Updated Learn How to Merge Audio and Video Like a Pro with This Step-by-Step Guide to Using FFmpeg. Create Seamless Videos and Improve Your Video Production Skills

Updated Learn How to Merge Audio and Video Like a Pro with This Step-by-Step Guide to Using FFmpeg. Create Seamless Videos and Improve Your Video Production Skills

Chloe Lv12

Learn How to Merge Audio and Video Like a Pro with This Step-by-Step Guide to Using FFmpeg. Create Seamless Videos and Improve Your Video Production Skills

Welcome to the world of video production! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced video creator, one of the most important skills to master is merging audio and video seamlessly. In this article, we’ll focus on FFmpeg, a powerful command-line tool that can help you easily merge audio and video.

FFmpeg is open-source software that allows you to convert, edit, and stream multimedia files. It’s widely used by professionals and enthusiasts and has many capabilities, including merging audio and video files. This guide will walk you through merging audio and video using FFmpeg. So, whether you’re creating a YouTube video, a podcast, or a movie, you’ll have the skills to make it sound and look great.

merge audio and video with ffmpeg


Are you ready to master the art of merging audio and video? Then let’s dive into the world of FFmpeg, a powerful and versatile tool that can help you achieve professional results.

With FFmpeg, you can record, convert, and stream audio and video files in any format, making it a complete and cross-platform solution. It’s also a great tool for decoding, encoding, transcoding, muxing, demuxing, streaming, filtering, and playing any media type.

But before we start merging video files using FFmpeg, it’s important to understand the basics of container formats and video codecs. These are the building blocks of your videos, and the specific types you’re working with will determine the method you’ll use to merge them. So, buckle up, and let’s get started!

How To Combine Video With Two Audio Using FFmpeg

Are you looking to add multiple audio tracks to your video? With FFmpeg, you can easily combine video with two audio streams. Whether creating a foreign-language version of your video or adding an alternate audio track, this method will help you achieve professional results. This section will guide you through combining video with two audio streams using FFmpeg’s command-line interface. So, let’s get started!

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video

Combining multiple audio tracks into one video can be done easily with FFmpeg’s command-line interface. In this example, we will combine two audio tracks into one video so that the voiceover will play over the background music. Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Open your command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory where your video and audio files are located.

Step2 Replacevideo1.mp4“ and “audio1.mp3“ with the names of your actual video and audio files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step3 The -c:v copy flag tells FFmpeg to copy the video stream from the source file without re-encoding it. This helps to speed up the process and avoid quality loss.

-c:v copy \

-filter_complex “ \

Step4 The command “amix=inputs=2:duration=longest“ tells amix to accept 2 inputs (0:a and 1:a) and combine them into an output stream called audio_out, with the duration of the longest input.

[0:a][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

Step5 Map the video stream (0:v) and the mixed audio stream (audio_out) into the final output video.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step6 The -y flag tells FFmpeg to overwrite the output file if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Once complete, you’ll find the newly created video file with the mixed audio in the specified output location.

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video Adjusting Volume

We will be taking a step further and show you how to merge two audio tracks into a video while adjusting the volume of one of the audio tracks. This can be useful when you want to emphasize one audio track over the other, for example, to make the voiceover more prominent in a video.

And here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Start the command by specifying the input files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step2 Use the filter_complex option to specify a filter graph.

-filter_complex “ \

[0:a] volume=0.5 [music];

Step3 Use the amix filter to take the “music“ stream and audio1.mp3 and mix them.

[music][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

Step4 Use the map option to specify which streams from the input files should be included in the output file.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step5 Specify the output file name as “output.mp4“ and the -y flag to overwrite the output file without asking for confirmation if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video With Delay

When creating videos, sometimes the audio needs to be synced with the video, or you want to add a delay to the audio track. Here’s how to add delay to an audio track using FFmpeg.

Step1 Use the adelay filter to add delay to the audio track.

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice];

Step2 Mix the delayed audio track with the original audio track

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out]

Step3 Map the video and audio tracks to the output file

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“

Step4 Use the -y flag to overwrite the output file

-y output.mp4

The final command would look like this:

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

-filter_complex “ \

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice]; \

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

-y output.mp4

This command will delay the audio track by 2100 milliseconds and then mix it with the original audio track, resulting in a new video file with the delayed audio.

It May Interest You - Merge Audio and Video Files With Filmora

While FFmpeg is a powerful tool for merging audio and video files, its learning curve can be steep for some users. If you’re looking for an easier option, you may consider using video editing software like Filmora.

What Is Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing software that allows users to create professional-looking videos easily. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it an excellent option for those needing a more extensive video editing experience.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

This software offers an intuitive interface and a wide range of features that make it easy to merge audio and video files, even for beginners. In addition, Filmora provides various options for editing and enhancing the audio and video files, giving you more control over the final output. Filmora is a great alternative to FFmpeg for those who want to merge audio and video files quickly and easily.

How To Combine Audio and Video Files Using Filmora

Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to easily combine audio and video files to create a polished and professional final product. So here’s the step-by-step process of combining audio and video files using Filmora.

Step1 Import audio and video files into Filmora using drag-and-drop or the “Import Media“ button.

filmora import media

Step2 Place the media files in the timeline and align the video with the audio.

filmora align media

Step3 Replace the original audio by right-clicking the video, selectingDetach Audio,” deleting the original audio, and replacing it with new audio.

filmora detach audio

Step4 Export the final video by selecting a format and clickingExport,” or publish directly to YouTube or burn to DVD.

filmora export video

People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the merging function of FFmpeg and other related topics:

Q1. How To Merge Image and Video in FFmpeg?

To merge an image and a video using FFmpeg, first, use the -loop option on the image to loop it for the duration of the video, then use the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video. The command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i image.jpg -filter_complex “[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0” -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4

This command takes the input video and image, applies the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video starting at the top left corner (0:0), and outputs the result to output.mp4. The -pix_fmt yuv420p and -c:a copy options ensure compatibility with most devices.

Q2. Can I Merge 2 MP4 Files Into 1?

Yes, you can merge two MP4 files into one using Filmora. To do this, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import the video files

Step2 Drag the videos to the timeline

Step3 Align the second video with the first without leaving any gaps

Step4 ClickExport“ and select desired settings

Step5 ClickExport“ again to save the combined video on your computer.

Q3. How Can I Merge the Video and Subtitle?

To merge video and subtitle in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import your SRT subtitle file.

Step2 Place the SRT file on the timeline and right-click on it. Select “Advanced Edit“ from the options.

Step3 Adjust the subtitle’s time code, text, color, font, and other settings. When finished, chooseExport Subtitle file“ to save the changes.

Still want to learn more tricks about adding subtitles to your video? Check out the video below:


Using FFmpeg and Filmora, you can easily combine video with audio, merge multiple video files, and add subtitles to your videos. Both tools offer different features and learning curves, so it’s important to understand what you need before choosing one. Filmora is a great option for beginners and those who want a user-friendly interface, while FFmpeg is a powerful command-line tool for advanced users.

  • -i INPUT_FILE.mp4“ flag specifies INPUT_FILE.mp4 as the input source.
  • -i AUDIO.wav,” tells FFmpeg to take AUDIO.wav as an input source.
  • The “-c:v copy“ flag is a short form of “-codec:v copy,” which means to copy the video stream from the source files to the destination file.
  • The “-c:a aac“ flag means selecting all the audio streams from the source files and then encoding them with the AAC encoder.
  • mp4“ specifies the name of the output file.

Step3 In case you don’t want any audio conversion, drop the aac part in the command and replace it with copy; the command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i INPUT_FILE.mp4 -i AUDIO.aac -c:v copy -c:a copy OUTPUT_FILE.mp4


How To Combine Video With Two Audio Using FFmpeg

Are you looking to add multiple audio tracks to your video? With FFmpeg, you can easily combine video with two audio streams. Whether creating a foreign-language version of your video or adding an alternate audio track, this method will help you achieve professional results. This section will guide you through combining video with two audio streams using FFmpeg’s command-line interface. So, let’s get started!

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video

Combining multiple audio tracks into one video can be done easily with FFmpeg’s command-line interface. In this example, we will combine two audio tracks into one video so that the voiceover will play over the background music. Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Open your command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory where your video and audio files are located.

Step2 Replacevideo1.mp4“ and “audio1.mp3“ with the names of your actual video and audio files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step3 The -c:v copy flag tells FFmpeg to copy the video stream from the source file without re-encoding it. This helps to speed up the process and avoid quality loss.

-c:v copy \

-filter_complex “ \

Step4 The command “amix=inputs=2:duration=longest“ tells amix to accept 2 inputs (0:a and 1:a) and combine them into an output stream called audio_out, with the duration of the longest input.

[0:a][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

Step5 Map the video stream (0:v) and the mixed audio stream (audio_out) into the final output video.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step6 The -y flag tells FFmpeg to overwrite the output file if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Once complete, you’ll find the newly created video file with the mixed audio in the specified output location.

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video Adjusting Volume

We will be taking a step further and show you how to merge two audio tracks into a video while adjusting the volume of one of the audio tracks. This can be useful when you want to emphasize one audio track over the other, for example, to make the voiceover more prominent in a video.

And here’s the step-by-step process:

Step1 Start the command by specifying the input files.

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

Step2 Use the filter_complex option to specify a filter graph.

-filter_complex “ \

[0:a] volume=0.5 [music];

Step3 Use the amix filter to take the “music“ stream and audio1.mp3 and mix them.

[music][1:a] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

Step4 Use the map option to specify which streams from the input files should be included in the output file.

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

Step5 Specify the output file name as “output.mp4“ and the -y flag to overwrite the output file without asking for confirmation if it already exists.

-y output.mp4

Mixing Two Audios Into a Video With Delay

When creating videos, sometimes the audio needs to be synced with the video, or you want to add a delay to the audio track. Here’s how to add delay to an audio track using FFmpeg.

Step1 Use the adelay filter to add delay to the audio track.

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice];

Step2 Mix the delayed audio track with the original audio track

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out]

Step3 Map the video and audio tracks to the output file

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“

Step4 Use the -y flag to overwrite the output file

-y output.mp4

The final command would look like this:

ffmpeg \

-i video1.mp4 -i audio1.mp3 \

-filter_complex “ \

[1:a] adelay=2100|2100 [voice]; \

[0:a][voice] amix=inputs=2:duration=longest [audio_out] \

“ \

-map 0:v -map “[audio_out]“ \

-y output.mp4

This command will delay the audio track by 2100 milliseconds and then mix it with the original audio track, resulting in a new video file with the delayed audio.

It May Interest You - Merge Audio and Video Files With Filmora

While FFmpeg is a powerful tool for merging audio and video files, its learning curve can be steep for some users. If you’re looking for an easier option, you may consider using video editing software like Filmora.

What Is Filmora?

Wondershare Filmora is a video editing software that allows users to create professional-looking videos easily. It offers a user-friendly interface, making it an excellent option for those needing a more extensive video editing experience.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

This software offers an intuitive interface and a wide range of features that make it easy to merge audio and video files, even for beginners. In addition, Filmora provides various options for editing and enhancing the audio and video files, giving you more control over the final output. Filmora is a great alternative to FFmpeg for those who want to merge audio and video files quickly and easily.

How To Combine Audio and Video Files Using Filmora

Filmora is a user-friendly video editing software that allows you to easily combine audio and video files to create a polished and professional final product. So here’s the step-by-step process of combining audio and video files using Filmora.

Step1 Import audio and video files into Filmora using drag-and-drop or the “Import Media“ button.

filmora import media

Step2 Place the media files in the timeline and align the video with the audio.

filmora align media

Step3 Replace the original audio by right-clicking the video, selectingDetach Audio,” deleting the original audio, and replacing it with new audio.

filmora detach audio

Step4 Export the final video by selecting a format and clickingExport,” or publish directly to YouTube or burn to DVD.

filmora export video

People Also Ask

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the merging function of FFmpeg and other related topics:

Q1. How To Merge Image and Video in FFmpeg?

To merge an image and a video using FFmpeg, first, use the -loop option on the image to loop it for the duration of the video, then use the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video. The command would look like this:

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -i image.jpg -filter_complex “[0:v][1:v] overlay=0:0” -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a copy output.mp4

This command takes the input video and image, applies the overlay filter to overlay the image on the video starting at the top left corner (0:0), and outputs the result to output.mp4. The -pix_fmt yuv420p and -c:a copy options ensure compatibility with most devices.

Q2. Can I Merge 2 MP4 Files Into 1?

Yes, you can merge two MP4 files into one using Filmora. To do this, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import the video files

Step2 Drag the videos to the timeline

Step3 Align the second video with the first without leaving any gaps

Step4 ClickExport“ and select desired settings

Step5 ClickExport“ again to save the combined video on your computer.

Q3. How Can I Merge the Video and Subtitle?

To merge video and subtitle in Filmora, follow these steps:

Step1 Open Filmora and import your SRT subtitle file.

Step2 Place the SRT file on the timeline and right-click on it. Select “Advanced Edit“ from the options.

Step3 Adjust the subtitle’s time code, text, color, font, and other settings. When finished, chooseExport Subtitle file“ to save the changes.

Still want to learn more tricks about adding subtitles to your video? Check out the video below:


Using FFmpeg and Filmora, you can easily combine video with audio, merge multiple video files, and add subtitles to your videos. Both tools offer different features and learning curves, so it’s important to understand what you need before choosing one. Filmora is a great option for beginners and those who want a user-friendly interface, while FFmpeg is a powerful command-line tool for advanced users.

Best GIF to AVI Converters

Great Video Converter - Wondershare Filmora

Provide abundant video effects - A creative video editor

Powerful color correction and grading

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free


It will be much fun if you get to assort most of your GIF files and turn them into full-length streaming videos. However, many conversion websites and software on the internet offer you the facility to convert GIF to AVI file format with ease of use. With these online tools, you also get the opportunity to upload the converted file on various social media channels. Unlike real video, these files have less memory and are easy to save on your device or hard disk.

Although both AVI and GIF are two commonly used file formats, they are different. First of all, GIF stands for Graphical Interchange Format, and it is an image format that can store several consequent or dis-consequent pictures into an animated file. In contrast, AVI is a lossless video file format. This guide focuses on turning GIF animated images into AVI videos and gives a list of the best GIF to AVI converters you can choose from.

In this article

Part 1: Best 4 Online GIFs to AVI Converters

Part 2: Best 4 GIFs to AVI Software

Part 3: How to Convert GIF to AVI?

best gif to avi converter

Part 1: Best 4 Online GIFs to AVI Converters

· Cloudconvert

One prominent feature of this tool is the interface of this GIF to AVI converter is straightforward to follow. However, you don’t have to download any plug-ins or software during the file conversion process with this online tool. This online website is SSL protected; thus, you will not need to deal with worms or viruses when downloading your converted file. In addition, you can also choose from more than 200 different file formats. Moreso, you get a chance to contact webmasters through email channels.

Main Features:

  • There is an API function that you can use the site on several of your laptops, mobile devices, etc.
  • It offers users various platforms to upload files for conversion through URL, PC, DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

online gif to avi converter 01

· Video.online-convert

Using this GIF to AVI online converter, you do not have to deal with many advertisements; furthermore, the conversion speed is very high. Thus, with this converter, you can work on lengthy projects efficiently. In addition, the website also offers a lot of options that you can choose from while converting a file. This software also allows you to crop, change the bitrate of the video, change the rate of the frame, etc. The uploaded files will be secure and safe as the website follows strict confidentiality norms.

Main Features:

  • This converter website offers a drag-drop feature that allows users to upload a file quickly.
  • The facility to solve your queries is available through various frequently asked questions.

online gif to avi converter 02

· Convertio

Using Convertio will have to follow a few initial steps to change GIF to AVI file extension. However, to convert GIF files to AVI online, you are not required to download any external software, saving your computer memory and time. It is effortless to download converted files on your system, as the website also provides API services. The website also gives an effective option to store and save data over cloud services through DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

Main Features:

  • The site provides excellent options for video cutting, rotating, clipping, filtering, etc.
  • Choose from different languages; thus, converting a file would be more comfortable and practical.

online gif to avi converter 03

· File-conversion

The website has excellent UI and UX features. Allows users to convert GIF to AVI file format within a short time. Once you can convert GIF to AVI with this software, you will be able to download the file straight into your PC. The website also grants the opportunity to delete the data once it gets converted, and you can then download the file.

Main Features:

  • This converter web portal gives you the chance to make several changes to the file you plan to convert.
  • There are no unnecessary advertisements, which speeds up the conversion process.

online gif to avi converter 04

Part 2: Best 4 GIFs to AVI Software

· Filmora.

Wondershare Filmora is editing and creating software specially designed for Windows and Mac PCs that is also an excellent GIF to AVI converter. In addition, it is highly compatible with a variety of media formats and gives you access to a variety of editing options. It also provides you with high-quality output files and uses various effects, transitions, overlays, graphics, and titles to create videos.

This software also supports numerous formats: MPEG, MP4, AVI, WebM, etc. It extracts the audio or converts them into MP3 format. In addition, it outputs high-quality videos, which include ones in 4K resolution.

Try It Free Try It Free


It is compatible with various media formats

It comes with a built-in video editing tool

Receive high-quality output files

Grant users with access to multiple video editing options


Sometimes it takes extra time to generate the output files

Some of the sample files require a download gif to avi software 01

· ACDSee

This GIF to AVI converter software can share, manage, and edit photographs. In addition, its interface is, however, similar to those of other similar products, so if you have previous experience in using any editing software, this is no different. This software is also highly improbable. Thus, you will not have any difficulty using ACDSee. Its working area is usually divided into three sections:

  • a left panel where you can browse folders
  • a right panel with the properties
  • the prominent viewing area in the middle.

It is elementary to use

It has a very lovely user-interface

An extensive collection of tools

Quick browsing through photos is allowed

Uploading photographs to the cloud through photos is supported


There are not as many features as other video editing tools

Its corrections are not always effective gif to avi software 02

· Free Video Editor

If you need a GIF to AVI converter that works free of charge, you need to try this software. This software program allows you to slice your video files and convert them into popular video formats. It also enables users to perform some basic edits and supports AVI, GIF, MKV, and MP4 for the output. It also gives users the possibility of extracting the audio stream of your video files and saving it as an MP3 file. In addition, users can load any MPG, MKV, AVI, WEBM, MP$, or WMV files split easily into as many clips as possible.


Has an accurate cutting point

It has useful features that can help to maximize the cutting process

Capabilities for rotation

Tag editor

Allows the conversion to some of the most well-known video formats


Some complex editing features are lacking

Unable to customize output profiles gif to avi software 03

· Easy GIF Animator

The main intention of this software is to create animations for your web pages. In addition, this software has a modern interface, in the style of Microsoft Office’s latest versions. However, some wizards can help to guide users of this software.


Helpful in creating graphical banners for advertising

Perfect for animation frame by frame

Convert video to GIF animations

Ideal for converting GIF to AVI

Add effects to your animations


Key-framing animation unsupported

Layers are not supported gif to avi software 04

Part 3: How to Convert GIF to AVI?

Convert GIF to AVI Using Online Converters

Convertio is an online file format converting tool compatible with a wide range of input and output formats, including GIF to AVI.

Here is a step-by-step guide of this GIF to AVI converter:

convert gif to avi online

Step 1: Visit Convertio in your browser and select and upload a GIF file from your channel, like URL, computer, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Step 2: Select AVI from the dropdown format option and click the Convert button to begin converting GIF to AVI.

Step 3: When completed, download the AVI files to your computer or send them to the cloud service

Save GIF as AVI through GIF to AVI Software

One of the primary reasons we recommend Wondershare Filmora is that online GIF converters can be unreliable. This implies that there must be a stable internet connection and power supply. In addition, Filmora software is safe and secure, which is a common concern with online tools.

Follow the steps below to turn GIF into AVI:

Step 1: Install Filmora on Mac or Windows

Download and Install Filmora software on your PC. Double click the .dmg file and follow all the instructions to install this software.

Try It Free Try It Free

Step 2: Begin New Project

Click on the Filmora icon to start a new project and when it is open, click “New Project,” and make sure you select the “Project Settings” from the dropdown options (desired video aspect ratio, resolution and frame rate based on the sharing platform)

convert gif to avi with filmora 03

Step 3: Import Files to Convert

Start a new project by importing the GIF you want to convert to the timeline. A prompt project setting will pop up if the media aspect ratio and resolution do not match. Make sure you click on “DON’T CHANGE” to maintain your earlier setting convert gif to avi with filmora 04

Step 4: Finish the Process and Export

Click on export to convert the video and select the AVI file format to save your file convert gif to avi with filmora 05

Finally, save your GIF to AVI video on your preferred location


Thus, we learned:

  • The process of converting GIF files to AVI using online tools
  • How to use downloaded software to turn GIF to AVI
  • It also provided a list of the top best software and online tool you can choose from to convert your GIF to AVIvery quickly.
  • Lastly, it recommended Filmora as the top-most GIF to AVI converterdue to its reliability and safety commitment.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free


It will be much fun if you get to assort most of your GIF files and turn them into full-length streaming videos. However, many conversion websites and software on the internet offer you the facility to convert GIF to AVI file format with ease of use. With these online tools, you also get the opportunity to upload the converted file on various social media channels. Unlike real video, these files have less memory and are easy to save on your device or hard disk.

Although both AVI and GIF are two commonly used file formats, they are different. First of all, GIF stands for Graphical Interchange Format, and it is an image format that can store several consequent or dis-consequent pictures into an animated file. In contrast, AVI is a lossless video file format. This guide focuses on turning GIF animated images into AVI videos and gives a list of the best GIF to AVI converters you can choose from.

In this article

Part 1: Best 4 Online GIFs to AVI Converters

Part 2: Best 4 GIFs to AVI Software

Part 3: How to Convert GIF to AVI?

best gif to avi converter

Part 1: Best 4 Online GIFs to AVI Converters

· Cloudconvert

One prominent feature of this tool is the interface of this GIF to AVI converter is straightforward to follow. However, you don’t have to download any plug-ins or software during the file conversion process with this online tool. This online website is SSL protected; thus, you will not need to deal with worms or viruses when downloading your converted file. In addition, you can also choose from more than 200 different file formats. Moreso, you get a chance to contact webmasters through email channels.

Main Features:

  • There is an API function that you can use the site on several of your laptops, mobile devices, etc.
  • It offers users various platforms to upload files for conversion through URL, PC, DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

online gif to avi converter 01

· Video.online-convert

Using this GIF to AVI online converter, you do not have to deal with many advertisements; furthermore, the conversion speed is very high. Thus, with this converter, you can work on lengthy projects efficiently. In addition, the website also offers a lot of options that you can choose from while converting a file. This software also allows you to crop, change the bitrate of the video, change the rate of the frame, etc. The uploaded files will be secure and safe as the website follows strict confidentiality norms.

Main Features:

  • This converter website offers a drag-drop feature that allows users to upload a file quickly.
  • The facility to solve your queries is available through various frequently asked questions.

online gif to avi converter 02

· Convertio

Using Convertio will have to follow a few initial steps to change GIF to AVI file extension. However, to convert GIF files to AVI online, you are not required to download any external software, saving your computer memory and time. It is effortless to download converted files on your system, as the website also provides API services. The website also gives an effective option to store and save data over cloud services through DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

Main Features:

  • The site provides excellent options for video cutting, rotating, clipping, filtering, etc.
  • Choose from different languages; thus, converting a file would be more comfortable and practical.

online gif to avi converter 03

· File-conversion

The website has excellent UI and UX features. Allows users to convert GIF to AVI file format within a short time. Once you can convert GIF to AVI with this software, you will be able to download the file straight into your PC. The website also grants the opportunity to delete the data once it gets converted, and you can then download the file.

Main Features:

  • This converter web portal gives you the chance to make several changes to the file you plan to convert.
  • There are no unnecessary advertisements, which speeds up the conversion process.

online gif to avi converter 04

Part 2: Best 4 GIFs to AVI Software

· Filmora.

Wondershare Filmora is editing and creating software specially designed for Windows and Mac PCs that is also an excellent GIF to AVI converter. In addition, it is highly compatible with a variety of media formats and gives you access to a variety of editing options. It also provides you with high-quality output files and uses various effects, transitions, overlays, graphics, and titles to create videos.

This software also supports numerous formats: MPEG, MP4, AVI, WebM, etc. It extracts the audio or converts them into MP3 format. In addition, it outputs high-quality videos, which include ones in 4K resolution.

Try It Free Try It Free


It is compatible with various media formats

It comes with a built-in video editing tool

Receive high-quality output files

Grant users with access to multiple video editing options


Sometimes it takes extra time to generate the output files

Some of the sample files require a download gif to avi software 01

· ACDSee

This GIF to AVI converter software can share, manage, and edit photographs. In addition, its interface is, however, similar to those of other similar products, so if you have previous experience in using any editing software, this is no different. This software is also highly improbable. Thus, you will not have any difficulty using ACDSee. Its working area is usually divided into three sections:

  • a left panel where you can browse folders
  • a right panel with the properties
  • the prominent viewing area in the middle.

It is elementary to use

It has a very lovely user-interface

An extensive collection of tools

Quick browsing through photos is allowed

Uploading photographs to the cloud through photos is supported


There are not as many features as other video editing tools

Its corrections are not always effective gif to avi software 02

· Free Video Editor

If you need a GIF to AVI converter that works free of charge, you need to try this software. This software program allows you to slice your video files and convert them into popular video formats. It also enables users to perform some basic edits and supports AVI, GIF, MKV, and MP4 for the output. It also gives users the possibility of extracting the audio stream of your video files and saving it as an MP3 file. In addition, users can load any MPG, MKV, AVI, WEBM, MP$, or WMV files split easily into as many clips as possible.


Has an accurate cutting point

It has useful features that can help to maximize the cutting process

Capabilities for rotation

Tag editor

Allows the conversion to some of the most well-known video formats


Some complex editing features are lacking

Unable to customize output profiles gif to avi software 03

· Easy GIF Animator

The main intention of this software is to create animations for your web pages. In addition, this software has a modern interface, in the style of Microsoft Office’s latest versions. However, some wizards can help to guide users of this software.


Helpful in creating graphical banners for advertising

Perfect for animation frame by frame

Convert video to GIF animations

Ideal for converting GIF to AVI

Add effects to your animations


Key-framing animation unsupported

Layers are not supported gif to avi software 04

Part 3: How to Convert GIF to AVI?

Convert GIF to AVI Using Online Converters

Convertio is an online file format converting tool compatible with a wide range of input and output formats, including GIF to AVI.

Here is a step-by-step guide of this GIF to AVI converter:

convert gif to avi online

Step 1: Visit Convertio in your browser and select and upload a GIF file from your channel, like URL, computer, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Step 2: Select AVI from the dropdown format option and click the Convert button to begin converting GIF to AVI.

Step 3: When completed, download the AVI files to your computer or send them to the cloud service

Save GIF as AVI through GIF to AVI Software

One of the primary reasons we recommend Wondershare Filmora is that online GIF converters can be unreliable. This implies that there must be a stable internet connection and power supply. In addition, Filmora software is safe and secure, which is a common concern with online tools.

Follow the steps below to turn GIF into AVI:

Step 1: Install Filmora on Mac or Windows

Download and Install Filmora software on your PC. Double click the .dmg file and follow all the instructions to install this software.

Try It Free Try It Free

Step 2: Begin New Project

Click on the Filmora icon to start a new project and when it is open, click “New Project,” and make sure you select the “Project Settings” from the dropdown options (desired video aspect ratio, resolution and frame rate based on the sharing platform)

convert gif to avi with filmora 03

Step 3: Import Files to Convert

Start a new project by importing the GIF you want to convert to the timeline. A prompt project setting will pop up if the media aspect ratio and resolution do not match. Make sure you click on “DON’T CHANGE” to maintain your earlier setting convert gif to avi with filmora 04

Step 4: Finish the Process and Export

Click on export to convert the video and select the AVI file format to save your file convert gif to avi with filmora 05

Finally, save your GIF to AVI video on your preferred location


Thus, we learned:

  • The process of converting GIF files to AVI using online tools
  • How to use downloaded software to turn GIF to AVI
  • It also provided a list of the top best software and online tool you can choose from to convert your GIF to AVIvery quickly.
  • Lastly, it recommended Filmora as the top-most GIF to AVI converterdue to its reliability and safety commitment.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free


It will be much fun if you get to assort most of your GIF files and turn them into full-length streaming videos. However, many conversion websites and software on the internet offer you the facility to convert GIF to AVI file format with ease of use. With these online tools, you also get the opportunity to upload the converted file on various social media channels. Unlike real video, these files have less memory and are easy to save on your device or hard disk.

Although both AVI and GIF are two commonly used file formats, they are different. First of all, GIF stands for Graphical Interchange Format, and it is an image format that can store several consequent or dis-consequent pictures into an animated file. In contrast, AVI is a lossless video file format. This guide focuses on turning GIF animated images into AVI videos and gives a list of the best GIF to AVI converters you can choose from.

In this article

Part 1: Best 4 Online GIFs to AVI Converters

Part 2: Best 4 GIFs to AVI Software

Part 3: How to Convert GIF to AVI?

best gif to avi converter

Part 1: Best 4 Online GIFs to AVI Converters

· Cloudconvert

One prominent feature of this tool is the interface of this GIF to AVI converter is straightforward to follow. However, you don’t have to download any plug-ins or software during the file conversion process with this online tool. This online website is SSL protected; thus, you will not need to deal with worms or viruses when downloading your converted file. In addition, you can also choose from more than 200 different file formats. Moreso, you get a chance to contact webmasters through email channels.

Main Features:

  • There is an API function that you can use the site on several of your laptops, mobile devices, etc.
  • It offers users various platforms to upload files for conversion through URL, PC, DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

online gif to avi converter 01

· Video.online-convert

Using this GIF to AVI online converter, you do not have to deal with many advertisements; furthermore, the conversion speed is very high. Thus, with this converter, you can work on lengthy projects efficiently. In addition, the website also offers a lot of options that you can choose from while converting a file. This software also allows you to crop, change the bitrate of the video, change the rate of the frame, etc. The uploaded files will be secure and safe as the website follows strict confidentiality norms.

Main Features:

  • This converter website offers a drag-drop feature that allows users to upload a file quickly.
  • The facility to solve your queries is available through various frequently asked questions.

online gif to avi converter 02

· Convertio

Using Convertio will have to follow a few initial steps to change GIF to AVI file extension. However, to convert GIF files to AVI online, you are not required to download any external software, saving your computer memory and time. It is effortless to download converted files on your system, as the website also provides API services. The website also gives an effective option to store and save data over cloud services through DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

Main Features:

  • The site provides excellent options for video cutting, rotating, clipping, filtering, etc.
  • Choose from different languages; thus, converting a file would be more comfortable and practical.

online gif to avi converter 03

· File-conversion

The website has excellent UI and UX features. Allows users to convert GIF to AVI file format within a short time. Once you can convert GIF to AVI with this software, you will be able to download the file straight into your PC. The website also grants the opportunity to delete the data once it gets converted, and you can then download the file.

Main Features:

  • This converter web portal gives you the chance to make several changes to the file you plan to convert.
  • There are no unnecessary advertisements, which speeds up the conversion process.

online gif to avi converter 04

Part 2: Best 4 GIFs to AVI Software

· Filmora.

Wondershare Filmora is editing and creating software specially designed for Windows and Mac PCs that is also an excellent GIF to AVI converter. In addition, it is highly compatible with a variety of media formats and gives you access to a variety of editing options. It also provides you with high-quality output files and uses various effects, transitions, overlays, graphics, and titles to create videos.

This software also supports numerous formats: MPEG, MP4, AVI, WebM, etc. It extracts the audio or converts them into MP3 format. In addition, it outputs high-quality videos, which include ones in 4K resolution.

Try It Free Try It Free


It is compatible with various media formats

It comes with a built-in video editing tool

Receive high-quality output files

Grant users with access to multiple video editing options


Sometimes it takes extra time to generate the output files

Some of the sample files require a download gif to avi software 01

· ACDSee

This GIF to AVI converter software can share, manage, and edit photographs. In addition, its interface is, however, similar to those of other similar products, so if you have previous experience in using any editing software, this is no different. This software is also highly improbable. Thus, you will not have any difficulty using ACDSee. Its working area is usually divided into three sections:

  • a left panel where you can browse folders
  • a right panel with the properties
  • the prominent viewing area in the middle.

It is elementary to use

It has a very lovely user-interface

An extensive collection of tools

Quick browsing through photos is allowed

Uploading photographs to the cloud through photos is supported


There are not as many features as other video editing tools

Its corrections are not always effective gif to avi software 02

· Free Video Editor

If you need a GIF to AVI converter that works free of charge, you need to try this software. This software program allows you to slice your video files and convert them into popular video formats. It also enables users to perform some basic edits and supports AVI, GIF, MKV, and MP4 for the output. It also gives users the possibility of extracting the audio stream of your video files and saving it as an MP3 file. In addition, users can load any MPG, MKV, AVI, WEBM, MP$, or WMV files split easily into as many clips as possible.


Has an accurate cutting point

It has useful features that can help to maximize the cutting process

Capabilities for rotation

Tag editor

Allows the conversion to some of the most well-known video formats


Some complex editing features are lacking

Unable to customize output profiles gif to avi software 03

· Easy GIF Animator

The main intention of this software is to create animations for your web pages. In addition, this software has a modern interface, in the style of Microsoft Office’s latest versions. However, some wizards can help to guide users of this software.


Helpful in creating graphical banners for advertising

Perfect for animation frame by frame

Convert video to GIF animations

Ideal for converting GIF to AVI

Add effects to your animations


Key-framing animation unsupported

Layers are not supported gif to avi software 04

Part 3: How to Convert GIF to AVI?

Convert GIF to AVI Using Online Converters

Convertio is an online file format converting tool compatible with a wide range of input and output formats, including GIF to AVI.

Here is a step-by-step guide of this GIF to AVI converter:

convert gif to avi online

Step 1: Visit Convertio in your browser and select and upload a GIF file from your channel, like URL, computer, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Step 2: Select AVI from the dropdown format option and click the Convert button to begin converting GIF to AVI.

Step 3: When completed, download the AVI files to your computer or send them to the cloud service

Save GIF as AVI through GIF to AVI Software

One of the primary reasons we recommend Wondershare Filmora is that online GIF converters can be unreliable. This implies that there must be a stable internet connection and power supply. In addition, Filmora software is safe and secure, which is a common concern with online tools.

Follow the steps below to turn GIF into AVI:

Step 1: Install Filmora on Mac or Windows

Download and Install Filmora software on your PC. Double click the .dmg file and follow all the instructions to install this software.

Try It Free Try It Free

Step 2: Begin New Project

Click on the Filmora icon to start a new project and when it is open, click “New Project,” and make sure you select the “Project Settings” from the dropdown options (desired video aspect ratio, resolution and frame rate based on the sharing platform)

convert gif to avi with filmora 03

Step 3: Import Files to Convert

Start a new project by importing the GIF you want to convert to the timeline. A prompt project setting will pop up if the media aspect ratio and resolution do not match. Make sure you click on “DON’T CHANGE” to maintain your earlier setting convert gif to avi with filmora 04

Step 4: Finish the Process and Export

Click on export to convert the video and select the AVI file format to save your file convert gif to avi with filmora 05

Finally, save your GIF to AVI video on your preferred location


Thus, we learned:

  • The process of converting GIF files to AVI using online tools
  • How to use downloaded software to turn GIF to AVI
  • It also provided a list of the top best software and online tool you can choose from to convert your GIF to AVIvery quickly.
  • Lastly, it recommended Filmora as the top-most GIF to AVI converterdue to its reliability and safety commitment.

Try It Free Try It Free

Try It Free Try It Free


It will be much fun if you get to assort most of your GIF files and turn them into full-length streaming videos. However, many conversion websites and software on the internet offer you the facility to convert GIF to AVI file format with ease of use. With these online tools, you also get the opportunity to upload the converted file on various social media channels. Unlike real video, these files have less memory and are easy to save on your device or hard disk.

Although both AVI and GIF are two commonly used file formats, they are different. First of all, GIF stands for Graphical Interchange Format, and it is an image format that can store several consequent or dis-consequent pictures into an animated file. In contrast, AVI is a lossless video file format. This guide focuses on turning GIF animated images into AVI videos and gives a list of the best GIF to AVI converters you can choose from.

In this article

Part 1: Best 4 Online GIFs to AVI Converters

Part 2: Best 4 GIFs to AVI Software

Part 3: How to Convert GIF to AVI?

best gif to avi converter

Part 1: Best 4 Online GIFs to AVI Converters

· Cloudconvert

One prominent feature of this tool is the interface of this GIF to AVI converter is straightforward to follow. However, you don’t have to download any plug-ins or software during the file conversion process with this online tool. This online website is SSL protected; thus, you will not need to deal with worms or viruses when downloading your converted file. In addition, you can also choose from more than 200 different file formats. Moreso, you get a chance to contact webmasters through email channels.

Main Features:

  • There is an API function that you can use the site on several of your laptops, mobile devices, etc.
  • It offers users various platforms to upload files for conversion through URL, PC, DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

online gif to avi converter 01

· Video.online-convert

Using this GIF to AVI online converter, you do not have to deal with many advertisements; furthermore, the conversion speed is very high. Thus, with this converter, you can work on lengthy projects efficiently. In addition, the website also offers a lot of options that you can choose from while converting a file. This software also allows you to crop, change the bitrate of the video, change the rate of the frame, etc. The uploaded files will be secure and safe as the website follows strict confidentiality norms.

Main Features:

  • This converter website offers a drag-drop feature that allows users to upload a file quickly.
  • The facility to solve your queries is available through various frequently asked questions.

online gif to avi converter 02

· Convertio

Using Convertio will have to follow a few initial steps to change GIF to AVI file extension. However, to convert GIF files to AVI online, you are not required to download any external software, saving your computer memory and time. It is effortless to download converted files on your system, as the website also provides API services. The website also gives an effective option to store and save data over cloud services through DropBox, Google Drive, etc.

Main Features:

  • The site provides excellent options for video cutting, rotating, clipping, filtering, etc.
  • Choose from different languages; thus, converting a file would be more comfortable and practical.

online gif to avi converter 03

· File-conversion

The website has excellent UI and UX features. Allows users to convert GIF to AVI file format within a short time. Once you can convert GIF to AVI with this software, you will be able to download the file straight into your PC. The website also grants the opportunity to delete the data once it gets converted, and you can then download the file.

Main Features:

  • This converter web portal gives you the chance to make several changes to the file you plan to convert.
  • There are no unnecessary advertisements, which speeds up the conversion process.

online gif to avi converter 04

Part 2: Best 4 GIFs to AVI Software

· Filmora.

Wondershare Filmora is editing and creating software specially designed for Windows and Mac PCs that is also an excellent GIF to AVI converter. In addition, it is highly compatible with a variety of media formats and gives you access to a variety of editing options. It also provides you with high-quality output files and uses various effects, transitions, overlays, graphics, and titles to create videos.

This software also supports numerous formats: MPEG, MP4, AVI, WebM, etc. It extracts the audio or converts them into MP3 format. In addition, it outputs high-quality videos, which include ones in 4K resolution.

Try It Free Try It Free


It is compatible with various media formats

It comes with a built-in video editing tool

Receive high-quality output files

Grant users with access to multiple video editing options


Sometimes it takes extra time to generate the output files

Some of the sample files require a download gif to avi software 01

· ACDSee

This GIF to AVI converter software can share, manage, and edit photographs. In addition, its interface is, however, similar to those of other similar products, so if you have previous experience in using any editing software, this is no different. This software is also highly improbable. Thus, you will not have any difficulty using ACDSee. Its working area is usually divided into three sections:

  • a left panel where you can browse folders
  • a right panel with the properties
  • the prominent viewing area in the middle.

It is elementary to use

It has a very lovely user-interface

An extensive collection of tools

Quick browsing through photos is allowed

Uploading photographs to the cloud through photos is supported


There are not as many features as other video editing tools

Its corrections are not always effective gif to avi software 02

· Free Video Editor

If you need a GIF to AVI converter that works free of charge, you need to try this software. This software program allows you to slice your video files and convert them into popular video formats. It also enables users to perform some basic edits and supports AVI, GIF, MKV, and MP4 for the output. It also gives users the possibility of extracting the audio stream of your video files and saving it as an MP3 file. In addition, users can load any MPG, MKV, AVI, WEBM, MP$, or WMV files split easily into as many clips as possible.


Has an accurate cutting point

It has useful features that can help to maximize the cutting process

Capabilities for rotation

Tag editor

Allows the conversion to some of the most well-known video formats


Some complex editing features are lacking

Unable to customize output profiles gif to avi software 03

· Easy GIF Animator

The main intention of this software is to create animations for your web pages. In addition, this software has a modern interface, in the style of Microsoft Office’s latest versions. However, some wizards can help to guide users of this software.


Helpful in creating graphical banners for advertising

Perfect for animation frame by frame

Convert video to GIF animations

Ideal for converting GIF to AVI

Add effects to your animations


Key-framing animation unsupported

Layers are not supported gif to avi software 04

Part 3: How to Convert GIF to AVI?

Convert GIF to AVI Using Online Converters

Convertio is an online file format converting tool compatible with a wide range of input and output formats, including GIF to AVI.

Here is a step-by-step guide of this GIF to AVI converter:

convert gif to avi online

Step 1: Visit Convertio in your browser and select and upload a GIF file from your channel, like URL, computer, Dropbox, and Google Drive.

Step 2: Select AVI from the dropdown format option and click the Convert button to begin converting GIF to AVI.

Step 3: When completed, download the AVI files to your computer or send them to the cloud service

Save GIF as AVI through GIF to AVI Software

One of the primary reasons we recommend Wondershare Filmora is that online GIF converters can be unreliable. This implies that there must be a stable internet connection and power supply. In addition, Filmora software is safe and secure, which is a common concern with online tools.

Follow the steps below to turn GIF into AVI:

Step 1: Install Filmora on Mac or Windows

Download and Install Filmora software on your PC. Double click the .dmg file and follow all the instructions to install this software.

Try It Free Try It Free

Step 2: Begin New Project

Click on the Filmora icon to start a new project and when it is open, click “New Project,” and make sure you select the “Project Settings” from the dropdown options (desired video aspect ratio, resolution and frame rate based on the sharing platform)

convert gif to avi with filmora 03

Step 3: Import Files to Convert

Start a new project by importing the GIF you want to convert to the timeline. A prompt project setting will pop up if the media aspect ratio and resolution do not match. Make sure you click on “DON’T CHANGE” to maintain your earlier setting convert gif to avi with filmora 04

Step 4: Finish the Process and Export

Click on export to convert the video and select the AVI file format to save your file convert gif to avi with filmora 05

Finally, save your GIF to AVI video on your preferred location


Thus, we learned:

  • The process of converting GIF files to AVI using online tools
  • How to use downloaded software to turn GIF to AVI
  • It also provided a list of the top best software and online tool you can choose from to convert your GIF to AVIvery quickly.
  • Lastly, it recommended Filmora as the top-most GIF to AVI converterdue to its reliability and safety commitment.

Try It Free Try It Free

Want to Add the Radial Blur Image Effect to Your Photos to Make Them Stand Out? Read on to Find the 11 Best Tools for Creating Stunning Image Editing Projects

Radial blur is an effect you can use to create a sense of movement, emphasize parts of an image, add visual interest to a scene, or make a subject stand out. There are multiple apps and software programs available to achieve this effect.

But if you don’t know where to start, we’ll show you 11 ways to create radial blur images on your iPhone, Android device, Mac, or Windows PC. With these tools, you can quickly recreate your pictures to make them unique by adding visual interest.

How To Make A Radial Blur Effect On iPhone And Android?

Below we’ve provided a list of 5 apps that can help you make a radial blur photo effect on your iPhone or Android devices.

1. Design Blur: Radial Blur

Design Blur: Radial Blur is a free app available on the Play Store for Android devices that lets you add a sense of motion and depth to your picture by applying the radial effect with just a few taps.

design blur radial blur app


Key features:

  • Mainly devoted to creating radial blur and motion blur effects.
  • Includes a camera to help you instantly take pictures and apply radial effects.
  • Option to revert to your original picture if you don’t like the effects.
  • Easier to remove the radial blur effect from parts of your image.
  • Supports changing the intensity of the effect.


  • Includes a redo and undo option
  • Free to use
  • User-friendly UI
  • Applies the effect instantly


  • Includes ads

2. DSLR Camera Blur Effects

With the DSLR Camera Blur Effects app, you can instantly apply a more natural-looking radial motion blur effect to your images to give them a more professional appearance. The app offers multiple image-blurring tools and adds a DSLR-like finish to your photos.

dslr camera blur effect app for creating radial blur

Download: Android

Key Features

  • Import photos from your phone’s gallery or take a new one using the app’s camera option.
  • Options to crop your image before uploading.
  • Multiple types of blur effects to choose from, such as motion blur, gaussian blur, line blur, box blur, and pixel blur.
  • Can change the focus from auto to circular, linear, freestyle, point focus, or point blur.


  • Simple and fast to use
  • Available for free
  • Draws around the subject
  • A quick social sharing option is available


  • Shows multiple ads
  • Adds a watermark to your final image

3. Image Radial Blur

The Image Radial Blur is another user-friendly app designed to create radial blur effects for Android users and has a range of blur strengths, types, and focus options, so you can create the exact look you want.

image radial blur app


Key Features

  • Two Focus Move options and two blur types to choose from.
  • Adjusts the strength of the radial blur on your image.
  • Instantly applies the radial blur effect.


  • Free and easy to use
  • Applies the effect with one tap
  • Comes with a quick social sharing option
  • Excellent UI


  • Displays ads

4. Picsart

Picsart is a powerful photo editing app that lets you create beautiful images by removing backgrounds, adding text and radial blur or other effects, and even creating collages.

picsart for radial blur effect

Download: Android | iPhone

Key Features

  • All-in-one photo and video editor.
  • Supports creating slideshows, and collages, adding subtitles to your video, and more.
  • Labeled as “Editor’s Choice” on Google Play Store.
  • Blur parts of an image, its background, the subject’s face, or a complete photo.


  • Available for free
  • AI select auto-detect blur feature
  • Perfect for quick and easy edits
  • Gives a professional touch to images


  • The app lags sometimes

5. Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo is an award-winning photo editor available for iPads offering desktop-grade basic and advanced editing tools, including the Radial Blur effect.

affinity photo for radial blur effect

Download: iOS

Key Features

  • Available for a one-time purchase of $2476.20.
  • Creates the radial effect in concentric circle lines, giving your images a sense of rotation.
  • Brings the focus point in your pictures to life.


  • Creates unique motion blur effects
  • Offers other editing options
  • Desktop-grade editing


  • No image organization feature is available

6 Ways To Radial Blur Your Images On Windows And Mac

Here are our top 5 recommended tools to radial blur your images on Windows and Mac:

1. Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Price: Starts at $7.99 per month

Support System: Windows 11 and below & macOS 10.14 - macOS 12

Wondershare Filmora is an editing software recommended by many content creators and is available for Windows and macOS. The software comes with various features such as speed ramping, screen recording, a library of royalty-free music, radial blur, keyframing, numerous filters, effects, & preset templates, motion tracking, title editing, and more.

To create a radial blur effect on your photos using the Wondershare Filmora software, do the following steps:

Step1 Visit the Filmora website and download the file, depending on your system. Install the software and launch it. Click the “Create New Project” option and drag & drop your file.

creating new project in filmora to apply radial blur

Step2 Head to the “Effects” tab, choose the Tilt-shift Circle for the radial blur effect and drop it in the timeline.

applying radial blur in filmora

Step3 Double-click the effect in the timeline and configure the size, X-axis, Y-axis, and intensity. That’s about it. You can now export your file by clicking the “Export” option.

2. Final Cut Pro

Price: $299.99/perpetual license

Support System: macOS 11.5.1 or later final cut pro to apply radial blur effect

Final Cut Pro is an editing software designed for Mac systems and has everything you need to create high-finished videos. This software program offers a wide range of features, including a timeline, proxy editing, Multicam editing, and support for 4K and HDR footage.

With Final Cut Pro, you can instantly apply the radial blur effect to your images and adjust it using various parameters in the Filters Inspector section, such as Center, Angle, Crop, and Mix.

3. Adobe Photoshop

Price: US$20.99/month

Support System: macOS and Windows adobe photoshop for creating radial blur

As one of the most popular and advanced photo editing software in the digital market, Adobe Photoshop is packed with high-end features and is used by many professionals as well as graphic designers to create stunning radial blur effects in their projects.

To add the radial blur effect on your images using Adobe Photoshop, start with converting your background image into a Smart Object and go to the “Filters” tab. Next, select “Blur” and click “Radial Blur.” Finally, you can set the parameter in the radial blur window to adjust the effect.

4. Paint.NET

Price: Free

Support System: Microsoft .NET 6, Windows XP, Vista, 7, & 8, and needs a 64-bit Windows processor paint net for radial blur

Paint.NET is an easy-to-use software developed on the .NET framework and is only compatible with Windows PCs. The software is free and has an innovative interface for novice users to create stunning image editing projects in no time.

Paint.NET also lets you quickly create the radial blur image effect using its blur effects. You can even configure the angle, center, and quality of the effect.

5. BCC FX Editor

Price: $175 per month

Support System: macOS Mojave 10.14 bcc fx editor for radial blur

Yet another powerful software is the BCC FX Editor, designed with an intuitive interface where you can quickly apply the BCC+ Radial Blur effect around a specific point in your pictures.

The software also offers various parameters to help you adjust the effect on your image. These include GPU rendering, blur type, center, radial amount, rotation amount, falloff, smooth mode, edge mode, apply mode, and more.

6. VideoPad Video Editor

Price: Free, and the premium version starts at $23.16 quarterly

Support System: Windows 10, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1 videopad video editor

Designed for Windows systems, the VideoPad Editor is an intuitive and fast software program that can help you quickly add the radial blur effect to your file. Moreover, the software comes with numerous visual effects and transitions.

You can add custom logos, texts, & overlays and create & export your file in over 60 different video formats.

Last Words

In this article, we’ve provided a list of 5 iOS and Android apps and 6 Mac and Windows software for creating the radial blur image effect. From the above list, whichever tool you choose can help you create some stunning radial blur effects that will add depth and movement to your photos.

We’ve also provided step-by-step instructions on how you can use the Filmora 11 software to add impactful effects.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this article and can now quickly add the radial blur effect to your images without any issues.

2. DSLR Camera Blur Effects

With the DSLR Camera Blur Effects app, you can instantly apply a more natural-looking radial motion blur effect to your images to give them a more professional appearance. The app offers multiple image-blurring tools and adds a DSLR-like finish to your photos.

dslr camera blur effect app for creating radial blur

Download: Android

Key Features

  • Import photos from your phone’s gallery or take a new one using the app’s camera option.
  • Options to crop your image before uploading.
  • Multiple types of blur effects to choose from, such as motion blur, gaussian blur, line blur, box blur, and pixel blur.
  • Can change the focus from auto to circular, linear, freestyle, point focus, or point blur.


  • Simple and fast to use
  • Available for free
  • Draws around the subject
  • A quick social sharing option is available


  • Shows multiple ads
  • Adds a watermark to your final image

3. Image Radial Blur

The Image Radial Blur is another user-friendly app designed to create radial blur effects for Android users and has a range of blur strengths, types, and focus options, so you can create the exact look you want.

image radial blur app


Key Features

  • Two Focus Move options and two blur types to choose from.
  • Adjusts the strength of the radial blur on your image.
  • Instantly applies the radial blur effect.


  • Free and easy to use
  • Applies the effect with one tap
  • Comes with a quick social sharing option
  • Excellent UI


  • Displays ads

4. Picsart

Picsart is a powerful photo editing app that lets you create beautiful images by removing backgrounds, adding text and radial blur or other effects, and even creating collages.

picsart for radial blur effect

Download: Android | iPhone

Key Features

  • All-in-one photo and video editor.
  • Supports creating slideshows, and collages, adding subtitles to your video, and more.
  • Labeled as “Editor’s Choice” on Google Play Store.
  • Blur parts of an image, its background, the subject’s face, or a complete photo.


  • Available for free
  • AI select auto-detect blur feature
  • Perfect for quick and easy edits
  • Gives a professional touch to images


  • The app lags sometimes

5. Affinity Photo

Affinity Photo is an award-winning photo editor available for iPads offering desktop-grade basic and advanced editing tools, including the Radial Blur effect.

affinity photo for radial blur effect

Download: iOS

Key Features

  • Available for a one-time purchase of $2476.20.
  • Creates the radial effect in concentric circle lines, giving your images a sense of rotation.
  • Brings the focus point in your pictures to life.


  • Creates unique motion blur effects
  • Offers other editing options
  • Desktop-grade editing


  • No image organization feature is available

6 Ways To Radial Blur Your Images On Windows And Mac

Here are our top 5 recommended tools to radial blur your images on Windows and Mac:

1. Wondershare Filmora

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Price: Starts at $7.99 per month

Support System: Windows 11 and below & macOS 10.14 - macOS 12

Wondershare Filmora is an editing software recommended by many content creators and is available for Windows and macOS. The software comes with various features such as speed ramping, screen recording, a library of royalty-free music, radial blur, keyframing, numerous filters, effects, & preset templates, motion tracking, title editing, and more.

To create a radial blur effect on your photos using the Wondershare Filmora software, do the following steps:

Step1 Visit the Filmora website and download the file, depending on your system. Install the software and launch it. Click the “Create New Project” option and drag & drop your file.

creating new project in filmora to apply radial blur

Step2 Head to the “Effects” tab, choose the Tilt-shift Circle for the radial blur effect and drop it in the timeline.

applying radial blur in filmora

Step3 Double-click the effect in the timeline and configure the size, X-axis, Y-axis, and intensity. That’s about it. You can now export your file by clicking the “Export” option.

2. Final Cut Pro

Price: $299.99/perpetual license

Support System: macOS 11.5.1 or later final cut pro to apply radial blur effect

Final Cut Pro is an editing software designed for Mac systems and has everything you need to create high-finished videos. This software program offers a wide range of features, including a timeline, proxy editing, Multicam editing, and support for 4K and HDR footage.

With Final Cut Pro, you can instantly apply the radial blur effect to your images and adjust it using various parameters in the Filters Inspector section, such as Center, Angle, Crop, and Mix.

3. Adobe Photoshop

Price: US$20.99/month

Support System: macOS and Windows adobe photoshop for creating radial blur

As one of the most popular and advanced photo editing software in the digital market, Adobe Photoshop is packed with high-end features and is used by many professionals as well as graphic designers to create stunning radial blur effects in their projects.

To add the radial blur effect on your images using Adobe Photoshop, start with converting your background image into a Smart Object and go to the “Filters” tab. Next, select “Blur” and click “Radial Blur.” Finally, you can set the parameter in the radial blur window to adjust the effect.

4. Paint.NET

Price: Free

Support System: Microsoft .NET 6, Windows XP, Vista, 7, & 8, and needs a 64-bit Windows processor paint net for radial blur

Paint.NET is an easy-to-use software developed on the .NET framework and is only compatible with Windows PCs. The software is free and has an innovative interface for novice users to create stunning image editing projects in no time.

Paint.NET also lets you quickly create the radial blur image effect using its blur effects. You can even configure the angle, center, and quality of the effect.

5. BCC FX Editor

Price: $175 per month

Support System: macOS Mojave 10.14 bcc fx editor for radial blur

Yet another powerful software is the BCC FX Editor, designed with an intuitive interface where you can quickly apply the BCC+ Radial Blur effect around a specific point in your pictures.

The software also offers various parameters to help you adjust the effect on your image. These include GPU rendering, blur type, center, radial amount, rotation amount, falloff, smooth mode, edge mode, apply mode, and more.

6. VideoPad Video Editor

Price: Free, and the premium version starts at $23.16 quarterly

Support System: Windows 10, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1 videopad video editor

Designed for Windows systems, the VideoPad Editor is an intuitive and fast software program that can help you quickly add the radial blur effect to your file. Moreover, the software comes with numerous visual effects and transitions.

You can add custom logos, texts, & overlays and create & export your file in over 60 different video formats.

Last Words

In this article, we’ve provided a list of 5 iOS and Android apps and 6 Mac and Windows software for creating the radial blur image effect. From the above list, whichever tool you choose can help you create some stunning radial blur effects that will add depth and movement to your photos.

We’ve also provided step-by-step instructions on how you can use the Filmora 11 software to add impactful effects.

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed reading this article and can now quickly add the radial blur effect to your images without any issues.

Steps to Create Green Screen Videos in After Effects

You’ll probably get the finest results in After Effects out of all the editing programs. Working with green screen footage in After Effects can be done in a variety of ways. Utilizing a built-in preset that combines three effects is advised by Adobe. Due to its ability to deliver speedy (and typically excellent) outcomes, this strategy is great for both beginners and specialists. We’ll demonstrate how to do easily for you.

Let’s start off!

1. Importing your footage

After you have imported your material into the After Effects project, you should next create a new composition using the footage. In the following stage, you have the option of either adding each plugin one at a time or doing it all at once. You may find them grouped together as Keylight, Key Cleaner, and Advanced Spill Suppressor in the Animation Presets box, which is located under the “Image Utilities” heading.

import green screen video footage ae

2. Remove the green color

After Effects users can get rid of a green screen by going to the “Animation Presets” window, searching for the “Keylight” preset, dragging, and dropping it over the clip, and then shifting their focus to the “Effects Controls” window. Make sure the Screen Colour is set to the color of your screen’s background (which, in this case, is green). You may do this with the color selector.

remove green color from video in ae

3. Clean up the shot

You have no doubt observed that some of the remaining parts do not have the correct keying installed in them. In order to get rid of them, you need to put the view into the Combined Matte mode and turn the Screen Gain up a notch.

Because everything that is not transparent is turned white by Combined Matte, any remaining debris can be seen very clearly after it has been applied. After you have finished cleaning the frame, you should change the view to Intermediate Result. Your footage may become contaminated with artifacts if the Final Result view is inadvertently switched on.

clean up green screen shot ae

You can go to the “Screen Matte” area if you feel like the frame still needs more tweaking after you’ve applied the previous ones. You can accomplish that with the assistance of Clip Black and Clip White. Feel free to turn the Clip Black dial all the way to the right and turn the Clip White dial to the left. You can also adjust the other settings, if necessary, but based on my observations, everything should be working properly at this point.

The Bottom Line

After completing this lesson, you should have a better understanding of what a chroma key is, how to get rid of a green screen in After Effects, and how to adjust some settings if something goes wrong. Keep in mind that if the footage is not captured properly, you will not be able to successfully key out the green screen in the final video. Extra caution should be taken with the lights, and spills should be avoided at all costs Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Also read:

  • Title: Updated Learn How to Merge Audio and Video Like a Pro with This Step-by-Step Guide to Using FFmpeg. Create Seamless Videos and Improve Your Video Production Skills
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-06-26 06:24:12
  • Updated at : 2024-06-27 06:24:12
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-learn-how-to-merge-audio-and-video-like-a-pro-with-this-step-by-step-guide-to-using-ffmpeg-create-seamless-videos-and-improve-your-video-production-/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
Updated Learn How to Merge Audio and Video Like a Pro with This Step-by-Step Guide to Using FFmpeg. Create Seamless Videos and Improve Your Video Production Skills