Updated OpenCV Object Tracking The Complete Guide

Updated OpenCV Object Tracking The Complete Guide

Chloe Lv12

OpenCV Object Tracking: The Complete Guide

OpenCV Tracking is a popular method used for tracking objects in a video in real-time. OpenCV is a powerful library used for image processing and computer vision applications.

From real-time video analysis to Augmented Reality, OpenCV Tracking has a wide range of uses and can help both private and public sectors to detect and track the desired object in an image or video.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore OpenCV Tracking and its pre-built trackers**.** We will use the OpenCV library and Python to implement this Object Tracking application.

  1. SOT & MOT
  2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection
  1. Image Tracking
  2. Video Tracking
  1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process
  2. Methods Of Object Tracking
  1. What Is OpenCV
  2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking
  3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Part 1. What Is Object Tracking?

Object Tracking determines the location of an object in a video and can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, security, traffic control, digital forensics, anomaly detection, gesture recognition, visual surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robot vision.

Even though it may seem easy for an average person, object tracking is quite complex for computers because they have to analyze a set of frames and estimate the object’s trajectory based on numbers instead of images.

Because of how complicated it is, Object Tracking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in computer vision. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s not impossible to accomplish.

And there are two levels of Object Tracking that you should learn about:

1. SOT & MOT

  1. Single Object Tracking (SOT): SOT is a tracking algorithm that creates advanced appearance models and/or motion models to manage difficult issues like out-of-plane rotations, illumination variations, or scale changes.
  2. Multiple Object Tracking (MOT): MOT tracks every part of a video and is mainly concerned with mid-level tasks and serves as a foundation for high-level tasks.

2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection

After knowing what Object Tracking is, there is another concept you should also be aware of - Object Detection.

The Object Tracking and Object Detection are two important methods in computer vision. Object Tracking tracks the position of a given object in an image in real-time, while Object Detection identifies and localizes objects in an image or video. That is the difference.

Part 2. Types Of Object Tracking

Image Tracking

Image tracking allows users to interact with digital content more naturally and helps users move and interact with digital objects in the same manner as they will with real-world physical objects.

Image tracking can be used in various augmented reality (AR) applications, such as AR gaming, shopping, and navigation. Moreover, you can also use it for educational purposes, such as teaching anatomy or providing instructions for a difficult task.

Video Tracking

Video tracking is the process of tracking objects in a video sequence and can be used for various applications, such as detecting and counting objects in a scene, understanding their motions, and recognizing activities.

Part 3. What Are The Difficulties Of Object Tracking?

As what has been mentioned above, the use of object tracking is versatile. However, there are some challenges associated with Object Tracking, such as:

Background Clutter: The background can impact extracting an object’s features. If the background is more densely populated, detecting or tracking the object of interest can be more difficult.

Occlusion: This is a phenomenon where the object being tracked is affected by the background or foreground. This causes the tracking algorithm to get confused due to multiple objects coming close together, hence, losing track of the object.

Varying spatial scales: Varying spatial scales refer to the target object being of a different size or shape, which can confuse the algorithm, leading to errors.

Training and Tracking Speed: If the object is moving too fast or is too small, it can be difficult to track. Therefore, the tracking module has to be designed to track, identify, and localize objects in a matter of seconds.

Part 4. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

After the introduction of object tracking technically, let’s learn about its mechanism of it from two sides: periods of the working process and the way it tracks.

1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

Following are the stages of the Object Tracking process:

Target Initialization

Target initialization is the first step in Object Tracking and involves defining the targets or objects of interest and drawing a bounding box around them in the initial frame. After that, the tracker has to detect the position of the object in the frame while drawing the bounding box.

Appearance Modeling

Appearance modeling is important for understanding how an object will look under different circumstances. If the object being tracked changes appearance due to different lighting, angle, or speed, the tracking algorithm may lose its information and the object itself. Therefore, it has to be conducted to let the algorithm detect the changes and distortion.

Motion Estimation

Motion estimation entails the capacity of the model to anticipate an object’s future position with precision.

Target Positioning

Motion estimation is a process of approximating the most likely region where an object could be present. After the object’s location is approximated, a visual model can be used to determine the target’s location more accurately.

2. Methods Of Object Tracking

Here’re some methods of Object Tracking:

OpenCV-Based Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Tracking method is widely used because it offers several built-in functions designed specifically for this purpose, such as GOTURN, MIL, MediandFlow, and CSRT. The tracker type you select will depend on your specific application design. Each tracker has its pros and cons, so there is not a single type of tracker ideal for all applications.


Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Tracker is a convolutional neural-based visual tracker and has won the VOT2015 challenge. Moreover, it is composed of domain-specific layers, branches, and multiple shared layers.

The MDNetT tracker is a deep neural network that is trained on numerous Object Tracking datasets. The tracker is designed to work in multiple domains, including video, text, and images.


DeepSort algorithm can track objects in real-time and uses YOLO v3 to compute the bounding boxes around the objects in a frame.

DeepSort uses Kalman filter from Simple Online and Realtime Tracking algorithm and an identification model, ReID to interlink bounding boxes and object tracks.


ROLO is a novel Object Tracking method that uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn object-specific Spatio-temporal representations. This method works with YOLO, an object detection algorithm, and an LTSM for determining the trajectory of an object.

Part 5. The powerful backup: OpenCV

We have demonstrated how powerful OpenCV Tracking is and how it works. However, do you wonder what OpenCV is? How it supports the tracking goals being achieved? In this part, we will focus on OpenCV and help you better understand the the underlying mechanisms.

1. What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a powerful library that allows you to perform image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision tasks on live video feeds. Moreover, it can be used to detect objects, track their movements, and recognize faces.

It can help process the data that have videos and images and has been used in various applications, such as object recognition and detection, autonomous cars, robots, medical image analysis, automated surveillance, and anomaly detection.

2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking

There are 8 pre-built algorithms that OpenCV offers for Objects Tracking. All of them have their uniquility and here we will present their pros and cons for your better understadning.

Tracker Pros Cons
BOOSTING Tracker Track objects accurately. Relatively slow. Unable to stop when an object is lost.
MIL Tracker Strong resistance to noise. Gives accurate results. Low speed. Unable to stop tracking once the object is lost.
KCF Tracker High speed and accuracy. Stops tracking when the object is lost. Inability to continue tracking objects once lost.
TLD Tracker Resistance to overlapping and object scaling. Unstable in object detection and tracking. Constantly loses object.
MEDIANFLOW Tracker High accuracy and speed. Accurate in determining the object’s loss. Loses object quickly due to high speed.
GOTURN Tracker Shows resistance to obstructions and noise. If the speed of an object is high, it shifts to another object.
MOSSE Tracker Able to continue tracking after the object is lost. High speed. Loses object easily if very high speed.
CSRT Tracker Good resistance to overlapping. High accuracy. Low speed. Unstable when an object is lost.

3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Now, after theoretical explanation of OpenCV and OpenCV Tracking, let’s learn Object Tracking OpenCV Python with coding and our simple and step-by-step instructions:

Install The Dependencies

Install the pycharm app on your PC, and launch it. Create a new project and go to Terminal. Install the opencv-contrib-python package by pasting the following command into the Terminal.

Set Up the Trackers

Now, create a Jupyter-notebook and set up the trackers with this code:


  • cv2. version returns the OpenCV library version number.
  • Save the name of the eight trackers.
  • Check the list for the version you are working on and create a tracker object based on the number.

Capture The Video Input

For capturing the video input, write the following lines of code:


  • Use the VideoCapture class to capture a video via the webcam or get a saved one from your PC.
  • In VideoCapture - line 2, give the path to your video.
  • Comment on the second line to use the webcam for tracking and uncomment the third one.

Creating The Bounding Box And Initializing The Tracker

Define an initial random bounding box or select the choices for the object you want to track with the following code:

Start The Tracker And Check The Output

Finally, write the below code lines to start the tracker:


  • Read each video frame.
  • Start the timer and, through the tracker, determine the trajectory of the object.
  • Use the trajectory to draw the bounding box.
  • The program will start tracking. Afterward, press the space bar to stop tracking.

Video – Object Tracking with Opencv and Python


In this article, we’ve discussed Object Tracking in detail and how it compares with Object Detection. Furthermore, we explored the methods used for tracking objects and provided complete guidance on the OpenCV Tracking method and its built-in functionalities.

Hopefully, you find this guide helpful, and you can now track objects in real-time without any issues.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

  1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process
  2. Methods Of Object Tracking
  1. What Is OpenCV
  2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking
  3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Part 1. What Is Object Tracking?

Object Tracking determines the location of an object in a video and can be used for a variety of purposes, including surveillance, security, traffic control, digital forensics, anomaly detection, gesture recognition, visual surveillance, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robot vision.

Even though it may seem easy for an average person, object tracking is quite complex for computers because they have to analyze a set of frames and estimate the object’s trajectory based on numbers instead of images.

Because of how complicated it is, Object Tracking is considered one of the most difficult tasks in computer vision. Even though it’s a challenge, it’s not impossible to accomplish.

And there are two levels of Object Tracking that you should learn about:

1. SOT & MOT

  1. Single Object Tracking (SOT): SOT is a tracking algorithm that creates advanced appearance models and/or motion models to manage difficult issues like out-of-plane rotations, illumination variations, or scale changes.
  2. Multiple Object Tracking (MOT): MOT tracks every part of a video and is mainly concerned with mid-level tasks and serves as a foundation for high-level tasks.

2. The Difference Between Tracking And Detection

After knowing what Object Tracking is, there is another concept you should also be aware of - Object Detection.

The Object Tracking and Object Detection are two important methods in computer vision. Object Tracking tracks the position of a given object in an image in real-time, while Object Detection identifies and localizes objects in an image or video. That is the difference.

Part 2. Types Of Object Tracking

Image Tracking

Image tracking allows users to interact with digital content more naturally and helps users move and interact with digital objects in the same manner as they will with real-world physical objects.

Image tracking can be used in various augmented reality (AR) applications, such as AR gaming, shopping, and navigation. Moreover, you can also use it for educational purposes, such as teaching anatomy or providing instructions for a difficult task.

Video Tracking

Video tracking is the process of tracking objects in a video sequence and can be used for various applications, such as detecting and counting objects in a scene, understanding their motions, and recognizing activities.

Part 3. What Are The Difficulties Of Object Tracking?

As what has been mentioned above, the use of object tracking is versatile. However, there are some challenges associated with Object Tracking, such as:

Background Clutter: The background can impact extracting an object’s features. If the background is more densely populated, detecting or tracking the object of interest can be more difficult.

Occlusion: This is a phenomenon where the object being tracked is affected by the background or foreground. This causes the tracking algorithm to get confused due to multiple objects coming close together, hence, losing track of the object.

Varying spatial scales: Varying spatial scales refer to the target object being of a different size or shape, which can confuse the algorithm, leading to errors.

Training and Tracking Speed: If the object is moving too fast or is too small, it can be difficult to track. Therefore, the tracking module has to be designed to track, identify, and localize objects in a matter of seconds.

Part 4. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

After the introduction of object tracking technically, let’s learn about its mechanism of it from two sides: periods of the working process and the way it tracks.

1. Stages Of The Object Tracking Process

Following are the stages of the Object Tracking process:

Target Initialization

Target initialization is the first step in Object Tracking and involves defining the targets or objects of interest and drawing a bounding box around them in the initial frame. After that, the tracker has to detect the position of the object in the frame while drawing the bounding box.

Appearance Modeling

Appearance modeling is important for understanding how an object will look under different circumstances. If the object being tracked changes appearance due to different lighting, angle, or speed, the tracking algorithm may lose its information and the object itself. Therefore, it has to be conducted to let the algorithm detect the changes and distortion.

Motion Estimation

Motion estimation entails the capacity of the model to anticipate an object’s future position with precision.

Target Positioning

Motion estimation is a process of approximating the most likely region where an object could be present. After the object’s location is approximated, a visual model can be used to determine the target’s location more accurately.

2. Methods Of Object Tracking

Here’re some methods of Object Tracking:

OpenCV-Based Object Tracking

OpenCV Object Tracking method is widely used because it offers several built-in functions designed specifically for this purpose, such as GOTURN, MIL, MediandFlow, and CSRT. The tracker type you select will depend on your specific application design. Each tracker has its pros and cons, so there is not a single type of tracker ideal for all applications.


Multi-Domain Convolutional Neural Network Tracker is a convolutional neural-based visual tracker and has won the VOT2015 challenge. Moreover, it is composed of domain-specific layers, branches, and multiple shared layers.

The MDNetT tracker is a deep neural network that is trained on numerous Object Tracking datasets. The tracker is designed to work in multiple domains, including video, text, and images.


DeepSort algorithm can track objects in real-time and uses YOLO v3 to compute the bounding boxes around the objects in a frame.

DeepSort uses Kalman filter from Simple Online and Realtime Tracking algorithm and an identification model, ReID to interlink bounding boxes and object tracks.


ROLO is a novel Object Tracking method that uses recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn object-specific Spatio-temporal representations. This method works with YOLO, an object detection algorithm, and an LTSM for determining the trajectory of an object.

Part 5. The powerful backup: OpenCV

We have demonstrated how powerful OpenCV Tracking is and how it works. However, do you wonder what OpenCV is? How it supports the tracking goals being achieved? In this part, we will focus on OpenCV and help you better understand the the underlying mechanisms.

1. What Is OpenCV?

OpenCV is a powerful library that allows you to perform image processing, deep learning, machine learning, and computer vision tasks on live video feeds. Moreover, it can be used to detect objects, track their movements, and recognize faces.

It can help process the data that have videos and images and has been used in various applications, such as object recognition and detection, autonomous cars, robots, medical image analysis, automated surveillance, and anomaly detection.

2. The Pre-Built Algorithms OpenCV Offers For Object Tracking

There are 8 pre-built algorithms that OpenCV offers for Objects Tracking. All of them have their uniquility and here we will present their pros and cons for your better understadning.

Tracker Pros Cons
BOOSTING Tracker Track objects accurately. Relatively slow. Unable to stop when an object is lost.
MIL Tracker Strong resistance to noise. Gives accurate results. Low speed. Unable to stop tracking once the object is lost.
KCF Tracker High speed and accuracy. Stops tracking when the object is lost. Inability to continue tracking objects once lost.
TLD Tracker Resistance to overlapping and object scaling. Unstable in object detection and tracking. Constantly loses object.
MEDIANFLOW Tracker High accuracy and speed. Accurate in determining the object’s loss. Loses object quickly due to high speed.
GOTURN Tracker Shows resistance to obstructions and noise. If the speed of an object is high, it shifts to another object.
MOSSE Tracker Able to continue tracking after the object is lost. High speed. Loses object easily if very high speed.
CSRT Tracker Good resistance to overlapping. High accuracy. Low speed. Unstable when an object is lost.

3. Implementation In Python And OpenCV

Now, after theoretical explanation of OpenCV and OpenCV Tracking, let’s learn Object Tracking OpenCV Python with coding and our simple and step-by-step instructions:

Install The Dependencies

Install the pycharm app on your PC, and launch it. Create a new project and go to Terminal. Install the opencv-contrib-python package by pasting the following command into the Terminal.

Set Up the Trackers

Now, create a Jupyter-notebook and set up the trackers with this code:


  • cv2. version returns the OpenCV library version number.
  • Save the name of the eight trackers.
  • Check the list for the version you are working on and create a tracker object based on the number.

Capture The Video Input

For capturing the video input, write the following lines of code:


  • Use the VideoCapture class to capture a video via the webcam or get a saved one from your PC.
  • In VideoCapture - line 2, give the path to your video.
  • Comment on the second line to use the webcam for tracking and uncomment the third one.

Creating The Bounding Box And Initializing The Tracker

Define an initial random bounding box or select the choices for the object you want to track with the following code:

Start The Tracker And Check The Output

Finally, write the below code lines to start the tracker:


  • Read each video frame.
  • Start the timer and, through the tracker, determine the trajectory of the object.
  • Use the trajectory to draw the bounding box.
  • The program will start tracking. Afterward, press the space bar to stop tracking.

Video – Object Tracking with Opencv and Python


In this article, we’ve discussed Object Tracking in detail and how it compares with Object Detection. Furthermore, we explored the methods used for tracking objects and provided complete guidance on the OpenCV Tracking method and its built-in functionalities.

Hopefully, you find this guide helpful, and you can now track objects in real-time without any issues.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step by Step to Add Border to Video Using Premiere Pro

The border is really important as it frames up all the video. It makes the video eye-catching and gives a vivid effect. It also fixes the automated cropping issues, especially on Instagram. Along with this, it helps the viewers to watch the video as you can add effects about fun, travel, guides and etc. accordingly. Adding a border is super easy and it’s not more than fun!

So let’s start…

How to Add Borders to Videos in Premiere Pro

Today we are going to discuss how to add borders to the video clips or images in premiere pro. It’s pretty simple to make borders of different colors and sizes for your video clips.

So, here are the two different ways we can use to add borders to our videos or images.

  1. Adding a border to the video using a grid effect
  2. Adding a border to the video using the essential graphics panel

Way 1. Using a Grid Effect

While working on the project, make sure the aspect ratio of the video is 16:9, and project settings are HD (1080P) and UHD 4K in premiere pro.

Let’s start step by step.

  • Drag all the video clips by stacking them on video tracks in the timeline.

  • Hit the Effects tab and write the grid in the search panel.

  • Simply drag the grid option into the timeline of the videos.

  • Select the anchor value to 0 for the x and y.

  • Change the size to width and height slider.

  • Change the width to 1920 and height to 1080.

Now we have borders added as you can see below.

You can also change the width of the borders.

  • Change the width to 30.

You have the option to change the color of the border.

  • Select the blending mode to normal.
  • Select the color picker tool and change the color of your desire.

Way 2. Using the Essential Graphics Panel

First of all, you wanna be in your premium pro graphics workspace. This will pull off your graphics panel on your right. The good thing about the essential graphics panel is, that it is vector-based. So the different video clips with different resolutions will not pixelate.

Let’s dive in…

Now, to use the graphics panel you need to perform the following steps.

  • Import the videos and drag them into the timeline.

  • Select the effects

  • Find “alpha adjust” and drag it into the effects control.

  • Create a 4-point polygon mask.

A rectangular mask will be created. You can edit it according to the frame requirement.

  • Go to the corner of the mask border and press the shift key. Drag the border to resize and scale it proportionally.

  • Again go to effect controls, under opacity hit invert alpha.

  • Under mask hit inverted.

  • Go to motion settings, change the position, and

  • Go to Alpha adjust and set the mask feathering to 0.

  • Now go back to the effects panel and search the paint bucket.

  • Under effects controls, hit the alpha channel under the fill selector

  • Then hit stroke under the stroke

  • You can turn up the stroke width to make it a bit thicker.

  • Hit the color tab to change the color of the border as desired.

An Easier Way to Add Borders to Videos on Computer

Filmora Video Editor is one of the best and most efficient video editing applications. It is not only very easy to use but it provides a professional interface for users to make the videos stand out. It can be used for both Windows and Mac.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Let’s learn three different ways to add borders to the video/image using Wondershare Filmora 11.

  1. Using the Borders Preset
  2. Using overlay preset
  3. Using Human Border

1. Using the Borders Preset

  • Download Wonder Share Filmora 11 on your device.
  • Open the software and hit the import media under the media
  • Select the desired media from the storage of your device.
  • Drag and drop the selected video/image into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Select the effects tab and hit the utility
  • You can search the borders in the search engine and use a border of your choice given in the panel.
  • Select the border and hit the + button on the bottom right corner of the border.
  • You can drag and drop the border into the timeline.
  • You can see the border below.

add border premiere

  • You can edit the border by double-clicking the border layer or directly clicking on the border in the preview area.
  • The Effects controls will be opened.
  • You can change the size, color and opacity of the border, by moving the slider.
  • Hit OK

add border premiere

2. Using overlay preset

  • Select the video/image layer and hit the effects
  • Select overlay from the panel on the left side by scrolling down.
  • You can choose the overlay of your choice by clicking on the + tab or simply dragging and dropping it into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Double click on the image/video with overlay effect.
  • Select the effects tab under the image
  • You can adjust the shadow of overlay by moving the slider of opacity.
  • Hit Ok

add border premiere

3. Using Human Border

  • Select the video/image and hit the effects
  • Select AI Portrait from the panel.
  • Select the desired human border.
  • Hit the + tab or you can drag and drop into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Double-click on the human border layer, expand the human border controls panel under the effects
  • You can change the color, size, thickness, opacity, etc.
  • Hit Ok

add border premiere

How to Add a Border to the Video Online

You can also add borders to your videos/images online. All you need is, have a good internet connection and a browser.

Here is a guide for you to add frames to your video online.

Using Kapwing

  • Open the browser and write the “Kapwing video maker”.
  • You need to sign in the Kapwing to make an account
  • An editing interphase will be opened as below.
  • Hit on media and import media by clicking on +
  • Drag and drop the video into the timeline.

add border premiere

1st Method

  • Double click on the video in the preview window.
  • 4 dots will appear on the corner of the video.
  • You can drag the blue dots to make a frame and resize the image/video.
  • Hit on lock ratio tab to maintain the pixels of the video.

add border premiere

  • Double-click on the border area.
  • You can change the color of the border.
  • You can also resize the length and width of the border.

add border premiere

2nd Method

  • Hit the elements and select the frames from the panel.

Here you can take square frames, circle frames, shapes, emoji’s and a lot of more frames.

add border premiere

3rd Method

  • Hit the videos
  • Select templates, a list of templates will be shown in this panel.
  • Select the desired template and drag it into the timeline.

add border premiere


We have discussed different software to add borders. All the software and tools are free to use. Similarly, they can be used on both Mac as well as Windows. They are user-friendly and provide full control over borders. You can use any one of them to make your borders and can easily engage viewers in your videos.

In all of the above applications, I recommend you to use Wondershare filmora 11. It is the most professional software and makes your video stand out.

Way 1. Using a Grid Effect

While working on the project, make sure the aspect ratio of the video is 16:9, and project settings are HD (1080P) and UHD 4K in premiere pro.

Let’s start step by step.

  • Drag all the video clips by stacking them on video tracks in the timeline.

  • Hit the Effects tab and write the grid in the search panel.

  • Simply drag the grid option into the timeline of the videos.

  • Select the anchor value to 0 for the x and y.

  • Change the size to width and height slider.

  • Change the width to 1920 and height to 1080.

Now we have borders added as you can see below.

You can also change the width of the borders.

  • Change the width to 30.

You have the option to change the color of the border.

  • Select the blending mode to normal.
  • Select the color picker tool and change the color of your desire.

Way 2. Using the Essential Graphics Panel

First of all, you wanna be in your premium pro graphics workspace. This will pull off your graphics panel on your right. The good thing about the essential graphics panel is, that it is vector-based. So the different video clips with different resolutions will not pixelate.

Let’s dive in…

Now, to use the graphics panel you need to perform the following steps.

  • Import the videos and drag them into the timeline.

  • Select the effects

  • Find “alpha adjust” and drag it into the effects control.

  • Create a 4-point polygon mask.

A rectangular mask will be created. You can edit it according to the frame requirement.

  • Go to the corner of the mask border and press the shift key. Drag the border to resize and scale it proportionally.

  • Again go to effect controls, under opacity hit invert alpha.

  • Under mask hit inverted.

  • Go to motion settings, change the position, and

  • Go to Alpha adjust and set the mask feathering to 0.

  • Now go back to the effects panel and search the paint bucket.

  • Under effects controls, hit the alpha channel under the fill selector

  • Then hit stroke under the stroke

  • You can turn up the stroke width to make it a bit thicker.

  • Hit the color tab to change the color of the border as desired.

An Easier Way to Add Borders to Videos on Computer

Filmora Video Editor is one of the best and most efficient video editing applications. It is not only very easy to use but it provides a professional interface for users to make the videos stand out. It can be used for both Windows and Mac.

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For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Let’s learn three different ways to add borders to the video/image using Wondershare Filmora 11.

  1. Using the Borders Preset
  2. Using overlay preset
  3. Using Human Border

1. Using the Borders Preset

  • Download Wonder Share Filmora 11 on your device.
  • Open the software and hit the import media under the media
  • Select the desired media from the storage of your device.
  • Drag and drop the selected video/image into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Select the effects tab and hit the utility
  • You can search the borders in the search engine and use a border of your choice given in the panel.
  • Select the border and hit the + button on the bottom right corner of the border.
  • You can drag and drop the border into the timeline.
  • You can see the border below.

add border premiere

  • You can edit the border by double-clicking the border layer or directly clicking on the border in the preview area.
  • The Effects controls will be opened.
  • You can change the size, color and opacity of the border, by moving the slider.
  • Hit OK

add border premiere

2. Using overlay preset

  • Select the video/image layer and hit the effects
  • Select overlay from the panel on the left side by scrolling down.
  • You can choose the overlay of your choice by clicking on the + tab or simply dragging and dropping it into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Double click on the image/video with overlay effect.
  • Select the effects tab under the image
  • You can adjust the shadow of overlay by moving the slider of opacity.
  • Hit Ok

add border premiere

3. Using Human Border

  • Select the video/image and hit the effects
  • Select AI Portrait from the panel.
  • Select the desired human border.
  • Hit the + tab or you can drag and drop into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Double-click on the human border layer, expand the human border controls panel under the effects
  • You can change the color, size, thickness, opacity, etc.
  • Hit Ok

add border premiere

How to Add a Border to the Video Online

You can also add borders to your videos/images online. All you need is, have a good internet connection and a browser.

Here is a guide for you to add frames to your video online.

Using Kapwing

  • Open the browser and write the “Kapwing video maker”.
  • You need to sign in the Kapwing to make an account
  • An editing interphase will be opened as below.
  • Hit on media and import media by clicking on +
  • Drag and drop the video into the timeline.

add border premiere

1st Method

  • Double click on the video in the preview window.
  • 4 dots will appear on the corner of the video.
  • You can drag the blue dots to make a frame and resize the image/video.
  • Hit on lock ratio tab to maintain the pixels of the video.

add border premiere

  • Double-click on the border area.
  • You can change the color of the border.
  • You can also resize the length and width of the border.

add border premiere

2nd Method

  • Hit the elements and select the frames from the panel.

Here you can take square frames, circle frames, shapes, emoji’s and a lot of more frames.

add border premiere

3rd Method

  • Hit the videos
  • Select templates, a list of templates will be shown in this panel.
  • Select the desired template and drag it into the timeline.

add border premiere


We have discussed different software to add borders. All the software and tools are free to use. Similarly, they can be used on both Mac as well as Windows. They are user-friendly and provide full control over borders. You can use any one of them to make your borders and can easily engage viewers in your videos.

In all of the above applications, I recommend you to use Wondershare filmora 11. It is the most professional software and makes your video stand out.

Way 1. Using a Grid Effect

While working on the project, make sure the aspect ratio of the video is 16:9, and project settings are HD (1080P) and UHD 4K in premiere pro.

Let’s start step by step.

  • Drag all the video clips by stacking them on video tracks in the timeline.

  • Hit the Effects tab and write the grid in the search panel.

  • Simply drag the grid option into the timeline of the videos.

  • Select the anchor value to 0 for the x and y.

  • Change the size to width and height slider.

  • Change the width to 1920 and height to 1080.

Now we have borders added as you can see below.

You can also change the width of the borders.

  • Change the width to 30.

You have the option to change the color of the border.

  • Select the blending mode to normal.
  • Select the color picker tool and change the color of your desire.

Way 2. Using the Essential Graphics Panel

First of all, you wanna be in your premium pro graphics workspace. This will pull off your graphics panel on your right. The good thing about the essential graphics panel is, that it is vector-based. So the different video clips with different resolutions will not pixelate.

Let’s dive in…

Now, to use the graphics panel you need to perform the following steps.

  • Import the videos and drag them into the timeline.

  • Select the effects

  • Find “alpha adjust” and drag it into the effects control.

  • Create a 4-point polygon mask.

A rectangular mask will be created. You can edit it according to the frame requirement.

  • Go to the corner of the mask border and press the shift key. Drag the border to resize and scale it proportionally.

  • Again go to effect controls, under opacity hit invert alpha.

  • Under mask hit inverted.

  • Go to motion settings, change the position, and

  • Go to Alpha adjust and set the mask feathering to 0.

  • Now go back to the effects panel and search the paint bucket.

  • Under effects controls, hit the alpha channel under the fill selector

  • Then hit stroke under the stroke

  • You can turn up the stroke width to make it a bit thicker.

  • Hit the color tab to change the color of the border as desired.

An Easier Way to Add Borders to Videos on Computer

Filmora Video Editor is one of the best and most efficient video editing applications. It is not only very easy to use but it provides a professional interface for users to make the videos stand out. It can be used for both Windows and Mac.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Let’s learn three different ways to add borders to the video/image using Wondershare Filmora 11.

  1. Using the Borders Preset
  2. Using overlay preset
  3. Using Human Border

1. Using the Borders Preset

  • Download Wonder Share Filmora 11 on your device.
  • Open the software and hit the import media under the media
  • Select the desired media from the storage of your device.
  • Drag and drop the selected video/image into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Select the effects tab and hit the utility
  • You can search the borders in the search engine and use a border of your choice given in the panel.
  • Select the border and hit the + button on the bottom right corner of the border.
  • You can drag and drop the border into the timeline.
  • You can see the border below.

add border premiere

  • You can edit the border by double-clicking the border layer or directly clicking on the border in the preview area.
  • The Effects controls will be opened.
  • You can change the size, color and opacity of the border, by moving the slider.
  • Hit OK

add border premiere

2. Using overlay preset

  • Select the video/image layer and hit the effects
  • Select overlay from the panel on the left side by scrolling down.
  • You can choose the overlay of your choice by clicking on the + tab or simply dragging and dropping it into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Double click on the image/video with overlay effect.
  • Select the effects tab under the image
  • You can adjust the shadow of overlay by moving the slider of opacity.
  • Hit Ok

add border premiere

3. Using Human Border

  • Select the video/image and hit the effects
  • Select AI Portrait from the panel.
  • Select the desired human border.
  • Hit the + tab or you can drag and drop into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Double-click on the human border layer, expand the human border controls panel under the effects
  • You can change the color, size, thickness, opacity, etc.
  • Hit Ok

add border premiere

How to Add a Border to the Video Online

You can also add borders to your videos/images online. All you need is, have a good internet connection and a browser.

Here is a guide for you to add frames to your video online.

Using Kapwing

  • Open the browser and write the “Kapwing video maker”.
  • You need to sign in the Kapwing to make an account
  • An editing interphase will be opened as below.
  • Hit on media and import media by clicking on +
  • Drag and drop the video into the timeline.

add border premiere

1st Method

  • Double click on the video in the preview window.
  • 4 dots will appear on the corner of the video.
  • You can drag the blue dots to make a frame and resize the image/video.
  • Hit on lock ratio tab to maintain the pixels of the video.

add border premiere

  • Double-click on the border area.
  • You can change the color of the border.
  • You can also resize the length and width of the border.

add border premiere

2nd Method

  • Hit the elements and select the frames from the panel.

Here you can take square frames, circle frames, shapes, emoji’s and a lot of more frames.

add border premiere

3rd Method

  • Hit the videos
  • Select templates, a list of templates will be shown in this panel.
  • Select the desired template and drag it into the timeline.

add border premiere


We have discussed different software to add borders. All the software and tools are free to use. Similarly, they can be used on both Mac as well as Windows. They are user-friendly and provide full control over borders. You can use any one of them to make your borders and can easily engage viewers in your videos.

In all of the above applications, I recommend you to use Wondershare filmora 11. It is the most professional software and makes your video stand out.

Way 1. Using a Grid Effect

While working on the project, make sure the aspect ratio of the video is 16:9, and project settings are HD (1080P) and UHD 4K in premiere pro.

Let’s start step by step.

  • Drag all the video clips by stacking them on video tracks in the timeline.

  • Hit the Effects tab and write the grid in the search panel.

  • Simply drag the grid option into the timeline of the videos.

  • Select the anchor value to 0 for the x and y.

  • Change the size to width and height slider.

  • Change the width to 1920 and height to 1080.

Now we have borders added as you can see below.

You can also change the width of the borders.

  • Change the width to 30.

You have the option to change the color of the border.

  • Select the blending mode to normal.
  • Select the color picker tool and change the color of your desire.

Way 2. Using the Essential Graphics Panel

First of all, you wanna be in your premium pro graphics workspace. This will pull off your graphics panel on your right. The good thing about the essential graphics panel is, that it is vector-based. So the different video clips with different resolutions will not pixelate.

Let’s dive in…

Now, to use the graphics panel you need to perform the following steps.

  • Import the videos and drag them into the timeline.

  • Select the effects

  • Find “alpha adjust” and drag it into the effects control.

  • Create a 4-point polygon mask.

A rectangular mask will be created. You can edit it according to the frame requirement.

  • Go to the corner of the mask border and press the shift key. Drag the border to resize and scale it proportionally.

  • Again go to effect controls, under opacity hit invert alpha.

  • Under mask hit inverted.

  • Go to motion settings, change the position, and

  • Go to Alpha adjust and set the mask feathering to 0.

  • Now go back to the effects panel and search the paint bucket.

  • Under effects controls, hit the alpha channel under the fill selector

  • Then hit stroke under the stroke

  • You can turn up the stroke width to make it a bit thicker.

  • Hit the color tab to change the color of the border as desired.

An Easier Way to Add Borders to Videos on Computer

Filmora Video Editor is one of the best and most efficient video editing applications. It is not only very easy to use but it provides a professional interface for users to make the videos stand out. It can be used for both Windows and Mac.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later

Let’s learn three different ways to add borders to the video/image using Wondershare Filmora 11.

  1. Using the Borders Preset
  2. Using overlay preset
  3. Using Human Border

1. Using the Borders Preset

  • Download Wonder Share Filmora 11 on your device.
  • Open the software and hit the import media under the media
  • Select the desired media from the storage of your device.
  • Drag and drop the selected video/image into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Select the effects tab and hit the utility
  • You can search the borders in the search engine and use a border of your choice given in the panel.
  • Select the border and hit the + button on the bottom right corner of the border.
  • You can drag and drop the border into the timeline.
  • You can see the border below.

add border premiere

  • You can edit the border by double-clicking the border layer or directly clicking on the border in the preview area.
  • The Effects controls will be opened.
  • You can change the size, color and opacity of the border, by moving the slider.
  • Hit OK

add border premiere

2. Using overlay preset

  • Select the video/image layer and hit the effects
  • Select overlay from the panel on the left side by scrolling down.
  • You can choose the overlay of your choice by clicking on the + tab or simply dragging and dropping it into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Double click on the image/video with overlay effect.
  • Select the effects tab under the image
  • You can adjust the shadow of overlay by moving the slider of opacity.
  • Hit Ok

add border premiere

3. Using Human Border

  • Select the video/image and hit the effects
  • Select AI Portrait from the panel.
  • Select the desired human border.
  • Hit the + tab or you can drag and drop into the timeline.

add border premiere

  • Double-click on the human border layer, expand the human border controls panel under the effects
  • You can change the color, size, thickness, opacity, etc.
  • Hit Ok

add border premiere

How to Add a Border to the Video Online

You can also add borders to your videos/images online. All you need is, have a good internet connection and a browser.

Here is a guide for you to add frames to your video online.

Using Kapwing

  • Open the browser and write the “Kapwing video maker”.
  • You need to sign in the Kapwing to make an account
  • An editing interphase will be opened as below.
  • Hit on media and import media by clicking on +
  • Drag and drop the video into the timeline.

add border premiere

1st Method

  • Double click on the video in the preview window.
  • 4 dots will appear on the corner of the video.
  • You can drag the blue dots to make a frame and resize the image/video.
  • Hit on lock ratio tab to maintain the pixels of the video.

add border premiere

  • Double-click on the border area.
  • You can change the color of the border.
  • You can also resize the length and width of the border.

add border premiere

2nd Method

  • Hit the elements and select the frames from the panel.

Here you can take square frames, circle frames, shapes, emoji’s and a lot of more frames.

add border premiere

3rd Method

  • Hit the videos
  • Select templates, a list of templates will be shown in this panel.
  • Select the desired template and drag it into the timeline.

add border premiere


We have discussed different software to add borders. All the software and tools are free to use. Similarly, they can be used on both Mac as well as Windows. They are user-friendly and provide full control over borders. You can use any one of them to make your borders and can easily engage viewers in your videos.

In all of the above applications, I recommend you to use Wondershare filmora 11. It is the most professional software and makes your video stand out.

List of Supported Whatsapp Video Format You May Want to Know

Among the different communication platforms, WhatsApp is very famous. The application lets you communicate with your loved ones living far away via messages, audio, and video calls. Unlike other platforms, WhatsApp has a lot of happy users.

With WhatsApp, you can not only communicate but also offers media file sharing. You can share your favorite meme, funny videos, and other things through WhatsApp. If you want to share a video but can’t, the WhatsApp video format is not supported. To learn about WhatsApp-supported video formats, keep reading the article.

In this article

01 Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

02 Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

03 Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Part 1. Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

Are you facing trouble with WhatsApp videos and sharing them? It might be because of the video format WhatsApp as WhatsApp supports certain video formats. You should have the video in the supported format for using videos on WhatsApp and sharing them.

supported video formats for whatsapp

WhatsApp supports a maximum file size of 16MB is approximately a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Whereas if we talk about WhatsApp status, it allows 30 seconds duration for the video. WhatsApp supports and MPEG-4 codec for videos and audio, and AC3.

Moving on, the WhatsApp-supported video formats include MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and also 3GP. Do you want to know more about these formats? Let’s help you.


This is the most commonly used format for both video and audio files. Other than this, MP4 also stores data like subtitles, still images, etc. Interesting, it also allows streaming.


MKV is an open container, free format. The format can hold videos, pictures, audio, and also an unlimited number of subtitles. Additionally, the format is universally used to store multimedia content like your favorite TV show or movies.


Audio Video Interleave is another video format supported by WhatsApp. Do you know that the AVI format supports synchronous audio-with-video playback? The file format stores both video and audio data in a file container.


Apple developed a MOV file format that can hold a wide range of media content like your audio, video, and even text. It stores data in the same file but on different tracks. The file format is commonly used in video editing software.


3GP is Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a multimedia container for multimedia services. The format works great on 3G mobile phones, but it can also be used on 2G and 4G phones. 3GP is also a video format supported by WhatsApp.

Part 2. Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

Now that you know about video formats supported by WhatsApp, shall we introduce tips to convert the file format? In case you have a video that is not supported by WhatsApp, the following section of this article will assist as we are about to introduce Wondershare UniConverter . The video converter software is GPU accelerated, and it promises to maintain the original video quality.

UniConverter offers 90x faster conversion speed. You can convert video from and to different formats and also for different devices. Moreover, with UniConverter, you can convert multiple media files at once. Do you know what else UniConverter has to offer? The software is not just a video converter; it’s much more than that; you can use its Background Remover, Subtitle Editor, Smart Trimmer, etc.

Apart from converting your videos to WhatsApp video format, with UniConverter, you can also convert them into various popular web formats like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Amazon, and also eBay. Do you know an exciting thing about UniConverter? Well, it also supports various 4K and 3D files. If you are impressed with UniConverter, let’s move on and share the steps to use the software:

Step 1: To start, launch Wondershare UniConverter on your device and make sure that you have selected the ‘Converter’ option from the left menu. After this, from the right window, import the video files that you plan to work with.

access converter

Step 2: Now, head to the bottom of the main screen and look for the ‘Output Format’ option. Open it and go to the ‘Video’ section. There, from the list of various file formats, select the supported video format for WhatsApp from the left and the right, select a resolution.

select your video format

Step 3: UniConverter is famous for its speedy conversion; for this, hit on the ‘High-Speed Conversion’ from the top right corner. Next, select your desired location to save the file from the bottom by using the ‘File Location’ field. Once done, hit the ‘Convert’ button to get the video format converted.

start the conversion process

Part 3. Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Do you plan to edit your WhatsApp videos? If you do, then we have a little treat for you; let us introduce Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . The software can change your editing game with its phenomenal features and amazing editing elements.

Do you want to know what features and elements we are talking about? Let’s tell you. Wondershare Filmora offers high-quality effects and transitions that can transform your video. Along with this, you get a wide variety of titles and other editing elements that could be used.

Filmora has a clean and straight interface; users can understand the software very quickly and work with it. Moreover, the video editor lets you select your preferred output format and then export the file. You get various cool features like green screen background, split-screen, join video, and a lot more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Interestingly, the software offers elements according to the latest trends and events around, like Christmas, Valentine’s, birthday, etc. Do you want to use Filmora to edit your WhatsApp video? For guidance, follow the steps shared below:

Step 1: For editing, launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and import the video file by heading to the ‘File’ tab. After that, hover on to the ‘Import Media’ option and select the ‘Import Media Files’ option.

import your video file

Step 2: After locating your desired file, import it. Once successfully imported, then drag the file from the ‘Project Media’ section to the ‘Timeline’ so that you can start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Let the fun begins! You can edit and transform your video file by adding various sound effects to it that Filmora offers you. Users can access the effects from the ‘Audio’ tab.

add audio effect

Step 4: Are you worried about titles? Don’t worry because Filmora offers a wide range of title templates that you can select from and customize too. Just head to the ‘Titles’ tab from the top menu bar and enjoy.

use titles in video

Step 5: What is editing without cool transitions and effects? Filmora comes with unique and distinct video effects and transitions that you can use by accessing the ‘Effects’ and ‘Transitions’ tabs.

 add effects and transitions in video

Step 6: Once you are satisfied with all the editing, it’s time to export the video file. Hit on the ‘Export’ button and select WhatsApp-supported video format to save the file.

export the video

Wrapping Up

If you have been struggling with WhatsApp videos, this article is for you. We have discussed in detail WhatsApp-supported video formats. Not just this, we also talked about a video converter that could be used to convert video formats. Moreover, we shared a video editor to edit your WhatsApp videos. Are you ready for a bit of surprise?

Let’s talk about Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, the editing king to drastically change your videos and make them shine. The software is not an ordinary editor; it lets you trim, cut, join, split your video along with other editing options.

Do you know any good software for motion tracking? Wondershare Filmora offers many brilliant features like Key Framing, Silence Detection, Green Screen, Color Match, and whatnot. If you want to create exciting videos with exciting effects and features, then Filmora is a must-try.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

03 Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Part 1. Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

Are you facing trouble with WhatsApp videos and sharing them? It might be because of the video format WhatsApp as WhatsApp supports certain video formats. You should have the video in the supported format for using videos on WhatsApp and sharing them.

supported video formats for whatsapp

WhatsApp supports a maximum file size of 16MB is approximately a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Whereas if we talk about WhatsApp status, it allows 30 seconds duration for the video. WhatsApp supports and MPEG-4 codec for videos and audio, and AC3.

Moving on, the WhatsApp-supported video formats include MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and also 3GP. Do you want to know more about these formats? Let’s help you.


This is the most commonly used format for both video and audio files. Other than this, MP4 also stores data like subtitles, still images, etc. Interesting, it also allows streaming.


MKV is an open container, free format. The format can hold videos, pictures, audio, and also an unlimited number of subtitles. Additionally, the format is universally used to store multimedia content like your favorite TV show or movies.


Audio Video Interleave is another video format supported by WhatsApp. Do you know that the AVI format supports synchronous audio-with-video playback? The file format stores both video and audio data in a file container.


Apple developed a MOV file format that can hold a wide range of media content like your audio, video, and even text. It stores data in the same file but on different tracks. The file format is commonly used in video editing software.


3GP is Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a multimedia container for multimedia services. The format works great on 3G mobile phones, but it can also be used on 2G and 4G phones. 3GP is also a video format supported by WhatsApp.

Part 2. Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

Now that you know about video formats supported by WhatsApp, shall we introduce tips to convert the file format? In case you have a video that is not supported by WhatsApp, the following section of this article will assist as we are about to introduce Wondershare UniConverter . The video converter software is GPU accelerated, and it promises to maintain the original video quality.

UniConverter offers 90x faster conversion speed. You can convert video from and to different formats and also for different devices. Moreover, with UniConverter, you can convert multiple media files at once. Do you know what else UniConverter has to offer? The software is not just a video converter; it’s much more than that; you can use its Background Remover, Subtitle Editor, Smart Trimmer, etc.

Apart from converting your videos to WhatsApp video format, with UniConverter, you can also convert them into various popular web formats like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Amazon, and also eBay. Do you know an exciting thing about UniConverter? Well, it also supports various 4K and 3D files. If you are impressed with UniConverter, let’s move on and share the steps to use the software:

Step 1: To start, launch Wondershare UniConverter on your device and make sure that you have selected the ‘Converter’ option from the left menu. After this, from the right window, import the video files that you plan to work with.

access converter

Step 2: Now, head to the bottom of the main screen and look for the ‘Output Format’ option. Open it and go to the ‘Video’ section. There, from the list of various file formats, select the supported video format for WhatsApp from the left and the right, select a resolution.

select your video format

Step 3: UniConverter is famous for its speedy conversion; for this, hit on the ‘High-Speed Conversion’ from the top right corner. Next, select your desired location to save the file from the bottom by using the ‘File Location’ field. Once done, hit the ‘Convert’ button to get the video format converted.

start the conversion process

Part 3. Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Do you plan to edit your WhatsApp videos? If you do, then we have a little treat for you; let us introduce Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . The software can change your editing game with its phenomenal features and amazing editing elements.

Do you want to know what features and elements we are talking about? Let’s tell you. Wondershare Filmora offers high-quality effects and transitions that can transform your video. Along with this, you get a wide variety of titles and other editing elements that could be used.

Filmora has a clean and straight interface; users can understand the software very quickly and work with it. Moreover, the video editor lets you select your preferred output format and then export the file. You get various cool features like green screen background, split-screen, join video, and a lot more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Interestingly, the software offers elements according to the latest trends and events around, like Christmas, Valentine’s, birthday, etc. Do you want to use Filmora to edit your WhatsApp video? For guidance, follow the steps shared below:

Step 1: For editing, launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and import the video file by heading to the ‘File’ tab. After that, hover on to the ‘Import Media’ option and select the ‘Import Media Files’ option.

import your video file

Step 2: After locating your desired file, import it. Once successfully imported, then drag the file from the ‘Project Media’ section to the ‘Timeline’ so that you can start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Let the fun begins! You can edit and transform your video file by adding various sound effects to it that Filmora offers you. Users can access the effects from the ‘Audio’ tab.

add audio effect

Step 4: Are you worried about titles? Don’t worry because Filmora offers a wide range of title templates that you can select from and customize too. Just head to the ‘Titles’ tab from the top menu bar and enjoy.

use titles in video

Step 5: What is editing without cool transitions and effects? Filmora comes with unique and distinct video effects and transitions that you can use by accessing the ‘Effects’ and ‘Transitions’ tabs.

 add effects and transitions in video

Step 6: Once you are satisfied with all the editing, it’s time to export the video file. Hit on the ‘Export’ button and select WhatsApp-supported video format to save the file.

export the video

Wrapping Up

If you have been struggling with WhatsApp videos, this article is for you. We have discussed in detail WhatsApp-supported video formats. Not just this, we also talked about a video converter that could be used to convert video formats. Moreover, we shared a video editor to edit your WhatsApp videos. Are you ready for a bit of surprise?

Let’s talk about Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, the editing king to drastically change your videos and make them shine. The software is not an ordinary editor; it lets you trim, cut, join, split your video along with other editing options.

Do you know any good software for motion tracking? Wondershare Filmora offers many brilliant features like Key Framing, Silence Detection, Green Screen, Color Match, and whatnot. If you want to create exciting videos with exciting effects and features, then Filmora is a must-try.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

03 Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Part 1. Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

Are you facing trouble with WhatsApp videos and sharing them? It might be because of the video format WhatsApp as WhatsApp supports certain video formats. You should have the video in the supported format for using videos on WhatsApp and sharing them.

supported video formats for whatsapp

WhatsApp supports a maximum file size of 16MB is approximately a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Whereas if we talk about WhatsApp status, it allows 30 seconds duration for the video. WhatsApp supports and MPEG-4 codec for videos and audio, and AC3.

Moving on, the WhatsApp-supported video formats include MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and also 3GP. Do you want to know more about these formats? Let’s help you.


This is the most commonly used format for both video and audio files. Other than this, MP4 also stores data like subtitles, still images, etc. Interesting, it also allows streaming.


MKV is an open container, free format. The format can hold videos, pictures, audio, and also an unlimited number of subtitles. Additionally, the format is universally used to store multimedia content like your favorite TV show or movies.


Audio Video Interleave is another video format supported by WhatsApp. Do you know that the AVI format supports synchronous audio-with-video playback? The file format stores both video and audio data in a file container.


Apple developed a MOV file format that can hold a wide range of media content like your audio, video, and even text. It stores data in the same file but on different tracks. The file format is commonly used in video editing software.


3GP is Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a multimedia container for multimedia services. The format works great on 3G mobile phones, but it can also be used on 2G and 4G phones. 3GP is also a video format supported by WhatsApp.

Part 2. Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

Now that you know about video formats supported by WhatsApp, shall we introduce tips to convert the file format? In case you have a video that is not supported by WhatsApp, the following section of this article will assist as we are about to introduce Wondershare UniConverter . The video converter software is GPU accelerated, and it promises to maintain the original video quality.

UniConverter offers 90x faster conversion speed. You can convert video from and to different formats and also for different devices. Moreover, with UniConverter, you can convert multiple media files at once. Do you know what else UniConverter has to offer? The software is not just a video converter; it’s much more than that; you can use its Background Remover, Subtitle Editor, Smart Trimmer, etc.

Apart from converting your videos to WhatsApp video format, with UniConverter, you can also convert them into various popular web formats like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Amazon, and also eBay. Do you know an exciting thing about UniConverter? Well, it also supports various 4K and 3D files. If you are impressed with UniConverter, let’s move on and share the steps to use the software:

Step 1: To start, launch Wondershare UniConverter on your device and make sure that you have selected the ‘Converter’ option from the left menu. After this, from the right window, import the video files that you plan to work with.

access converter

Step 2: Now, head to the bottom of the main screen and look for the ‘Output Format’ option. Open it and go to the ‘Video’ section. There, from the list of various file formats, select the supported video format for WhatsApp from the left and the right, select a resolution.

select your video format

Step 3: UniConverter is famous for its speedy conversion; for this, hit on the ‘High-Speed Conversion’ from the top right corner. Next, select your desired location to save the file from the bottom by using the ‘File Location’ field. Once done, hit the ‘Convert’ button to get the video format converted.

start the conversion process

Part 3. Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Do you plan to edit your WhatsApp videos? If you do, then we have a little treat for you; let us introduce Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . The software can change your editing game with its phenomenal features and amazing editing elements.

Do you want to know what features and elements we are talking about? Let’s tell you. Wondershare Filmora offers high-quality effects and transitions that can transform your video. Along with this, you get a wide variety of titles and other editing elements that could be used.

Filmora has a clean and straight interface; users can understand the software very quickly and work with it. Moreover, the video editor lets you select your preferred output format and then export the file. You get various cool features like green screen background, split-screen, join video, and a lot more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Interestingly, the software offers elements according to the latest trends and events around, like Christmas, Valentine’s, birthday, etc. Do you want to use Filmora to edit your WhatsApp video? For guidance, follow the steps shared below:

Step 1: For editing, launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and import the video file by heading to the ‘File’ tab. After that, hover on to the ‘Import Media’ option and select the ‘Import Media Files’ option.

import your video file

Step 2: After locating your desired file, import it. Once successfully imported, then drag the file from the ‘Project Media’ section to the ‘Timeline’ so that you can start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Let the fun begins! You can edit and transform your video file by adding various sound effects to it that Filmora offers you. Users can access the effects from the ‘Audio’ tab.

add audio effect

Step 4: Are you worried about titles? Don’t worry because Filmora offers a wide range of title templates that you can select from and customize too. Just head to the ‘Titles’ tab from the top menu bar and enjoy.

use titles in video

Step 5: What is editing without cool transitions and effects? Filmora comes with unique and distinct video effects and transitions that you can use by accessing the ‘Effects’ and ‘Transitions’ tabs.

 add effects and transitions in video

Step 6: Once you are satisfied with all the editing, it’s time to export the video file. Hit on the ‘Export’ button and select WhatsApp-supported video format to save the file.

export the video

Wrapping Up

If you have been struggling with WhatsApp videos, this article is for you. We have discussed in detail WhatsApp-supported video formats. Not just this, we also talked about a video converter that could be used to convert video formats. Moreover, we shared a video editor to edit your WhatsApp videos. Are you ready for a bit of surprise?

Let’s talk about Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, the editing king to drastically change your videos and make them shine. The software is not an ordinary editor; it lets you trim, cut, join, split your video along with other editing options.

Do you know any good software for motion tracking? Wondershare Filmora offers many brilliant features like Key Framing, Silence Detection, Green Screen, Color Match, and whatnot. If you want to create exciting videos with exciting effects and features, then Filmora is a must-try.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


02 Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

03 Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Part 1. Introduction About WhatsApp Supported Video Formats

Are you facing trouble with WhatsApp videos and sharing them? It might be because of the video format WhatsApp as WhatsApp supports certain video formats. You should have the video in the supported format for using videos on WhatsApp and sharing them.

supported video formats for whatsapp

WhatsApp supports a maximum file size of 16MB is approximately a video of 90 seconds to 3 minutes. Whereas if we talk about WhatsApp status, it allows 30 seconds duration for the video. WhatsApp supports and MPEG-4 codec for videos and audio, and AC3.

Moving on, the WhatsApp-supported video formats include MP4, MKV, AVI, MOV, and also 3GP. Do you want to know more about these formats? Let’s help you.


This is the most commonly used format for both video and audio files. Other than this, MP4 also stores data like subtitles, still images, etc. Interesting, it also allows streaming.


MKV is an open container, free format. The format can hold videos, pictures, audio, and also an unlimited number of subtitles. Additionally, the format is universally used to store multimedia content like your favorite TV show or movies.


Audio Video Interleave is another video format supported by WhatsApp. Do you know that the AVI format supports synchronous audio-with-video playback? The file format stores both video and audio data in a file container.


Apple developed a MOV file format that can hold a wide range of media content like your audio, video, and even text. It stores data in the same file but on different tracks. The file format is commonly used in video editing software.


3GP is Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a multimedia container for multimedia services. The format works great on 3G mobile phones, but it can also be used on 2G and 4G phones. 3GP is also a video format supported by WhatsApp.

Part 2. Tips About How to Convert Video for WhatsApp

Now that you know about video formats supported by WhatsApp, shall we introduce tips to convert the file format? In case you have a video that is not supported by WhatsApp, the following section of this article will assist as we are about to introduce Wondershare UniConverter . The video converter software is GPU accelerated, and it promises to maintain the original video quality.

UniConverter offers 90x faster conversion speed. You can convert video from and to different formats and also for different devices. Moreover, with UniConverter, you can convert multiple media files at once. Do you know what else UniConverter has to offer? The software is not just a video converter; it’s much more than that; you can use its Background Remover, Subtitle Editor, Smart Trimmer, etc.

Apart from converting your videos to WhatsApp video format, with UniConverter, you can also convert them into various popular web formats like Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, YouTube, Amazon, and also eBay. Do you know an exciting thing about UniConverter? Well, it also supports various 4K and 3D files. If you are impressed with UniConverter, let’s move on and share the steps to use the software:

Step 1: To start, launch Wondershare UniConverter on your device and make sure that you have selected the ‘Converter’ option from the left menu. After this, from the right window, import the video files that you plan to work with.

access converter

Step 2: Now, head to the bottom of the main screen and look for the ‘Output Format’ option. Open it and go to the ‘Video’ section. There, from the list of various file formats, select the supported video format for WhatsApp from the left and the right, select a resolution.

select your video format

Step 3: UniConverter is famous for its speedy conversion; for this, hit on the ‘High-Speed Conversion’ from the top right corner. Next, select your desired location to save the file from the bottom by using the ‘File Location’ field. Once done, hit the ‘Convert’ button to get the video format converted.

start the conversion process

Part 3. Tricks About How to Edit Video for WhatsApp

Do you plan to edit your WhatsApp videos? If you do, then we have a little treat for you; let us introduce Wondershare Filmora Video Editor . The software can change your editing game with its phenomenal features and amazing editing elements.

Do you want to know what features and elements we are talking about? Let’s tell you. Wondershare Filmora offers high-quality effects and transitions that can transform your video. Along with this, you get a wide variety of titles and other editing elements that could be used.

Filmora has a clean and straight interface; users can understand the software very quickly and work with it. Moreover, the video editor lets you select your preferred output format and then export the file. You get various cool features like green screen background, split-screen, join video, and a lot more.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Interestingly, the software offers elements according to the latest trends and events around, like Christmas, Valentine’s, birthday, etc. Do you want to use Filmora to edit your WhatsApp video? For guidance, follow the steps shared below:

Step 1: For editing, launch Wondershare Filmora on your device and import the video file by heading to the ‘File’ tab. After that, hover on to the ‘Import Media’ option and select the ‘Import Media Files’ option.

import your video file

Step 2: After locating your desired file, import it. Once successfully imported, then drag the file from the ‘Project Media’ section to the ‘Timeline’ so that you can start the editing.

add video to timeline

Step 3: Let the fun begins! You can edit and transform your video file by adding various sound effects to it that Filmora offers you. Users can access the effects from the ‘Audio’ tab.

add audio effect

Step 4: Are you worried about titles? Don’t worry because Filmora offers a wide range of title templates that you can select from and customize too. Just head to the ‘Titles’ tab from the top menu bar and enjoy.

use titles in video

Step 5: What is editing without cool transitions and effects? Filmora comes with unique and distinct video effects and transitions that you can use by accessing the ‘Effects’ and ‘Transitions’ tabs.

 add effects and transitions in video

Step 6: Once you are satisfied with all the editing, it’s time to export the video file. Hit on the ‘Export’ button and select WhatsApp-supported video format to save the file.

export the video

Wrapping Up

If you have been struggling with WhatsApp videos, this article is for you. We have discussed in detail WhatsApp-supported video formats. Not just this, we also talked about a video converter that could be used to convert video formats. Moreover, we shared a video editor to edit your WhatsApp videos. Are you ready for a bit of surprise?

Let’s talk about Wondershare Filmora Video Editor, the editing king to drastically change your videos and make them shine. The software is not an ordinary editor; it lets you trim, cut, join, split your video along with other editing options.

Do you know any good software for motion tracking? Wondershare Filmora offers many brilliant features like Key Framing, Silence Detection, Green Screen, Color Match, and whatnot. If you want to create exciting videos with exciting effects and features, then Filmora is a must-try.

Wondershare Filmora

Get started easily with Filmora’s powerful performance, intuitive interface, and countless effects!

Try It Free Try It Free Try It Free Learn More >


Stunning Glitch Effect and Its Creation Guideline for Premiere Pro

Glitch means errors and malfunction in the footage in software, games, videos, images, and audio. Presently, creative professionals are intentionally adding the glitch effect to their work to give a unique vibe to it. The effect appears as the pixels glitch organically, appearing to melt or duplicate onto the next scene.

The article takes Adobe Premiere Pro under consideration. First, glitch effect Premiere templates and then the step-by-step guide to add glitch transition Premiere Pro would be discussed. Time to begin!

In this article

01 Part 1: 8 Amazing Glitch Effect for Premiere Pro

02 Part 2: How Do You Do the Glitch Effect in Premiere Pro?

Part 1: 8 Amazing Glitch Effect for Premiere Pro

There are extensive websites in business that offer amazing templates to add glitch effects to your video. The subsection of this article shall come up with eight workable VHS effect Premiere, which would be perfectly compatible with Premiere Pro. These VHS effect Premiere Pro are HD quality, which means you do not have to worry about the output. So, let us start! Shall we?

1. Digital Glitch Transitions

The first VHS overlay Premiere is Digital Glitch Transitions. Envato Elements offers 20 glitch transitions that can be used in different video themes. The HD resolution of this distortion effect Premiere Pro is 1920x1080. There are noise effects as well.

digital glitch transitions

2. Glitch Slideshow

Glitch Slideshow is another amazing glitch effect Premiere Pro free introduced by Envato Elements. If you are a photographer or a film director, this glitch transition Premiere gives you what you need. The HD resolution is offered, and no plugins are required.

glitch slideshow

3. Venus

Venus is the perfect choice to add an Adobe Premiere VHS effect by offering an adjustable duration of the video with effortless customization. The template is highly famous among YouTubers and content creators to leave a long-lasting impact on the audience via glitchy titles and effects.

venus template

4. Fast Glitch Transitions

Presenting another Premiere Pro template, Fast Glitch Transitions is a ready-to-use template. It offers ten fast-tracked transitions that add value to the project. Moreover, it brings versatile colors to the video with the glitches. This Premiere VHS effect is perfect for intros and travel videos.

fast glitch transitions

5. Glitch Multiframe Opener

Allow me to introduce you to another new and stylish static effect Premiere Pro known as Glitch Multiframe Opener. It is a dynamic template that needs no plugins. Be free to use the template for commercials, Facebook video openers, and teasers. Moreover, photos and videos can be added to make the glitch workable.

glitch multiframe opener

6. Glitch Urban Opener

Glitch Urban Opener is an impeccable glitch effect for Premiere Pro, presenting trendy and creative designs. It brings smooth transitions to the video with 17 editable layers, 11 media holders, and one logo placeholder. All of these options make this VHS filter Premiereeasily customizable and operatable.

glitch urban opener

7. 30 Glitch Transitions

Another retro effect Premiere Pro from Motion Elements is 30 Glitch Transitions. The media industry uses this template to insert different glitch effects into the video and make it eye-catching for everyone. The effects are styled with interference, bad TV, distortions, VHS noise, and other fatal errors.

30 glitch transitions

8. Glitch Transitions

Last but not the least, Glitch Transitions can be counted upon to act as the best Adobe Premiere glitch effect. There are three transitions for different themes. The color controls help manage the video editing more effectively. Moreover, the templates offer horizontal and vertical directions to work better.

glitch transitions

Part 2: How Do You Do the Glitch Effect in Premiere Pro?

Are you a Premiere Pro user? Do you need to add the Premiere glitch transition to the video? Worry no more! Follow this subsection vividly. Would you?

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software that has got you covered. You can enhance the speed of the video to tell your story better and share the vision. With Premiere Pro in the frame, you can shift the colors, insert graphics and titles, and give a unique music effect to the video. All in one platform, a dream come true, don’t you agree?

If you want to perform a Premiere Pro VHS effect, allow us to walk you through the process. It is highly recommended that you follow the guide carefully to have desirable results. So, what are we waiting for? Time to start, right?

Step 1: Importing the Targeted Video

To begin the process, open Adobe Premiere Pro on your system. Import the targeted footage and drag it to the timeline. After the video is added, head to the “Effects” panel on the left side of the interface.

open effects tab

Step 2: Launching the VR Digital Glitch

Type away glitch in the search bar. The user will find VR Digital Glitch in the results. Drag the effect to the clip on the timeline. Now, it is time to navigate to the “Effect Controls.”

access effects control

Step 3: Changing the Distortion Control

Scroll down to find “Distortion” in the controls and expand it. The user is suggested to increase the color distortion to give an RGB effect to the footage. After that, you should reduce the distortion rate to 0 so that different artifacts can be eliminated effortlessly.

customize distortion settings

Step 4: Changing the Noise Strength

Moving on, expand the “Noise” control section and increase the noise strength. It will give the footage a significant level of graininess.

increase noise strength

Step 5: Animating the Glitch Effect

To animate the glitch, use the playhead on the top and drag it to the first position where the effect should start from. Hit the stopwatch located on the left of “Master Amplitude.” It will create a keyframe. Alter the “Master Amplitude” to 0 as we do not want the clip to begin with a glitch.

animate the glitch effect

Step 6: Playing with the Playhead

Now, use your keyboard’s right arrow to move the playhead three frames forward. After that, set the “Master Amplitude” to 100. Again, move the playhead three frames forward and set the “Master Amplitude” to 0. The animation is produced on the RGB color distortion.

customize master amplitude settings

Step 7: Positioning the Video

Move back to the first keyframe and head to the top that shows “Scale” settings. Enhance the scale value so that the video position can be leveled. Click on the stopwatch next to “Position” to create a keyframe. Move the playhead one frame forward and adjust the position of the frame.

change scale settings

Step 8: Final Process

Again, move the playhead to the next frame and click on the “Reset” shaped icon to reset the position of the video. Move another frame forward and reposition the video. You can do this multiple times to give a glitchy effect to the clip. There you go! It is all done.

tap on reset icon


A raw video doesn’t send the message as the user wants. For this, creative professionals need to give some effects to the video, such as glitch effect Premiere. The article highlighted some famous glitch effects which were perfectly compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro. The whole procedure to add the Adobe Premiere glitch effect was also the crux of this write-up.

02 Part 2: How Do You Do the Glitch Effect in Premiere Pro?

Part 1: 8 Amazing Glitch Effect for Premiere Pro

There are extensive websites in business that offer amazing templates to add glitch effects to your video. The subsection of this article shall come up with eight workable VHS effect Premiere, which would be perfectly compatible with Premiere Pro. These VHS effect Premiere Pro are HD quality, which means you do not have to worry about the output. So, let us start! Shall we?

1. Digital Glitch Transitions

The first VHS overlay Premiere is Digital Glitch Transitions. Envato Elements offers 20 glitch transitions that can be used in different video themes. The HD resolution of this distortion effect Premiere Pro is 1920x1080. There are noise effects as well.

digital glitch transitions

2. Glitch Slideshow

Glitch Slideshow is another amazing glitch effect Premiere Pro free introduced by Envato Elements. If you are a photographer or a film director, this glitch transition Premiere gives you what you need. The HD resolution is offered, and no plugins are required.

glitch slideshow

3. Venus

Venus is the perfect choice to add an Adobe Premiere VHS effect by offering an adjustable duration of the video with effortless customization. The template is highly famous among YouTubers and content creators to leave a long-lasting impact on the audience via glitchy titles and effects.

venus template

4. Fast Glitch Transitions

Presenting another Premiere Pro template, Fast Glitch Transitions is a ready-to-use template. It offers ten fast-tracked transitions that add value to the project. Moreover, it brings versatile colors to the video with the glitches. This Premiere VHS effect is perfect for intros and travel videos.

fast glitch transitions

5. Glitch Multiframe Opener

Allow me to introduce you to another new and stylish static effect Premiere Pro known as Glitch Multiframe Opener. It is a dynamic template that needs no plugins. Be free to use the template for commercials, Facebook video openers, and teasers. Moreover, photos and videos can be added to make the glitch workable.

glitch multiframe opener

6. Glitch Urban Opener

Glitch Urban Opener is an impeccable glitch effect for Premiere Pro, presenting trendy and creative designs. It brings smooth transitions to the video with 17 editable layers, 11 media holders, and one logo placeholder. All of these options make this VHS filter Premiereeasily customizable and operatable.

glitch urban opener

7. 30 Glitch Transitions

Another retro effect Premiere Pro from Motion Elements is 30 Glitch Transitions. The media industry uses this template to insert different glitch effects into the video and make it eye-catching for everyone. The effects are styled with interference, bad TV, distortions, VHS noise, and other fatal errors.

30 glitch transitions

8. Glitch Transitions

Last but not the least, Glitch Transitions can be counted upon to act as the best Adobe Premiere glitch effect. There are three transitions for different themes. The color controls help manage the video editing more effectively. Moreover, the templates offer horizontal and vertical directions to work better.

glitch transitions

Part 2: How Do You Do the Glitch Effect in Premiere Pro?

Are you a Premiere Pro user? Do you need to add the Premiere glitch transition to the video? Worry no more! Follow this subsection vividly. Would you?

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software that has got you covered. You can enhance the speed of the video to tell your story better and share the vision. With Premiere Pro in the frame, you can shift the colors, insert graphics and titles, and give a unique music effect to the video. All in one platform, a dream come true, don’t you agree?

If you want to perform a Premiere Pro VHS effect, allow us to walk you through the process. It is highly recommended that you follow the guide carefully to have desirable results. So, what are we waiting for? Time to start, right?

Step 1: Importing the Targeted Video

To begin the process, open Adobe Premiere Pro on your system. Import the targeted footage and drag it to the timeline. After the video is added, head to the “Effects” panel on the left side of the interface.

open effects tab

Step 2: Launching the VR Digital Glitch

Type away glitch in the search bar. The user will find VR Digital Glitch in the results. Drag the effect to the clip on the timeline. Now, it is time to navigate to the “Effect Controls.”

access effects control

Step 3: Changing the Distortion Control

Scroll down to find “Distortion” in the controls and expand it. The user is suggested to increase the color distortion to give an RGB effect to the footage. After that, you should reduce the distortion rate to 0 so that different artifacts can be eliminated effortlessly.

customize distortion settings

Step 4: Changing the Noise Strength

Moving on, expand the “Noise” control section and increase the noise strength. It will give the footage a significant level of graininess.

increase noise strength

Step 5: Animating the Glitch Effect

To animate the glitch, use the playhead on the top and drag it to the first position where the effect should start from. Hit the stopwatch located on the left of “Master Amplitude.” It will create a keyframe. Alter the “Master Amplitude” to 0 as we do not want the clip to begin with a glitch.

animate the glitch effect

Step 6: Playing with the Playhead

Now, use your keyboard’s right arrow to move the playhead three frames forward. After that, set the “Master Amplitude” to 100. Again, move the playhead three frames forward and set the “Master Amplitude” to 0. The animation is produced on the RGB color distortion.

customize master amplitude settings

Step 7: Positioning the Video

Move back to the first keyframe and head to the top that shows “Scale” settings. Enhance the scale value so that the video position can be leveled. Click on the stopwatch next to “Position” to create a keyframe. Move the playhead one frame forward and adjust the position of the frame.

change scale settings

Step 8: Final Process

Again, move the playhead to the next frame and click on the “Reset” shaped icon to reset the position of the video. Move another frame forward and reposition the video. You can do this multiple times to give a glitchy effect to the clip. There you go! It is all done.

tap on reset icon


A raw video doesn’t send the message as the user wants. For this, creative professionals need to give some effects to the video, such as glitch effect Premiere. The article highlighted some famous glitch effects which were perfectly compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro. The whole procedure to add the Adobe Premiere glitch effect was also the crux of this write-up.

02 Part 2: How Do You Do the Glitch Effect in Premiere Pro?

Part 1: 8 Amazing Glitch Effect for Premiere Pro

There are extensive websites in business that offer amazing templates to add glitch effects to your video. The subsection of this article shall come up with eight workable VHS effect Premiere, which would be perfectly compatible with Premiere Pro. These VHS effect Premiere Pro are HD quality, which means you do not have to worry about the output. So, let us start! Shall we?

1. Digital Glitch Transitions

The first VHS overlay Premiere is Digital Glitch Transitions. Envato Elements offers 20 glitch transitions that can be used in different video themes. The HD resolution of this distortion effect Premiere Pro is 1920x1080. There are noise effects as well.

digital glitch transitions

2. Glitch Slideshow

Glitch Slideshow is another amazing glitch effect Premiere Pro free introduced by Envato Elements. If you are a photographer or a film director, this glitch transition Premiere gives you what you need. The HD resolution is offered, and no plugins are required.

glitch slideshow

3. Venus

Venus is the perfect choice to add an Adobe Premiere VHS effect by offering an adjustable duration of the video with effortless customization. The template is highly famous among YouTubers and content creators to leave a long-lasting impact on the audience via glitchy titles and effects.

venus template

4. Fast Glitch Transitions

Presenting another Premiere Pro template, Fast Glitch Transitions is a ready-to-use template. It offers ten fast-tracked transitions that add value to the project. Moreover, it brings versatile colors to the video with the glitches. This Premiere VHS effect is perfect for intros and travel videos.

fast glitch transitions

5. Glitch Multiframe Opener

Allow me to introduce you to another new and stylish static effect Premiere Pro known as Glitch Multiframe Opener. It is a dynamic template that needs no plugins. Be free to use the template for commercials, Facebook video openers, and teasers. Moreover, photos and videos can be added to make the glitch workable.

glitch multiframe opener

6. Glitch Urban Opener

Glitch Urban Opener is an impeccable glitch effect for Premiere Pro, presenting trendy and creative designs. It brings smooth transitions to the video with 17 editable layers, 11 media holders, and one logo placeholder. All of these options make this VHS filter Premiereeasily customizable and operatable.

glitch urban opener

7. 30 Glitch Transitions

Another retro effect Premiere Pro from Motion Elements is 30 Glitch Transitions. The media industry uses this template to insert different glitch effects into the video and make it eye-catching for everyone. The effects are styled with interference, bad TV, distortions, VHS noise, and other fatal errors.

30 glitch transitions

8. Glitch Transitions

Last but not the least, Glitch Transitions can be counted upon to act as the best Adobe Premiere glitch effect. There are three transitions for different themes. The color controls help manage the video editing more effectively. Moreover, the templates offer horizontal and vertical directions to work better.

glitch transitions

Part 2: How Do You Do the Glitch Effect in Premiere Pro?

Are you a Premiere Pro user? Do you need to add the Premiere glitch transition to the video? Worry no more! Follow this subsection vividly. Would you?

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software that has got you covered. You can enhance the speed of the video to tell your story better and share the vision. With Premiere Pro in the frame, you can shift the colors, insert graphics and titles, and give a unique music effect to the video. All in one platform, a dream come true, don’t you agree?

If you want to perform a Premiere Pro VHS effect, allow us to walk you through the process. It is highly recommended that you follow the guide carefully to have desirable results. So, what are we waiting for? Time to start, right?

Step 1: Importing the Targeted Video

To begin the process, open Adobe Premiere Pro on your system. Import the targeted footage and drag it to the timeline. After the video is added, head to the “Effects” panel on the left side of the interface.

open effects tab

Step 2: Launching the VR Digital Glitch

Type away glitch in the search bar. The user will find VR Digital Glitch in the results. Drag the effect to the clip on the timeline. Now, it is time to navigate to the “Effect Controls.”

access effects control

Step 3: Changing the Distortion Control

Scroll down to find “Distortion” in the controls and expand it. The user is suggested to increase the color distortion to give an RGB effect to the footage. After that, you should reduce the distortion rate to 0 so that different artifacts can be eliminated effortlessly.

customize distortion settings

Step 4: Changing the Noise Strength

Moving on, expand the “Noise” control section and increase the noise strength. It will give the footage a significant level of graininess.

increase noise strength

Step 5: Animating the Glitch Effect

To animate the glitch, use the playhead on the top and drag it to the first position where the effect should start from. Hit the stopwatch located on the left of “Master Amplitude.” It will create a keyframe. Alter the “Master Amplitude” to 0 as we do not want the clip to begin with a glitch.

animate the glitch effect

Step 6: Playing with the Playhead

Now, use your keyboard’s right arrow to move the playhead three frames forward. After that, set the “Master Amplitude” to 100. Again, move the playhead three frames forward and set the “Master Amplitude” to 0. The animation is produced on the RGB color distortion.

customize master amplitude settings

Step 7: Positioning the Video

Move back to the first keyframe and head to the top that shows “Scale” settings. Enhance the scale value so that the video position can be leveled. Click on the stopwatch next to “Position” to create a keyframe. Move the playhead one frame forward and adjust the position of the frame.

change scale settings

Step 8: Final Process

Again, move the playhead to the next frame and click on the “Reset” shaped icon to reset the position of the video. Move another frame forward and reposition the video. You can do this multiple times to give a glitchy effect to the clip. There you go! It is all done.

tap on reset icon


A raw video doesn’t send the message as the user wants. For this, creative professionals need to give some effects to the video, such as glitch effect Premiere. The article highlighted some famous glitch effects which were perfectly compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro. The whole procedure to add the Adobe Premiere glitch effect was also the crux of this write-up.

02 Part 2: How Do You Do the Glitch Effect in Premiere Pro?

Part 1: 8 Amazing Glitch Effect for Premiere Pro

There are extensive websites in business that offer amazing templates to add glitch effects to your video. The subsection of this article shall come up with eight workable VHS effect Premiere, which would be perfectly compatible with Premiere Pro. These VHS effect Premiere Pro are HD quality, which means you do not have to worry about the output. So, let us start! Shall we?

1. Digital Glitch Transitions

The first VHS overlay Premiere is Digital Glitch Transitions. Envato Elements offers 20 glitch transitions that can be used in different video themes. The HD resolution of this distortion effect Premiere Pro is 1920x1080. There are noise effects as well.

digital glitch transitions

2. Glitch Slideshow

Glitch Slideshow is another amazing glitch effect Premiere Pro free introduced by Envato Elements. If you are a photographer or a film director, this glitch transition Premiere gives you what you need. The HD resolution is offered, and no plugins are required.

glitch slideshow

3. Venus

Venus is the perfect choice to add an Adobe Premiere VHS effect by offering an adjustable duration of the video with effortless customization. The template is highly famous among YouTubers and content creators to leave a long-lasting impact on the audience via glitchy titles and effects.

venus template

4. Fast Glitch Transitions

Presenting another Premiere Pro template, Fast Glitch Transitions is a ready-to-use template. It offers ten fast-tracked transitions that add value to the project. Moreover, it brings versatile colors to the video with the glitches. This Premiere VHS effect is perfect for intros and travel videos.

fast glitch transitions

5. Glitch Multiframe Opener

Allow me to introduce you to another new and stylish static effect Premiere Pro known as Glitch Multiframe Opener. It is a dynamic template that needs no plugins. Be free to use the template for commercials, Facebook video openers, and teasers. Moreover, photos and videos can be added to make the glitch workable.

glitch multiframe opener

6. Glitch Urban Opener

Glitch Urban Opener is an impeccable glitch effect for Premiere Pro, presenting trendy and creative designs. It brings smooth transitions to the video with 17 editable layers, 11 media holders, and one logo placeholder. All of these options make this VHS filter Premiereeasily customizable and operatable.

glitch urban opener

7. 30 Glitch Transitions

Another retro effect Premiere Pro from Motion Elements is 30 Glitch Transitions. The media industry uses this template to insert different glitch effects into the video and make it eye-catching for everyone. The effects are styled with interference, bad TV, distortions, VHS noise, and other fatal errors.

30 glitch transitions

8. Glitch Transitions

Last but not the least, Glitch Transitions can be counted upon to act as the best Adobe Premiere glitch effect. There are three transitions for different themes. The color controls help manage the video editing more effectively. Moreover, the templates offer horizontal and vertical directions to work better.

glitch transitions

Part 2: How Do You Do the Glitch Effect in Premiere Pro?

Are you a Premiere Pro user? Do you need to add the Premiere glitch transition to the video? Worry no more! Follow this subsection vividly. Would you?

Adobe Premiere Pro is a video editing software that has got you covered. You can enhance the speed of the video to tell your story better and share the vision. With Premiere Pro in the frame, you can shift the colors, insert graphics and titles, and give a unique music effect to the video. All in one platform, a dream come true, don’t you agree?

If you want to perform a Premiere Pro VHS effect, allow us to walk you through the process. It is highly recommended that you follow the guide carefully to have desirable results. So, what are we waiting for? Time to start, right?

Step 1: Importing the Targeted Video

To begin the process, open Adobe Premiere Pro on your system. Import the targeted footage and drag it to the timeline. After the video is added, head to the “Effects” panel on the left side of the interface.

open effects tab

Step 2: Launching the VR Digital Glitch

Type away glitch in the search bar. The user will find VR Digital Glitch in the results. Drag the effect to the clip on the timeline. Now, it is time to navigate to the “Effect Controls.”

access effects control

Step 3: Changing the Distortion Control

Scroll down to find “Distortion” in the controls and expand it. The user is suggested to increase the color distortion to give an RGB effect to the footage. After that, you should reduce the distortion rate to 0 so that different artifacts can be eliminated effortlessly.

customize distortion settings

Step 4: Changing the Noise Strength

Moving on, expand the “Noise” control section and increase the noise strength. It will give the footage a significant level of graininess.

increase noise strength

Step 5: Animating the Glitch Effect

To animate the glitch, use the playhead on the top and drag it to the first position where the effect should start from. Hit the stopwatch located on the left of “Master Amplitude.” It will create a keyframe. Alter the “Master Amplitude” to 0 as we do not want the clip to begin with a glitch.

animate the glitch effect

Step 6: Playing with the Playhead

Now, use your keyboard’s right arrow to move the playhead three frames forward. After that, set the “Master Amplitude” to 100. Again, move the playhead three frames forward and set the “Master Amplitude” to 0. The animation is produced on the RGB color distortion.

customize master amplitude settings

Step 7: Positioning the Video

Move back to the first keyframe and head to the top that shows “Scale” settings. Enhance the scale value so that the video position can be leveled. Click on the stopwatch next to “Position” to create a keyframe. Move the playhead one frame forward and adjust the position of the frame.

change scale settings

Step 8: Final Process

Again, move the playhead to the next frame and click on the “Reset” shaped icon to reset the position of the video. Move another frame forward and reposition the video. You can do this multiple times to give a glitchy effect to the clip. There you go! It is all done.

tap on reset icon


A raw video doesn’t send the message as the user wants. For this, creative professionals need to give some effects to the video, such as glitch effect Premiere. The article highlighted some famous glitch effects which were perfectly compatible with Adobe Premiere Pro. The whole procedure to add the Adobe Premiere glitch effect was also the crux of this write-up.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated OpenCV Object Tracking The Complete Guide
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:13
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:13
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-opencv-object-tracking-the-complete-guide/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated OpenCV Object Tracking The Complete Guide