Updated The Best Jump Cut Editing Tricks Make Your Videos Snappy!

Updated The Best Jump Cut Editing Tricks Make Your Videos Snappy!

Chloe Lv12

The Best Jump Cut Editing Tricks [Make Your Videos Snappy!]

The jump cut is more common than ever, from YouTube to movie montages. A jump cut is a method for transitioning from one shot to another without including any interstitial video. A jump cut is a cinematic technique when the editor abruptly cuts from one shot to another without any discernible transition.

When filmmakers wish to display someone’s views or ideas without having to invest time and money in recording them, for example, this may be utilized for creative effects. Learn all there is to know about jump cuts in the next paragraphs, including their history, how to create one, how to edit one, and how to utilize one in your next social media video.

Part 1: What is Jump Cut in Films?

To produce a smooth viewing experience, the director, editor, and cinematographer collaborate. Certain cuts have the power to startle a viewer out of this experience and remind them that they are watching a movie. The term “jump cut” refers to one of these cuts. Jump cuts are often discouraged in cinema, yet there are efficient methods to use them to provide the greatest narrative possible.

In video editing, a jump cut is the transition between two images of the same topic taken from the same or comparable angles and at two distinct times. This gives the impression that the action is ‘jumping’ ahead in time.

Most of the time, you want your videos’ cuts to flow seamlessly. This offers continuity and a nice watching experience for your viewers. Although it’s one of the most fundamental editing procedures, doing it correctly requires a bit more experience and ability. Let’s thus try to make your jump cut technique even better.

Part 2: 10 Most Shocking Jump Cuts in Film History

1. City of God

With the combination of jump cuts, repetitive action, frantic montage, and a final bullet time graphic match wipe, the opening sequence of City of God drives the viewer into the pulse of the music and the violence in Rio. This seems like a prescription for catastrophe, yet it works in City of God. The screen is made electrified.

The chicken forces the characters to cross paths, which causes the two scenes to collide. Rezende now captures Rocket and Liz’s expressions in slow motion, resulting in a dramatic scene. After a circular pan-centering Rocket, which melts into a different moment of ten years ago, the shot comes to a close.


2. The Ring

In the pivotal scenes of “The Ring,” director Gore Verbinski used a jump cut to give the impression that Samara Morgan, the ghost, moves quickly around the room. By deleting or including anything in the frame, which is unsettling for both characters and viewers, this is a tried-and-true method of increasing the number of scares.

Jump cuts may also be distracting if done improperly or inappropriately, even though they are often intended to confuse or surprise the audience. There is a time and place for the method, even if a jump cut is far from the sole tool in the video editor’s toolbox.


3. Juno

In the movie Juno, director Jason Reitman portrays the tale of a young adolescent who becomes pregnant and ultimately gives her kid up. Each leap represents a new stage in the character’s development as a result of this life-changing experience. Jump cuts in Jason Reitman’s comedy-drama Juno depict the youthful heroine’s journey both physically and mentally.

Jump cuts are a technique used by Reitman to convey both the passage of time and the changes in Juno’s life. like visiting the adoptive parents or getting regular checks at the doctor. You might think of each jump cut as one of the five phases of grieving. In the last chapter, “summer,” Juno has a better understanding of what she is giving up and how it will impact both her life and everyone else’s.


4. Samara Kills Noah the Ring

It’s a tremendously imaginative and horrifying conclusion after a whole film’s worth of very subtle build-up that couldn’t be farther from the really low expectations U.S. horror remakes often attract. Gerbinski cleverly arranges for Samara to “jump cut” in front of Noah while still flashing with TV static, shocking him and causing him to trip and fall.

It’s fair to say that American horror films tend to rely on lazy jump scares, created by quick-cut images and loud sound effects, and that typically goes double for cynical state-side remakes of foreign language horror hits. However, Gore Verbinski’s surprisingly stylish and moody 2002 remake of The Ring makes clever use of jump cuts during a crucial climactic scene to fully hammer home the terror of the film’s spectral, black-haired antagonist Sam


5. Dan’s Corpse – The Birds

Instead of using a single cut or even zooming on Dan’s disfigured face, Hitch chooses to use two jump cuts that each bring us a little bit closer to Fawcett’s face.

When seen now, it is a straightforward yet shocking effect, but in 1963, it was unquestionably genuinely horrifying. It was just one more of his many deliberate choices to depart from established cinematic norms. Although the jump cut is a simple editing method by today’s standards, it was far less popular in earlier times, as seen by its skillful and startling use in Alfred Hitchcock’s great 1963 horror film The Birds.


6. Taking A Ride – Breathless

According to the Director Pierre Rissient, the jump cut technique was unplanned and developed out of a pressing necessity to trim Breathless from two and a half hours down to ninety minutes. The best example of this is when Patricia and Michel are driving about in their automobile, and Godard cuts between identical pictures of Patricia to show time passing while also heightening the urgency of the story of the couple on the run in the movie.

The significance of this sequence is that it dismantled rules for how a scene might be put together, despite the fact that it seemed absolutely primitive in retrospect. Not every movie that uses a jump cut in a dramatic or unexpected way must be in the horror category.


7. Charlie’s Head Hereditary

It’s one of the strangest and really unsettling jump cuts we’ve seen in recent memory, and it definitely deserves the surprisingly intricate gore display that it has. One of the most eerie and masterfully orchestrated horror movies of the decade, if not the whole 21st century, is Ari Aster’s Hereditary. Aster turns his attention to Peter, who is gazing out into the horizon, just as Annie can be heard screaming in agony, having found Charlie’s corpse in the garage.

While Annie’s screams can still be heard, the editor jump cuts from Peter’s face to Charlie’s severed, mangled head by the side of the road as it is being eaten by insects. After bringing his sister’s headless corpse-filled automobile home, a terrified Peter parks it and gets into bed.


8. Human Evolution in a Single Cut 2001: A Space Odyssey

This brief clip illustrates how man evolved from the monkey to the contemporary day, where we had been to space. In this brief sequence, which depicts the origins of modern man, new technology that has evolved over millions of years is dramatically upgraded.

The sequence includes a jump cut as the bone, a weapon of prehistoric man, travels through the air. Then, the picture jumps forward by nearly a million years, and the bone is replaced by a spacecraft with a like form.


9. Dr Erin Mears’s Death Contagion

In the masterpiece Contagion, the jump cut clustering that is seen experimentally is produced by the model. Afterward, leap intensities mean-revert until the next jump. But more crucially, Contagion vividly captures the danger of widespread fear, prejudice, and disinformation during a pandemic, particularly when it comes to social media and the internet.

In this shocking edit in film history, the editor made it all feasible by using a jump cut. Regardless of how realistic Contagion seems, it should still be seen as a work of fiction.


10. The Jump Cut as a Special Effect the Haunted Castle

Whether a visual effect is created by hand or with a computer, selling it needs a community. The same is true for editing as well. In some cases, the visual impression is really the cuts. The modest cut is the most basic and traditional visual effect in movie magic. The method really dates back to early filmmakers and cinematic illusionists.

Amazed by the unexpected outcome, using a cut that has been deftly snuck into a whip-pan, two shots may be combined with full-scale sets and miniatures. A progressive makeup effect, such as the notorious metamorphosis in The Haunted Castle, may likewise be covered up using cuts.


Part 3: How do We Use Jump Cuts Today?

The viewing experience is impacted differently by various editing methods. Jump cuts may be helpful for video editing in filmmaking since they highlight just the most important elements of a story while also indicating the passage of time. The jump cut is now often used in music videos, vlogs, and YouTuber material, making it a preferred option for creators of online content.

Today’s movies often use “jump cuts,” particularly as the number of horror movies produced has increased. The use of jump cuts makes the picture highly unsettling. One editing method, the jump cut, is still as effective now as it was back when pictures were stitched together and celluloid was cut with a razor blade. It is a well-liked method of video editing that is often used to indicate the passage of time, highlight an emotion, or heighten tension.

The shots did not quite run in a fluid session in the early phases of filming to provide the audience with a steady view of the screen. Instead, there were “jumps” in the movie, and the forward return was partially omitted. This “jump shot” idea may be compared to the expression. Today, however, despite all of the technological advancements we have at our disposal, movie makers and producers are attempting to recreate the look.

Part 4: Top 9 Editing Tools to Smooth Over Jump Cuts

Even more of a barrier than the difficulty of acquiring a new talent is often the expense of video editing software. Consider using free video editing software to get started if you are unsure of how to spend your money or even whether you want to.


1. Filmora Video Editor

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: Both Windows and Mac are compatible with the app. Trimming, transitions, overlays, and other basic video editing features are available. It does not, however, include several cutting-edge capabilities, including as motion tracking and multicam. After launching the software to edit jump cuts, you may also choose the other options that best suits your requirements including the multi-layer effects and elements.


A freemium video editing program largely geared at novices is Wondershare Filmora. There are a ton of filters and over-effects included with it, and they can work true jump cut magic on your films. A considerable number of functions are available in the free edition, however; videos are exported with the Filmora watermark, which must be removed by upgrading to the pro version. A huge library of drag-and-drop transitions, effects, and titles are among the many creative tools and production elements included in the application. Another feature is an intro designer with hundreds of themes.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features:

  • People who wish to learn jump cuts will find this extremely helpful.
  • Support for 4K editing and GIFs
  • Effects for camera shaking, noise reduction, and reversing the color
  • Free to use elements and transitions to make jump cuts look epic.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: For those who want to go back to the fundamentals, Windows Video Editor, a built-in editor from Microsoft, is a useful program. It’s fantastic for quickly editing brief video footage that you need available right away. While it includes the fundamental editing capabilities like cropping, cutting, and adding text or music, Windows Video Editor is more of a picture editor. The free Video Editor program, which comes with Windows 10 and later, is useful for simple video editing.


No editor simplifies the process more, whether trimming home movies or creating YouTube videos that go popular. You won’t have any trouble using this tool, even if you’re a newbie. The user interface is quite simple to use. All the capabilities and resources you need to edit your films are easily accessible.


  • Auto-movie features for cutting your video clips into bespoke lengths
  • Adding music, titles, and credits is simple using the animation tab.
  • portion of 3D effects with little modification


  • Certain playback choices eliminate special effects.
  • Jump Cuts & Picture in Picture may be challenging
  • a resource-intensive program

3. Adobe Premiere Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: A timeline-based video editor called Adobe Premiere Pro was created by the renowned Adobe Systems. It features a wide range of video editing tools, including the Ripple Edit, Rolling Edit, and Slip Tools. It’s a wonderful option for YouTubers because of features like Multiple Sequence Support, Multi-Camera Editing, Time Remapping, Color Correction Tools, and Audio Mixer Interface.

The program has a user-friendly interface and runs on both Windows and Mac. Its responsive user interface aids in achieving peak performance. Beginners may find working with it a bit confusing, but the good news is that there are many tutorials available. The timeline-based video editing program in the Creative Cloud is called Adobe Premiere Pro. Programs for web development and graphic design are among the other Adobe CC products. It has several fantastic capabilities, like the capacity to automatically color-correct your video, create multi-camera sequences, include audio effects, and more.



  • Excellent capabilities for editing videos
  • Capable of handling big tasks
  • Renowned color-matching and correcting tools


  • High system specifications
  • Demands a pricey subscription
  • If you are new to video editing, learning Premiere might be difficult.

4. VEGAS Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: Vegas Pro is a video editing program that is well-liked by seasoned video amateurs since it falls short of being professional software but isn’t the best choice for everyday users.

It provides a variety of tools and features that enable users to produce high-quality films. Vegas Pro may be difficult to learn, and it is not the most affordable video editing program. For it to function properly, a strong computer is also needed. So, Vegas Pro may not be your best choice if you don’t have a more recent PC.



  • Direct YouTube upload
  • Burning CD option available for films
  • Color Rectification for Jump cuts


  • Quite few cutting-edge features
  • Outmoded UI
  • Learning curve is there.

5. iMovie

Supported Platforms: Mac, iOS

Description: Apple-iOS based video editing software is available from iMovie, allowing you to begin editing on an iPhone or iPad and complete it on a Mac. iMovie is straightforward and offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to transfer files from your disk to your desktop, as many native Apple products do. It’s a simple approach to create effective films that can help your YouTube marketing efforts.


The basic capabilities of video editing software are included; however, the more complex functions are not very excellent. Any Mac user should check it out however since it is free. Apple makes the video editing program iMovie, which is compatible with iOS, macOS, and iPad OS devices. You may create 4K resolution videos using the program, which is free, straightforward, and simple to use.


  • Choose from a variety of styles to include gorgeously animated titles and credits.
  • Picture-in-picture and split-screen techniques may give your school report a broadcast vibe.
  • Pick from 10 inventive video filters to give your videos a more dramatic feel.


  • iMovie might be difficult to learn. Not “beginner user-friendly” is the layout.
  • Due to its simplicity, iMovie cannot be considered a professional video editing program.
  • Audio may sometimes spill into transitions.

6. Final Cut Pro X

Supported Platforms: Mac Only

Description: A popular editing program for GoPro footage, FINAL CUT PRO X’s desktop video editing software is offered in both a free and a paid version. Despite the free version’s fewer features, it still includes the full video editing suite, including a mask tool and chroma key functionality for green-screen video effects.


Final Cut Pro X is an effective option for small businesses and is best for clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and rotation. It also provides credit scrolling, frame stepping, time mapping, audio editing, and real-time preview. If you have the money to splash out for the full version, the suite of tools expands to include video stabilization, robust post-production effects, slideshow/presentation capabilities, 3D diagram templates, and direct social media publishing.


  • picture filters that are simple to apply and resemble those on Instagram
  • Masking tools for obscuring, distorting, or emphasizing certain components
  • Tools for color correcting for a more professional appearance


  • accessible for only one platform
  • less settings for background animation

On iPhone

7. iMovie

With iMovie, you may work on your project interchangeably on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac thanks to the fact that data are maintained on Apple’s cloud. Additionally, iMovie is always being updated, so you can always anticipate new features and enhancements.


Key Characteristics:

  • Support for 4K resolution, enabling users to produce movies with a cinematic quality
  • Working on the same project from your iPad, iPhone, and Mac thanks to cloud storage
  • Numerous studio-quality title animations for credits that look professional

8. Jumpcut

Anyone who wants to make high-quality videos without spending any money should consider Jumpcut, which has a ton of straightforward and user-friendly features, including 3D video editing and a sound effects library, to experiment with various video compositions and styles.

You can quickly and easily export your finished video to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and other mobile devices after finishing your video editing with special effects, overlays, texts, and transitions.


Key Characteristics:

  • Online publishing and sharing tools for social media that allow for instant video sharing
  • a sizable collection of visual effects and video transitions for customizing videos
  • Tools for optimizing videos, such stabilizing

9. VlogEasy

VlogEasy is a powerful HD video and photo editor with professional features that is one of the most well-known name brands among mobile video editing apps for creators. The free version grants access to many of the features and effects, but not all, in exchange for having to view in-app advertisements.

This free video editing program offers the simplest way to edit a video; you can cut, merge, and enhance videos on any device — even on your camera or smartphone — through its non-destructive processing, and you can quickly create a high-definition video. VlogEasy is a freemium video editor with all video editing features: cut video, trim video, crop video, merge video, edit video with music, edit video for YouTube, add stickers to video, add text to video,


Key Characteristics:

  • Rapid and simple video trimming and deletion
  • 4K video assistance
  • A variety of video features

Part 5: How is a Jump Cut Used in Social Media Videos

Jump from your lodge to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to Archery to exploring the forest - the possibilities are endless - using the Jump Cut in social media videos, it’s a unique way to capture all those experiences for you and your family to look back on later.

Jump Cuts on TikTok

Jump cuts are quite simple to master and apply to almost all of the other transitions. After shooting your first clip, change the subject or the action in preparation for shooting your second clip. Try to keep the new action or subject in the same position. The magic will happen in the edit, when you combine the clips.

Jump Cuts on Instagram

You will need a smartphone to film your jump cut and a tool to “edit” your video to help you put it all together. Once all your video clips are in order, the next step is to cut down each video to just your jumps. You need to crop the video as you land in the location and as you jump out. You will need to use Instagram to film your separate clips on your smartphone first, then put them together in Instagram Reels.

Part 6: Creative Ways to Jump Cuts Like a Pro

Jump cuts can enhance your videos’ quality, making them worthwhile to learn for any content creator who wants to use editing as a tool rather than a barrier.

Way 1: Add shots and cutaways

When it comes to integrating jump cuts, think about immersing your audience in the story. Jump cuts are the opposite of continuity editing. instead of a seamless and immersive progression, we create something that feels less natural by chopping up a single clip. If you need even more convincing, keep in mind that boosting your content will also improve the experience of your viewers. And focusing on that will make them keep coming back to your videos for the foreseeable future.

Way 2: Intentionally Using Jump Cuts

While this editing method does serve that purpose, a good jump cut is more of a stylistic choice, and stylistic choices are what make a film stronger as long as they are planned and integrated, rather than thrown together during editing. Of course, the added benefit is that you’ll likely get some advice on other types of cuts you can use in your videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features:

  • People who wish to learn jump cuts will find this extremely helpful.
  • Support for 4K editing and GIFs
  • Effects for camera shaking, noise reduction, and reversing the color
  • Free to use elements and transitions to make jump cuts look epic.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: For those who want to go back to the fundamentals, Windows Video Editor, a built-in editor from Microsoft, is a useful program. It’s fantastic for quickly editing brief video footage that you need available right away. While it includes the fundamental editing capabilities like cropping, cutting, and adding text or music, Windows Video Editor is more of a picture editor. The free Video Editor program, which comes with Windows 10 and later, is useful for simple video editing.


No editor simplifies the process more, whether trimming home movies or creating YouTube videos that go popular. You won’t have any trouble using this tool, even if you’re a newbie. The user interface is quite simple to use. All the capabilities and resources you need to edit your films are easily accessible.


  • Auto-movie features for cutting your video clips into bespoke lengths
  • Adding music, titles, and credits is simple using the animation tab.
  • portion of 3D effects with little modification


  • Certain playback choices eliminate special effects.
  • Jump Cuts & Picture in Picture may be challenging
  • a resource-intensive program

3. Adobe Premiere Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: A timeline-based video editor called Adobe Premiere Pro was created by the renowned Adobe Systems. It features a wide range of video editing tools, including the Ripple Edit, Rolling Edit, and Slip Tools. It’s a wonderful option for YouTubers because of features like Multiple Sequence Support, Multi-Camera Editing, Time Remapping, Color Correction Tools, and Audio Mixer Interface.

The program has a user-friendly interface and runs on both Windows and Mac. Its responsive user interface aids in achieving peak performance. Beginners may find working with it a bit confusing, but the good news is that there are many tutorials available. The timeline-based video editing program in the Creative Cloud is called Adobe Premiere Pro. Programs for web development and graphic design are among the other Adobe CC products. It has several fantastic capabilities, like the capacity to automatically color-correct your video, create multi-camera sequences, include audio effects, and more.



  • Excellent capabilities for editing videos
  • Capable of handling big tasks
  • Renowned color-matching and correcting tools


  • High system specifications
  • Demands a pricey subscription
  • If you are new to video editing, learning Premiere might be difficult.

4. VEGAS Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: Vegas Pro is a video editing program that is well-liked by seasoned video amateurs since it falls short of being professional software but isn’t the best choice for everyday users.

It provides a variety of tools and features that enable users to produce high-quality films. Vegas Pro may be difficult to learn, and it is not the most affordable video editing program. For it to function properly, a strong computer is also needed. So, Vegas Pro may not be your best choice if you don’t have a more recent PC.



  • Direct YouTube upload
  • Burning CD option available for films
  • Color Rectification for Jump cuts


  • Quite few cutting-edge features
  • Outmoded UI
  • Learning curve is there.

5. iMovie

Supported Platforms: Mac, iOS

Description: Apple-iOS based video editing software is available from iMovie, allowing you to begin editing on an iPhone or iPad and complete it on a Mac. iMovie is straightforward and offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to transfer files from your disk to your desktop, as many native Apple products do. It’s a simple approach to create effective films that can help your YouTube marketing efforts.


The basic capabilities of video editing software are included; however, the more complex functions are not very excellent. Any Mac user should check it out however since it is free. Apple makes the video editing program iMovie, which is compatible with iOS, macOS, and iPad OS devices. You may create 4K resolution videos using the program, which is free, straightforward, and simple to use.


  • Choose from a variety of styles to include gorgeously animated titles and credits.
  • Picture-in-picture and split-screen techniques may give your school report a broadcast vibe.
  • Pick from 10 inventive video filters to give your videos a more dramatic feel.


  • iMovie might be difficult to learn. Not “beginner user-friendly” is the layout.
  • Due to its simplicity, iMovie cannot be considered a professional video editing program.
  • Audio may sometimes spill into transitions.

6. Final Cut Pro X

Supported Platforms: Mac Only

Description: A popular editing program for GoPro footage, FINAL CUT PRO X’s desktop video editing software is offered in both a free and a paid version. Despite the free version’s fewer features, it still includes the full video editing suite, including a mask tool and chroma key functionality for green-screen video effects.


Final Cut Pro X is an effective option for small businesses and is best for clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and rotation. It also provides credit scrolling, frame stepping, time mapping, audio editing, and real-time preview. If you have the money to splash out for the full version, the suite of tools expands to include video stabilization, robust post-production effects, slideshow/presentation capabilities, 3D diagram templates, and direct social media publishing.


  • picture filters that are simple to apply and resemble those on Instagram
  • Masking tools for obscuring, distorting, or emphasizing certain components
  • Tools for color correcting for a more professional appearance


  • accessible for only one platform
  • less settings for background animation

On iPhone

7. iMovie

With iMovie, you may work on your project interchangeably on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac thanks to the fact that data are maintained on Apple’s cloud. Additionally, iMovie is always being updated, so you can always anticipate new features and enhancements.


Key Characteristics:

  • Support for 4K resolution, enabling users to produce movies with a cinematic quality
  • Working on the same project from your iPad, iPhone, and Mac thanks to cloud storage
  • Numerous studio-quality title animations for credits that look professional

8. Jumpcut

Anyone who wants to make high-quality videos without spending any money should consider Jumpcut, which has a ton of straightforward and user-friendly features, including 3D video editing and a sound effects library, to experiment with various video compositions and styles.

You can quickly and easily export your finished video to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and other mobile devices after finishing your video editing with special effects, overlays, texts, and transitions.


Key Characteristics:

  • Online publishing and sharing tools for social media that allow for instant video sharing
  • a sizable collection of visual effects and video transitions for customizing videos
  • Tools for optimizing videos, such stabilizing

9. VlogEasy

VlogEasy is a powerful HD video and photo editor with professional features that is one of the most well-known name brands among mobile video editing apps for creators. The free version grants access to many of the features and effects, but not all, in exchange for having to view in-app advertisements.

This free video editing program offers the simplest way to edit a video; you can cut, merge, and enhance videos on any device — even on your camera or smartphone — through its non-destructive processing, and you can quickly create a high-definition video. VlogEasy is a freemium video editor with all video editing features: cut video, trim video, crop video, merge video, edit video with music, edit video for YouTube, add stickers to video, add text to video,


Key Characteristics:

  • Rapid and simple video trimming and deletion
  • 4K video assistance
  • A variety of video features

Part 5: How is a Jump Cut Used in Social Media Videos

Jump from your lodge to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to Archery to exploring the forest - the possibilities are endless - using the Jump Cut in social media videos, it’s a unique way to capture all those experiences for you and your family to look back on later.

Jump Cuts on TikTok

Jump cuts are quite simple to master and apply to almost all of the other transitions. After shooting your first clip, change the subject or the action in preparation for shooting your second clip. Try to keep the new action or subject in the same position. The magic will happen in the edit, when you combine the clips.

Jump Cuts on Instagram

You will need a smartphone to film your jump cut and a tool to “edit” your video to help you put it all together. Once all your video clips are in order, the next step is to cut down each video to just your jumps. You need to crop the video as you land in the location and as you jump out. You will need to use Instagram to film your separate clips on your smartphone first, then put them together in Instagram Reels.

Part 6: Creative Ways to Jump Cuts Like a Pro

Jump cuts can enhance your videos’ quality, making them worthwhile to learn for any content creator who wants to use editing as a tool rather than a barrier.

Way 1: Add shots and cutaways

When it comes to integrating jump cuts, think about immersing your audience in the story. Jump cuts are the opposite of continuity editing. instead of a seamless and immersive progression, we create something that feels less natural by chopping up a single clip. If you need even more convincing, keep in mind that boosting your content will also improve the experience of your viewers. And focusing on that will make them keep coming back to your videos for the foreseeable future.

Way 2: Intentionally Using Jump Cuts

While this editing method does serve that purpose, a good jump cut is more of a stylistic choice, and stylistic choices are what make a film stronger as long as they are planned and integrated, rather than thrown together during editing. Of course, the added benefit is that you’ll likely get some advice on other types of cuts you can use in your videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features:

  • People who wish to learn jump cuts will find this extremely helpful.
  • Support for 4K editing and GIFs
  • Effects for camera shaking, noise reduction, and reversing the color
  • Free to use elements and transitions to make jump cuts look epic.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: For those who want to go back to the fundamentals, Windows Video Editor, a built-in editor from Microsoft, is a useful program. It’s fantastic for quickly editing brief video footage that you need available right away. While it includes the fundamental editing capabilities like cropping, cutting, and adding text or music, Windows Video Editor is more of a picture editor. The free Video Editor program, which comes with Windows 10 and later, is useful for simple video editing.


No editor simplifies the process more, whether trimming home movies or creating YouTube videos that go popular. You won’t have any trouble using this tool, even if you’re a newbie. The user interface is quite simple to use. All the capabilities and resources you need to edit your films are easily accessible.


  • Auto-movie features for cutting your video clips into bespoke lengths
  • Adding music, titles, and credits is simple using the animation tab.
  • portion of 3D effects with little modification


  • Certain playback choices eliminate special effects.
  • Jump Cuts & Picture in Picture may be challenging
  • a resource-intensive program

3. Adobe Premiere Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: A timeline-based video editor called Adobe Premiere Pro was created by the renowned Adobe Systems. It features a wide range of video editing tools, including the Ripple Edit, Rolling Edit, and Slip Tools. It’s a wonderful option for YouTubers because of features like Multiple Sequence Support, Multi-Camera Editing, Time Remapping, Color Correction Tools, and Audio Mixer Interface.

The program has a user-friendly interface and runs on both Windows and Mac. Its responsive user interface aids in achieving peak performance. Beginners may find working with it a bit confusing, but the good news is that there are many tutorials available. The timeline-based video editing program in the Creative Cloud is called Adobe Premiere Pro. Programs for web development and graphic design are among the other Adobe CC products. It has several fantastic capabilities, like the capacity to automatically color-correct your video, create multi-camera sequences, include audio effects, and more.



  • Excellent capabilities for editing videos
  • Capable of handling big tasks
  • Renowned color-matching and correcting tools


  • High system specifications
  • Demands a pricey subscription
  • If you are new to video editing, learning Premiere might be difficult.

4. VEGAS Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: Vegas Pro is a video editing program that is well-liked by seasoned video amateurs since it falls short of being professional software but isn’t the best choice for everyday users.

It provides a variety of tools and features that enable users to produce high-quality films. Vegas Pro may be difficult to learn, and it is not the most affordable video editing program. For it to function properly, a strong computer is also needed. So, Vegas Pro may not be your best choice if you don’t have a more recent PC.



  • Direct YouTube upload
  • Burning CD option available for films
  • Color Rectification for Jump cuts


  • Quite few cutting-edge features
  • Outmoded UI
  • Learning curve is there.

5. iMovie

Supported Platforms: Mac, iOS

Description: Apple-iOS based video editing software is available from iMovie, allowing you to begin editing on an iPhone or iPad and complete it on a Mac. iMovie is straightforward and offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to transfer files from your disk to your desktop, as many native Apple products do. It’s a simple approach to create effective films that can help your YouTube marketing efforts.


The basic capabilities of video editing software are included; however, the more complex functions are not very excellent. Any Mac user should check it out however since it is free. Apple makes the video editing program iMovie, which is compatible with iOS, macOS, and iPad OS devices. You may create 4K resolution videos using the program, which is free, straightforward, and simple to use.


  • Choose from a variety of styles to include gorgeously animated titles and credits.
  • Picture-in-picture and split-screen techniques may give your school report a broadcast vibe.
  • Pick from 10 inventive video filters to give your videos a more dramatic feel.


  • iMovie might be difficult to learn. Not “beginner user-friendly” is the layout.
  • Due to its simplicity, iMovie cannot be considered a professional video editing program.
  • Audio may sometimes spill into transitions.

6. Final Cut Pro X

Supported Platforms: Mac Only

Description: A popular editing program for GoPro footage, FINAL CUT PRO X’s desktop video editing software is offered in both a free and a paid version. Despite the free version’s fewer features, it still includes the full video editing suite, including a mask tool and chroma key functionality for green-screen video effects.


Final Cut Pro X is an effective option for small businesses and is best for clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and rotation. It also provides credit scrolling, frame stepping, time mapping, audio editing, and real-time preview. If you have the money to splash out for the full version, the suite of tools expands to include video stabilization, robust post-production effects, slideshow/presentation capabilities, 3D diagram templates, and direct social media publishing.


  • picture filters that are simple to apply and resemble those on Instagram
  • Masking tools for obscuring, distorting, or emphasizing certain components
  • Tools for color correcting for a more professional appearance


  • accessible for only one platform
  • less settings for background animation

On iPhone

7. iMovie

With iMovie, you may work on your project interchangeably on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac thanks to the fact that data are maintained on Apple’s cloud. Additionally, iMovie is always being updated, so you can always anticipate new features and enhancements.


Key Characteristics:

  • Support for 4K resolution, enabling users to produce movies with a cinematic quality
  • Working on the same project from your iPad, iPhone, and Mac thanks to cloud storage
  • Numerous studio-quality title animations for credits that look professional

8. Jumpcut

Anyone who wants to make high-quality videos without spending any money should consider Jumpcut, which has a ton of straightforward and user-friendly features, including 3D video editing and a sound effects library, to experiment with various video compositions and styles.

You can quickly and easily export your finished video to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and other mobile devices after finishing your video editing with special effects, overlays, texts, and transitions.


Key Characteristics:

  • Online publishing and sharing tools for social media that allow for instant video sharing
  • a sizable collection of visual effects and video transitions for customizing videos
  • Tools for optimizing videos, such stabilizing

9. VlogEasy

VlogEasy is a powerful HD video and photo editor with professional features that is one of the most well-known name brands among mobile video editing apps for creators. The free version grants access to many of the features and effects, but not all, in exchange for having to view in-app advertisements.

This free video editing program offers the simplest way to edit a video; you can cut, merge, and enhance videos on any device — even on your camera or smartphone — through its non-destructive processing, and you can quickly create a high-definition video. VlogEasy is a freemium video editor with all video editing features: cut video, trim video, crop video, merge video, edit video with music, edit video for YouTube, add stickers to video, add text to video,


Key Characteristics:

  • Rapid and simple video trimming and deletion
  • 4K video assistance
  • A variety of video features

Part 5: How is a Jump Cut Used in Social Media Videos

Jump from your lodge to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to Archery to exploring the forest - the possibilities are endless - using the Jump Cut in social media videos, it’s a unique way to capture all those experiences for you and your family to look back on later.

Jump Cuts on TikTok

Jump cuts are quite simple to master and apply to almost all of the other transitions. After shooting your first clip, change the subject or the action in preparation for shooting your second clip. Try to keep the new action or subject in the same position. The magic will happen in the edit, when you combine the clips.

Jump Cuts on Instagram

You will need a smartphone to film your jump cut and a tool to “edit” your video to help you put it all together. Once all your video clips are in order, the next step is to cut down each video to just your jumps. You need to crop the video as you land in the location and as you jump out. You will need to use Instagram to film your separate clips on your smartphone first, then put them together in Instagram Reels.

Part 6: Creative Ways to Jump Cuts Like a Pro

Jump cuts can enhance your videos’ quality, making them worthwhile to learn for any content creator who wants to use editing as a tool rather than a barrier.

Way 1: Add shots and cutaways

When it comes to integrating jump cuts, think about immersing your audience in the story. Jump cuts are the opposite of continuity editing. instead of a seamless and immersive progression, we create something that feels less natural by chopping up a single clip. If you need even more convincing, keep in mind that boosting your content will also improve the experience of your viewers. And focusing on that will make them keep coming back to your videos for the foreseeable future.

Way 2: Intentionally Using Jump Cuts

While this editing method does serve that purpose, a good jump cut is more of a stylistic choice, and stylistic choices are what make a film stronger as long as they are planned and integrated, rather than thrown together during editing. Of course, the added benefit is that you’ll likely get some advice on other types of cuts you can use in your videos.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Key Features:

  • People who wish to learn jump cuts will find this extremely helpful.
  • Support for 4K editing and GIFs
  • Effects for camera shaking, noise reduction, and reversing the color
  • Free to use elements and transitions to make jump cuts look epic.

2. Windows Movie Maker

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: For those who want to go back to the fundamentals, Windows Video Editor, a built-in editor from Microsoft, is a useful program. It’s fantastic for quickly editing brief video footage that you need available right away. While it includes the fundamental editing capabilities like cropping, cutting, and adding text or music, Windows Video Editor is more of a picture editor. The free Video Editor program, which comes with Windows 10 and later, is useful for simple video editing.


No editor simplifies the process more, whether trimming home movies or creating YouTube videos that go popular. You won’t have any trouble using this tool, even if you’re a newbie. The user interface is quite simple to use. All the capabilities and resources you need to edit your films are easily accessible.


  • Auto-movie features for cutting your video clips into bespoke lengths
  • Adding music, titles, and credits is simple using the animation tab.
  • portion of 3D effects with little modification


  • Certain playback choices eliminate special effects.
  • Jump Cuts & Picture in Picture may be challenging
  • a resource-intensive program

3. Adobe Premiere Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac

Description: A timeline-based video editor called Adobe Premiere Pro was created by the renowned Adobe Systems. It features a wide range of video editing tools, including the Ripple Edit, Rolling Edit, and Slip Tools. It’s a wonderful option for YouTubers because of features like Multiple Sequence Support, Multi-Camera Editing, Time Remapping, Color Correction Tools, and Audio Mixer Interface.

The program has a user-friendly interface and runs on both Windows and Mac. Its responsive user interface aids in achieving peak performance. Beginners may find working with it a bit confusing, but the good news is that there are many tutorials available. The timeline-based video editing program in the Creative Cloud is called Adobe Premiere Pro. Programs for web development and graphic design are among the other Adobe CC products. It has several fantastic capabilities, like the capacity to automatically color-correct your video, create multi-camera sequences, include audio effects, and more.



  • Excellent capabilities for editing videos
  • Capable of handling big tasks
  • Renowned color-matching and correcting tools


  • High system specifications
  • Demands a pricey subscription
  • If you are new to video editing, learning Premiere might be difficult.

4. VEGAS Pro

Supported Platforms: Windows

Description: Vegas Pro is a video editing program that is well-liked by seasoned video amateurs since it falls short of being professional software but isn’t the best choice for everyday users.

It provides a variety of tools and features that enable users to produce high-quality films. Vegas Pro may be difficult to learn, and it is not the most affordable video editing program. For it to function properly, a strong computer is also needed. So, Vegas Pro may not be your best choice if you don’t have a more recent PC.



  • Direct YouTube upload
  • Burning CD option available for films
  • Color Rectification for Jump cuts


  • Quite few cutting-edge features
  • Outmoded UI
  • Learning curve is there.

5. iMovie

Supported Platforms: Mac, iOS

Description: Apple-iOS based video editing software is available from iMovie, allowing you to begin editing on an iPhone or iPad and complete it on a Mac. iMovie is straightforward and offers a straightforward drag-and-drop interface to transfer files from your disk to your desktop, as many native Apple products do. It’s a simple approach to create effective films that can help your YouTube marketing efforts.


The basic capabilities of video editing software are included; however, the more complex functions are not very excellent. Any Mac user should check it out however since it is free. Apple makes the video editing program iMovie, which is compatible with iOS, macOS, and iPad OS devices. You may create 4K resolution videos using the program, which is free, straightforward, and simple to use.


  • Choose from a variety of styles to include gorgeously animated titles and credits.
  • Picture-in-picture and split-screen techniques may give your school report a broadcast vibe.
  • Pick from 10 inventive video filters to give your videos a more dramatic feel.


  • iMovie might be difficult to learn. Not “beginner user-friendly” is the layout.
  • Due to its simplicity, iMovie cannot be considered a professional video editing program.
  • Audio may sometimes spill into transitions.

6. Final Cut Pro X

Supported Platforms: Mac Only

Description: A popular editing program for GoPro footage, FINAL CUT PRO X’s desktop video editing software is offered in both a free and a paid version. Despite the free version’s fewer features, it still includes the full video editing suite, including a mask tool and chroma key functionality for green-screen video effects.


Final Cut Pro X is an effective option for small businesses and is best for clip resizing, scaling, trimming, snapping, and rotation. It also provides credit scrolling, frame stepping, time mapping, audio editing, and real-time preview. If you have the money to splash out for the full version, the suite of tools expands to include video stabilization, robust post-production effects, slideshow/presentation capabilities, 3D diagram templates, and direct social media publishing.


  • picture filters that are simple to apply and resemble those on Instagram
  • Masking tools for obscuring, distorting, or emphasizing certain components
  • Tools for color correcting for a more professional appearance


  • accessible for only one platform
  • less settings for background animation

On iPhone

7. iMovie

With iMovie, you may work on your project interchangeably on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac thanks to the fact that data are maintained on Apple’s cloud. Additionally, iMovie is always being updated, so you can always anticipate new features and enhancements.


Key Characteristics:

  • Support for 4K resolution, enabling users to produce movies with a cinematic quality
  • Working on the same project from your iPad, iPhone, and Mac thanks to cloud storage
  • Numerous studio-quality title animations for credits that look professional

8. Jumpcut

Anyone who wants to make high-quality videos without spending any money should consider Jumpcut, which has a ton of straightforward and user-friendly features, including 3D video editing and a sound effects library, to experiment with various video compositions and styles.

You can quickly and easily export your finished video to YouTube, Facebook, Google Drive, and other mobile devices after finishing your video editing with special effects, overlays, texts, and transitions.


Key Characteristics:

  • Online publishing and sharing tools for social media that allow for instant video sharing
  • a sizable collection of visual effects and video transitions for customizing videos
  • Tools for optimizing videos, such stabilizing

9. VlogEasy

VlogEasy is a powerful HD video and photo editor with professional features that is one of the most well-known name brands among mobile video editing apps for creators. The free version grants access to many of the features and effects, but not all, in exchange for having to view in-app advertisements.

This free video editing program offers the simplest way to edit a video; you can cut, merge, and enhance videos on any device — even on your camera or smartphone — through its non-destructive processing, and you can quickly create a high-definition video. VlogEasy is a freemium video editor with all video editing features: cut video, trim video, crop video, merge video, edit video with music, edit video for YouTube, add stickers to video, add text to video,


Key Characteristics:

  • Rapid and simple video trimming and deletion
  • 4K video assistance
  • A variety of video features

Part 5: How is a Jump Cut Used in Social Media Videos

Jump from your lodge to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to Archery to exploring the forest - the possibilities are endless - using the Jump Cut in social media videos, it’s a unique way to capture all those experiences for you and your family to look back on later.

Jump Cuts on TikTok

Jump cuts are quite simple to master and apply to almost all of the other transitions. After shooting your first clip, change the subject or the action in preparation for shooting your second clip. Try to keep the new action or subject in the same position. The magic will happen in the edit, when you combine the clips.

Jump Cuts on Instagram

You will need a smartphone to film your jump cut and a tool to “edit” your video to help you put it all together. Once all your video clips are in order, the next step is to cut down each video to just your jumps. You need to crop the video as you land in the location and as you jump out. You will need to use Instagram to film your separate clips on your smartphone first, then put them together in Instagram Reels.

Part 6: Creative Ways to Jump Cuts Like a Pro

Jump cuts can enhance your videos’ quality, making them worthwhile to learn for any content creator who wants to use editing as a tool rather than a barrier.

Way 1: Add shots and cutaways

When it comes to integrating jump cuts, think about immersing your audience in the story. Jump cuts are the opposite of continuity editing. instead of a seamless and immersive progression, we create something that feels less natural by chopping up a single clip. If you need even more convincing, keep in mind that boosting your content will also improve the experience of your viewers. And focusing on that will make them keep coming back to your videos for the foreseeable future.

Way 2: Intentionally Using Jump Cuts

While this editing method does serve that purpose, a good jump cut is more of a stylistic choice, and stylistic choices are what make a film stronger as long as they are planned and integrated, rather than thrown together during editing. Of course, the added benefit is that you’ll likely get some advice on other types of cuts you can use in your videos.

Step by Step Guide on Make Gimp Transparent Background PNG

Step by Step Guide on Make Gimp Transparent Background PNG

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Removing background of images and making them transparent is a really very tough task for the newbies. Sometimes you may need to learn lots of software to get the work done and most of the programs are paid over the internet. There are many reasons why you need to remove the background of images such as you don’t like the background and replace with the new one. Here, in this article we will share the information about the GIMP which is a free and open source programs and can help you to remove background from the images and make the transparent.

In this article

01 [What’s Gimp?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP](#Part 2)

03 [How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent](#Part 3)

04 [How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent](#Part 4)

Part 1 What’s Gimp?

GIMP is open source software which allows you to do image manipulations. The program is distributed over the internet for free of cost the beginners to learn the photography skills. GIMP software can be used for photo retouching, image authoring and image compositions. GIMP supports all features of photo editing even it can be used for GIMP remove background to transparent. You can also use it as a paint program, online batch processing system, image format converter and as an image renderer.

Part 2 How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

With the help of GIMP software you can easily remove background from image and make it transparent. Here, we are going to tell you that how you can remove background with the help of GIMP. Let’s learn it step by step.

Step 1:

Install and launch GIMP program on your system. Now click the “File > Open” or you can also use “File > Open as Layers” option.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 2:

Now, you have to use the Fuzzy tool. The Fuzzy tool is mainly designed to select the current layer area and the image on the basis of color. Using this tool you can easily select the background which you want to remove with just one click.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 3:

On your image, now you will see a channel dialog when you add a second layer on it. This layer will tell the transparency of the image you have added to remove background. So, click the “Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel option.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 4:

On your keyboard now you need to hit the “Delete” button to remove background. You may need to repeat the steps 2 to 4 if the background is not completely removed else there is no problem. We have removed blue background here for example.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 5:

Finally, you can click the “File > Export As” and then select the PNG format and save it on your computer in the PNG format. This is the way about GIMP remove background to transparent.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Part 3 How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

The above part was about removing the simple and easy background from the image. Here we will share about GIMP transparent background PNG when you have the complex background. For, GIMP create transparent background in the complex images you need to add a transparent layer on the image.

Step 1:

Open the image in GIMP and then right click on the layer of image. Now, click the “Add Alpha Chanel” option.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 2:

After making a layer for background now you have to select the foreground of the image which you want to keep using the select tool of GIMP. To start, first you need to make sure the in the settings you have selected “Draw foreground option” is selected.

After doing all adjustments of the settings you need to draw outline of the object and finally press the enter button on keyboard.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 3:

After doing all the settings you have to adjust the stroke width from settings panel of GIMP. Use your mouse now and start dragging and drawing the image just like you are painting with a brush. Once your drawing is finished and you leave your mouse the image will look like the below screenshot.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 4:

You can also fine tune your selection now with the help of draw background option in the GIMP. This will help you to adjust the rough outline you created previously. Once you are happy then simply press the enter button.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 5:

Still, if you want to refine your results more than you can refine your outlines by using the path nodes option. You can view the path nodes by following the below steps.

Keep your mouse cursor at paths dialog.

Now, hit selection.

To view the path you can click the CTRL+Shift+A button.

Now, select the paths tool.

Finally click the “Path”.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 6:

Now, it’s a time to adjust the outlines according to the output of your foreground image. You can zoom the image and add or adjust the previous nodes. To adjust node you can click the CTRL button on keyboard and drag the node using your mouse. If you need to remove a node then you can use CTRL+Shift button and then click on the node.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 7:

Once the path is refined according to your need hit the “Selection from Path” option at the left side.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 8:

You will have to add the layer mask on the image now to which will reveal the transparency. Right click the Current layer > Add Layer Mask > Selection and finally click “Add” button.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 9:

Now, if you have followed all the previous steps perfectly then your background will be removed now and you can also add a new background to the image. This is way about GIMP delete background to transparent for the complex images.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Part 4 How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent

While using the GIMP you can also run the one color images background in the transparent. This method helps you to make the transparent background in case if you have the single color in the background of your image. In this method you just need to select the background by the color and it will be removed in the seconds. For GIMP create transparent background image in the single color background image you can follow the below steps.

Steps to Follow:

Open the image using “File > Open” in the GIMP program.

Once image is opened you have to select the image layer at the right side corner of the screen. Now right click and select the Add Alpha Channel option.

Now, you have to choose the select by color tool.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 2:

After selecting the color tool you can select the area of the background image which you need to make transparent by clicking on the image. You can also select it manually by clicking and dragging using your mouse pointer. To increase the selection press Shift button on keyboard and then select the different area which you want to select.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 3:

Finally, when you have selected the complete area which you want to make transparent then simply select the delete button. This is the way about GIMP set transparent background for one color background images.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Learn New Ways to Make Transparent Background

GIMP software is a free program for newbie users to expand their skills. With the help of GIMP software you can easily remove background from mostly any kind of images. If you like to go for pro software to make the video from the images you have created then you can try the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor which allows you to make the beautiful videos and edit them quickly.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Wondershare Filmora program is video editor software which also offers you some of the photo editing options as well. It is compatible with the windows as well as the Mac operating system devices. The program comes with a very easy to use interface and allows you to edit the videos and design them from scratch. It comes with the premade templates in it so you can directly use them for your videos to make the process faster. You can do keyframing, speed ramping, splitting screen, motion tracking etc for editing your videos.

Filmora offers you an inbuilt screen recorder which is the best for recording the gaming videos. it also offers you the effects to apply on the videos, color correction, color matching and many more others features which can be used for making the best quality videos.

New Ways to Make Transparent Background

Ending Thoughts

Well, this is all about making transparent background in the GIMP. GIMP is really a very helpful program that comes with most all features what you need to edit the images and change the background of your images.

If you need to edit the videos as well or you want to make videos with the images edited using GIMP then you can simply use Wondershare Filmora which the best in the video editing Era.

Try It Free Try It Free

Removing background of images and making them transparent is a really very tough task for the newbies. Sometimes you may need to learn lots of software to get the work done and most of the programs are paid over the internet. There are many reasons why you need to remove the background of images such as you don’t like the background and replace with the new one. Here, in this article we will share the information about the GIMP which is a free and open source programs and can help you to remove background from the images and make the transparent.

In this article

01 [What’s Gimp?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP](#Part 2)

03 [How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent](#Part 3)

04 [How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent](#Part 4)

Part 1 What’s Gimp?

GIMP is open source software which allows you to do image manipulations. The program is distributed over the internet for free of cost the beginners to learn the photography skills. GIMP software can be used for photo retouching, image authoring and image compositions. GIMP supports all features of photo editing even it can be used for GIMP remove background to transparent. You can also use it as a paint program, online batch processing system, image format converter and as an image renderer.

Part 2 How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

With the help of GIMP software you can easily remove background from image and make it transparent. Here, we are going to tell you that how you can remove background with the help of GIMP. Let’s learn it step by step.

Step 1:

Install and launch GIMP program on your system. Now click the “File > Open” or you can also use “File > Open as Layers” option.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 2:

Now, you have to use the Fuzzy tool. The Fuzzy tool is mainly designed to select the current layer area and the image on the basis of color. Using this tool you can easily select the background which you want to remove with just one click.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 3:

On your image, now you will see a channel dialog when you add a second layer on it. This layer will tell the transparency of the image you have added to remove background. So, click the “Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel option.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 4:

On your keyboard now you need to hit the “Delete” button to remove background. You may need to repeat the steps 2 to 4 if the background is not completely removed else there is no problem. We have removed blue background here for example.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 5:

Finally, you can click the “File > Export As” and then select the PNG format and save it on your computer in the PNG format. This is the way about GIMP remove background to transparent.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Part 3 How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

The above part was about removing the simple and easy background from the image. Here we will share about GIMP transparent background PNG when you have the complex background. For, GIMP create transparent background in the complex images you need to add a transparent layer on the image.

Step 1:

Open the image in GIMP and then right click on the layer of image. Now, click the “Add Alpha Chanel” option.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 2:

After making a layer for background now you have to select the foreground of the image which you want to keep using the select tool of GIMP. To start, first you need to make sure the in the settings you have selected “Draw foreground option” is selected.

After doing all adjustments of the settings you need to draw outline of the object and finally press the enter button on keyboard.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 3:

After doing all the settings you have to adjust the stroke width from settings panel of GIMP. Use your mouse now and start dragging and drawing the image just like you are painting with a brush. Once your drawing is finished and you leave your mouse the image will look like the below screenshot.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 4:

You can also fine tune your selection now with the help of draw background option in the GIMP. This will help you to adjust the rough outline you created previously. Once you are happy then simply press the enter button.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 5:

Still, if you want to refine your results more than you can refine your outlines by using the path nodes option. You can view the path nodes by following the below steps.

Keep your mouse cursor at paths dialog.

Now, hit selection.

To view the path you can click the CTRL+Shift+A button.

Now, select the paths tool.

Finally click the “Path”.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 6:

Now, it’s a time to adjust the outlines according to the output of your foreground image. You can zoom the image and add or adjust the previous nodes. To adjust node you can click the CTRL button on keyboard and drag the node using your mouse. If you need to remove a node then you can use CTRL+Shift button and then click on the node.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 7:

Once the path is refined according to your need hit the “Selection from Path” option at the left side.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 8:

You will have to add the layer mask on the image now to which will reveal the transparency. Right click the Current layer > Add Layer Mask > Selection and finally click “Add” button.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 9:

Now, if you have followed all the previous steps perfectly then your background will be removed now and you can also add a new background to the image. This is way about GIMP delete background to transparent for the complex images.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Part 4 How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent

While using the GIMP you can also run the one color images background in the transparent. This method helps you to make the transparent background in case if you have the single color in the background of your image. In this method you just need to select the background by the color and it will be removed in the seconds. For GIMP create transparent background image in the single color background image you can follow the below steps.

Steps to Follow:

Open the image using “File > Open” in the GIMP program.

Once image is opened you have to select the image layer at the right side corner of the screen. Now right click and select the Add Alpha Channel option.

Now, you have to choose the select by color tool.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 2:

After selecting the color tool you can select the area of the background image which you need to make transparent by clicking on the image. You can also select it manually by clicking and dragging using your mouse pointer. To increase the selection press Shift button on keyboard and then select the different area which you want to select.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 3:

Finally, when you have selected the complete area which you want to make transparent then simply select the delete button. This is the way about GIMP set transparent background for one color background images.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Learn New Ways to Make Transparent Background

GIMP software is a free program for newbie users to expand their skills. With the help of GIMP software you can easily remove background from mostly any kind of images. If you like to go for pro software to make the video from the images you have created then you can try the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor which allows you to make the beautiful videos and edit them quickly.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Wondershare Filmora program is video editor software which also offers you some of the photo editing options as well. It is compatible with the windows as well as the Mac operating system devices. The program comes with a very easy to use interface and allows you to edit the videos and design them from scratch. It comes with the premade templates in it so you can directly use them for your videos to make the process faster. You can do keyframing, speed ramping, splitting screen, motion tracking etc for editing your videos.

Filmora offers you an inbuilt screen recorder which is the best for recording the gaming videos. it also offers you the effects to apply on the videos, color correction, color matching and many more others features which can be used for making the best quality videos.

New Ways to Make Transparent Background

Ending Thoughts

Well, this is all about making transparent background in the GIMP. GIMP is really a very helpful program that comes with most all features what you need to edit the images and change the background of your images.

If you need to edit the videos as well or you want to make videos with the images edited using GIMP then you can simply use Wondershare Filmora which the best in the video editing Era.

Try It Free Try It Free

Removing background of images and making them transparent is a really very tough task for the newbies. Sometimes you may need to learn lots of software to get the work done and most of the programs are paid over the internet. There are many reasons why you need to remove the background of images such as you don’t like the background and replace with the new one. Here, in this article we will share the information about the GIMP which is a free and open source programs and can help you to remove background from the images and make the transparent.

In this article

01 [What’s Gimp?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP](#Part 2)

03 [How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent](#Part 3)

04 [How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent](#Part 4)

Part 1 What’s Gimp?

GIMP is open source software which allows you to do image manipulations. The program is distributed over the internet for free of cost the beginners to learn the photography skills. GIMP software can be used for photo retouching, image authoring and image compositions. GIMP supports all features of photo editing even it can be used for GIMP remove background to transparent. You can also use it as a paint program, online batch processing system, image format converter and as an image renderer.

Part 2 How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

With the help of GIMP software you can easily remove background from image and make it transparent. Here, we are going to tell you that how you can remove background with the help of GIMP. Let’s learn it step by step.

Step 1:

Install and launch GIMP program on your system. Now click the “File > Open” or you can also use “File > Open as Layers” option.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 2:

Now, you have to use the Fuzzy tool. The Fuzzy tool is mainly designed to select the current layer area and the image on the basis of color. Using this tool you can easily select the background which you want to remove with just one click.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 3:

On your image, now you will see a channel dialog when you add a second layer on it. This layer will tell the transparency of the image you have added to remove background. So, click the “Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel option.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 4:

On your keyboard now you need to hit the “Delete” button to remove background. You may need to repeat the steps 2 to 4 if the background is not completely removed else there is no problem. We have removed blue background here for example.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 5:

Finally, you can click the “File > Export As” and then select the PNG format and save it on your computer in the PNG format. This is the way about GIMP remove background to transparent.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Part 3 How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

The above part was about removing the simple and easy background from the image. Here we will share about GIMP transparent background PNG when you have the complex background. For, GIMP create transparent background in the complex images you need to add a transparent layer on the image.

Step 1:

Open the image in GIMP and then right click on the layer of image. Now, click the “Add Alpha Chanel” option.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 2:

After making a layer for background now you have to select the foreground of the image which you want to keep using the select tool of GIMP. To start, first you need to make sure the in the settings you have selected “Draw foreground option” is selected.

After doing all adjustments of the settings you need to draw outline of the object and finally press the enter button on keyboard.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 3:

After doing all the settings you have to adjust the stroke width from settings panel of GIMP. Use your mouse now and start dragging and drawing the image just like you are painting with a brush. Once your drawing is finished and you leave your mouse the image will look like the below screenshot.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 4:

You can also fine tune your selection now with the help of draw background option in the GIMP. This will help you to adjust the rough outline you created previously. Once you are happy then simply press the enter button.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 5:

Still, if you want to refine your results more than you can refine your outlines by using the path nodes option. You can view the path nodes by following the below steps.

Keep your mouse cursor at paths dialog.

Now, hit selection.

To view the path you can click the CTRL+Shift+A button.

Now, select the paths tool.

Finally click the “Path”.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 6:

Now, it’s a time to adjust the outlines according to the output of your foreground image. You can zoom the image and add or adjust the previous nodes. To adjust node you can click the CTRL button on keyboard and drag the node using your mouse. If you need to remove a node then you can use CTRL+Shift button and then click on the node.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 7:

Once the path is refined according to your need hit the “Selection from Path” option at the left side.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 8:

You will have to add the layer mask on the image now to which will reveal the transparency. Right click the Current layer > Add Layer Mask > Selection and finally click “Add” button.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 9:

Now, if you have followed all the previous steps perfectly then your background will be removed now and you can also add a new background to the image. This is way about GIMP delete background to transparent for the complex images.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Part 4 How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent

While using the GIMP you can also run the one color images background in the transparent. This method helps you to make the transparent background in case if you have the single color in the background of your image. In this method you just need to select the background by the color and it will be removed in the seconds. For GIMP create transparent background image in the single color background image you can follow the below steps.

Steps to Follow:

Open the image using “File > Open” in the GIMP program.

Once image is opened you have to select the image layer at the right side corner of the screen. Now right click and select the Add Alpha Channel option.

Now, you have to choose the select by color tool.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 2:

After selecting the color tool you can select the area of the background image which you need to make transparent by clicking on the image. You can also select it manually by clicking and dragging using your mouse pointer. To increase the selection press Shift button on keyboard and then select the different area which you want to select.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 3:

Finally, when you have selected the complete area which you want to make transparent then simply select the delete button. This is the way about GIMP set transparent background for one color background images.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Learn New Ways to Make Transparent Background

GIMP software is a free program for newbie users to expand their skills. With the help of GIMP software you can easily remove background from mostly any kind of images. If you like to go for pro software to make the video from the images you have created then you can try the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor which allows you to make the beautiful videos and edit them quickly.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Wondershare Filmora program is video editor software which also offers you some of the photo editing options as well. It is compatible with the windows as well as the Mac operating system devices. The program comes with a very easy to use interface and allows you to edit the videos and design them from scratch. It comes with the premade templates in it so you can directly use them for your videos to make the process faster. You can do keyframing, speed ramping, splitting screen, motion tracking etc for editing your videos.

Filmora offers you an inbuilt screen recorder which is the best for recording the gaming videos. it also offers you the effects to apply on the videos, color correction, color matching and many more others features which can be used for making the best quality videos.

New Ways to Make Transparent Background

Ending Thoughts

Well, this is all about making transparent background in the GIMP. GIMP is really a very helpful program that comes with most all features what you need to edit the images and change the background of your images.

If you need to edit the videos as well or you want to make videos with the images edited using GIMP then you can simply use Wondershare Filmora which the best in the video editing Era.

Try It Free Try It Free

Removing background of images and making them transparent is a really very tough task for the newbies. Sometimes you may need to learn lots of software to get the work done and most of the programs are paid over the internet. There are many reasons why you need to remove the background of images such as you don’t like the background and replace with the new one. Here, in this article we will share the information about the GIMP which is a free and open source programs and can help you to remove background from the images and make the transparent.

In this article

01 [What’s Gimp?](#Part 1)

02 [How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP](#Part 2)

03 [How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent](#Part 3)

04 [How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent](#Part 4)

Part 1 What’s Gimp?

GIMP is open source software which allows you to do image manipulations. The program is distributed over the internet for free of cost the beginners to learn the photography skills. GIMP software can be used for photo retouching, image authoring and image compositions. GIMP supports all features of photo editing even it can be used for GIMP remove background to transparent. You can also use it as a paint program, online batch processing system, image format converter and as an image renderer.

Part 2 How to Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

With the help of GIMP software you can easily remove background from image and make it transparent. Here, we are going to tell you that how you can remove background with the help of GIMP. Let’s learn it step by step.

Step 1:

Install and launch GIMP program on your system. Now click the “File > Open” or you can also use “File > Open as Layers” option.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 2:

Now, you have to use the Fuzzy tool. The Fuzzy tool is mainly designed to select the current layer area and the image on the basis of color. Using this tool you can easily select the background which you want to remove with just one click.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 3:

On your image, now you will see a channel dialog when you add a second layer on it. This layer will tell the transparency of the image you have added to remove background. So, click the “Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel option.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 4:

On your keyboard now you need to hit the “Delete” button to remove background. You may need to repeat the steps 2 to 4 if the background is not completely removed else there is no problem. We have removed blue background here for example.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Step 5:

Finally, you can click the “File > Export As” and then select the PNG format and save it on your computer in the PNG format. This is the way about GIMP remove background to transparent.

Create a Transparent Background in GIMP

Part 3 How to Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

The above part was about removing the simple and easy background from the image. Here we will share about GIMP transparent background PNG when you have the complex background. For, GIMP create transparent background in the complex images you need to add a transparent layer on the image.

Step 1:

Open the image in GIMP and then right click on the layer of image. Now, click the “Add Alpha Chanel” option.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 2:

After making a layer for background now you have to select the foreground of the image which you want to keep using the select tool of GIMP. To start, first you need to make sure the in the settings you have selected “Draw foreground option” is selected.

After doing all adjustments of the settings you need to draw outline of the object and finally press the enter button on keyboard.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 3:

After doing all the settings you have to adjust the stroke width from settings panel of GIMP. Use your mouse now and start dragging and drawing the image just like you are painting with a brush. Once your drawing is finished and you leave your mouse the image will look like the below screenshot.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 4:

You can also fine tune your selection now with the help of draw background option in the GIMP. This will help you to adjust the rough outline you created previously. Once you are happy then simply press the enter button.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 5:

Still, if you want to refine your results more than you can refine your outlines by using the path nodes option. You can view the path nodes by following the below steps.

Keep your mouse cursor at paths dialog.

Now, hit selection.

To view the path you can click the CTRL+Shift+A button.

Now, select the paths tool.

Finally click the “Path”.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 6:

Now, it’s a time to adjust the outlines according to the output of your foreground image. You can zoom the image and add or adjust the previous nodes. To adjust node you can click the CTRL button on keyboard and drag the node using your mouse. If you need to remove a node then you can use CTRL+Shift button and then click on the node.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 7:

Once the path is refined according to your need hit the “Selection from Path” option at the left side.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 8:

You will have to add the layer mask on the image now to which will reveal the transparency. Right click the Current layer > Add Layer Mask > Selection and finally click “Add” button.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 9:

Now, if you have followed all the previous steps perfectly then your background will be removed now and you can also add a new background to the image. This is way about GIMP delete background to transparent for the complex images.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Part 4 How to Turn a One-Color Background Transparent

While using the GIMP you can also run the one color images background in the transparent. This method helps you to make the transparent background in case if you have the single color in the background of your image. In this method you just need to select the background by the color and it will be removed in the seconds. For GIMP create transparent background image in the single color background image you can follow the below steps.

Steps to Follow:

Open the image using “File > Open” in the GIMP program.

Once image is opened you have to select the image layer at the right side corner of the screen. Now right click and select the Add Alpha Channel option.

Now, you have to choose the select by color tool.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 2:

After selecting the color tool you can select the area of the background image which you need to make transparent by clicking on the image. You can also select it manually by clicking and dragging using your mouse pointer. To increase the selection press Shift button on keyboard and then select the different area which you want to select.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Step 3:

Finally, when you have selected the complete area which you want to make transparent then simply select the delete button. This is the way about GIMP set transparent background for one color background images.

Turn the Complex Image Background Transparent

Learn New Ways to Make Transparent Background

GIMP software is a free program for newbie users to expand their skills. With the help of GIMP software you can easily remove background from mostly any kind of images. If you like to go for pro software to make the video from the images you have created then you can try the Wondershare Filmora Video Editor which allows you to make the beautiful videos and edit them quickly.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Wondershare Filmora program is video editor software which also offers you some of the photo editing options as well. It is compatible with the windows as well as the Mac operating system devices. The program comes with a very easy to use interface and allows you to edit the videos and design them from scratch. It comes with the premade templates in it so you can directly use them for your videos to make the process faster. You can do keyframing, speed ramping, splitting screen, motion tracking etc for editing your videos.

Filmora offers you an inbuilt screen recorder which is the best for recording the gaming videos. it also offers you the effects to apply on the videos, color correction, color matching and many more others features which can be used for making the best quality videos.

New Ways to Make Transparent Background

Ending Thoughts

Well, this is all about making transparent background in the GIMP. GIMP is really a very helpful program that comes with most all features what you need to edit the images and change the background of your images.

If you need to edit the videos as well or you want to make videos with the images edited using GIMP then you can simply use Wondershare Filmora which the best in the video editing Era.

In the Realm of Creating Graphic Presentation, People Also Ask About Designing Professionally Sound Slideshow Word Presentations. Here’s How You Can Go About the Process

How to Create Simple Slideshow Word

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Working with the MS Office Suite may often present forward a need to create a slideshow in Word. Stay here to learn about the easiest ways of making slideshow in MS Word.

In this article

01 [Easy Steps to Create Simple Slideshow Word](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Microsoft Word Slideshow Maker Alternatives](#Part 2)

03 [FAQs of Creating Simple Slideshow Word](#Part 3)

Part 1 Easy Steps to Create Simple Slideshow Word

Slideshow presentations easily land among the commonest forms of information delivery in the corporate sector and business world. Be it a product promotion, or the upcoming inline company strategy, slideshow presentations address it all in the simplest and the most expressive manner.

When the talk is about creating these graphic snippets in the MS Office Suite, the latter’s PowerPoint application is affordably the first tool that comes into the picture. However, you may well be surprised to know that the MS Word application is no less in addressing the aforesaid concern.

Creating slideshow presentations in Microsoft Word comes handy when there is a need to quickly supplement product documentations with expressive and precise graphical explanations. Adding to the credibility, such presentations are easily converted to PDFs for addressing inline export concerns.

Discussing about the same, let us dive into the stepwise process of working towards making slideshow presentations in the Microsoft Word application in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Create an MS Word Slideshow Presentation

Step 1: Launch the Application

To begin creating a Microsoft Word slideshow, start with navigating to the MS Office package in your preferred device and launching the MS Word application.

Step 2: Select the Outline View

Navigate to and hit the ‘View’ tab at the topmost ribbon to select the ‘Outline’ presentation view.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Selecting the ‘Outline’ View

Step 3: Insert Images and Tables

Within the slide navigation pane that appears at the left in the ‘Outline’ view, select the first slide and begin entering your desired text. If you wish to supplement the text with graphic elements, MS Word allows including pictures, tables, clip arts, equations, and many more objects within the slides.

For instance, you can insert an image or graph in a slide by heading to the ‘Insert’ tab in the ribbon at the top and clicking on the ‘Insert Picture from File’ icon. Following this, you will need to browse for the desired image within your device’s gallery and open the same in the presentation you are working at.

Likewise, if you desire to complement the slideshow title with an apt table, click on the ‘Table’ icon within the ‘Insert’ tab. MS Word offers a range of preset table dimensions along with granting you the liberty to include a customized table dimension of your own.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Inserting an Image

Step 4: Some More Decoration Ahead!

When creating a professional slideshow presentation to promote your brand and address a series of likewise concerns, the customary inclusion of tables and images does not seem enough. Rest assured, MS Word is here to help you create an elaborative slideshow with its explanatory charts and decorative clip arts. You will easily find all these elements within the ‘Insert’ tab at the top of the working screen.

To add charts and clip arts in your slideshow, head to and hit the ‘Insert’ tab, followed by selecting the ‘Chart’ and ‘Clip Art’ options respectively, from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Adding Supplementary Presentation Elements

Step 5: Craft the Successive Presentation Slides

When you are done with creating the title slide of your presentation, proceed with crafting the rest of the presentation in a similar manner. While images and the other elements discussed above are a luxury to any version of the MS Word tool you prefer, adding video elements becomes a limitation for the 2007 and 2010 versions of the application.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Creating Successive Slides

If you are working in MS Word versions of 2013 and above, select the ‘Online Video’ option within the ‘Insert’ tab’s dropdown menu. You will henceforth be presented with the ‘Insert Video’ dialog box, where you can choose the most suitable insertion option from the 3 choices available.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Inserting a Video

Step 6: Exporting the Presentation to PowerPoint

When you are done with everything, navigate to the ‘File’ tab in the topmost ribbon and select ‘Options’ from the drop down menu that follows. The ‘Options’ window pops up, wherein you are required to click on the ‘Quick Access Toolbar’.

Making the aforesaid selection will open the ‘Choose Commands From’ menu, where you will have to select the ‘All Commands’ option. In the list of options that appears next, click on the ‘Send to Microsoft PowerPoint’. Lastly, tap ‘OK’ to confirm your choice. The slideshow presentation that you have just created will now be sent to MS PowerPoint.

Part 2 Top 5 Microsoft Word Slideshow Maker Alternatives

While creating slideshow presentations in the MS Word application is quite handy, you may often land across a need to design presentation pieces with advanced customizations that involve an extra bit of detailing. Speaking in the light of high end professional concerns, the MS Word tool may sometimes fall short of meeting the precise and diverse slideshow creation needs.

In such a case, you can conveniently rely on the hoard of online and software based programs available in the IT market as well as across the web. Moving in the line of addressing the most sophisticated slideshow design concerns, let us look through some of the most feasible alternatives to create professionally sound graphic presentations in the following section:

01Icecream Slideshow Maker

The Icecream slideshow maker easily lands among the most reliable and modernized software alternatives to design slideshow presentations with utmost ease. Talking of program interface and user accessibility, the program conveniently earns appreciable scores. Moving ahead, the latter’s elegant workspace transforms the monotonous slideshow design process into a fun activity that you will love to indulge in.

Throwing light on the app’s creation utilities, you are allowed to supplement your presentations with all the latest audio-visual effects and customizations. You can add images, videos and music to the presentations, while choosing to save them either on your device or export to online storage accounts, like, Dropbox, YouTube and Google Drive, or burn to DVDs. You can either use the software for free or prefer a paid subscription to avail the premium features.

Icecream Slideshow Maker

02PhotoStage Slideshow Software

This one is an all-purpose slideshow creator program designed for addressing every creation need ranging from personal, fun-filled entertainment movies to high end professional and business oriented presentations. Talking of customization flexibilities, the software allows you to explore your graphic creativity on the widest canvas with a range of preset templates, audio tracks, transitions, videos, photos and a variety of additional media integrations.

What adds to the usage credibility of this slideshow creator program is the latter’s in-built image editor, which effectively dedicates itself towards adding life to your otherwise customary still captures. You can further, drop all your output quality concerns when working with the aforesaid program as the software has the most expanded range of output features. The software however, comes with a bit outdated interface and is limited to a 30-day free usage.

PhotoStage Slideshow Software

03Slideshow Maker

The 4K slideshow maker is an affordable freeware utility to create image centered presentations. All you need to do is, upload your selected images in the software’s editing timeline and begin a customization spree with the diversity of available effects, features and tools. To mention a few, you can work with selecting the perfect video quality and aspect ratio for the presentation, or make manual adjustments to transition flow and slide screen timings.

When it comes to adding background audio, you can either select a matching music piece from the software’s preset audio library, or pick one from the media gallery of your device in the WAV, MP3, M4A, OGG and other audio formats. The program caters to generate high quality slideshow output in the FLV, M4V, MP4 and AVI file formats. The software however, works to create slideshows exclusively from JPG images and has a series of features that are seldom used.

4K Slideshow Maker

04Proshow Gold

Another entry into the list of alternatives to MS Word slideshow maker is the aforesaid software that comes with a free user access. The program allows you to design high end professional presentations with the longest list of customization features and tools. Working with the program, you can include the most cohesive media integrations within your presentations to create a stunning slideshow.

You can choose between adding the images, music and videos either from your device or import them from social media platforms. The software additionally, permits you to work with the most elusive and integrated slideshow themes and a never ending series of royalty-free music. The program further houses an extensive range of automated utilities that are equally appreciated by beginners and experienced users, however for a limited period free trial.

Proshow Gold Slideshow Creator


Last sin the list is the Kizoa slideshow maker program that is highly appreciated for its user cohesive working interface. The software attempts to guide you at every step of the slideshow creation process with on screen pop-ups that contain tips and tricks for a hassle free working experience with the program. Working with the program, you are allowed to use the vast library of categorized premade templates for creating manual masterpieces of slideshow presentations.

Talking of customization features, you can choose to add images to the presentation, both from your device gallery, or through a Facebook import. The program library has a decent set of 48 transition and 58 image effects to amplify the appearance of the added photos. You can work to modify the image size to a screen fit to ward off blank spaces at the sides.

The slides can further be supplemented with premade music, GIFs and customizable text annotations. The software however, demands an account creation to address slideshow export needs to different media sharing platforms, like, Facebook, YouTube, DVD burning, etc.

Kizoa Slideshow Creator

Part 3 FAQs of Creating Simple Slideshow Word

01What is the 10/20/30 rule of slideshow presentations?

The 10/20/30 rule sets counted limitations on slideshow elements to generate high quality presentation outputs. The rule states that the perfect slideshow presentation consists of a maximum of 10 slides, has a run time of approximately 20 minutes and has minimum font size of 30 points.

02What is the 6 x 6 bullet rule of slideshow presentations?

The 6 x 6 bullet point rule states that you should include a maximum of 6 bullet points within each slide, along with limiting the bullet description to 6 words at the most. Abiding by this rule, your presentations slides will never look cluttered, while you can convey the desired information in a precise manner.

03Why should the presentation slides have a limited amount of text?

Creating a crowded slideshow with a bundled text annotations are a downside to audience interests. Add only essential contents in text, while warding off unnecessary words, lest you may lose the uninterrupted attention of your viewers towards the presentation.

04What is the perfect screen time of each slide within a presentation?

Keeping a slide screen time between 2 to 3 minutes is a smart strategy to captivate viewer attention. To get an appreciable response from the audience, you should aim at coming directly at the point, instead of beating about the bush. In an otherwise case of longer lengths, you may end up distracting your audience.

05What is the affordable word limit of each slide within a presentation?

To ensure a decent and professional look of your slideshow, restrict the latter’s text content to a maximum of 30 words within 6 to 8 lines. Add precise bullet points and avoid including lengthy paragraphs to create an engaging impact on the audience, instead of forcing them to read the presentation content as if it were a news article.

06Creating Microsoft Word Presentations in Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is a professional standard graphic editor package that caters to the most diverse slideshow creation needs with utmost ease. Regardless of the platform you choose to work with for creating a slideshow presentation, the aforesaid program is ready to supplement your artwork with the best and most advanced editing effects and features. When the talk is about creating and editing slideshows in the MS Office Suite, the software easily claims the title of being the best image slider for Wordpress.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Elaborating a bit on the feature rich library of the software program, you get to access a plethora of audio-visual effects and tools, preset presentation themes and templates, background music tracks, transitions and text styles, etc., that combine together to deliver a jaw dropping presentation output. The software greets you with the most interactive, responsive and clean interface to work with and is available absolutely free of cost.

Ending Thoughts

Creating a slideshow presentation in Microsoft Word is quite easy and involves just a few simple steps to design elementary presentation snippets.

Browsing through the software market, you will come across a diversity of slideshow creation tools and applications that are feasible alternatives to the MS Word tool.

When aiming to pick the best slideshow creator program from the hoard of available choices, you can stay with Wondershare Filmora without having to think twice.

Try It Free Try It Free

Working with the MS Office Suite may often present forward a need to create a slideshow in Word. Stay here to learn about the easiest ways of making slideshow in MS Word.

In this article

01 [Easy Steps to Create Simple Slideshow Word](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Microsoft Word Slideshow Maker Alternatives](#Part 2)

03 [FAQs of Creating Simple Slideshow Word](#Part 3)

Part 1 Easy Steps to Create Simple Slideshow Word

Slideshow presentations easily land among the commonest forms of information delivery in the corporate sector and business world. Be it a product promotion, or the upcoming inline company strategy, slideshow presentations address it all in the simplest and the most expressive manner.

When the talk is about creating these graphic snippets in the MS Office Suite, the latter’s PowerPoint application is affordably the first tool that comes into the picture. However, you may well be surprised to know that the MS Word application is no less in addressing the aforesaid concern.

Creating slideshow presentations in Microsoft Word comes handy when there is a need to quickly supplement product documentations with expressive and precise graphical explanations. Adding to the credibility, such presentations are easily converted to PDFs for addressing inline export concerns.

Discussing about the same, let us dive into the stepwise process of working towards making slideshow presentations in the Microsoft Word application in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Create an MS Word Slideshow Presentation

Step 1: Launch the Application

To begin creating a Microsoft Word slideshow, start with navigating to the MS Office package in your preferred device and launching the MS Word application.

Step 2: Select the Outline View

Navigate to and hit the ‘View’ tab at the topmost ribbon to select the ‘Outline’ presentation view.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Selecting the ‘Outline’ View

Step 3: Insert Images and Tables

Within the slide navigation pane that appears at the left in the ‘Outline’ view, select the first slide and begin entering your desired text. If you wish to supplement the text with graphic elements, MS Word allows including pictures, tables, clip arts, equations, and many more objects within the slides.

For instance, you can insert an image or graph in a slide by heading to the ‘Insert’ tab in the ribbon at the top and clicking on the ‘Insert Picture from File’ icon. Following this, you will need to browse for the desired image within your device’s gallery and open the same in the presentation you are working at.

Likewise, if you desire to complement the slideshow title with an apt table, click on the ‘Table’ icon within the ‘Insert’ tab. MS Word offers a range of preset table dimensions along with granting you the liberty to include a customized table dimension of your own.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Inserting an Image

Step 4: Some More Decoration Ahead!

When creating a professional slideshow presentation to promote your brand and address a series of likewise concerns, the customary inclusion of tables and images does not seem enough. Rest assured, MS Word is here to help you create an elaborative slideshow with its explanatory charts and decorative clip arts. You will easily find all these elements within the ‘Insert’ tab at the top of the working screen.

To add charts and clip arts in your slideshow, head to and hit the ‘Insert’ tab, followed by selecting the ‘Chart’ and ‘Clip Art’ options respectively, from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Adding Supplementary Presentation Elements

Step 5: Craft the Successive Presentation Slides

When you are done with creating the title slide of your presentation, proceed with crafting the rest of the presentation in a similar manner. While images and the other elements discussed above are a luxury to any version of the MS Word tool you prefer, adding video elements becomes a limitation for the 2007 and 2010 versions of the application.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Creating Successive Slides

If you are working in MS Word versions of 2013 and above, select the ‘Online Video’ option within the ‘Insert’ tab’s dropdown menu. You will henceforth be presented with the ‘Insert Video’ dialog box, where you can choose the most suitable insertion option from the 3 choices available.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Inserting a Video

Step 6: Exporting the Presentation to PowerPoint

When you are done with everything, navigate to the ‘File’ tab in the topmost ribbon and select ‘Options’ from the drop down menu that follows. The ‘Options’ window pops up, wherein you are required to click on the ‘Quick Access Toolbar’.

Making the aforesaid selection will open the ‘Choose Commands From’ menu, where you will have to select the ‘All Commands’ option. In the list of options that appears next, click on the ‘Send to Microsoft PowerPoint’. Lastly, tap ‘OK’ to confirm your choice. The slideshow presentation that you have just created will now be sent to MS PowerPoint.

Part 2 Top 5 Microsoft Word Slideshow Maker Alternatives

While creating slideshow presentations in the MS Word application is quite handy, you may often land across a need to design presentation pieces with advanced customizations that involve an extra bit of detailing. Speaking in the light of high end professional concerns, the MS Word tool may sometimes fall short of meeting the precise and diverse slideshow creation needs.

In such a case, you can conveniently rely on the hoard of online and software based programs available in the IT market as well as across the web. Moving in the line of addressing the most sophisticated slideshow design concerns, let us look through some of the most feasible alternatives to create professionally sound graphic presentations in the following section:

01Icecream Slideshow Maker

The Icecream slideshow maker easily lands among the most reliable and modernized software alternatives to design slideshow presentations with utmost ease. Talking of program interface and user accessibility, the program conveniently earns appreciable scores. Moving ahead, the latter’s elegant workspace transforms the monotonous slideshow design process into a fun activity that you will love to indulge in.

Throwing light on the app’s creation utilities, you are allowed to supplement your presentations with all the latest audio-visual effects and customizations. You can add images, videos and music to the presentations, while choosing to save them either on your device or export to online storage accounts, like, Dropbox, YouTube and Google Drive, or burn to DVDs. You can either use the software for free or prefer a paid subscription to avail the premium features.

Icecream Slideshow Maker

02PhotoStage Slideshow Software

This one is an all-purpose slideshow creator program designed for addressing every creation need ranging from personal, fun-filled entertainment movies to high end professional and business oriented presentations. Talking of customization flexibilities, the software allows you to explore your graphic creativity on the widest canvas with a range of preset templates, audio tracks, transitions, videos, photos and a variety of additional media integrations.

What adds to the usage credibility of this slideshow creator program is the latter’s in-built image editor, which effectively dedicates itself towards adding life to your otherwise customary still captures. You can further, drop all your output quality concerns when working with the aforesaid program as the software has the most expanded range of output features. The software however, comes with a bit outdated interface and is limited to a 30-day free usage.

PhotoStage Slideshow Software

03Slideshow Maker

The 4K slideshow maker is an affordable freeware utility to create image centered presentations. All you need to do is, upload your selected images in the software’s editing timeline and begin a customization spree with the diversity of available effects, features and tools. To mention a few, you can work with selecting the perfect video quality and aspect ratio for the presentation, or make manual adjustments to transition flow and slide screen timings.

When it comes to adding background audio, you can either select a matching music piece from the software’s preset audio library, or pick one from the media gallery of your device in the WAV, MP3, M4A, OGG and other audio formats. The program caters to generate high quality slideshow output in the FLV, M4V, MP4 and AVI file formats. The software however, works to create slideshows exclusively from JPG images and has a series of features that are seldom used.

4K Slideshow Maker

04Proshow Gold

Another entry into the list of alternatives to MS Word slideshow maker is the aforesaid software that comes with a free user access. The program allows you to design high end professional presentations with the longest list of customization features and tools. Working with the program, you can include the most cohesive media integrations within your presentations to create a stunning slideshow.

You can choose between adding the images, music and videos either from your device or import them from social media platforms. The software additionally, permits you to work with the most elusive and integrated slideshow themes and a never ending series of royalty-free music. The program further houses an extensive range of automated utilities that are equally appreciated by beginners and experienced users, however for a limited period free trial.

Proshow Gold Slideshow Creator


Last sin the list is the Kizoa slideshow maker program that is highly appreciated for its user cohesive working interface. The software attempts to guide you at every step of the slideshow creation process with on screen pop-ups that contain tips and tricks for a hassle free working experience with the program. Working with the program, you are allowed to use the vast library of categorized premade templates for creating manual masterpieces of slideshow presentations.

Talking of customization features, you can choose to add images to the presentation, both from your device gallery, or through a Facebook import. The program library has a decent set of 48 transition and 58 image effects to amplify the appearance of the added photos. You can work to modify the image size to a screen fit to ward off blank spaces at the sides.

The slides can further be supplemented with premade music, GIFs and customizable text annotations. The software however, demands an account creation to address slideshow export needs to different media sharing platforms, like, Facebook, YouTube, DVD burning, etc.

Kizoa Slideshow Creator

Part 3 FAQs of Creating Simple Slideshow Word

01What is the 10/20/30 rule of slideshow presentations?

The 10/20/30 rule sets counted limitations on slideshow elements to generate high quality presentation outputs. The rule states that the perfect slideshow presentation consists of a maximum of 10 slides, has a run time of approximately 20 minutes and has minimum font size of 30 points.

02What is the 6 x 6 bullet rule of slideshow presentations?

The 6 x 6 bullet point rule states that you should include a maximum of 6 bullet points within each slide, along with limiting the bullet description to 6 words at the most. Abiding by this rule, your presentations slides will never look cluttered, while you can convey the desired information in a precise manner.

03Why should the presentation slides have a limited amount of text?

Creating a crowded slideshow with a bundled text annotations are a downside to audience interests. Add only essential contents in text, while warding off unnecessary words, lest you may lose the uninterrupted attention of your viewers towards the presentation.

04What is the perfect screen time of each slide within a presentation?

Keeping a slide screen time between 2 to 3 minutes is a smart strategy to captivate viewer attention. To get an appreciable response from the audience, you should aim at coming directly at the point, instead of beating about the bush. In an otherwise case of longer lengths, you may end up distracting your audience.

05What is the affordable word limit of each slide within a presentation?

To ensure a decent and professional look of your slideshow, restrict the latter’s text content to a maximum of 30 words within 6 to 8 lines. Add precise bullet points and avoid including lengthy paragraphs to create an engaging impact on the audience, instead of forcing them to read the presentation content as if it were a news article.

06Creating Microsoft Word Presentations in Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is a professional standard graphic editor package that caters to the most diverse slideshow creation needs with utmost ease. Regardless of the platform you choose to work with for creating a slideshow presentation, the aforesaid program is ready to supplement your artwork with the best and most advanced editing effects and features. When the talk is about creating and editing slideshows in the MS Office Suite, the software easily claims the title of being the best image slider for Wordpress.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Elaborating a bit on the feature rich library of the software program, you get to access a plethora of audio-visual effects and tools, preset presentation themes and templates, background music tracks, transitions and text styles, etc., that combine together to deliver a jaw dropping presentation output. The software greets you with the most interactive, responsive and clean interface to work with and is available absolutely free of cost.

Ending Thoughts

Creating a slideshow presentation in Microsoft Word is quite easy and involves just a few simple steps to design elementary presentation snippets.

Browsing through the software market, you will come across a diversity of slideshow creation tools and applications that are feasible alternatives to the MS Word tool.

When aiming to pick the best slideshow creator program from the hoard of available choices, you can stay with Wondershare Filmora without having to think twice.

Try It Free Try It Free

Working with the MS Office Suite may often present forward a need to create a slideshow in Word. Stay here to learn about the easiest ways of making slideshow in MS Word.

In this article

01 [Easy Steps to Create Simple Slideshow Word](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Microsoft Word Slideshow Maker Alternatives](#Part 2)

03 [FAQs of Creating Simple Slideshow Word](#Part 3)

Part 1 Easy Steps to Create Simple Slideshow Word

Slideshow presentations easily land among the commonest forms of information delivery in the corporate sector and business world. Be it a product promotion, or the upcoming inline company strategy, slideshow presentations address it all in the simplest and the most expressive manner.

When the talk is about creating these graphic snippets in the MS Office Suite, the latter’s PowerPoint application is affordably the first tool that comes into the picture. However, you may well be surprised to know that the MS Word application is no less in addressing the aforesaid concern.

Creating slideshow presentations in Microsoft Word comes handy when there is a need to quickly supplement product documentations with expressive and precise graphical explanations. Adding to the credibility, such presentations are easily converted to PDFs for addressing inline export concerns.

Discussing about the same, let us dive into the stepwise process of working towards making slideshow presentations in the Microsoft Word application in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Create an MS Word Slideshow Presentation

Step 1: Launch the Application

To begin creating a Microsoft Word slideshow, start with navigating to the MS Office package in your preferred device and launching the MS Word application.

Step 2: Select the Outline View

Navigate to and hit the ‘View’ tab at the topmost ribbon to select the ‘Outline’ presentation view.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Selecting the ‘Outline’ View

Step 3: Insert Images and Tables

Within the slide navigation pane that appears at the left in the ‘Outline’ view, select the first slide and begin entering your desired text. If you wish to supplement the text with graphic elements, MS Word allows including pictures, tables, clip arts, equations, and many more objects within the slides.

For instance, you can insert an image or graph in a slide by heading to the ‘Insert’ tab in the ribbon at the top and clicking on the ‘Insert Picture from File’ icon. Following this, you will need to browse for the desired image within your device’s gallery and open the same in the presentation you are working at.

Likewise, if you desire to complement the slideshow title with an apt table, click on the ‘Table’ icon within the ‘Insert’ tab. MS Word offers a range of preset table dimensions along with granting you the liberty to include a customized table dimension of your own.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Inserting an Image

Step 4: Some More Decoration Ahead!

When creating a professional slideshow presentation to promote your brand and address a series of likewise concerns, the customary inclusion of tables and images does not seem enough. Rest assured, MS Word is here to help you create an elaborative slideshow with its explanatory charts and decorative clip arts. You will easily find all these elements within the ‘Insert’ tab at the top of the working screen.

To add charts and clip arts in your slideshow, head to and hit the ‘Insert’ tab, followed by selecting the ‘Chart’ and ‘Clip Art’ options respectively, from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Adding Supplementary Presentation Elements

Step 5: Craft the Successive Presentation Slides

When you are done with creating the title slide of your presentation, proceed with crafting the rest of the presentation in a similar manner. While images and the other elements discussed above are a luxury to any version of the MS Word tool you prefer, adding video elements becomes a limitation for the 2007 and 2010 versions of the application.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Creating Successive Slides

If you are working in MS Word versions of 2013 and above, select the ‘Online Video’ option within the ‘Insert’ tab’s dropdown menu. You will henceforth be presented with the ‘Insert Video’ dialog box, where you can choose the most suitable insertion option from the 3 choices available.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Inserting a Video

Step 6: Exporting the Presentation to PowerPoint

When you are done with everything, navigate to the ‘File’ tab in the topmost ribbon and select ‘Options’ from the drop down menu that follows. The ‘Options’ window pops up, wherein you are required to click on the ‘Quick Access Toolbar’.

Making the aforesaid selection will open the ‘Choose Commands From’ menu, where you will have to select the ‘All Commands’ option. In the list of options that appears next, click on the ‘Send to Microsoft PowerPoint’. Lastly, tap ‘OK’ to confirm your choice. The slideshow presentation that you have just created will now be sent to MS PowerPoint.

Part 2 Top 5 Microsoft Word Slideshow Maker Alternatives

While creating slideshow presentations in the MS Word application is quite handy, you may often land across a need to design presentation pieces with advanced customizations that involve an extra bit of detailing. Speaking in the light of high end professional concerns, the MS Word tool may sometimes fall short of meeting the precise and diverse slideshow creation needs.

In such a case, you can conveniently rely on the hoard of online and software based programs available in the IT market as well as across the web. Moving in the line of addressing the most sophisticated slideshow design concerns, let us look through some of the most feasible alternatives to create professionally sound graphic presentations in the following section:

01Icecream Slideshow Maker

The Icecream slideshow maker easily lands among the most reliable and modernized software alternatives to design slideshow presentations with utmost ease. Talking of program interface and user accessibility, the program conveniently earns appreciable scores. Moving ahead, the latter’s elegant workspace transforms the monotonous slideshow design process into a fun activity that you will love to indulge in.

Throwing light on the app’s creation utilities, you are allowed to supplement your presentations with all the latest audio-visual effects and customizations. You can add images, videos and music to the presentations, while choosing to save them either on your device or export to online storage accounts, like, Dropbox, YouTube and Google Drive, or burn to DVDs. You can either use the software for free or prefer a paid subscription to avail the premium features.

Icecream Slideshow Maker

02PhotoStage Slideshow Software

This one is an all-purpose slideshow creator program designed for addressing every creation need ranging from personal, fun-filled entertainment movies to high end professional and business oriented presentations. Talking of customization flexibilities, the software allows you to explore your graphic creativity on the widest canvas with a range of preset templates, audio tracks, transitions, videos, photos and a variety of additional media integrations.

What adds to the usage credibility of this slideshow creator program is the latter’s in-built image editor, which effectively dedicates itself towards adding life to your otherwise customary still captures. You can further, drop all your output quality concerns when working with the aforesaid program as the software has the most expanded range of output features. The software however, comes with a bit outdated interface and is limited to a 30-day free usage.

PhotoStage Slideshow Software

03Slideshow Maker

The 4K slideshow maker is an affordable freeware utility to create image centered presentations. All you need to do is, upload your selected images in the software’s editing timeline and begin a customization spree with the diversity of available effects, features and tools. To mention a few, you can work with selecting the perfect video quality and aspect ratio for the presentation, or make manual adjustments to transition flow and slide screen timings.

When it comes to adding background audio, you can either select a matching music piece from the software’s preset audio library, or pick one from the media gallery of your device in the WAV, MP3, M4A, OGG and other audio formats. The program caters to generate high quality slideshow output in the FLV, M4V, MP4 and AVI file formats. The software however, works to create slideshows exclusively from JPG images and has a series of features that are seldom used.

4K Slideshow Maker

04Proshow Gold

Another entry into the list of alternatives to MS Word slideshow maker is the aforesaid software that comes with a free user access. The program allows you to design high end professional presentations with the longest list of customization features and tools. Working with the program, you can include the most cohesive media integrations within your presentations to create a stunning slideshow.

You can choose between adding the images, music and videos either from your device or import them from social media platforms. The software additionally, permits you to work with the most elusive and integrated slideshow themes and a never ending series of royalty-free music. The program further houses an extensive range of automated utilities that are equally appreciated by beginners and experienced users, however for a limited period free trial.

Proshow Gold Slideshow Creator


Last sin the list is the Kizoa slideshow maker program that is highly appreciated for its user cohesive working interface. The software attempts to guide you at every step of the slideshow creation process with on screen pop-ups that contain tips and tricks for a hassle free working experience with the program. Working with the program, you are allowed to use the vast library of categorized premade templates for creating manual masterpieces of slideshow presentations.

Talking of customization features, you can choose to add images to the presentation, both from your device gallery, or through a Facebook import. The program library has a decent set of 48 transition and 58 image effects to amplify the appearance of the added photos. You can work to modify the image size to a screen fit to ward off blank spaces at the sides.

The slides can further be supplemented with premade music, GIFs and customizable text annotations. The software however, demands an account creation to address slideshow export needs to different media sharing platforms, like, Facebook, YouTube, DVD burning, etc.

Kizoa Slideshow Creator

Part 3 FAQs of Creating Simple Slideshow Word

01What is the 10/20/30 rule of slideshow presentations?

The 10/20/30 rule sets counted limitations on slideshow elements to generate high quality presentation outputs. The rule states that the perfect slideshow presentation consists of a maximum of 10 slides, has a run time of approximately 20 minutes and has minimum font size of 30 points.

02What is the 6 x 6 bullet rule of slideshow presentations?

The 6 x 6 bullet point rule states that you should include a maximum of 6 bullet points within each slide, along with limiting the bullet description to 6 words at the most. Abiding by this rule, your presentations slides will never look cluttered, while you can convey the desired information in a precise manner.

03Why should the presentation slides have a limited amount of text?

Creating a crowded slideshow with a bundled text annotations are a downside to audience interests. Add only essential contents in text, while warding off unnecessary words, lest you may lose the uninterrupted attention of your viewers towards the presentation.

04What is the perfect screen time of each slide within a presentation?

Keeping a slide screen time between 2 to 3 minutes is a smart strategy to captivate viewer attention. To get an appreciable response from the audience, you should aim at coming directly at the point, instead of beating about the bush. In an otherwise case of longer lengths, you may end up distracting your audience.

05What is the affordable word limit of each slide within a presentation?

To ensure a decent and professional look of your slideshow, restrict the latter’s text content to a maximum of 30 words within 6 to 8 lines. Add precise bullet points and avoid including lengthy paragraphs to create an engaging impact on the audience, instead of forcing them to read the presentation content as if it were a news article.

06Creating Microsoft Word Presentations in Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is a professional standard graphic editor package that caters to the most diverse slideshow creation needs with utmost ease. Regardless of the platform you choose to work with for creating a slideshow presentation, the aforesaid program is ready to supplement your artwork with the best and most advanced editing effects and features. When the talk is about creating and editing slideshows in the MS Office Suite, the software easily claims the title of being the best image slider for Wordpress.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Elaborating a bit on the feature rich library of the software program, you get to access a plethora of audio-visual effects and tools, preset presentation themes and templates, background music tracks, transitions and text styles, etc., that combine together to deliver a jaw dropping presentation output. The software greets you with the most interactive, responsive and clean interface to work with and is available absolutely free of cost.

Ending Thoughts

Creating a slideshow presentation in Microsoft Word is quite easy and involves just a few simple steps to design elementary presentation snippets.

Browsing through the software market, you will come across a diversity of slideshow creation tools and applications that are feasible alternatives to the MS Word tool.

When aiming to pick the best slideshow creator program from the hoard of available choices, you can stay with Wondershare Filmora without having to think twice.

Try It Free Try It Free

Working with the MS Office Suite may often present forward a need to create a slideshow in Word. Stay here to learn about the easiest ways of making slideshow in MS Word.

In this article

01 [Easy Steps to Create Simple Slideshow Word](#Part 1)

02 [Top 5 Microsoft Word Slideshow Maker Alternatives](#Part 2)

03 [FAQs of Creating Simple Slideshow Word](#Part 3)

Part 1 Easy Steps to Create Simple Slideshow Word

Slideshow presentations easily land among the commonest forms of information delivery in the corporate sector and business world. Be it a product promotion, or the upcoming inline company strategy, slideshow presentations address it all in the simplest and the most expressive manner.

When the talk is about creating these graphic snippets in the MS Office Suite, the latter’s PowerPoint application is affordably the first tool that comes into the picture. However, you may well be surprised to know that the MS Word application is no less in addressing the aforesaid concern.

Creating slideshow presentations in Microsoft Word comes handy when there is a need to quickly supplement product documentations with expressive and precise graphical explanations. Adding to the credibility, such presentations are easily converted to PDFs for addressing inline export concerns.

Discussing about the same, let us dive into the stepwise process of working towards making slideshow presentations in the Microsoft Word application in what follows next:

User’s Guide to Create an MS Word Slideshow Presentation

Step 1: Launch the Application

To begin creating a Microsoft Word slideshow, start with navigating to the MS Office package in your preferred device and launching the MS Word application.

Step 2: Select the Outline View

Navigate to and hit the ‘View’ tab at the topmost ribbon to select the ‘Outline’ presentation view.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Selecting the ‘Outline’ View

Step 3: Insert Images and Tables

Within the slide navigation pane that appears at the left in the ‘Outline’ view, select the first slide and begin entering your desired text. If you wish to supplement the text with graphic elements, MS Word allows including pictures, tables, clip arts, equations, and many more objects within the slides.

For instance, you can insert an image or graph in a slide by heading to the ‘Insert’ tab in the ribbon at the top and clicking on the ‘Insert Picture from File’ icon. Following this, you will need to browse for the desired image within your device’s gallery and open the same in the presentation you are working at.

Likewise, if you desire to complement the slideshow title with an apt table, click on the ‘Table’ icon within the ‘Insert’ tab. MS Word offers a range of preset table dimensions along with granting you the liberty to include a customized table dimension of your own.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Inserting an Image

Step 4: Some More Decoration Ahead!

When creating a professional slideshow presentation to promote your brand and address a series of likewise concerns, the customary inclusion of tables and images does not seem enough. Rest assured, MS Word is here to help you create an elaborative slideshow with its explanatory charts and decorative clip arts. You will easily find all these elements within the ‘Insert’ tab at the top of the working screen.

To add charts and clip arts in your slideshow, head to and hit the ‘Insert’ tab, followed by selecting the ‘Chart’ and ‘Clip Art’ options respectively, from the dropdown menu that appears next.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Adding Supplementary Presentation Elements

Step 5: Craft the Successive Presentation Slides

When you are done with creating the title slide of your presentation, proceed with crafting the rest of the presentation in a similar manner. While images and the other elements discussed above are a luxury to any version of the MS Word tool you prefer, adding video elements becomes a limitation for the 2007 and 2010 versions of the application.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Creating Successive Slides

If you are working in MS Word versions of 2013 and above, select the ‘Online Video’ option within the ‘Insert’ tab’s dropdown menu. You will henceforth be presented with the ‘Insert Video’ dialog box, where you can choose the most suitable insertion option from the 3 choices available.

Creating a Slideshow in MS Word- Inserting a Video

Step 6: Exporting the Presentation to PowerPoint

When you are done with everything, navigate to the ‘File’ tab in the topmost ribbon and select ‘Options’ from the drop down menu that follows. The ‘Options’ window pops up, wherein you are required to click on the ‘Quick Access Toolbar’.

Making the aforesaid selection will open the ‘Choose Commands From’ menu, where you will have to select the ‘All Commands’ option. In the list of options that appears next, click on the ‘Send to Microsoft PowerPoint’. Lastly, tap ‘OK’ to confirm your choice. The slideshow presentation that you have just created will now be sent to MS PowerPoint.

Part 2 Top 5 Microsoft Word Slideshow Maker Alternatives

While creating slideshow presentations in the MS Word application is quite handy, you may often land across a need to design presentation pieces with advanced customizations that involve an extra bit of detailing. Speaking in the light of high end professional concerns, the MS Word tool may sometimes fall short of meeting the precise and diverse slideshow creation needs.

In such a case, you can conveniently rely on the hoard of online and software based programs available in the IT market as well as across the web. Moving in the line of addressing the most sophisticated slideshow design concerns, let us look through some of the most feasible alternatives to create professionally sound graphic presentations in the following section:

01Icecream Slideshow Maker

The Icecream slideshow maker easily lands among the most reliable and modernized software alternatives to design slideshow presentations with utmost ease. Talking of program interface and user accessibility, the program conveniently earns appreciable scores. Moving ahead, the latter’s elegant workspace transforms the monotonous slideshow design process into a fun activity that you will love to indulge in.

Throwing light on the app’s creation utilities, you are allowed to supplement your presentations with all the latest audio-visual effects and customizations. You can add images, videos and music to the presentations, while choosing to save them either on your device or export to online storage accounts, like, Dropbox, YouTube and Google Drive, or burn to DVDs. You can either use the software for free or prefer a paid subscription to avail the premium features.

Icecream Slideshow Maker

02PhotoStage Slideshow Software

This one is an all-purpose slideshow creator program designed for addressing every creation need ranging from personal, fun-filled entertainment movies to high end professional and business oriented presentations. Talking of customization flexibilities, the software allows you to explore your graphic creativity on the widest canvas with a range of preset templates, audio tracks, transitions, videos, photos and a variety of additional media integrations.

What adds to the usage credibility of this slideshow creator program is the latter’s in-built image editor, which effectively dedicates itself towards adding life to your otherwise customary still captures. You can further, drop all your output quality concerns when working with the aforesaid program as the software has the most expanded range of output features. The software however, comes with a bit outdated interface and is limited to a 30-day free usage.

PhotoStage Slideshow Software

03Slideshow Maker

The 4K slideshow maker is an affordable freeware utility to create image centered presentations. All you need to do is, upload your selected images in the software’s editing timeline and begin a customization spree with the diversity of available effects, features and tools. To mention a few, you can work with selecting the perfect video quality and aspect ratio for the presentation, or make manual adjustments to transition flow and slide screen timings.

When it comes to adding background audio, you can either select a matching music piece from the software’s preset audio library, or pick one from the media gallery of your device in the WAV, MP3, M4A, OGG and other audio formats. The program caters to generate high quality slideshow output in the FLV, M4V, MP4 and AVI file formats. The software however, works to create slideshows exclusively from JPG images and has a series of features that are seldom used.

4K Slideshow Maker

04Proshow Gold

Another entry into the list of alternatives to MS Word slideshow maker is the aforesaid software that comes with a free user access. The program allows you to design high end professional presentations with the longest list of customization features and tools. Working with the program, you can include the most cohesive media integrations within your presentations to create a stunning slideshow.

You can choose between adding the images, music and videos either from your device or import them from social media platforms. The software additionally, permits you to work with the most elusive and integrated slideshow themes and a never ending series of royalty-free music. The program further houses an extensive range of automated utilities that are equally appreciated by beginners and experienced users, however for a limited period free trial.

Proshow Gold Slideshow Creator


Last sin the list is the Kizoa slideshow maker program that is highly appreciated for its user cohesive working interface. The software attempts to guide you at every step of the slideshow creation process with on screen pop-ups that contain tips and tricks for a hassle free working experience with the program. Working with the program, you are allowed to use the vast library of categorized premade templates for creating manual masterpieces of slideshow presentations.

Talking of customization features, you can choose to add images to the presentation, both from your device gallery, or through a Facebook import. The program library has a decent set of 48 transition and 58 image effects to amplify the appearance of the added photos. You can work to modify the image size to a screen fit to ward off blank spaces at the sides.

The slides can further be supplemented with premade music, GIFs and customizable text annotations. The software however, demands an account creation to address slideshow export needs to different media sharing platforms, like, Facebook, YouTube, DVD burning, etc.

Kizoa Slideshow Creator

Part 3 FAQs of Creating Simple Slideshow Word

01What is the 10/20/30 rule of slideshow presentations?

The 10/20/30 rule sets counted limitations on slideshow elements to generate high quality presentation outputs. The rule states that the perfect slideshow presentation consists of a maximum of 10 slides, has a run time of approximately 20 minutes and has minimum font size of 30 points.

02What is the 6 x 6 bullet rule of slideshow presentations?

The 6 x 6 bullet point rule states that you should include a maximum of 6 bullet points within each slide, along with limiting the bullet description to 6 words at the most. Abiding by this rule, your presentations slides will never look cluttered, while you can convey the desired information in a precise manner.

03Why should the presentation slides have a limited amount of text?

Creating a crowded slideshow with a bundled text annotations are a downside to audience interests. Add only essential contents in text, while warding off unnecessary words, lest you may lose the uninterrupted attention of your viewers towards the presentation.

04What is the perfect screen time of each slide within a presentation?

Keeping a slide screen time between 2 to 3 minutes is a smart strategy to captivate viewer attention. To get an appreciable response from the audience, you should aim at coming directly at the point, instead of beating about the bush. In an otherwise case of longer lengths, you may end up distracting your audience.

05What is the affordable word limit of each slide within a presentation?

To ensure a decent and professional look of your slideshow, restrict the latter’s text content to a maximum of 30 words within 6 to 8 lines. Add precise bullet points and avoid including lengthy paragraphs to create an engaging impact on the audience, instead of forcing them to read the presentation content as if it were a news article.

06Creating Microsoft Word Presentations in Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora Video Editor is a professional standard graphic editor package that caters to the most diverse slideshow creation needs with utmost ease. Regardless of the platform you choose to work with for creating a slideshow presentation, the aforesaid program is ready to supplement your artwork with the best and most advanced editing effects and features. When the talk is about creating and editing slideshows in the MS Office Suite, the software easily claims the title of being the best image slider for Wordpress.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Elaborating a bit on the feature rich library of the software program, you get to access a plethora of audio-visual effects and tools, preset presentation themes and templates, background music tracks, transitions and text styles, etc., that combine together to deliver a jaw dropping presentation output. The software greets you with the most interactive, responsive and clean interface to work with and is available absolutely free of cost.

Ending Thoughts

Creating a slideshow presentation in Microsoft Word is quite easy and involves just a few simple steps to design elementary presentation snippets.

Browsing through the software market, you will come across a diversity of slideshow creation tools and applications that are feasible alternatives to the MS Word tool.

When aiming to pick the best slideshow creator program from the hoard of available choices, you can stay with Wondershare Filmora without having to think twice.

FLV Editors for Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7: Easily Edit FLV Videos on PC

If you are a streamer or a content creator then you undoubtedly may have come across files having .flv format. FLV stands for “Flash Video”. It is a container file format like .mp4 and .mov. But it isn’t used quite frequently nowadays. They are mainly used for streaming videos. Because it provides compressed video while maintaining the quality and takes less space. It supports codec which is compatible with most of the devices but you may need a flash player to play these files. If you have recently started working with .flv files or need more info about it then read till the end. We have gathered all the necessary information for you in this article.

Being a content creator, you can’t just record videos and publish them directly. Sometimes it requires finishing touches or an entirely new look, for this purpose you need a good editor. And if you are working with .flv files then selecting a good editing software that supports .flv files is important. So, here we have mentioned a list of FLV video editors. You can select one depending on your needs and budget.

Best FLV Editor to Edit FlV Video on Windows and Mac:

  • Wondershare – Filmora:

It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Filmora Video Editor is the most common and versatile editing software in this list that almost every content creator may have used or heard about. It has a lot of professional features used by content creators. It is one of the best video editors for .flv format, if u work with .flv files then you must get your hands on filmora.

Its UI is quite similar to premiere pro which makes it quite easy for people who are looking for premiere pro alternatives. It has hundreds of classy transitions/effects and dozens of unique and useful features but many of them are available on paid version only.

The free version also packs a punch but it is almost useless for most users as it leaves a watermark on the final product. It is good for learning video editing and once you master enough to move forward then you can purchase the pro version or you can start directly on the paid version.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Support a wide range of formats including .flv.
  • Have advanced color grading options.
  • Have standard Motion Tracking feature.
  • Masking and Chroma key.
  • Keyframing and Smooth animation. (Paid version)
  • Speed ramping and Auto Synchronization. (Paid Version)
  • Support industry-standard plugins (like Boris fx).
  • Have a vast stock library.


  • Leaves a watermark on export. (free version)
  • Have playback issues while using 4k videos.
  • Lacks some standard editing features.

*Almost every software has some pros and cons. Remember these are inspected from my point of view. And it can differ from your experience.


Import: Open filmora, a popup will appear, Select desired aspect ratio then click “New Project” to start editing or click “Open Project” to continue your old project.

On the center of the screen, you will see the import window, click it to import .flv file or any other video you want to edit.

edit flv

Edit: Drag the clips on the timeline to start editing. Drag the clips from the corner to trim them. Click the top left icon of the timeline (not the whole screen) to add layers. In the toolbar above the timeline, you will find a bunch of tools, like split, crop, speed ramping, animation e.t.c. Click the red scissors icon on the pointer to split the clip at the desired timestamp.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “edit” icon, then you will see a bunch of icons appear on the top left corner of the screen, These are as follow.

Select the “Video” icon to transform the clip or to do motion tracking, stabilization, chroma-key, Masking, e.t.c. To do Motion tracking, on the playback screen, lock the box on the item you want to track then click “Start Tracking”.

Select the “Audio” icon to apply effects and enhance your audio.

Select the “Color” icon to do fine-tuning and color grading, Select the “3D LUT” option to import a new customized lut. You can find a number of cool luts online.

Select the “Animation” icon to add preset animations or make custom animations by using keyframes.

Select the “Speed” icon to adjust the speed of the clip or to do speed ramping.

Click the “OK” button below to go back to previous tabs.

From there you can add Audio, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Elements, and Stock Media. Simply drag and drop the effects and transition on the clip to apply it. And to use titles and stock media, click and drag them on the timeline to use them.

Export: Click the blue “Export” button. Then choose Desired format and Resolution to export your final product.

More Free FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a .flv video editor to perform some editing tasks without spending any money then read till the end because here we have mentioned some free FLV editors for you.

  • VSDC video editors :

It is available only on Windows.

Despite being free software, it is packed with lots of features. It is a good choice for non-professionals and it can even run on low-end PCs. It supports a wide range of video/audio formats including .flv file. It has dozens of cool effects and tools that can give your videos a new look. It is a non-linear program that makes using layers much easier means you can add layers at any specific time frame and can add layers into layers for complex editing. It also supports 360 and 3D video which can easily be converted into 2D. It has a number of video and audio effects. It is an old yet powerful software which can even run in 19s Pc. Its features are mentioned below.


  • Free Software with no watermark.
  • Can support 4K footages on the latest versions.
  • Can import/export a wide range of formats.
  • Have built-in video and screen capture feature.
  • Has a Non-linear interface that supports multi-layer editing.
  • Have professional features like chroma key and masking.
  • Can convert layers into a sprite (Grouped Sequence) for handling multiple layers easily.


  • Being a free software it has some limitations too.
  • It’s hard to learn for beginners.
  • It still lacks features for a professional creator.
  • Doesn’t support Hardware acceleration.


Import: Open VSDC video editor, from the “Start Project Now” tab click “Blank Project” to start a new project or click “Import Content” to browse video or image files. Then select “Project settings”.

edit flv

Edit: You can add more files by clicking the “Add Object” button on the top left corner. Then drag the file from Object explorer to anywhere on the timeline even on layers. On top of the “Editor Tab”, you can find the necessary tools to split, crop, and rotate the video. Click “Spacebar” to play/pause the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: Click a video on the timeline then select the Effect buttons on top of the “Editor” tab to apply effects to your clip. Then Click the effect on “Object Explorer” to open its properties menu. On the left side of the player, you will find buttons to add text, shapes, e.t.c to the project. On the right side of the screen, you will find the “Basic effects window” where you can do color correction and grading.

Select Multiple Clips then right-click the mouse button and then the “Convert to sprite” button to make a grouped clip (clips within a clip).

Export: Click the “Export Project” button on the top of the screen. Then choose “Media device”, “output video format” and select output destination and quality setup then click “Export Project” to export the video. If you are using the free version of the software, a popup will appear saying “export without premium features”, just click Continue. Now your file is ready to be viewed.

edit flv

  • Shotcut:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It is a free and open-source video editor which is simple and easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners. It doesn’t have any pro version. It is an ideal software to deal with .flv files as it supports a large number of import/export formats. However, it takes some time to understand its UI. After that, it is quite easy to use. It has cool effects and transitions. It has a clean and simple timeline which is not versatile for professionals although it has some complex options to customize your timeline. It has some refined color grading options. Being a free software it has some 360 effects and 3D text which makes it comparatively good as compared to some other free softwares. It can support 4K videos also but lags or crashes sometimes when using 4K clips. All the effects and tools are combined in one tab “Filter” which is a plus point for some users. It also has some good quality audio effects. Some of its features are mentioned below.


  • It is completely free software with no watermark.
  • It has one of the largest file format compatibility.
  • It can support 4K video resolution.
  • It has 3 wheel grading tool and some other color filters.
  • It has standard animation and keyframing features.
  • It has some effects to support 360 videos.


  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as it lacks some useful features.
  • Have issues with playback of 4K videos and sometimes crashes.
  • Doesn’t have a separate text column and lacks some basic text and title effects.
  • Its UI is different from other common video editors and is a bit hard to understand.


Import: Click the “Open file” icon on the top left corner of the window to import files.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop clips on an empty timeline panel to add tracks. Right-click on the left side of the timeline to add a video or an audio track. To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the Scissors icon on the top timeline to split the clip in between.

Click the “Properties” tab above the timeline panel to change the aspect ratio and playback speed of the clip.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Filters” tab above the timeline panel to open the filter menu, Click “+” above it to add filters. Double click a filter to add it to the selected clip, then click the filter to change its properties.

Click the “Keyframes” icon on top of the window to open the Keyframes window. Then click the “Timeline” icon to go back to the previous window.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top of the screen. Select a preset or click the “Advanced” button to change export settings then click “Export File”.

edit flv

  • OpenShot:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

OpenShot is another choice for you if you are looking for a free FLV editor. It is simple and easy to use. Its User Interface is clean and beginner-friendly. It has hundreds of transitions and effects. It has an animated titles option also, which is powered by Blender.


  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Its UI is Beginner friendly.
  • Can support 4K videos.
  • Support a wide range of formats.
  • Have smooth keyframe animation.
  • Is free and has no watermark.


  • Video Playback is a bit laggy.
  • Animated titles are only supported when you have Blender (3d software) installed on your PC.
  • Doesn’t have enough tools for professionals.


Import: Start “OpenShot” then drag and drop files in the project files tab from your file system (or press CTRL + F). Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. There are some basic tools above the tracks in the timeline window. Click “+” to add a new track. Click the scissors icon to split the clip at the desired length. Click the magnet icon to on snapping mode. Click the green marker icon to add markers at desired points during editing.

edit flv

Effects: Above the timeline window you will see a bar containing 4 buttons: Project Files, Transitions, Effects, and Emojis. Drag these elements to add them to the timeline. Effects appear as a small icon on the clip. Right-click the icon then select “Remove Effect” to remove it.

edit flv

Right-click the clip to access more features like keyframe animation, playback speed, e.t.c.

Export: Click the red dot button on the top of the screen to export your video (or press CTRL + E). Select the desired Profile, Format, Quality, and Destination folder then click “Export Video” to export your file.

edit flv

More Paid FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a good flv editor and you are ready to spend some cash on it then we have selected some paid softwares worthy of your investment.

  • Power director 365 (import only):

It is available on both, Windows and Mac.

If you are looking for software to do more than just trimming and cropping the video then Cyberlink Power Director can be the right choice for you. It is packed with dozens of features that professional content creators look for. It has some professional-level plugins also. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

It allows users to import .flv file and edit it like usual but you can’t export it in the same format as it exports videos in few formats only. FLV file is then converted into any of the other supported formats.


Its annual subscription is 69$ which is available at 30% off at 48.99$/year. This offer is valid till 4th May 2022.


  • Can support 4K videos and can import a wide range of file formats.
  • Have Auto Chapter and Subtitle settings.
  • Multi-cam editing.
  • Have hundreds of transitions, effects, and access to thousands of stock footage.
  • Can Group clips for easy editing.
  • Can import presets and color LUTS.


  • It lags sometimes, this issue can be resolved to an extent if you have a powerful PC.
  • Some features are complicated to use.
  • Export settings have fewer file formats as compared to the import file range.


Import: Open Power Director then select the aspect ratio and click “Full Mode” to start the program. Import media files to the media room. Click the “Import Media” icon below the files tab to add more clips.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline. Drop files above or below to add them in layers. Click the icon on the top left corner of the timeline to add a new layer. You can find basic editing tools above the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects and overlay elements are situated at the top left corner of the screen in a vertical bar. Here you will find the Project library, titles, effects, transitions, overlays, e.t.c. Simply just drag and drop on the timeline to use them. Here you can also do audio mixing and add subtitles and chapters.

Double click a clip or an overlay element to open the designer window. Here you can customize the clips and overlays to enhance your project.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the screen then select the desired mode and file format and add a destination then click “Start”.

  • AVS video editor:

If you are looking for a good .flv video editor and are ready to spend some bucks then the AVS video editor is a good choice for you. It is a low-budget software that is simple and easy to use and has some great features. It was my first video editor which I used about 5-6 years ago when I started making videos. It is simple and easy to use. It has some fine features that can fulfill your basic video editing tasks. Has a unique animation trajectory feature, where you can create paths for overlays.


It has two different plans, the first is an annual one which is at 69$ per year and the second one is a lifetime offer for 199$. In a lifetime plan, you can own the software forever. Right now, the software is at a 70% discount(till 30th April 2022) which decreases the price of the annual subscription to 39$ and the purchase price is 59$ this offer makes the software valuable enough to invest in.


  • Its UI is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Can Support 4K videos.
  • Has cool features like video stabilization and a chroma key.
  • Has 300+ effects, transitions, and overlays.
  • Has a storyboard-type editing style also, which is a great feature for some users.
  • Has keyframing and animation trajectory option for overlays.


  • Lacks some commonly used features.
  • It is a decade-old software and needs some new updates to compete with other editing softwares.
  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as you can’t do many customizations.
  • It has only one layer for every element like text, effects, overlays, e.t.c.
  • If hard disk crashes you have to purchase the license again.


Import: Click “Import Media Files” to import clips or click “Open Existing Project” to load previously saved projects. Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. On top of the timeline, you will find a few basic tools like change speed, apply transitions, do color correction, or do video stabilization.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Transition” button above the timeline to apply transitions. Drag and drop transitions between two clips to apply it. Right-click on the transition to change its duration.

Click the “Video Effects” button on top of the timeline, then drag and drop the desired effect on the effects layer and trim it according to your need.

Similarly from the “Text” tab Drag and drop the desired text to the text layer in the timeline. Then select “Edit text” to change the text.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the timeline to open the export window. Select the desired file format and quality then click “next” and then click the “Create” button to export your file.

edit flv

Veed.io: (Online):

If you want to edit FLV videos quickly and don’t want to install any software then Veed.io can be a good choice for you. It is an online FLV video editor that can run on any browser and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile phones. It is a quick and simple method to fulfill your basic video editing needs. It has some amazing and uniques features as compared to other basic video editors. It is a great platform to edit videos anywhere. You can start editing video on your PC and can continue it on your phone if you have to leave your workplace. But these features come at a price as its basic plan has the majority of the features but it leaves a watermark on the final video.


It has 3 different plans depending on your needs. The first one is the “Free Plan” which is almost useless for most users as it creates a watermark. The second one is the “Basic Plan” at 18$/month. While third is the “Pro Plan” at 30$/month which has some more features than the basic plan. You can purchase an annual plan to save up to 33%.

edit flv


  • It is an online platform that makes it easily accessible from any device.
  • It is multi user friendly and is a good choice for team projects.
  • It has a simple and clean interface which is ideal for beginners.
  • It has an Auto subtitle generator + subtitle translator and editor.
  • It has audio to text and video to text features that aren’t found in many other editors.
  • It is compatible with many video and audio formats.


  • It is quite slow as compared to other video editing software.
  • Downloading 4K videos is only available in Pro Plan.
  • It is an online platform, so its data can be breached or leaked, so avoid editing your personal videos on this platform. It can rarely happen but precaution is better than cure.


Import: Click choose FLV File on the home screen then a popup will appear, click “Browse” to upload a file or use a template.

edit flv

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the “Split” button above the timeline to split the clip in between.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects tabs like Text, Elements, Transitions lie on the left side of the screen (on windows). Click an element and it will be added to the timeline, then adjust the settings according to your will.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top right side of the screen. Select a preset or change export settings then click “Export Video”. Soon you will get your final product.

Which Should I choose Free or Paid FLV Editor :

Are you confused to choose the FLV editor for you? Then look for the one that suits your other needs. Like if you want an editor only to crop or trim videos then save your money and go for a free video editor. But if you want some extra features to enhance your workflow or have some cash then go for paid software. For professionals, Power Director 365 or Filmora pro can be a good choice to invest your money in.

~ Some FAQs about FLV Videos:

why is .flv format used?

FLV is basically used to publish or distribute videos on the Internet. Many social platforms and web pages (such as youtube, Hulu, e.t.c.) use .flv files as it provide high-quality synchronized audio and video in compact file size. It was mostly used for embedded videos on these platforms. It is compatible with most browsers and devices even with older phones and computers.

How to play .FLV files?

To play .flv files a flash player is required. Which is pre-installed in almost most of the computers and browsers, if that’s not the case. Then you need a good video player which supports .flv format. Therefore VLC media prayer is a good choice. It is quite easy to use and has some useful features like Speed, Adding subtitles, Audio sync, e.t.c.

Is .flv file easy to edit?

FLV is just a format, It can be edited like any other format. Steps may differ from software to software. But don’t worry as I have mentioned the steps of some popular FLV video editors above.

Can the .flv file be converted?

If you don’t want to stick with the .flv format for long enough and want to switch over to a more convenient format then you can try these converters.

VLC Media Player: Yes, apart from being a video player it can convert video formats. It’s quite easy to use.

Simply Open VLC Media Player >> Click Media tab >> Click “Convert/Save” >> On pop up menu Select “Add” to add file (can add multiple files also) >> Click “Convert/Save” >> Add Destination folder and File Format (to convert in) then click “Start”.

Hand Brake: It is another popular video converter that can convert a .flv file into almost any file format.

Open HandBrake-“Drop a file” screen will appear >> Select the specific file you one to convert >> Select Destination filder >> Click “Start encoding”.

Flv vs Mp4 which is better?

FLV format was quite popular back in 2010 as it provides high-quality compressed video for the internet. It takes less space which makes it easy to download and transfer quickly. Nowadays MP4 format is used more as it is versatile and is compatible with almost all devices like Mobile, PC, TV, e.t.c. FLV uses H.263 codec while MP4 uses codec which provides better quality after compression. Still .flv file is a better choice for streaming platforms as one of the most common software used for streaming is OBS studio and it produces .flv files.

It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Filmora Video Editor is the most common and versatile editing software in this list that almost every content creator may have used or heard about. It has a lot of professional features used by content creators. It is one of the best video editors for .flv format, if u work with .flv files then you must get your hands on filmora.

Its UI is quite similar to premiere pro which makes it quite easy for people who are looking for premiere pro alternatives. It has hundreds of classy transitions/effects and dozens of unique and useful features but many of them are available on paid version only.

The free version also packs a punch but it is almost useless for most users as it leaves a watermark on the final product. It is good for learning video editing and once you master enough to move forward then you can purchase the pro version or you can start directly on the paid version.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Support a wide range of formats including .flv.
  • Have advanced color grading options.
  • Have standard Motion Tracking feature.
  • Masking and Chroma key.
  • Keyframing and Smooth animation. (Paid version)
  • Speed ramping and Auto Synchronization. (Paid Version)
  • Support industry-standard plugins (like Boris fx).
  • Have a vast stock library.


  • Leaves a watermark on export. (free version)
  • Have playback issues while using 4k videos.
  • Lacks some standard editing features.

*Almost every software has some pros and cons. Remember these are inspected from my point of view. And it can differ from your experience.


Import: Open filmora, a popup will appear, Select desired aspect ratio then click “New Project” to start editing or click “Open Project” to continue your old project.

On the center of the screen, you will see the import window, click it to import .flv file or any other video you want to edit.

edit flv

Edit: Drag the clips on the timeline to start editing. Drag the clips from the corner to trim them. Click the top left icon of the timeline (not the whole screen) to add layers. In the toolbar above the timeline, you will find a bunch of tools, like split, crop, speed ramping, animation e.t.c. Click the red scissors icon on the pointer to split the clip at the desired timestamp.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “edit” icon, then you will see a bunch of icons appear on the top left corner of the screen, These are as follow.

Select the “Video” icon to transform the clip or to do motion tracking, stabilization, chroma-key, Masking, e.t.c. To do Motion tracking, on the playback screen, lock the box on the item you want to track then click “Start Tracking”.

Select the “Audio” icon to apply effects and enhance your audio.

Select the “Color” icon to do fine-tuning and color grading, Select the “3D LUT” option to import a new customized lut. You can find a number of cool luts online.

Select the “Animation” icon to add preset animations or make custom animations by using keyframes.

Select the “Speed” icon to adjust the speed of the clip or to do speed ramping.

Click the “OK” button below to go back to previous tabs.

From there you can add Audio, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Elements, and Stock Media. Simply drag and drop the effects and transition on the clip to apply it. And to use titles and stock media, click and drag them on the timeline to use them.

Export: Click the blue “Export” button. Then choose Desired format and Resolution to export your final product.

More Free FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a .flv video editor to perform some editing tasks without spending any money then read till the end because here we have mentioned some free FLV editors for you.

  • VSDC video editors :

It is available only on Windows.

Despite being free software, it is packed with lots of features. It is a good choice for non-professionals and it can even run on low-end PCs. It supports a wide range of video/audio formats including .flv file. It has dozens of cool effects and tools that can give your videos a new look. It is a non-linear program that makes using layers much easier means you can add layers at any specific time frame and can add layers into layers for complex editing. It also supports 360 and 3D video which can easily be converted into 2D. It has a number of video and audio effects. It is an old yet powerful software which can even run in 19s Pc. Its features are mentioned below.


  • Free Software with no watermark.
  • Can support 4K footages on the latest versions.
  • Can import/export a wide range of formats.
  • Have built-in video and screen capture feature.
  • Has a Non-linear interface that supports multi-layer editing.
  • Have professional features like chroma key and masking.
  • Can convert layers into a sprite (Grouped Sequence) for handling multiple layers easily.


  • Being a free software it has some limitations too.
  • It’s hard to learn for beginners.
  • It still lacks features for a professional creator.
  • Doesn’t support Hardware acceleration.


Import: Open VSDC video editor, from the “Start Project Now” tab click “Blank Project” to start a new project or click “Import Content” to browse video or image files. Then select “Project settings”.

edit flv

Edit: You can add more files by clicking the “Add Object” button on the top left corner. Then drag the file from Object explorer to anywhere on the timeline even on layers. On top of the “Editor Tab”, you can find the necessary tools to split, crop, and rotate the video. Click “Spacebar” to play/pause the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: Click a video on the timeline then select the Effect buttons on top of the “Editor” tab to apply effects to your clip. Then Click the effect on “Object Explorer” to open its properties menu. On the left side of the player, you will find buttons to add text, shapes, e.t.c to the project. On the right side of the screen, you will find the “Basic effects window” where you can do color correction and grading.

Select Multiple Clips then right-click the mouse button and then the “Convert to sprite” button to make a grouped clip (clips within a clip).

Export: Click the “Export Project” button on the top of the screen. Then choose “Media device”, “output video format” and select output destination and quality setup then click “Export Project” to export the video. If you are using the free version of the software, a popup will appear saying “export without premium features”, just click Continue. Now your file is ready to be viewed.

edit flv

  • Shotcut:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It is a free and open-source video editor which is simple and easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners. It doesn’t have any pro version. It is an ideal software to deal with .flv files as it supports a large number of import/export formats. However, it takes some time to understand its UI. After that, it is quite easy to use. It has cool effects and transitions. It has a clean and simple timeline which is not versatile for professionals although it has some complex options to customize your timeline. It has some refined color grading options. Being a free software it has some 360 effects and 3D text which makes it comparatively good as compared to some other free softwares. It can support 4K videos also but lags or crashes sometimes when using 4K clips. All the effects and tools are combined in one tab “Filter” which is a plus point for some users. It also has some good quality audio effects. Some of its features are mentioned below.


  • It is completely free software with no watermark.
  • It has one of the largest file format compatibility.
  • It can support 4K video resolution.
  • It has 3 wheel grading tool and some other color filters.
  • It has standard animation and keyframing features.
  • It has some effects to support 360 videos.


  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as it lacks some useful features.
  • Have issues with playback of 4K videos and sometimes crashes.
  • Doesn’t have a separate text column and lacks some basic text and title effects.
  • Its UI is different from other common video editors and is a bit hard to understand.


Import: Click the “Open file” icon on the top left corner of the window to import files.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop clips on an empty timeline panel to add tracks. Right-click on the left side of the timeline to add a video or an audio track. To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the Scissors icon on the top timeline to split the clip in between.

Click the “Properties” tab above the timeline panel to change the aspect ratio and playback speed of the clip.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Filters” tab above the timeline panel to open the filter menu, Click “+” above it to add filters. Double click a filter to add it to the selected clip, then click the filter to change its properties.

Click the “Keyframes” icon on top of the window to open the Keyframes window. Then click the “Timeline” icon to go back to the previous window.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top of the screen. Select a preset or click the “Advanced” button to change export settings then click “Export File”.

edit flv

  • OpenShot:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

OpenShot is another choice for you if you are looking for a free FLV editor. It is simple and easy to use. Its User Interface is clean and beginner-friendly. It has hundreds of transitions and effects. It has an animated titles option also, which is powered by Blender.


  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Its UI is Beginner friendly.
  • Can support 4K videos.
  • Support a wide range of formats.
  • Have smooth keyframe animation.
  • Is free and has no watermark.


  • Video Playback is a bit laggy.
  • Animated titles are only supported when you have Blender (3d software) installed on your PC.
  • Doesn’t have enough tools for professionals.


Import: Start “OpenShot” then drag and drop files in the project files tab from your file system (or press CTRL + F). Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. There are some basic tools above the tracks in the timeline window. Click “+” to add a new track. Click the scissors icon to split the clip at the desired length. Click the magnet icon to on snapping mode. Click the green marker icon to add markers at desired points during editing.

edit flv

Effects: Above the timeline window you will see a bar containing 4 buttons: Project Files, Transitions, Effects, and Emojis. Drag these elements to add them to the timeline. Effects appear as a small icon on the clip. Right-click the icon then select “Remove Effect” to remove it.

edit flv

Right-click the clip to access more features like keyframe animation, playback speed, e.t.c.

Export: Click the red dot button on the top of the screen to export your video (or press CTRL + E). Select the desired Profile, Format, Quality, and Destination folder then click “Export Video” to export your file.

edit flv

More Paid FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a good flv editor and you are ready to spend some cash on it then we have selected some paid softwares worthy of your investment.

  • Power director 365 (import only):

It is available on both, Windows and Mac.

If you are looking for software to do more than just trimming and cropping the video then Cyberlink Power Director can be the right choice for you. It is packed with dozens of features that professional content creators look for. It has some professional-level plugins also. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

It allows users to import .flv file and edit it like usual but you can’t export it in the same format as it exports videos in few formats only. FLV file is then converted into any of the other supported formats.


Its annual subscription is 69$ which is available at 30% off at 48.99$/year. This offer is valid till 4th May 2022.


  • Can support 4K videos and can import a wide range of file formats.
  • Have Auto Chapter and Subtitle settings.
  • Multi-cam editing.
  • Have hundreds of transitions, effects, and access to thousands of stock footage.
  • Can Group clips for easy editing.
  • Can import presets and color LUTS.


  • It lags sometimes, this issue can be resolved to an extent if you have a powerful PC.
  • Some features are complicated to use.
  • Export settings have fewer file formats as compared to the import file range.


Import: Open Power Director then select the aspect ratio and click “Full Mode” to start the program. Import media files to the media room. Click the “Import Media” icon below the files tab to add more clips.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline. Drop files above or below to add them in layers. Click the icon on the top left corner of the timeline to add a new layer. You can find basic editing tools above the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects and overlay elements are situated at the top left corner of the screen in a vertical bar. Here you will find the Project library, titles, effects, transitions, overlays, e.t.c. Simply just drag and drop on the timeline to use them. Here you can also do audio mixing and add subtitles and chapters.

Double click a clip or an overlay element to open the designer window. Here you can customize the clips and overlays to enhance your project.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the screen then select the desired mode and file format and add a destination then click “Start”.

  • AVS video editor:

If you are looking for a good .flv video editor and are ready to spend some bucks then the AVS video editor is a good choice for you. It is a low-budget software that is simple and easy to use and has some great features. It was my first video editor which I used about 5-6 years ago when I started making videos. It is simple and easy to use. It has some fine features that can fulfill your basic video editing tasks. Has a unique animation trajectory feature, where you can create paths for overlays.


It has two different plans, the first is an annual one which is at 69$ per year and the second one is a lifetime offer for 199$. In a lifetime plan, you can own the software forever. Right now, the software is at a 70% discount(till 30th April 2022) which decreases the price of the annual subscription to 39$ and the purchase price is 59$ this offer makes the software valuable enough to invest in.


  • Its UI is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Can Support 4K videos.
  • Has cool features like video stabilization and a chroma key.
  • Has 300+ effects, transitions, and overlays.
  • Has a storyboard-type editing style also, which is a great feature for some users.
  • Has keyframing and animation trajectory option for overlays.


  • Lacks some commonly used features.
  • It is a decade-old software and needs some new updates to compete with other editing softwares.
  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as you can’t do many customizations.
  • It has only one layer for every element like text, effects, overlays, e.t.c.
  • If hard disk crashes you have to purchase the license again.


Import: Click “Import Media Files” to import clips or click “Open Existing Project” to load previously saved projects. Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. On top of the timeline, you will find a few basic tools like change speed, apply transitions, do color correction, or do video stabilization.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Transition” button above the timeline to apply transitions. Drag and drop transitions between two clips to apply it. Right-click on the transition to change its duration.

Click the “Video Effects” button on top of the timeline, then drag and drop the desired effect on the effects layer and trim it according to your need.

Similarly from the “Text” tab Drag and drop the desired text to the text layer in the timeline. Then select “Edit text” to change the text.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the timeline to open the export window. Select the desired file format and quality then click “next” and then click the “Create” button to export your file.

edit flv

Veed.io: (Online):

If you want to edit FLV videos quickly and don’t want to install any software then Veed.io can be a good choice for you. It is an online FLV video editor that can run on any browser and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile phones. It is a quick and simple method to fulfill your basic video editing needs. It has some amazing and uniques features as compared to other basic video editors. It is a great platform to edit videos anywhere. You can start editing video on your PC and can continue it on your phone if you have to leave your workplace. But these features come at a price as its basic plan has the majority of the features but it leaves a watermark on the final video.


It has 3 different plans depending on your needs. The first one is the “Free Plan” which is almost useless for most users as it creates a watermark. The second one is the “Basic Plan” at 18$/month. While third is the “Pro Plan” at 30$/month which has some more features than the basic plan. You can purchase an annual plan to save up to 33%.

edit flv


  • It is an online platform that makes it easily accessible from any device.
  • It is multi user friendly and is a good choice for team projects.
  • It has a simple and clean interface which is ideal for beginners.
  • It has an Auto subtitle generator + subtitle translator and editor.
  • It has audio to text and video to text features that aren’t found in many other editors.
  • It is compatible with many video and audio formats.


  • It is quite slow as compared to other video editing software.
  • Downloading 4K videos is only available in Pro Plan.
  • It is an online platform, so its data can be breached or leaked, so avoid editing your personal videos on this platform. It can rarely happen but precaution is better than cure.


Import: Click choose FLV File on the home screen then a popup will appear, click “Browse” to upload a file or use a template.

edit flv

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the “Split” button above the timeline to split the clip in between.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects tabs like Text, Elements, Transitions lie on the left side of the screen (on windows). Click an element and it will be added to the timeline, then adjust the settings according to your will.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top right side of the screen. Select a preset or change export settings then click “Export Video”. Soon you will get your final product.

Which Should I choose Free or Paid FLV Editor :

Are you confused to choose the FLV editor for you? Then look for the one that suits your other needs. Like if you want an editor only to crop or trim videos then save your money and go for a free video editor. But if you want some extra features to enhance your workflow or have some cash then go for paid software. For professionals, Power Director 365 or Filmora pro can be a good choice to invest your money in.

~ Some FAQs about FLV Videos:

why is .flv format used?

FLV is basically used to publish or distribute videos on the Internet. Many social platforms and web pages (such as youtube, Hulu, e.t.c.) use .flv files as it provide high-quality synchronized audio and video in compact file size. It was mostly used for embedded videos on these platforms. It is compatible with most browsers and devices even with older phones and computers.

How to play .FLV files?

To play .flv files a flash player is required. Which is pre-installed in almost most of the computers and browsers, if that’s not the case. Then you need a good video player which supports .flv format. Therefore VLC media prayer is a good choice. It is quite easy to use and has some useful features like Speed, Adding subtitles, Audio sync, e.t.c.

Is .flv file easy to edit?

FLV is just a format, It can be edited like any other format. Steps may differ from software to software. But don’t worry as I have mentioned the steps of some popular FLV video editors above.

Can the .flv file be converted?

If you don’t want to stick with the .flv format for long enough and want to switch over to a more convenient format then you can try these converters.

VLC Media Player: Yes, apart from being a video player it can convert video formats. It’s quite easy to use.

Simply Open VLC Media Player >> Click Media tab >> Click “Convert/Save” >> On pop up menu Select “Add” to add file (can add multiple files also) >> Click “Convert/Save” >> Add Destination folder and File Format (to convert in) then click “Start”.

Hand Brake: It is another popular video converter that can convert a .flv file into almost any file format.

Open HandBrake-“Drop a file” screen will appear >> Select the specific file you one to convert >> Select Destination filder >> Click “Start encoding”.

Flv vs Mp4 which is better?

FLV format was quite popular back in 2010 as it provides high-quality compressed video for the internet. It takes less space which makes it easy to download and transfer quickly. Nowadays MP4 format is used more as it is versatile and is compatible with almost all devices like Mobile, PC, TV, e.t.c. FLV uses H.263 codec while MP4 uses codec which provides better quality after compression. Still .flv file is a better choice for streaming platforms as one of the most common software used for streaming is OBS studio and it produces .flv files.

It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Filmora Video Editor is the most common and versatile editing software in this list that almost every content creator may have used or heard about. It has a lot of professional features used by content creators. It is one of the best video editors for .flv format, if u work with .flv files then you must get your hands on filmora.

Its UI is quite similar to premiere pro which makes it quite easy for people who are looking for premiere pro alternatives. It has hundreds of classy transitions/effects and dozens of unique and useful features but many of them are available on paid version only.

The free version also packs a punch but it is almost useless for most users as it leaves a watermark on the final product. It is good for learning video editing and once you master enough to move forward then you can purchase the pro version or you can start directly on the paid version.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Support a wide range of formats including .flv.
  • Have advanced color grading options.
  • Have standard Motion Tracking feature.
  • Masking and Chroma key.
  • Keyframing and Smooth animation. (Paid version)
  • Speed ramping and Auto Synchronization. (Paid Version)
  • Support industry-standard plugins (like Boris fx).
  • Have a vast stock library.


  • Leaves a watermark on export. (free version)
  • Have playback issues while using 4k videos.
  • Lacks some standard editing features.

*Almost every software has some pros and cons. Remember these are inspected from my point of view. And it can differ from your experience.


Import: Open filmora, a popup will appear, Select desired aspect ratio then click “New Project” to start editing or click “Open Project” to continue your old project.

On the center of the screen, you will see the import window, click it to import .flv file or any other video you want to edit.

edit flv

Edit: Drag the clips on the timeline to start editing. Drag the clips from the corner to trim them. Click the top left icon of the timeline (not the whole screen) to add layers. In the toolbar above the timeline, you will find a bunch of tools, like split, crop, speed ramping, animation e.t.c. Click the red scissors icon on the pointer to split the clip at the desired timestamp.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “edit” icon, then you will see a bunch of icons appear on the top left corner of the screen, These are as follow.

Select the “Video” icon to transform the clip or to do motion tracking, stabilization, chroma-key, Masking, e.t.c. To do Motion tracking, on the playback screen, lock the box on the item you want to track then click “Start Tracking”.

Select the “Audio” icon to apply effects and enhance your audio.

Select the “Color” icon to do fine-tuning and color grading, Select the “3D LUT” option to import a new customized lut. You can find a number of cool luts online.

Select the “Animation” icon to add preset animations or make custom animations by using keyframes.

Select the “Speed” icon to adjust the speed of the clip or to do speed ramping.

Click the “OK” button below to go back to previous tabs.

From there you can add Audio, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Elements, and Stock Media. Simply drag and drop the effects and transition on the clip to apply it. And to use titles and stock media, click and drag them on the timeline to use them.

Export: Click the blue “Export” button. Then choose Desired format and Resolution to export your final product.

More Free FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a .flv video editor to perform some editing tasks without spending any money then read till the end because here we have mentioned some free FLV editors for you.

  • VSDC video editors :

It is available only on Windows.

Despite being free software, it is packed with lots of features. It is a good choice for non-professionals and it can even run on low-end PCs. It supports a wide range of video/audio formats including .flv file. It has dozens of cool effects and tools that can give your videos a new look. It is a non-linear program that makes using layers much easier means you can add layers at any specific time frame and can add layers into layers for complex editing. It also supports 360 and 3D video which can easily be converted into 2D. It has a number of video and audio effects. It is an old yet powerful software which can even run in 19s Pc. Its features are mentioned below.


  • Free Software with no watermark.
  • Can support 4K footages on the latest versions.
  • Can import/export a wide range of formats.
  • Have built-in video and screen capture feature.
  • Has a Non-linear interface that supports multi-layer editing.
  • Have professional features like chroma key and masking.
  • Can convert layers into a sprite (Grouped Sequence) for handling multiple layers easily.


  • Being a free software it has some limitations too.
  • It’s hard to learn for beginners.
  • It still lacks features for a professional creator.
  • Doesn’t support Hardware acceleration.


Import: Open VSDC video editor, from the “Start Project Now” tab click “Blank Project” to start a new project or click “Import Content” to browse video or image files. Then select “Project settings”.

edit flv

Edit: You can add more files by clicking the “Add Object” button on the top left corner. Then drag the file from Object explorer to anywhere on the timeline even on layers. On top of the “Editor Tab”, you can find the necessary tools to split, crop, and rotate the video. Click “Spacebar” to play/pause the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: Click a video on the timeline then select the Effect buttons on top of the “Editor” tab to apply effects to your clip. Then Click the effect on “Object Explorer” to open its properties menu. On the left side of the player, you will find buttons to add text, shapes, e.t.c to the project. On the right side of the screen, you will find the “Basic effects window” where you can do color correction and grading.

Select Multiple Clips then right-click the mouse button and then the “Convert to sprite” button to make a grouped clip (clips within a clip).

Export: Click the “Export Project” button on the top of the screen. Then choose “Media device”, “output video format” and select output destination and quality setup then click “Export Project” to export the video. If you are using the free version of the software, a popup will appear saying “export without premium features”, just click Continue. Now your file is ready to be viewed.

edit flv

  • Shotcut:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It is a free and open-source video editor which is simple and easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners. It doesn’t have any pro version. It is an ideal software to deal with .flv files as it supports a large number of import/export formats. However, it takes some time to understand its UI. After that, it is quite easy to use. It has cool effects and transitions. It has a clean and simple timeline which is not versatile for professionals although it has some complex options to customize your timeline. It has some refined color grading options. Being a free software it has some 360 effects and 3D text which makes it comparatively good as compared to some other free softwares. It can support 4K videos also but lags or crashes sometimes when using 4K clips. All the effects and tools are combined in one tab “Filter” which is a plus point for some users. It also has some good quality audio effects. Some of its features are mentioned below.


  • It is completely free software with no watermark.
  • It has one of the largest file format compatibility.
  • It can support 4K video resolution.
  • It has 3 wheel grading tool and some other color filters.
  • It has standard animation and keyframing features.
  • It has some effects to support 360 videos.


  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as it lacks some useful features.
  • Have issues with playback of 4K videos and sometimes crashes.
  • Doesn’t have a separate text column and lacks some basic text and title effects.
  • Its UI is different from other common video editors and is a bit hard to understand.


Import: Click the “Open file” icon on the top left corner of the window to import files.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop clips on an empty timeline panel to add tracks. Right-click on the left side of the timeline to add a video or an audio track. To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the Scissors icon on the top timeline to split the clip in between.

Click the “Properties” tab above the timeline panel to change the aspect ratio and playback speed of the clip.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Filters” tab above the timeline panel to open the filter menu, Click “+” above it to add filters. Double click a filter to add it to the selected clip, then click the filter to change its properties.

Click the “Keyframes” icon on top of the window to open the Keyframes window. Then click the “Timeline” icon to go back to the previous window.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top of the screen. Select a preset or click the “Advanced” button to change export settings then click “Export File”.

edit flv

  • OpenShot:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

OpenShot is another choice for you if you are looking for a free FLV editor. It is simple and easy to use. Its User Interface is clean and beginner-friendly. It has hundreds of transitions and effects. It has an animated titles option also, which is powered by Blender.


  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Its UI is Beginner friendly.
  • Can support 4K videos.
  • Support a wide range of formats.
  • Have smooth keyframe animation.
  • Is free and has no watermark.


  • Video Playback is a bit laggy.
  • Animated titles are only supported when you have Blender (3d software) installed on your PC.
  • Doesn’t have enough tools for professionals.


Import: Start “OpenShot” then drag and drop files in the project files tab from your file system (or press CTRL + F). Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. There are some basic tools above the tracks in the timeline window. Click “+” to add a new track. Click the scissors icon to split the clip at the desired length. Click the magnet icon to on snapping mode. Click the green marker icon to add markers at desired points during editing.

edit flv

Effects: Above the timeline window you will see a bar containing 4 buttons: Project Files, Transitions, Effects, and Emojis. Drag these elements to add them to the timeline. Effects appear as a small icon on the clip. Right-click the icon then select “Remove Effect” to remove it.

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Right-click the clip to access more features like keyframe animation, playback speed, e.t.c.

Export: Click the red dot button on the top of the screen to export your video (or press CTRL + E). Select the desired Profile, Format, Quality, and Destination folder then click “Export Video” to export your file.

edit flv

More Paid FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a good flv editor and you are ready to spend some cash on it then we have selected some paid softwares worthy of your investment.

  • Power director 365 (import only):

It is available on both, Windows and Mac.

If you are looking for software to do more than just trimming and cropping the video then Cyberlink Power Director can be the right choice for you. It is packed with dozens of features that professional content creators look for. It has some professional-level plugins also. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

It allows users to import .flv file and edit it like usual but you can’t export it in the same format as it exports videos in few formats only. FLV file is then converted into any of the other supported formats.


Its annual subscription is 69$ which is available at 30% off at 48.99$/year. This offer is valid till 4th May 2022.


  • Can support 4K videos and can import a wide range of file formats.
  • Have Auto Chapter and Subtitle settings.
  • Multi-cam editing.
  • Have hundreds of transitions, effects, and access to thousands of stock footage.
  • Can Group clips for easy editing.
  • Can import presets and color LUTS.


  • It lags sometimes, this issue can be resolved to an extent if you have a powerful PC.
  • Some features are complicated to use.
  • Export settings have fewer file formats as compared to the import file range.


Import: Open Power Director then select the aspect ratio and click “Full Mode” to start the program. Import media files to the media room. Click the “Import Media” icon below the files tab to add more clips.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline. Drop files above or below to add them in layers. Click the icon on the top left corner of the timeline to add a new layer. You can find basic editing tools above the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects and overlay elements are situated at the top left corner of the screen in a vertical bar. Here you will find the Project library, titles, effects, transitions, overlays, e.t.c. Simply just drag and drop on the timeline to use them. Here you can also do audio mixing and add subtitles and chapters.

Double click a clip or an overlay element to open the designer window. Here you can customize the clips and overlays to enhance your project.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the screen then select the desired mode and file format and add a destination then click “Start”.

  • AVS video editor:

If you are looking for a good .flv video editor and are ready to spend some bucks then the AVS video editor is a good choice for you. It is a low-budget software that is simple and easy to use and has some great features. It was my first video editor which I used about 5-6 years ago when I started making videos. It is simple and easy to use. It has some fine features that can fulfill your basic video editing tasks. Has a unique animation trajectory feature, where you can create paths for overlays.


It has two different plans, the first is an annual one which is at 69$ per year and the second one is a lifetime offer for 199$. In a lifetime plan, you can own the software forever. Right now, the software is at a 70% discount(till 30th April 2022) which decreases the price of the annual subscription to 39$ and the purchase price is 59$ this offer makes the software valuable enough to invest in.


  • Its UI is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Can Support 4K videos.
  • Has cool features like video stabilization and a chroma key.
  • Has 300+ effects, transitions, and overlays.
  • Has a storyboard-type editing style also, which is a great feature for some users.
  • Has keyframing and animation trajectory option for overlays.


  • Lacks some commonly used features.
  • It is a decade-old software and needs some new updates to compete with other editing softwares.
  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as you can’t do many customizations.
  • It has only one layer for every element like text, effects, overlays, e.t.c.
  • If hard disk crashes you have to purchase the license again.


Import: Click “Import Media Files” to import clips or click “Open Existing Project” to load previously saved projects. Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. On top of the timeline, you will find a few basic tools like change speed, apply transitions, do color correction, or do video stabilization.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Transition” button above the timeline to apply transitions. Drag and drop transitions between two clips to apply it. Right-click on the transition to change its duration.

Click the “Video Effects” button on top of the timeline, then drag and drop the desired effect on the effects layer and trim it according to your need.

Similarly from the “Text” tab Drag and drop the desired text to the text layer in the timeline. Then select “Edit text” to change the text.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the timeline to open the export window. Select the desired file format and quality then click “next” and then click the “Create” button to export your file.

edit flv

Veed.io: (Online):

If you want to edit FLV videos quickly and don’t want to install any software then Veed.io can be a good choice for you. It is an online FLV video editor that can run on any browser and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile phones. It is a quick and simple method to fulfill your basic video editing needs. It has some amazing and uniques features as compared to other basic video editors. It is a great platform to edit videos anywhere. You can start editing video on your PC and can continue it on your phone if you have to leave your workplace. But these features come at a price as its basic plan has the majority of the features but it leaves a watermark on the final video.


It has 3 different plans depending on your needs. The first one is the “Free Plan” which is almost useless for most users as it creates a watermark. The second one is the “Basic Plan” at 18$/month. While third is the “Pro Plan” at 30$/month which has some more features than the basic plan. You can purchase an annual plan to save up to 33%.

edit flv


  • It is an online platform that makes it easily accessible from any device.
  • It is multi user friendly and is a good choice for team projects.
  • It has a simple and clean interface which is ideal for beginners.
  • It has an Auto subtitle generator + subtitle translator and editor.
  • It has audio to text and video to text features that aren’t found in many other editors.
  • It is compatible with many video and audio formats.


  • It is quite slow as compared to other video editing software.
  • Downloading 4K videos is only available in Pro Plan.
  • It is an online platform, so its data can be breached or leaked, so avoid editing your personal videos on this platform. It can rarely happen but precaution is better than cure.


Import: Click choose FLV File on the home screen then a popup will appear, click “Browse” to upload a file or use a template.

edit flv

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the “Split” button above the timeline to split the clip in between.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects tabs like Text, Elements, Transitions lie on the left side of the screen (on windows). Click an element and it will be added to the timeline, then adjust the settings according to your will.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top right side of the screen. Select a preset or change export settings then click “Export Video”. Soon you will get your final product.

Which Should I choose Free or Paid FLV Editor :

Are you confused to choose the FLV editor for you? Then look for the one that suits your other needs. Like if you want an editor only to crop or trim videos then save your money and go for a free video editor. But if you want some extra features to enhance your workflow or have some cash then go for paid software. For professionals, Power Director 365 or Filmora pro can be a good choice to invest your money in.

~ Some FAQs about FLV Videos:

why is .flv format used?

FLV is basically used to publish or distribute videos on the Internet. Many social platforms and web pages (such as youtube, Hulu, e.t.c.) use .flv files as it provide high-quality synchronized audio and video in compact file size. It was mostly used for embedded videos on these platforms. It is compatible with most browsers and devices even with older phones and computers.

How to play .FLV files?

To play .flv files a flash player is required. Which is pre-installed in almost most of the computers and browsers, if that’s not the case. Then you need a good video player which supports .flv format. Therefore VLC media prayer is a good choice. It is quite easy to use and has some useful features like Speed, Adding subtitles, Audio sync, e.t.c.

Is .flv file easy to edit?

FLV is just a format, It can be edited like any other format. Steps may differ from software to software. But don’t worry as I have mentioned the steps of some popular FLV video editors above.

Can the .flv file be converted?

If you don’t want to stick with the .flv format for long enough and want to switch over to a more convenient format then you can try these converters.

VLC Media Player: Yes, apart from being a video player it can convert video formats. It’s quite easy to use.

Simply Open VLC Media Player >> Click Media tab >> Click “Convert/Save” >> On pop up menu Select “Add” to add file (can add multiple files also) >> Click “Convert/Save” >> Add Destination folder and File Format (to convert in) then click “Start”.

Hand Brake: It is another popular video converter that can convert a .flv file into almost any file format.

Open HandBrake-“Drop a file” screen will appear >> Select the specific file you one to convert >> Select Destination filder >> Click “Start encoding”.

Flv vs Mp4 which is better?

FLV format was quite popular back in 2010 as it provides high-quality compressed video for the internet. It takes less space which makes it easy to download and transfer quickly. Nowadays MP4 format is used more as it is versatile and is compatible with almost all devices like Mobile, PC, TV, e.t.c. FLV uses H.263 codec while MP4 uses codec which provides better quality after compression. Still .flv file is a better choice for streaming platforms as one of the most common software used for streaming is OBS studio and it produces .flv files.

It is available for both Windows and Mac.

Filmora Video Editor is the most common and versatile editing software in this list that almost every content creator may have used or heard about. It has a lot of professional features used by content creators. It is one of the best video editors for .flv format, if u work with .flv files then you must get your hands on filmora.

Its UI is quite similar to premiere pro which makes it quite easy for people who are looking for premiere pro alternatives. It has hundreds of classy transitions/effects and dozens of unique and useful features but many of them are available on paid version only.

The free version also packs a punch but it is almost useless for most users as it leaves a watermark on the final product. It is good for learning video editing and once you master enough to move forward then you can purchase the pro version or you can start directly on the paid version.

Free Download

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Free Download

For macOS 10.14 or later


  • Support a wide range of formats including .flv.
  • Have advanced color grading options.
  • Have standard Motion Tracking feature.
  • Masking and Chroma key.
  • Keyframing and Smooth animation. (Paid version)
  • Speed ramping and Auto Synchronization. (Paid Version)
  • Support industry-standard plugins (like Boris fx).
  • Have a vast stock library.


  • Leaves a watermark on export. (free version)
  • Have playback issues while using 4k videos.
  • Lacks some standard editing features.

*Almost every software has some pros and cons. Remember these are inspected from my point of view. And it can differ from your experience.


Import: Open filmora, a popup will appear, Select desired aspect ratio then click “New Project” to start editing or click “Open Project” to continue your old project.

On the center of the screen, you will see the import window, click it to import .flv file or any other video you want to edit.

edit flv

Edit: Drag the clips on the timeline to start editing. Drag the clips from the corner to trim them. Click the top left icon of the timeline (not the whole screen) to add layers. In the toolbar above the timeline, you will find a bunch of tools, like split, crop, speed ramping, animation e.t.c. Click the red scissors icon on the pointer to split the clip at the desired timestamp.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “edit” icon, then you will see a bunch of icons appear on the top left corner of the screen, These are as follow.

Select the “Video” icon to transform the clip or to do motion tracking, stabilization, chroma-key, Masking, e.t.c. To do Motion tracking, on the playback screen, lock the box on the item you want to track then click “Start Tracking”.

Select the “Audio” icon to apply effects and enhance your audio.

Select the “Color” icon to do fine-tuning and color grading, Select the “3D LUT” option to import a new customized lut. You can find a number of cool luts online.

Select the “Animation” icon to add preset animations or make custom animations by using keyframes.

Select the “Speed” icon to adjust the speed of the clip or to do speed ramping.

Click the “OK” button below to go back to previous tabs.

From there you can add Audio, Titles, Transitions, Effects, Elements, and Stock Media. Simply drag and drop the effects and transition on the clip to apply it. And to use titles and stock media, click and drag them on the timeline to use them.

Export: Click the blue “Export” button. Then choose Desired format and Resolution to export your final product.

More Free FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a .flv video editor to perform some editing tasks without spending any money then read till the end because here we have mentioned some free FLV editors for you.

  • VSDC video editors :

It is available only on Windows.

Despite being free software, it is packed with lots of features. It is a good choice for non-professionals and it can even run on low-end PCs. It supports a wide range of video/audio formats including .flv file. It has dozens of cool effects and tools that can give your videos a new look. It is a non-linear program that makes using layers much easier means you can add layers at any specific time frame and can add layers into layers for complex editing. It also supports 360 and 3D video which can easily be converted into 2D. It has a number of video and audio effects. It is an old yet powerful software which can even run in 19s Pc. Its features are mentioned below.


  • Free Software with no watermark.
  • Can support 4K footages on the latest versions.
  • Can import/export a wide range of formats.
  • Have built-in video and screen capture feature.
  • Has a Non-linear interface that supports multi-layer editing.
  • Have professional features like chroma key and masking.
  • Can convert layers into a sprite (Grouped Sequence) for handling multiple layers easily.


  • Being a free software it has some limitations too.
  • It’s hard to learn for beginners.
  • It still lacks features for a professional creator.
  • Doesn’t support Hardware acceleration.


Import: Open VSDC video editor, from the “Start Project Now” tab click “Blank Project” to start a new project or click “Import Content” to browse video or image files. Then select “Project settings”.

edit flv

Edit: You can add more files by clicking the “Add Object” button on the top left corner. Then drag the file from Object explorer to anywhere on the timeline even on layers. On top of the “Editor Tab”, you can find the necessary tools to split, crop, and rotate the video. Click “Spacebar” to play/pause the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: Click a video on the timeline then select the Effect buttons on top of the “Editor” tab to apply effects to your clip. Then Click the effect on “Object Explorer” to open its properties menu. On the left side of the player, you will find buttons to add text, shapes, e.t.c to the project. On the right side of the screen, you will find the “Basic effects window” where you can do color correction and grading.

Select Multiple Clips then right-click the mouse button and then the “Convert to sprite” button to make a grouped clip (clips within a clip).

Export: Click the “Export Project” button on the top of the screen. Then choose “Media device”, “output video format” and select output destination and quality setup then click “Export Project” to export the video. If you are using the free version of the software, a popup will appear saying “export without premium features”, just click Continue. Now your file is ready to be viewed.

edit flv

  • Shotcut:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It is a free and open-source video editor which is simple and easy to use, which makes it ideal for beginners. It doesn’t have any pro version. It is an ideal software to deal with .flv files as it supports a large number of import/export formats. However, it takes some time to understand its UI. After that, it is quite easy to use. It has cool effects and transitions. It has a clean and simple timeline which is not versatile for professionals although it has some complex options to customize your timeline. It has some refined color grading options. Being a free software it has some 360 effects and 3D text which makes it comparatively good as compared to some other free softwares. It can support 4K videos also but lags or crashes sometimes when using 4K clips. All the effects and tools are combined in one tab “Filter” which is a plus point for some users. It also has some good quality audio effects. Some of its features are mentioned below.


  • It is completely free software with no watermark.
  • It has one of the largest file format compatibility.
  • It can support 4K video resolution.
  • It has 3 wheel grading tool and some other color filters.
  • It has standard animation and keyframing features.
  • It has some effects to support 360 videos.


  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as it lacks some useful features.
  • Have issues with playback of 4K videos and sometimes crashes.
  • Doesn’t have a separate text column and lacks some basic text and title effects.
  • Its UI is different from other common video editors and is a bit hard to understand.


Import: Click the “Open file” icon on the top left corner of the window to import files.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop clips on an empty timeline panel to add tracks. Right-click on the left side of the timeline to add a video or an audio track. To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the Scissors icon on the top timeline to split the clip in between.

Click the “Properties” tab above the timeline panel to change the aspect ratio and playback speed of the clip.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Filters” tab above the timeline panel to open the filter menu, Click “+” above it to add filters. Double click a filter to add it to the selected clip, then click the filter to change its properties.

Click the “Keyframes” icon on top of the window to open the Keyframes window. Then click the “Timeline” icon to go back to the previous window.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top of the screen. Select a preset or click the “Advanced” button to change export settings then click “Export File”.

edit flv

  • OpenShot:

It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

OpenShot is another choice for you if you are looking for a free FLV editor. It is simple and easy to use. Its User Interface is clean and beginner-friendly. It has hundreds of transitions and effects. It has an animated titles option also, which is powered by Blender.


  • Is simple and easy to use.
  • Its UI is Beginner friendly.
  • Can support 4K videos.
  • Support a wide range of formats.
  • Have smooth keyframe animation.
  • Is free and has no watermark.


  • Video Playback is a bit laggy.
  • Animated titles are only supported when you have Blender (3d software) installed on your PC.
  • Doesn’t have enough tools for professionals.


Import: Start “OpenShot” then drag and drop files in the project files tab from your file system (or press CTRL + F). Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. There are some basic tools above the tracks in the timeline window. Click “+” to add a new track. Click the scissors icon to split the clip at the desired length. Click the magnet icon to on snapping mode. Click the green marker icon to add markers at desired points during editing.

edit flv

Effects: Above the timeline window you will see a bar containing 4 buttons: Project Files, Transitions, Effects, and Emojis. Drag these elements to add them to the timeline. Effects appear as a small icon on the clip. Right-click the icon then select “Remove Effect” to remove it.

edit flv

Right-click the clip to access more features like keyframe animation, playback speed, e.t.c.

Export: Click the red dot button on the top of the screen to export your video (or press CTRL + E). Select the desired Profile, Format, Quality, and Destination folder then click “Export Video” to export your file.

edit flv

More Paid FLV Editor for Windows to Edit FLV Videos:

If you are looking for a good flv editor and you are ready to spend some cash on it then we have selected some paid softwares worthy of your investment.

  • Power director 365 (import only):

It is available on both, Windows and Mac.

If you are looking for software to do more than just trimming and cropping the video then Cyberlink Power Director can be the right choice for you. It is packed with dozens of features that professional content creators look for. It has some professional-level plugins also. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced users.

It allows users to import .flv file and edit it like usual but you can’t export it in the same format as it exports videos in few formats only. FLV file is then converted into any of the other supported formats.


Its annual subscription is 69$ which is available at 30% off at 48.99$/year. This offer is valid till 4th May 2022.


  • Can support 4K videos and can import a wide range of file formats.
  • Have Auto Chapter and Subtitle settings.
  • Multi-cam editing.
  • Have hundreds of transitions, effects, and access to thousands of stock footage.
  • Can Group clips for easy editing.
  • Can import presets and color LUTS.


  • It lags sometimes, this issue can be resolved to an extent if you have a powerful PC.
  • Some features are complicated to use.
  • Export settings have fewer file formats as compared to the import file range.


Import: Open Power Director then select the aspect ratio and click “Full Mode” to start the program. Import media files to the media room. Click the “Import Media” icon below the files tab to add more clips.

edit flv

Edit: Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline. Drop files above or below to add them in layers. Click the icon on the top left corner of the timeline to add a new layer. You can find basic editing tools above the timeline.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects and overlay elements are situated at the top left corner of the screen in a vertical bar. Here you will find the Project library, titles, effects, transitions, overlays, e.t.c. Simply just drag and drop on the timeline to use them. Here you can also do audio mixing and add subtitles and chapters.

Double click a clip or an overlay element to open the designer window. Here you can customize the clips and overlays to enhance your project.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the screen then select the desired mode and file format and add a destination then click “Start”.

  • AVS video editor:

If you are looking for a good .flv video editor and are ready to spend some bucks then the AVS video editor is a good choice for you. It is a low-budget software that is simple and easy to use and has some great features. It was my first video editor which I used about 5-6 years ago when I started making videos. It is simple and easy to use. It has some fine features that can fulfill your basic video editing tasks. Has a unique animation trajectory feature, where you can create paths for overlays.


It has two different plans, the first is an annual one which is at 69$ per year and the second one is a lifetime offer for 199$. In a lifetime plan, you can own the software forever. Right now, the software is at a 70% discount(till 30th April 2022) which decreases the price of the annual subscription to 39$ and the purchase price is 59$ this offer makes the software valuable enough to invest in.


  • Its UI is beginner-friendly and easy to learn.
  • Can Support 4K videos.
  • Has cool features like video stabilization and a chroma key.
  • Has 300+ effects, transitions, and overlays.
  • Has a storyboard-type editing style also, which is a great feature for some users.
  • Has keyframing and animation trajectory option for overlays.


  • Lacks some commonly used features.
  • It is a decade-old software and needs some new updates to compete with other editing softwares.
  • It isn’t suitable for professionals as you can’t do many customizations.
  • It has only one layer for every element like text, effects, overlays, e.t.c.
  • If hard disk crashes you have to purchase the license again.


Import: Click “Import Media Files” to import clips or click “Open Existing Project” to load previously saved projects. Drag and drop files to add them to the timeline.

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. On top of the timeline, you will find a few basic tools like change speed, apply transitions, do color correction, or do video stabilization.

edit flv

Effects: Click the “Transition” button above the timeline to apply transitions. Drag and drop transitions between two clips to apply it. Right-click on the transition to change its duration.

Click the “Video Effects” button on top of the timeline, then drag and drop the desired effect on the effects layer and trim it according to your need.

Similarly from the “Text” tab Drag and drop the desired text to the text layer in the timeline. Then select “Edit text” to change the text.

edit flv

Export: Click the “Produce” button on top of the timeline to open the export window. Select the desired file format and quality then click “next” and then click the “Create” button to export your file.

edit flv

Veed.io: (Online):

If you want to edit FLV videos quickly and don’t want to install any software then Veed.io can be a good choice for you. It is an online FLV video editor that can run on any browser and is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even mobile phones. It is a quick and simple method to fulfill your basic video editing needs. It has some amazing and uniques features as compared to other basic video editors. It is a great platform to edit videos anywhere. You can start editing video on your PC and can continue it on your phone if you have to leave your workplace. But these features come at a price as its basic plan has the majority of the features but it leaves a watermark on the final video.


It has 3 different plans depending on your needs. The first one is the “Free Plan” which is almost useless for most users as it creates a watermark. The second one is the “Basic Plan” at 18$/month. While third is the “Pro Plan” at 30$/month which has some more features than the basic plan. You can purchase an annual plan to save up to 33%.

edit flv


  • It is an online platform that makes it easily accessible from any device.
  • It is multi user friendly and is a good choice for team projects.
  • It has a simple and clean interface which is ideal for beginners.
  • It has an Auto subtitle generator + subtitle translator and editor.
  • It has audio to text and video to text features that aren’t found in many other editors.
  • It is compatible with many video and audio formats.


  • It is quite slow as compared to other video editing software.
  • Downloading 4K videos is only available in Pro Plan.
  • It is an online platform, so its data can be breached or leaked, so avoid editing your personal videos on this platform. It can rarely happen but precaution is better than cure.


Import: Click choose FLV File on the home screen then a popup will appear, click “Browse” to upload a file or use a template.

edit flv

Edit: To trim from ends, drag the clip from corners to trim. Click the “Split” button above the timeline to split the clip in between.

edit flv

Effects: All the effects tabs like Text, Elements, Transitions lie on the left side of the screen (on windows). Click an element and it will be added to the timeline, then adjust the settings according to your will.

Export: Click the “Export” button on the top right side of the screen. Select a preset or change export settings then click “Export Video”. Soon you will get your final product.

Which Should I choose Free or Paid FLV Editor :

Are you confused to choose the FLV editor for you? Then look for the one that suits your other needs. Like if you want an editor only to crop or trim videos then save your money and go for a free video editor. But if you want some extra features to enhance your workflow or have some cash then go for paid software. For professionals, Power Director 365 or Filmora pro can be a good choice to invest your money in.

~ Some FAQs about FLV Videos:

why is .flv format used?

FLV is basically used to publish or distribute videos on the Internet. Many social platforms and web pages (such as youtube, Hulu, e.t.c.) use .flv files as it provide high-quality synchronized audio and video in compact file size. It was mostly used for embedded videos on these platforms. It is compatible with most browsers and devices even with older phones and computers.

How to play .FLV files?

To play .flv files a flash player is required. Which is pre-installed in almost most of the computers and browsers, if that’s not the case. Then you need a good video player which supports .flv format. Therefore VLC media prayer is a good choice. It is quite easy to use and has some useful features like Speed, Adding subtitles, Audio sync, e.t.c.

Is .flv file easy to edit?

FLV is just a format, It can be edited like any other format. Steps may differ from software to software. But don’t worry as I have mentioned the steps of some popular FLV video editors above.

Can the .flv file be converted?

If you don’t want to stick with the .flv format for long enough and want to switch over to a more convenient format then you can try these converters.

VLC Media Player: Yes, apart from being a video player it can convert video formats. It’s quite easy to use.

Simply Open VLC Media Player >> Click Media tab >> Click “Convert/Save” >> On pop up menu Select “Add” to add file (can add multiple files also) >> Click “Convert/Save” >> Add Destination folder and File Format (to convert in) then click “Start”.

Hand Brake: It is another popular video converter that can convert a .flv file into almost any file format.

Open HandBrake-“Drop a file” screen will appear >> Select the specific file you one to convert >> Select Destination filder >> Click “Start encoding”.

Flv vs Mp4 which is better?

FLV format was quite popular back in 2010 as it provides high-quality compressed video for the internet. It takes less space which makes it easy to download and transfer quickly. Nowadays MP4 format is used more as it is versatile and is compatible with almost all devices like Mobile, PC, TV, e.t.c. FLV uses H.263 codec while MP4 uses codec which provides better quality after compression. Still .flv file is a better choice for streaming platforms as one of the most common software used for streaming is OBS studio and it produces .flv files.

Also read:

  • Title: Updated The Best Jump Cut Editing Tricks Make Your Videos Snappy!
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:14
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:14
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/updated-the-best-jump-cut-editing-tricks-make-your-videos-snappy/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Updated The Best Jump Cut Editing Tricks Make Your Videos Snappy!