Updated In 2024, Creating Video Testimonials

Updated In 2024, Creating Video Testimonials

Chloe Lv12

Creating Video Testimonials

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions. The key is to create videos that showcase your best customers’ most flattering moments, but you need the right elements in place first.

Your script is vital

write your script

You know you need a script, but how do you make sure it’s good?

  • First, make sure it’s clear and concise. Don’t waste time on lengthy descriptions or flowery language. Your video should be easy to understand, so let the script do the heavy lifting for you. Don’t get overly wordy; use short sentences and phrases that keep the viewer engaged throughout your testimonial.
  • Next, research your subject matter thoroughly before writing any script content at all. This will ensure that people watching feel like they’re getting an accurate portrayal of their company/product/service rather than just hearing what they want while they’re busy doing something else (like trying out a new app).
  • Lastly, once researched thoroughly enough to write detailed scripts, start working on writing those scripts into something coherent but still engaging enough for anyone watching regardless of whether they have any prior knowledge about whatever topic is being discussed by way of video testimonials.

Your talent is important

video talent

Talent is the most important element in creating a quality video testimonial, and this may seem like an obvious statement. However, it is important that you recruit someone who represents your brand well. This can be a celebrity, thought leader, or customer. If you are working with celebrities, for example, make sure they represent your products or services well and are not just there for the money (or social media).

If you are working with someone like a celebrity, be sure to interview them beforehand so that their story feels natural when telling it in front of the camera. In addition to finding someone who fits well with your product/service offering and brand image; look at other aspects such as age range and ethnicity when picking an appropriate talent partner.

Use only HD resolution

use only hd resolution

  • HD resolution is the minimum resolution you should use. If you’re shooting a project that doesn’t need to be broadcast at a high quality, then we recommend shooting your testimonial in standard definition (SD). But if it’s possible, or if you have a higher budget, consider investing in HD equipment and filming in 720p or higher.
  • This can make all of the difference when it comes to the clarity and quality of the video. Plus, when using HD cameras and editing software like Wondershare Filmora , Final Cut, or Adobe Premiere, you’ll get more than just better-looking images—you’ll also be able to export files that are larger than those created by SD cameras.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Filming elements are essential

filming elements

To get the most out of your video testimonial, first, you need to be close to the camera and look directly into it. This will increase the rapport between you and your customers, making them feel like they are right there with you—and in turn creating trust.

Then, you also need to be wearing good quality clothing that fits well. Having an outfit that makes you look attractive (but not overly sexy) can make all the difference when it comes to conveying confidence and professionalism.

Finally, smile while filming! This is important because smiling helps people connect with those around them better than any other facial expression can do alone. If possible, try smiling even before turning on your camera so that people can see who they are dealing with before having any contact at all!

Where to place the videos

share testimonial vdieo

Now that you’ve got your video testimonials in hand, it’s time to put them to work. There are several key places where you should consider placing your videos:

  • On your homepage
  • On landing pages
  • On blog posts or articles that mention the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • In social media posts and ads that promote the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • As part of email newsletters sent out by you and your client(s).

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions.

In the world of digital marketing, there’s no shortage of ways to get your audience’s attention. But one strategy that continues to work well is the use of video testimonials. Video testimonials are a great way to get your customers talking about how much they love your product or service—and how much it has helped them.

Video testimonials can help you:

  • Increase conversion rates by 10-20% or more
  • Generate more leads and sales quickly
  • Demonstrate the value of your products and services

The Bottom Line

When you put in the right effort, video testimonials can be an incredibly powerful tool for generating trust and conversions. Video testimonials are a great way to show off your product or service, but they’re also a way to build relationships with potential customers by demonstrating how much they’ve helped others. If you want to generate more sales, then consider implementing this strategy into your marketing plan today!

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Filming elements are essential

filming elements

To get the most out of your video testimonial, first, you need to be close to the camera and look directly into it. This will increase the rapport between you and your customers, making them feel like they are right there with you—and in turn creating trust.

Then, you also need to be wearing good quality clothing that fits well. Having an outfit that makes you look attractive (but not overly sexy) can make all the difference when it comes to conveying confidence and professionalism.

Finally, smile while filming! This is important because smiling helps people connect with those around them better than any other facial expression can do alone. If possible, try smiling even before turning on your camera so that people can see who they are dealing with before having any contact at all!

Where to place the videos

share testimonial vdieo

Now that you’ve got your video testimonials in hand, it’s time to put them to work. There are several key places where you should consider placing your videos:

  • On your homepage
  • On landing pages
  • On blog posts or articles that mention the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • In social media posts and ads that promote the product/service being promoted (whether yours or a competitor’s)
  • As part of email newsletters sent out by you and your client(s).

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions

Video testimonials are a powerful way to generate trust and conversions.

In the world of digital marketing, there’s no shortage of ways to get your audience’s attention. But one strategy that continues to work well is the use of video testimonials. Video testimonials are a great way to get your customers talking about how much they love your product or service—and how much it has helped them.

Video testimonials can help you:

  • Increase conversion rates by 10-20% or more
  • Generate more leads and sales quickly
  • Demonstrate the value of your products and services

The Bottom Line

When you put in the right effort, video testimonials can be an incredibly powerful tool for generating trust and conversions. Video testimonials are a great way to show off your product or service, but they’re also a way to build relationships with potential customers by demonstrating how much they’ve helped others. If you want to generate more sales, then consider implementing this strategy into your marketing plan today!

Video Editing is a craft that is highly dependent on various characteristics of your video. But the way one presents it or goes about filming clips also has a profound effect on the end product. And as you may know, not every aspect of a video production activity always goes without hiccups. But editing can come in clutch as it can easily solve minor problems like skewed footage that was shot at the wrong angle or is upside down (an issue that can happen while using mobile phones).

Thus, with this article, we will be looking at steps to rotate a video in Cyberlink PowerDirector to help you when required. We have also mentioned the steps you will need to follow in Wondershare Filmora.

Note: We documented the steps in this guide with PowerDirector 365 and WonderShare Filmora X.

Put yourself in a situation where you’ve just finished filming a project with your smartphone but end up realizing that the footage isn’t in the right orientation by default. While the error has an easy fix on most smartphones, you can also perform this action with video editing tools.

Also, while this form of rotating might be the most basic implementation of the feature, you can often use the feature to add a dynamic nature to your video with Keyframes.

Definition: Keyframes in Video Editing is a software feature that allows an editor to set start and endpoints (denoted by In and Out Markers), presenting the opportunity to custom clip properties between the two positions. The set changes occur gradually as the playhead continues moving through the clip. Properties that can undergo modification with this method are zoom, rotation, colors, positions, etc.

The process of rotating clips is fairly straightforward; once you have PowerDirector 365 open, follow the steps listed below.

If you do not have CyberLink PowerDirector 365, download the software by visiting Cyberlink’s official website.

Step 1: Create a new video project in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 and choose Full Mode.


Note: Full Mode in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 will provide users access to a full-featured video editing tool similar in function to Wondershare Filmora. The other option available is Ad Designer.

Step 2: Now, import media onto the Timeline from the Media Library.

For this guide, we used the pre-existing stock footage in Cyberlink PowerDirector.


Step 3: Now, click on the video file on the Timeline; this will activate the video in the Preview Window. And it will provide you with access to the rotation circle, allowing you to change the orientation of the source file.



Rotation added in the PiP Designer will function as a keyframe-based rotation action. Right-click on the video in the preview window, choose Edit and then Modify to access this menu.


Following this, you can click on the Motion Tab, go into Rotation Settings, and modify the angle with greater precision. In the Preview Window, you will now be able to see the rotating video.


An Easier Way to Crop Video with Wondershare Filmora

Though Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 is a powerful video editing tool, we felt its menus were not as simple to navigate. Accessing the rotate function while available in the forefront, the use of PiP Designer didn’t feel intuitive.

In Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , rotating footage only happens via the Edit Option, and this straightforward approach felt simple. As for those who want to use Keyframes, the integration of this feature right above the Timeline is an appreciated convenience.

This emphasis on quick accessibility is present with almost every function in Filmora, and we believe this to be a significant advantage. The use of modern and unique iconography also increases familiarity, an aspect that will always be welcoming to new and budding creators.

If you do not already have Wondershare Filmora, you can download the software by visiting the official website.

To help you learn how to use the rotate function and show you an example of the easy accessibility in Filmora, here is how you can use the feature to get the output you desire.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have a new project open in Filmora, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Import a Media File to edit into your Video Project.


Step 2: Drag the video clip onto the Timeline and then select it with a mouse click to activate further interactions.


Step 3: Choose the Edit Option (marked in Red).

This will bring up the Edit Window in the left-top corner of your screen.


Step 4: Click on the Transform Menu and use the Rotation Slider to edit the orientation.


Having read this stretch of the guide, we believe you may have noticed how Filmora is more user-friendly and accessible due to its menu layout.


Click on the Keyframe Button (marked in Green) to access the Keyframe Menu that allows you to set points between which a decided amount of rotation can happen.


The Bottom Line

This marks the end of our guide on how to rotate video in PowerDirector 365 and Wondershare Filmora X. Now, while both software are high-capable tools, we feel the keyframe-based working on rotation in Filmora is a lot more intuitive and easy to use. The ability to only have number-based rotation within the edit menu is also a positive, as rotating with a swivel like in PowerDirector isn’t always the most accurate.

And lastly, the modern iconography-based design of Wondershare Filmora is a factor to keep in mind, as this increases usability manifolds.

Note: Full Mode in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 will provide users access to a full-featured video editing tool similar in function to Wondershare Filmora. The other option available is Ad Designer.

Step 2: Now, import media onto the Timeline from the Media Library.

For this guide, we used the pre-existing stock footage in Cyberlink PowerDirector.


Step 3: Now, click on the video file on the Timeline; this will activate the video in the Preview Window. And it will provide you with access to the rotation circle, allowing you to change the orientation of the source file.



Rotation added in the PiP Designer will function as a keyframe-based rotation action. Right-click on the video in the preview window, choose Edit and then Modify to access this menu.


Following this, you can click on the Motion Tab, go into Rotation Settings, and modify the angle with greater precision. In the Preview Window, you will now be able to see the rotating video.


An Easier Way to Crop Video with Wondershare Filmora

Though Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 is a powerful video editing tool, we felt its menus were not as simple to navigate. Accessing the rotate function while available in the forefront, the use of PiP Designer didn’t feel intuitive.

In Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , rotating footage only happens via the Edit Option, and this straightforward approach felt simple. As for those who want to use Keyframes, the integration of this feature right above the Timeline is an appreciated convenience.

This emphasis on quick accessibility is present with almost every function in Filmora, and we believe this to be a significant advantage. The use of modern and unique iconography also increases familiarity, an aspect that will always be welcoming to new and budding creators.

If you do not already have Wondershare Filmora, you can download the software by visiting the official website.

To help you learn how to use the rotate function and show you an example of the easy accessibility in Filmora, here is how you can use the feature to get the output you desire.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have a new project open in Filmora, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Import a Media File to edit into your Video Project.


Step 2: Drag the video clip onto the Timeline and then select it with a mouse click to activate further interactions.


Step 3: Choose the Edit Option (marked in Red).

This will bring up the Edit Window in the left-top corner of your screen.


Step 4: Click on the Transform Menu and use the Rotation Slider to edit the orientation.


Having read this stretch of the guide, we believe you may have noticed how Filmora is more user-friendly and accessible due to its menu layout.


Click on the Keyframe Button (marked in Green) to access the Keyframe Menu that allows you to set points between which a decided amount of rotation can happen.


The Bottom Line

This marks the end of our guide on how to rotate video in PowerDirector 365 and Wondershare Filmora X. Now, while both software are high-capable tools, we feel the keyframe-based working on rotation in Filmora is a lot more intuitive and easy to use. The ability to only have number-based rotation within the edit menu is also a positive, as rotating with a swivel like in PowerDirector isn’t always the most accurate.

And lastly, the modern iconography-based design of Wondershare Filmora is a factor to keep in mind, as this increases usability manifolds.

Note: Full Mode in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 will provide users access to a full-featured video editing tool similar in function to Wondershare Filmora. The other option available is Ad Designer.

Step 2: Now, import media onto the Timeline from the Media Library.

For this guide, we used the pre-existing stock footage in Cyberlink PowerDirector.


Step 3: Now, click on the video file on the Timeline; this will activate the video in the Preview Window. And it will provide you with access to the rotation circle, allowing you to change the orientation of the source file.



Rotation added in the PiP Designer will function as a keyframe-based rotation action. Right-click on the video in the preview window, choose Edit and then Modify to access this menu.


Following this, you can click on the Motion Tab, go into Rotation Settings, and modify the angle with greater precision. In the Preview Window, you will now be able to see the rotating video.


An Easier Way to Crop Video with Wondershare Filmora

Though Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 is a powerful video editing tool, we felt its menus were not as simple to navigate. Accessing the rotate function while available in the forefront, the use of PiP Designer didn’t feel intuitive.

In Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , rotating footage only happens via the Edit Option, and this straightforward approach felt simple. As for those who want to use Keyframes, the integration of this feature right above the Timeline is an appreciated convenience.

This emphasis on quick accessibility is present with almost every function in Filmora, and we believe this to be a significant advantage. The use of modern and unique iconography also increases familiarity, an aspect that will always be welcoming to new and budding creators.

If you do not already have Wondershare Filmora, you can download the software by visiting the official website.

To help you learn how to use the rotate function and show you an example of the easy accessibility in Filmora, here is how you can use the feature to get the output you desire.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have a new project open in Filmora, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Import a Media File to edit into your Video Project.


Step 2: Drag the video clip onto the Timeline and then select it with a mouse click to activate further interactions.


Step 3: Choose the Edit Option (marked in Red).

This will bring up the Edit Window in the left-top corner of your screen.


Step 4: Click on the Transform Menu and use the Rotation Slider to edit the orientation.


Having read this stretch of the guide, we believe you may have noticed how Filmora is more user-friendly and accessible due to its menu layout.


Click on the Keyframe Button (marked in Green) to access the Keyframe Menu that allows you to set points between which a decided amount of rotation can happen.


The Bottom Line

This marks the end of our guide on how to rotate video in PowerDirector 365 and Wondershare Filmora X. Now, while both software are high-capable tools, we feel the keyframe-based working on rotation in Filmora is a lot more intuitive and easy to use. The ability to only have number-based rotation within the edit menu is also a positive, as rotating with a swivel like in PowerDirector isn’t always the most accurate.

And lastly, the modern iconography-based design of Wondershare Filmora is a factor to keep in mind, as this increases usability manifolds.

Note: Full Mode in Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 will provide users access to a full-featured video editing tool similar in function to Wondershare Filmora. The other option available is Ad Designer.

Step 2: Now, import media onto the Timeline from the Media Library.

For this guide, we used the pre-existing stock footage in Cyberlink PowerDirector.


Step 3: Now, click on the video file on the Timeline; this will activate the video in the Preview Window. And it will provide you with access to the rotation circle, allowing you to change the orientation of the source file.



Rotation added in the PiP Designer will function as a keyframe-based rotation action. Right-click on the video in the preview window, choose Edit and then Modify to access this menu.


Following this, you can click on the Motion Tab, go into Rotation Settings, and modify the angle with greater precision. In the Preview Window, you will now be able to see the rotating video.


An Easier Way to Crop Video with Wondershare Filmora

Though Cyberlink PowerDirector 365 is a powerful video editing tool, we felt its menus were not as simple to navigate. Accessing the rotate function while available in the forefront, the use of PiP Designer didn’t feel intuitive.

In Wondershare Filmora Video Editor , rotating footage only happens via the Edit Option, and this straightforward approach felt simple. As for those who want to use Keyframes, the integration of this feature right above the Timeline is an appreciated convenience.

This emphasis on quick accessibility is present with almost every function in Filmora, and we believe this to be a significant advantage. The use of modern and unique iconography also increases familiarity, an aspect that will always be welcoming to new and budding creators.

If you do not already have Wondershare Filmora, you can download the software by visiting the official website.

To help you learn how to use the rotate function and show you an example of the easy accessibility in Filmora, here is how you can use the feature to get the output you desire.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Once you have a new project open in Filmora, follow the steps listed below.

Step 1: Import a Media File to edit into your Video Project.


Step 2: Drag the video clip onto the Timeline and then select it with a mouse click to activate further interactions.


Step 3: Choose the Edit Option (marked in Red).

This will bring up the Edit Window in the left-top corner of your screen.


Step 4: Click on the Transform Menu and use the Rotation Slider to edit the orientation.


Having read this stretch of the guide, we believe you may have noticed how Filmora is more user-friendly and accessible due to its menu layout.


Click on the Keyframe Button (marked in Green) to access the Keyframe Menu that allows you to set points between which a decided amount of rotation can happen.


The Bottom Line

This marks the end of our guide on how to rotate video in PowerDirector 365 and Wondershare Filmora X. Now, while both software are high-capable tools, we feel the keyframe-based working on rotation in Filmora is a lot more intuitive and easy to use. The ability to only have number-based rotation within the edit menu is also a positive, as rotating with a swivel like in PowerDirector isn’t always the most accurate.

And lastly, the modern iconography-based design of Wondershare Filmora is a factor to keep in mind, as this increases usability manifolds.

Best Slow Motion Camera Apps for Best Content Creation

The latest technological advancements have made many things possible. Among such developments include slowing down the captured moments. On the professional level, slow-motion videos are crucial to express the details of complex tasks. The increase in creating and following trends on social media has also lifted the demand for slow-mo shots.

Many applications are being developed considering the amplified demand for slow-mo camera apps. This article will also assist you in finding the best slow-motion camera app to meet different needs. After reading it, you will be able to select the right one. Before delving into the slow-motion camera app, understand its practical implications for good.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What Are Different Practical Applications of Slow-Motion Videos?

Slow-motion videos are not only for posting on social media. It has other practical applications in different industries and for personal use. Slow-motion videos have vast use cases as they make digital content creative and emphasized. If you want to learn how? Let’s move on to the practical implications of slow-motion video in various settings.

  • Sports Analysis: Slow-motion videos are widely used in the sports industry to make the play fair. The sports trainer can analyze the techniques and find the errors to improve his students’ performance. If a person gets injured during a sports session, then slow-motion video can be used to recognize the mechanism of injury. It will help in the rehabilitation and diagnosis of injured persons.
  • Filmmaking and Entertainment: Artists and filmmakers can create stunning scenes in films through such video effects. These slow-motion videos can add emotion and depth to the storytelling. Action scenes become more dramatic and attractive by the slow-motion effect. Also, it enhances the movie’s fight and explosion scenes by giving a dynamic view.
  • Wildlife and Nature Observation: The slow-motion camera app can make you admire wildlife and nature. The video of a lion running behind its target becomes more interesting because of the slow-motion effect. Slow videos enhancing details of plants and flowers give viewers an eye-catching view. Moreover, these videos give wildlife researchers an in-depth analysis.
  • Occupational Safety and Security: Accidents in any occupation can be analyzed easily through slow-motion footage. The sequence of events that led to the accident is analyzed thoroughly in this slow-such video. Additionally, after finding the accident’s root cause, the security and safety systems can be updated.

Part 2: Recognizing the Top Slow Motion Camera Apps in 2024

These days, every other app is offering video speed-changing features. Do you know which is excellent and provides more freedom for this task? If not, keep reading until you recognize the top-notch slow-motion camera app download.

1. Slow Motion Video Fast & Slow-Mo

Turn your recorded speech into slow motion by trying this Android application. This slow mo camera app is designed to ease the post-production of films. Like professional programs, you can change the normal speed of videos on the graph. You can adjust normal videos with a speed slider. It will maintain a smooth transition when speed changes in videos.

slow motion video fast and slow mo

Key Features

  • This tool provides different filters and special effects to glorify scenes. You can use its famous Bleach, Polaroid, or Black and White effects.
  • Apart from slowing your video, this tool aims to ensure its quality. Moreover, it offers a music library and allows you to add a sound of your choice.
  • It can process your video faster with advanced editing. After conversion, users can share their projects directly on social media platforms.

2. Slow Motion Video Camera

For people who are looking for a simple slow-mo camera app, it’s the best one. They just need to upload a video from their gallery and get a slow-motion video. Without any technical operation, it can simply transform your projects. You can choose a specific video part to add a slow-motion effect using this tool.

slow motion video camera app

Key Features

  • Besides making videos slow, you can also use its trimming option. It will cut down the unnecessary parts of your footage.
  • After getting a preview of your changes, you can share the media on any platform. In regard, you can share videos on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Despite slowing down clips, users can make them super-fast. To do so, they just have to move the speed slider to the right.

3. SloPro

It is the best slow-motion camera app that helps in making slow-motion videos. High-speed shoot video can be played in slow motion by this app. It offers optical flow elements to make a video high-quality. Also, the app helps to make any action of a person in slow motion to give a cool look.

slopro slow mo camera app

Key Features

  • The app provides the option to slow down the video by a percentage. You can apply the percentage and see which one is suitable for you.
  • There is an option to fast-motion the video two times, three times, or four times. Depending on the user’s requirement, the fast-motion effect can be adjusted.
  • Video can be made high quality by applying the optical frame option. The frame can also be adjusted from the frame blend option.

4. Motion Camera - Slow Motion

Motion Camera - Slow Motion camera app helps to record the video with motion effects. It allows you to record the video the way you want by offering different effects. You can try all these effects to make videos and impress friends on social media. So, it’s an in-one app that provides various effects for video on one platform.

motion camera slow motion

Key Features

  • This tool lets you record videos in slow motion. If you haven’t recorded it, use its slow button and turn the normal video into the slow one.
  • It does not limit your creativity to making a slow-motion video. Thus, you can also create fast-motion videos to skip boring parts.
  • If you want to blur certain sensitive parts of the video, use this app. It allows you to add a blur effect in video or capture shots in a blur.

5. Efectum - Video Effect Editor

This video editor is an amazing platform for making awesome videos. It has various features for video editing, like slow-motion and fast-motion effects. The app provides more features that make it flexible for all users. Moreover, you can insert relevant music in your content using this slow-motion camera app. There are many categories of music that you can choose from as per your mood.

efectum video effect editor

Key Features

  • The undesired clip or part of the video can be cut through this app. This editor can also trim extra or unnecessary shots recorded in the video.
  • You can add the reverse effect in the video to rewind certain shots. Also, users can record videos in timelapse with complete customization.
  • Despite that, it offers aesthetic filters to enhance your content’s appeal. Moreover, you can create a collage using this platform.

6. Slow Motion Video Fx Editor

If you are still browsing a perfect Slo-mo camera app, end your search on this app. It is an advanced video editor for slow and fast-motion video effects. You can apply the slo-mo and time-lapse quickly with this app. This video editor allows you to adjust speed flexibly according to requirements. With its interactive interface, your editing experience can be smooth and give you an aesthetic appeal.

slow motion video fx editor

Key Features

  • Users can add different filters and effects to the video through this app. Such filters can make videos more captivating.
  • You can add voiceovers and audio to your slow-down clips. This platform offers an extensive music library that caters to every kind of music.
  • After editing footage, you can save it in your gallery with a single click. Besides, you can share on the social media platforms of your choice.

Bonus Part: Helping Create Professional-Grade Videos with Filmora

Slow-motion desktop tools are more powerful and versatile compared to apps. They provide flexibility to customize speed, playback, and other parameters. Professional editors rely on desktop tools instead of a slo-mo camera app for HD footage. In this regard, Wondershare Filmora proves to be a superior platform and the first choice for editors.

It is a video editor with AI integration to replace typical editing methods. You can bring innovation to old patterns of post-production tasks. The AI features of Filmora open the doors for unlimited creativity on one platform. From generating text to converting it into sound and image, Filmora can turn you speechless.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Download Filmora and Explore it to Start a New Project

Go to the official site of Wondershare Filmora and tap to download it. After successful installation, launch it in your system to proceed. Hit the “New Project” from its main interface and enter the main editing window. Now, import your intended video in Filmora and drag it to the timeline.

create new project

Step 2Discover the Ways to Access Uniform Speed Option

Press your keyboard’s “Ctrl + R” keys and navigate to the right-side panel. Alternatively, you can right-click on the video and pick “Uniform Speed” from the list. Both ways will take you to that editing panel, where you can adjust speed.

access uniform speed options

Step 3Adjust Speed and Enhance the Playback

Hold the slider of “Speed” and drag towards the left to slow down the video. Optionally, you can move the slider on the right side for making fast-motion videos. Afterward, enable the “Ripple Edit” and “Maintain Pitch” options for playback enhancement. Then, move down and extend the “AI Frame Interpolation” menu to tap the “Optical Flow.”

set ai frame interpolation to optical flow

Step 4Polish Videos or Export it from Different Ways

Optical flow will make the video slow while retaining its quality. Now, you can use “Audio” and “Transition” icons to polish your clips. When done editing, press the “Ctrl + E” keys to get the “Export” menu to save the video on your PC. In addition, you can use the “Export” button at the top right corner for exporting purposes.

apply transitions and export project

Innovative Key Features of Filmora in Video Editing

If you want to identify exceptional functionalities of Filmora, read this part. Here, we have enlisted some fruitful and trending features to make you explore this platform further.

1. Motion Tracking

Visualize appealing media to inspire the audience with the help of Filmora. AI algorithms in this platform automatically detect moving objects in videos and add neon graphics. The AI motion tracker can also assist you in adding text, titles, smiley faces, and message bubbles. Besides, it can insert a mosaic effect and blur the moving faces to match your content needs.

2. AI Smart Masking

Recording videos in public places can sometimes ruin the best shots. You will not face it with Filmora, as it provides an advanced smart masking feature. It can intelligently recognize objects from video to change their background. With a multi-layer overlay, users can create three-dimensional scenes. Besides, it allows you to make color corrections in footage where required.

3. AI Music Generator

Have you heard that any slo-mo camera app can generate music for you? It is not in the above-highlighted applications, but Filmora can. It can generate music that aligns with your content needs. Users have to define the music length and number of tracks they want. Also, this feature requires you to prompt with music moods you wish to generate.

4. Screen Recorder

Record your screens for lectures, product demos, and gameplays with Filmora. It lets you record the entire screen or a specific window part. This is the most trending feature of Filmora, assisting video meetings. You can streamline recorded video on any popular platform with the recorded voices. Surprisingly, users can show four different mouse clicks along with sounds in recordings.


Ultimately, slow-motion videos can practically serve many benefits in various settings. The slow-motion camera app is helping individuals, but professionals are looking for better options. They should use Wondershare Filmora to use advanced features in making slow motion. Besides, Filmora is an AI platform that can uplift typical ways of video editing. So, try to explore its maximum functionalities after launching it.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What Are Different Practical Applications of Slow-Motion Videos?

Slow-motion videos are not only for posting on social media. It has other practical applications in different industries and for personal use. Slow-motion videos have vast use cases as they make digital content creative and emphasized. If you want to learn how? Let’s move on to the practical implications of slow-motion video in various settings.

  • Sports Analysis: Slow-motion videos are widely used in the sports industry to make the play fair. The sports trainer can analyze the techniques and find the errors to improve his students’ performance. If a person gets injured during a sports session, then slow-motion video can be used to recognize the mechanism of injury. It will help in the rehabilitation and diagnosis of injured persons.
  • Filmmaking and Entertainment: Artists and filmmakers can create stunning scenes in films through such video effects. These slow-motion videos can add emotion and depth to the storytelling. Action scenes become more dramatic and attractive by the slow-motion effect. Also, it enhances the movie’s fight and explosion scenes by giving a dynamic view.
  • Wildlife and Nature Observation: The slow-motion camera app can make you admire wildlife and nature. The video of a lion running behind its target becomes more interesting because of the slow-motion effect. Slow videos enhancing details of plants and flowers give viewers an eye-catching view. Moreover, these videos give wildlife researchers an in-depth analysis.
  • Occupational Safety and Security: Accidents in any occupation can be analyzed easily through slow-motion footage. The sequence of events that led to the accident is analyzed thoroughly in this slow-such video. Additionally, after finding the accident’s root cause, the security and safety systems can be updated.

Part 2: Recognizing the Top Slow Motion Camera Apps in 2024

These days, every other app is offering video speed-changing features. Do you know which is excellent and provides more freedom for this task? If not, keep reading until you recognize the top-notch slow-motion camera app download.

1. Slow Motion Video Fast & Slow-Mo

Turn your recorded speech into slow motion by trying this Android application. This slow mo camera app is designed to ease the post-production of films. Like professional programs, you can change the normal speed of videos on the graph. You can adjust normal videos with a speed slider. It will maintain a smooth transition when speed changes in videos.

slow motion video fast and slow mo

Key Features

  • This tool provides different filters and special effects to glorify scenes. You can use its famous Bleach, Polaroid, or Black and White effects.
  • Apart from slowing your video, this tool aims to ensure its quality. Moreover, it offers a music library and allows you to add a sound of your choice.
  • It can process your video faster with advanced editing. After conversion, users can share their projects directly on social media platforms.

2. Slow Motion Video Camera

For people who are looking for a simple slow-mo camera app, it’s the best one. They just need to upload a video from their gallery and get a slow-motion video. Without any technical operation, it can simply transform your projects. You can choose a specific video part to add a slow-motion effect using this tool.

slow motion video camera app

Key Features

  • Besides making videos slow, you can also use its trimming option. It will cut down the unnecessary parts of your footage.
  • After getting a preview of your changes, you can share the media on any platform. In regard, you can share videos on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Despite slowing down clips, users can make them super-fast. To do so, they just have to move the speed slider to the right.

3. SloPro

It is the best slow-motion camera app that helps in making slow-motion videos. High-speed shoot video can be played in slow motion by this app. It offers optical flow elements to make a video high-quality. Also, the app helps to make any action of a person in slow motion to give a cool look.

slopro slow mo camera app

Key Features

  • The app provides the option to slow down the video by a percentage. You can apply the percentage and see which one is suitable for you.
  • There is an option to fast-motion the video two times, three times, or four times. Depending on the user’s requirement, the fast-motion effect can be adjusted.
  • Video can be made high quality by applying the optical frame option. The frame can also be adjusted from the frame blend option.

4. Motion Camera - Slow Motion

Motion Camera - Slow Motion camera app helps to record the video with motion effects. It allows you to record the video the way you want by offering different effects. You can try all these effects to make videos and impress friends on social media. So, it’s an in-one app that provides various effects for video on one platform.

motion camera slow motion

Key Features

  • This tool lets you record videos in slow motion. If you haven’t recorded it, use its slow button and turn the normal video into the slow one.
  • It does not limit your creativity to making a slow-motion video. Thus, you can also create fast-motion videos to skip boring parts.
  • If you want to blur certain sensitive parts of the video, use this app. It allows you to add a blur effect in video or capture shots in a blur.

5. Efectum - Video Effect Editor

This video editor is an amazing platform for making awesome videos. It has various features for video editing, like slow-motion and fast-motion effects. The app provides more features that make it flexible for all users. Moreover, you can insert relevant music in your content using this slow-motion camera app. There are many categories of music that you can choose from as per your mood.

efectum video effect editor

Key Features

  • The undesired clip or part of the video can be cut through this app. This editor can also trim extra or unnecessary shots recorded in the video.
  • You can add the reverse effect in the video to rewind certain shots. Also, users can record videos in timelapse with complete customization.
  • Despite that, it offers aesthetic filters to enhance your content’s appeal. Moreover, you can create a collage using this platform.

6. Slow Motion Video Fx Editor

If you are still browsing a perfect Slo-mo camera app, end your search on this app. It is an advanced video editor for slow and fast-motion video effects. You can apply the slo-mo and time-lapse quickly with this app. This video editor allows you to adjust speed flexibly according to requirements. With its interactive interface, your editing experience can be smooth and give you an aesthetic appeal.

slow motion video fx editor

Key Features

  • Users can add different filters and effects to the video through this app. Such filters can make videos more captivating.
  • You can add voiceovers and audio to your slow-down clips. This platform offers an extensive music library that caters to every kind of music.
  • After editing footage, you can save it in your gallery with a single click. Besides, you can share on the social media platforms of your choice.

Bonus Part: Helping Create Professional-Grade Videos with Filmora

Slow-motion desktop tools are more powerful and versatile compared to apps. They provide flexibility to customize speed, playback, and other parameters. Professional editors rely on desktop tools instead of a slo-mo camera app for HD footage. In this regard, Wondershare Filmora proves to be a superior platform and the first choice for editors.

It is a video editor with AI integration to replace typical editing methods. You can bring innovation to old patterns of post-production tasks. The AI features of Filmora open the doors for unlimited creativity on one platform. From generating text to converting it into sound and image, Filmora can turn you speechless.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step 1Download Filmora and Explore it to Start a New Project

Go to the official site of Wondershare Filmora and tap to download it. After successful installation, launch it in your system to proceed. Hit the “New Project” from its main interface and enter the main editing window. Now, import your intended video in Filmora and drag it to the timeline.

create new project

Step 2Discover the Ways to Access Uniform Speed Option

Press your keyboard’s “Ctrl + R” keys and navigate to the right-side panel. Alternatively, you can right-click on the video and pick “Uniform Speed” from the list. Both ways will take you to that editing panel, where you can adjust speed.

access uniform speed options

Step 3Adjust Speed and Enhance the Playback

Hold the slider of “Speed” and drag towards the left to slow down the video. Optionally, you can move the slider on the right side for making fast-motion videos. Afterward, enable the “Ripple Edit” and “Maintain Pitch” options for playback enhancement. Then, move down and extend the “AI Frame Interpolation” menu to tap the “Optical Flow.”

set ai frame interpolation to optical flow

Step 4Polish Videos or Export it from Different Ways

Optical flow will make the video slow while retaining its quality. Now, you can use “Audio” and “Transition” icons to polish your clips. When done editing, press the “Ctrl + E” keys to get the “Export” menu to save the video on your PC. In addition, you can use the “Export” button at the top right corner for exporting purposes.

apply transitions and export project

Innovative Key Features of Filmora in Video Editing

If you want to identify exceptional functionalities of Filmora, read this part. Here, we have enlisted some fruitful and trending features to make you explore this platform further.

1. Motion Tracking

Visualize appealing media to inspire the audience with the help of Filmora. AI algorithms in this platform automatically detect moving objects in videos and add neon graphics. The AI motion tracker can also assist you in adding text, titles, smiley faces, and message bubbles. Besides, it can insert a mosaic effect and blur the moving faces to match your content needs.

2. AI Smart Masking

Recording videos in public places can sometimes ruin the best shots. You will not face it with Filmora, as it provides an advanced smart masking feature. It can intelligently recognize objects from video to change their background. With a multi-layer overlay, users can create three-dimensional scenes. Besides, it allows you to make color corrections in footage where required.

3. AI Music Generator

Have you heard that any slo-mo camera app can generate music for you? It is not in the above-highlighted applications, but Filmora can. It can generate music that aligns with your content needs. Users have to define the music length and number of tracks they want. Also, this feature requires you to prompt with music moods you wish to generate.

4. Screen Recorder

Record your screens for lectures, product demos, and gameplays with Filmora. It lets you record the entire screen or a specific window part. This is the most trending feature of Filmora, assisting video meetings. You can streamline recorded video on any popular platform with the recorded voices. Surprisingly, users can show four different mouse clicks along with sounds in recordings.


Ultimately, slow-motion videos can practically serve many benefits in various settings. The slow-motion camera app is helping individuals, but professionals are looking for better options. They should use Wondershare Filmora to use advanced features in making slow motion. Besides, Filmora is an AI platform that can uplift typical ways of video editing. So, try to explore its maximum functionalities after launching it.

Create Slide Masking Effect Intro


What you need to prepare:

  • A computer (Windows or macOS)
  • Your video materials.
  • Filmora video editor

Free Download Free Download

Step 1

The first thing you want to do is download the Filmora video editor . Hit Install and allow the application to start automatically.

Step 2

Once the program loads, head straight over to the Titles tab and drag the Basic Title to Track 3 on the Timeline.

Also, drag the clip from the right side towards the left to make it 4 seconds long.

add title in filmora

Step 3

Double-click on the Title clip in the Timeline and edit your Title’s font and size. A panel like this one should pop up when you double-click. When you’re done, click OK.

edit text in filmora

Step 4

Now, take a snapshot of the new Title that you just created.

make snapshot in filmora

Step 5

Next, we’re going to need a few more snapshots. But this time, double-click on the Title again and change its color to whichever one you like. Once you’ve changed its color, go ahead and click the same button as in Step 4 to take another snapshot.

change text color in filmora

Step 6

Next, double-click on the Title once again and go to “ADVANCED”. From there, go to Add Shape and select the Rectangle shape.

add shape to text

Step 7

Look to the left side panel and switch OFF the Text Fill button. Then, scroll down to the bottom and change the Shape Fill color to White.

change shape fill color filmora

Step 8

Now, adjust the rectangle’s shape to a thin line, rotate it, and move it into position like in the image.

adjust shape

Step 9

Delete the text layer from the Advanced panel.

delete text layer

Step 10

The final step in the Advanced panel is to go to the Animation tab from the left side panel and select the Round Zoom Out animation preset. Then, click OK.

round zoom out animation

Step 11

Now, it’s time to align the clips in the Timeline. First, move your Default Title clip 5 frames further. Then, drag the first snapshot to Track one and move it 8 frames forward.

align clips in filmora

Step 12

Go to Sample Color and drag the Black color to Track 3 in the Timeline. Align it directly on top of where the clip in Track 1 starts. Then, double-click on the black color clip and align it like in the image here.

align clip

Step 13

Now, place the Playhead at the beginning of the clip in Track 1. Then, double-click the snapshot clip in Track 1. Now, start increasing the value of the X-axis until it makes the text disappear, just as in this image here.

edit snapshot in filmora

Step 14

Next, move the Playhead 10 frames further. Then, reset the position values by clicking on this button.

reset position values

Step 15

Now, move the Playhead once more and set it at 3 seconds and 10 frames. Then, click on the “+Add” button to add another keyframe.

add keyframe in filmora

Step 16

Move the Playhead to the end of the snapshot clip and set the value of the X axis to 391. Then, reduce the opacity to 0%. Move the Playhead at the start of the snapshot clip and reduce the opacity to 0% there as well.

change opacity in filmora

Step 17

Next, Export the clip to your PC. Just hit the Export button near the top-center of the screen. Then, select all of your clips in the Timeline and move them one track above. Then, drag the second snapshot you took earlier to Track 1.

drag snapshot to timeline

Step 18

Select the Black Color clip once again and move the position of the Black box like this.

move position of clip

Step 19

Now, hide the clip on Track 2 by pressing this button next to it.

hide clip in filmora

Step 20

Click on the second snapshot clip located in Track 1. Then, repeat the process of adding keyframes just like we did with the first snapshot. Review the previous steps to get this right. This time, remember to slide the X axis to the LEFT instead of RIGHT. Just drag the values to the left.

Step 21

Export this. Then, delete all the clips in the Timeline. Now, import both clips you exported earlier during these steps. Also, import a background video that you’d like to appear behind your slide masking text effect.

Step 22

Next, drag the clips to Timeline and adjust each of them to be the same length. Four seconds is a good option.

Step 23

Double-click on the first clip (not the background clip). Go to Video and under Blending Mode select Lighten.

blending mode filmora

Step 24

Drop your second clip to Track three and repeat the same edits for it.

Step 25

Set the Playhead on frame three and drop the Motion Shape element from the Elements tab on Track 4.

motion shape element

Step 26

Finally, copy and paste the element near the end of the video and Render the project. Then, review your masterpiece. That’s it!

copy element filmora


What you’ve learned:

  • Create a slide masking effect intro in Filmora
  • Customize masks in the Filmora video editor
  • How to take snapshots and edit them thoroughly
  • Add keyframes

Free Download Free Download

What you need to prepare:

  • A computer (Windows or macOS)
  • Your video materials.
  • Filmora video editor

Free Download Free Download

Step 1

The first thing you want to do is download the Filmora video editor . Hit Install and allow the application to start automatically.

Step 2

Once the program loads, head straight over to the Titles tab and drag the Basic Title to Track 3 on the Timeline.

Also, drag the clip from the right side towards the left to make it 4 seconds long.

add title in filmora

Step 3

Double-click on the Title clip in the Timeline and edit your Title’s font and size. A panel like this one should pop up when you double-click. When you’re done, click OK.

edit text in filmora

Step 4

Now, take a snapshot of the new Title that you just created.

make snapshot in filmora

Step 5

Next, we’re going to need a few more snapshots. But this time, double-click on the Title again and change its color to whichever one you like. Once you’ve changed its color, go ahead and click the same button as in Step 4 to take another snapshot.

change text color in filmora

Step 6

Next, double-click on the Title once again and go to “ADVANCED”. From there, go to Add Shape and select the Rectangle shape.

add shape to text

Step 7

Look to the left side panel and switch OFF the Text Fill button. Then, scroll down to the bottom and change the Shape Fill color to White.

change shape fill color filmora

Step 8

Now, adjust the rectangle’s shape to a thin line, rotate it, and move it into position like in the image.

adjust shape

Step 9

Delete the text layer from the Advanced panel.

delete text layer

Step 10

The final step in the Advanced panel is to go to the Animation tab from the left side panel and select the Round Zoom Out animation preset. Then, click OK.

round zoom out animation

Step 11

Now, it’s time to align the clips in the Timeline. First, move your Default Title clip 5 frames further. Then, drag the first snapshot to Track one and move it 8 frames forward.

align clips in filmora

Step 12

Go to Sample Color and drag the Black color to Track 3 in the Timeline. Align it directly on top of where the clip in Track 1 starts. Then, double-click on the black color clip and align it like in the image here.

align clip

Step 13

Now, place the Playhead at the beginning of the clip in Track 1. Then, double-click the snapshot clip in Track 1. Now, start increasing the value of the X-axis until it makes the text disappear, just as in this image here.

edit snapshot in filmora

Step 14

Next, move the Playhead 10 frames further. Then, reset the position values by clicking on this button.

reset position values

Step 15

Now, move the Playhead once more and set it at 3 seconds and 10 frames. Then, click on the “+Add” button to add another keyframe.

add keyframe in filmora

Step 16

Move the Playhead to the end of the snapshot clip and set the value of the X axis to 391. Then, reduce the opacity to 0%. Move the Playhead at the start of the snapshot clip and reduce the opacity to 0% there as well.

change opacity in filmora

Step 17

Next, Export the clip to your PC. Just hit the Export button near the top-center of the screen. Then, select all of your clips in the Timeline and move them one track above. Then, drag the second snapshot you took earlier to Track 1.

drag snapshot to timeline

Step 18

Select the Black Color clip once again and move the position of the Black box like this.

move position of clip

Step 19

Now, hide the clip on Track 2 by pressing this button next to it.

hide clip in filmora

Step 20

Click on the second snapshot clip located in Track 1. Then, repeat the process of adding keyframes just like we did with the first snapshot. Review the previous steps to get this right. This time, remember to slide the X axis to the LEFT instead of RIGHT. Just drag the values to the left.

Step 21

Export this. Then, delete all the clips in the Timeline. Now, import both clips you exported earlier during these steps. Also, import a background video that you’d like to appear behind your slide masking text effect.

Step 22

Next, drag the clips to Timeline and adjust each of them to be the same length. Four seconds is a good option.

Step 23

Double-click on the first clip (not the background clip). Go to Video and under Blending Mode select Lighten.

blending mode filmora

Step 24

Drop your second clip to Track three and repeat the same edits for it.

Step 25

Set the Playhead on frame three and drop the Motion Shape element from the Elements tab on Track 4.

motion shape element

Step 26

Finally, copy and paste the element near the end of the video and Render the project. Then, review your masterpiece. That’s it!

copy element filmora


What you’ve learned:

  • Create a slide masking effect intro in Filmora
  • Customize masks in the Filmora video editor
  • How to take snapshots and edit them thoroughly
  • Add keyframes

Free Download Free Download

What you need to prepare:

  • A computer (Windows or macOS)
  • Your video materials.
  • Filmora video editor

Free Download Free Download

Step 1

The first thing you want to do is download the Filmora video editor . Hit Install and allow the application to start automatically.

Step 2

Once the program loads, head straight over to the Titles tab and drag the Basic Title to Track 3 on the Timeline.

Also, drag the clip from the right side towards the left to make it 4 seconds long.

add title in filmora

Step 3

Double-click on the Title clip in the Timeline and edit your Title’s font and size. A panel like this one should pop up when you double-click. When you’re done, click OK.

edit text in filmora

Step 4

Now, take a snapshot of the new Title that you just created.

make snapshot in filmora

Step 5

Next, we’re going to need a few more snapshots. But this time, double-click on the Title again and change its color to whichever one you like. Once you’ve changed its color, go ahead and click the same button as in Step 4 to take another snapshot.

change text color in filmora

Step 6

Next, double-click on the Title once again and go to “ADVANCED”. From there, go to Add Shape and select the Rectangle shape.

add shape to text

Step 7

Look to the left side panel and switch OFF the Text Fill button. Then, scroll down to the bottom and change the Shape Fill color to White.

change shape fill color filmora

Step 8

Now, adjust the rectangle’s shape to a thin line, rotate it, and move it into position like in the image.

adjust shape

Step 9

Delete the text layer from the Advanced panel.

delete text layer

Step 10

The final step in the Advanced panel is to go to the Animation tab from the left side panel and select the Round Zoom Out animation preset. Then, click OK.

round zoom out animation

Step 11

Now, it’s time to align the clips in the Timeline. First, move your Default Title clip 5 frames further. Then, drag the first snapshot to Track one and move it 8 frames forward.

align clips in filmora

Step 12

Go to Sample Color and drag the Black color to Track 3 in the Timeline. Align it directly on top of where the clip in Track 1 starts. Then, double-click on the black color clip and align it like in the image here.

align clip

Step 13

Now, place the Playhead at the beginning of the clip in Track 1. Then, double-click the snapshot clip in Track 1. Now, start increasing the value of the X-axis until it makes the text disappear, just as in this image here.

edit snapshot in filmora

Step 14

Next, move the Playhead 10 frames further. Then, reset the position values by clicking on this button.

reset position values

Step 15

Now, move the Playhead once more and set it at 3 seconds and 10 frames. Then, click on the “+Add” button to add another keyframe.

add keyframe in filmora

Step 16

Move the Playhead to the end of the snapshot clip and set the value of the X axis to 391. Then, reduce the opacity to 0%. Move the Playhead at the start of the snapshot clip and reduce the opacity to 0% there as well.

change opacity in filmora

Step 17

Next, Export the clip to your PC. Just hit the Export button near the top-center of the screen. Then, select all of your clips in the Timeline and move them one track above. Then, drag the second snapshot you took earlier to Track 1.

drag snapshot to timeline

Step 18

Select the Black Color clip once again and move the position of the Black box like this.

move position of clip

Step 19

Now, hide the clip on Track 2 by pressing this button next to it.

hide clip in filmora

Step 20

Click on the second snapshot clip located in Track 1. Then, repeat the process of adding keyframes just like we did with the first snapshot. Review the previous steps to get this right. This time, remember to slide the X axis to the LEFT instead of RIGHT. Just drag the values to the left.

Step 21

Export this. Then, delete all the clips in the Timeline. Now, import both clips you exported earlier during these steps. Also, import a background video that you’d like to appear behind your slide masking text effect.

Step 22

Next, drag the clips to Timeline and adjust each of them to be the same length. Four seconds is a good option.

Step 23

Double-click on the first clip (not the background clip). Go to Video and under Blending Mode select Lighten.

blending mode filmora

Step 24

Drop your second clip to Track three and repeat the same edits for it.

Step 25

Set the Playhead on frame three and drop the Motion Shape element from the Elements tab on Track 4.

motion shape element

Step 26

Finally, copy and paste the element near the end of the video and Render the project. Then, review your masterpiece. That’s it!

copy element filmora


What you’ve learned:

  • Create a slide masking effect intro in Filmora
  • Customize masks in the Filmora video editor
  • How to take snapshots and edit them thoroughly
  • Add keyframes

Free Download Free Download

What you need to prepare:

  • A computer (Windows or macOS)
  • Your video materials.
  • Filmora video editor

Free Download Free Download

Step 1

The first thing you want to do is download the Filmora video editor . Hit Install and allow the application to start automatically.

Step 2

Once the program loads, head straight over to the Titles tab and drag the Basic Title to Track 3 on the Timeline.

Also, drag the clip from the right side towards the left to make it 4 seconds long.

add title in filmora

Step 3

Double-click on the Title clip in the Timeline and edit your Title’s font and size. A panel like this one should pop up when you double-click. When you’re done, click OK.

edit text in filmora

Step 4

Now, take a snapshot of the new Title that you just created.

make snapshot in filmora

Step 5

Next, we’re going to need a few more snapshots. But this time, double-click on the Title again and change its color to whichever one you like. Once you’ve changed its color, go ahead and click the same button as in Step 4 to take another snapshot.

change text color in filmora

Step 6

Next, double-click on the Title once again and go to “ADVANCED”. From there, go to Add Shape and select the Rectangle shape.

add shape to text

Step 7

Look to the left side panel and switch OFF the Text Fill button. Then, scroll down to the bottom and change the Shape Fill color to White.

change shape fill color filmora

Step 8

Now, adjust the rectangle’s shape to a thin line, rotate it, and move it into position like in the image.

adjust shape

Step 9

Delete the text layer from the Advanced panel.

delete text layer

Step 10

The final step in the Advanced panel is to go to the Animation tab from the left side panel and select the Round Zoom Out animation preset. Then, click OK.

round zoom out animation

Step 11

Now, it’s time to align the clips in the Timeline. First, move your Default Title clip 5 frames further. Then, drag the first snapshot to Track one and move it 8 frames forward.

align clips in filmora

Step 12

Go to Sample Color and drag the Black color to Track 3 in the Timeline. Align it directly on top of where the clip in Track 1 starts. Then, double-click on the black color clip and align it like in the image here.

align clip

Step 13

Now, place the Playhead at the beginning of the clip in Track 1. Then, double-click the snapshot clip in Track 1. Now, start increasing the value of the X-axis until it makes the text disappear, just as in this image here.

edit snapshot in filmora

Step 14

Next, move the Playhead 10 frames further. Then, reset the position values by clicking on this button.

reset position values

Step 15

Now, move the Playhead once more and set it at 3 seconds and 10 frames. Then, click on the “+Add” button to add another keyframe.

add keyframe in filmora

Step 16

Move the Playhead to the end of the snapshot clip and set the value of the X axis to 391. Then, reduce the opacity to 0%. Move the Playhead at the start of the snapshot clip and reduce the opacity to 0% there as well.

change opacity in filmora

Step 17

Next, Export the clip to your PC. Just hit the Export button near the top-center of the screen. Then, select all of your clips in the Timeline and move them one track above. Then, drag the second snapshot you took earlier to Track 1.

drag snapshot to timeline

Step 18

Select the Black Color clip once again and move the position of the Black box like this.

move position of clip

Step 19

Now, hide the clip on Track 2 by pressing this button next to it.

hide clip in filmora

Step 20

Click on the second snapshot clip located in Track 1. Then, repeat the process of adding keyframes just like we did with the first snapshot. Review the previous steps to get this right. This time, remember to slide the X axis to the LEFT instead of RIGHT. Just drag the values to the left.

Step 21

Export this. Then, delete all the clips in the Timeline. Now, import both clips you exported earlier during these steps. Also, import a background video that you’d like to appear behind your slide masking text effect.

Step 22

Next, drag the clips to Timeline and adjust each of them to be the same length. Four seconds is a good option.

Step 23

Double-click on the first clip (not the background clip). Go to Video and under Blending Mode select Lighten.

blending mode filmora

Step 24

Drop your second clip to Track three and repeat the same edits for it.

Step 25

Set the Playhead on frame three and drop the Motion Shape element from the Elements tab on Track 4.

motion shape element

Step 26

Finally, copy and paste the element near the end of the video and Render the project. Then, review your masterpiece. That’s it!

copy element filmora


What you’ve learned:

  • Create a slide masking effect intro in Filmora
  • Customize masks in the Filmora video editor
  • How to take snapshots and edit them thoroughly
  • Add keyframes

Free Download Free Download

Also read:

  • Title: Updated In 2024, Creating Video Testimonials
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:33
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:33
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-in-2024-creating-video-testimonials/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated In 2024, Creating Video Testimonials