Updated In 2024, How To Change Text In Premiere Pro

Updated In 2024, How To Change Text In Premiere Pro

Chloe Lv12

How To Change Text In Premiere Pro

One of the most fundamental and significant tasks in the editing process is knowing how to change text in Premiere Pro. Any skill level may easily do this with the help of Premiere. Your workflow will be streamlined and accelerated by using a template to apply change text Premiere Pro, and it could even inspire you to use your imagination to create some effects of your own! Follow this guide for the details on how to change text in Adobe Premiere.

By using customization and animated motion, Premiere also does a wonderful job of enabling an editor to create dynamic text. The keyboard shortcut is the quickest method to create a text file as well as change text in Premiere Pro. Given that each approach has a unique set of applications, it is crucial to be familiar with them all. Learn step-by-step how to change text in Adobe Premiere in this tutorial.

Part 1. Types of Text to Add in PR

You may not be aware of all the many characteristics that a text file might have. The font’s style, size, and color are only the tip of the iceberg.

FX Reflection : Reflection FX settings for Premiere Pro give your text or logo a reflecting appearance. 5 different preset types that you may mix and match to obtain different reflections. Reflection FX is a great pack for making text that blends into an environment or has a 3D appearance. It allows you to give your text several sorts of reflected texture effects.

Digital Blocks Text : Digital Blocks Text Animator is a bundle of chic text animation presets is called Text Animator. This one-of-a-kind, geometric preset collection may be used for a wide range of effects, including glitching, lower thirds, dramatic titles, animations, and more. Use this tool to make cinematic, corporate, wedding, or glitch titles, animation typography, lower thirds, or movie titles.

Colored Glitch : Any technology-related movies often use colored glitch effects. This animation glitch preset collection is made up of geometric shapes and vivid colors. It’s really easy to use and produces dramatic, complicated effects. These effects may be easily produced in Premiere Pro with a little color tweak.

Impulse Text : It is really easy to do; all that is needed to create the desired appearance is to vary the size of the layers. This dynamic text transitions set is bold and styled for designers with a lot of guts. Impress viewers by having your titles exit the screen as quickly as dramatically as they came in.

3D Text : This 3D Text Animation set is perfect if you need some text that will stand out in a presentation or video. It doesn’t have a lot of crazy effects or color changes, but it makes your text move in 3D space and is guaranteed to catch your audience’s eye.

Wiggle Animation of Text : For vloggers looking for that hand-drawn impression while preserving a little bit of subtlety, Wiggle text is a good option. It’s a customizable wiggle text effect package with various presets and a beginner-friendly video guide.

Part 2. How to Change Text on Video with PR

The new technique of text creation is more user-friendly and has greater integration than previously. The older methods had their advantages, but the modern methods undoubtedly take things to the next level. The older methods handled text like it was independent, discrete video clips that could be put into your source monitor and then chopped into the timeline. Overall, this method of adding text to your movie is fast, easy, but rather restricted; for many videos, this may be sufficient.

Step1Adding Text

Press the CTRL+T on Windows or if you’re on MacBook, then press CMD+T keyboard shortcut with your sequence chosen. Both on the sequence and in the Program window, a new text file will show up.

text panel premiere

Step2Choosing the Type Tool

Drag a text box onto your movie using the Type Tool, then start typing. You may need to go to Windows > Tools and click and hold Type Tool if it isn’t already visible. Use the Type Tool by clicking on its icon in the Tool panel or by using the T key on your keyboard. A new text file should then emerge on the sequence and Program window once you click anywhere within the Program window.

text tool in premiere pro

Step3Edit Your Text

You may make simple text modifications, such as changing the font’s size, color, or style, by opening the Essential Graphics panel (Window > Essential Graphics). The right side of the screen will display the Essential Graphics panel. Select Text when you click the New Layer button as shown below. The sequence and program window should display a text file.

essential graphics text editing

Step4Make your text animated

Use the Effect Controls panel, where you can add motion, to add some simple movement to your text. Keyframes may be used to make rolling credits or to give a title a rotating effect.

animate text premiere pro

Part 3. Alternative way to edit text in video

A text effect may significantly increase the production value of any project, whether you are editing YouTube videos, a science fiction movie, or a commercial. You’ll be able to get inventive with frame duplication and quality tweaking to produce a variety of effects if you understand how to make a glitch effect from start. For this reason, we advise using Wondershare Filmora as a quick fix before using text effects in your projects.

If you don’t consider yourself an expert in motion graphics, have you ever had a wonderful idea for an animated title, wacky typography, or other entertaining text effects? Fortunately, applying text effects in Filmora is quite easy. Additionally, having a backup plan in mind enhances your effectiveness during a negotiation. Filmora is brimming with highlights, astounding motions, and titles to spice up your finished film and give it a polished look. Let’s look at using Filmora to alter text in your video.

Step1Open the Filmora Editor

You must first launch the software application in order to go further without difficulty. To do so, choose the Video Editor button in the startup window. The following editor panel will then appear:

open the filmora editor

Step2Adding text to the timeline

Filmora quickly imports your files and then groups everything under the Import area. The imported files are easily visible, and you can start working with the text animation by adding the necessary ones to the timeline below from that area. Just drag the files to the timeline as seen below. Additionally, a variety of options are shown; you must choose the one where you want your text to appear.

adding text to the timeline

Step3Animate the Text

Animate By assisting you with font, style, color, alignment, and everything else, Filmora helps you make your text animation using the controller window as shown below. The Advanced option, located in the editor tab, allows you to give your text motion.

animate the text

Step4Export the File

You can also use the software’s Preview window to check the animation you’ve chosen and then add it to the timeline with a few easy drag-and-drop operations. You may now save the instructive video for sharing on social media after completing its creation and editing. You have the option of saving the file as an MP4, WMV, AVI, MOV, or even in GIF file.


Text and titles may be used to easily build simple animations in Premiere. In summary, learning how to change text on premiere pro is addressed in detail. The majority of the change text in Premiere Pro presets will be compatible to you now. Though there are loads of complications with different versions of PR, Filmora, on the other hand, gives you the option to add some excellent text effects to your films in a simplified manner. Refer to this toolkit as PR alternative to change text in Premiere Pro files effectively.

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Blender Green Screen Effects

Blender is an open-source cross-platform 3D graphics program, but this doesn’t mean it’s a low-rent option. Just like commercial packages like Lightwave 3D, it is also a very capable compositing package. Unlike Lightwave, it is a modern node-based compositor like Nuke or Fusion. It’s not what the software is designed for, but it does a bangup job of green screen compositing, as you will soon see.

Blender green screen uses technique of the chroma key a color is isolated (in our case the green of thegreen screen), or a particular luminance, it is removed and the area that was occupied by it becomes transparent, thus becoming part of the alpha channel. The transparent parts will thus show the video or the image below, which will thus define the environment in which the subject of the first movie will act.

How to Use Green Screen in Blender

So we need to pull these two elements into Blender and pull a key on the green bits to make the background show through in as naturalistic a way as possible. Blender is a node-based compositor which means the control mechanism is nodes or little LEGO blocks of love which you place on the screen and link with little strings which form your signal path.


Locate the drop-down (it goes up, actually, but you know what we mean) at the bottom of the view, and select “Movie Clip Editor.”

Click the “Open” button and choose and load your green screen footage. (You can also load sequences of images for uncompressed keys in this step if you have the space, and the footage is the right size.)

Once the clip is loaded, go back to the drop-down and select Node Editor.

The screen will be blank, but just go to the bottom of the view and click the middle button marked “Node Tree Type” to Display, and then check the Use Nodes and Backdrop buttons.

Select the “Render Layers” node, and because we won’t need it you can delete it (on the Mac this is the Forward Delete key). Then move the Compositing node out of the way because we won’t need it yet.

**Note: to zoom in and out of the nodes, use the centre scroll wheel of the mouse if you have it. To zoom in and out of the images you are working on, use the V and Alt-V keys.

**Compositing Nodes

Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

**Important: in this program flow goes from left to right, so node inputs are on the left of a node, and outputs are on the right of a node.

Now select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.

You now have to select the key colour, the colour which the keyer is changing to transparent. Click the Key Colour button on the Keying node, and this displays a colour selector. Click the eyedropper, and click on the image in the background somewhere on the green screen.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are some areas which still have a bit of colour and are not fully transparent. You can check this more accurately by dragging the string from the Matte output on the Keying node and linking to the input on the viewer. This is the key you have made. As you can see, the dark bits are supposed to be totally black, and there are still greys showing through. (This is because the source material wasn’t perfect.)

There are many different ways to fix this depending on the shot, but if it’s a reasonably well-shot green screen, all you will need to do is the following.

Adjust the Black Clip slider to expand the amount of greens which turn to black. Then adjust the White Clip to push the whites to prevent them from becoming transparent.

Once you have pure white and pure black, reconnect the image output of the keying node to the image input on the viewer, and you’ll see you have a decent key.

You can adjust the amount of fringing and spill (reflections from the green screen on the model), but generally the keyer does a good job of guessing that for you with a decently-shot green screen.

**Adding the background

After this, adding the background is more of the same with a slight twist. “Add -> Input -> Movie Clip,” navigate to your background clip and load it.

To blend the two layers, you have to make a mix of the two clips so that the background shows through the now transparent bits of the foreground.

“Add -> Colour -> Mix node”. Take the output from the background clip, and feed it to the top image input of the mix node. Take the output from the keying node, and feed it into the lower image input on the mix node.

Click the Alpha channel button next to the drop-down on the mix node.

And finally we have our key. The background is way too sharp and makes the green screen footage look really soft and crappy, so we need to soften the background. There is a really nice Bokeh Blur filter in blender for just this purpose to make the background look out of focus and add lots of gorgeous Bokeh blobs.

“Add -> Filter -> Bokeh Blur” and put it between the background clip and the mix. In Blender, if you add a node and place it over a string between two nodes, the string goes yellow, and dropping it will automatically insert the new node into the signal path connecting inputs and outputs.

Finally add an image to the Bokeh Blur for the shape you want the bokeh to be; we opted for a donut-shaped iris pattern.

To render out your video, connect the output of the Mix node to the input of the compositing node we left lying about earlier. It’s okay for this output to be connected to the input node of the viewer, too, as this means we see progress while rendering.

Make sure you are set up to render the right amount of frames at 30fps in the render panel on the far right. 30fps for 5 seconds (the duration of our clip) is 150 frames. Insert 150 where it says End Fr.

Select a place and a filename to output to in the Output panel further down the right-hand side. Then to render, select the info menu bar from the top-left drop-down, and finally choose “Render Menu -> Render Animation,” and the render will begin.

Wondershare Filmora

If you’re just starting out with video editing, or just want a simple program that works, Wondershare Filmora might be what you’re looking for. It has the essential tools, and anyone can learn to use it easily.

Wondershare Filmora is the one of best video editing software with cool features that compares to other competing video editing Softwares. Many video editing programs claim to offer professional results; Filmora is one of a few consumer-level tools that actually delivers.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Installation Steps

  1. Click the icon in the center of the Media Library to add files directly.
  2. Go File > Import Media > Import Media Files.
  3. Drag and drop to the Media Library directly.

While importing a media file, Wondershar Filmora may ask you if you wish to create a proxy file to accelerate the editing process. Select “Yes” to have a fast video editing experience.

drag green screen

You can also import video clips using your Touch Bar controls if your computer has Touch Bar.

How do I get rid of the green screen in blender?

This is achieved by Compositing Nodes: Click the Add menu in the bar at the bottom of the view and select “Input -> Movie Clip.” Select the green screen clip you added in the Movie Clip Editor. This is the input. We have to push this through a keyer to remove the green and make those areas transparent.

How do I get rid of objects in green screen?

This can be done by following these prompts: Select “Add -> Matte -> Keying” to add a keying node. Also “Add -> Output -> Viewer” to make the output from the key visible. Click on the little yellow dot next to Image output on the Input node, and drag it to Image input on the Keying node. Then drag the little dot next to Image output on the keying node, and drag it to the image input on the viewer node.


Obviously, to get the best green screen composites you have to shoot good “plates.” “Plates” are the main bits of the shot that you bolt together in movie visual effects. You have the foreground plate and the green screen bit with an actor filmed in front of a green screen. Then you have the background plate which is the bit you want to show through the green bits of the foreground, making the whole thing look as though the background and foreground were filmed at the same time.

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie

author avatar

Liza Brown

Nov 07, 2023• Proven solutions

The ratio between the height and width of the screen or an image is called the aspect ratio. Different video posting platforms require different aspect ratios. For example, for YouTube, the commonly used aspect ratio is 16:9, which is a standard for almost all videos. However, for TikTok, the required aspect ratio is 9:16.

The video’s original aspect ratio is based on the default settings of the recording device. Some phones and tablets provide the option of changing your video’s aspect ratio before you start recording. But it can also be changed afterward with the help of editing software.

Social media apps and websites require you post images and videos of a specific size. And if you post your content in its original dimensions it most probably be will get cropped in the wrong places and will diminish the quality of your video or image.

To post that perfect video, it is better to resize it before posting it online. Several online editing tools are available on the market that you can use to change the dimensions of your content. iMovie has to be one of the most popular editing software used worldwide. So, if you use iMovie for editing videos, and you want to know how you can change the aspect ratio of your content, read on to find it out.

In this article

01 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on Mac?

02 How to Easily Change Aspect Ratio on Mac with Wondershare Filmora? [Recommend: Auto Resize]

03 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPhone?

04 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPad?

05 FAQs About Changing Aspect Ratio in iMovie

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For macOS 10.12 or later

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How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on Mac?

Learn to change the aspect ratio of videos in iMovie on Mac by following these simple steps:

Step 1. Open a pre-existing project in iMovie or create a new one. It is better to adjust the video size before starting any other editing procedures. Changing the dimensions of videos afterward may affect the editing procedures and effects applied to the video.

Step 2. To resize the video, click on “File” and then click on “Project Properties” on the drop-down list, a pop-up window will appear.

Step 3. On the popping-up dialog, you will see several options regarding aspect ratio.

Step 4. Choose the settings that are suitable for your video, and you’re done. Your video will now appear in your chosen dimensions.

How to Easily Change Aspect Ratio on Mac with Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is one of the best alternatives to iMovie. You can use Filmora to change the aspect ratio of your videos with a few simple steps:

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For macOS 10.12 or later

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Step 1. Open the Wondershare Filmora application on Mac.

Step 2. Open the video you want to edit in the app by clicking on “Import” on the menu bar. You can also drag and drop the video on your timeline, and your file will open in the Filmora app.

Step 3. To adjust the aspect ratio of your video, click on the “Crop and Zoom” option and a pop-up will appear on your screen. Now, you have two options to consider, you can either choose presets having aspects ratios of 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, and 9:16, or you can choose custom settings. For custom dimensions, click on Custom and type in your desired ratio.

Step 4. When you are satisfied with the settings, click OK and the aspect ratio of your video will be changed.

filmora auto reframe

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPhone?

Here’s how you can aspect ratio of your videos in iPhone using iMovie:

Step 1. Open the video you want to edit in iMovie. You can either choose a pre-existing project or create a whole new one.

Step 2. To change the aspect ratio, tap on the “Zoom” option that you will see in the top right corner of your iPhone screen.

Step 3. You can also use your fingers to resize the video by zooming in or out as required.

Step 4. Tap “Done” and the aspect ratio of your video will be changed.

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPad?

The procedure of changing the aspect ratio on the iPad is quite similar to that of the iPhone. The following steps will help you change the aspect ratio of your videos on iPad using iMovie:

Step 1. Open the iMovie app on your iPad. Import a pre-existing project on your timeline or start a new one.

Step 2. Resize your video by tapping on the “zoom” option.

Step 3. Readjust the video size using your two fingers.

Step 4. Tap “Done” when you are happy with the selected size.

filmora box

Filmora Video Editor

Wondershare Filmora - Auto Resize Video

• Auto reframe video in 16:9, 1:1, 9:16, 4:3 or 21:9

• Offers cool video effects and filters to make your video become professional

• Cross-platform supported - (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

FAQs About Changing Aspect Ratio in iMovie

1. What is the standard aspect ratio for YouTube Videos?

On a computer, the standard aspect ratio for videos on YouTube is 16:9. If your video has a different aspect ratio, YouTube will change it automatically to a size that is suitable for the website. But, it may ruin the quality of the video, or black bars might appear on the sides of the aspect ratio that is too small.

2. What resolution does iMovie support?

The resolution of the first film or video clip that you add to your timeline will define the resolution of your entire iMovie project. The latest versions of iMovie can support 4K and videos with frame rates higher than 30 frames per second.

3. Can I crop a video in iMovie?

Of course, you can crop a video in iMovie. To do so, open a project in iMovie and click on the “Crop to Fill” button. The video will appear in an adjustable frame. Now you can drag the frame and set it to the size you want.

4. How do I change movie dimensions in iMovie 10?

You can only change the size of your movie/video when you share/export your project. Go to the “size” option after clicking on “File” to change the dimensions of your movie.

5. How do I compress videos in iMovie?

Click on the “share” option after clicking on “File”. The video can be compressed for Facebook, Email, Vimeo, and more. Select the option for which you want to compress the file. You may have to make small changes for large videos.

Final Word

Aspect ratio is simply defined as the relationship between the width and height of an image, video, or screen. Various video posting platforms have a standard aspect ratio for videos. So. Before posting your video creation, you have to make sure that the aspect ratio of your video aligns with the website standards.

To tweak the aspect ratio of your videos, you can use iMovie, which is a powerful video editor for Mac and iOS devices. You can also use Wondershare Filmora which is the best alternative to iMovie and is highly compatible with both Mac and Windows devices.

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For macOS 10.12 or later

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author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Nov 07, 2023• Proven solutions

The ratio between the height and width of the screen or an image is called the aspect ratio. Different video posting platforms require different aspect ratios. For example, for YouTube, the commonly used aspect ratio is 16:9, which is a standard for almost all videos. However, for TikTok, the required aspect ratio is 9:16.

The video’s original aspect ratio is based on the default settings of the recording device. Some phones and tablets provide the option of changing your video’s aspect ratio before you start recording. But it can also be changed afterward with the help of editing software.

Social media apps and websites require you post images and videos of a specific size. And if you post your content in its original dimensions it most probably be will get cropped in the wrong places and will diminish the quality of your video or image.

To post that perfect video, it is better to resize it before posting it online. Several online editing tools are available on the market that you can use to change the dimensions of your content. iMovie has to be one of the most popular editing software used worldwide. So, if you use iMovie for editing videos, and you want to know how you can change the aspect ratio of your content, read on to find it out.

In this article

01 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on Mac?

02 How to Easily Change Aspect Ratio on Mac with Wondershare Filmora? [Recommend: Auto Resize]

03 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPhone?

04 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPad?

05 FAQs About Changing Aspect Ratio in iMovie

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For macOS 10.12 or later

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How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on Mac?

Learn to change the aspect ratio of videos in iMovie on Mac by following these simple steps:

Step 1. Open a pre-existing project in iMovie or create a new one. It is better to adjust the video size before starting any other editing procedures. Changing the dimensions of videos afterward may affect the editing procedures and effects applied to the video.

Step 2. To resize the video, click on “File” and then click on “Project Properties” on the drop-down list, a pop-up window will appear.

Step 3. On the popping-up dialog, you will see several options regarding aspect ratio.

Step 4. Choose the settings that are suitable for your video, and you’re done. Your video will now appear in your chosen dimensions.

How to Easily Change Aspect Ratio on Mac with Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is one of the best alternatives to iMovie. You can use Filmora to change the aspect ratio of your videos with a few simple steps:

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For macOS 10.12 or later

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Step 1. Open the Wondershare Filmora application on Mac.

Step 2. Open the video you want to edit in the app by clicking on “Import” on the menu bar. You can also drag and drop the video on your timeline, and your file will open in the Filmora app.

Step 3. To adjust the aspect ratio of your video, click on the “Crop and Zoom” option and a pop-up will appear on your screen. Now, you have two options to consider, you can either choose presets having aspects ratios of 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, and 9:16, or you can choose custom settings. For custom dimensions, click on Custom and type in your desired ratio.

Step 4. When you are satisfied with the settings, click OK and the aspect ratio of your video will be changed.

filmora auto reframe

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPhone?

Here’s how you can aspect ratio of your videos in iPhone using iMovie:

Step 1. Open the video you want to edit in iMovie. You can either choose a pre-existing project or create a whole new one.

Step 2. To change the aspect ratio, tap on the “Zoom” option that you will see in the top right corner of your iPhone screen.

Step 3. You can also use your fingers to resize the video by zooming in or out as required.

Step 4. Tap “Done” and the aspect ratio of your video will be changed.

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPad?

The procedure of changing the aspect ratio on the iPad is quite similar to that of the iPhone. The following steps will help you change the aspect ratio of your videos on iPad using iMovie:

Step 1. Open the iMovie app on your iPad. Import a pre-existing project on your timeline or start a new one.

Step 2. Resize your video by tapping on the “zoom” option.

Step 3. Readjust the video size using your two fingers.

Step 4. Tap “Done” when you are happy with the selected size.

filmora box

Filmora Video Editor

Wondershare Filmora - Auto Resize Video

• Auto reframe video in 16:9, 1:1, 9:16, 4:3 or 21:9

• Offers cool video effects and filters to make your video become professional

• Cross-platform supported - (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

FAQs About Changing Aspect Ratio in iMovie

1. What is the standard aspect ratio for YouTube Videos?

On a computer, the standard aspect ratio for videos on YouTube is 16:9. If your video has a different aspect ratio, YouTube will change it automatically to a size that is suitable for the website. But, it may ruin the quality of the video, or black bars might appear on the sides of the aspect ratio that is too small.

2. What resolution does iMovie support?

The resolution of the first film or video clip that you add to your timeline will define the resolution of your entire iMovie project. The latest versions of iMovie can support 4K and videos with frame rates higher than 30 frames per second.

3. Can I crop a video in iMovie?

Of course, you can crop a video in iMovie. To do so, open a project in iMovie and click on the “Crop to Fill” button. The video will appear in an adjustable frame. Now you can drag the frame and set it to the size you want.

4. How do I change movie dimensions in iMovie 10?

You can only change the size of your movie/video when you share/export your project. Go to the “size” option after clicking on “File” to change the dimensions of your movie.

5. How do I compress videos in iMovie?

Click on the “share” option after clicking on “File”. The video can be compressed for Facebook, Email, Vimeo, and more. Select the option for which you want to compress the file. You may have to make small changes for large videos.

Final Word

Aspect ratio is simply defined as the relationship between the width and height of an image, video, or screen. Various video posting platforms have a standard aspect ratio for videos. So. Before posting your video creation, you have to make sure that the aspect ratio of your video aligns with the website standards.

To tweak the aspect ratio of your videos, you can use iMovie, which is a powerful video editor for Mac and iOS devices. You can also use Wondershare Filmora which is the best alternative to iMovie and is highly compatible with both Mac and Windows devices.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

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Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Nov 07, 2023• Proven solutions

The ratio between the height and width of the screen or an image is called the aspect ratio. Different video posting platforms require different aspect ratios. For example, for YouTube, the commonly used aspect ratio is 16:9, which is a standard for almost all videos. However, for TikTok, the required aspect ratio is 9:16.

The video’s original aspect ratio is based on the default settings of the recording device. Some phones and tablets provide the option of changing your video’s aspect ratio before you start recording. But it can also be changed afterward with the help of editing software.

Social media apps and websites require you post images and videos of a specific size. And if you post your content in its original dimensions it most probably be will get cropped in the wrong places and will diminish the quality of your video or image.

To post that perfect video, it is better to resize it before posting it online. Several online editing tools are available on the market that you can use to change the dimensions of your content. iMovie has to be one of the most popular editing software used worldwide. So, if you use iMovie for editing videos, and you want to know how you can change the aspect ratio of your content, read on to find it out.

In this article

01 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on Mac?

02 How to Easily Change Aspect Ratio on Mac with Wondershare Filmora? [Recommend: Auto Resize]

03 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPhone?

04 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPad?

05 FAQs About Changing Aspect Ratio in iMovie

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For macOS 10.12 or later

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How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on Mac?

Learn to change the aspect ratio of videos in iMovie on Mac by following these simple steps:

Step 1. Open a pre-existing project in iMovie or create a new one. It is better to adjust the video size before starting any other editing procedures. Changing the dimensions of videos afterward may affect the editing procedures and effects applied to the video.

Step 2. To resize the video, click on “File” and then click on “Project Properties” on the drop-down list, a pop-up window will appear.

Step 3. On the popping-up dialog, you will see several options regarding aspect ratio.

Step 4. Choose the settings that are suitable for your video, and you’re done. Your video will now appear in your chosen dimensions.

How to Easily Change Aspect Ratio on Mac with Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is one of the best alternatives to iMovie. You can use Filmora to change the aspect ratio of your videos with a few simple steps:

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For macOS 10.12 or later

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Step 1. Open the Wondershare Filmora application on Mac.

Step 2. Open the video you want to edit in the app by clicking on “Import” on the menu bar. You can also drag and drop the video on your timeline, and your file will open in the Filmora app.

Step 3. To adjust the aspect ratio of your video, click on the “Crop and Zoom” option and a pop-up will appear on your screen. Now, you have two options to consider, you can either choose presets having aspects ratios of 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, and 9:16, or you can choose custom settings. For custom dimensions, click on Custom and type in your desired ratio.

Step 4. When you are satisfied with the settings, click OK and the aspect ratio of your video will be changed.

filmora auto reframe

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPhone?

Here’s how you can aspect ratio of your videos in iPhone using iMovie:

Step 1. Open the video you want to edit in iMovie. You can either choose a pre-existing project or create a whole new one.

Step 2. To change the aspect ratio, tap on the “Zoom” option that you will see in the top right corner of your iPhone screen.

Step 3. You can also use your fingers to resize the video by zooming in or out as required.

Step 4. Tap “Done” and the aspect ratio of your video will be changed.

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPad?

The procedure of changing the aspect ratio on the iPad is quite similar to that of the iPhone. The following steps will help you change the aspect ratio of your videos on iPad using iMovie:

Step 1. Open the iMovie app on your iPad. Import a pre-existing project on your timeline or start a new one.

Step 2. Resize your video by tapping on the “zoom” option.

Step 3. Readjust the video size using your two fingers.

Step 4. Tap “Done” when you are happy with the selected size.

filmora box

Filmora Video Editor

Wondershare Filmora - Auto Resize Video

• Auto reframe video in 16:9, 1:1, 9:16, 4:3 or 21:9

• Offers cool video effects and filters to make your video become professional

• Cross-platform supported - (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

FAQs About Changing Aspect Ratio in iMovie

1. What is the standard aspect ratio for YouTube Videos?

On a computer, the standard aspect ratio for videos on YouTube is 16:9. If your video has a different aspect ratio, YouTube will change it automatically to a size that is suitable for the website. But, it may ruin the quality of the video, or black bars might appear on the sides of the aspect ratio that is too small.

2. What resolution does iMovie support?

The resolution of the first film or video clip that you add to your timeline will define the resolution of your entire iMovie project. The latest versions of iMovie can support 4K and videos with frame rates higher than 30 frames per second.

3. Can I crop a video in iMovie?

Of course, you can crop a video in iMovie. To do so, open a project in iMovie and click on the “Crop to Fill” button. The video will appear in an adjustable frame. Now you can drag the frame and set it to the size you want.

4. How do I change movie dimensions in iMovie 10?

You can only change the size of your movie/video when you share/export your project. Go to the “size” option after clicking on “File” to change the dimensions of your movie.

5. How do I compress videos in iMovie?

Click on the “share” option after clicking on “File”. The video can be compressed for Facebook, Email, Vimeo, and more. Select the option for which you want to compress the file. You may have to make small changes for large videos.

Final Word

Aspect ratio is simply defined as the relationship between the width and height of an image, video, or screen. Various video posting platforms have a standard aspect ratio for videos. So. Before posting your video creation, you have to make sure that the aspect ratio of your video aligns with the website standards.

To tweak the aspect ratio of your videos, you can use iMovie, which is a powerful video editor for Mac and iOS devices. You can also use Wondershare Filmora which is the best alternative to iMovie and is highly compatible with both Mac and Windows devices.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

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For macOS 10.12 or later

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author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Nov 07, 2023• Proven solutions

The ratio between the height and width of the screen or an image is called the aspect ratio. Different video posting platforms require different aspect ratios. For example, for YouTube, the commonly used aspect ratio is 16:9, which is a standard for almost all videos. However, for TikTok, the required aspect ratio is 9:16.

The video’s original aspect ratio is based on the default settings of the recording device. Some phones and tablets provide the option of changing your video’s aspect ratio before you start recording. But it can also be changed afterward with the help of editing software.

Social media apps and websites require you post images and videos of a specific size. And if you post your content in its original dimensions it most probably be will get cropped in the wrong places and will diminish the quality of your video or image.

To post that perfect video, it is better to resize it before posting it online. Several online editing tools are available on the market that you can use to change the dimensions of your content. iMovie has to be one of the most popular editing software used worldwide. So, if you use iMovie for editing videos, and you want to know how you can change the aspect ratio of your content, read on to find it out.

In this article

01 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on Mac?

02 How to Easily Change Aspect Ratio on Mac with Wondershare Filmora? [Recommend: Auto Resize]

03 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPhone?

04 How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPad?

05 FAQs About Changing Aspect Ratio in iMovie

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For macOS 10.12 or later

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How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on Mac?

Learn to change the aspect ratio of videos in iMovie on Mac by following these simple steps:

Step 1. Open a pre-existing project in iMovie or create a new one. It is better to adjust the video size before starting any other editing procedures. Changing the dimensions of videos afterward may affect the editing procedures and effects applied to the video.

Step 2. To resize the video, click on “File” and then click on “Project Properties” on the drop-down list, a pop-up window will appear.

Step 3. On the popping-up dialog, you will see several options regarding aspect ratio.

Step 4. Choose the settings that are suitable for your video, and you’re done. Your video will now appear in your chosen dimensions.

How to Easily Change Aspect Ratio on Mac with Wondershare Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is one of the best alternatives to iMovie. You can use Filmora to change the aspect ratio of your videos with a few simple steps:

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Change iMovie Aspect Ratio

For macOS 10.12 or later

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Step 1. Open the Wondershare Filmora application on Mac.

Step 2. Open the video you want to edit in the app by clicking on “Import” on the menu bar. You can also drag and drop the video on your timeline, and your file will open in the Filmora app.

Step 3. To adjust the aspect ratio of your video, click on the “Crop and Zoom” option and a pop-up will appear on your screen. Now, you have two options to consider, you can either choose presets having aspects ratios of 16:9, 4:3, 1:1, and 9:16, or you can choose custom settings. For custom dimensions, click on Custom and type in your desired ratio.

Step 4. When you are satisfied with the settings, click OK and the aspect ratio of your video will be changed.

filmora auto reframe

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPhone?

Here’s how you can aspect ratio of your videos in iPhone using iMovie:

Step 1. Open the video you want to edit in iMovie. You can either choose a pre-existing project or create a whole new one.

Step 2. To change the aspect ratio, tap on the “Zoom” option that you will see in the top right corner of your iPhone screen.

Step 3. You can also use your fingers to resize the video by zooming in or out as required.

Step 4. Tap “Done” and the aspect ratio of your video will be changed.

How to Change Aspect Ratio in iMovie on iPad?

The procedure of changing the aspect ratio on the iPad is quite similar to that of the iPhone. The following steps will help you change the aspect ratio of your videos on iPad using iMovie:

Step 1. Open the iMovie app on your iPad. Import a pre-existing project on your timeline or start a new one.

Step 2. Resize your video by tapping on the “zoom” option.

Step 3. Readjust the video size using your two fingers.

Step 4. Tap “Done” when you are happy with the selected size.

filmora box

Filmora Video Editor

Wondershare Filmora - Auto Resize Video

• Auto reframe video in 16:9, 1:1, 9:16, 4:3 or 21:9

• Offers cool video effects and filters to make your video become professional

• Cross-platform supported - (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android)

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >

FAQs About Changing Aspect Ratio in iMovie

1. What is the standard aspect ratio for YouTube Videos?

On a computer, the standard aspect ratio for videos on YouTube is 16:9. If your video has a different aspect ratio, YouTube will change it automatically to a size that is suitable for the website. But, it may ruin the quality of the video, or black bars might appear on the sides of the aspect ratio that is too small.

2. What resolution does iMovie support?

The resolution of the first film or video clip that you add to your timeline will define the resolution of your entire iMovie project. The latest versions of iMovie can support 4K and videos with frame rates higher than 30 frames per second.

3. Can I crop a video in iMovie?

Of course, you can crop a video in iMovie. To do so, open a project in iMovie and click on the “Crop to Fill” button. The video will appear in an adjustable frame. Now you can drag the frame and set it to the size you want.

4. How do I change movie dimensions in iMovie 10?

You can only change the size of your movie/video when you share/export your project. Go to the “size” option after clicking on “File” to change the dimensions of your movie.

5. How do I compress videos in iMovie?

Click on the “share” option after clicking on “File”. The video can be compressed for Facebook, Email, Vimeo, and more. Select the option for which you want to compress the file. You may have to make small changes for large videos.

Final Word

Aspect ratio is simply defined as the relationship between the width and height of an image, video, or screen. Various video posting platforms have a standard aspect ratio for videos. So. Before posting your video creation, you have to make sure that the aspect ratio of your video aligns with the website standards.

To tweak the aspect ratio of your videos, you can use iMovie, which is a powerful video editor for Mac and iOS devices. You can also use Wondershare Filmora which is the best alternative to iMovie and is highly compatible with both Mac and Windows devices.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

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author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Top 10 Free Spanish Text To Speech Converter Software [Windows, Mac

Best Text To Speech Converter and Video Editor

Filmora’s Text to Speech (TTS) function allows you to convert your text files to voiceover and bring more elements to enrich your video.

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Here is a collection of the 10 best Text to Speech Converter Software that are free to use and support the Spanish language. This list is comprised of the best-chosen softwares that offer overall greater value than the rest of the other free softwares. Some of these softwares have support for Windows, Mac, or mobile devices while some can be used online on any device via a browser.

If you’re looking for the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter software, then we believe that this article will put an end to your search. Rather than selecting any free software with just the capability of Text-to-Speech conversion, we have selected some really great ones that have their own set of amazing features and can be used for particular purposes. Some software in this list might be best for trying different AI voices, some might be best for basic general use while some might be best for a professional experience. Anyway, we have got you covered in almost every aspect with these awesome softwares.

Following is the list of best free Spanish TTS softwares that includes completely free softwares as well as the ones with the free plan:

1. NaturalReader


Supported systems: Supports Windows, iPhone, Android, and online (also available as a chrome extension)

Basic intro: NaturalReader is a powerful multi-purpose Text to Speech converter software that can be used for any purpose. You can use it for your own personal use, for reading & learning purposes, and for commercial purposes as well. It does more than just convert simple text into audio. With it, you can listen to online content on the browser or listen to the text in documents like PDFs, ebooks, etc. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech converter software available today that can help you generate high-quality realistic human voices with the help of AI. NaturalReader is full of features and functionalities that not most of the other TTS software has and that is what makes it one of the best free Text to Speech converter software.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It also has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader:


  • Specifically designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • Allows up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices.
  • It offers 100+ natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • It includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Can also read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.

Price: NaturalReader has three simple pricing plans including the free plan:

  • Free ($0/month):

20 minutes per day with premium voices, Unlimited use with free voices, Pronunciation editor

  • Premium ($9.99/month):

Unlimited use with premium voices, OCR functionality, MP3 conversion, Chrome extension with unlimited premium voices

  • Plus ($19/month):

100+ Premium and Plus voices, Chrome extension with 100+ Premium and Plus voices, all the previous features


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free version not suitable for commercial purposes.

2. Texttospeech.io


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Texttospeech.io is one of the simplest and best free online Text To Speech converters that anybody can use with ease. With many natural voices across different languages including Spanish, it can help you create natural-sounding audios from the text in real-time. It is one of the completely free Text to Speech converter software and claims that it will always be free in the future. It has a very straightforward interface without any heavy graphics and includes quite a lot of features for something that’s absolutely free. Along with Text to Speech conversion, it also provides other tools like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. for free. And you get even more features when you register an account for free.

Texttospeech.io is an absolutely free Text to Speech converter software that uses advertisements and donations to maintain itself. Following are the features of this wonderful TTS software:


  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.

Price: Texttospeech.io is absolutely free without any pricing plans. However, it accepts donations and runs advertisements on the site to keep itself running.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

3. TTSReader


Supported systems: Supports iOS and Android devices, and is also available online and as a chrome extension

Basic intro: Just like Texttospeech.io software above, TTSReader is also one of the very few completely free Text to Speech converter software. It has a simple UI design which makes it suitable for any kind of person to use. TSReader offers a decent amount of voice options across different languages including Spanish. It is a lightweight online application that instantly reads aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. And the best thing is that you can directly use this tool without downloading software or creating an account. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it, for example, you can listen to contents in documents automatically by uploading here, downloading converted audio, etc.

TTSReader is a free Text-to-Speech converting software that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio on mobile devices as well as online on your desktops. Following are the features of this free TTS software:


  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Available for iOS and Android devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is similar to the downloading function.

Price: TTSReader is completely free without any pricing plans at all. However, they do have a premium chrome extension and a separate commercial version available for purchase.


  • Has advertisements on the website and mobile applications.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. Kukarella


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Kukarella is one of the best free Text-to-Speech converter software that you can use for creating awesome voiceovers. It has a well-designed interface with a great number of features for text-to-speech conversion. Plus, it is powered by one of the most popular voice service providers like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM so you can easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. Kukarella can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software and also provides you with a Table Reads feature (which is a beta feature) that narrates books or scripts with multiple voices. It has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across over 100 different languages and accents which is truly amazing. And, it has a powerful studio where you can work with advanced options to create beautiful voiceovers.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar software.


  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, Speed, etc. included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.

Price: Kukarella has three different paid pricing plans available with which they also provide a 15-day money-back guarantee to refund your purchase if you’re not satisfied with their service:

  • Free ($0/month): For testing purposes
  • Pro ($15/month): For creative people
  • Premium ($35/month): For film professionals and experts
  • Studio ($99/month): For business and large-scale use

Aside from these four pricing plans, Kukarella also offers a Top Ups option to let you purchase additional credits like extra characters for text-to-speech and extra minutes for audio transcription.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.

5. CaptiVoice


Supported systems: Supports iOS devices and can also be used online on Windows and Mac via browser.

Basic intro: CaptiVoice is a professional Text to Speech converter software that is designed especially for reading and learning purposes. With a plethora of natural-sounding voices in 26 different languages, it is the perfect tool for reading e-books, documents, and web pages on any device you prefer. What’s really special about CaptiVoice are its additional functionalities like word highlighting, translation to different languages, dictionary definitions, cloud support, cross-device synchronization, and specific tools for teachers and administrations. And, it also has personalized visual settings for Dyslexic readers.

CaptiVoice is more of a reading tool than the Text-to-Speech converter software, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is one of the best free Text to Speech converter software. Following are the features of the free version of CaptiVoice:


  • Available for iOS devices and can also be used online on any device.
  • Advanced visual settings like word highlighting, screen-reader accessibility, etc.
  • Suitable for people with visual imparities like Dyslexia.
  • It includes administrative tools and specific tools for teachers (in paid plans only)
  • Cross-device synchronization and cloud support.
  • Has a well-designed interface with additional options for audio adjustments.
  • Primarily designed for reading and learning purposes.

Price: CaptiVoice is free to try and use with free voices. However, it has various premium plans depending on the product you choose as it is available for personal use, teachers and educators, etc. In the case of CaptiVoice Personal, the following are the subscription plans:

  • 1 month: $2.99
  • 6 months: $14.99
  • 12 months: $29.99


  • Not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Free plan too limited in terms of voice options.

6. Voicemaker.in


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Voicemaker is one Text to Speech converter software that is free, well-designed, and has professional features. It is an advanced online Text to Speech converter with support for SSML tags that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS that generate the most natural-sounding voices. With support for over 90 different languages including Spanish, they provide a large number of voice options to use. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. And despite all these advanced features, they have maintained a beginner-friendly interface that is easy to understand and use.

Even though Voicemaker.in is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter software.


  • It allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.

Price: Voicemaker has a total of four pricing plans including the free trial:

  • Free: For testing
  • Basic ($5/month): For starters
  • Premium ($10/month): For professionals
  • Business ($20/month): For small team


  • Not suitable for large enterprises.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

7. Balabolka


Supported systems: Supports all versions of Windows

Basic intro: Balabolka is a completely free text-to-speech software that lets you convert any text into audio directly from its program without the need for a browser. It is a TTS software available for only Windows operating system that has been here for a long time and feels outdated. But still, it is one of the most capable and useful free text-to-speech converters. It is packed with a lot of basic as well as advanced features required for TTS conversion in its lightweight package of just a few megabytes. This program basically uses the voices installed in your computer system but also supports various versions of Microsoft Speech API. Balabolka software is available for download either as an installable program, portable program, or as a command-line utility from its official website.

When it comes to free TTS software for your PC, there is no way one can forget Balabolka. Following are the features of this wonderful software:


  • It uses the pre-installed computer voices of your system.
  • Also supports many different text file formats.
  • Has options to alter a voice’s parameters, speed, pitch, etc.
  • Lightweight, simple, and completely free to use.
  • Can read text from clipboard, and documents, and save the on-screen text as an audio file.
  • It uses Microsoft’s Speech API and also includes a spelling checker.
  • Available for download as a portable and command-line program too.

Price: Balabolka is absolutely free to use without any pricing plans and hidden charges.


  • Not suitable for large-scale and commercial purposes.
  • Only available for Windows operating system.
  • Can only use the voices installed on the system.

8. Murf.ai


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic Intro: Murf.ai is the best choice for anyone who is looking for a free as well as professional and advanced Text to Speech converter software. It is a really popular online software that uses the latest Machine learning and AI technologies to create high-quality realistic voiceovers. It is not very beginner-friendly but still has a well-designed interface that anyone will quickly get used to. It offers one of the most natural-sounding AI voices across different languages including Spanish. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

However, Murf isn’t completely free as it offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with the following features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It offers 120+ different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Provides free royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.

Price: Murf has the following three pricing plans plus a free trial:

  • Basic ($13/month):

Unlimited downloads, 24 hours of voice generation per year, Access to 60 voices & 10 languages, etc.

  • Pro ($26/month):

96 hours of voice generation per year, 48 hours of transcription per year, Access to 120+ voices & 20 languages, etc.

  • Enterprise ($166/month):

5+ users, Unlimited voice generation & transcription, Collaboration and Access Control, Service Agreement, etc.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only single users without options for collaboration in the free plan.

9. TextAloud


Supported systems: Supports all versions of Windows

Basic intro: just like Balabolka above, TextAloud is a Windows text-to-speech software by NextUp technologies that help you easily generate audio for the given text but it is not completely free. It also consists of a large number of features allowing you to be more productive while converting text to speech. Despite its outdated interface, it has some extra functionalities that let you convert texts from web pages, documents, and PDFs into natural-sounding speech. Plus, it is suitable for people with Dyslexia and other visual imparities as it includes assistive technology to improve reading and comprehension. It originally uses the voices installed in your computer system, however, it also offers the natural-sounding Text-to-Speech voices from companies like Acapela, Ivona, Cerence, etc.

TextAloud is a wonderful Text-to-Speech software you can use to convert Spanish text into speech as it also supports the Spanish language. It is actually a paid software but offers a free trial of 20 days to try almost all of its features.


  • It allows the conversion of texts on web pages, documents, and PDFs into speech.
  • Assistive technology for people with Dyslexia to improve reading and comprehension.
  • Lightweight software with a straightforward interface.
  • It uses the pre-installed voices on the system and also offers natural-sounding Text to Speech voices from companies like Acapela, Ivona, Cerence, etc.
  • It uses Microsoft’s Speech API and also includes a spelling checker.
  • Includes a lot of features and options related to TTS.

Price: TextAloud 4 offers a one-time payment for a Single User License at $34.95 and also has a free trial version to test this software. However, it also offers some additional features for extra fees.


  • Only available for Windows devices
  • Not the best option for commercial purposes
  • User interface can seem a little outdated.

10. Wideo


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Wideo is a very popular Text to Speech converter software that makes Text to Speech conversion simple and straightforward. It doesn’t have any special or advanced features for adjusting the audio but that’s its specialty. For someone who just wants to convert text into audio for basic and general use, Wideo is the best choice. While Text to Speech conversion is not the main specialty of Wideo as it is originally a video maker, it doesn’t make a difference because Wideo Text to Speech converter makes everything simple and straightforward. The best thing about Wideo is that it is completely free without any ads, no need for download, and no login is required to use.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest TTS software you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the website and no login and credit card required.

Price: Wideo Text-to-Speech Software is basically free with no specific pricing plans. However, its limit in the number of characters can be removed by purchasing any two of their video maker plans:

  • PRO: $39/month
  • PRO+: $79/month


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters, and no specific pricing plan to remove that limitation.



This concludes our article on 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Softwares for Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & Online. All of these softwares are tested and 100% legit, so you can use them without any worries. Even if these are free, there might be some limitations or restrictions as that is to be expected from something that is free. But still, these are the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter softwares you can go for that provides overall greater features and better experience in comparision with other softwares.


Here is a collection of the 10 best Text to Speech Converter Software that are free to use and support the Spanish language. This list is comprised of the best-chosen softwares that offer overall greater value than the rest of the other free softwares. Some of these softwares have support for Windows, Mac, or mobile devices while some can be used online on any device via a browser.

If you’re looking for the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter software, then we believe that this article will put an end to your search. Rather than selecting any free software with just the capability of Text-to-Speech conversion, we have selected some really great ones that have their own set of amazing features and can be used for particular purposes. Some software in this list might be best for trying different AI voices, some might be best for basic general use while some might be best for a professional experience. Anyway, we have got you covered in almost every aspect with these awesome softwares.

Following is the list of best free Spanish TTS softwares that includes completely free softwares as well as the ones with the free plan:

1. NaturalReader


Supported systems: Supports Windows, iPhone, Android, and online (also available as a chrome extension)

Basic intro: NaturalReader is a powerful multi-purpose Text to Speech converter software that can be used for any purpose. You can use it for your own personal use, for reading & learning purposes, and for commercial purposes as well. It does more than just convert simple text into audio. With it, you can listen to online content on the browser or listen to the text in documents like PDFs, ebooks, etc. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech converter software available today that can help you generate high-quality realistic human voices with the help of AI. NaturalReader is full of features and functionalities that not most of the other TTS software has and that is what makes it one of the best free Text to Speech converter software.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It also has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader:


  • Specifically designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • Allows up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices.
  • It offers 100+ natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • It includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Can also read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.

Price: NaturalReader has three simple pricing plans including the free plan:

  • Free ($0/month):

20 minutes per day with premium voices, Unlimited use with free voices, Pronunciation editor

  • Premium ($9.99/month):

Unlimited use with premium voices, OCR functionality, MP3 conversion, Chrome extension with unlimited premium voices

  • Plus ($19/month):

100+ Premium and Plus voices, Chrome extension with 100+ Premium and Plus voices, all the previous features


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free version not suitable for commercial purposes.

2. Texttospeech.io


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Texttospeech.io is one of the simplest and best free online Text To Speech converters that anybody can use with ease. With many natural voices across different languages including Spanish, it can help you create natural-sounding audios from the text in real-time. It is one of the completely free Text to Speech converter software and claims that it will always be free in the future. It has a very straightforward interface without any heavy graphics and includes quite a lot of features for something that’s absolutely free. Along with Text to Speech conversion, it also provides other tools like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. for free. And you get even more features when you register an account for free.

Texttospeech.io is an absolutely free Text to Speech converter software that uses advertisements and donations to maintain itself. Following are the features of this wonderful TTS software:


  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.

Price: Texttospeech.io is absolutely free without any pricing plans. However, it accepts donations and runs advertisements on the site to keep itself running.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

3. TTSReader


Supported systems: Supports iOS and Android devices, and is also available online and as a chrome extension

Basic intro: Just like Texttospeech.io software above, TTSReader is also one of the very few completely free Text to Speech converter software. It has a simple UI design which makes it suitable for any kind of person to use. TSReader offers a decent amount of voice options across different languages including Spanish. It is a lightweight online application that instantly reads aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. And the best thing is that you can directly use this tool without downloading software or creating an account. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it, for example, you can listen to contents in documents automatically by uploading here, downloading converted audio, etc.

TTSReader is a free Text-to-Speech converting software that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio on mobile devices as well as online on your desktops. Following are the features of this free TTS software:


  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Available for iOS and Android devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is similar to the downloading function.

Price: TTSReader is completely free without any pricing plans at all. However, they do have a premium chrome extension and a separate commercial version available for purchase.


  • Has advertisements on the website and mobile applications.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. Kukarella


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Kukarella is one of the best free Text-to-Speech converter software that you can use for creating awesome voiceovers. It has a well-designed interface with a great number of features for text-to-speech conversion. Plus, it is powered by one of the most popular voice service providers like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM so you can easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. Kukarella can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software and also provides you with a Table Reads feature (which is a beta feature) that narrates books or scripts with multiple voices. It has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across over 100 different languages and accents which is truly amazing. And, it has a powerful studio where you can work with advanced options to create beautiful voiceovers.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar software.


  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, Speed, etc. included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.

Price: Kukarella has three different paid pricing plans available with which they also provide a 15-day money-back guarantee to refund your purchase if you’re not satisfied with their service:

  • Free ($0/month): For testing purposes
  • Pro ($15/month): For creative people
  • Premium ($35/month): For film professionals and experts
  • Studio ($99/month): For business and large-scale use

Aside from these four pricing plans, Kukarella also offers a Top Ups option to let you purchase additional credits like extra characters for text-to-speech and extra minutes for audio transcription.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.

5. CaptiVoice


Supported systems: Supports iOS devices and can also be used online on Windows and Mac via browser.

Basic intro: CaptiVoice is a professional Text to Speech converter software that is designed especially for reading and learning purposes. With a plethora of natural-sounding voices in 26 different languages, it is the perfect tool for reading e-books, documents, and web pages on any device you prefer. What’s really special about CaptiVoice are its additional functionalities like word highlighting, translation to different languages, dictionary definitions, cloud support, cross-device synchronization, and specific tools for teachers and administrations. And, it also has personalized visual settings for Dyslexic readers.

CaptiVoice is more of a reading tool than the Text-to-Speech converter software, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is one of the best free Text to Speech converter software. Following are the features of the free version of CaptiVoice:


  • Available for iOS devices and can also be used online on any device.
  • Advanced visual settings like word highlighting, screen-reader accessibility, etc.
  • Suitable for people with visual imparities like Dyslexia.
  • It includes administrative tools and specific tools for teachers (in paid plans only)
  • Cross-device synchronization and cloud support.
  • Has a well-designed interface with additional options for audio adjustments.
  • Primarily designed for reading and learning purposes.

Price: CaptiVoice is free to try and use with free voices. However, it has various premium plans depending on the product you choose as it is available for personal use, teachers and educators, etc. In the case of CaptiVoice Personal, the following are the subscription plans:

  • 1 month: $2.99
  • 6 months: $14.99
  • 12 months: $29.99


  • Not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Free plan too limited in terms of voice options.

6. Voicemaker.in


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Voicemaker is one Text to Speech converter software that is free, well-designed, and has professional features. It is an advanced online Text to Speech converter with support for SSML tags that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS that generate the most natural-sounding voices. With support for over 90 different languages including Spanish, they provide a large number of voice options to use. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. And despite all these advanced features, they have maintained a beginner-friendly interface that is easy to understand and use.

Even though Voicemaker.in is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter software.


  • It allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.

Price: Voicemaker has a total of four pricing plans including the free trial:

  • Free: For testing
  • Basic ($5/month): For starters
  • Premium ($10/month): For professionals
  • Business ($20/month): For small team


  • Not suitable for large enterprises.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

7. Balabolka


Supported systems: Supports all versions of Windows

Basic intro: Balabolka is a completely free text-to-speech software that lets you convert any text into audio directly from its program without the need for a browser. It is a TTS software available for only Windows operating system that has been here for a long time and feels outdated. But still, it is one of the most capable and useful free text-to-speech converters. It is packed with a lot of basic as well as advanced features required for TTS conversion in its lightweight package of just a few megabytes. This program basically uses the voices installed in your computer system but also supports various versions of Microsoft Speech API. Balabolka software is available for download either as an installable program, portable program, or as a command-line utility from its official website.

When it comes to free TTS software for your PC, there is no way one can forget Balabolka. Following are the features of this wonderful software:


  • It uses the pre-installed computer voices of your system.
  • Also supports many different text file formats.
  • Has options to alter a voice’s parameters, speed, pitch, etc.
  • Lightweight, simple, and completely free to use.
  • Can read text from clipboard, and documents, and save the on-screen text as an audio file.
  • It uses Microsoft’s Speech API and also includes a spelling checker.
  • Available for download as a portable and command-line program too.

Price: Balabolka is absolutely free to use without any pricing plans and hidden charges.


  • Not suitable for large-scale and commercial purposes.
  • Only available for Windows operating system.
  • Can only use the voices installed on the system.

8. Murf.ai


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic Intro: Murf.ai is the best choice for anyone who is looking for a free as well as professional and advanced Text to Speech converter software. It is a really popular online software that uses the latest Machine learning and AI technologies to create high-quality realistic voiceovers. It is not very beginner-friendly but still has a well-designed interface that anyone will quickly get used to. It offers one of the most natural-sounding AI voices across different languages including Spanish. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

However, Murf isn’t completely free as it offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with the following features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It offers 120+ different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Provides free royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.

Price: Murf has the following three pricing plans plus a free trial:

  • Basic ($13/month):

Unlimited downloads, 24 hours of voice generation per year, Access to 60 voices & 10 languages, etc.

  • Pro ($26/month):

96 hours of voice generation per year, 48 hours of transcription per year, Access to 120+ voices & 20 languages, etc.

  • Enterprise ($166/month):

5+ users, Unlimited voice generation & transcription, Collaboration and Access Control, Service Agreement, etc.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only single users without options for collaboration in the free plan.

9. TextAloud


Supported systems: Supports all versions of Windows

Basic intro: just like Balabolka above, TextAloud is a Windows text-to-speech software by NextUp technologies that help you easily generate audio for the given text but it is not completely free. It also consists of a large number of features allowing you to be more productive while converting text to speech. Despite its outdated interface, it has some extra functionalities that let you convert texts from web pages, documents, and PDFs into natural-sounding speech. Plus, it is suitable for people with Dyslexia and other visual imparities as it includes assistive technology to improve reading and comprehension. It originally uses the voices installed in your computer system, however, it also offers the natural-sounding Text-to-Speech voices from companies like Acapela, Ivona, Cerence, etc.

TextAloud is a wonderful Text-to-Speech software you can use to convert Spanish text into speech as it also supports the Spanish language. It is actually a paid software but offers a free trial of 20 days to try almost all of its features.


  • It allows the conversion of texts on web pages, documents, and PDFs into speech.
  • Assistive technology for people with Dyslexia to improve reading and comprehension.
  • Lightweight software with a straightforward interface.
  • It uses the pre-installed voices on the system and also offers natural-sounding Text to Speech voices from companies like Acapela, Ivona, Cerence, etc.
  • It uses Microsoft’s Speech API and also includes a spelling checker.
  • Includes a lot of features and options related to TTS.

Price: TextAloud 4 offers a one-time payment for a Single User License at $34.95 and also has a free trial version to test this software. However, it also offers some additional features for extra fees.


  • Only available for Windows devices
  • Not the best option for commercial purposes
  • User interface can seem a little outdated.

10. Wideo


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Wideo is a very popular Text to Speech converter software that makes Text to Speech conversion simple and straightforward. It doesn’t have any special or advanced features for adjusting the audio but that’s its specialty. For someone who just wants to convert text into audio for basic and general use, Wideo is the best choice. While Text to Speech conversion is not the main specialty of Wideo as it is originally a video maker, it doesn’t make a difference because Wideo Text to Speech converter makes everything simple and straightforward. The best thing about Wideo is that it is completely free without any ads, no need for download, and no login is required to use.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest TTS software you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the website and no login and credit card required.

Price: Wideo Text-to-Speech Software is basically free with no specific pricing plans. However, its limit in the number of characters can be removed by purchasing any two of their video maker plans:

  • PRO: $39/month
  • PRO+: $79/month


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters, and no specific pricing plan to remove that limitation.



This concludes our article on 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Softwares for Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & Online. All of these softwares are tested and 100% legit, so you can use them without any worries. Even if these are free, there might be some limitations or restrictions as that is to be expected from something that is free. But still, these are the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter softwares you can go for that provides overall greater features and better experience in comparision with other softwares.


Here is a collection of the 10 best Text to Speech Converter Software that are free to use and support the Spanish language. This list is comprised of the best-chosen softwares that offer overall greater value than the rest of the other free softwares. Some of these softwares have support for Windows, Mac, or mobile devices while some can be used online on any device via a browser.

If you’re looking for the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter software, then we believe that this article will put an end to your search. Rather than selecting any free software with just the capability of Text-to-Speech conversion, we have selected some really great ones that have their own set of amazing features and can be used for particular purposes. Some software in this list might be best for trying different AI voices, some might be best for basic general use while some might be best for a professional experience. Anyway, we have got you covered in almost every aspect with these awesome softwares.

Following is the list of best free Spanish TTS softwares that includes completely free softwares as well as the ones with the free plan:

1. NaturalReader


Supported systems: Supports Windows, iPhone, Android, and online (also available as a chrome extension)

Basic intro: NaturalReader is a powerful multi-purpose Text to Speech converter software that can be used for any purpose. You can use it for your own personal use, for reading & learning purposes, and for commercial purposes as well. It does more than just convert simple text into audio. With it, you can listen to online content on the browser or listen to the text in documents like PDFs, ebooks, etc. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech converter software available today that can help you generate high-quality realistic human voices with the help of AI. NaturalReader is full of features and functionalities that not most of the other TTS software has and that is what makes it one of the best free Text to Speech converter software.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It also has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader:


  • Specifically designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • Allows up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices.
  • It offers 100+ natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • It includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Can also read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.

Price: NaturalReader has three simple pricing plans including the free plan:

  • Free ($0/month):

20 minutes per day with premium voices, Unlimited use with free voices, Pronunciation editor

  • Premium ($9.99/month):

Unlimited use with premium voices, OCR functionality, MP3 conversion, Chrome extension with unlimited premium voices

  • Plus ($19/month):

100+ Premium and Plus voices, Chrome extension with 100+ Premium and Plus voices, all the previous features


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free version not suitable for commercial purposes.

2. Texttospeech.io


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Texttospeech.io is one of the simplest and best free online Text To Speech converters that anybody can use with ease. With many natural voices across different languages including Spanish, it can help you create natural-sounding audios from the text in real-time. It is one of the completely free Text to Speech converter software and claims that it will always be free in the future. It has a very straightforward interface without any heavy graphics and includes quite a lot of features for something that’s absolutely free. Along with Text to Speech conversion, it also provides other tools like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. for free. And you get even more features when you register an account for free.

Texttospeech.io is an absolutely free Text to Speech converter software that uses advertisements and donations to maintain itself. Following are the features of this wonderful TTS software:


  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.

Price: Texttospeech.io is absolutely free without any pricing plans. However, it accepts donations and runs advertisements on the site to keep itself running.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

3. TTSReader


Supported systems: Supports iOS and Android devices, and is also available online and as a chrome extension

Basic intro: Just like Texttospeech.io software above, TTSReader is also one of the very few completely free Text to Speech converter software. It has a simple UI design which makes it suitable for any kind of person to use. TSReader offers a decent amount of voice options across different languages including Spanish. It is a lightweight online application that instantly reads aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. And the best thing is that you can directly use this tool without downloading software or creating an account. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it, for example, you can listen to contents in documents automatically by uploading here, downloading converted audio, etc.

TTSReader is a free Text-to-Speech converting software that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio on mobile devices as well as online on your desktops. Following are the features of this free TTS software:


  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Available for iOS and Android devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is similar to the downloading function.

Price: TTSReader is completely free without any pricing plans at all. However, they do have a premium chrome extension and a separate commercial version available for purchase.


  • Has advertisements on the website and mobile applications.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. Kukarella


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Kukarella is one of the best free Text-to-Speech converter software that you can use for creating awesome voiceovers. It has a well-designed interface with a great number of features for text-to-speech conversion. Plus, it is powered by one of the most popular voice service providers like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM so you can easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. Kukarella can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software and also provides you with a Table Reads feature (which is a beta feature) that narrates books or scripts with multiple voices. It has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across over 100 different languages and accents which is truly amazing. And, it has a powerful studio where you can work with advanced options to create beautiful voiceovers.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar software.


  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, Speed, etc. included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.

Price: Kukarella has three different paid pricing plans available with which they also provide a 15-day money-back guarantee to refund your purchase if you’re not satisfied with their service:

  • Free ($0/month): For testing purposes
  • Pro ($15/month): For creative people
  • Premium ($35/month): For film professionals and experts
  • Studio ($99/month): For business and large-scale use

Aside from these four pricing plans, Kukarella also offers a Top Ups option to let you purchase additional credits like extra characters for text-to-speech and extra minutes for audio transcription.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.

5. CaptiVoice


Supported systems: Supports iOS devices and can also be used online on Windows and Mac via browser.

Basic intro: CaptiVoice is a professional Text to Speech converter software that is designed especially for reading and learning purposes. With a plethora of natural-sounding voices in 26 different languages, it is the perfect tool for reading e-books, documents, and web pages on any device you prefer. What’s really special about CaptiVoice are its additional functionalities like word highlighting, translation to different languages, dictionary definitions, cloud support, cross-device synchronization, and specific tools for teachers and administrations. And, it also has personalized visual settings for Dyslexic readers.

CaptiVoice is more of a reading tool than the Text-to-Speech converter software, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is one of the best free Text to Speech converter software. Following are the features of the free version of CaptiVoice:


  • Available for iOS devices and can also be used online on any device.
  • Advanced visual settings like word highlighting, screen-reader accessibility, etc.
  • Suitable for people with visual imparities like Dyslexia.
  • It includes administrative tools and specific tools for teachers (in paid plans only)
  • Cross-device synchronization and cloud support.
  • Has a well-designed interface with additional options for audio adjustments.
  • Primarily designed for reading and learning purposes.

Price: CaptiVoice is free to try and use with free voices. However, it has various premium plans depending on the product you choose as it is available for personal use, teachers and educators, etc. In the case of CaptiVoice Personal, the following are the subscription plans:

  • 1 month: $2.99
  • 6 months: $14.99
  • 12 months: $29.99


  • Not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Free plan too limited in terms of voice options.

6. Voicemaker.in


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Voicemaker is one Text to Speech converter software that is free, well-designed, and has professional features. It is an advanced online Text to Speech converter with support for SSML tags that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS that generate the most natural-sounding voices. With support for over 90 different languages including Spanish, they provide a large number of voice options to use. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. And despite all these advanced features, they have maintained a beginner-friendly interface that is easy to understand and use.

Even though Voicemaker.in is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter software.


  • It allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.

Price: Voicemaker has a total of four pricing plans including the free trial:

  • Free: For testing
  • Basic ($5/month): For starters
  • Premium ($10/month): For professionals
  • Business ($20/month): For small team


  • Not suitable for large enterprises.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

7. Balabolka


Supported systems: Supports all versions of Windows

Basic intro: Balabolka is a completely free text-to-speech software that lets you convert any text into audio directly from its program without the need for a browser. It is a TTS software available for only Windows operating system that has been here for a long time and feels outdated. But still, it is one of the most capable and useful free text-to-speech converters. It is packed with a lot of basic as well as advanced features required for TTS conversion in its lightweight package of just a few megabytes. This program basically uses the voices installed in your computer system but also supports various versions of Microsoft Speech API. Balabolka software is available for download either as an installable program, portable program, or as a command-line utility from its official website.

When it comes to free TTS software for your PC, there is no way one can forget Balabolka. Following are the features of this wonderful software:


  • It uses the pre-installed computer voices of your system.
  • Also supports many different text file formats.
  • Has options to alter a voice’s parameters, speed, pitch, etc.
  • Lightweight, simple, and completely free to use.
  • Can read text from clipboard, and documents, and save the on-screen text as an audio file.
  • It uses Microsoft’s Speech API and also includes a spelling checker.
  • Available for download as a portable and command-line program too.

Price: Balabolka is absolutely free to use without any pricing plans and hidden charges.


  • Not suitable for large-scale and commercial purposes.
  • Only available for Windows operating system.
  • Can only use the voices installed on the system.

8. Murf.ai


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic Intro: Murf.ai is the best choice for anyone who is looking for a free as well as professional and advanced Text to Speech converter software. It is a really popular online software that uses the latest Machine learning and AI technologies to create high-quality realistic voiceovers. It is not very beginner-friendly but still has a well-designed interface that anyone will quickly get used to. It offers one of the most natural-sounding AI voices across different languages including Spanish. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

However, Murf isn’t completely free as it offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with the following features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It offers 120+ different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Provides free royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.

Price: Murf has the following three pricing plans plus a free trial:

  • Basic ($13/month):

Unlimited downloads, 24 hours of voice generation per year, Access to 60 voices & 10 languages, etc.

  • Pro ($26/month):

96 hours of voice generation per year, 48 hours of transcription per year, Access to 120+ voices & 20 languages, etc.

  • Enterprise ($166/month):

5+ users, Unlimited voice generation & transcription, Collaboration and Access Control, Service Agreement, etc.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only single users without options for collaboration in the free plan.

9. TextAloud


Supported systems: Supports all versions of Windows

Basic intro: just like Balabolka above, TextAloud is a Windows text-to-speech software by NextUp technologies that help you easily generate audio for the given text but it is not completely free. It also consists of a large number of features allowing you to be more productive while converting text to speech. Despite its outdated interface, it has some extra functionalities that let you convert texts from web pages, documents, and PDFs into natural-sounding speech. Plus, it is suitable for people with Dyslexia and other visual imparities as it includes assistive technology to improve reading and comprehension. It originally uses the voices installed in your computer system, however, it also offers the natural-sounding Text-to-Speech voices from companies like Acapela, Ivona, Cerence, etc.

TextAloud is a wonderful Text-to-Speech software you can use to convert Spanish text into speech as it also supports the Spanish language. It is actually a paid software but offers a free trial of 20 days to try almost all of its features.


  • It allows the conversion of texts on web pages, documents, and PDFs into speech.
  • Assistive technology for people with Dyslexia to improve reading and comprehension.
  • Lightweight software with a straightforward interface.
  • It uses the pre-installed voices on the system and also offers natural-sounding Text to Speech voices from companies like Acapela, Ivona, Cerence, etc.
  • It uses Microsoft’s Speech API and also includes a spelling checker.
  • Includes a lot of features and options related to TTS.

Price: TextAloud 4 offers a one-time payment for a Single User License at $34.95 and also has a free trial version to test this software. However, it also offers some additional features for extra fees.


  • Only available for Windows devices
  • Not the best option for commercial purposes
  • User interface can seem a little outdated.

10. Wideo


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Wideo is a very popular Text to Speech converter software that makes Text to Speech conversion simple and straightforward. It doesn’t have any special or advanced features for adjusting the audio but that’s its specialty. For someone who just wants to convert text into audio for basic and general use, Wideo is the best choice. While Text to Speech conversion is not the main specialty of Wideo as it is originally a video maker, it doesn’t make a difference because Wideo Text to Speech converter makes everything simple and straightforward. The best thing about Wideo is that it is completely free without any ads, no need for download, and no login is required to use.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest TTS software you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the website and no login and credit card required.

Price: Wideo Text-to-Speech Software is basically free with no specific pricing plans. However, its limit in the number of characters can be removed by purchasing any two of their video maker plans:

  • PRO: $39/month
  • PRO+: $79/month


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters, and no specific pricing plan to remove that limitation.



This concludes our article on 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Softwares for Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & Online. All of these softwares are tested and 100% legit, so you can use them without any worries. Even if these are free, there might be some limitations or restrictions as that is to be expected from something that is free. But still, these are the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter softwares you can go for that provides overall greater features and better experience in comparision with other softwares.


Here is a collection of the 10 best Text to Speech Converter Software that are free to use and support the Spanish language. This list is comprised of the best-chosen softwares that offer overall greater value than the rest of the other free softwares. Some of these softwares have support for Windows, Mac, or mobile devices while some can be used online on any device via a browser.

If you’re looking for the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter software, then we believe that this article will put an end to your search. Rather than selecting any free software with just the capability of Text-to-Speech conversion, we have selected some really great ones that have their own set of amazing features and can be used for particular purposes. Some software in this list might be best for trying different AI voices, some might be best for basic general use while some might be best for a professional experience. Anyway, we have got you covered in almost every aspect with these awesome softwares.

Following is the list of best free Spanish TTS softwares that includes completely free softwares as well as the ones with the free plan:

1. NaturalReader


Supported systems: Supports Windows, iPhone, Android, and online (also available as a chrome extension)

Basic intro: NaturalReader is a powerful multi-purpose Text to Speech converter software that can be used for any purpose. You can use it for your own personal use, for reading & learning purposes, and for commercial purposes as well. It does more than just convert simple text into audio. With it, you can listen to online content on the browser or listen to the text in documents like PDFs, ebooks, etc. It is one of the best and most popular text-to-speech converter software available today that can help you generate high-quality realistic human voices with the help of AI. NaturalReader is full of features and functionalities that not most of the other TTS software has and that is what makes it one of the best free Text to Speech converter software.

NaturalReader is available online and also as installable software and chrome extensions. It also has various pricing plans but below are the features of the free version of NaturalReader:


  • Specifically designed as a reading aid to help dyslexic readers with different viewing settings.
  • Advanced editor to change the speed and volume of the audio along with options for dark mode, hotkeys, etc.
  • Allows up to 20 minutes per day with Premium voices.
  • It offers 100+ natural-sounding voices available in 16 different languages including Spanish to try.
  • It includes a Pronunciation editor for additional adjustments.
  • Can also read or convert the scanned documents or images into audios with its OCR functionality.

Price: NaturalReader has three simple pricing plans including the free plan:

  • Free ($0/month):

20 minutes per day with premium voices, Unlimited use with free voices, Pronunciation editor

  • Premium ($9.99/month):

Unlimited use with premium voices, OCR functionality, MP3 conversion, Chrome extension with unlimited premium voices

  • Plus ($19/month):

100+ Premium and Plus voices, Chrome extension with 100+ Premium and Plus voices, all the previous features


  • You can try premium voices but does not allow downloading them.
  • Free version not suitable for commercial purposes.

2. Texttospeech.io


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Texttospeech.io is one of the simplest and best free online Text To Speech converters that anybody can use with ease. With many natural voices across different languages including Spanish, it can help you create natural-sounding audios from the text in real-time. It is one of the completely free Text to Speech converter software and claims that it will always be free in the future. It has a very straightforward interface without any heavy graphics and includes quite a lot of features for something that’s absolutely free. Along with Text to Speech conversion, it also provides other tools like PDF speaker, Image speaker, Text to MP3, RSS Reader, etc. for free. And you get even more features when you register an account for free.

Texttospeech.io is an absolutely free Text to Speech converter software that uses advertisements and donations to maintain itself. Following are the features of this wonderful TTS software:


  • Has a huge library of voices across many languages.
  • Not only a Text to Speech converter but also a PDF speaker, Image speaker, etc.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • It has a simple and straightforward interface for easy use.
  • Absolutely free website that runs with the help of donations and advertisements.
  • Advanced options to change the rate, pitch, speed, and volume of the voice.
  • No login is required to use, but additional features available for free when you register an account.
  • Also has the option to download the converted audio as mp3.

Price: Texttospeech.io is absolutely free without any pricing plans. However, it accepts donations and runs advertisements on the site to keep itself running.


  • Has advertisements on the website.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

3. TTSReader


Supported systems: Supports iOS and Android devices, and is also available online and as a chrome extension

Basic intro: Just like Texttospeech.io software above, TTSReader is also one of the very few completely free Text to Speech converter software. It has a simple UI design which makes it suitable for any kind of person to use. TSReader offers a decent amount of voice options across different languages including Spanish. It is a lightweight online application that instantly reads aloud text, pdfs & ebooks with natural-sounding voices. And the best thing is that you can directly use this tool without downloading software or creating an account. Despite being a completely free Text-to-Speech converter, it has some really great features in it, for example, you can listen to contents in documents automatically by uploading here, downloading converted audio, etc.

TTSReader is a free Text-to-Speech converting software that you can use to convert Spanish text into audio on mobile devices as well as online on your desktops. Following are the features of this free TTS software:


  • Has many options for voices including male and female, accents, and languages.
  • It reads aloud ebooks, pdfs, or any text files you upload.
  • Available for iOS and Android devices for instant access.
  • Automatically remembers the preferences of the previous session and also has options for screen recording.
  • Simple and easy-to-use interface
  • Completely free for personal or general use.
  • It allows you to manually add pauses and alter the speed of the voice.
  • Has a ‘Record Audio’ option for saving audio in webm format which is similar to the downloading function.

Price: TTSReader is completely free without any pricing plans at all. However, they do have a premium chrome extension and a separate commercial version available for purchase.


  • Has advertisements on the website and mobile applications.
  • May not be the best option for commercial purposes

4. Kukarella


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Kukarella is one of the best free Text-to-Speech converter software that you can use for creating awesome voiceovers. It has a well-designed interface with a great number of features for text-to-speech conversion. Plus, it is powered by one of the most popular voice service providers like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM so you can easily create beautiful voiceovers with realistic AI voices. Kukarella can be used both as a Text-to-voice software and an Audio-to-text software and also provides you with a Table Reads feature (which is a beta feature) that narrates books or scripts with multiple voices. It has one of the largest libraries of around 670 voices across over 100 different languages and accents which is truly amazing. And, it has a powerful studio where you can work with advanced options to create beautiful voiceovers.

Kukarella can be your best choice for converting Spanish text into speech for free as it offers a ton of features even in its free plan compared to other similar software.


  • 3 free voice effects like Pitch, Pause, Speed, etc. included in the free plan.
  • Access to Projects and Files for up to 24 hours.
  • It offers one of the largest collections of 159 free voices with many voice options for Spanish.
  • Allows up to 3000 characters per month for text to speech conversion.
  • Can be used for audio transcription with 7 minutes of audio transcription per month.
  • It includes the Table Reads feature to narrate books or scripts using multiple voices.

Price: Kukarella has three different paid pricing plans available with which they also provide a 15-day money-back guarantee to refund your purchase if you’re not satisfied with their service:

  • Free ($0/month): For testing purposes
  • Pro ($15/month): For creative people
  • Premium ($35/month): For film professionals and experts
  • Studio ($99/month): For business and large-scale use

Aside from these four pricing plans, Kukarella also offers a Top Ups option to let you purchase additional credits like extra characters for text-to-speech and extra minutes for audio transcription.


  • Commercial rights are not included in the free plan, so not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Doesn’t offer any discounts for top-ups like in paid plans.

5. CaptiVoice


Supported systems: Supports iOS devices and can also be used online on Windows and Mac via browser.

Basic intro: CaptiVoice is a professional Text to Speech converter software that is designed especially for reading and learning purposes. With a plethora of natural-sounding voices in 26 different languages, it is the perfect tool for reading e-books, documents, and web pages on any device you prefer. What’s really special about CaptiVoice are its additional functionalities like word highlighting, translation to different languages, dictionary definitions, cloud support, cross-device synchronization, and specific tools for teachers and administrations. And, it also has personalized visual settings for Dyslexic readers.

CaptiVoice is more of a reading tool than the Text-to-Speech converter software, but that doesn’t change the fact that it is one of the best free Text to Speech converter software. Following are the features of the free version of CaptiVoice:


  • Available for iOS devices and can also be used online on any device.
  • Advanced visual settings like word highlighting, screen-reader accessibility, etc.
  • Suitable for people with visual imparities like Dyslexia.
  • It includes administrative tools and specific tools for teachers (in paid plans only)
  • Cross-device synchronization and cloud support.
  • Has a well-designed interface with additional options for audio adjustments.
  • Primarily designed for reading and learning purposes.

Price: CaptiVoice is free to try and use with free voices. However, it has various premium plans depending on the product you choose as it is available for personal use, teachers and educators, etc. In the case of CaptiVoice Personal, the following are the subscription plans:

  • 1 month: $2.99
  • 6 months: $14.99
  • 12 months: $29.99


  • Not suitable for commercial purposes.
  • Free plan too limited in terms of voice options.

6. Voicemaker.in


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Voicemaker is one Text to Speech converter software that is free, well-designed, and has professional features. It is an advanced online Text to Speech converter with support for SSML tags that converts any text into audio using its realistic AI voices. Its AI engine uses both Standard TTS and Neural TTS that generate the most natural-sounding voices. With support for over 90 different languages including Spanish, they provide a large number of voice options to use. On top of that, they provide many adjustment options for audio like voice effects, pauses, emphasis, speed, pitch, volume, etc. also with the ‘Say as’ option. And despite all these advanced features, they have maintained a beginner-friendly interface that is easy to understand and use.

Even though Voicemaker.in is not completely free as it has various pricing plans, it wouldn’t hurt to say that Voicemaker falls under the list of one of the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter software.


  • It allows commercial use on sites like YouTube as long as proper credit is given.
  • Supports SSML tags and neural TTS along with Standard TTS.
  • Advanced options and settings for adjusting the audio along with voice effects.
  • More features like Pronunciation editor, Dark mode, etc. with 50+ fresh new AI voices coming soon.
  • 70+ free voices including Standard & Neural TTS available across 30+ different languages including Spanish.
  • Well-designed and well-optimized interface.
  • Allows up to 100 Text-to-speech conversions per week in the free plan.
  • Also has API integration facilities for developers (not free).
  • No login required to try and use.
  • Email support is available even for the free plan.

Price: Voicemaker has a total of four pricing plans including the free trial:

  • Free: For testing
  • Basic ($5/month): For starters
  • Premium ($10/month): For professionals
  • Business ($20/month): For small team


  • Not suitable for large enterprises.
  • Neural TTS is a bit more limited in the free plan.

7. Balabolka


Supported systems: Supports all versions of Windows

Basic intro: Balabolka is a completely free text-to-speech software that lets you convert any text into audio directly from its program without the need for a browser. It is a TTS software available for only Windows operating system that has been here for a long time and feels outdated. But still, it is one of the most capable and useful free text-to-speech converters. It is packed with a lot of basic as well as advanced features required for TTS conversion in its lightweight package of just a few megabytes. This program basically uses the voices installed in your computer system but also supports various versions of Microsoft Speech API. Balabolka software is available for download either as an installable program, portable program, or as a command-line utility from its official website.

When it comes to free TTS software for your PC, there is no way one can forget Balabolka. Following are the features of this wonderful software:


  • It uses the pre-installed computer voices of your system.
  • Also supports many different text file formats.
  • Has options to alter a voice’s parameters, speed, pitch, etc.
  • Lightweight, simple, and completely free to use.
  • Can read text from clipboard, and documents, and save the on-screen text as an audio file.
  • It uses Microsoft’s Speech API and also includes a spelling checker.
  • Available for download as a portable and command-line program too.

Price: Balabolka is absolutely free to use without any pricing plans and hidden charges.


  • Not suitable for large-scale and commercial purposes.
  • Only available for Windows operating system.
  • Can only use the voices installed on the system.

8. Murf.ai


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic Intro: Murf.ai is the best choice for anyone who is looking for a free as well as professional and advanced Text to Speech converter software. It is a really popular online software that uses the latest Machine learning and AI technologies to create high-quality realistic voiceovers. It is not very beginner-friendly but still has a well-designed interface that anyone will quickly get used to. It offers one of the most natural-sounding AI voices across different languages including Spanish. And it is not just a Text to Speech converter. It can also be used for converting speech into editable text (transcription), making high-quality voiceovers for videos, generating AI video from audio, etc.

However, Murf isn’t completely free as it offers various pricing plans with premium features. But still, it can be considered one of the best free Text-to-Speech converters with the following features in the free plan:


  • 10 minutes of voice generation & 10 minutes of transcription for free
  • Free grammar and punctuation assistants are available for correction of the text.
  • Free trial allows you to render up to 10 minutes of voice from the text.
  • It offers 120+ different types of AI voices for men, and women to try.
  • It offers the most natural-sounding AI voices in 20 different languages.
  • Has different functionalities aside from Text to speech conversion like transcription, making and editing voiceovers, etc.
  • Advanced options available like pitch adjustment, adding pauses, emphasizing specific words, speed, etc. for extra adjustments.
  • Provides free royalty-free background music to add to videos or voiceovers.
  • No login required and no credit card needed for the free plan.

Price: Murf has the following three pricing plans plus a free trial:

  • Basic ($13/month):

Unlimited downloads, 24 hours of voice generation per year, Access to 60 voices & 10 languages, etc.

  • Pro ($26/month):

96 hours of voice generation per year, 48 hours of transcription per year, Access to 120+ voices & 20 languages, etc.

  • Enterprise ($166/month):

5+ users, Unlimited voice generation & transcription, Collaboration and Access Control, Service Agreement, etc.


  • Does not allow downloading output audio/video, can only share with its link.
  • Allows only single users without options for collaboration in the free plan.

9. TextAloud


Supported systems: Supports all versions of Windows

Basic intro: just like Balabolka above, TextAloud is a Windows text-to-speech software by NextUp technologies that help you easily generate audio for the given text but it is not completely free. It also consists of a large number of features allowing you to be more productive while converting text to speech. Despite its outdated interface, it has some extra functionalities that let you convert texts from web pages, documents, and PDFs into natural-sounding speech. Plus, it is suitable for people with Dyslexia and other visual imparities as it includes assistive technology to improve reading and comprehension. It originally uses the voices installed in your computer system, however, it also offers the natural-sounding Text-to-Speech voices from companies like Acapela, Ivona, Cerence, etc.

TextAloud is a wonderful Text-to-Speech software you can use to convert Spanish text into speech as it also supports the Spanish language. It is actually a paid software but offers a free trial of 20 days to try almost all of its features.


  • It allows the conversion of texts on web pages, documents, and PDFs into speech.
  • Assistive technology for people with Dyslexia to improve reading and comprehension.
  • Lightweight software with a straightforward interface.
  • It uses the pre-installed voices on the system and also offers natural-sounding Text to Speech voices from companies like Acapela, Ivona, Cerence, etc.
  • It uses Microsoft’s Speech API and also includes a spelling checker.
  • Includes a lot of features and options related to TTS.

Price: TextAloud 4 offers a one-time payment for a Single User License at $34.95 and also has a free trial version to test this software. However, it also offers some additional features for extra fees.


  • Only available for Windows devices
  • Not the best option for commercial purposes
  • User interface can seem a little outdated.

10. Wideo


Supported systems: It is a cloud-based platform, therefore can be used online on Windows, Mac, Android, and iPhone.

Basic intro: Wideo is a very popular Text to Speech converter software that makes Text to Speech conversion simple and straightforward. It doesn’t have any special or advanced features for adjusting the audio but that’s its specialty. For someone who just wants to convert text into audio for basic and general use, Wideo is the best choice. While Text to Speech conversion is not the main specialty of Wideo as it is originally a video maker, it doesn’t make a difference because Wideo Text to Speech converter makes everything simple and straightforward. The best thing about Wideo is that it is completely free without any ads, no need for download, and no login is required to use.

Wideo Text to Speech software is completely free to use online. It is one of the simplest TTS software you can use for converting Spanish text into speech for free.


  • Can convert up to 2000 characters per day
  • It offers a large list of voices and languages including Spanish to choose from.
  • Has the ability to adjust the speed of the voice.
  • Completely free and easy-to-use Text to Speech converter.
  • Professional video maker available along with TTS functionality.
  • It allows you to preview the audio and download it as an mp3 file for free.
  • No advertisements and popups on the website and no login and credit card required.

Price: Wideo Text-to-Speech Software is basically free with no specific pricing plans. However, its limit in the number of characters can be removed by purchasing any two of their video maker plans:

  • PRO: $39/month
  • PRO+: $79/month


  • Lacks some advanced text-to-speech features
  • Limitations on the number of characters, and no specific pricing plan to remove that limitation.



This concludes our article on 10 Best Free Spanish Text to Speech Converter Softwares for Windows, Mac, Android, iPhone & Online. All of these softwares are tested and 100% legit, so you can use them without any worries. Even if these are free, there might be some limitations or restrictions as that is to be expected from something that is free. But still, these are the best free Spanish Text to Speech converter softwares you can go for that provides overall greater features and better experience in comparision with other softwares.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated In 2024, How To Change Text In Premiere Pro
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:43
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:43
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-in-2024-how-to-change-text-in-premiere-pro/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated In 2024, How To Change Text In Premiere Pro