, and it involves removing a portion of a video clip by cutting in two places. You’ll then lift out the middle area and combine the leftover video back together.

This operation is helpful when you want to polish your video and cut off meaningless snippets. What’s more? You can apply cutting if you intend to insert a section of your video clip into another one.

You might want to consider cutting when you want to share your video on social networks and need to cut it into pieces due to the video length limits.

People often confuse trimming with cutting because they are all about deleting sections of the video. However, trimming involves deleting the beginning and end of a video, while cutting refers to cutting a part of a video file from somewhere else. Understanding this crucial difference will allow you to edit your videos like a professional.

How to Trim videos in Premiere Pro in Different Ways

You can trim video Premiere Pro on the timeline or program. Let’s look at these two methods.

Method 1:Trim Clips on Timeline

If you are wondering: What is a timeline? It’s the area Premiere Pro where you arrange your videos and map out the edits you want to apply. You will see all your video clips, transitions, effects, and more laid out in chronological order while you are working on your project. You can Premiere Pro trim video clips on the timeline, and at any point, play your project to check how your edits will look.

Remember that edits on the Premiere Pro timeline don’t alter your source files, and they are previews of how your edits will appear. That means you can untrim a video clip to extend it to its original length without consequence.

To learn how to trim video in Premiere Pro on the timeline, follow the steps below.

  1. Double click on the video file you want to trim in Premiere Pro.
  2. Adjust the timings of your edits. Drag the ends of your video clip as if you are resizing a window to shorten or extend by trimming. As your cursor gets closer at the edge of the video clip, you’ll see a red arrow.

how to trim video in premiere pro

  1. The Ripple Edit tool lets you trim video clips without leaving a white gap. You can also use it to push adjacent video clips later in the sequence.

trim video in premiere pro

  1. The Rolling Edit tool allows you to adjust the timing of the edit you make between two video clips and extends a clip by the same size you shorten the other.
  2. Click the padlock icon located on the tracker header to lock the entire track and prevent unwanted changes.

trimming video in premiere pro

  1. You can also use the Q and W keys on your keyboard to Premiere Pro trim video. The Q key removes unwanted content at the beginning of the clip, while the W key trims the end of the clip.
  2. Choose the Selection tool once you’ve finished using the trimming tools.

Method 2:Trim Clips in the Program

You can also trim videos in the Program Monitor. Follow the guide below to learn how to trim a video in Premiere Pro program monitor.

  1. Double-click the end of your video clip to enter the Trim Mode in the program.
  2. To trim, drag on the images of your video in the program monitor. You can also use the buttons on the panel.

trimming video in premiere pro program

  1. To exit Trim mode, click an empty section in the Timeline panel.

You can change how trimming works by Command-clicking (macOS) or Control-clicking (Windows) on the images of the video in the program while you are in the Timeline panel or Trim Mode. The yellow cursor means ripple trimming, while the red pointer means regular trimming.

The benefit of trimming videos in the Program Monitor is that the precision adjustment buttons under the footage allow you to trim 1 or 5 frames at a time.

Extra Tips About Trimming Videos in Premiere Pro

We have provided some tips that you should keep in mind when using Adobe Premiere trim video.

How to Trim a Video without Re-Rendering?

When adding a video to Premiere Pro, it will be rendered by this software application to ensure high-quality playback and speed. Rendering takes time afterward, leading to loss of quality; however, it makes sure you have gotten the best video quality as much as possible by removing skipped frames and lag from the video playback.

If you are wondering how to trim videos in Premiere Pro without re-render follow the steps below:

  1. Import your video to Premiere Pro by launching the application and choosing ‘Import Media to Start’. Browse and select the video you want to trim.
  2. The video will appear in the media library area at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Drag and drop the video from the media library to the timeline. You’ll see the complete video clip duration in the timeline.
  4. You can crop the video by dragging the blue time marker to the duration where you would like to start the video.
  5. Hold the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard, then drag the starting end of the video clip to the time marker position. You’ll remove unnecessary video content from the beginning of your video.
  6. You can trim the video from its other end by following the same steps but from the opposite direction. You can only use this method to trim from one of the ends of your video clip.
  7. Choose the ‘Laser Tool’ located at the side menu of the timeline to trim from the center of the video clip. Now, click on the clip at the position you want to trim, and the application will cut the video from this position.
  8. Follow steps 2 to 4 to trim from cuts you’ve just made.

trimming video without re-rendering in premiere pro

  1. Go to ‘File’ and choose the ‘Export’ option. Tap ‘Media’ from the list, and you will be directed to the export setting. Here, you can adjust specific settings, such as quality, name, and format. Click ‘Export’ after entering the appropriate information.

trim video without re-rendering in premiere pro

When you upload a video file to Adobe Premiere Pro and take it into the timeline, the audio tracks and video will be synced and locked. Essentially, this ensures there is no misalignment when the program converts the video to another format. For example, importing it into another video editor can cause a mis-sync between audio and video if the two tracks are not locked or linked.

Video editing professionals avoid this by locking the two tracks together. As such, you might want to unlink or unlock the two before doing anything. To do this, you need to import the video into the application and take it to the timeline with the associated tracks. Then, select the video track alone.

unlink audio from video in premiere pro

Next, right-click the video track and select the Unlink option. The software will separate the audio from the video track. You can now trim either of these.

How to Trim and Re-Encode Videos without Re-Rendering

Follow the method below to trim video Premiere Pro and encode it without rendering it.

  1. Launch Premiere Pro and navigate to File, then choose import. Find the video that you want to trim and double click on it.
  2. Drag and drop the video into the timeline.
  3. Choose the ‘Ripple Edit Tool’ and then Press ‘Sequence’. Head to ‘Sequence Settings’ and set or modify the codec, bitrate, name, format, and much more.
  4. Adjust the Ripple so that it defines the end time and start time that you want for your video.
  5. Now, finalize the trim by choosing ‘File’ and tap ‘Export’. To ‘Export Settings,’ elect ‘Media’.


● Now that you know how to trim videos in Premiere Pro, you can remove unnecessary portions at the beginning or end of your videos. In turn, your videos will attract more viewers.

The Power of Music in Videos

No video is complete without suitable audio. Adding audio to a video is not that difficult, but choosing the right audio can be a hassle. You want something that captures the ears of the audience but, at the same time, compliments your video. The best way to do this is by adding music to your videos with Wondershare Filmora .

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The following passage will guide you through everything you must consider while choosing music for your videos. But first, we’ll show you how easy it is to alter your video with music using Wondershare Filmora.

How different types of music affect your videos

You can easily change the viewer’s perception using different music, even with the same visuals. The right song will elevate your video to another level and assist in relaying your feelings and emotions to the viewers. The following examples will illustrate how changing the audio changes the impression of the video.

Example #1

Let’s say you have a video of someone walking through the woods. Now without music audio, your video will be boring. You can quickly fix this by adding an upbeat song to make your video more energetic.

adding an uplifting beat to your video

Using the same visuals, you can add a more tense and dramatic song, like from a horror movie. You have successfully changed the entire vibe of the same video from “inspiring” to “sinister.” It proves the importance of the balance between audio and visuals.

adding scary music to your video

Example #2

For a better understanding, let’s look at a movie scene we all know and love. Take the entrance scene from Avengers: Endgame. The music used by the producer aims to excite the audience while building up the hype for the upcoming battle. However, if we change the audio of this scene, we end up with a completely different set of emotions that might not go too well with the shot.

changing the music of a movie scene

Now that we’ve seen how crucial audio can be in a video, let’s see how to choose the best music audio for your video.

Tip #1: Identify the mood

As we’ve demonstrated before, the audio can change the entire mood of the video. The right music for any video will be the one that compliments the spirit of the visuals and relays the emotions the producer intended.

identifying the mood of the video

Rewatch your recorded clips until you know the mood portrayed by the visuals. Select music that matches the spirit of your visuals. For example, you would use different music for a sunny day compared to a cloudy day. Once you’ve figured out the mood and understand the emotions you want to elicit, search for audio that achieves this and balances out your visuals.

Tip #2: Video and music style

We’ve already established that different styles of music complement other types of videos. So, keep the type of your video in consideration. For example, is your video fast-paced and full of action, or is it more serious in nature, like an interview or documentary?

matching the video and audio styles

Once you have music that matches your video style, check the audio wave. The four most common patterns are steady, ascending, descending, or furious. The audio wave will help you select the visuals that best match that audio.

identifying the audio wave

For example, if you’re using audio with an ascending audio wave, you would use visuals that build up with the audio. The beat drop will signal the transition to reveal a powerful shot.

Tip #3: Don’t force the music

As emphasized before, your music should match your video. We all have a favorite music genre, but sometimes that may not go well with our visuals. For example, you love country music but have a video about the nightlife in the city. Using country music in a video about the town does not match well and will confuse your audience.

adding mismatched audio to a video

To get music that best suits our video, we must be open and explore all music genres. You’ll see how easy it is to scout a song that fits perfectly with your visuals. The easiest way is to choose a song that gives out the same emotions as intended by the visuals.

Final Words

Now, you clearly understand the importance of music in videos. The right music can uplift your video into a viral sensation, while the wrong music track will turn your video into a catastrophe. Remember to review the legalities of copyright and infringement before using any music in your videos to avoid legal issues. Make sure you have permission to use the music or use royalty-free music.

Share this article with your friends and family interested in making stunning videos with perfect music audio. Comment below on your favorite scene from a movie or show where the music perfectly matched the visuals and left you with goosebumps.

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The following passage will guide you through everything you must consider while choosing music for your videos. But first, we’ll show you how easy it is to alter your video with music using Wondershare Filmora.

How different types of music affect your videos

You can easily change the viewer’s perception using different music, even with the same visuals. The right song will elevate your video to another level and assist in relaying your feelings and emotions to the viewers. The following examples will illustrate how changing the audio changes the impression of the video.

Example #1

Let’s say you have a video of someone walking through the woods. Now without music audio, your video will be boring. You can quickly fix this by adding an upbeat song to make your video more energetic.

adding an uplifting beat to your video

Using the same visuals, you can add a more tense and dramatic song, like from a horror movie. You have successfully changed the entire vibe of the same video from “inspiring” to “sinister.” It proves the importance of the balance between audio and visuals.

adding scary music to your video

Example #2

For a better understanding, let’s look at a movie scene we all know and love. Take the entrance scene from Avengers: Endgame. The music used by the producer aims to excite the audience while building up the hype for the upcoming battle. However, if we change the audio of this scene, we end up with a completely different set of emotions that might not go too well with the shot.

changing the music of a movie scene

Now that we’ve seen how crucial audio can be in a video, let’s see how to choose the best music audio for your video.

Tip #1: Identify the mood

As we’ve demonstrated before, the audio can change the entire mood of the video. The right music for any video will be the one that compliments the spirit of the visuals and relays the emotions the producer intended.

identifying the mood of the video

Rewatch your recorded clips until you know the mood portrayed by the visuals. Select music that matches the spirit of your visuals. For example, you would use different music for a sunny day compared to a cloudy day. Once you’ve figured out the mood and understand the emotions you want to elicit, search for audio that achieves this and balances out your visuals.

Tip #2: Video and music style

We’ve already established that different styles of music complement other types of videos. So, keep the type of your video in consideration. For example, is your video fast-paced and full of action, or is it more serious in nature, like an interview or documentary?

matching the video and audio styles

Once you have music that matches your video style, check the audio wave. The four most common patterns are steady, ascending, descending, or furious. The audio wave will help you select the visuals that best match that audio.

identifying the audio wave

For example, if you’re using audio with an ascending audio wave, you would use visuals that build up with the audio. The beat drop will signal the transition to reveal a powerful shot.

Tip #3: Don’t force the music

As emphasized before, your music should match your video. We all have a favorite music genre, but sometimes that may not go well with our visuals. For example, you love country music but have a video about the nightlife in the city. Using country music in a video about the town does not match well and will confuse your audience.

adding mismatched audio to a video

To get music that best suits our video, we must be open and explore all music genres. You’ll see how easy it is to scout a song that fits perfectly with your visuals. The easiest way is to choose a song that gives out the same emotions as intended by the visuals.

Final Words

Now, you clearly understand the importance of music in videos. The right music can uplift your video into a viral sensation, while the wrong music track will turn your video into a catastrophe. Remember to review the legalities of copyright and infringement before using any music in your videos to avoid legal issues. Make sure you have permission to use the music or use royalty-free music.

Share this article with your friends and family interested in making stunning videos with perfect music audio. Comment below on your favorite scene from a movie or show where the music perfectly matched the visuals and left you with goosebumps.

Top 10 Free Spanish Text To Speech Converter Websites

Best Text To Speech Converter and Video Editor

Filmora’s Text to Speech (TTS) function allows you to convert your text files to voiceover and bring more elements to enrich your video.

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Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that basically converts digital text into artificial audio. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 10 best Spanish text-to-speech converter websites that you can use for free. But before actually moving to the list, here is a little information on this topic.

When it comes to free text to speech converter websites, there are a lot of them on the internet but not all of them support the Spanish language as the majority of websites only support English. While creating this list of best free Spanish text to speech converter websites, we made sure to include only the trustworthy and legit sites that have positive feedback and don’t misuse your data or information because cybersecurity is a serious issue and today’s internet is full of scams and frauds. So one thing we can assure you is that all the TTS websites listed in this article are not only free but trustworthy as well.

As we all know, free stuff always comes with limitations (in most cases). However, we have tried our very best to provide you with a list of the best TTS converter websites that offer the highest benefits with the lowest limitations for free. Therefore, some websites in this list might be completely free while some might have a free plan to use but whatever they might be, know that they offer the best for something that’s free and includes support for Spanish.

1. Voicemaker.in


Basic intro: Voicemaker is a professional online Text to Speech converter that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. It supports 90+ different languages along with SSML Tags and a large number of voice options for each of them. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS with the most natural-sounding voices. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. Plus, they also have advanced audio settings, and voice settings available.

Even though Voicemaker.in is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites.


  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.


  • Only allows up to 250 characters per convert.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

2. Kukarella


Basic intro: Kukarella is an amazing online Text-to-Speech software that lets you easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. It is powered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM which can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software. Kukarella also provides you with the functionality to narrate books or scripts with multiple voices which is a beta feature. In terms of voices and language options, it has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across 100+ different languages and accents which is truly remarkable. Plus, it also has a well-designed UI with advanced features for a better experience.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar websites.


  • It allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.
  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, and Speed are included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.

3. Texttospeech.io


Basic intro: Texttospeech.io is a free online Text To Speech converter that provides natural voices across Spanish and many other languages in real-time. It is a completely free Text to Speech converter and claims that it will always be free. It has a simple and straightforward interface with a lot of features, especially for something that’s completely free. Aside from Text to Speech, it also provides other services like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. Plus, you get even more features when you register an account for free.

Texttospeech.io is really one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that runs with donations and advertisements. Below are the features of this wonderful TTS website:


  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. NaturalReader


Basic intro: NaturalReader is a free Text to Speech software that is suitable for any type of needs whether it be for personal use, reading purposes, or commercial purposes. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech websites available today that can generate natural-sounding voices in high quality. It also supports OCR technology which helps users to listen to text from scanned documents or images. And there’s even more to it, so NaturalReader can be one of the best choices for free Spanish Text to Speech converter website.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It too has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader Online:


  • Can read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.
  • It offers over 100 natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • Also includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • It allows conversion up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices in the free plan.


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free voices are very limited.

5. TTSReader


Basic intro: TTSReader is one of the very few Text to Speech converter websites that are completely free. Well, it seems to have a commercial plan but it is still completely free for personal and general use. Not just simple text, but it can also instantly read-aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. It is a lightweight online tool that doesn’t require creating accounts and there’s no need for any download as well. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it. There are various options of natural-sounding voices in Spanish and different languages and accents. Plus, it also has a commercial plan that you can use to create audios for commercial purposes.

TTSReader is a limitless free online Text-to-Speech converter that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio without any worries. Following are the features of this free TTS website:


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Also available for mobile devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is almost like downloading.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

6. Murf.ai


Basic Intro: Murf.ai is a professional and advanced Text to Speech converter website that uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technologies for generating artificial voice. It is a very popular online tool that is widely known for its ability to make studio-quality voiceovers easily in minutes. Murf is mainly focused on creating realistic natural human voices with AI by getting rid of robotic and unnatural tones. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

Even though Murf is free to try and use with its free plan, it also offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with its awesome features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • It offers over 120 different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It provides royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only one user without options for collaboration in the free plan.

7. Notevibes


Basic Intro: Notevibes is another free Spanish Text-to-Speech converter website on our list that can instantly convert your text into natural-sounding speech with AI. With around 221 high-quality voices and 25 different languages including the premium ones, they have a huge collection of voice options from the most popular providers like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to choose from. Notevibes also comes with great features for additional adjustments along with a well-designed interface, so you will have an overall better experience generating voice from the text without any difficulties.

Notevibes actually is a premium Text-to-Speech software, but it also has a free version which we would say is self-sufficient with many voice options for the Spanish language.


  • It allows up to 2000 characters for text to speech conversion.
  • Large library of free voice options in many languages including Spanish.
  • Advanced editor to add pauses in one click, change speed, and pitch, control volume, etc.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Ability to emphasize specific words along with unique options of spell-out, cardinal, ordinal, and digits.
  • It grants you intellectual rights to freely use or sell voices (in some paid plans only).
  • Backups are available for 14 days, so your work is safe (only for paid plans).
  • Has options for adding dialogs and downloading the audio as mp3.


  • Very limited on the number of characters
  • Does not provide commercial rights in the free version.

8. Wideo


Basic intro: Wideo can be the simplest Text to Speech converter website that you can use online. It is very simple and straightforward that everybody can use it without any problem. However, Wideo is originally an online video maker that helps you create promo videos, explainer videos, demo videos, presentations, etc. while text to speech conversion is another one of its functionalities. But still, it has got all the basic features that a Text to Speech converter should have. Wideo free Text to Speech software integrates with Google Text-to-Speech API, so the quality of its voices is as good as other paid software. Additionally, this free Text to Speech functionality works even better with Wideo’s video maker.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest websites you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the site and no login and credit card required.


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters without any specific pricing plan to remove the restriction.

9. IBM Watson Text to Speech


Basic intro: IBM Watson Text to Speech is a popular as well as powerful online Text to Speech converter that converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices. It uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technology to provide real-time speech synthesis service for multilingual natural-sounding voices. And, IBM Watson Text to Speech also allows the creation of a distinct custom AI voice for a particular brand or business. Plus, one of its strongest points is that it provides end-to-end encryption, so the data are safe and privacy is maintained.

IBM Watson Text to Speech is one of the leaders in the field of TTS with its up-to-date technologies. Despite being so advanced and professional, it is generous enough to offer a free plan ‘Lite’ with the features below:


  • It offers 35 natural-sounding neural voices across 16 different languages including Spanish.
  • Allows a maximum of 10,000 characters per month for conversion.
  • It provides End-to-end encryption even in the free plan.
  • It uses the latest AI and Machine learning technology for real-time speech synthesis.
  • Professional features like the creation of custom neural voices with AI (in paid plans only)
  • Advanced audio adjustment tools available along with options for downloads.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.

10. Amazon Polly


Basic intro: When it comes to a professional Text to Speech service, Amazon Polly is always on the list. But it is not just advanced and professional, it is also a free Text to Speech converter that you can use to turn text into life-like speech, create applications that talk, etc. Amazon Polly is a cloud-based service by Amazon that uses deep learning technologies and AI technology to synthesize realistic human speech in dozens of voices across many different languages. It offers Neural Text-to-Speech voices in addition to Standard TTS voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Plus, one of the unique features of Amazon Polly is that it lets you create a custom AI voice for the brand or organization.

Amazon Polly is an advanced text-to-speech service that is almost always up to date with the latest technology. Despite that, it does offer a free plan to try Amazon Polly with its AWS Free Tier.


  • Ability to stream audio in real-time or store & redistribute speech.
  • Customisation & control options available for speech output.
  • It offers 5 million characters free per month for 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
  • It provides one of the most realistic and natural-sounding voices with its latest technology.
  • A large number of voice options are available across a broad set of languages including Spanish.
  • Supports API integration for applications or any products.
  • It can create a custom voice for the exclusive use of your organization.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.


Above are the 10 best Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that lets you convert text into audio for free. As you might have already noticed, this article also contains some websites that are not completely free but offer a free plan. We could have managed to research a list of all completely free TTS converter websites but we believe these websites offer even greater value in their free version than the completely free ones. Also, each TTS converter in this list can be used for a specific purpose. For example, NaturalReader might be the best choice for listening to text from documents, texttospeech.io for personal use while Murf.ai can be used to learn about new AI TTS technologies.

Therefore, its upto you to decide what you want to use. This is our collection of 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Websites and we hope that this will be helpful to you.


Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that basically converts digital text into artificial audio. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 10 best Spanish text-to-speech converter websites that you can use for free. But before actually moving to the list, here is a little information on this topic.

When it comes to free text to speech converter websites, there are a lot of them on the internet but not all of them support the Spanish language as the majority of websites only support English. While creating this list of best free Spanish text to speech converter websites, we made sure to include only the trustworthy and legit sites that have positive feedback and don’t misuse your data or information because cybersecurity is a serious issue and today’s internet is full of scams and frauds. So one thing we can assure you is that all the TTS websites listed in this article are not only free but trustworthy as well.

As we all know, free stuff always comes with limitations (in most cases). However, we have tried our very best to provide you with a list of the best TTS converter websites that offer the highest benefits with the lowest limitations for free. Therefore, some websites in this list might be completely free while some might have a free plan to use but whatever they might be, know that they offer the best for something that’s free and includes support for Spanish.

1. Voicemaker.in


Basic intro: Voicemaker is a professional online Text to Speech converter that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. It supports 90+ different languages along with SSML Tags and a large number of voice options for each of them. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS with the most natural-sounding voices. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. Plus, they also have advanced audio settings, and voice settings available.

Even though Voicemaker.in is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites.


  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.


  • Only allows up to 250 characters per convert.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

2. Kukarella


Basic intro: Kukarella is an amazing online Text-to-Speech software that lets you easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. It is powered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM which can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software. Kukarella also provides you with the functionality to narrate books or scripts with multiple voices which is a beta feature. In terms of voices and language options, it has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across 100+ different languages and accents which is truly remarkable. Plus, it also has a well-designed UI with advanced features for a better experience.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar websites.


  • It allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.
  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, and Speed are included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.

3. Texttospeech.io


Basic intro: Texttospeech.io is a free online Text To Speech converter that provides natural voices across Spanish and many other languages in real-time. It is a completely free Text to Speech converter and claims that it will always be free. It has a simple and straightforward interface with a lot of features, especially for something that’s completely free. Aside from Text to Speech, it also provides other services like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. Plus, you get even more features when you register an account for free.

Texttospeech.io is really one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that runs with donations and advertisements. Below are the features of this wonderful TTS website:


  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. NaturalReader


Basic intro: NaturalReader is a free Text to Speech software that is suitable for any type of needs whether it be for personal use, reading purposes, or commercial purposes. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech websites available today that can generate natural-sounding voices in high quality. It also supports OCR technology which helps users to listen to text from scanned documents or images. And there’s even more to it, so NaturalReader can be one of the best choices for free Spanish Text to Speech converter website.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It too has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader Online:


  • Can read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.
  • It offers over 100 natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • Also includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • It allows conversion up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices in the free plan.


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free voices are very limited.

5. TTSReader


Basic intro: TTSReader is one of the very few Text to Speech converter websites that are completely free. Well, it seems to have a commercial plan but it is still completely free for personal and general use. Not just simple text, but it can also instantly read-aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. It is a lightweight online tool that doesn’t require creating accounts and there’s no need for any download as well. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it. There are various options of natural-sounding voices in Spanish and different languages and accents. Plus, it also has a commercial plan that you can use to create audios for commercial purposes.

TTSReader is a limitless free online Text-to-Speech converter that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio without any worries. Following are the features of this free TTS website:


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Also available for mobile devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is almost like downloading.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

6. Murf.ai


Basic Intro: Murf.ai is a professional and advanced Text to Speech converter website that uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technologies for generating artificial voice. It is a very popular online tool that is widely known for its ability to make studio-quality voiceovers easily in minutes. Murf is mainly focused on creating realistic natural human voices with AI by getting rid of robotic and unnatural tones. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

Even though Murf is free to try and use with its free plan, it also offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with its awesome features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • It offers over 120 different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It provides royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only one user without options for collaboration in the free plan.

7. Notevibes


Basic Intro: Notevibes is another free Spanish Text-to-Speech converter website on our list that can instantly convert your text into natural-sounding speech with AI. With around 221 high-quality voices and 25 different languages including the premium ones, they have a huge collection of voice options from the most popular providers like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to choose from. Notevibes also comes with great features for additional adjustments along with a well-designed interface, so you will have an overall better experience generating voice from the text without any difficulties.

Notevibes actually is a premium Text-to-Speech software, but it also has a free version which we would say is self-sufficient with many voice options for the Spanish language.


  • It allows up to 2000 characters for text to speech conversion.
  • Large library of free voice options in many languages including Spanish.
  • Advanced editor to add pauses in one click, change speed, and pitch, control volume, etc.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Ability to emphasize specific words along with unique options of spell-out, cardinal, ordinal, and digits.
  • It grants you intellectual rights to freely use or sell voices (in some paid plans only).
  • Backups are available for 14 days, so your work is safe (only for paid plans).
  • Has options for adding dialogs and downloading the audio as mp3.


  • Very limited on the number of characters
  • Does not provide commercial rights in the free version.

8. Wideo


Basic intro: Wideo can be the simplest Text to Speech converter website that you can use online. It is very simple and straightforward that everybody can use it without any problem. However, Wideo is originally an online video maker that helps you create promo videos, explainer videos, demo videos, presentations, etc. while text to speech conversion is another one of its functionalities. But still, it has got all the basic features that a Text to Speech converter should have. Wideo free Text to Speech software integrates with Google Text-to-Speech API, so the quality of its voices is as good as other paid software. Additionally, this free Text to Speech functionality works even better with Wideo’s video maker.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest websites you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the site and no login and credit card required.


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters without any specific pricing plan to remove the restriction.

9. IBM Watson Text to Speech


Basic intro: IBM Watson Text to Speech is a popular as well as powerful online Text to Speech converter that converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices. It uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technology to provide real-time speech synthesis service for multilingual natural-sounding voices. And, IBM Watson Text to Speech also allows the creation of a distinct custom AI voice for a particular brand or business. Plus, one of its strongest points is that it provides end-to-end encryption, so the data are safe and privacy is maintained.

IBM Watson Text to Speech is one of the leaders in the field of TTS with its up-to-date technologies. Despite being so advanced and professional, it is generous enough to offer a free plan ‘Lite’ with the features below:


  • It offers 35 natural-sounding neural voices across 16 different languages including Spanish.
  • Allows a maximum of 10,000 characters per month for conversion.
  • It provides End-to-end encryption even in the free plan.
  • It uses the latest AI and Machine learning technology for real-time speech synthesis.
  • Professional features like the creation of custom neural voices with AI (in paid plans only)
  • Advanced audio adjustment tools available along with options for downloads.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.

10. Amazon Polly


Basic intro: When it comes to a professional Text to Speech service, Amazon Polly is always on the list. But it is not just advanced and professional, it is also a free Text to Speech converter that you can use to turn text into life-like speech, create applications that talk, etc. Amazon Polly is a cloud-based service by Amazon that uses deep learning technologies and AI technology to synthesize realistic human speech in dozens of voices across many different languages. It offers Neural Text-to-Speech voices in addition to Standard TTS voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Plus, one of the unique features of Amazon Polly is that it lets you create a custom AI voice for the brand or organization.

Amazon Polly is an advanced text-to-speech service that is almost always up to date with the latest technology. Despite that, it does offer a free plan to try Amazon Polly with its AWS Free Tier.


  • Ability to stream audio in real-time or store & redistribute speech.
  • Customisation & control options available for speech output.
  • It offers 5 million characters free per month for 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
  • It provides one of the most realistic and natural-sounding voices with its latest technology.
  • A large number of voice options are available across a broad set of languages including Spanish.
  • Supports API integration for applications or any products.
  • It can create a custom voice for the exclusive use of your organization.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.


Above are the 10 best Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that lets you convert text into audio for free. As you might have already noticed, this article also contains some websites that are not completely free but offer a free plan. We could have managed to research a list of all completely free TTS converter websites but we believe these websites offer even greater value in their free version than the completely free ones. Also, each TTS converter in this list can be used for a specific purpose. For example, NaturalReader might be the best choice for listening to text from documents, texttospeech.io for personal use while Murf.ai can be used to learn about new AI TTS technologies.

Therefore, its upto you to decide what you want to use. This is our collection of 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Websites and we hope that this will be helpful to you.


Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that basically converts digital text into artificial audio. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 10 best Spanish text-to-speech converter websites that you can use for free. But before actually moving to the list, here is a little information on this topic.

When it comes to free text to speech converter websites, there are a lot of them on the internet but not all of them support the Spanish language as the majority of websites only support English. While creating this list of best free Spanish text to speech converter websites, we made sure to include only the trustworthy and legit sites that have positive feedback and don’t misuse your data or information because cybersecurity is a serious issue and today’s internet is full of scams and frauds. So one thing we can assure you is that all the TTS websites listed in this article are not only free but trustworthy as well.

As we all know, free stuff always comes with limitations (in most cases). However, we have tried our very best to provide you with a list of the best TTS converter websites that offer the highest benefits with the lowest limitations for free. Therefore, some websites in this list might be completely free while some might have a free plan to use but whatever they might be, know that they offer the best for something that’s free and includes support for Spanish.

1. Voicemaker.in


Basic intro: Voicemaker is a professional online Text to Speech converter that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. It supports 90+ different languages along with SSML Tags and a large number of voice options for each of them. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS with the most natural-sounding voices. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. Plus, they also have advanced audio settings, and voice settings available.

Even though Voicemaker.in is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites.


  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.


  • Only allows up to 250 characters per convert.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

2. Kukarella


Basic intro: Kukarella is an amazing online Text-to-Speech software that lets you easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. It is powered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM which can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software. Kukarella also provides you with the functionality to narrate books or scripts with multiple voices which is a beta feature. In terms of voices and language options, it has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across 100+ different languages and accents which is truly remarkable. Plus, it also has a well-designed UI with advanced features for a better experience.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar websites.


  • It allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.
  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, and Speed are included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.

3. Texttospeech.io


Basic intro: Texttospeech.io is a free online Text To Speech converter that provides natural voices across Spanish and many other languages in real-time. It is a completely free Text to Speech converter and claims that it will always be free. It has a simple and straightforward interface with a lot of features, especially for something that’s completely free. Aside from Text to Speech, it also provides other services like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. Plus, you get even more features when you register an account for free.

Texttospeech.io is really one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that runs with donations and advertisements. Below are the features of this wonderful TTS website:


  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. NaturalReader


Basic intro: NaturalReader is a free Text to Speech software that is suitable for any type of needs whether it be for personal use, reading purposes, or commercial purposes. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech websites available today that can generate natural-sounding voices in high quality. It also supports OCR technology which helps users to listen to text from scanned documents or images. And there’s even more to it, so NaturalReader can be one of the best choices for free Spanish Text to Speech converter website.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It too has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader Online:


  • Can read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.
  • It offers over 100 natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • Also includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • It allows conversion up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices in the free plan.


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free voices are very limited.

5. TTSReader


Basic intro: TTSReader is one of the very few Text to Speech converter websites that are completely free. Well, it seems to have a commercial plan but it is still completely free for personal and general use. Not just simple text, but it can also instantly read-aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. It is a lightweight online tool that doesn’t require creating accounts and there’s no need for any download as well. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it. There are various options of natural-sounding voices in Spanish and different languages and accents. Plus, it also has a commercial plan that you can use to create audios for commercial purposes.

TTSReader is a limitless free online Text-to-Speech converter that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio without any worries. Following are the features of this free TTS website:


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Also available for mobile devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is almost like downloading.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

6. Murf.ai


Basic Intro: Murf.ai is a professional and advanced Text to Speech converter website that uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technologies for generating artificial voice. It is a very popular online tool that is widely known for its ability to make studio-quality voiceovers easily in minutes. Murf is mainly focused on creating realistic natural human voices with AI by getting rid of robotic and unnatural tones. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

Even though Murf is free to try and use with its free plan, it also offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with its awesome features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • It offers over 120 different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It provides royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only one user without options for collaboration in the free plan.

7. Notevibes


Basic Intro: Notevibes is another free Spanish Text-to-Speech converter website on our list that can instantly convert your text into natural-sounding speech with AI. With around 221 high-quality voices and 25 different languages including the premium ones, they have a huge collection of voice options from the most popular providers like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to choose from. Notevibes also comes with great features for additional adjustments along with a well-designed interface, so you will have an overall better experience generating voice from the text without any difficulties.

Notevibes actually is a premium Text-to-Speech software, but it also has a free version which we would say is self-sufficient with many voice options for the Spanish language.


  • It allows up to 2000 characters for text to speech conversion.
  • Large library of free voice options in many languages including Spanish.
  • Advanced editor to add pauses in one click, change speed, and pitch, control volume, etc.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Ability to emphasize specific words along with unique options of spell-out, cardinal, ordinal, and digits.
  • It grants you intellectual rights to freely use or sell voices (in some paid plans only).
  • Backups are available for 14 days, so your work is safe (only for paid plans).
  • Has options for adding dialogs and downloading the audio as mp3.


  • Very limited on the number of characters
  • Does not provide commercial rights in the free version.

8. Wideo


Basic intro: Wideo can be the simplest Text to Speech converter website that you can use online. It is very simple and straightforward that everybody can use it without any problem. However, Wideo is originally an online video maker that helps you create promo videos, explainer videos, demo videos, presentations, etc. while text to speech conversion is another one of its functionalities. But still, it has got all the basic features that a Text to Speech converter should have. Wideo free Text to Speech software integrates with Google Text-to-Speech API, so the quality of its voices is as good as other paid software. Additionally, this free Text to Speech functionality works even better with Wideo’s video maker.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest websites you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the site and no login and credit card required.


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters without any specific pricing plan to remove the restriction.

9. IBM Watson Text to Speech


Basic intro: IBM Watson Text to Speech is a popular as well as powerful online Text to Speech converter that converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices. It uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technology to provide real-time speech synthesis service for multilingual natural-sounding voices. And, IBM Watson Text to Speech also allows the creation of a distinct custom AI voice for a particular brand or business. Plus, one of its strongest points is that it provides end-to-end encryption, so the data are safe and privacy is maintained.

IBM Watson Text to Speech is one of the leaders in the field of TTS with its up-to-date technologies. Despite being so advanced and professional, it is generous enough to offer a free plan ‘Lite’ with the features below:


  • It offers 35 natural-sounding neural voices across 16 different languages including Spanish.
  • Allows a maximum of 10,000 characters per month for conversion.
  • It provides End-to-end encryption even in the free plan.
  • It uses the latest AI and Machine learning technology for real-time speech synthesis.
  • Professional features like the creation of custom neural voices with AI (in paid plans only)
  • Advanced audio adjustment tools available along with options for downloads.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.

10. Amazon Polly


Basic intro: When it comes to a professional Text to Speech service, Amazon Polly is always on the list. But it is not just advanced and professional, it is also a free Text to Speech converter that you can use to turn text into life-like speech, create applications that talk, etc. Amazon Polly is a cloud-based service by Amazon that uses deep learning technologies and AI technology to synthesize realistic human speech in dozens of voices across many different languages. It offers Neural Text-to-Speech voices in addition to Standard TTS voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Plus, one of the unique features of Amazon Polly is that it lets you create a custom AI voice for the brand or organization.

Amazon Polly is an advanced text-to-speech service that is almost always up to date with the latest technology. Despite that, it does offer a free plan to try Amazon Polly with its AWS Free Tier.


  • Ability to stream audio in real-time or store & redistribute speech.
  • Customisation & control options available for speech output.
  • It offers 5 million characters free per month for 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
  • It provides one of the most realistic and natural-sounding voices with its latest technology.
  • A large number of voice options are available across a broad set of languages including Spanish.
  • Supports API integration for applications or any products.
  • It can create a custom voice for the exclusive use of your organization.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.


Above are the 10 best Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that lets you convert text into audio for free. As you might have already noticed, this article also contains some websites that are not completely free but offer a free plan. We could have managed to research a list of all completely free TTS converter websites but we believe these websites offer even greater value in their free version than the completely free ones. Also, each TTS converter in this list can be used for a specific purpose. For example, NaturalReader might be the best choice for listening to text from documents, texttospeech.io for personal use while Murf.ai can be used to learn about new AI TTS technologies.

Therefore, its upto you to decide what you want to use. This is our collection of 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Websites and we hope that this will be helpful to you.


Text to Speech (TTS) is a technology that basically converts digital text into artificial audio. In this article, we’ll be sharing with you the 10 best Spanish text-to-speech converter websites that you can use for free. But before actually moving to the list, here is a little information on this topic.

When it comes to free text to speech converter websites, there are a lot of them on the internet but not all of them support the Spanish language as the majority of websites only support English. While creating this list of best free Spanish text to speech converter websites, we made sure to include only the trustworthy and legit sites that have positive feedback and don’t misuse your data or information because cybersecurity is a serious issue and today’s internet is full of scams and frauds. So one thing we can assure you is that all the TTS websites listed in this article are not only free but trustworthy as well.

As we all know, free stuff always comes with limitations (in most cases). However, we have tried our very best to provide you with a list of the best TTS converter websites that offer the highest benefits with the lowest limitations for free. Therefore, some websites in this list might be completely free while some might have a free plan to use but whatever they might be, know that they offer the best for something that’s free and includes support for Spanish.

1. Voicemaker.in


Basic intro: Voicemaker is a professional online Text to Speech converter that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. It supports 90+ different languages along with SSML Tags and a large number of voice options for each of them. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS with the most natural-sounding voices. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. Plus, they also have advanced audio settings, and voice settings available.

Even though Voicemaker.in is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites.


  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.


  • Only allows up to 250 characters per convert.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

2. Kukarella


Basic intro: Kukarella is an amazing online Text-to-Speech software that lets you easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. It is powered by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM which can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software. Kukarella also provides you with the functionality to narrate books or scripts with multiple voices which is a beta feature. In terms of voices and language options, it has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across 100+ different languages and accents which is truly remarkable. Plus, it also has a well-designed UI with advanced features for a better experience.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar websites.


  • It allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.
  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, and Speed are included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.

3. Texttospeech.io


Basic intro: Texttospeech.io is a free online Text To Speech converter that provides natural voices across Spanish and many other languages in real-time. It is a completely free Text to Speech converter and claims that it will always be free. It has a simple and straightforward interface with a lot of features, especially for something that’s completely free. Aside from Text to Speech, it also provides other services like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. Plus, you get even more features when you register an account for free.

Texttospeech.io is really one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that runs with donations and advertisements. Below are the features of this wonderful TTS website:


  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. NaturalReader


Basic intro: NaturalReader is a free Text to Speech software that is suitable for any type of needs whether it be for personal use, reading purposes, or commercial purposes. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech websites available today that can generate natural-sounding voices in high quality. It also supports OCR technology which helps users to listen to text from scanned documents or images. And there’s even more to it, so NaturalReader can be one of the best choices for free Spanish Text to Speech converter website.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It too has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader Online:


  • Can read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.
  • It offers over 100 natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • Also includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • It allows conversion up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices in the free plan.


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free voices are very limited.

5. TTSReader


Basic intro: TTSReader is one of the very few Text to Speech converter websites that are completely free. Well, it seems to have a commercial plan but it is still completely free for personal and general use. Not just simple text, but it can also instantly read-aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. It is a lightweight online tool that doesn’t require creating accounts and there’s no need for any download as well. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it. There are various options of natural-sounding voices in Spanish and different languages and accents. Plus, it also has a commercial plan that you can use to create audios for commercial purposes.

TTSReader is a limitless free online Text-to-Speech converter that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio without any worries. Following are the features of this free TTS website:


  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Also available for mobile devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is almost like downloading.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

6. Murf.ai


Basic Intro: Murf.ai is a professional and advanced Text to Speech converter website that uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technologies for generating artificial voice. It is a very popular online tool that is widely known for its ability to make studio-quality voiceovers easily in minutes. Murf is mainly focused on creating realistic natural human voices with AI by getting rid of robotic and unnatural tones. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

Even though Murf is free to try and use with its free plan, it also offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with its awesome features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • It offers over 120 different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It provides royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only one user without options for collaboration in the free plan.

7. Notevibes


Basic Intro: Notevibes is another free Spanish Text-to-Speech converter website on our list that can instantly convert your text into natural-sounding speech with AI. With around 221 high-quality voices and 25 different languages including the premium ones, they have a huge collection of voice options from the most popular providers like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and IBM to choose from. Notevibes also comes with great features for additional adjustments along with a well-designed interface, so you will have an overall better experience generating voice from the text without any difficulties.

Notevibes actually is a premium Text-to-Speech software, but it also has a free version which we would say is self-sufficient with many voice options for the Spanish language.


  • It allows up to 2000 characters for text to speech conversion.
  • Large library of free voice options in many languages including Spanish.
  • Advanced editor to add pauses in one click, change speed, and pitch, control volume, etc.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Ability to emphasize specific words along with unique options of spell-out, cardinal, ordinal, and digits.
  • It grants you intellectual rights to freely use or sell voices (in some paid plans only).
  • Backups are available for 14 days, so your work is safe (only for paid plans).
  • Has options for adding dialogs and downloading the audio as mp3.


  • Very limited on the number of characters
  • Does not provide commercial rights in the free version.

8. Wideo


Basic intro: Wideo can be the simplest Text to Speech converter website that you can use online. It is very simple and straightforward that everybody can use it without any problem. However, Wideo is originally an online video maker that helps you create promo videos, explainer videos, demo videos, presentations, etc. while text to speech conversion is another one of its functionalities. But still, it has got all the basic features that a Text to Speech converter should have. Wideo free Text to Speech software integrates with Google Text-to-Speech API, so the quality of its voices is as good as other paid software. Additionally, this free Text to Speech functionality works even better with Wideo’s video maker.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest websites you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the site and no login and credit card required.


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters without any specific pricing plan to remove the restriction.

9. IBM Watson Text to Speech


Basic intro: IBM Watson Text to Speech is a popular as well as powerful online Text to Speech converter that converts text into natural-sounding speech in a variety of languages and voices. It uses the latest AI and Machine Learning technology to provide real-time speech synthesis service for multilingual natural-sounding voices. And, IBM Watson Text to Speech also allows the creation of a distinct custom AI voice for a particular brand or business. Plus, one of its strongest points is that it provides end-to-end encryption, so the data are safe and privacy is maintained.

IBM Watson Text to Speech is one of the leaders in the field of TTS with its up-to-date technologies. Despite being so advanced and professional, it is generous enough to offer a free plan ‘Lite’ with the features below:


  • It offers 35 natural-sounding neural voices across 16 different languages including Spanish.
  • Allows a maximum of 10,000 characters per month for conversion.
  • It provides End-to-end encryption even in the free plan.
  • It uses the latest AI and Machine learning technology for real-time speech synthesis.
  • Professional features like the creation of custom neural voices with AI (in paid plans only)
  • Advanced audio adjustment tools available along with options for downloads.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.

10. Amazon Polly


Basic intro: When it comes to a professional Text to Speech service, Amazon Polly is always on the list. But it is not just advanced and professional, it is also a free Text to Speech converter that you can use to turn text into life-like speech, create applications that talk, etc. Amazon Polly is a cloud-based service by Amazon that uses deep learning technologies and AI technology to synthesize realistic human speech in dozens of voices across many different languages. It offers Neural Text-to-Speech voices in addition to Standard TTS voices that deliver advanced improvements in speech quality through a new machine learning approach. Plus, one of the unique features of Amazon Polly is that it lets you create a custom AI voice for the brand or organization.

Amazon Polly is an advanced text-to-speech service that is almost always up to date with the latest technology. Despite that, it does offer a free plan to try Amazon Polly with its AWS Free Tier.


  • Ability to stream audio in real-time or store & redistribute speech.
  • Customisation & control options available for speech output.
  • It offers 5 million characters free per month for 12 months with the AWS Free Tier.
  • It provides one of the most realistic and natural-sounding voices with its latest technology.
  • A large number of voice options are available across a broad set of languages including Spanish.
  • Supports API integration for applications or any products.
  • It can create a custom voice for the exclusive use of your organization.


  • Not suitable for beginner and basic use.
  • Cannot get started right away as it requires login and detailed information.


Above are the 10 best Spanish Text to Speech converter websites that lets you convert text into audio for free. As you might have already noticed, this article also contains some websites that are not completely free but offer a free plan. We could have managed to research a list of all completely free TTS converter websites but we believe these websites offer even greater value in their free version than the completely free ones. Also, each TTS converter in this list can be used for a specific purpose. For example, NaturalReader might be the best choice for listening to text from documents, texttospeech.io for personal use while Murf.ai can be used to learn about new AI TTS technologies.

Therefore, its upto you to decide what you want to use. This is our collection of 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Websites and we hope that this will be helpful to you.

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  • Title: Updated In 2024, Create Promotional Video
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:32
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:32
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-in-2024-create-promotional-video/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated In 2024, Create Promotional Video