Updated In 2024, The Most Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline

Updated In 2024, The Most Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline

Chloe Lv12

The Most Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline

Do you still have a lot of editing to do after spending hours creating a video for your client? Though you already have a lot on your plate, you can’t continue to devote all of your working hours to only video editing. What if we told you there is a way to make this video editing process much quicker and easier? Keep reading this article to learn how to make the video editing process simpler and more effective.

Part 1: Best Way to Manage your Timeline

We all know that keeping good habits while editing could be helpful, whether you are a professional or a newbie. It could make editing so much more efficient. Today, we will show you some easy tips to organize your media browser and timeline while editing videos. But before we begin, download Filmora from their official website so you can follow all the steps easily.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

1. Create folders in Filmora

If you have footage from multiple cameras, it is best to create some folders first.

Step1 Create a Folder for Camera 1

If you have video footage from three cameras, you can create one folder for each camera.

Go to the default folder on the top left and rename it Cam_A.

create a folder for camera 1

Step2 Create a Folder for Camera 2

Then go to the bottom left of the media browser and click on this icon to add a new folder. Rename it to Cam_B.

create a folder for camera 2

Step3 Create a Folder for Camera 3

Repeat the steps to create another folder called Cam_C. Now you can import footage from your different cameras into each folder.

create a folder for camera 3

Step4 Create a Folder for Production Sound

After that, add three new folders and rename them to Production Sound, SFX, and Music. Production sound is usually the sound that is recorded on set. If you have recorded all dialects from the subjects on the location, you can put them into this folder.

create a folder for production sound

Step5 Create a Folder for SFX

SFX stands for sound effects. You can add push clapping, laughing and other Folly sounds into this folder.

create a folder for sfx

Step6 Create a Folder for Music

Next, import all music files into the music folder. You can create folders for your graphics, B-roll, and stock footage if needed.

create a folder for music

2. Organize your Timeline and Video Tracks

Step1 Create Tracks for Picture Editing

Keep the first three tracks for picture editing. These tracks are usually for picture editing that includes footage with no effects or some simple effects—for example resizing, keyframing, transitions, or Green Screen.

create tracks for picture editing

Step2 Create Tracks for Temporary Footage

Set up the fourth track for the temporary footage or placeholders so you can quickly switch the temporary footage without spending extra time looking for them.

create tracks for temporary footage

Step3 Create Tracks for Effects

Set the fifth video track as the effect track. It will include all effects from firmware that do not apply to the footage directly.

create tracks for effects

Step4 Create Tracks for On and Off Content

Next, on the sixth video track, you can add the content that you would want to turn on and off from time to time. In this example, you can put the subtitles here.

create tracks for on and off content

3. Organize your Audio Tracks

Step1 Create Tracks for Dialects

The first two tracks are usually for dialects. You can include all the dialects of characters in these tracks. Keep one track for each character. If you have more characters, feel free to assign more tracks to them.

create tracks for dialects

Step2 Create Tracks for Additional Audio

The third audio track could be for any additional audio, such as voiceover. If you don’t have a voiceover in your video, you can leave it empty.

create tracks for additional audio

Step3 Create Tracks for Sound Effects

The fourth track could usually be the sound effects track. You can add all the clapping sounds, laughing, and all kinds of other foley sound here.

create tracks for sound effects

Step4 Create Tracks for Ambient Sound

Keep the fifth track for Ambient sound and room tone. You can use it to keep a very subtle environment sound in specific scenes. For example, you can use the room tone recorded on sets.

create tracks for ambient sound

Step5 Create Tracks for Background Music

Finally, the sixth track is usually for background music. But, of course, you could also keep it empty if your project has no background music.

create tracks for background music

4. Color Code Your Clips

Suppose you want to make the timeline even easier to view. In that case, you can select all clips from a camera or a subject and color code them into a specific color. For example, you can color code the footage from camera A in red, camera B in yellow, and Camera C in blue. Now, when you look at the Timeline, you can quickly distinguish footage from different cameras.

color code your clips

Part 2: Pro Tips about Improving Video Editing Efficiency

1. Rename Individual Clips

It would be much simpler to organize the timeline if you could quickly rename individual clips. Cut a clip into smaller segments and give each clip a different name. Make sure these clips have a name other than the source video to avoid confusion.

2. Remove Empty Timeline

For quick video editing, timeline organization is essential. Organize your materials and footage at all times to prevent delays. Put everything in the correct folders with the proper labels. To keep your timeline organized, select “Delete Empty Tracks” from the context menu when right-clicking on the track window on the left.

3. Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Knowing keyboard shortcuts allows you to carry out the editing process quickly and precisely.

4. Select Good Music

Don’t only concentrate on the images; the music also affects how well your video comes out. For example, suppose you’re making a drama movie. In that case, you should pick the right music track to evoke particular emotions in your viewers.

5. Add Text and Graphics

Depending on the style of the video, adding text, graphics, or stock video to your project could be helpful. You should provide more text than just the title for some videos.


You don’t need to be an expert in video editing to produce high-quality videos. In reality, you can complete the task without any expensive, high-end professional training. So how? Well, with the proper video editing tools like Wondershare Filmora, anything is possible. Follow the above guide, organize your timeline and keep the tracks consistent while video editing on Filmora so it’s easier to come back and edit a project or share with other editors.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

1. Create folders in Filmora

If you have footage from multiple cameras, it is best to create some folders first.

Step1 Create a Folder for Camera 1

If you have video footage from three cameras, you can create one folder for each camera.

Go to the default folder on the top left and rename it Cam_A.

create a folder for camera 1

Step2 Create a Folder for Camera 2

Then go to the bottom left of the media browser and click on this icon to add a new folder. Rename it to Cam_B.

create a folder for camera 2

Step3 Create a Folder for Camera 3

Repeat the steps to create another folder called Cam_C. Now you can import footage from your different cameras into each folder.

create a folder for camera 3

Step4 Create a Folder for Production Sound

After that, add three new folders and rename them to Production Sound, SFX, and Music. Production sound is usually the sound that is recorded on set. If you have recorded all dialects from the subjects on the location, you can put them into this folder.

create a folder for production sound

Step5 Create a Folder for SFX

SFX stands for sound effects. You can add push clapping, laughing and other Folly sounds into this folder.

create a folder for sfx

Step6 Create a Folder for Music

Next, import all music files into the music folder. You can create folders for your graphics, B-roll, and stock footage if needed.

create a folder for music

2. Organize your Timeline and Video Tracks

Step1 Create Tracks for Picture Editing

Keep the first three tracks for picture editing. These tracks are usually for picture editing that includes footage with no effects or some simple effects—for example resizing, keyframing, transitions, or Green Screen.

create tracks for picture editing

Step2 Create Tracks for Temporary Footage

Set up the fourth track for the temporary footage or placeholders so you can quickly switch the temporary footage without spending extra time looking for them.

create tracks for temporary footage

Step3 Create Tracks for Effects

Set the fifth video track as the effect track. It will include all effects from firmware that do not apply to the footage directly.

create tracks for effects

Step4 Create Tracks for On and Off Content

Next, on the sixth video track, you can add the content that you would want to turn on and off from time to time. In this example, you can put the subtitles here.

create tracks for on and off content

3. Organize your Audio Tracks

Step1 Create Tracks for Dialects

The first two tracks are usually for dialects. You can include all the dialects of characters in these tracks. Keep one track for each character. If you have more characters, feel free to assign more tracks to them.

create tracks for dialects

Step2 Create Tracks for Additional Audio

The third audio track could be for any additional audio, such as voiceover. If you don’t have a voiceover in your video, you can leave it empty.

create tracks for additional audio

Step3 Create Tracks for Sound Effects

The fourth track could usually be the sound effects track. You can add all the clapping sounds, laughing, and all kinds of other foley sound here.

create tracks for sound effects

Step4 Create Tracks for Ambient Sound

Keep the fifth track for Ambient sound and room tone. You can use it to keep a very subtle environment sound in specific scenes. For example, you can use the room tone recorded on sets.

create tracks for ambient sound

Step5 Create Tracks for Background Music

Finally, the sixth track is usually for background music. But, of course, you could also keep it empty if your project has no background music.

create tracks for background music

4. Color Code Your Clips

Suppose you want to make the timeline even easier to view. In that case, you can select all clips from a camera or a subject and color code them into a specific color. For example, you can color code the footage from camera A in red, camera B in yellow, and Camera C in blue. Now, when you look at the Timeline, you can quickly distinguish footage from different cameras.

color code your clips

Part 2: Pro Tips about Improving Video Editing Efficiency

1. Rename Individual Clips

It would be much simpler to organize the timeline if you could quickly rename individual clips. Cut a clip into smaller segments and give each clip a different name. Make sure these clips have a name other than the source video to avoid confusion.

2. Remove Empty Timeline

For quick video editing, timeline organization is essential. Organize your materials and footage at all times to prevent delays. Put everything in the correct folders with the proper labels. To keep your timeline organized, select “Delete Empty Tracks” from the context menu when right-clicking on the track window on the left.

3. Use Keyboard Shortcuts

Knowing keyboard shortcuts allows you to carry out the editing process quickly and precisely.

4. Select Good Music

Don’t only concentrate on the images; the music also affects how well your video comes out. For example, suppose you’re making a drama movie. In that case, you should pick the right music track to evoke particular emotions in your viewers.

5. Add Text and Graphics

Depending on the style of the video, adding text, graphics, or stock video to your project could be helpful. You should provide more text than just the title for some videos.


You don’t need to be an expert in video editing to produce high-quality videos. In reality, you can complete the task without any expensive, high-end professional training. So how? Well, with the proper video editing tools like Wondershare Filmora, anything is possible. Follow the above guide, organize your timeline and keep the tracks consistent while video editing on Filmora so it’s easier to come back and edit a project or share with other editors.

Sync Audio With Video With Filmora

Syncing audio with video is an integral part of video editing for any video creator. But believe me; it’s not such a difficult task if you know what to do. The point is IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.

That’s why in this brief guide, we’ll show you the simplest way to sync audio with video using a fantastic video editor easily. But wait a minute, some of you might be confused about why we even need to sync separate audio & video when a single camera can record both. So let’s first answer this simple question.

Part 1: Why Do We Need to Sync Separate Audio & Video?

Creating great video needs extraordinary video graphics, content, and top-notch audio. And you can’t expect a single camera to achieve all these goals. That’s why all professional video creators use a specialized camera for recording with a separate audio recording device.

You might think it’s an exaggeration, but this small change can have massive effects on the quality of your video. Especially the background noise removal effect of separate external microphones.

recording audio and video separately for higher quality

But the downside of using this method is that after the recording is complete, you must sync these audio and video files. And if you don’t do it right, all the effort goes to the drain within a split second. Well, nobody wants to watch a video with an audio lag. Isn’t it?

Correctly synching an audio file with a video is easier than you think. You just need to prepare beforehand and use a suitable video editing tool. So considering these factors, let’s first see what preparations we need. After that, we’ll recommend a top-class video editing tool to achieve this goal in detailed steps. Why are we still waiting? Let’s begin our journey.

Part 2: Preparation for Syncing Audio With Video During Recording

You must make some preparations to sync an audio file with a video properly. It’s to have a sound spike to match the footage properly with the separate audio file. And it might look disturbing, but even a simple Clap might do the job.

And if you want a professional way, just imagine the clapper board. You must have seen it in the film industry. This clapper board is used not only to mark the shot but also to create a sound spike when it claps. We use this audio spike as a reference to sync the audio files with the video.

a clapper board used to start a film scene

Every time you cut your shot, remember to clap on camera again the next time you roll. It’s best to clap before you say “Action” or speak so that it’s easy to find and sync when editing. But if you forget, you can also clap at the end of the shot before you cut. That is called a Tail Slate!!!

After you’ve recorded your video like this, the next step is pretty simple. The video editor we recommend is no other than the world’s leading tool in the market, Wondershare Filmora. Let’s move forward and see how to sync audio with video using Filmora .

Part 3: How To Sync Audio With Video Using Filmora

Before we dive into the step-by-step guide, here’s a brief overview of Filmora.

Wondershare Filmora

Filmora is one of the most used video editors that can help all video creators to deliver the best they can. This incredible software from Wondershare contains multiple features that can polish any video.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Moreover, the vast arsenal of video effects, images, short clips, AI avatars, and many other things are also available. You just have to pick out the one you like and add it to your video with just a single click.

On top of that, you can also adjust the audio files like audio ducking, silent detection, audio mixing, and synching audio with the video files.

wondershare filmora official website interface

As far as the audio synching is concerned, you can do it either manually or with auto synchronization. And we will explain both of these processes in a stepwise manner to give you complete mastery over your audio synching. Let’s start with the manual process first.

Steps To Manually Sync Audio With Video Using Filmora

Step1Download & install

If you haven’t downloaded the latest version of Filmora yet, click the button below to download it without any cost. And after the download is completed, you can install it on your device right away.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2Import your files

The next step is to import all the files. Launch the Filmora and click on the “New Project” button from the opening interface.

click on the new project

When a new project is created, you’ll see an “Import Media” section on it. Click on this section to browse your audio and video files from the computer. Or you can also drag and drop these files here to import them.

import your media files

Step3Prepare your files

Now, it’s time to prepare our files for synchronization. First, drag the video file down to the timeline from the “Import Media” section. After that, drag the audio file in the same way below the video on the panel.

drag the media files to the timeline

Step4Sync the audio & video files using the audio spike

Now that the video and audio files are on the timeline, you’ll have to find the moment you clap your hands. Look at the waveform from the in-camera audio and the independent audio track. At the moment you clap, we’ll see a spike.

Bonus Tip: If you can’t find the audio spike, zoom the panel to make it easier.

find the sound spike on video and audio files

Now take the independent audio clip and align it so that both the spikes match.

align the sound spikes with each other

That’s it! We just need to remove the in-camera audio now. Let’s see how to do it now.

Step5Remove the audio from the video footage

To detach the audio in the video footage, right-click on this file and select the “Detach Audio” option. Or you can also use the “Ctrl+Alt+D” as the hotkey.

detach audio from video file

Once the audio file has been separated, you can move forward and delete it. To delete this audio, right-click on it and select “Delete.”

delete the detached audio

Step6Enjoy your video with the new audio track

So here we go. Our video file has been synced with the high-quality audio file. You can now hit the Export button to get this edited file. But wait a minute. Didn’t we say we’ll show you a method to automatically sync audio with video? Let’s start this method now.

Steps To Automatically Sync Audio With Video Using Filmora

Did you find the above method troubling? Well, be assured because Wondershare Filmora can also automatically sync your audio file with video in a single click. Here are the steps to achieve this feat.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Prepare your files

This method’s starting process is the same as the previous one. You’ll need to download the Filmora and prepare your file on the timeline by importing them on a New Project.

Step2Select both audio & video files

Once you’ve got everything ready, select both your audio and files from the timeline.

select both audio and video files

Step3Click on the auto synchronization icon

When you select these files, you’ll see that the “Auto Synchronization” icon has appeared on the toolbar below the Import Media section. Click on this icon and wait for the magic.

click on the auto synchronization icon

Remember that you need a Premium ID of Wondershare Filmora to use the Auto Synchronization option.

Step4Wait until the syncing is completed

Filmora will start synchronizing your files, and you’ll see the “Synchronization in process” prompt on the screen. Wait until the process is completed.

syncing in process

Step5Finish your editing

You can finish your editing when the separate audio file perfectly aligns with the video file. Delete the audio from the in-camera video file and hit the “Export” button.

Congratulations! We have successfully synced separate audio and video files. Now let’s take a look at some hot FAQs before we end our guide.

Part 4: FAQs About Synching Audio With Video

Is auto synchronization better than manual syncing?

Well, auto synchronization is no doubt easier than manual syncing. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need the manual process anymore. Many situations may arise where you may be left with no choice but to use the manual syncing of separate audio and video files. So make sure to properly learn both these methods, and each one of them will definitely come in handy someday.

How can we sync audio & video for free?

Syncing audio and video files for free is not a difficult task. Download the Filmora right now, and after installation, you can freely sync any Audio file with its corresponding video file by using the manual method described above.


For any video creator, knowing how to sync audio with video is a must. That’s because most creators record audio and video separately for higher quality.

This brief guide has covered all the details about how to sync audio and video files using an outstanding video editor, Wondershare Filmora . We hope it comes in handy.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Moreover, the vast arsenal of video effects, images, short clips, AI avatars, and many other things are also available. You just have to pick out the one you like and add it to your video with just a single click.

On top of that, you can also adjust the audio files like audio ducking, silent detection, audio mixing, and synching audio with the video files.

wondershare filmora official website interface

As far as the audio synching is concerned, you can do it either manually or with auto synchronization. And we will explain both of these processes in a stepwise manner to give you complete mastery over your audio synching. Let’s start with the manual process first.

Steps To Manually Sync Audio With Video Using Filmora

Step1Download & install

If you haven’t downloaded the latest version of Filmora yet, click the button below to download it without any cost. And after the download is completed, you can install it on your device right away.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2Import your files

The next step is to import all the files. Launch the Filmora and click on the “New Project” button from the opening interface.

click on the new project

When a new project is created, you’ll see an “Import Media” section on it. Click on this section to browse your audio and video files from the computer. Or you can also drag and drop these files here to import them.

import your media files

Step3Prepare your files

Now, it’s time to prepare our files for synchronization. First, drag the video file down to the timeline from the “Import Media” section. After that, drag the audio file in the same way below the video on the panel.

drag the media files to the timeline

Step4Sync the audio & video files using the audio spike

Now that the video and audio files are on the timeline, you’ll have to find the moment you clap your hands. Look at the waveform from the in-camera audio and the independent audio track. At the moment you clap, we’ll see a spike.

Bonus Tip: If you can’t find the audio spike, zoom the panel to make it easier.

find the sound spike on video and audio files

Now take the independent audio clip and align it so that both the spikes match.

align the sound spikes with each other

That’s it! We just need to remove the in-camera audio now. Let’s see how to do it now.

Step5Remove the audio from the video footage

To detach the audio in the video footage, right-click on this file and select the “Detach Audio” option. Or you can also use the “Ctrl+Alt+D” as the hotkey.

detach audio from video file

Once the audio file has been separated, you can move forward and delete it. To delete this audio, right-click on it and select “Delete.”

delete the detached audio

Step6Enjoy your video with the new audio track

So here we go. Our video file has been synced with the high-quality audio file. You can now hit the Export button to get this edited file. But wait a minute. Didn’t we say we’ll show you a method to automatically sync audio with video? Let’s start this method now.

Steps To Automatically Sync Audio With Video Using Filmora

Did you find the above method troubling? Well, be assured because Wondershare Filmora can also automatically sync your audio file with video in a single click. Here are the steps to achieve this feat.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Prepare your files

This method’s starting process is the same as the previous one. You’ll need to download the Filmora and prepare your file on the timeline by importing them on a New Project.

Step2Select both audio & video files

Once you’ve got everything ready, select both your audio and files from the timeline.

select both audio and video files

Step3Click on the auto synchronization icon

When you select these files, you’ll see that the “Auto Synchronization” icon has appeared on the toolbar below the Import Media section. Click on this icon and wait for the magic.

click on the auto synchronization icon

Remember that you need a Premium ID of Wondershare Filmora to use the Auto Synchronization option.

Step4Wait until the syncing is completed

Filmora will start synchronizing your files, and you’ll see the “Synchronization in process” prompt on the screen. Wait until the process is completed.

syncing in process

Step5Finish your editing

You can finish your editing when the separate audio file perfectly aligns with the video file. Delete the audio from the in-camera video file and hit the “Export” button.

Congratulations! We have successfully synced separate audio and video files. Now let’s take a look at some hot FAQs before we end our guide.

Part 4: FAQs About Synching Audio With Video

Is auto synchronization better than manual syncing?

Well, auto synchronization is no doubt easier than manual syncing. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need the manual process anymore. Many situations may arise where you may be left with no choice but to use the manual syncing of separate audio and video files. So make sure to properly learn both these methods, and each one of them will definitely come in handy someday.

How can we sync audio & video for free?

Syncing audio and video files for free is not a difficult task. Download the Filmora right now, and after installation, you can freely sync any Audio file with its corresponding video file by using the manual method described above.


For any video creator, knowing how to sync audio with video is a must. That’s because most creators record audio and video separately for higher quality.

This brief guide has covered all the details about how to sync audio and video files using an outstanding video editor, Wondershare Filmora . We hope it comes in handy.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Want to Make a Fun and Cinematic Video with an Introductory Text Title? Learn the Stages of Editing with Filmora for This Effect Here

Have you ever seen videos on social media apps or movies and seen a video in text like the title as the intro? The highly appealing and unique style makes the video introduction stand out. Not to mention, it creates an illusion of almost-transparent titles that showcase the video playing in a subdued manner in the background, thereby showcasing a modern, funky intro.

the example of text intro

Now, are you planning to create an effect such as that on your own video project? Worry not; you do not have to hire video editing experts at enormous costs or opt for a video editing course, to name a few. With Wondershare Filmora , you can create the effect at more than half the cost and effort. Let’s learn how that works.

1. Accessing the software

The first step to kickstart the whole process is downloading the software into your system. For this, visit the official website of Filmora and click on the Download button at the top of the page or the description. This will automatically download an installer for the app on your device.

click on the download button

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

From the Downloads section of your Mac or Windows-based device in the browser, double-click on the installer. It will ask you to confirm the terms and conditions and press the Install button on the next pop-up prompt. Then will start the overall downloading process of the software into your device, and it will take some seconds, after which Filmora will automatically open to the homepage.

Click on the “Create New Project” button on the homepage, and that will launch the software to the editor window.

launch to the editor window

2. Add Sample Color

On the main editor window of Filmora, you have to go to the My Media section. From the drop-down list, click on the folder full of Sample Colors. Next, click on the black sample color option and drag it down to the editing timeline. Finally, drop it in the place of the Track 1 section on the timeline.

drop it in track 1

3. Put the Title tile into the video

After you add the sample color to the timeline, you have to click on the Titles tab from the top main toolbar of Filmora. Out of the options you find here, choose the Default Title. Then, hold it and drag the title template onto the Track 2 section of the editing timeline, and drop it in place.

Then, double-click on it to open the editing panel for the text. You will see a text field where you can update the title wording instead of “Your Title Here”. Then, you have to change the size of this title text to 280. Make sure to adjust the font style to whichever option you prefer, but typically a blocky style works. Click on the Bold icon to change the structure of the title text.

Scroll downward among the text editing parameters until you see the Text Spacing option. Whatever the default value here is placed as, you have to turn it to 10. After that, click on the OK button.

change the title

4. Take a Snapshot

After adjusting the size and dimension of the title you added, click on the Snapshot icon to take a screenshot of the Track 2 title clip that has been changed. Then, select both of the clips on Tracks 1 and 2 and remove them from the timeline.

5. Insert the background video

Next, go to the My Media tab again and choose the Project Media option. Right-click on the library section and tap on the Import button. This will open you to the device storage of your computer. From there, please search for the video clip you want to insert into your project as the main video background and import it into Filmora.

search for the video clip

Then, when that is available in your media library section, hold it and drag and drop the clip onto the timeline in the Track 1 section.

6. Add the Black and White Effect

Move the playhead forward to the 15-second mark on the added clip in the timeline. Then, tap on the scissor icon to split this clip. Please tap on the excess amount of the video clip and delete it.

Following that, click on the Effects tab on the top toolbar of Filmora. Out of the list of various effects that you will find, tap on the Black and White category and choose the Willow effect. If you cannot find the Willow effect easily, you can directly search for it in the text search field above and select from there.

Then, drag the willow effect to the video clip in the timeline below, keeping a watch on the preview window. The effect will turn the video into its format of Black and White.

drag the willow effect

7. Add the Screenshot to the Edit

Again, scroll up to the My Media section and tap on the screenshot you created earlier. Then, drag it down onto Track 2 of the editing timeline. Then, use the playback to mark the beginning of the video two frames off of the beginning of the video. Then, move the clip to that position so that it starts from that point onward.

Next, move the playback to the 14-second mark and adjust the Track 3 clip to fit that section perfectly.

move the playback to 14 second mark

8. Use the Chroma Key Effect

Now, double-tap on the Snapshot clip and choose the Video tab. Activate the Chroma Key option and go to the color picker section. Choose the black color from the clip shown on the preview window.

choose the black color from preview

You must now click on the Crop option from the function bar. On the top, you will get the option for Pan and Zoom. Click on it and shorten the visible bright window by dragging it towards the center. Move this cropped rectangle to an all-white position. This will determine the end point of the text to be shown at the starting position of the video.

Move the playhead ahead in the timestamp and again click on the Chroma Key button from the function bar. When it opens, click on the Chroma key option in the editor and change the edge thickness value to a -7 number.

9. Export the Clip

Once done, you need to export this clip. To do so, tap on the Export button at the top of the screen. On the Export page, change the name of the video to the intro title text and go to Settings to see its resolution condition. For the best effect, you should choose the higher bit rate of the file while exporting. After you are done, tap on the Export button.

click on the export button

Once the video gets exported, delete the screenshot clip you took from the timeline.

10. Add the Effect on the Video Clip

Double-click on the background video clip on the timeline to open the text editor window. Tap on the Effects tab in this section and remove the Willow effect from your video.

You must extend the video duration to 20 seconds in the lowermost editing window. After that, import the exported video clip from where you stored it after downloading.

extend the video to 20 seconds

11. Drop the Exported Video Version Next

Following this, you must import the video you exported into the timeline. For this, you have to click on the My Media section and go to Project Media. Then, right-click on the library section here and tap on Import. Choose the file and import it from the location where you saved it.

Then, drag and drop the file back into the timeline. Here, the next step for you is to adjust the playhead position for the new video clip. Move the play head to the 14th second and the 14th frame position to synchronize it with the Track 3 video clip.

Then, double-click on the video, and under the video tab, choose the Chroma Key option. Then, tap on the color picker and choose to add white color from the preview window. After this, select the Edge Thickness parameter on the editor window and increase it to a value of 1.5.

select the edge thickness parameter

12. Render Preview and Export Final Intro

Once you are done, click on the Render Preview icon to watch how your edited video stands out. If you are unsatisfied with the outcomes, you can easily roll it back and make the changes. Export the file after you see the preview and are fully satisfied with the effect.

click on render preview


Following the steps outlined, you can create detailed and high-quality introductions on your videos in minutes. Try out the process and features on the software to create more effects and transitions, and play around with other dynamic title design ideas. Filmora has a complete list of title templates that you can also use.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

From the Downloads section of your Mac or Windows-based device in the browser, double-click on the installer. It will ask you to confirm the terms and conditions and press the Install button on the next pop-up prompt. Then will start the overall downloading process of the software into your device, and it will take some seconds, after which Filmora will automatically open to the homepage.

Click on the “Create New Project” button on the homepage, and that will launch the software to the editor window.

launch to the editor window

2. Add Sample Color

On the main editor window of Filmora, you have to go to the My Media section. From the drop-down list, click on the folder full of Sample Colors. Next, click on the black sample color option and drag it down to the editing timeline. Finally, drop it in the place of the Track 1 section on the timeline.

drop it in track 1

3. Put the Title tile into the video

After you add the sample color to the timeline, you have to click on the Titles tab from the top main toolbar of Filmora. Out of the options you find here, choose the Default Title. Then, hold it and drag the title template onto the Track 2 section of the editing timeline, and drop it in place.

Then, double-click on it to open the editing panel for the text. You will see a text field where you can update the title wording instead of “Your Title Here”. Then, you have to change the size of this title text to 280. Make sure to adjust the font style to whichever option you prefer, but typically a blocky style works. Click on the Bold icon to change the structure of the title text.

Scroll downward among the text editing parameters until you see the Text Spacing option. Whatever the default value here is placed as, you have to turn it to 10. After that, click on the OK button.

change the title

4. Take a Snapshot

After adjusting the size and dimension of the title you added, click on the Snapshot icon to take a screenshot of the Track 2 title clip that has been changed. Then, select both of the clips on Tracks 1 and 2 and remove them from the timeline.

5. Insert the background video

Next, go to the My Media tab again and choose the Project Media option. Right-click on the library section and tap on the Import button. This will open you to the device storage of your computer. From there, please search for the video clip you want to insert into your project as the main video background and import it into Filmora.

search for the video clip

Then, when that is available in your media library section, hold it and drag and drop the clip onto the timeline in the Track 1 section.

6. Add the Black and White Effect

Move the playhead forward to the 15-second mark on the added clip in the timeline. Then, tap on the scissor icon to split this clip. Please tap on the excess amount of the video clip and delete it.

Following that, click on the Effects tab on the top toolbar of Filmora. Out of the list of various effects that you will find, tap on the Black and White category and choose the Willow effect. If you cannot find the Willow effect easily, you can directly search for it in the text search field above and select from there.

Then, drag the willow effect to the video clip in the timeline below, keeping a watch on the preview window. The effect will turn the video into its format of Black and White.

drag the willow effect

7. Add the Screenshot to the Edit

Again, scroll up to the My Media section and tap on the screenshot you created earlier. Then, drag it down onto Track 2 of the editing timeline. Then, use the playback to mark the beginning of the video two frames off of the beginning of the video. Then, move the clip to that position so that it starts from that point onward.

Next, move the playback to the 14-second mark and adjust the Track 3 clip to fit that section perfectly.

move the playback to 14 second mark

8. Use the Chroma Key Effect

Now, double-tap on the Snapshot clip and choose the Video tab. Activate the Chroma Key option and go to the color picker section. Choose the black color from the clip shown on the preview window.

choose the black color from preview

You must now click on the Crop option from the function bar. On the top, you will get the option for Pan and Zoom. Click on it and shorten the visible bright window by dragging it towards the center. Move this cropped rectangle to an all-white position. This will determine the end point of the text to be shown at the starting position of the video.

Move the playhead ahead in the timestamp and again click on the Chroma Key button from the function bar. When it opens, click on the Chroma key option in the editor and change the edge thickness value to a -7 number.

9. Export the Clip

Once done, you need to export this clip. To do so, tap on the Export button at the top of the screen. On the Export page, change the name of the video to the intro title text and go to Settings to see its resolution condition. For the best effect, you should choose the higher bit rate of the file while exporting. After you are done, tap on the Export button.

click on the export button

Once the video gets exported, delete the screenshot clip you took from the timeline.

10. Add the Effect on the Video Clip

Double-click on the background video clip on the timeline to open the text editor window. Tap on the Effects tab in this section and remove the Willow effect from your video.

You must extend the video duration to 20 seconds in the lowermost editing window. After that, import the exported video clip from where you stored it after downloading.

extend the video to 20 seconds

11. Drop the Exported Video Version Next

Following this, you must import the video you exported into the timeline. For this, you have to click on the My Media section and go to Project Media. Then, right-click on the library section here and tap on Import. Choose the file and import it from the location where you saved it.

Then, drag and drop the file back into the timeline. Here, the next step for you is to adjust the playhead position for the new video clip. Move the play head to the 14th second and the 14th frame position to synchronize it with the Track 3 video clip.

Then, double-click on the video, and under the video tab, choose the Chroma Key option. Then, tap on the color picker and choose to add white color from the preview window. After this, select the Edge Thickness parameter on the editor window and increase it to a value of 1.5.

select the edge thickness parameter

12. Render Preview and Export Final Intro

Once you are done, click on the Render Preview icon to watch how your edited video stands out. If you are unsatisfied with the outcomes, you can easily roll it back and make the changes. Export the file after you see the preview and are fully satisfied with the effect.

click on render preview


Following the steps outlined, you can create detailed and high-quality introductions on your videos in minutes. Try out the process and features on the software to create more effects and transitions, and play around with other dynamic title design ideas. Filmora has a complete list of title templates that you can also use.

Find The Best Free Canon LUTs

LUTs (look-up tables) enhance color grading within photos and videos. After all, they are special editing tools for upscaling visual content. There are different types of LUTs with unique characteristics and styling. One of these categories is Canon cinematic LUTs, an exceptional 3D LUT preset. In this article, you’ll find information about Canon LUTs with the best recommendations.

Part 1: What are 3D LUTs?

LUTs are important editing tools for upgrading color schemas of visual content. The 3D LUTs are special LUT presets used in color correction and enhancement. 3D LUT is a mathematical table that maps input and output colors. It helps adjust the color tones, textures, and intensity in an optimized way. So, while selecting any 3D LUT filter, it’s applied in a calculated way.

The 3D LUT is equipped with three-dimensional visual art that determines brightness, hue, and saturation. It has depicted its use cases in industries like gaming and film production. Thus, they play a crucial role in matching color content from different cameras. This develops more consistency with customized looks and appealing visualization.

Part 2: Top-Best Free Canon LUTs To Consider in 2024

The Internet is overloaded with amazing download Canon LUTs. Meanwhile, choosing the right LUTs for your task can be difficult. Don’t worry; you will find the list of best Canon LUTs here:

1.Cinema Canon C-Log3

Take your video concept to the next level with cinema Canon C-Log3 LUT. In this LUT pack, you will find 25 Cinema Rec 709 and 25 Cinema C-Log3 LUTs. If you’ve videos, clips, presentations, or social videos, this LUT pack is ideal. Such LUTs are very easy to use. You only need to drag or import them into your videos.

1. Cinema Canon C-Log3

2. City Building

Transform your city building with this free Canon LUT pack. There are exciting LUT preset filters for providing new looks into tall building structures. The combination of weather, greenery, traffic, and buildings demands upgraded looks, for which such LUTs are ideal. With special color orientation, this LUTs pack will optimize color schemes within the city.

2. City Building

3. Canon C-Log Blockbuster

Add special blockbusting looks to your important video clips. With the Canon C-Log Blockbuster LUTs pack, upgrade your videos with a cinematic touch. There are 20 Blockbuster C-Log LUTs that will extend the color grading of your videos. This also improves the quality of your clips, bringing more engagement. Thus, you can make your documentaries and social clips more enchanting.

Canon C-Log Blockbuster

4. Slight Warmth

Blend unique sunlight touch to your outdoor visual media with these free Canon LUTs. It helps you improve the standards of your images and videos with evening sunshine. Your important outdoor moments will become captured in attractive visual media with pleasing tranquility. The available LUT filter possesses a warm color gradient to initiate creativity.

Slight Warmth

5. Film Canon C-Log2

Using the film Canon C-Log2 pack, you will find amazing LUT color presets. You can use these LUT filters within your documented or personal clips and movies. Find some prominent LUTs, including the 22 Canon C-Log2 and 22 Rec 709 LUTs in the pack. All these LUTs are special and unique, with extensive color gradients. You can import the preset file or drag it into the video for magical effects.

Film Canon C-Log2

6. Sun Flare

Are your captured images or recorded videos in a dull location? There is an option to transform quality using this sun flare Canon LUT. With its bright color presets, this LUT can correct colors within dull visual content. This way, the color schemes would be upgraded with more light and brightness. So, don’t worry, even if your picture is captured within a dull environment.

Sun Flare

7. Vintage

You need not have any darker blueish effects on your outdoor visual media anymore. With vintage Canon LUT download, enhance color grading in an optimized way. The vintage LUT is backed with special color, tone, and style. When you apply these LUTs to your photo or video, the quality will improve. You will witness color enhancement in a quick time.


8. Blue Skies

The sky is blue as the water. Thus, if your visual content has natural landmarks, provide blue touch. After all, blueish effects will enlighten your visual content in an appealing way. With next-level color grading, you will feel special emotions and feelings vibes. The LUTs are easy to use and integrate into your images or videos.

Blue Skies

9. Filmic Style

Blend extraordinary filmy looks into your graphical media with Filmic Style Canon LUT. This LUT is special because it leverages top-level color grading with resolution enhancements. The colors of your visual content will rise, and quality will also improve. So if you’re inspired by the cinematic display, this LUT provides optimized colors.

filmic style luts

10. City Film

An aerial picture of your city determines its beauty. But the sandy or dusty atmosphere can ruin picture quality. Using this Canon LUT, you can upscale your city picture. There are unique color gradients that eliminate dust for clarity within the image. Meanwhile, with the correct color combination, you’ll see a clean environment overall.

city film luts

11. Dusty Light

Sometimes interior images look more attractive in dusty lighting. This LUT pack comes with diverse filter presets that add brownish dusty looks. Thus, your visual content will be enhanced with optimized resolutions within dusty lighting. The Canon LUT will adjust the color schemes within your visual content. Hence, you will have a visually appealing image with outstanding dusty contrast.

Dusty Light

12. Tinted Shades

Make your outings more attractive with stylish tints. By using this free Canon LUT, you can add faded tints to your images or videos. Meanwhile, the tinted shades will provide impressive looks within a dull atmosphere. For outdoor photography, this LUT is ideal because of its dark hues and saturated colors. The filter combines a range of color tools for the best output.

Tinted Shades

13. W&B

Black and white is a vintage color combination that is beyond levels. With this LUTs pack, you can improvise your visual content with a W&B touch. This means LUTs will replace color gradients with stylish black-and-white displays. Meanwhile, the LUT will adjust hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness. As a final result, you will receive attractive W&B content.

w&b luts

14. Pink Grade

Red-brownish mountains look impressive in their original colors. A pink-grade LUT filter can bring originality to your captured videos or photos. This way, the LUT will accurately apply pink color grading with consistency. The mountain which you captured will start looking great again. Pink color schemes are also more attractive when it comes to outdoor visual content.

pink grade luts

15. Landscape

Landscapes look great in their clean yet natural colors. But if your photography or videography goes wrong, landscapes may look poor. In this scenario, using a landscape Canon LUT is a great thing to have. After all, the LUT has useful color preset filters that will provide refreshing looks. The greenery will be restored, and the blue sky will be back.


16. Landscape

The bright yet exceptional blue color of the sea is always mind-blowing. If you want to use the blueish sea filter effect, download this Canon cinematic LUTs. There are special filter effects that will enhance resoLUTions and optimize color schemas. The colors are transformed while keeping blueish sea effects in the process. The end result is always amazing, with naturally appealing graphics.

sea luts

Part 3: Using The Most Effective LUTs in Wondershare Filmora

In this digital age, the use of technology is revolutionizing video editing. An example is 3D Canon LUTs for upscaling and enhancing visual colors in media. The Canon LUTs are special because of their improvised color grading and schemas. Using Wondershare Filmora , you can download Canon LUTs within a range of filter presets. There are, in total, 200+ LUT filter presets to fulfill your video editing needs within this video editor by default.

In contrast, you can use Wondershare Filmora for other video editing tasks as well. You can edit your video, add music tracks, or correct background noises. You can also add different effects, stickers, and transitions. Let’s discover more useful features of Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts

Top Features of Wondershare Filmora

  • Stock Media: Filmora has the availability of 10 billion+ free stock media. So you if don’t have your pictures and videos, stock media can provide them. There are different categories of unique visual media.
  • Extended Plug-ins: For a better editing experience, you can add countless filter plug-ins. This includes NewBlue, BorisFX, and many others. With plug-ins, you can add a more extensive color enhancement.
  • Motion Tracking: The presence of motion tracking allows tracking of object movement in the video. Thus, you can pin media files, text, or graphics to that motion. Your content will look visually appealing with the use of this specific feature.
  • Speed Ramping: Using Filmora, you can change the speed of your video through speed ramping. The speed could be changed uniformly or speedily. It depends on your video requirements.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Wondershare Filmora 12


Like other LUTs, Canon LUTs are also special and unique in their kind. They provide 3D cinematic looks with visually attractive color corrections. Meanwhile, in this article, you found the best Canon LUTs for editing visual media. You also learned about Wondershare Filmora, the best video editing and enhancement tool. The provided details of this video editing tool will make it easy for you to adapt to the 200+ available presets on the platform.

Part 1: What are 3D LUTs?

LUTs are important editing tools for upgrading color schemas of visual content. The 3D LUTs are special LUT presets used in color correction and enhancement. 3D LUT is a mathematical table that maps input and output colors. It helps adjust the color tones, textures, and intensity in an optimized way. So, while selecting any 3D LUT filter, it’s applied in a calculated way.

The 3D LUT is equipped with three-dimensional visual art that determines brightness, hue, and saturation. It has depicted its use cases in industries like gaming and film production. Thus, they play a crucial role in matching color content from different cameras. This develops more consistency with customized looks and appealing visualization.

Part 2: Top-Best Free Canon LUTs To Consider in 2024

The Internet is overloaded with amazing download Canon LUTs. Meanwhile, choosing the right LUTs for your task can be difficult. Don’t worry; you will find the list of best Canon LUTs here:

1.Cinema Canon C-Log3

Take your video concept to the next level with cinema Canon C-Log3 LUT. In this LUT pack, you will find 25 Cinema Rec 709 and 25 Cinema C-Log3 LUTs. If you’ve videos, clips, presentations, or social videos, this LUT pack is ideal. Such LUTs are very easy to use. You only need to drag or import them into your videos.

1. Cinema Canon C-Log3

2. City Building

Transform your city building with this free Canon LUT pack. There are exciting LUT preset filters for providing new looks into tall building structures. The combination of weather, greenery, traffic, and buildings demands upgraded looks, for which such LUTs are ideal. With special color orientation, this LUTs pack will optimize color schemes within the city.

2. City Building

3. Canon C-Log Blockbuster

Add special blockbusting looks to your important video clips. With the Canon C-Log Blockbuster LUTs pack, upgrade your videos with a cinematic touch. There are 20 Blockbuster C-Log LUTs that will extend the color grading of your videos. This also improves the quality of your clips, bringing more engagement. Thus, you can make your documentaries and social clips more enchanting.

Canon C-Log Blockbuster

4. Slight Warmth

Blend unique sunlight touch to your outdoor visual media with these free Canon LUTs. It helps you improve the standards of your images and videos with evening sunshine. Your important outdoor moments will become captured in attractive visual media with pleasing tranquility. The available LUT filter possesses a warm color gradient to initiate creativity.

Slight Warmth

5. Film Canon C-Log2

Using the film Canon C-Log2 pack, you will find amazing LUT color presets. You can use these LUT filters within your documented or personal clips and movies. Find some prominent LUTs, including the 22 Canon C-Log2 and 22 Rec 709 LUTs in the pack. All these LUTs are special and unique, with extensive color gradients. You can import the preset file or drag it into the video for magical effects.

Film Canon C-Log2

6. Sun Flare

Are your captured images or recorded videos in a dull location? There is an option to transform quality using this sun flare Canon LUT. With its bright color presets, this LUT can correct colors within dull visual content. This way, the color schemes would be upgraded with more light and brightness. So, don’t worry, even if your picture is captured within a dull environment.

Sun Flare

7. Vintage

You need not have any darker blueish effects on your outdoor visual media anymore. With vintage Canon LUT download, enhance color grading in an optimized way. The vintage LUT is backed with special color, tone, and style. When you apply these LUTs to your photo or video, the quality will improve. You will witness color enhancement in a quick time.


8. Blue Skies

The sky is blue as the water. Thus, if your visual content has natural landmarks, provide blue touch. After all, blueish effects will enlighten your visual content in an appealing way. With next-level color grading, you will feel special emotions and feelings vibes. The LUTs are easy to use and integrate into your images or videos.

Blue Skies

9. Filmic Style

Blend extraordinary filmy looks into your graphical media with Filmic Style Canon LUT. This LUT is special because it leverages top-level color grading with resolution enhancements. The colors of your visual content will rise, and quality will also improve. So if you’re inspired by the cinematic display, this LUT provides optimized colors.

filmic style luts

10. City Film

An aerial picture of your city determines its beauty. But the sandy or dusty atmosphere can ruin picture quality. Using this Canon LUT, you can upscale your city picture. There are unique color gradients that eliminate dust for clarity within the image. Meanwhile, with the correct color combination, you’ll see a clean environment overall.

city film luts

11. Dusty Light

Sometimes interior images look more attractive in dusty lighting. This LUT pack comes with diverse filter presets that add brownish dusty looks. Thus, your visual content will be enhanced with optimized resolutions within dusty lighting. The Canon LUT will adjust the color schemes within your visual content. Hence, you will have a visually appealing image with outstanding dusty contrast.

Dusty Light

12. Tinted Shades

Make your outings more attractive with stylish tints. By using this free Canon LUT, you can add faded tints to your images or videos. Meanwhile, the tinted shades will provide impressive looks within a dull atmosphere. For outdoor photography, this LUT is ideal because of its dark hues and saturated colors. The filter combines a range of color tools for the best output.

Tinted Shades

13. W&B

Black and white is a vintage color combination that is beyond levels. With this LUTs pack, you can improvise your visual content with a W&B touch. This means LUTs will replace color gradients with stylish black-and-white displays. Meanwhile, the LUT will adjust hue, saturation, contrast, and brightness. As a final result, you will receive attractive W&B content.

w&b luts

14. Pink Grade

Red-brownish mountains look impressive in their original colors. A pink-grade LUT filter can bring originality to your captured videos or photos. This way, the LUT will accurately apply pink color grading with consistency. The mountain which you captured will start looking great again. Pink color schemes are also more attractive when it comes to outdoor visual content.

pink grade luts

15. Landscape

Landscapes look great in their clean yet natural colors. But if your photography or videography goes wrong, landscapes may look poor. In this scenario, using a landscape Canon LUT is a great thing to have. After all, the LUT has useful color preset filters that will provide refreshing looks. The greenery will be restored, and the blue sky will be back.


16. Landscape

The bright yet exceptional blue color of the sea is always mind-blowing. If you want to use the blueish sea filter effect, download this Canon cinematic LUTs. There are special filter effects that will enhance resoLUTions and optimize color schemas. The colors are transformed while keeping blueish sea effects in the process. The end result is always amazing, with naturally appealing graphics.

sea luts

Part 3: Using The Most Effective LUTs in Wondershare Filmora

In this digital age, the use of technology is revolutionizing video editing. An example is 3D Canon LUTs for upscaling and enhancing visual colors in media. The Canon LUTs are special because of their improvised color grading and schemas. Using Wondershare Filmora , you can download Canon LUTs within a range of filter presets. There are, in total, 200+ LUT filter presets to fulfill your video editing needs within this video editor by default.

In contrast, you can use Wondershare Filmora for other video editing tasks as well. You can edit your video, add music tracks, or correct background noises. You can also add different effects, stickers, and transitions. Let’s discover more useful features of Filmora.

wondershare filmora luts

Top Features of Wondershare Filmora

  • Stock Media: Filmora has the availability of 10 billion+ free stock media. So you if don’t have your pictures and videos, stock media can provide them. There are different categories of unique visual media.
  • Extended Plug-ins: For a better editing experience, you can add countless filter plug-ins. This includes NewBlue, BorisFX, and many others. With plug-ins, you can add a more extensive color enhancement.
  • Motion Tracking: The presence of motion tracking allows tracking of object movement in the video. Thus, you can pin media files, text, or graphics to that motion. Your content will look visually appealing with the use of this specific feature.
  • Speed Ramping: Using Filmora, you can change the speed of your video through speed ramping. The speed could be changed uniformly or speedily. It depends on your video requirements.

Empower your videos with a new mood using different LUTs. Filmora now offers 100+ top-quality 3D LUTs cover a broad range of scenarios. Transform your videos with Filmora’s powerful 3D LUTs.

Apply LUT on Videos Apply LUT on Videos Learn More

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Wondershare Filmora 12


Like other LUTs, Canon LUTs are also special and unique in their kind. They provide 3D cinematic looks with visually attractive color corrections. Meanwhile, in this article, you found the best Canon LUTs for editing visual media. You also learned about Wondershare Filmora, the best video editing and enhancement tool. The provided details of this video editing tool will make it easy for you to adapt to the 200+ available presets on the platform.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated In 2024, The Most Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:38
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:38
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-in-2024-the-most-efficient-ways-to-manage-your-timeline/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated In 2024, The Most Efficient Ways to Manage Your Timeline