What Is the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos for 2024

What Is the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos for 2024

Chloe Lv12

What Is the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos?

People in the videography ad filmmaking world use complicated terminology like Ultra High Def to describe 4K videos. Even though you are not a complete stranger to the term 4K, you might still be unaware of what it means.

In a nutshell, 4K is the highest resolution you can watch your movies and videos. The details are incredibly crisp, meaning you can see pimples or the pores on an actor’s face through the screen. However, the frame rate will significantly affect how you enjoy a 4K video. Therefore, it would be wise to learn how to choose the ideal frame rate to suit your needs.

Keep reading this article to learn more about frame rates and which is suitable for a 4K video.

4k video frame rate

How Do Frame Rates Affect Video Viewing?

The motion will appear smoother if your video contains more frames per second. Even though your viewers are not tech-savvy, they will definitely notice the difference.

Consider a video of a duck drinking water from a pond. If you film and playback the same video in 24, 30, and 60fps, you will see a noticeable difference, assuming your shutter speed is set according to the 180-degree shutter rule.

If you are filming quicker motions of wildlife and birds, you are better off sticking to higher resolutions to give the viewer a pleasant experience and ensure the motion is fluid.

On the other hand, lower frame rates like 24fps are ideal for human movements, which are not as smooth as wildlife. Suppose you used 60fps for a cinematic film or a TV show. The video would look a bit odd because that is not how we see things in the natural world. In addition, your viewers aren’t used to such smoothness.

Viewing Requirements of 4K Videos

You may have heard about 4K videos and wondered what people mean by that term. In simple terms, a 4K video is a high-resolution video that is four times the usual 1080p HD video. When it comes to 4K videos, there are two standard resolutions. One of them is the standard for Digital Cinema which is 4096*2160 pixels. The other is for television and is 3840*2160 pixels.

To stream 4K content, you need a bandwidth between 10 and 20 Mbps. On the other hand, streaming platforms like Netflix require higher bandwidths of not less than 15 Mbps. In addition to the bandwidth we mentioned earlier, you need a 4KTV or 4K monitor.

This specification was brought up at the UHD Alliance, a union of more than 50 tech companies working together to support 4K content. Tech companies ought to ensure the devices they produce are compatible with 4K videos, which are becoming increasingly popular.

Below is a list of requirements any electronic device should fulfill before being termed a 4KTV or 4K monitor.

requirements of 4k videos

  • A resolution of not less than 3840*2160.
  • A 10-bit color depth that allows for 1,024 shades of red, yellow, and blue.
  • A high dynamic range for color accuracy.
  • An excellent combination of black level and peak brightness. The peak brightness should not exceed 1,000 nits, and the black level shouldn’t go below 0.5 nits. Alternatively, the peak brightness shouldn’t exceed 540 nits; neither should the black level plummet below 0.0005 nits.

Best Frame Rate for 4K Video

We all know that the frame rate you choose for your video will significantly impact the viewer’s experience and the overall style of your video. The frame rate will also affect how the video looks. For instance, a frame rate lower than 24fps will make your video look unprofessional and of poor quality. The content will also flicker because there aren’t many still images per second.

On the other hand, a lower FPS causes the file size to be smaller, causing it to consume a lower bandwidth. The vice versa is also true. Now that you understand these facts, you might wonder which frame rate would be best for your 4K videos.

Research reveals that the most acceptable frame rate is 30fps and 60fps. This is because the motion will appear natural to the human eye without being too fast or unrealistic.

If you are wondering what is the best frame rate for 4k videos, we urge you to select 60fps because it contains more detail. The higher frame rate also makes the motion look very smooth and crisp. Perhaps you want to shoot a slow-motion video. In that case, an even higher frame rate of 120fps would be ideal.

How To Choose The Base Frame Rates for Your Next Video

Choosing a frame rate for your videos is not complicated. However, it is not a straightforward process either. There are numerous moving parts that ought to work harmoniously for your video to turn out perfect and guarantee your audience will have a pleasant viewing experience. Before we dive into choosing the best frame rate for your 4K videos, let’s help you understand the filmmaking process.

Most filmmakers and videographers see it fit to shoot videos in 120p or 4K. This step makes their work easier during the editing process. If the raw footage is in 4K, they can de-emphasize or retain specific plot points that would look great in the final video. However, not everyone is shooting a video for Hollywood. Therefore, shooting in 4K on your laptop for your YouTube channel might be difficult.

Below are some factors you should consider when choosing the best frame rate for a 4k video.

factors for choosing frame rate for videos

File size

Shooting your video at a higher frame rate means more still images are packed into a single second of the video. Therefore, you will end up with a larger file size. If you want to shoot a video for your YouTube channel, it would be wise to stick to a smaller frame rate.


It wouldn’t make sense to shoot a talking head video at more than 24fps. However, a higher frame rate would be ideal for a travel vlog, where the details need to be crisp.

Medium of delivery

The standard frame rate for television is 24fps. On the other hand, it would be best to stick to a higher frame rate of 60fps if you intend to shoot content for the silver screen.

Motion in the video

Lastly, the movement within the video will play a massive role in the frame rate you choose. The faster the motion, the higher the frame rate needs to be. For instance, action movies don’t do well in frame rates of less than 60 fps.

How To Set the Frame Rate of Your Editing Tools

Even though you didn’t use the ideal frame rate for 4k video during filming, you could use an editing tool to tweak the frame rate to where you need it to be. In our opinion, Wondershare Filmora is an excellent editing tool to set the ideal frame rate and take your videos to the next level.

Wondershare Filmora is a feature-rich platform that takes the tedium out of editing your videos and makes the outcome look spectacular. People won’t believe you when you say you edited the video yourself!

The platform is user-friendly, eliminating the need for a learning curve. You also don’t need to be an experienced editor or graphic designer to use this platform. Here is a list of nifty features you might find helpful on this platform.

  • GIF support
  • Audio equalizer
  • Advanced text editing
  • Noise removal
  • Scene detection
  • Audio mixer
  • Color tuning

Out of all the wonderful features mentioned above, we will zero in on 4K editing support for now. You can use this feature to edit and export videos up to 4K without breaking a sweat.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora allows you to customize your 4K videos by zooming in on a particular scene, tilting the video, or incorporating panning to give it a serene effect. We guarantee you will have fun using this platform and will get better at creating exquisite 4K content for your channel.

Below is a simple guide on using Wondershare Filmora to set the 4k video frame rate.

Step1 Launch the platform on your device and select the “File” tab. After a drop-down menu appears, select “Project Settings.”

filmora project settings

Step2 In the dialogue box, select “Frame Rate” and choose the frame rate you think is ideal for your video.

export video frame rate

Step3 Click “OK” and edit the videos as you like.


4K is the trend of the era, and it would be a shame if you got left behind. The viewer’s expectations are rising steadily, and they would rather skip your video to watch another if the quality is not up to par. In addition to giving you a competitive edge, 4K videos are very crisp and allow you to enjoy deep, vibrant colors.

You can also capture still photos from the video without compromising on quality. We can go on and on about the benefits of adopting 4K resolution in your videos. Therefore, it would be wise to increase your knowledge base and learn everything there is to know about 4K videos and how to set the best frame rates.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Wondershare Filmora allows you to customize your 4K videos by zooming in on a particular scene, tilting the video, or incorporating panning to give it a serene effect. We guarantee you will have fun using this platform and will get better at creating exquisite 4K content for your channel.

Below is a simple guide on using Wondershare Filmora to set the 4k video frame rate.

Step1 Launch the platform on your device and select the “File” tab. After a drop-down menu appears, select “Project Settings.”

filmora project settings

Step2 In the dialogue box, select “Frame Rate” and choose the frame rate you think is ideal for your video.

export video frame rate

Step3 Click “OK” and edit the videos as you like.


4K is the trend of the era, and it would be a shame if you got left behind. The viewer’s expectations are rising steadily, and they would rather skip your video to watch another if the quality is not up to par. In addition to giving you a competitive edge, 4K videos are very crisp and allow you to enjoy deep, vibrant colors.

You can also capture still photos from the video without compromising on quality. We can go on and on about the benefits of adopting 4K resolution in your videos. Therefore, it would be wise to increase your knowledge base and learn everything there is to know about 4K videos and how to set the best frame rates.

Create A Freeze Frame Sequence In Your Videos

Are you considering getting your video editing skills to a new high level? Are you worried about spicing your videos with stylish shots and bringing attention to particular aspects of your video?

Freeze frame sequence is one the most stunning effects that can help you greatly. The freeze frame sequence has been used in many classic and present-day movies. And it will never go out of fashion.

Here, we will guide you on creating freeze frame sequences in your videos using Filmora. It is critical here to know what exactly the freeze frame sequence is. So let’s jump right into it!

Part 1. What Is A Freeze Frame?

A freeze frame is a specific single frame of the video clip shown repeatedly in the video. It gives the illusion of a static picture. It is used to draw the viewers’ attention to the minute details of a specific moment, to set up a powerful narrative, or to introduce your main characters.

freeze frame effect

Content creators can also use the freeze-frame effect on fast-moving objects to draw the viewers’ attention. Have a few examples of the most popular freeze frames used in the movies.

Alfred Hitchcock used the first-ever freeze-frame in his film Champagne (1928). There is a long list of many famous tv shows and movies in which the freeze frame effect has been used since then. But to count a few, three examples are given here.

1. Pulp Fiction (1994)

In the beginning scene of Pulp Fiction, where robbery is about to occur, a freeze-frame effect is used to engage the audience. Later in the movie, it was relieved what would happen next. It was a dramatic pause to draw attention. It is a strong example of the freeze-frame effect.

pulp fiction's freeze frame

2. The Breakfast Club (1985)

The ending of Breakfast Club is an iconic example of the freeze-frame effect. With a powerful narration, the freeze frame conveys the movie’s central idea to the audience.

the breakfast club's freeze frame

3. Suicide Squad (2016)

In the trailer of Suicide Squad, freeze frames were used by the director to introduce the characters. This trailer used stylish animations to give relevant information about the film’s main characters.

suicide squad's freeze frame

Having discussed the famous examples, let’s learn about the power of freeze frames.

The power of freeze frame

The old freeze frames give a retro vibe. However, with the advancement in editing technology, this special effect has proved that there is no end. Furthermore, it has shown that you can do many things with pauses.

Especially when you are a content creator, this effect empowers you by advertising your skills impressively. It also conveys your message convincingly.

Being a content creator, you always want to reach the maximum audience. This special effect will serve this too. It will ultimately get you more viewership, more likes, and more subscriptions. But how to create a freeze frame?

Part 2. How To Create Freeze Frame Sequence? [Step-Wise Guide]

Let’s see how to add a freeze frame sequence in your video step-wise and get started.

Step1 Download Wondershare Filmora

Wondershare Filmora is an all-in-one video editing platform. It is enhanced with multiple practical media resources. You can head to Wondershare Filmora official site to download or upgrade your Filmora.

filmora interface

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step2 Import your clips and add them to the timeline

Open Filmora and create a new project. Import your clip into the media library. Add your clips to the first video layer on the timeline.

import your video clip and add it to the timeline

Step3 Apply color correction to the footage

Before we start our edit, let’s color correct our footage, so the corrected color is already applied when we take the screenshots.

apply color correction to your clip

Step4 Find your first action frame

Next, scrub through the clip to find your first action frame. For example, in this video, this is our first action frame.

select the first action frame

Step5 Take a screenshot of the action frame

Let’s head to the camera icon under the preview screen and click the icon. It will take a screenshot of the current frame that the playhead is on the timeline.

take a screenshot of the action frame

Make sure to keep the playhead the same after you’ve taken the snapshot. You can find your screenshot in the media tab.

Step6 Add the screenshot to timeline

Let’s drag your screenshot onto video layer 2 and align it on the right side of the playhead. Then extend the screenshot so it lasts as long as your central clip.

extend the screenshot

Step7 Apply masks to the screenshot

Now, double-click on the screenshot. It will open the “Video” menu, then go into the “Mask” menu. Choose a mask shape and edit it so that it only covers where your subject is in the screenshot. For example, we choose the **”**Circle” mask shape in this video.

choose your mask shape

If you need help seeing what you’re masking, hide the main video layer and edit your mask like this.

hide the main video layer

Move the playhead forward and clean up your “mask.” Next, Increase the blur to soften the edges. But not too much because it may become visible on your subject.

editing of the mask

Step8 Hide the first screenshot

Let’s layer a couple more action frames! First, hide the first screenshot so it doesn’t appear in your new screenshot.

hide the first screenshot

Step9 Select your second action frame

Then, pick a new frame.

select a new frame

  • Click the camera icon.
  • Drag the screenshot at the new playhead spot.
  • Extend the clip.

repeat the steps

  • Double-click to mask this frame.
  • And play it back to make sure it looks good.
  • It would help if you did this a couple more times until you have several frames.

Please have a look at the final product and how it looks!

sreeze frame sequence

And that’s how you create a freeze-frame video effect in Filmora.

Part 3. Tips To Use Freeze Frame Sequence

You’ve known how to make the freeze frame sequence. However, don’t miss essential tips to improve your video at the next stage.

Tip 1: Making a steady shot is important

First, ensure a steady shot with no camera shake while filming. You can use a tripod or a stable surface to keep your camera still.

keep your camera still

Why is it necessary to make a steady shot?

  • It helps you to make smooth, fluid shots.
  • It is much more professional.
  • It will take your editing skills to a new level.
  • It grabs the attention of the viewers.
  • It makes your editing easier.

Tip 2: No crossing over

Make sure your subject only crosses the same spot once. Otherwise, you would need help editing the video.

crossing over should be avoided

Why is it necessary to avoid crossing the same spot?

  • It prevents misalignment of the shots, and your print won’t get damaged, primarily when you use pieces of the same image.
  • It helps to create an illusion of holding specific moments.

Final Words

The Freeze Frame Sequence looks professional but much more manageable. The creator’s confidence gets to the next level when they learn how to create it. This step-wise guide using Wondershare Filmora is all for your ease.

Do You Seek to Blur Out Your Video and Photo to Display some Motion Blur? This Article Provides a List of the Best Motion Blur Apps for Videos and Photos

The blur observed in moving objects captured through the camera is called the motion blur effect. This, in particular, occurs due to the movement of the camera, subject, or both elements combined. People observe this effect in their real life through their eyes; thus, the motion blur effect is put into practice to give the clip or photo a touch of reality.

It is essentially used to display the message of speed or show the fast progression of time. Any object moving through a fast motion can be accompanied by the motion blur effect. There are many applications available to cater to this purpose. In this article, we will recommend some top-notch motion blur apps that will help you achieve this feat in no time.

  1. CapCut
  2. NSMB - Motion Blur Video
  3. BlurEffect - Blur Photo & Video
  4. Snapseed
  5. Picsart Photo Editor & Video
  6. Blur Video and Photo Editor
  7. Blur.r Photo, Pic.ture Motion
  8. Motion Blur Photo Effect
  9. Motion Blur Photo Editor
  1. Wondershare Filmora - The Best Motion Blur Effect App on Desktop
  2. Vegas Pro - Create Natural-Looking Motion Blurs With Ease
  3. Adobe Premiere Pro - Professionally Edit Motion Blur Videos

Best 4 Online Motion Blur Tools

  1. Lunapic
  2. Aspose
  3. Kapwing
  4. Flixier

Part 1: Best 9 Motion Blur Effect Apps for iPhone and Android

Name Price Support System Motion Blur for Photos Motion Blur for Videos
CapCut $0.99 - $74.99 Per Item iPhone/Android Yes Yes
NSMB - Motion Blur Video Not Provided Android No Yes
BlurEffect - Blur Photo & Video Full version: $39.99Premium - Monthly: $3.99Ad-Free & Watermark-Free: $14.99Up to 5 Minutes & Watermark-Free & Ad-Free: $19.99Premium - Annual: $19.99 iPhone Yes Yes
Snapseed Free iPhone/Android Yes No
Picsart Photo Editor & Video Ad Remover: $5.99Girl Minisketch: $1.99Food: $1.99Cartoon Animal Package: $2.99Grunge Stickers: $0.99Girly: $0.99Horoscope: $1.99Cute Thanksgiving: $2.99Happy Thanksgiving: $2.99Aliens: $0.99 iPhone/Android Yes Yes
Blur Video and Photo Editor $0.99 - $99.99 Per Item Android Yes Yes
Blur.r Photo, Pic.ture Motion Monthly Subscription: $ 11.98Weekly Subscription: $ 6.98One Week Subscription: $ 3.98Yearly Subscription: $ 94.98 iPhone Yes No
Motion Blur Photo Effect Premium Access: $7.99 - $29.99 iPhone Yes No
Motion Blur Photo Editor Not Provided Android Yes No

There are many motion blur effect applications available in the market, providing direct services for iPhone and Android users. However, finding the best app for this purpose is essential, which is why we came up with a list of the best motion blur apps that can be used on iPhone and Android.

1. CapCut

While it is known as an easy-to-use application, CapCut stands among the most premium mobile applications that help you create professional videos that can be posted on social media platforms. CapCut comes up with a dedicated motion blur effect that allows users to create stabilized videos with complete control over the speed of the video.

Following other adjustments in the video, CapCut is a complete tool designed to create advanced videos, including different effects such as motion blur.

capcut motion blur app

Download: Google Play Store | App Store

Key Features

  • You can quickly put transitions between the video and the clips to blend in perfectly.
  • Video clips can be animated with the help of zoom-in and out effects, providing all major professional touchups a video can have.
  • Execute a perfect motion blur video with the help of the multi-track timeline for arranging and previewing clips.


  • It provides the option of including music clips and sound effects on the videos from the vast collection.
  • It supports exporting videos in 4K and 60fps with Smart HDR technology.


  • Won’t work perfectly if the RAM and hardware of the phone are limited.

2. NSMB - Motion Blur Video

The motion blur effect is a great feature that can enhance the quality of the video and make it look realistic if used properly. NSMB - Motion Blur Video is an Android motion blur application that features the option of creating such videos in a matter of seconds.

With no particular learning requirement, NSMB makes the process look easy. You have to set the intensity of video, and that’s all you need to do within this application.

nsmb motion blur app

Download: Google Play Store

Key Features

  • While the platform is easy-to-use, the interface is quite simple to understand, with no confusing structures.
  • The platform comes up with an intelligent motion blur that automatically executes the process.
  • It works with Android devices from Android 5.0 and later, making it a compatible tool with all major Android devices.


  • You can set the resolution of your exported video to 1080p, which is a Full HD result.
  • Set an appropriate fps value for your exported video with the available options.


  • Long rendering times, which are not optimized and take up time.

3. BlurEffect - Blur Photo & Video

BlurEfffect - Blur Photo & Video is another great iOS application that provides the option of adding motion blur effects. This tool is built to include the blur effect to perfection in general. With defining blur options, you can create motion blur effects easily on your added videos. The functions are diverse and quite effective if appropriately observed.

blureffect motion blur app

Download: App Store

Key Features

  • As the name exclaim, it works perfectly for photos and videos, likewise.
  • The paid version of the application can save videos up to 1080p in quality.
  • It provides the feature of managing the strength of the “Auto Blurs” feature for controlling motion blur.


  • Multiple effects are available on the platform, including normal blurs, pixelated and dotted blurs, etc.
  • It also provides the option of trimming videos before adding the blur effect to them.


  • The resolution of the video is lowered after blurring it out.

4. Snapseed

Google presented a great and quick photo editor for users confused about finding their perfect option. Snapseed was designed as a professional photo editor that allows users to add multiple touchups to the photo that is being edited.

While it backs itself up with Google Photos, this professional photo editor is enhanced and interconnected. Snapseed makes photo touchups simple; however, it does provide advanced functions that can help create motion blur pictures.

snapseed motion blur app

Download: Google Play Store | App Store

Key Features

  • It combines with 29 different tools and filters, which also includes creating motion blur pictures.
  • 38 predefined text styles are available in the editor for creating the text of different styles and forms.
  • Create effects with multiple exposures brought with HDR Scape.


  • Enhance a specific photo element with the help of the Face Enhance feature, which adds focus to the facial features.
  • You can selectively retouch the photo and manage its exposure, saturation, and other elements.


  • The application has no undo button, making it challenging to manage edits.

5. Picsart Photo Editor & Video

Picsart is a renowned photo and video editor available on App Store and Play Store. This exceptional editor covers a creative set of features combined with artificial intelligence to present some of the best options for retouching photos and videos. If you seek to create a motion blur effect with this application, it surely won’t disappoint, presenting a high-resolution result.

picsart motion blur app

Download: Google Play Store | App Store

Key Features

  • It helps users customize photos and videos with customizable brushes, layers, and drawing tools.
  • Present a realistic display of motion blur with the help of the multiple effects and filters used for blending in perfectly.
  • More than 60 million stickers are available in Picsart, which can be effectively used within any editing media.


  • You can easily share the edited content with your friends through the platform.
  • It provides multiple video effects and trendy filters to make video editing easier.


  • There is a lot of lag in the application while editing the video.

6. Blur Video and Photo Editor

This is one of the motion blur apps that provides a simple set of options for managing and enhancing the videos and photos on your Android device. Motion blur can be confusing if not managed properly; however, Blur Video and Photo Editor provides a simple platform to include the blurry effect and make the moving object look perfect in the preview.

blur video and photo editor

Download: Google Play Store

Key Features

  • You can blur out the background of the imported photo or video while adjusting the intensity with the help of an easy tool.
  • It also allows you to pixelate the unwanted sections and portions of the media files.
  • Define more than one area for blurring with the help of shapes.


  • It features the intuitive option of blurring out an object that is moving in the video.
  • You can track an object with a simple definition of the area within the platform.


  • The user interface is not exceptional, with buttons that are not even usable.

7. Blur.r Photo, Pic.ture Motion

Not many tools provide a simple and customized set of options for including motion blur within photos and other media. Blur.r Photo, Pic.ture Motion has been tangibly designed to improvise a perfect motion-blurring photo platform. While it provides a quick set of tools to work with, the results are exquisite and better than most in the market.

blur.r photo pic.ture motion app

Download: App Store

Key Features

  • Set the intensity of the blurriness and size on the photo with custom tools.
  • A complete set of sharing options is available on the platform, which is covered in a single click.
  • For detailed blurring, you can consume the option of Zoom and Pan the photo.


  • You can easily undo and redo actions on the edited photos to avoid repeating actions and wasting time.
  • Use different filters within photos to edit them to perfection.


  • It does not allow for adjustment of the intensity of the blur, as stated in the services.

8. Motion Blur Photo Effect

While finding the perfect motion blur effect app on iPhone for presenting realistic effects in photos, you might come across Motion Blur Photo Effect, a perfect motion blur photo application for iOS users. The tool is known for its fast processing and quick execution, with an easy-to-use interface for creating perfect blurred pictures.

You can find multiple features and effects in this application that relate to motion blur, providing a diverse range of options when seeking this effect.

motion blur photo effect app

Download: App Store

Key Features

  • Protects the user’s privacy while maintaining its policy of avoiding illegal breaches.
  • Emphasize the light spot in the background of a picture with the help of the Bokeh effect.
  • Get a complete set of blur effects to include in the photo, which features advanced functionality.


  • You can find different types of blur effects, such as Zoom Blur, Motion Blur, and Mosaic Effect, to enhance the motion blur.
  • It is extremely simple and quick in procession.


  • It does not provide motion blurring for videos, making it restricted.

9. Motion Blur Photo Editor

Adding realistic effects to images is important if your work involves professional requirements. Motion blur is an effect used in multiple places, which makes it a critical feat to achieve. While obtaining the effect, the simplicity of the procedure holds importance. This is why Motion Blur Photo Editor gives the perfect result with explicit functions and features to enhance the motion blur effect.

motion blur photo editor

Download: Google Play Store

Key Features

  • Make your images look realistic with the help of magic effects.
  • Manage different elements, including the text and other features, such as the brightness of the tool.
  • It allows you to share the rendered result on different social applications.


  • Features support for Android devices with OS 4.2 or above.
  • The process of including motion blur in photos is quite basic.


  • An outdated application, which was last updated in 2019.

Part 2: 3 Motion Blur Apps for Mac and Windows

As you have consulted the motion blur apps for iPhone and Android, you might require something more professional. For this, you first have to shift onto a computer or Mac that provides you with a perfect platform for creating content. Let’s find out some top-notch motion blur effect apps that you can use on your Mac and Windows:

1. Wondershare Filmora - The Best Motion Blur Effect App on Desktop

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Not many tools provide a complete set of tools to manage the videos on your computer and create the best version out of them. Wondershare Filmora is a complete package for creating a motion blur effect on a video.

With a quick and effective toolkit available on the platform, Filmora turns out to simplify the process, thereby making the process look basic. Filmora unleashes the creativity of a beginner, helping them create a perfect video with its intuitive and impressive interface.

Supported System

  • Windows, Mac, and iOS


  • Month Plan: $19.99
  • Annual Plan: $49.99
  • Perpetual Plan: $79.99

Key Features

  • It provides support to a variety of file formats which allows you to recreate motion blur out of any video with ease.
  • The variety of video transformation features offered in the tool is exquisite, where you can manage motion tracking, stabilization, and several other video parameters.
  • Use effects and transitions to create the perfect motion blur video for yourselves.


  • You can find the support of resolution up to 4K in the video editing platform.
  • It also features the option of enhancing GPU acceleration for faster encoding.


  • Puts a watermark on the export video for the free version.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create Motion Blur Effect on Filmora

We will now discuss how you can create a motion blur effect on Filmora, the best app for motion blur, using the right tools. First, look into the steps provided below for a better understanding:

Step 1 Add Video File to Platform

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your computer and select “Create New Project” to open a new canvas. Click on the “Arrow” icon to import the video or photo.

import the media file

Step 2 Cut Down Sections of Clips

As you add the media into the timeline, lead to the point where you want to add the motion blur. Select the “Scissors” icon for splitting the clip and repeat this for every point where you want to add the effect.

split the media file

Step 3 Include the Blur Effect

Access the “Effects” tab and look for the “Blur” effect. Add the blur effect by dragging it into the timeline on the split part of the video.

search the blur effects

Step 4 Change Parameters to Smoothen Results

Adjust the parameters of the added effect to make it smooth. You can also access the “Dissolve” option in the Transitions. Add the motion blur effect and perform other vital changes in parameters that are required.

add the dissolve transition

Step 5 Export Video File

Afterward, select the “Export” button and define the desired resolution and frame rate to conclude. You can also share your video on your social media accounts.

export the edited video

2. Vegas Pro - Create Natural-Looking Motion Blurs With Ease

Vegas Pro is an impressive video editing platform that provides the option of creating motion blurs that look completely natural. It does not edit a specific element in the video but allows you to make changes in any other element that can be used to define motion. Motion blur can be added and edited to a fraction of a second with this platform.

vegas pro interface

3. Adobe Premiere Pro - Professionally Edit Motion Blur Videos

Adobe Premiere Pro is a great tool for improvising professional videos. With quick edits, you can come across every second of the video and present the perfect editing model with the help of the advanced toolkit. The major issue with such platforms is the high learning curve that prevents many users from considering this platform for tasks like executing motion blur in videos.

adobe premiere pro interface

Part 3: Best 4 Online Motion Blur Tools

Many online platforms feature the option of introducing motion blur effects on videos. While we point out the best ones in the list, you should carefully assess them all to know more about them:

1. Lunapic

Lunapic is a great option for introducing motion blur into pictures. Being an online tool, it is pretty straightforward with its functionality, as you will only have to adjust some settings in the picture to edit it. Lunapic, being an online photo editor, provides different editing functions and tools in its interface. The result of motion blur turns out to be excellent in terms of it being an online tool.

lunapic online motion blur app


  • You can scale the image before putting a motion blur on the output.
  • Add different shapes to highlight the image that is being edited.


  • It provides an outdated interface when compared with other online photo editing tools.

2. Aspose

This excellent photo editing platform provides you with a dedicated function of adding motion blur to an image as a filter. Aspose allows adding files from the computer and Dropbox while providing a straightforward process of putting motion blur into a photo. You have to adjust the filter parameters to create the perfect picture.

aspose online motion blur app


  • You can also detect objects within the image with the help of the “Object detection” feature.
  • Create Photo Book Maker along with including motion blurs on the image for managing a collection of pictures.


  • It does not offer any adjustment sliders and options while performing motion blur.

3. Kapwing

As an online tool, Kapwing provides many features that can be used to edit videos. Its ability to blur the videos is exceptional and tends to offer great results with the least of parameters. Users who are uncomfortable with editing videos on professional tools can consider this an alternative.

kapwing online motion blur app


  • No spam and ads are present in the tool while protecting the user’s information.
  • The tool provides AI-Powered features, which can be easily used to manage videos.


  • It does not maintain the quality of the videos after exporting the edits.

4. Flixier

For quick motion blurs, people can use Flixier to create motion blurs with its pixelating technology. Along with other features for managing videos and enhancing their outlook, Flixier can be used for editing videos quickly. You can easily attach the effect while setting up its time parameters and other functions.

flixier online motion blur app


  • You can integrate the features used in Flixier for creating videos for your YouTube channel.
  • Works on low-powered devices, including Chromebooks and old devices.


  • There are not a lot of features available on the online platform, limiting its use.

Last Words

This article has provided an overview of the best motion blur apps you can find in the market to create a realistic effect on your photo or video. As the article covers all kinds of compatible devices, it turns out to be an informative article to go through. Ensure to fill in all the details and see which application serves the best purpose.

For iOS and Android devices, CapCut turns out to be a great option to work with. Filmora has shown promising results with its Mac and Windows version, and Kapwing presents an excellent interface to edit videos regardless of being an online editor. Wondershare Filmora provides the best features for creating motion blur pictures and videos if you tend to work on your desktop.

Best 4 Online Motion Blur Tools

  1. Lunapic
  2. Aspose
  3. Kapwing
  4. Flixier

Part 1: Best 9 Motion Blur Effect Apps for iPhone and Android

Name Price Support System Motion Blur for Photos Motion Blur for Videos
CapCut $0.99 - $74.99 Per Item iPhone/Android Yes Yes
NSMB - Motion Blur Video Not Provided Android No Yes
BlurEffect - Blur Photo & Video Full version: $39.99Premium - Monthly: $3.99Ad-Free & Watermark-Free: $14.99Up to 5 Minutes & Watermark-Free & Ad-Free: $19.99Premium - Annual: $19.99 iPhone Yes Yes
Snapseed Free iPhone/Android Yes No
Picsart Photo Editor & Video Ad Remover: $5.99Girl Minisketch: $1.99Food: $1.99Cartoon Animal Package: $2.99Grunge Stickers: $0.99Girly: $0.99Horoscope: $1.99Cute Thanksgiving: $2.99Happy Thanksgiving: $2.99Aliens: $0.99 iPhone/Android Yes Yes
Blur Video and Photo Editor $0.99 - $99.99 Per Item Android Yes Yes
Blur.r Photo, Pic.ture Motion Monthly Subscription: $ 11.98Weekly Subscription: $ 6.98One Week Subscription: $ 3.98Yearly Subscription: $ 94.98 iPhone Yes No
Motion Blur Photo Effect Premium Access: $7.99 - $29.99 iPhone Yes No
Motion Blur Photo Editor Not Provided Android Yes No

There are many motion blur effect applications available in the market, providing direct services for iPhone and Android users. However, finding the best app for this purpose is essential, which is why we came up with a list of the best motion blur apps that can be used on iPhone and Android.

1. CapCut

While it is known as an easy-to-use application, CapCut stands among the most premium mobile applications that help you create professional videos that can be posted on social media platforms. CapCut comes up with a dedicated motion blur effect that allows users to create stabilized videos with complete control over the speed of the video.

Following other adjustments in the video, CapCut is a complete tool designed to create advanced videos, including different effects such as motion blur.

capcut motion blur app

Download: Google Play Store | App Store

Key Features

  • You can quickly put transitions between the video and the clips to blend in perfectly.
  • Video clips can be animated with the help of zoom-in and out effects, providing all major professional touchups a video can have.
  • Execute a perfect motion blur video with the help of the multi-track timeline for arranging and previewing clips.


  • It provides the option of including music clips and sound effects on the videos from the vast collection.
  • It supports exporting videos in 4K and 60fps with Smart HDR technology.


  • Won’t work perfectly if the RAM and hardware of the phone are limited.

2. NSMB - Motion Blur Video

The motion blur effect is a great feature that can enhance the quality of the video and make it look realistic if used properly. NSMB - Motion Blur Video is an Android motion blur application that features the option of creating such videos in a matter of seconds.

With no particular learning requirement, NSMB makes the process look easy. You have to set the intensity of video, and that’s all you need to do within this application.

nsmb motion blur app

Download: Google Play Store

Key Features

  • While the platform is easy-to-use, the interface is quite simple to understand, with no confusing structures.
  • The platform comes up with an intelligent motion blur that automatically executes the process.
  • It works with Android devices from Android 5.0 and later, making it a compatible tool with all major Android devices.


  • You can set the resolution of your exported video to 1080p, which is a Full HD result.
  • Set an appropriate fps value for your exported video with the available options.


  • Long rendering times, which are not optimized and take up time.

3. BlurEffect - Blur Photo & Video

BlurEfffect - Blur Photo & Video is another great iOS application that provides the option of adding motion blur effects. This tool is built to include the blur effect to perfection in general. With defining blur options, you can create motion blur effects easily on your added videos. The functions are diverse and quite effective if appropriately observed.

blureffect motion blur app

Download: App Store

Key Features

  • As the name exclaim, it works perfectly for photos and videos, likewise.
  • The paid version of the application can save videos up to 1080p in quality.
  • It provides the feature of managing the strength of the “Auto Blurs” feature for controlling motion blur.


  • Multiple effects are available on the platform, including normal blurs, pixelated and dotted blurs, etc.
  • It also provides the option of trimming videos before adding the blur effect to them.


  • The resolution of the video is lowered after blurring it out.

4. Snapseed

Google presented a great and quick photo editor for users confused about finding their perfect option. Snapseed was designed as a professional photo editor that allows users to add multiple touchups to the photo that is being edited.

While it backs itself up with Google Photos, this professional photo editor is enhanced and interconnected. Snapseed makes photo touchups simple; however, it does provide advanced functions that can help create motion blur pictures.

snapseed motion blur app

Download: Google Play Store | App Store

Key Features

  • It combines with 29 different tools and filters, which also includes creating motion blur pictures.
  • 38 predefined text styles are available in the editor for creating the text of different styles and forms.
  • Create effects with multiple exposures brought with HDR Scape.


  • Enhance a specific photo element with the help of the Face Enhance feature, which adds focus to the facial features.
  • You can selectively retouch the photo and manage its exposure, saturation, and other elements.


  • The application has no undo button, making it challenging to manage edits.

5. Picsart Photo Editor & Video

Picsart is a renowned photo and video editor available on App Store and Play Store. This exceptional editor covers a creative set of features combined with artificial intelligence to present some of the best options for retouching photos and videos. If you seek to create a motion blur effect with this application, it surely won’t disappoint, presenting a high-resolution result.

picsart motion blur app

Download: Google Play Store | App Store

Key Features

  • It helps users customize photos and videos with customizable brushes, layers, and drawing tools.
  • Present a realistic display of motion blur with the help of the multiple effects and filters used for blending in perfectly.
  • More than 60 million stickers are available in Picsart, which can be effectively used within any editing media.


  • You can easily share the edited content with your friends through the platform.
  • It provides multiple video effects and trendy filters to make video editing easier.


  • There is a lot of lag in the application while editing the video.

6. Blur Video and Photo Editor

This is one of the motion blur apps that provides a simple set of options for managing and enhancing the videos and photos on your Android device. Motion blur can be confusing if not managed properly; however, Blur Video and Photo Editor provides a simple platform to include the blurry effect and make the moving object look perfect in the preview.

blur video and photo editor

Download: Google Play Store

Key Features

  • You can blur out the background of the imported photo or video while adjusting the intensity with the help of an easy tool.
  • It also allows you to pixelate the unwanted sections and portions of the media files.
  • Define more than one area for blurring with the help of shapes.


  • It features the intuitive option of blurring out an object that is moving in the video.
  • You can track an object with a simple definition of the area within the platform.


  • The user interface is not exceptional, with buttons that are not even usable.

7. Blur.r Photo, Pic.ture Motion

Not many tools provide a simple and customized set of options for including motion blur within photos and other media. Blur.r Photo, Pic.ture Motion has been tangibly designed to improvise a perfect motion-blurring photo platform. While it provides a quick set of tools to work with, the results are exquisite and better than most in the market.

blur.r photo pic.ture motion app

Download: App Store

Key Features

  • Set the intensity of the blurriness and size on the photo with custom tools.
  • A complete set of sharing options is available on the platform, which is covered in a single click.
  • For detailed blurring, you can consume the option of Zoom and Pan the photo.


  • You can easily undo and redo actions on the edited photos to avoid repeating actions and wasting time.
  • Use different filters within photos to edit them to perfection.


  • It does not allow for adjustment of the intensity of the blur, as stated in the services.

8. Motion Blur Photo Effect

While finding the perfect motion blur effect app on iPhone for presenting realistic effects in photos, you might come across Motion Blur Photo Effect, a perfect motion blur photo application for iOS users. The tool is known for its fast processing and quick execution, with an easy-to-use interface for creating perfect blurred pictures.

You can find multiple features and effects in this application that relate to motion blur, providing a diverse range of options when seeking this effect.

motion blur photo effect app

Download: App Store

Key Features

  • Protects the user’s privacy while maintaining its policy of avoiding illegal breaches.
  • Emphasize the light spot in the background of a picture with the help of the Bokeh effect.
  • Get a complete set of blur effects to include in the photo, which features advanced functionality.


  • You can find different types of blur effects, such as Zoom Blur, Motion Blur, and Mosaic Effect, to enhance the motion blur.
  • It is extremely simple and quick in procession.


  • It does not provide motion blurring for videos, making it restricted.

9. Motion Blur Photo Editor

Adding realistic effects to images is important if your work involves professional requirements. Motion blur is an effect used in multiple places, which makes it a critical feat to achieve. While obtaining the effect, the simplicity of the procedure holds importance. This is why Motion Blur Photo Editor gives the perfect result with explicit functions and features to enhance the motion blur effect.

motion blur photo editor

Download: Google Play Store

Key Features

  • Make your images look realistic with the help of magic effects.
  • Manage different elements, including the text and other features, such as the brightness of the tool.
  • It allows you to share the rendered result on different social applications.


  • Features support for Android devices with OS 4.2 or above.
  • The process of including motion blur in photos is quite basic.


  • An outdated application, which was last updated in 2019.

Part 2: 3 Motion Blur Apps for Mac and Windows

As you have consulted the motion blur apps for iPhone and Android, you might require something more professional. For this, you first have to shift onto a computer or Mac that provides you with a perfect platform for creating content. Let’s find out some top-notch motion blur effect apps that you can use on your Mac and Windows:

1. Wondershare Filmora - The Best Motion Blur Effect App on Desktop

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Not many tools provide a complete set of tools to manage the videos on your computer and create the best version out of them. Wondershare Filmora is a complete package for creating a motion blur effect on a video.

With a quick and effective toolkit available on the platform, Filmora turns out to simplify the process, thereby making the process look basic. Filmora unleashes the creativity of a beginner, helping them create a perfect video with its intuitive and impressive interface.

Supported System

  • Windows, Mac, and iOS


  • Month Plan: $19.99
  • Annual Plan: $49.99
  • Perpetual Plan: $79.99

Key Features

  • It provides support to a variety of file formats which allows you to recreate motion blur out of any video with ease.
  • The variety of video transformation features offered in the tool is exquisite, where you can manage motion tracking, stabilization, and several other video parameters.
  • Use effects and transitions to create the perfect motion blur video for yourselves.


  • You can find the support of resolution up to 4K in the video editing platform.
  • It also features the option of enhancing GPU acceleration for faster encoding.


  • Puts a watermark on the export video for the free version.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Create Motion Blur Effect on Filmora

We will now discuss how you can create a motion blur effect on Filmora, the best app for motion blur, using the right tools. First, look into the steps provided below for a better understanding:

Step 1 Add Video File to Platform

Launch Wondershare Filmora on your computer and select “Create New Project” to open a new canvas. Click on the “Arrow” icon to import the video or photo.

import the media file

Step 2 Cut Down Sections of Clips

As you add the media into the timeline, lead to the point where you want to add the motion blur. Select the “Scissors” icon for splitting the clip and repeat this for every point where you want to add the effect.

split the media file

Step 3 Include the Blur Effect

Access the “Effects” tab and look for the “Blur” effect. Add the blur effect by dragging it into the timeline on the split part of the video.

search the blur effects

Step 4 Change Parameters to Smoothen Results

Adjust the parameters of the added effect to make it smooth. You can also access the “Dissolve” option in the Transitions. Add the motion blur effect and perform other vital changes in parameters that are required.

add the dissolve transition

Step 5 Export Video File

Afterward, select the “Export” button and define the desired resolution and frame rate to conclude. You can also share your video on your social media accounts.

export the edited video

2. Vegas Pro - Create Natural-Looking Motion Blurs With Ease

Vegas Pro is an impressive video editing platform that provides the option of creating motion blurs that look completely natural. It does not edit a specific element in the video but allows you to make changes in any other element that can be used to define motion. Motion blur can be added and edited to a fraction of a second with this platform.

vegas pro interface

3. Adobe Premiere Pro - Professionally Edit Motion Blur Videos

Adobe Premiere Pro is a great tool for improvising professional videos. With quick edits, you can come across every second of the video and present the perfect editing model with the help of the advanced toolkit. The major issue with such platforms is the high learning curve that prevents many users from considering this platform for tasks like executing motion blur in videos.

adobe premiere pro interface

Part 3: Best 4 Online Motion Blur Tools

Many online platforms feature the option of introducing motion blur effects on videos. While we point out the best ones in the list, you should carefully assess them all to know more about them:

1. Lunapic

Lunapic is a great option for introducing motion blur into pictures. Being an online tool, it is pretty straightforward with its functionality, as you will only have to adjust some settings in the picture to edit it. Lunapic, being an online photo editor, provides different editing functions and tools in its interface. The result of motion blur turns out to be excellent in terms of it being an online tool.

lunapic online motion blur app


  • You can scale the image before putting a motion blur on the output.
  • Add different shapes to highlight the image that is being edited.


  • It provides an outdated interface when compared with other online photo editing tools.

2. Aspose

This excellent photo editing platform provides you with a dedicated function of adding motion blur to an image as a filter. Aspose allows adding files from the computer and Dropbox while providing a straightforward process of putting motion blur into a photo. You have to adjust the filter parameters to create the perfect picture.

aspose online motion blur app


  • You can also detect objects within the image with the help of the “Object detection” feature.
  • Create Photo Book Maker along with including motion blurs on the image for managing a collection of pictures.


  • It does not offer any adjustment sliders and options while performing motion blur.

3. Kapwing

As an online tool, Kapwing provides many features that can be used to edit videos. Its ability to blur the videos is exceptional and tends to offer great results with the least of parameters. Users who are uncomfortable with editing videos on professional tools can consider this an alternative.

kapwing online motion blur app


  • No spam and ads are present in the tool while protecting the user’s information.
  • The tool provides AI-Powered features, which can be easily used to manage videos.


  • It does not maintain the quality of the videos after exporting the edits.

4. Flixier

For quick motion blurs, people can use Flixier to create motion blurs with its pixelating technology. Along with other features for managing videos and enhancing their outlook, Flixier can be used for editing videos quickly. You can easily attach the effect while setting up its time parameters and other functions.

flixier online motion blur app


  • You can integrate the features used in Flixier for creating videos for your YouTube channel.
  • Works on low-powered devices, including Chromebooks and old devices.


  • There are not a lot of features available on the online platform, limiting its use.

Last Words

This article has provided an overview of the best motion blur apps you can find in the market to create a realistic effect on your photo or video. As the article covers all kinds of compatible devices, it turns out to be an informative article to go through. Ensure to fill in all the details and see which application serves the best purpose.

For iOS and Android devices, CapCut turns out to be a great option to work with. Filmora has shown promising results with its Mac and Windows version, and Kapwing presents an excellent interface to edit videos regardless of being an online editor. Wondershare Filmora provides the best features for creating motion blur pictures and videos if you tend to work on your desktop.

How to Trim Video in Quicktime Player on Mac

Create High-Quality Video - Wondershare Filmora

An easy and powerful YouTube video editor

Numerous video and audio effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

You have to trim videos to capture your viewer’s attention because the average attention span of human beings is eight seconds. As such, viewers will click away or keep on scrolling if the first few seconds of your video are in complete silence or a blank screen. Luckily, there is a simple way that Mac users can use to trim videos: QuickTime Player. This guide will give you the low-down on how to trim video in Quicktime to remove unwanted portions.

In this article

01 What Is QuickTime Player?

02 How to Trim a Video in Quicktime Player

03 Tips & Tricks to Use QuickTime Player

What Is QuickTime Player?

Developed by Apple, QuickTime Player is a software application designed to play, edit, record, and share video and audio files on your Mac. It was created in 1991, and QuickTime X is the latest Mac version available for users of Mac OS X Snow Leopard to macOS Mojave.

QuickTime Player is supported by MovieWorks, PowerPoint, HyperCard, Director, and other standard multimedia authoring apps. One of the exciting features that QuickTime brings to the internet is that it enables video streaming over networks.

In 2016, Apple ended support for the QuickTime Windows version. In 12018, they ceased support for QuickTime 7 version on macOS.

When it comes to OS X Lion, QTKit (the underlying QuickTime media) was deplored in favor of AVFoundation, which was the newer graphics framework and discontinued as of macOS Catalina.

How to Trim a Video in Quicktime Player

Trimming video is a breeze when you are using QuickTime. Follow the steps below to learn how to trim Quicktime video clips.

  1. Launch QuickTime Player on your Mac. You can find this application by using a Spotlight search. Alternatively, open the Finder app in your Dock and choose the Applications option from the left-hand side menu. You’ll then find QuickTime in the right-hand side menu.
  2. Once QuickTime has launched, hit the File tab, then click Open File.

trim video in quicktime

  1. Select the video you would to trim.
  2. Navigate to the Edit tab on the top menu with your video open.
  3. Select Trim in the dropdown menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut command + T.

how to trim video in quicktime

  1. You’ll see a yellow trimming bar around the length of the video at the bottom.

how to trim video in quicktime on Mac

  1. To QuickTime trim video, drag the handles, and the app will remove everything outside the yellow bars.
  2. Once you have trimmed your video, click the Trim option on the right side of your screen.
  3. The play icon allows you to preview your video anytime you want during the editing process.
  4. Click File then Save to save your trimmed video.

save trimmed video on Quicktime

  1. Name your trimmed video, and then select the location you want to save it. Click Save to complete this action.

Tips & Tricks to Use QuickTime Player

Now that you know how to QuickTime trim video, we have provided some helpful tips and tricks for those using this application.

How to Split and Combine Videos

QuickTime player allows you to split and combine two or more video clips. Follow the steps below to learn how to split and combine your videos.

  1. Open your file.
  2. Then, press Command-E or select View > Show Clips.
  3. Drag the Playhead to the area where you would like the video to split.
  4. Press Command-Y or select Edit > Split Clip. Both clips will be highlighted yellow.
  5. You can now insert another video clip or re-arrange the video clips by dragging them to the right or left.
  6. If you split the video clips thrice, you can select the one in the middle, where a yellow outline will appear around it, and then zap it by hitting Delete on your keyboard.

split and combine video using Quicktime

  1. To combine your video clips, open one of the clips and select Edit > Add Clip to End.
  2. Double click the video clip you would like to tack on in the Open dialog box.
  3. You can also drag the icons of video clips from the Finder and drop them into a video window. The application will add the clips to the end of your existing video. Repeat this process to combine several video clips.
  4. The second video can appear in the middle of your first one. All you have to do is split the video clip, then click on the clip that will appear before the area where the new video is supposed to go.
  5. Now, select Edit > Insert Clip After Selection.
  6. A dialog box will appear; double-click the video file you would like to bring in.
  7. Alternatively, drag a video from the Finder and take it into the gap between the two clips.

how to split and combine video using Quicktime

How to Record Audio and Videos

You can record a video using a USB webcam or Mac’s built-in camera. What’s more? You can record audio with the built-in microphone on your Mac, a musical instrument connected via a USB cable, or an external mic. Or maybe you would like to record something that’s happening on your screen, QuickTime Player can also do this. Follow the steps below to record audio and video with QuickTime.

  1. Select File > New Screen Recording, New Audio Recording, or New Movie Recording.
  2. The last two options need you to choose quality and an input source. You’ll then have to hit the red Record Button. The first option will summon a pane that features the record button and some audio options.
  3. Drag to specify an area you want to record or click once to record the whole screen.
  4. Once you have finished, hit the Record button again. A black screen will appear in your menu bar when you’re recording your screen.
  5. The file will open in QuickTime Player when you stop recording.
  6. To save it, choose File > Save.

How to Export and Share Videos

QuickTime allows you to export optimized content so that you can view it on other Apple devices, including Apple TV, iPod Touch, and iPhone. With that in mind, let’s look at how you can export and share your video once you have finished editing it.

  1. Select File > Export; you’ll get a roundup of resolution options (1080p, 720p, and 480p), settings for Apple TV and iOS devices, and an option for only exporting audio.
  2. If you go with the iTunes option, you’ll see the same Apple TV and iOS devices optimized settings; however, the video file will be sent to your iTunes library.

how to export and share video using Quicktime

  1. • To export your video and share with other users, select File > Share, and the resulting menu will include AirDrop, Messages, Mail, and the social media sharing platforms YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and Vimeo.

export and share video using Quicktime

  1. Choose the option you want, and QuickTime will optimize your video for the service or program you have selected.
  2. To save the changes you have made to your video file, select File > Close. Name your edited video in the box that will appear, then click Save.

Flip or Rotate a Clip

QuickTime Player also allows you to rotate or flip clips and videos with a single click. Following these step to flip or rotate your video clip.

  • Navigate to the Edit tab.
  • Select the direction that you want your video to turn. The available options are Flip Vertical, Flip Horizontal, Rotate Right and Rotate Left.

You can apply the changes to your entire video or one of the clips if you had divided the video file.

Present or Record your iPad or iPhone Screen

QuickTime can record or show a live view of what is happening on your iPhone or iPad. If you are using Mac for a presentation, you can show the screen of your iOS devices centered within your Mac’s screen. You only need to follow the steps below:

  • Use a USB cable to attach either your iPad or iPhone to your Mac.
  • Open QuickTime, then click File > New Movie Recording.
  • Now, you need to point the cursor at the QuickTime Player window for the record button to appear.
  • Go to the menu next to the record button and pick your iOS device from the list of cameras.
  • You’re now ready to enjoy the largest version of your iPhone or iPad with your audience.
  • Click Record to record the action.


● Video editing is an essential part of creating video content that attracts viewers. QuickTime trim video allows you to remove unwanted scenes to make it engaging. Your viewers will get hooked on your videos if you trim boring sections, blank screens, and areas with silence. Once you master the art of cutting, your viewer retention and engagement will sky-rocket.

● Don’t forget to use the tips and tricks we have provided to get the most out of this application. You can export videos to various formats, such as FLC animations and image sequences, as well as AVI and DV Streams. You can also split and combine videos, present or record your iOS device screen, record audio and video, and much more.

Try It Free Try It Free

You have to trim videos to capture your viewer’s attention because the average attention span of human beings is eight seconds. As such, viewers will click away or keep on scrolling if the first few seconds of your video are in complete silence or a blank screen. Luckily, there is a simple way that Mac users can use to trim videos: QuickTime Player. This guide will give you the low-down on how to trim video in Quicktime to remove unwanted portions.

In this article

01 What Is QuickTime Player?

02 How to Trim a Video in Quicktime Player

03 Tips & Tricks to Use QuickTime Player

What Is QuickTime Player?

Developed by Apple, QuickTime Player is a software application designed to play, edit, record, and share video and audio files on your Mac. It was created in 1991, and QuickTime X is the latest Mac version available for users of Mac OS X Snow Leopard to macOS Mojave.

QuickTime Player is supported by MovieWorks, PowerPoint, HyperCard, Director, and other standard multimedia authoring apps. One of the exciting features that QuickTime brings to the internet is that it enables video streaming over networks.

In 2016, Apple ended support for the QuickTime Windows version. In 12018, they ceased support for QuickTime 7 version on macOS.

When it comes to OS X Lion, QTKit (the underlying QuickTime media) was deplored in favor of AVFoundation, which was the newer graphics framework and discontinued as of macOS Catalina.

How to Trim a Video in Quicktime Player

Trimming video is a breeze when you are using QuickTime. Follow the steps below to learn how to trim Quicktime video clips.

  1. Launch QuickTime Player on your Mac. You can find this application by using a Spotlight search. Alternatively, open the Finder app in your Dock and choose the Applications option from the left-hand side menu. You’ll then find QuickTime in the right-hand side menu.
  2. Once QuickTime has launched, hit the File tab, then click Open File.

trim video in quicktime

  1. Select the video you would to trim.
  2. Navigate to the Edit tab on the top menu with your video open.
  3. Select Trim in the dropdown menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut command + T.

how to trim video in quicktime

  1. You’ll see a yellow trimming bar around the length of the video at the bottom.

how to trim video in quicktime on Mac

  1. To QuickTime trim video, drag the handles, and the app will remove everything outside the yellow bars.
  2. Once you have trimmed your video, click the Trim option on the right side of your screen.
  3. The play icon allows you to preview your video anytime you want during the editing process.
  4. Click File then Save to save your trimmed video.

save trimmed video on Quicktime

  1. Name your trimmed video, and then select the location you want to save it. Click Save to complete this action.

Tips & Tricks to Use QuickTime Player

Now that you know how to QuickTime trim video, we have provided some helpful tips and tricks for those using this application.

How to Split and Combine Videos

QuickTime player allows you to split and combine two or more video clips. Follow the steps below to learn how to split and combine your videos.

  1. Open your file.
  2. Then, press Command-E or select View > Show Clips.
  3. Drag the Playhead to the area where you would like the video to split.
  4. Press Command-Y or select Edit > Split Clip. Both clips will be highlighted yellow.
  5. You can now insert another video clip or re-arrange the video clips by dragging them to the right or left.
  6. If you split the video clips thrice, you can select the one in the middle, where a yellow outline will appear around it, and then zap it by hitting Delete on your keyboard.

split and combine video using Quicktime

  1. To combine your video clips, open one of the clips and select Edit > Add Clip to End.
  2. Double click the video clip you would like to tack on in the Open dialog box.
  3. You can also drag the icons of video clips from the Finder and drop them into a video window. The application will add the clips to the end of your existing video. Repeat this process to combine several video clips.
  4. The second video can appear in the middle of your first one. All you have to do is split the video clip, then click on the clip that will appear before the area where the new video is supposed to go.
  5. Now, select Edit > Insert Clip After Selection.
  6. A dialog box will appear; double-click the video file you would like to bring in.
  7. Alternatively, drag a video from the Finder and take it into the gap between the two clips.

how to split and combine video using Quicktime

How to Record Audio and Videos

You can record a video using a USB webcam or Mac’s built-in camera. What’s more? You can record audio with the built-in microphone on your Mac, a musical instrument connected via a USB cable, or an external mic. Or maybe you would like to record something that’s happening on your screen, QuickTime Player can also do this. Follow the steps below to record audio and video with QuickTime.

  1. Select File > New Screen Recording, New Audio Recording, or New Movie Recording.
  2. The last two options need you to choose quality and an input source. You’ll then have to hit the red Record Button. The first option will summon a pane that features the record button and some audio options.
  3. Drag to specify an area you want to record or click once to record the whole screen.
  4. Once you have finished, hit the Record button again. A black screen will appear in your menu bar when you’re recording your screen.
  5. The file will open in QuickTime Player when you stop recording.
  6. To save it, choose File > Save.

How to Export and Share Videos

QuickTime allows you to export optimized content so that you can view it on other Apple devices, including Apple TV, iPod Touch, and iPhone. With that in mind, let’s look at how you can export and share your video once you have finished editing it.

  1. Select File > Export; you’ll get a roundup of resolution options (1080p, 720p, and 480p), settings for Apple TV and iOS devices, and an option for only exporting audio.
  2. If you go with the iTunes option, you’ll see the same Apple TV and iOS devices optimized settings; however, the video file will be sent to your iTunes library.

how to export and share video using Quicktime

  1. • To export your video and share with other users, select File > Share, and the resulting menu will include AirDrop, Messages, Mail, and the social media sharing platforms YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and Vimeo.

export and share video using Quicktime

  1. Choose the option you want, and QuickTime will optimize your video for the service or program you have selected.
  2. To save the changes you have made to your video file, select File > Close. Name your edited video in the box that will appear, then click Save.

Flip or Rotate a Clip

QuickTime Player also allows you to rotate or flip clips and videos with a single click. Following these step to flip or rotate your video clip.

  • Navigate to the Edit tab.
  • Select the direction that you want your video to turn. The available options are Flip Vertical, Flip Horizontal, Rotate Right and Rotate Left.

You can apply the changes to your entire video or one of the clips if you had divided the video file.

Present or Record your iPad or iPhone Screen

QuickTime can record or show a live view of what is happening on your iPhone or iPad. If you are using Mac for a presentation, you can show the screen of your iOS devices centered within your Mac’s screen. You only need to follow the steps below:

  • Use a USB cable to attach either your iPad or iPhone to your Mac.
  • Open QuickTime, then click File > New Movie Recording.
  • Now, you need to point the cursor at the QuickTime Player window for the record button to appear.
  • Go to the menu next to the record button and pick your iOS device from the list of cameras.
  • You’re now ready to enjoy the largest version of your iPhone or iPad with your audience.
  • Click Record to record the action.


● Video editing is an essential part of creating video content that attracts viewers. QuickTime trim video allows you to remove unwanted scenes to make it engaging. Your viewers will get hooked on your videos if you trim boring sections, blank screens, and areas with silence. Once you master the art of cutting, your viewer retention and engagement will sky-rocket.

● Don’t forget to use the tips and tricks we have provided to get the most out of this application. You can export videos to various formats, such as FLC animations and image sequences, as well as AVI and DV Streams. You can also split and combine videos, present or record your iOS device screen, record audio and video, and much more.

Try It Free Try It Free

You have to trim videos to capture your viewer’s attention because the average attention span of human beings is eight seconds. As such, viewers will click away or keep on scrolling if the first few seconds of your video are in complete silence or a blank screen. Luckily, there is a simple way that Mac users can use to trim videos: QuickTime Player. This guide will give you the low-down on how to trim video in Quicktime to remove unwanted portions.

In this article

01 What Is QuickTime Player?

02 How to Trim a Video in Quicktime Player

03 Tips & Tricks to Use QuickTime Player

What Is QuickTime Player?

Developed by Apple, QuickTime Player is a software application designed to play, edit, record, and share video and audio files on your Mac. It was created in 1991, and QuickTime X is the latest Mac version available for users of Mac OS X Snow Leopard to macOS Mojave.

QuickTime Player is supported by MovieWorks, PowerPoint, HyperCard, Director, and other standard multimedia authoring apps. One of the exciting features that QuickTime brings to the internet is that it enables video streaming over networks.

In 2016, Apple ended support for the QuickTime Windows version. In 12018, they ceased support for QuickTime 7 version on macOS.

When it comes to OS X Lion, QTKit (the underlying QuickTime media) was deplored in favor of AVFoundation, which was the newer graphics framework and discontinued as of macOS Catalina.

How to Trim a Video in Quicktime Player

Trimming video is a breeze when you are using QuickTime. Follow the steps below to learn how to trim Quicktime video clips.

  1. Launch QuickTime Player on your Mac. You can find this application by using a Spotlight search. Alternatively, open the Finder app in your Dock and choose the Applications option from the left-hand side menu. You’ll then find QuickTime in the right-hand side menu.
  2. Once QuickTime has launched, hit the File tab, then click Open File.

trim video in quicktime

  1. Select the video you would to trim.
  2. Navigate to the Edit tab on the top menu with your video open.
  3. Select Trim in the dropdown menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut command + T.

how to trim video in quicktime

  1. You’ll see a yellow trimming bar around the length of the video at the bottom.

how to trim video in quicktime on Mac

  1. To QuickTime trim video, drag the handles, and the app will remove everything outside the yellow bars.
  2. Once you have trimmed your video, click the Trim option on the right side of your screen.
  3. The play icon allows you to preview your video anytime you want during the editing process.
  4. Click File then Save to save your trimmed video.

save trimmed video on Quicktime

  1. Name your trimmed video, and then select the location you want to save it. Click Save to complete this action.

Tips & Tricks to Use QuickTime Player

Now that you know how to QuickTime trim video, we have provided some helpful tips and tricks for those using this application.

How to Split and Combine Videos

QuickTime player allows you to split and combine two or more video clips. Follow the steps below to learn how to split and combine your videos.

  1. Open your file.
  2. Then, press Command-E or select View > Show Clips.
  3. Drag the Playhead to the area where you would like the video to split.
  4. Press Command-Y or select Edit > Split Clip. Both clips will be highlighted yellow.
  5. You can now insert another video clip or re-arrange the video clips by dragging them to the right or left.
  6. If you split the video clips thrice, you can select the one in the middle, where a yellow outline will appear around it, and then zap it by hitting Delete on your keyboard.

split and combine video using Quicktime

  1. To combine your video clips, open one of the clips and select Edit > Add Clip to End.
  2. Double click the video clip you would like to tack on in the Open dialog box.
  3. You can also drag the icons of video clips from the Finder and drop them into a video window. The application will add the clips to the end of your existing video. Repeat this process to combine several video clips.
  4. The second video can appear in the middle of your first one. All you have to do is split the video clip, then click on the clip that will appear before the area where the new video is supposed to go.
  5. Now, select Edit > Insert Clip After Selection.
  6. A dialog box will appear; double-click the video file you would like to bring in.
  7. Alternatively, drag a video from the Finder and take it into the gap between the two clips.

how to split and combine video using Quicktime

How to Record Audio and Videos

You can record a video using a USB webcam or Mac’s built-in camera. What’s more? You can record audio with the built-in microphone on your Mac, a musical instrument connected via a USB cable, or an external mic. Or maybe you would like to record something that’s happening on your screen, QuickTime Player can also do this. Follow the steps below to record audio and video with QuickTime.

  1. Select File > New Screen Recording, New Audio Recording, or New Movie Recording.
  2. The last two options need you to choose quality and an input source. You’ll then have to hit the red Record Button. The first option will summon a pane that features the record button and some audio options.
  3. Drag to specify an area you want to record or click once to record the whole screen.
  4. Once you have finished, hit the Record button again. A black screen will appear in your menu bar when you’re recording your screen.
  5. The file will open in QuickTime Player when you stop recording.
  6. To save it, choose File > Save.

How to Export and Share Videos

QuickTime allows you to export optimized content so that you can view it on other Apple devices, including Apple TV, iPod Touch, and iPhone. With that in mind, let’s look at how you can export and share your video once you have finished editing it.

  1. Select File > Export; you’ll get a roundup of resolution options (1080p, 720p, and 480p), settings for Apple TV and iOS devices, and an option for only exporting audio.
  2. If you go with the iTunes option, you’ll see the same Apple TV and iOS devices optimized settings; however, the video file will be sent to your iTunes library.

how to export and share video using Quicktime

  1. • To export your video and share with other users, select File > Share, and the resulting menu will include AirDrop, Messages, Mail, and the social media sharing platforms YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and Vimeo.

export and share video using Quicktime

  1. Choose the option you want, and QuickTime will optimize your video for the service or program you have selected.
  2. To save the changes you have made to your video file, select File > Close. Name your edited video in the box that will appear, then click Save.

Flip or Rotate a Clip

QuickTime Player also allows you to rotate or flip clips and videos with a single click. Following these step to flip or rotate your video clip.

  • Navigate to the Edit tab.
  • Select the direction that you want your video to turn. The available options are Flip Vertical, Flip Horizontal, Rotate Right and Rotate Left.

You can apply the changes to your entire video or one of the clips if you had divided the video file.

Present or Record your iPad or iPhone Screen

QuickTime can record or show a live view of what is happening on your iPhone or iPad. If you are using Mac for a presentation, you can show the screen of your iOS devices centered within your Mac’s screen. You only need to follow the steps below:

  • Use a USB cable to attach either your iPad or iPhone to your Mac.
  • Open QuickTime, then click File > New Movie Recording.
  • Now, you need to point the cursor at the QuickTime Player window for the record button to appear.
  • Go to the menu next to the record button and pick your iOS device from the list of cameras.
  • You’re now ready to enjoy the largest version of your iPhone or iPad with your audience.
  • Click Record to record the action.


● Video editing is an essential part of creating video content that attracts viewers. QuickTime trim video allows you to remove unwanted scenes to make it engaging. Your viewers will get hooked on your videos if you trim boring sections, blank screens, and areas with silence. Once you master the art of cutting, your viewer retention and engagement will sky-rocket.

● Don’t forget to use the tips and tricks we have provided to get the most out of this application. You can export videos to various formats, such as FLC animations and image sequences, as well as AVI and DV Streams. You can also split and combine videos, present or record your iOS device screen, record audio and video, and much more.

Try It Free Try It Free

You have to trim videos to capture your viewer’s attention because the average attention span of human beings is eight seconds. As such, viewers will click away or keep on scrolling if the first few seconds of your video are in complete silence or a blank screen. Luckily, there is a simple way that Mac users can use to trim videos: QuickTime Player. This guide will give you the low-down on how to trim video in Quicktime to remove unwanted portions.

In this article

01 What Is QuickTime Player?

02 How to Trim a Video in Quicktime Player

03 Tips & Tricks to Use QuickTime Player

What Is QuickTime Player?

Developed by Apple, QuickTime Player is a software application designed to play, edit, record, and share video and audio files on your Mac. It was created in 1991, and QuickTime X is the latest Mac version available for users of Mac OS X Snow Leopard to macOS Mojave.

QuickTime Player is supported by MovieWorks, PowerPoint, HyperCard, Director, and other standard multimedia authoring apps. One of the exciting features that QuickTime brings to the internet is that it enables video streaming over networks.

In 2016, Apple ended support for the QuickTime Windows version. In 12018, they ceased support for QuickTime 7 version on macOS.

When it comes to OS X Lion, QTKit (the underlying QuickTime media) was deplored in favor of AVFoundation, which was the newer graphics framework and discontinued as of macOS Catalina.

How to Trim a Video in Quicktime Player

Trimming video is a breeze when you are using QuickTime. Follow the steps below to learn how to trim Quicktime video clips.

  1. Launch QuickTime Player on your Mac. You can find this application by using a Spotlight search. Alternatively, open the Finder app in your Dock and choose the Applications option from the left-hand side menu. You’ll then find QuickTime in the right-hand side menu.
  2. Once QuickTime has launched, hit the File tab, then click Open File.

trim video in quicktime

  1. Select the video you would to trim.
  2. Navigate to the Edit tab on the top menu with your video open.
  3. Select Trim in the dropdown menu. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut command + T.

how to trim video in quicktime

  1. You’ll see a yellow trimming bar around the length of the video at the bottom.

how to trim video in quicktime on Mac

  1. To QuickTime trim video, drag the handles, and the app will remove everything outside the yellow bars.
  2. Once you have trimmed your video, click the Trim option on the right side of your screen.
  3. The play icon allows you to preview your video anytime you want during the editing process.
  4. Click File then Save to save your trimmed video.

save trimmed video on Quicktime

  1. Name your trimmed video, and then select the location you want to save it. Click Save to complete this action.

Tips & Tricks to Use QuickTime Player

Now that you know how to QuickTime trim video, we have provided some helpful tips and tricks for those using this application.

How to Split and Combine Videos

QuickTime player allows you to split and combine two or more video clips. Follow the steps below to learn how to split and combine your videos.

  1. Open your file.
  2. Then, press Command-E or select View > Show Clips.
  3. Drag the Playhead to the area where you would like the video to split.
  4. Press Command-Y or select Edit > Split Clip. Both clips will be highlighted yellow.
  5. You can now insert another video clip or re-arrange the video clips by dragging them to the right or left.
  6. If you split the video clips thrice, you can select the one in the middle, where a yellow outline will appear around it, and then zap it by hitting Delete on your keyboard.

split and combine video using Quicktime

  1. To combine your video clips, open one of the clips and select Edit > Add Clip to End.
  2. Double click the video clip you would like to tack on in the Open dialog box.
  3. You can also drag the icons of video clips from the Finder and drop them into a video window. The application will add the clips to the end of your existing video. Repeat this process to combine several video clips.
  4. The second video can appear in the middle of your first one. All you have to do is split the video clip, then click on the clip that will appear before the area where the new video is supposed to go.
  5. Now, select Edit > Insert Clip After Selection.
  6. A dialog box will appear; double-click the video file you would like to bring in.
  7. Alternatively, drag a video from the Finder and take it into the gap between the two clips.

how to split and combine video using Quicktime

How to Record Audio and Videos

You can record a video using a USB webcam or Mac’s built-in camera. What’s more? You can record audio with the built-in microphone on your Mac, a musical instrument connected via a USB cable, or an external mic. Or maybe you would like to record something that’s happening on your screen, QuickTime Player can also do this. Follow the steps below to record audio and video with QuickTime.

  1. Select File > New Screen Recording, New Audio Recording, or New Movie Recording.
  2. The last two options need you to choose quality and an input source. You’ll then have to hit the red Record Button. The first option will summon a pane that features the record button and some audio options.
  3. Drag to specify an area you want to record or click once to record the whole screen.
  4. Once you have finished, hit the Record button again. A black screen will appear in your menu bar when you’re recording your screen.
  5. The file will open in QuickTime Player when you stop recording.
  6. To save it, choose File > Save.

How to Export and Share Videos

QuickTime allows you to export optimized content so that you can view it on other Apple devices, including Apple TV, iPod Touch, and iPhone. With that in mind, let’s look at how you can export and share your video once you have finished editing it.

  1. Select File > Export; you’ll get a roundup of resolution options (1080p, 720p, and 480p), settings for Apple TV and iOS devices, and an option for only exporting audio.
  2. If you go with the iTunes option, you’ll see the same Apple TV and iOS devices optimized settings; however, the video file will be sent to your iTunes library.

how to export and share video using Quicktime

  1. • To export your video and share with other users, select File > Share, and the resulting menu will include AirDrop, Messages, Mail, and the social media sharing platforms YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and Vimeo.

export and share video using Quicktime

  1. Choose the option you want, and QuickTime will optimize your video for the service or program you have selected.
  2. To save the changes you have made to your video file, select File > Close. Name your edited video in the box that will appear, then click Save.

Flip or Rotate a Clip

QuickTime Player also allows you to rotate or flip clips and videos with a single click. Following these step to flip or rotate your video clip.

  • Navigate to the Edit tab.
  • Select the direction that you want your video to turn. The available options are Flip Vertical, Flip Horizontal, Rotate Right and Rotate Left.

You can apply the changes to your entire video or one of the clips if you had divided the video file.

Present or Record your iPad or iPhone Screen

QuickTime can record or show a live view of what is happening on your iPhone or iPad. If you are using Mac for a presentation, you can show the screen of your iOS devices centered within your Mac’s screen. You only need to follow the steps below:

  • Use a USB cable to attach either your iPad or iPhone to your Mac.
  • Open QuickTime, then click File > New Movie Recording.
  • Now, you need to point the cursor at the QuickTime Player window for the record button to appear.
  • Go to the menu next to the record button and pick your iOS device from the list of cameras.
  • You’re now ready to enjoy the largest version of your iPhone or iPad with your audience.
  • Click Record to record the action.


● Video editing is an essential part of creating video content that attracts viewers. QuickTime trim video allows you to remove unwanted scenes to make it engaging. Your viewers will get hooked on your videos if you trim boring sections, blank screens, and areas with silence. Once you master the art of cutting, your viewer retention and engagement will sky-rocket.

● Don’t forget to use the tips and tricks we have provided to get the most out of this application. You can export videos to various formats, such as FLC animations and image sequences, as well as AVI and DV Streams. You can also split and combine videos, present or record your iOS device screen, record audio and video, and much more.

Also read:

  • Title: What Is the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos for 2024
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:16
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:16
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/what-is-the-best-frame-rate-for-4k-videos-for-2024/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
What Is the Best Frame Rate for 4K Videos for 2024