A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos |2023|

A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos |2023|

Chloe Lv12

A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos |2023|

With the advent of streaming content accessible anytime, anywhere, conventional marketing has somewhat lost grip on its performance. Consumers are now savvy as they now take a step further, like using ad blockers or tuning out ads.

However, it doesn’t imply the end of advertising as a brand promotion tool altogether. Individuals still desire best-in-class deals and products and spend their money shopping. All they need is to get informed about the product or service more entertainingly and innovatively.

This is one of the reasons why many established brands are now shifting toward their brand storytelling. And there’s no better and highly effective way to portray your brand story than with video. Simply making a video resembling any conventional TV commercial ad with an irritating ‘Call Today’ voiceover won’t be enough to get results.

Modern-day consumers are much more educated and sophisticated than before. You must learn how many creative and successful brands are infusing their branding and storytelling strategies to engage their customers. If you’re reading this article, you’re aiming to build your own brand storytelling video and are wondering how to make it a successful one.

Take no worries as the further sections will clear all your doubts and give you the perfect answer. So, let’s start.

best brand story videos 1

Source : https://www.pexels.com/photo/business-plan-printed-on-paper-on-a-clipboard-8970679/

  1. Spotify - All Ears On You
  2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging
  3. Apple - Chase
  4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos
  5. Bells - Reader
  6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think
  7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Part I. The Most Successful Video Practises of Brand Storytelling

1. Spotify - All Ears On You

Since 2008, Spotify has continued gathering as much information (personal preferences, likes, and dislikes) about their audiences as possible. It has helped them set personalized ad campaigns that will best fit their customers’ interests.

One of their latest, popular campaigns is ‘All Ears On You.’ Take a glimpse of this video to check how the video ad appears. Launched in June, this campaign focuses on celebrating your weird listening habits. It leveraged the users’ in-app experience to let them be proud of their unique choices. This helped Spotify to strengthen its emotional relationship with its listeners.

Learn From Spotify’s Famous Marketing Practices:

  • Get the Most Out of Big Data: The customer insights and data helped Spotify make precise, on-point ads. Your firm should also acquire customers’ data and later leverage it to amplify the user experience and make marketing campaigns more relatable.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Your audience is more interested in what other customers think and say about your business. The most successful video ads don’t involve facts about the company but the customers instead. Make a video using clips where your customers tell a story about themselves and their experience with your brand.
  • Utilize The Trending Hashtags & Topics: Social medial trends and news feed is what attracts today’s customers the most. Spotify’s advertisement team always wraps their ad campaigns into a package of top-events-and-stories. Find the most popular and trending hashtags and topics related to your business niche and incorporate them in your brand storytelling video.

Some other marketing practices that teach valuable lessons to businesses for brand video marketing include:

  • Leveraging the mentions on social media platforms
  • Going for a customer-centric marketing approach with personalized interactions

2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging

The center of focus of Airbnb’s brand story revolves around the basic ideology of ‘belonging.’ The brand found its mission - to shape the world into a place where individuals can ‘belong anywhere.’

Their official tagline also turned out to be ‘Belong Anywhere,’ which eventually led to the development of their whole brand story and new logo. This symbol was created to make sure it’s instantly recognizable.

Valuable Storytelling Lessons From Airbnb’s Marketing Practices:

  • Let Your Customers Be At The Heart Of Your Organization: After interviewing users, Airbnb found out that no one can better inform them about their company than the community of their regular users. The conversations and interviews with such users helped Airbnb to prepare its entire brand story. Thus, you should, too, keep your customers at your core.
  • It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Story: Although launched in 2008, the company Airbnb realized they’d need to discover their business mission to scale and progress. They are an example that it’s never too late for your brand to find the brand story.
  • Content Is The King: Airbnb always keeps posting content on its own blog and YouTube channel. Most of their content is based on user experiences and revolves around stories from within the brand’s community. Such high-quality content helped them to engage with the customers more efficiently.

3. Apple - Chase

Chase recently announced via email their latest introduction to the market - Apple Pay. They introduced it in collaboration with Apple as the new mode to pay. Chase leveraged this email communication to inform people about their latest collaboration with Apple.

They also used email to reinforce their commitment to helping people to buy Apple products like the iPhone 14 pro with accessible funds. While ensuring to align with Apple’s marketing strategy for the Apple Pay service announcement (primarily based on social media), Chase put more emphasis on real-time media.

Their marketing practice used direct, real-time media to connect with the on-the-go audience seemingly ready to buy an Apple product with a quick source of funds. Their brand story ad focused more on the ‘on-the-go’ audience who would readily agree to make such a purchase.

4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos

If you’ve watched a Nike video ad featuring LeBron James or others, you’ll know how much emphasis on emotions and inspiration. They don’t go for the direct marketing of their brand and products. Instead, they produce video ads with a powerful message drawn from a compelling storyline.

This makes Nike unique from numerous other brands as it has been an expert in brand storytelling for years now. Every piece of video ad from their collection triggers the audience’s feelings and emotions, which can only be met and satisfied by using Nike products.

There’s a lot of power within emotional branding, and Nike has shaped and transformed its whole marketing model into a storytelling form that motivates the audience to take action - ‘Just do it with Nike products. Some of the marketing strategies that have helped them grow over the years include the following:

  • They promote the advantages of their product’s features rather than simply highlighting and promoting the features. This is called benefit-based marketing practice.
  • They sell brand stories more than their products, which has always been their primary marketing strategy.
  • Nike is very strong in the social media game. They leverage user-generated content to create their video ads.
  • Collaborating with influencers like LeBron James and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been at the core of their marketing strategy.

5. Bells - Reader

The marketing manager of Bell - Thami Silwana - revealed that the idea behind the ‘Bells-Reader’ campaign is to assist men in acknowledging, comprehending, and speaking about their personal victories.

They realized that sometimes it could be troublesome for men to interact with one another and acknowledge their inside feeling and emotions when one of them have achieved something. Their tagline, ‘Give That Man a Bell, ’ best fits in terms of a man-to-man acknowledging something worth the celebration.

Here is what the video ad director Greg incorporated in the video to make it hit the marketing campaign’s motto:


  • Greg incorporated an excellent blend of drama, emotion, and sentimentality in this two minutes video ad, which was as good as a two-hour Hollywood movie.
  • The video hit the emotions on so many levels that you’ll feel like drinking a glass of whisky at the end of the ad.
  • Your brand should also create a brand story video where you help your customers to acknowledge themselves by hitting their emotions at different levels.
  • To know how just take a look at the ad yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch .

6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

The Real Beauty Ad Campaign by Dove focuses on women’s natural charisma and beauty. The ad emphasizes promoting the self-esteem of every woman. In their ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches’ video ad, you’ll find the events to be chosen, arranged, connected, and assessed as meaningful for a specific set of audience.

Although the video ad’s primary focus is women’s empowerment, it’s still a commercial that promotes Dove products. The ad ends with the phrase ‘you’re more beautiful than you think,’ and a Dove brand logo appears.

Significantly, Dove desires women to know that they are always encouraged, supported, and acknowledged for their real beauty. This storytelling helped Dove boost its product sales without making any direct references.

7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Conventionally, you’ll get to know about the arrival of Christmas in Spain when you’ll find the Spanish Christmas Lottery hitting the screens as a commercial. The Christmas Lottery’s 2021 ad version was recorded and created in the picturesque and snowy town of Elizondo.

The ad signifies the spirit of the Christmas festive season and amazingly resonates with the motto of El Gordo - the greatest prize is to share it. They used aesthetics and scenic beauty to allure the viewers and drive them into buying the lottery.

They used the marketing practice of hitting people’s emotions during Christmas when they could truly immerse themselves into enjoying things like winning the lottery.

Part 2. Need Pro-Quality Video Result From Your Video Maker? Try Filmora - The Best in the Market

If you seek pro-quality video results from your video maker for the ‘best-in-class’ brand story videos, use Filmora. It has emerged as the leading video-making tool for global marketers where you can create, edit, and save all sorts of ‘state-of-the-art,’ ‘next-level’ marketing brand videos.

best brand story videos 2

Try Filmora to ensure brand awareness, advertise your business, introduce the audience to your brand and its products, and boost sales. One software, multiple benefits. Here are some features of Filmora that can effectively help you make your brand story videos.

  • Numerous Resources: Filmora is an excellent platform to explore your inner creativity as it has thousands of video assets accessible to its users. The widespread availability of unique advanced and basic features will help you create the most appealing brand story video.
  • Green Screen: Your brand storytelling videos will become bland if you miss out on adding a unique background. Thanks to the Green Screen feature by Filmora, it takes only a few simple clicks to add such attractive backgrounds to your videos.
  • Split Screen: When making your brand story video, it’s more likely that you’ll want to show a comparison of two products side-by-side. In that case, the Split Screen feature from Filmora comes in handy. It lets you incorporate two or more video footage or clips in the video.
  • Audio Ducking: Your brand story will involve several key pointers that you’ll want to highlight for the audience. With Filmora’s Audio Ducking feature, you can easily highlight the dialogues and speeches during the video. This will help you to emphasize those video parts so that the audience can hear them with clarity. Of course, the feature fades the background music for those speech and dialogue parts.
  • Color Grading: The more appealing the brand story video, the more the viewers. That’s precisely what the color grading feature does for you. It allows you to adjust the tint, 3D Luts, temperature, and lights in all your marketing videos. Introduce mesmerizing cinematographic effects in your videos with Fimora’s ‘state-of-the-art’ color tuning features.

Telling your brand story via videos has just become simpler and faster than ever with Filmora. Try the software for magical results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Telling your brand story is more crucial than ever as it lets you reach new levels of personalization and establish deeper bonds and connections with your clients or customers.

With the ideal brand storytelling strategy and the best video maker tool, you can easily connect with the audience and let them know all about your brand, its products, and its purpose. So, get started today!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Part I. The Most Successful Video Practises of Brand Storytelling

1. Spotify - All Ears On You

Since 2008, Spotify has continued gathering as much information (personal preferences, likes, and dislikes) about their audiences as possible. It has helped them set personalized ad campaigns that will best fit their customers’ interests.

One of their latest, popular campaigns is ‘All Ears On You.’ Take a glimpse of this video to check how the video ad appears. Launched in June, this campaign focuses on celebrating your weird listening habits. It leveraged the users’ in-app experience to let them be proud of their unique choices. This helped Spotify to strengthen its emotional relationship with its listeners.

Learn From Spotify’s Famous Marketing Practices:

  • Get the Most Out of Big Data: The customer insights and data helped Spotify make precise, on-point ads. Your firm should also acquire customers’ data and later leverage it to amplify the user experience and make marketing campaigns more relatable.
  • Leverage User-Generated Content: Your audience is more interested in what other customers think and say about your business. The most successful video ads don’t involve facts about the company but the customers instead. Make a video using clips where your customers tell a story about themselves and their experience with your brand.
  • Utilize The Trending Hashtags & Topics: Social medial trends and news feed is what attracts today’s customers the most. Spotify’s advertisement team always wraps their ad campaigns into a package of top-events-and-stories. Find the most popular and trending hashtags and topics related to your business niche and incorporate them in your brand storytelling video.

Some other marketing practices that teach valuable lessons to businesses for brand video marketing include:

  • Leveraging the mentions on social media platforms
  • Going for a customer-centric marketing approach with personalized interactions

2. Airbnb - The Story of a Symbol of Belonging

The center of focus of Airbnb’s brand story revolves around the basic ideology of ‘belonging.’ The brand found its mission - to shape the world into a place where individuals can ‘belong anywhere.’

Their official tagline also turned out to be ‘Belong Anywhere,’ which eventually led to the development of their whole brand story and new logo. This symbol was created to make sure it’s instantly recognizable.

Valuable Storytelling Lessons From Airbnb’s Marketing Practices:

  • Let Your Customers Be At The Heart Of Your Organization: After interviewing users, Airbnb found out that no one can better inform them about their company than the community of their regular users. The conversations and interviews with such users helped Airbnb to prepare its entire brand story. Thus, you should, too, keep your customers at your core.
  • It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Story: Although launched in 2008, the company Airbnb realized they’d need to discover their business mission to scale and progress. They are an example that it’s never too late for your brand to find the brand story.
  • Content Is The King: Airbnb always keeps posting content on its own blog and YouTube channel. Most of their content is based on user experiences and revolves around stories from within the brand’s community. Such high-quality content helped them to engage with the customers more efficiently.

3. Apple - Chase

Chase recently announced via email their latest introduction to the market - Apple Pay. They introduced it in collaboration with Apple as the new mode to pay. Chase leveraged this email communication to inform people about their latest collaboration with Apple.

They also used email to reinforce their commitment to helping people to buy Apple products like the iPhone 14 pro with accessible funds. While ensuring to align with Apple’s marketing strategy for the Apple Pay service announcement (primarily based on social media), Chase put more emphasis on real-time media.

Their marketing practice used direct, real-time media to connect with the on-the-go audience seemingly ready to buy an Apple product with a quick source of funds. Their brand story ad focused more on the ‘on-the-go’ audience who would readily agree to make such a purchase.

4. Nike - Most Powerful Brand Story Videos

If you’ve watched a Nike video ad featuring LeBron James or others, you’ll know how much emphasis on emotions and inspiration. They don’t go for the direct marketing of their brand and products. Instead, they produce video ads with a powerful message drawn from a compelling storyline.

This makes Nike unique from numerous other brands as it has been an expert in brand storytelling for years now. Every piece of video ad from their collection triggers the audience’s feelings and emotions, which can only be met and satisfied by using Nike products.

There’s a lot of power within emotional branding, and Nike has shaped and transformed its whole marketing model into a storytelling form that motivates the audience to take action - ‘Just do it with Nike products. Some of the marketing strategies that have helped them grow over the years include the following:

  • They promote the advantages of their product’s features rather than simply highlighting and promoting the features. This is called benefit-based marketing practice.
  • They sell brand stories more than their products, which has always been their primary marketing strategy.
  • Nike is very strong in the social media game. They leverage user-generated content to create their video ads.
  • Collaborating with influencers like LeBron James and Cristiano Ronaldo has always been at the core of their marketing strategy.

5. Bells - Reader

The marketing manager of Bell - Thami Silwana - revealed that the idea behind the ‘Bells-Reader’ campaign is to assist men in acknowledging, comprehending, and speaking about their personal victories.

They realized that sometimes it could be troublesome for men to interact with one another and acknowledge their inside feeling and emotions when one of them have achieved something. Their tagline, ‘Give That Man a Bell, ’ best fits in terms of a man-to-man acknowledging something worth the celebration.

Here is what the video ad director Greg incorporated in the video to make it hit the marketing campaign’s motto:


  • Greg incorporated an excellent blend of drama, emotion, and sentimentality in this two minutes video ad, which was as good as a two-hour Hollywood movie.
  • The video hit the emotions on so many levels that you’ll feel like drinking a glass of whisky at the end of the ad.
  • Your brand should also create a brand story video where you help your customers to acknowledge themselves by hitting their emotions at different levels.
  • To know how just take a look at the ad yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch .

6. Dove - You’re More Beautiful Than You Think

The Real Beauty Ad Campaign by Dove focuses on women’s natural charisma and beauty. The ad emphasizes promoting the self-esteem of every woman. In their ‘Dove Real Beauty Sketches’ video ad, you’ll find the events to be chosen, arranged, connected, and assessed as meaningful for a specific set of audience.

Although the video ad’s primary focus is women’s empowerment, it’s still a commercial that promotes Dove products. The ad ends with the phrase ‘you’re more beautiful than you think,’ and a Dove brand logo appears.

Significantly, Dove desires women to know that they are always encouraged, supported, and acknowledged for their real beauty. This storytelling helped Dove boost its product sales without making any direct references.

7. El Gordo - The Spanish Christmas Lottery Ad 2021

Conventionally, you’ll get to know about the arrival of Christmas in Spain when you’ll find the Spanish Christmas Lottery hitting the screens as a commercial. The Christmas Lottery’s 2021 ad version was recorded and created in the picturesque and snowy town of Elizondo.

The ad signifies the spirit of the Christmas festive season and amazingly resonates with the motto of El Gordo - the greatest prize is to share it. They used aesthetics and scenic beauty to allure the viewers and drive them into buying the lottery.

They used the marketing practice of hitting people’s emotions during Christmas when they could truly immerse themselves into enjoying things like winning the lottery.

Part 2. Need Pro-Quality Video Result From Your Video Maker? Try Filmora - The Best in the Market

If you seek pro-quality video results from your video maker for the ‘best-in-class’ brand story videos, use Filmora. It has emerged as the leading video-making tool for global marketers where you can create, edit, and save all sorts of ‘state-of-the-art,’ ‘next-level’ marketing brand videos.

best brand story videos 2

Try Filmora to ensure brand awareness, advertise your business, introduce the audience to your brand and its products, and boost sales. One software, multiple benefits. Here are some features of Filmora that can effectively help you make your brand story videos.

  • Numerous Resources: Filmora is an excellent platform to explore your inner creativity as it has thousands of video assets accessible to its users. The widespread availability of unique advanced and basic features will help you create the most appealing brand story video.
  • Green Screen: Your brand storytelling videos will become bland if you miss out on adding a unique background. Thanks to the Green Screen feature by Filmora, it takes only a few simple clicks to add such attractive backgrounds to your videos.
  • Split Screen: When making your brand story video, it’s more likely that you’ll want to show a comparison of two products side-by-side. In that case, the Split Screen feature from Filmora comes in handy. It lets you incorporate two or more video footage or clips in the video.
  • Audio Ducking: Your brand story will involve several key pointers that you’ll want to highlight for the audience. With Filmora’s Audio Ducking feature, you can easily highlight the dialogues and speeches during the video. This will help you to emphasize those video parts so that the audience can hear them with clarity. Of course, the feature fades the background music for those speech and dialogue parts.
  • Color Grading: The more appealing the brand story video, the more the viewers. That’s precisely what the color grading feature does for you. It allows you to adjust the tint, 3D Luts, temperature, and lights in all your marketing videos. Introduce mesmerizing cinematographic effects in your videos with Fimora’s ‘state-of-the-art’ color tuning features.

Telling your brand story via videos has just become simpler and faster than ever with Filmora. Try the software for magical results.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Telling your brand story is more crucial than ever as it lets you reach new levels of personalization and establish deeper bonds and connections with your clients or customers.

With the ideal brand storytelling strategy and the best video maker tool, you can easily connect with the audience and let them know all about your brand, its products, and its purpose. So, get started today!

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Want to Create an Impressive Video Collage but Clueless About the Best Tools? No Worries as We Are Here and Will Help You to Learn About the Best Video Collage Maker PC Tools

10 Mind-Blowing Video Collage Maker for PC

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Video collages are a great way to play multiple short videos at the same time. These collages can be used for different purposes and platforms like social media platforms, online video sharing sites, brand promotion, announcing an event or a service, and similar others.

Video Collage Maker

Whatever may be the situation, you would need a good and feature-packed tool for creating such a collage so that videos look perfect in a frame, background audio can be added, and other customizations can be done. Keep reading below to learn about the best video collage maker for PC.

In this article

01 [Top 10 Video Collage Makers for Pc](#Part 1)

02 [Alternatives to Video Collage Maker for Pc](#Part 2)

Part 1 Top 10 video collage makers for PC

Among the long list of tools available, below we have shortlisted the top 10 PC tools that can be used for creating a video collage.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This Windows and Mac-based software is the best choice when it comes to creating a simple video collage in an effortless manner.

Key features

Create a video collage using the split-screen feature of the software.

Excellent video editing tool supporting advanced features for creating professional-looking videos.

Support customizable animation options along with precise editing functions.

Support to multiple audio-related features like automatic audio sync, audio compression, audio transitions, and more.

Offers of stock collection of images, and other media files.

Windows and Mac support.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

04Movavi Video Editor Plus

Unleash your creativity and make stunning videos including video collages using this excellent software.

Key features:

Create stunning video collages with multiple video customization options.

Allows adding titles, transitions, stickers, and filters.

Option to apply chroma-key for changing the background.

Option for creating automatic video collages.

User-friendly interface.

Windows and Mac support.

Movavi Video Editor Plus

05Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate

Though the name suggests the software to be a video conversion tool, it is a multi-tasking software that can perform a variety of functions including video collage making and thus can be considered as a decent video collage app for PC.

Key features

A feature-rich program that can also be used for creating a video collage.

Allows performing a variety of features like video conversion, editing, compression, and more.

Option for editing the video effects and also editing ID3 info.

Create interesting GIF animations.

Simple and easy-to-understand layout.

Windows and Mac support.

Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate

06Cidade Video Collage Studio

Using this intuitive tool, you can quickly create a video collage by combining all your favorite videos in one place.

Key features

Create a video collage by combining multiple videos or creating a video grid.

Intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Multiple-grid options to choose from.

Allows applying effects like Sepia, Lomo, and others.

Background audio or music files can be added.

Option to change the background color and also preview the video.

Video Collage Studio

07Blu-ray Master Video Converter Ultimate

This is a video toolbox supporting multiple functions that also include creating a video collage.

Key feature

Create a video collage using high-quality videos.

Support customizing and editing videos using several built-in tools.

Video conversion to over 500 formats supported.

Multiple layouts and templates for video collage are available.

Almost all video, image, and audio formats are supported.

Blu-Ray Master Video Converter Ultimate

08Adobe Premiere Elements

If you are looking for an advanced and professional tool for creating a video collage and for other video editing needs, this is the right choice.

Key features:

Create professional-looking collages using high-quality video files.

The interface is clean with support for advanced functions.

Option for adding multiple video effects.

Comes with help documents and guides to help you with the software functions.

Windows and Mac support.

Adobe Premiere Elements

09Collage Maker

For creating a simple video collage on your Windows system this is a good tool to consider.

Key features

Simple and basic collage-making tool.

Comes with customizable and adjustable layout options.

Option to add stickers ad text to the collage.

Allows mixing videos, and images along with the music file.

Collage Maker

1010. iMovie

For Mac users, iMovie is the default video editing tool that is pre-installed on the system. Besides editing functions, the tool can also perform other tasks like creating a video collage.

Key features:

Allows to quickly create a video collage.

Intuitive interface.

Comes pre-installed with Mac systems.

Transitions and other effects can be added.


Part 2 Alternatives to video collage maker for PC

If you do not want to download any additional software on your PC for creating a video collage, there are alternatives available in form of online tools and phone-based apps. The online tools are free and simple to use supporting all basic and needed functions. Some of the popular names in the category include FastReels, Typito, Kapwing, and more.

Apps are a great option when you want to create a collage on your mobile phone. Multiple apps for the task are available on the Google play store and Apple Store. Some of the widely used ones are PicStich, PicPlayPost Movie Video Editor, Mojo, and others.

Ending Thoughts

Video collages are an interesting way to combine and play short multiple videos or play them in a grid.

There are several PC-based video collage maker tools available like Wondershare Filmora, and others.

As alternatives, you can use online tools or phone-based apps for creating a video collage.

Try It Free Try It Free

Video collages are a great way to play multiple short videos at the same time. These collages can be used for different purposes and platforms like social media platforms, online video sharing sites, brand promotion, announcing an event or a service, and similar others.

Video Collage Maker

Whatever may be the situation, you would need a good and feature-packed tool for creating such a collage so that videos look perfect in a frame, background audio can be added, and other customizations can be done. Keep reading below to learn about the best video collage maker for PC.

In this article

01 [Top 10 Video Collage Makers for Pc](#Part 1)

02 [Alternatives to Video Collage Maker for Pc](#Part 2)

Part 1 Top 10 video collage makers for PC

Among the long list of tools available, below we have shortlisted the top 10 PC tools that can be used for creating a video collage.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This Windows and Mac-based software is the best choice when it comes to creating a simple video collage in an effortless manner.

Key features

Create a video collage using the split-screen feature of the software.

Excellent video editing tool supporting advanced features for creating professional-looking videos.

Support customizable animation options along with precise editing functions.

Support to multiple audio-related features like automatic audio sync, audio compression, audio transitions, and more.

Offers of stock collection of images, and other media files.

Windows and Mac support.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

04Movavi Video Editor Plus

Unleash your creativity and make stunning videos including video collages using this excellent software.

Key features:

Create stunning video collages with multiple video customization options.

Allows adding titles, transitions, stickers, and filters.

Option to apply chroma-key for changing the background.

Option for creating automatic video collages.

User-friendly interface.

Windows and Mac support.

Movavi Video Editor Plus

05Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate

Though the name suggests the software to be a video conversion tool, it is a multi-tasking software that can perform a variety of functions including video collage making and thus can be considered as a decent video collage app for PC.

Key features

A feature-rich program that can also be used for creating a video collage.

Allows performing a variety of features like video conversion, editing, compression, and more.

Option for editing the video effects and also editing ID3 info.

Create interesting GIF animations.

Simple and easy-to-understand layout.

Windows and Mac support.

Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate

06Cidade Video Collage Studio

Using this intuitive tool, you can quickly create a video collage by combining all your favorite videos in one place.

Key features

Create a video collage by combining multiple videos or creating a video grid.

Intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Multiple-grid options to choose from.

Allows applying effects like Sepia, Lomo, and others.

Background audio or music files can be added.

Option to change the background color and also preview the video.

Video Collage Studio

07Blu-ray Master Video Converter Ultimate

This is a video toolbox supporting multiple functions that also include creating a video collage.

Key feature

Create a video collage using high-quality videos.

Support customizing and editing videos using several built-in tools.

Video conversion to over 500 formats supported.

Multiple layouts and templates for video collage are available.

Almost all video, image, and audio formats are supported.

Blu-Ray Master Video Converter Ultimate

08Adobe Premiere Elements

If you are looking for an advanced and professional tool for creating a video collage and for other video editing needs, this is the right choice.

Key features:

Create professional-looking collages using high-quality video files.

The interface is clean with support for advanced functions.

Option for adding multiple video effects.

Comes with help documents and guides to help you with the software functions.

Windows and Mac support.

Adobe Premiere Elements

09Collage Maker

For creating a simple video collage on your Windows system this is a good tool to consider.

Key features

Simple and basic collage-making tool.

Comes with customizable and adjustable layout options.

Option to add stickers ad text to the collage.

Allows mixing videos, and images along with the music file.

Collage Maker

1010. iMovie

For Mac users, iMovie is the default video editing tool that is pre-installed on the system. Besides editing functions, the tool can also perform other tasks like creating a video collage.

Key features:

Allows to quickly create a video collage.

Intuitive interface.

Comes pre-installed with Mac systems.

Transitions and other effects can be added.


Part 2 Alternatives to video collage maker for PC

If you do not want to download any additional software on your PC for creating a video collage, there are alternatives available in form of online tools and phone-based apps. The online tools are free and simple to use supporting all basic and needed functions. Some of the popular names in the category include FastReels, Typito, Kapwing, and more.

Apps are a great option when you want to create a collage on your mobile phone. Multiple apps for the task are available on the Google play store and Apple Store. Some of the widely used ones are PicStich, PicPlayPost Movie Video Editor, Mojo, and others.

Ending Thoughts

Video collages are an interesting way to combine and play short multiple videos or play them in a grid.

There are several PC-based video collage maker tools available like Wondershare Filmora, and others.

As alternatives, you can use online tools or phone-based apps for creating a video collage.

Try It Free Try It Free

Video collages are a great way to play multiple short videos at the same time. These collages can be used for different purposes and platforms like social media platforms, online video sharing sites, brand promotion, announcing an event or a service, and similar others.

Video Collage Maker

Whatever may be the situation, you would need a good and feature-packed tool for creating such a collage so that videos look perfect in a frame, background audio can be added, and other customizations can be done. Keep reading below to learn about the best video collage maker for PC.

In this article

01 [Top 10 Video Collage Makers for Pc](#Part 1)

02 [Alternatives to Video Collage Maker for Pc](#Part 2)

Part 1 Top 10 video collage makers for PC

Among the long list of tools available, below we have shortlisted the top 10 PC tools that can be used for creating a video collage.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This Windows and Mac-based software is the best choice when it comes to creating a simple video collage in an effortless manner.

Key features

Create a video collage using the split-screen feature of the software.

Excellent video editing tool supporting advanced features for creating professional-looking videos.

Support customizable animation options along with precise editing functions.

Support to multiple audio-related features like automatic audio sync, audio compression, audio transitions, and more.

Offers of stock collection of images, and other media files.

Windows and Mac support.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

04Movavi Video Editor Plus

Unleash your creativity and make stunning videos including video collages using this excellent software.

Key features:

Create stunning video collages with multiple video customization options.

Allows adding titles, transitions, stickers, and filters.

Option to apply chroma-key for changing the background.

Option for creating automatic video collages.

User-friendly interface.

Windows and Mac support.

Movavi Video Editor Plus

05Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate

Though the name suggests the software to be a video conversion tool, it is a multi-tasking software that can perform a variety of functions including video collage making and thus can be considered as a decent video collage app for PC.

Key features

A feature-rich program that can also be used for creating a video collage.

Allows performing a variety of features like video conversion, editing, compression, and more.

Option for editing the video effects and also editing ID3 info.

Create interesting GIF animations.

Simple and easy-to-understand layout.

Windows and Mac support.

Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate

06Cidade Video Collage Studio

Using this intuitive tool, you can quickly create a video collage by combining all your favorite videos in one place.

Key features

Create a video collage by combining multiple videos or creating a video grid.

Intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Multiple-grid options to choose from.

Allows applying effects like Sepia, Lomo, and others.

Background audio or music files can be added.

Option to change the background color and also preview the video.

Video Collage Studio

07Blu-ray Master Video Converter Ultimate

This is a video toolbox supporting multiple functions that also include creating a video collage.

Key feature

Create a video collage using high-quality videos.

Support customizing and editing videos using several built-in tools.

Video conversion to over 500 formats supported.

Multiple layouts and templates for video collage are available.

Almost all video, image, and audio formats are supported.

Blu-Ray Master Video Converter Ultimate

08Adobe Premiere Elements

If you are looking for an advanced and professional tool for creating a video collage and for other video editing needs, this is the right choice.

Key features:

Create professional-looking collages using high-quality video files.

The interface is clean with support for advanced functions.

Option for adding multiple video effects.

Comes with help documents and guides to help you with the software functions.

Windows and Mac support.

Adobe Premiere Elements

09Collage Maker

For creating a simple video collage on your Windows system this is a good tool to consider.

Key features

Simple and basic collage-making tool.

Comes with customizable and adjustable layout options.

Option to add stickers ad text to the collage.

Allows mixing videos, and images along with the music file.

Collage Maker

1010. iMovie

For Mac users, iMovie is the default video editing tool that is pre-installed on the system. Besides editing functions, the tool can also perform other tasks like creating a video collage.

Key features:

Allows to quickly create a video collage.

Intuitive interface.

Comes pre-installed with Mac systems.

Transitions and other effects can be added.


Part 2 Alternatives to video collage maker for PC

If you do not want to download any additional software on your PC for creating a video collage, there are alternatives available in form of online tools and phone-based apps. The online tools are free and simple to use supporting all basic and needed functions. Some of the popular names in the category include FastReels, Typito, Kapwing, and more.

Apps are a great option when you want to create a collage on your mobile phone. Multiple apps for the task are available on the Google play store and Apple Store. Some of the widely used ones are PicStich, PicPlayPost Movie Video Editor, Mojo, and others.

Ending Thoughts

Video collages are an interesting way to combine and play short multiple videos or play them in a grid.

There are several PC-based video collage maker tools available like Wondershare Filmora, and others.

As alternatives, you can use online tools or phone-based apps for creating a video collage.

Try It Free Try It Free

Video collages are a great way to play multiple short videos at the same time. These collages can be used for different purposes and platforms like social media platforms, online video sharing sites, brand promotion, announcing an event or a service, and similar others.

Video Collage Maker

Whatever may be the situation, you would need a good and feature-packed tool for creating such a collage so that videos look perfect in a frame, background audio can be added, and other customizations can be done. Keep reading below to learn about the best video collage maker for PC.

In this article

01 [Top 10 Video Collage Makers for Pc](#Part 1)

02 [Alternatives to Video Collage Maker for Pc](#Part 2)

Part 1 Top 10 video collage makers for PC

Among the long list of tools available, below we have shortlisted the top 10 PC tools that can be used for creating a video collage.

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This Windows and Mac-based software is the best choice when it comes to creating a simple video collage in an effortless manner.

Key features

Create a video collage using the split-screen feature of the software.

Excellent video editing tool supporting advanced features for creating professional-looking videos.

Support customizable animation options along with precise editing functions.

Support to multiple audio-related features like automatic audio sync, audio compression, audio transitions, and more.

Offers of stock collection of images, and other media files.

Windows and Mac support.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

04Movavi Video Editor Plus

Unleash your creativity and make stunning videos including video collages using this excellent software.

Key features:

Create stunning video collages with multiple video customization options.

Allows adding titles, transitions, stickers, and filters.

Option to apply chroma-key for changing the background.

Option for creating automatic video collages.

User-friendly interface.

Windows and Mac support.

Movavi Video Editor Plus

05Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate

Though the name suggests the software to be a video conversion tool, it is a multi-tasking software that can perform a variety of functions including video collage making and thus can be considered as a decent video collage app for PC.

Key features

A feature-rich program that can also be used for creating a video collage.

Allows performing a variety of features like video conversion, editing, compression, and more.

Option for editing the video effects and also editing ID3 info.

Create interesting GIF animations.

Simple and easy-to-understand layout.

Windows and Mac support.

Aiseesoft Video Converter Ultimate

06Cidade Video Collage Studio

Using this intuitive tool, you can quickly create a video collage by combining all your favorite videos in one place.

Key features

Create a video collage by combining multiple videos or creating a video grid.

Intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Multiple-grid options to choose from.

Allows applying effects like Sepia, Lomo, and others.

Background audio or music files can be added.

Option to change the background color and also preview the video.

Video Collage Studio

07Blu-ray Master Video Converter Ultimate

This is a video toolbox supporting multiple functions that also include creating a video collage.

Key feature

Create a video collage using high-quality videos.

Support customizing and editing videos using several built-in tools.

Video conversion to over 500 formats supported.

Multiple layouts and templates for video collage are available.

Almost all video, image, and audio formats are supported.

Blu-Ray Master Video Converter Ultimate

08Adobe Premiere Elements

If you are looking for an advanced and professional tool for creating a video collage and for other video editing needs, this is the right choice.

Key features:

Create professional-looking collages using high-quality video files.

The interface is clean with support for advanced functions.

Option for adding multiple video effects.

Comes with help documents and guides to help you with the software functions.

Windows and Mac support.

Adobe Premiere Elements

09Collage Maker

For creating a simple video collage on your Windows system this is a good tool to consider.

Key features

Simple and basic collage-making tool.

Comes with customizable and adjustable layout options.

Option to add stickers ad text to the collage.

Allows mixing videos, and images along with the music file.

Collage Maker

1010. iMovie

For Mac users, iMovie is the default video editing tool that is pre-installed on the system. Besides editing functions, the tool can also perform other tasks like creating a video collage.

Key features:

Allows to quickly create a video collage.

Intuitive interface.

Comes pre-installed with Mac systems.

Transitions and other effects can be added.


Part 2 Alternatives to video collage maker for PC

If you do not want to download any additional software on your PC for creating a video collage, there are alternatives available in form of online tools and phone-based apps. The online tools are free and simple to use supporting all basic and needed functions. Some of the popular names in the category include FastReels, Typito, Kapwing, and more.

Apps are a great option when you want to create a collage on your mobile phone. Multiple apps for the task are available on the Google play store and Apple Store. Some of the widely used ones are PicStich, PicPlayPost Movie Video Editor, Mojo, and others.

Ending Thoughts

Video collages are an interesting way to combine and play short multiple videos or play them in a grid.

There are several PC-based video collage maker tools available like Wondershare Filmora, and others.

As alternatives, you can use online tools or phone-based apps for creating a video collage.

How to Add Green Screen Effects In Phhotoshop

Removing green screen backgrounds and replacing them with stunning videos is a common practice in video and movie making. The same process is applicable to still photos as well. You can take a photo with a green screen background and replace the screen with any photo as per your preference and requirement. You will need a high-quality photo editor to add green screen effects to your photo. There is no better photo editor in the world than Adobe Photoshop.

First, you have to opt for remove green screen Photoshop and then add anything you want in place of the green screen. The difference between Chroma key Photoshop and any other photo editor is that you can pay attention to details and remove the entire green screen halo effect around the main subject or object on the photo. Therefore, there will be no jittery green edges and green patches to disturb the overall photo quality. Here are the steps to use green screen effect in Adobe Photoshop.

1. How To Use Green Screen in Photoshop?

There are various ways available to remove greenscreen Photoshop. The beginners prefer using the Magic Wand tool but there will always be green patches around the main object on the photo. These green patches will get highlighted when you insert any image in the background. Therefore, we are using the best method to Chroma key Photoshop and that is through Color Range option. Here are the detailed steps to use color keying in Photoshop to use green screen effect.

Step 1: Launch Adobe Photoshop and open your photo with green screen background.

Step 2: Go to Select menu and click on Color Range.

click on color range

Step 3: Pick the Eyedropper tool. Hold Shift key to select the green background. You can also hold Alt key to remove any selection that you might have done by mistake. When you are perfectly ok with the selection of the green screen background, you should click on OK button.

ok button

Step 3: Go to Select menu and click on Inverse. Now, the selection will be on the main subject instead of the background.

click on inverse

Step 4: If you want to see a preview of the selection in your photo, you should select Image radio button and from Selection Preview, select any option other than None.

selection preview

Step 5: Go to Select menu again and click on Refine Edge. Use the sliders to fine-tune the selection so that the selection is smooth on the edges of the main subject of the photo. Once done, click on OK button.

refine edge

Step 6: Go to Select menu and click on Inverse again.

Step 7: Press Delete key to delete the green screen background selection.

Step 8: Open the replacement image which you want to put in the place of the green screen background that you have just deleted.

Step 9: Select the entire replacement image and copy the replacement. Come back to your photo and paste the replacement image. Make sure that the layer of the replacement image must be placed below the layer of your photo.

replacement image

Step 10: You can adjust the size of the images as per your requirement so that everything fits perfectly in the frame. Similarly, you should adjust the color scheme so that the superimposition does not look awkward.

2. Best Way To Add Green Screen Effect To Video

In the previous section, we have stated how to remove the green screen background in any image and replace that with a stunning background photo. In this section, we will state how to add green screen effects in a video. There are many who think that adding green screen effects in a video takes a lot of expertise, but it is not the case.

If you select the suitable video editor, it is a matter of a few steps only. We recommend Wondershare Filmora to add green screen effects to your video where you have shot the scenes with green screen backgrounds. Here are the steps to follow to remove green screen backgrounds and replace with any photo or video as per your preference.

Try It Free

For Win 7 or later (64-bit)

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Download and install Wondershare Filmora.

Step 2: Launch Filmora and go for Create New Project option to get started.

Step 3: Import your video with green screen background and move it to the Timeline.

Step 4: Import the replacement photo or video and put it directly on the Timeline.

On the Timeline, your recorded video should be below the replacement photo or video.


Step 5: Double-click on your video, and you will come across a panel on the upper-left side. From that panel, you have to turn on Chroma Key option. This will enable the green screen effect due to which you will see the replacement photo or video superimposed on your recorded video in the green screen background.

green screen background

Step 6: Finally, adjust the parameters available to fine-tune the overall green screen effect. Lastly, click on Ok button.


If you are looking to add green screen effects to your photo, you can opt for Chroma key Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is the best photo editor to remove the green screen backgrounds on your photo and replace them with any image you want. Color keying in Photoshop enables you to change any solid color background to anything you want. Similarly, you can use Wondershare Filmora to add green screen effects to your video in simple steps.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Download and install Wondershare Filmora.

Step 2: Launch Filmora and go for Create New Project option to get started.

Step 3: Import your video with green screen background and move it to the Timeline.

Step 4: Import the replacement photo or video and put it directly on the Timeline.

On the Timeline, your recorded video should be below the replacement photo or video.


Step 5: Double-click on your video, and you will come across a panel on the upper-left side. From that panel, you have to turn on Chroma Key option. This will enable the green screen effect due to which you will see the replacement photo or video superimposed on your recorded video in the green screen background.

green screen background

Step 6: Finally, adjust the parameters available to fine-tune the overall green screen effect. Lastly, click on Ok button.


If you are looking to add green screen effects to your photo, you can opt for Chroma key Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is the best photo editor to remove the green screen backgrounds on your photo and replace them with any image you want. Color keying in Photoshop enables you to change any solid color background to anything you want. Similarly, you can use Wondershare Filmora to add green screen effects to your video in simple steps.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Download and install Wondershare Filmora.

Step 2: Launch Filmora and go for Create New Project option to get started.

Step 3: Import your video with green screen background and move it to the Timeline.

Step 4: Import the replacement photo or video and put it directly on the Timeline.

On the Timeline, your recorded video should be below the replacement photo or video.


Step 5: Double-click on your video, and you will come across a panel on the upper-left side. From that panel, you have to turn on Chroma Key option. This will enable the green screen effect due to which you will see the replacement photo or video superimposed on your recorded video in the green screen background.

green screen background

Step 6: Finally, adjust the parameters available to fine-tune the overall green screen effect. Lastly, click on Ok button.


If you are looking to add green screen effects to your photo, you can opt for Chroma key Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is the best photo editor to remove the green screen backgrounds on your photo and replace them with any image you want. Color keying in Photoshop enables you to change any solid color background to anything you want. Similarly, you can use Wondershare Filmora to add green screen effects to your video in simple steps.

Try It Free

For macOS 10.12 or later

Step 1: Download and install Wondershare Filmora.

Step 2: Launch Filmora and go for Create New Project option to get started.

Step 3: Import your video with green screen background and move it to the Timeline.

Step 4: Import the replacement photo or video and put it directly on the Timeline.

On the Timeline, your recorded video should be below the replacement photo or video.


Step 5: Double-click on your video, and you will come across a panel on the upper-left side. From that panel, you have to turn on Chroma Key option. This will enable the green screen effect due to which you will see the replacement photo or video superimposed on your recorded video in the green screen background.

green screen background

Step 6: Finally, adjust the parameters available to fine-tune the overall green screen effect. Lastly, click on Ok button.


If you are looking to add green screen effects to your photo, you can opt for Chroma key Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is the best photo editor to remove the green screen backgrounds on your photo and replace them with any image you want. Color keying in Photoshop enables you to change any solid color background to anything you want. Similarly, you can use Wondershare Filmora to add green screen effects to your video in simple steps.

Finding the Best GIF Websites Was Never Easier

Finding Best GIF Websites Is Easy as Pie — Here’s What You Should Know

An easy yet powerful editor

Numerous effects to choose from

Detailed tutorials provided by the official channel

Try It Free Try It Free

Want a heap of the most exiting GIFs? Here are the best websites to visit.

In this article

01 [10 Sites for Finding the Perfect GIF](#Part 1)

02 [How to Use Animated GIF Makers](#Part 2)

03 [5 Stunning Examples of Gifs in Web Design](#Part 3)

Part 1 Sites for Finding the Perfect GIF

Information was never so expressive until GIFs came up as delivery platform. Looking through the frame of content diversity and effective delivery, there’s possibly nothing that is left untouched by these short, precise and creative snippets. When the talk is about long term user credibility, creativity is one thing, while reach is the other.

No doubt about the creative aspect, but the convenient availability holds equal importance. However captivating a utility nay be, you would certainly not be interested to spend quality time searching the apt content. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular and convenient GIF website that will surely put a full stop on your search spree for a relatable GIF.


Initially launched as a GIF search engine, thin is a complete storehouse on almost everything that you can possibly think of. The extensive content library of this site is all set to meet your most specific content requirements in less than a blink’s time. You get an access to quality content in music, science, nature and what not on this free GIF website.

Talking of search flexibility, GIPHY is known to have the most advanced and updated search bar that ensures that top quality and fresh content is always at the hand of its users. You can browse through the vast GIF categories of the site or look for your exact content using a specific search keyword.



You can regard this site as a GIF membership community, where you can find a variety of impressive sub-reddits in the GIF category. The best part is, you will never find recursive content on any two or more sub-reddits as each one is developed and updated keeping different content specifications in mind.

Reddit GIF Website

You are given access to even finer content libraries in some particular sub-reddits that follow a sequential guideline to filter their entries according to user preferences. Some popular sub-reddits are listed below:


Originally a blogging site, Tumblr is simply heaven for creating and sharing GIFs across media platforms. What’s interesting about the site is its content categorization, where bloggers on the site group relatable content under specific categories, which facilitates an easy, quick and hassle free search. Most of the GIF content on the site is either created in Photoshop or taken from across the web.

While the site has exciting GIF content for almost every scenario, the comedy genre is the st5arb attraction of this GIF platform. The huge comic content library of the site has hilarious memes and GIFs that will certainly leave you rolling over the floor. To enjoy your favorite content daily, you just need to search a relatable hashtag and follow some blogs on your searched content.

Tumblr GIF Website


This one lands among the most preferred GIF sites and is packed with an enormous inventory of memes and GIFs. Not just this, this one is a free GIF maker website that allows you to convert videos from almost every media platform into GIFs, independent of the video file format via its ‘Video to GIF Converter’ tool.

You can set a daily dose of your favorite, exciting GIF content by using either the search bar or the ‘Selection Menu’ in the left of the site’s Home page. You can even browse through latest GIF categories by navigating to the ‘Trending’ and ‘Explore’ sections.

Gfycat GIF Website


You can prefer this site to enjoy your favorite GIFs on your PC or iOS device. The site gives you the liberty to share GIFs and memes directly from its library into any of your Instant Messaging chats or community conversations on social media platforms.

All you need to do is navigate to the Tenor search bar, put in a suitable keyword and there you can see loads of GIF content on your screen in less than a second’s time. With periodic updates and a cohesive interface, this site is your storehouse of latest and trendy GIFs, anytime and anywhere.

Tenor GIF Website

06Reaction GIFs

This site is known for having an exact content database for almost every thought that crosses your mind. It serves you with a refined search mechanism, having a different pathway for every search, depending on the content you are looking for. This is a perfect aid to get exactly what you want, without having to fuss out with unwanted stuff.

Talking of search methods, you will find a drop-down menu at the right to search GIFs that express ‘Emotions’ or one word answers (preferably a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’). If you want something related to a more specific category, you can browse through the ‘Galleries’ and ‘Tags’ of the site (categories, like, OMG, LOL, etc).

Reaction GIFs GIF Website


This is again a trunk of latest, funny and entertaining GIFs tom watch and share. On this site, you get to add search filters, like, ‘Most Viewed’, ‘Latest’, ‘Top Rated’, etc., that refine your search to fetch exactly what you are looking for. You are also free to use ‘Search Tags’ grouped according to name and search count on the site.

The tag names are standard keywords (like, animals, sports, nature, etc.) and the count feature keeps a track of the most frequent searches, thus allowing you to find out your favorite GIFs in a more explicit manner. If you are clueless about anything specific, don’t worry. Hit the ‘Random GIFs’ button to explore a whole new world of fun and excitement.

GIFbin GIF Website


This site is popular in the meme world as a GIF sub-reddit that has explicitly no text threads. You can take this one as a free, GIF hosting and sharing website. While you can find loads of quality content on the site convenient to almost any genre, it is a leader in comic and funny GIFs. You can use different search tags for hilarious movie snippets, or some other fun element of your liking. This site’s image library is a hub of latest and nostalgic content.

Imgur GIF Website


This is one more hotspot for relatable GIFs and memes. The best thing about the site is that it has separate search pathways to refine your search in cohesion with your content preference. Some common pathways are explained below:

Browse the site’s homepage for the latest and trending GIF content.

Simplify your search on specific content pages using the ‘Random’, ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ navigation options.

Prefer using ‘Image Hotkeys’ on the content pages.

Try on ‘Tagging’ specific content pages (sunrise, snowfall, cats, etc.).

If you like competing with fellow visitors on the site, you can experiment with creating GIFs of your own and get ranked on the creator scoreboard. Bag a high vote count to get your GIF trending on the site.

Imgflip GIF Website


Last on the list, this is a somewhat different site in terms of features and search constraints. The exclusively unique ’Screen Capture’ feature of this site allows you to take a video of your device screen and use it to create a GIF of your own, making itself a quick and effective ‘Video to GIF Converter’ tool.

You will require creating an account on the site to maintain a library of your searched contents, which you can either tag on the site or downloaded to your device. You can further, export and share your creations across media platforms through this site.

Gyazo GIF Website

Part 2 How to Use Animated GIF Makers

Landing into the creative and exciting world of GIFs, you can easily get motivated to try hands on making your own GIFs. The online market is a pool of solutions that claim of adhering to this concern in the most effective ways. When looking for the best GIF maker tools and software, you can definitely count upon the following choices:

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This one is undoubtedly the best GIF creator software in current times. Using the plethora of audio-visual features, effects and image filters that are offered by this tool, creating animated GIFs is a spic and span process. The software grants you the liberty to play with and explore your editing skills to generate professional quality GIFs within minutes.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Here’s how you can use this software to become a pro at creating GIFs:

Step 1: Import Required Media Files

To begin with, select any desired set of images or a particular video file to the Filmora timeline. You don’t need to be format specific; the software is compatible with over 150 different file formats.

Step 2: Drag Files to Edit

Once you are done with selecting the files, you need to drag the same to the Filmora Editor Timeline, where you can transform the file contents with your editing skills.

Filmora- Editor Timeline

Step 3: Let’s Get Editing.

In the editor window, you are free tom choose from a range of effects, tools and filters suitable to your GIF content to give your artwork a new and engaging look. You can experiment with the cutting, cropping and trimming tools or play with effects, like, overlays, rotation and speed adjustments and even add texts to deliver messages that intensify your GIF.

Filmora- GIF Editing Features

Step 4: Time to Save and Share.

Now is the time to save your work locally to your device using the .gif extension with your created file, as well as share it among your peers on social communities.

Filmora- GIF Editing save and Export Interface

03Deal With It

This one is an online GIF maker tool that allows you to make top quality animated GIFs within a few seconds and you don’t even need to take up any third party software installation. Creating GIFs with this user friendly, clean interface and quick GIF generator utility is an absolute fun, to say the least.

Once you are done creating, the tools gives you the liberty to experiment with effects like, texts and glasses that would further intensify your GIF to the next level, and the best part is, all of this is available to you without having to spend a penny out of your pocket.

Explained below is the step wise user guide to use this tool for creating GIFs:

Step 1:

Navigate to official website of the GIF creator tool.

Deal With It GIF Maker

Step 2:

Choose a desired locally saved image from your device and upload it in the tool’s editor window. To do this, click on the ‘Load Image’ button.

Deal With It- File Selection

Step 3:

You can now modify the uploaded image with text and glasses. This is it. Your GIF is ready to save and export.

Deal With It- GIF Editing Interface


This one lands among the most preferred GIF maker tools available across the web. It comes with a clean interface, is free to use and does not require any third party software installation. You can create catchy and interesting GIF banners, or make captivating, animated GIF files with a series of still images using this tool. However, this GIF maker does not give you the liberty to take up editing and speed or accuracy modifications on your creation.

You need to follow the steps explained below to create your own GIF with LunaPic:

Step 1:

Open the official site of LunaPic in your web browser.

LunaPic GIF Maker

Step 2:

Upload a desired one or a set of images you wish to use for making your GIF on the site. To do this, select a group of images from your device and tap ‘Upload’


LunaPic- ‘Image Upload’ Option

LunaPic- ‘Multiple Image Upload’ Interface

Step 3:

Once uploaded, you can use your creativity to play with the effects library of the site and edit your images in its editing interface.

LunaPic- GIF Editor Interface

Step 4:

When satisfied, choose the file type as GIF and hit the ‘Save’ option at the bottom. This will save your creation locally in your device, once the file conversion gets completed.

Image Name: Finding-best-gif-websites-is-easy-as-pie—here’s-what-you-should-know-22

LunaPic- Output Format Selection

04Wondershare TunesGo

This one is another efficient animated GIF creator utility on the internet. Available to you as free online software, this tool promises you an amazing and hassle free GIF making experience. You can either create stunning GIFs of your own, or convert video files and even live photos into the same using this software. It allows you to set time slots for file conversions and make speed and flow adjustments for GIF frames, along with offering a plethora of editing effects to play with.

Wondershare TunesGo

Here’s the know-how of using this software to create top quality animated GIFs:

Step 1: Download and Launch the Software

Pay a visit to the official TunesGo website to download the software. Begin with installing and launching the same on your preferred device. When you finish, click on the ‘Toolbox’ tab at the top in the welcome screen.

TunesGo- Welcome Interface

Step 2: Upload Media Files

In the software’s opening interface, choose the GIF Maker tool. In the following window that pops-up, click on ‘Add’ to upload the desired media files saved in your device, you want to create a GIF with.

TunesGo- File Upload Interface

Step 3: Convert to GIF

Set the media file to GIF conversion time and tap the ‘Create GIF’ button in the bottom-right to initiate the conversion process.

TunesGo- GIF Conversion Interface


This one is among the latest GIF maker tools that allow you to create animated GIFs from videos. What’s quite interesting about this Gif creation platform is, you can trim videos to the exact part depending on your content preference before beginning with the conversion process. You can also save your creation as a group of trimmed clips. It is a user friendly, free access online tool that does not ask you to install any third party software, and GIF creation with its mess-free interface is absolute fun.

Wave.video GIF Maker

Take the steps listed below to make GIFs with this online tool:

Step 1: Choose a Project

To start working with this tool, you need to create an account on its official site. Having done that, just log into your account and upload a desired video you would like to use for creating a GIF. You have a choice to select a locally saved video, choose one from the templates available on the site or create something of your own.

Wave.video- Account Login

Step 2: Customization and Publishing

It is now time to try hands on editing your video with stunning effects like, overlays glasses, etc., or add impactful elements, such as, texts, stickers, etc., to make your artwork more impressive. When you are happy, navigate to the top-right and tap ‘Publish’. From the menu that drops down, select ‘GIF’.

Wave.video- GIF Publishing Interface

Step 3: Download Your Creation

Select the section of your video you wish to convert into a GIF and proceed to fix the GIF start time and play duration. Check for any frame resize requirements, set an adequate frame rate and lastly, click on the ‘Loop Clip’ checkbox. This will produce an infinite loop GIF. When everything seems perfect, tap on ‘Generate’ followed by ‘Download’ to save your creation and share it on social media.

Wave.video- GIF Save Interface

Part 3 5 Stunning Examples of Gifs in Web Design

The credibility of GIFs in market oriented content sharing and information publishing evidently does not require an introduction. These attractive snippets are expert means of business growth and customer appealing strategy planning to address attract a massive target audience within seconds.

Now that you are quite accustomed with the market reliability of GIFs, you may visibly feel motivated to use them to improvise your product websites for a next level market approach. However, before you plunge into using GIFs for your brand promotion, consider sparing a few minutes to browse through some top class product based GIFs to enhance your GIF creation and implementation aptitude.

Described below are some eye-catching examples of GIF for website background, you should certainly look forward to using in your business campaigns:


Having its roots in the United Kingdom, this is a top rated, digital media design corporation that excels in providing web design solutions to a diverse global clientele. Their unique idea of using GIFs in grayscale to depict conducive business settings is just perfect.

The monochromatic color balance with parallax scrolls makes this GIF all the more impactful. You can find impressive ways of using GIFs with a professional instinct on the company website and begin to add appeal to your market buildup strategies.

Headscape Site Homepage


This is another high ranked application marketing site that uses GIF for website background to improvise its product promotion. Equipped with a preset world class page makeover, the site’s look and appeal simply gets a boost with floating-text animated GIFs on an otherwise normal webpage.

As you move further on the Invision homepage, you will get to see a demonstration of the site’s prototype tool through GIFs that explain its working functionalities in the most interesting and convenient manner, thus putting forward and outrageously professional and effective marketing strategy.

Invision Site Homepage


This one is an excellent design utility that is equally suited to both web designers as well as site developers. On visiting the tool’s homepage, you are welcomed with a streamlined text setting on a black and white theme. Move a bit downwards, and there you see a cluster of animated GIFs in action to get you familiar with the interface and usage pattern of the Macaw design utility with utmost ease. It is convenient enough to make you feel as if you are actually using the tool.

Macaw Site Homepage

04Giant Ant

Established as a creative firm, this one is known for its appealing website design. As you navigate through the site, you will find a still image complemented by cohesive text overlays. Beneath that, there are caricature forms of everyday objects, but the real magic happens when you click on a particular object and woosh. It instantly turns into an animated GIF. This explicit style of infusing dynamism to your website is simply awesome, to say the least.

Giant Ant Site Homepage


This is intuitively a fitness tracker that keeps a record of your system vitals in the most effective manner. But that’s not all. The tracker website is equally amazing, setting the perfect example of using GIFs to improve market buildup. The site majorly utilizes the parallax scroll effect with animated GIFs to facilitate a live demonstration of the tracker functionality, coupled with an iPhone user guide and ways of sharing relatable content with fellow users.

Tinke Site Homepage

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Surfing the internet, you will land across some of the best GIF creator and downloader sites that are flooded with brilliant GIF content suited for almost every purpose.

You can create your own animated GIFs on any GIF maker website or enjoy pre-made stuff to your heart’s content, where using Filmora is certainly the best choice. To explore something more exciting, try hands on using GIFs for product marketing and brand promotions on your business sites.

Try It Free Try It Free

Want a heap of the most exiting GIFs? Here are the best websites to visit.

In this article

01 [10 Sites for Finding the Perfect GIF](#Part 1)

02 [How to Use Animated GIF Makers](#Part 2)

03 [5 Stunning Examples of Gifs in Web Design](#Part 3)

Part 1 Sites for Finding the Perfect GIF

Information was never so expressive until GIFs came up as delivery platform. Looking through the frame of content diversity and effective delivery, there’s possibly nothing that is left untouched by these short, precise and creative snippets. When the talk is about long term user credibility, creativity is one thing, while reach is the other.

No doubt about the creative aspect, but the convenient availability holds equal importance. However captivating a utility nay be, you would certainly not be interested to spend quality time searching the apt content. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular and convenient GIF website that will surely put a full stop on your search spree for a relatable GIF.


Initially launched as a GIF search engine, thin is a complete storehouse on almost everything that you can possibly think of. The extensive content library of this site is all set to meet your most specific content requirements in less than a blink’s time. You get an access to quality content in music, science, nature and what not on this free GIF website.

Talking of search flexibility, GIPHY is known to have the most advanced and updated search bar that ensures that top quality and fresh content is always at the hand of its users. You can browse through the vast GIF categories of the site or look for your exact content using a specific search keyword.



You can regard this site as a GIF membership community, where you can find a variety of impressive sub-reddits in the GIF category. The best part is, you will never find recursive content on any two or more sub-reddits as each one is developed and updated keeping different content specifications in mind.

Reddit GIF Website

You are given access to even finer content libraries in some particular sub-reddits that follow a sequential guideline to filter their entries according to user preferences. Some popular sub-reddits are listed below:


Originally a blogging site, Tumblr is simply heaven for creating and sharing GIFs across media platforms. What’s interesting about the site is its content categorization, where bloggers on the site group relatable content under specific categories, which facilitates an easy, quick and hassle free search. Most of the GIF content on the site is either created in Photoshop or taken from across the web.

While the site has exciting GIF content for almost every scenario, the comedy genre is the st5arb attraction of this GIF platform. The huge comic content library of the site has hilarious memes and GIFs that will certainly leave you rolling over the floor. To enjoy your favorite content daily, you just need to search a relatable hashtag and follow some blogs on your searched content.

Tumblr GIF Website


This one lands among the most preferred GIF sites and is packed with an enormous inventory of memes and GIFs. Not just this, this one is a free GIF maker website that allows you to convert videos from almost every media platform into GIFs, independent of the video file format via its ‘Video to GIF Converter’ tool.

You can set a daily dose of your favorite, exciting GIF content by using either the search bar or the ‘Selection Menu’ in the left of the site’s Home page. You can even browse through latest GIF categories by navigating to the ‘Trending’ and ‘Explore’ sections.

Gfycat GIF Website


You can prefer this site to enjoy your favorite GIFs on your PC or iOS device. The site gives you the liberty to share GIFs and memes directly from its library into any of your Instant Messaging chats or community conversations on social media platforms.

All you need to do is navigate to the Tenor search bar, put in a suitable keyword and there you can see loads of GIF content on your screen in less than a second’s time. With periodic updates and a cohesive interface, this site is your storehouse of latest and trendy GIFs, anytime and anywhere.

Tenor GIF Website

06Reaction GIFs

This site is known for having an exact content database for almost every thought that crosses your mind. It serves you with a refined search mechanism, having a different pathway for every search, depending on the content you are looking for. This is a perfect aid to get exactly what you want, without having to fuss out with unwanted stuff.

Talking of search methods, you will find a drop-down menu at the right to search GIFs that express ‘Emotions’ or one word answers (preferably a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’). If you want something related to a more specific category, you can browse through the ‘Galleries’ and ‘Tags’ of the site (categories, like, OMG, LOL, etc).

Reaction GIFs GIF Website


This is again a trunk of latest, funny and entertaining GIFs tom watch and share. On this site, you get to add search filters, like, ‘Most Viewed’, ‘Latest’, ‘Top Rated’, etc., that refine your search to fetch exactly what you are looking for. You are also free to use ‘Search Tags’ grouped according to name and search count on the site.

The tag names are standard keywords (like, animals, sports, nature, etc.) and the count feature keeps a track of the most frequent searches, thus allowing you to find out your favorite GIFs in a more explicit manner. If you are clueless about anything specific, don’t worry. Hit the ‘Random GIFs’ button to explore a whole new world of fun and excitement.

GIFbin GIF Website


This site is popular in the meme world as a GIF sub-reddit that has explicitly no text threads. You can take this one as a free, GIF hosting and sharing website. While you can find loads of quality content on the site convenient to almost any genre, it is a leader in comic and funny GIFs. You can use different search tags for hilarious movie snippets, or some other fun element of your liking. This site’s image library is a hub of latest and nostalgic content.

Imgur GIF Website


This is one more hotspot for relatable GIFs and memes. The best thing about the site is that it has separate search pathways to refine your search in cohesion with your content preference. Some common pathways are explained below:

Browse the site’s homepage for the latest and trending GIF content.

Simplify your search on specific content pages using the ‘Random’, ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ navigation options.

Prefer using ‘Image Hotkeys’ on the content pages.

Try on ‘Tagging’ specific content pages (sunrise, snowfall, cats, etc.).

If you like competing with fellow visitors on the site, you can experiment with creating GIFs of your own and get ranked on the creator scoreboard. Bag a high vote count to get your GIF trending on the site.

Imgflip GIF Website


Last on the list, this is a somewhat different site in terms of features and search constraints. The exclusively unique ’Screen Capture’ feature of this site allows you to take a video of your device screen and use it to create a GIF of your own, making itself a quick and effective ‘Video to GIF Converter’ tool.

You will require creating an account on the site to maintain a library of your searched contents, which you can either tag on the site or downloaded to your device. You can further, export and share your creations across media platforms through this site.

Gyazo GIF Website

Part 2 How to Use Animated GIF Makers

Landing into the creative and exciting world of GIFs, you can easily get motivated to try hands on making your own GIFs. The online market is a pool of solutions that claim of adhering to this concern in the most effective ways. When looking for the best GIF maker tools and software, you can definitely count upon the following choices:

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This one is undoubtedly the best GIF creator software in current times. Using the plethora of audio-visual features, effects and image filters that are offered by this tool, creating animated GIFs is a spic and span process. The software grants you the liberty to play with and explore your editing skills to generate professional quality GIFs within minutes.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Here’s how you can use this software to become a pro at creating GIFs:

Step 1: Import Required Media Files

To begin with, select any desired set of images or a particular video file to the Filmora timeline. You don’t need to be format specific; the software is compatible with over 150 different file formats.

Step 2: Drag Files to Edit

Once you are done with selecting the files, you need to drag the same to the Filmora Editor Timeline, where you can transform the file contents with your editing skills.

Filmora- Editor Timeline

Step 3: Let’s Get Editing.

In the editor window, you are free tom choose from a range of effects, tools and filters suitable to your GIF content to give your artwork a new and engaging look. You can experiment with the cutting, cropping and trimming tools or play with effects, like, overlays, rotation and speed adjustments and even add texts to deliver messages that intensify your GIF.

Filmora- GIF Editing Features

Step 4: Time to Save and Share.

Now is the time to save your work locally to your device using the .gif extension with your created file, as well as share it among your peers on social communities.

Filmora- GIF Editing save and Export Interface

03Deal With It

This one is an online GIF maker tool that allows you to make top quality animated GIFs within a few seconds and you don’t even need to take up any third party software installation. Creating GIFs with this user friendly, clean interface and quick GIF generator utility is an absolute fun, to say the least.

Once you are done creating, the tools gives you the liberty to experiment with effects like, texts and glasses that would further intensify your GIF to the next level, and the best part is, all of this is available to you without having to spend a penny out of your pocket.

Explained below is the step wise user guide to use this tool for creating GIFs:

Step 1:

Navigate to official website of the GIF creator tool.

Deal With It GIF Maker

Step 2:

Choose a desired locally saved image from your device and upload it in the tool’s editor window. To do this, click on the ‘Load Image’ button.

Deal With It- File Selection

Step 3:

You can now modify the uploaded image with text and glasses. This is it. Your GIF is ready to save and export.

Deal With It- GIF Editing Interface


This one lands among the most preferred GIF maker tools available across the web. It comes with a clean interface, is free to use and does not require any third party software installation. You can create catchy and interesting GIF banners, or make captivating, animated GIF files with a series of still images using this tool. However, this GIF maker does not give you the liberty to take up editing and speed or accuracy modifications on your creation.

You need to follow the steps explained below to create your own GIF with LunaPic:

Step 1:

Open the official site of LunaPic in your web browser.

LunaPic GIF Maker

Step 2:

Upload a desired one or a set of images you wish to use for making your GIF on the site. To do this, select a group of images from your device and tap ‘Upload’


LunaPic- ‘Image Upload’ Option

LunaPic- ‘Multiple Image Upload’ Interface

Step 3:

Once uploaded, you can use your creativity to play with the effects library of the site and edit your images in its editing interface.

LunaPic- GIF Editor Interface

Step 4:

When satisfied, choose the file type as GIF and hit the ‘Save’ option at the bottom. This will save your creation locally in your device, once the file conversion gets completed.

Image Name: Finding-best-gif-websites-is-easy-as-pie—here’s-what-you-should-know-22

LunaPic- Output Format Selection

04Wondershare TunesGo

This one is another efficient animated GIF creator utility on the internet. Available to you as free online software, this tool promises you an amazing and hassle free GIF making experience. You can either create stunning GIFs of your own, or convert video files and even live photos into the same using this software. It allows you to set time slots for file conversions and make speed and flow adjustments for GIF frames, along with offering a plethora of editing effects to play with.

Wondershare TunesGo

Here’s the know-how of using this software to create top quality animated GIFs:

Step 1: Download and Launch the Software

Pay a visit to the official TunesGo website to download the software. Begin with installing and launching the same on your preferred device. When you finish, click on the ‘Toolbox’ tab at the top in the welcome screen.

TunesGo- Welcome Interface

Step 2: Upload Media Files

In the software’s opening interface, choose the GIF Maker tool. In the following window that pops-up, click on ‘Add’ to upload the desired media files saved in your device, you want to create a GIF with.

TunesGo- File Upload Interface

Step 3: Convert to GIF

Set the media file to GIF conversion time and tap the ‘Create GIF’ button in the bottom-right to initiate the conversion process.

TunesGo- GIF Conversion Interface


This one is among the latest GIF maker tools that allow you to create animated GIFs from videos. What’s quite interesting about this Gif creation platform is, you can trim videos to the exact part depending on your content preference before beginning with the conversion process. You can also save your creation as a group of trimmed clips. It is a user friendly, free access online tool that does not ask you to install any third party software, and GIF creation with its mess-free interface is absolute fun.

Wave.video GIF Maker

Take the steps listed below to make GIFs with this online tool:

Step 1: Choose a Project

To start working with this tool, you need to create an account on its official site. Having done that, just log into your account and upload a desired video you would like to use for creating a GIF. You have a choice to select a locally saved video, choose one from the templates available on the site or create something of your own.

Wave.video- Account Login

Step 2: Customization and Publishing

It is now time to try hands on editing your video with stunning effects like, overlays glasses, etc., or add impactful elements, such as, texts, stickers, etc., to make your artwork more impressive. When you are happy, navigate to the top-right and tap ‘Publish’. From the menu that drops down, select ‘GIF’.

Wave.video- GIF Publishing Interface

Step 3: Download Your Creation

Select the section of your video you wish to convert into a GIF and proceed to fix the GIF start time and play duration. Check for any frame resize requirements, set an adequate frame rate and lastly, click on the ‘Loop Clip’ checkbox. This will produce an infinite loop GIF. When everything seems perfect, tap on ‘Generate’ followed by ‘Download’ to save your creation and share it on social media.

Wave.video- GIF Save Interface

Part 3 5 Stunning Examples of Gifs in Web Design

The credibility of GIFs in market oriented content sharing and information publishing evidently does not require an introduction. These attractive snippets are expert means of business growth and customer appealing strategy planning to address attract a massive target audience within seconds.

Now that you are quite accustomed with the market reliability of GIFs, you may visibly feel motivated to use them to improvise your product websites for a next level market approach. However, before you plunge into using GIFs for your brand promotion, consider sparing a few minutes to browse through some top class product based GIFs to enhance your GIF creation and implementation aptitude.

Described below are some eye-catching examples of GIF for website background, you should certainly look forward to using in your business campaigns:


Having its roots in the United Kingdom, this is a top rated, digital media design corporation that excels in providing web design solutions to a diverse global clientele. Their unique idea of using GIFs in grayscale to depict conducive business settings is just perfect.

The monochromatic color balance with parallax scrolls makes this GIF all the more impactful. You can find impressive ways of using GIFs with a professional instinct on the company website and begin to add appeal to your market buildup strategies.

Headscape Site Homepage


This is another high ranked application marketing site that uses GIF for website background to improvise its product promotion. Equipped with a preset world class page makeover, the site’s look and appeal simply gets a boost with floating-text animated GIFs on an otherwise normal webpage.

As you move further on the Invision homepage, you will get to see a demonstration of the site’s prototype tool through GIFs that explain its working functionalities in the most interesting and convenient manner, thus putting forward and outrageously professional and effective marketing strategy.

Invision Site Homepage


This one is an excellent design utility that is equally suited to both web designers as well as site developers. On visiting the tool’s homepage, you are welcomed with a streamlined text setting on a black and white theme. Move a bit downwards, and there you see a cluster of animated GIFs in action to get you familiar with the interface and usage pattern of the Macaw design utility with utmost ease. It is convenient enough to make you feel as if you are actually using the tool.

Macaw Site Homepage

04Giant Ant

Established as a creative firm, this one is known for its appealing website design. As you navigate through the site, you will find a still image complemented by cohesive text overlays. Beneath that, there are caricature forms of everyday objects, but the real magic happens when you click on a particular object and woosh. It instantly turns into an animated GIF. This explicit style of infusing dynamism to your website is simply awesome, to say the least.

Giant Ant Site Homepage


This is intuitively a fitness tracker that keeps a record of your system vitals in the most effective manner. But that’s not all. The tracker website is equally amazing, setting the perfect example of using GIFs to improve market buildup. The site majorly utilizes the parallax scroll effect with animated GIFs to facilitate a live demonstration of the tracker functionality, coupled with an iPhone user guide and ways of sharing relatable content with fellow users.

Tinke Site Homepage

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Surfing the internet, you will land across some of the best GIF creator and downloader sites that are flooded with brilliant GIF content suited for almost every purpose.

You can create your own animated GIFs on any GIF maker website or enjoy pre-made stuff to your heart’s content, where using Filmora is certainly the best choice. To explore something more exciting, try hands on using GIFs for product marketing and brand promotions on your business sites.

Try It Free Try It Free

Want a heap of the most exiting GIFs? Here are the best websites to visit.

In this article

01 [10 Sites for Finding the Perfect GIF](#Part 1)

02 [How to Use Animated GIF Makers](#Part 2)

03 [5 Stunning Examples of Gifs in Web Design](#Part 3)

Part 1 Sites for Finding the Perfect GIF

Information was never so expressive until GIFs came up as delivery platform. Looking through the frame of content diversity and effective delivery, there’s possibly nothing that is left untouched by these short, precise and creative snippets. When the talk is about long term user credibility, creativity is one thing, while reach is the other.

No doubt about the creative aspect, but the convenient availability holds equal importance. However captivating a utility nay be, you would certainly not be interested to spend quality time searching the apt content. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular and convenient GIF website that will surely put a full stop on your search spree for a relatable GIF.


Initially launched as a GIF search engine, thin is a complete storehouse on almost everything that you can possibly think of. The extensive content library of this site is all set to meet your most specific content requirements in less than a blink’s time. You get an access to quality content in music, science, nature and what not on this free GIF website.

Talking of search flexibility, GIPHY is known to have the most advanced and updated search bar that ensures that top quality and fresh content is always at the hand of its users. You can browse through the vast GIF categories of the site or look for your exact content using a specific search keyword.



You can regard this site as a GIF membership community, where you can find a variety of impressive sub-reddits in the GIF category. The best part is, you will never find recursive content on any two or more sub-reddits as each one is developed and updated keeping different content specifications in mind.

Reddit GIF Website

You are given access to even finer content libraries in some particular sub-reddits that follow a sequential guideline to filter their entries according to user preferences. Some popular sub-reddits are listed below:


Originally a blogging site, Tumblr is simply heaven for creating and sharing GIFs across media platforms. What’s interesting about the site is its content categorization, where bloggers on the site group relatable content under specific categories, which facilitates an easy, quick and hassle free search. Most of the GIF content on the site is either created in Photoshop or taken from across the web.

While the site has exciting GIF content for almost every scenario, the comedy genre is the st5arb attraction of this GIF platform. The huge comic content library of the site has hilarious memes and GIFs that will certainly leave you rolling over the floor. To enjoy your favorite content daily, you just need to search a relatable hashtag and follow some blogs on your searched content.

Tumblr GIF Website


This one lands among the most preferred GIF sites and is packed with an enormous inventory of memes and GIFs. Not just this, this one is a free GIF maker website that allows you to convert videos from almost every media platform into GIFs, independent of the video file format via its ‘Video to GIF Converter’ tool.

You can set a daily dose of your favorite, exciting GIF content by using either the search bar or the ‘Selection Menu’ in the left of the site’s Home page. You can even browse through latest GIF categories by navigating to the ‘Trending’ and ‘Explore’ sections.

Gfycat GIF Website


You can prefer this site to enjoy your favorite GIFs on your PC or iOS device. The site gives you the liberty to share GIFs and memes directly from its library into any of your Instant Messaging chats or community conversations on social media platforms.

All you need to do is navigate to the Tenor search bar, put in a suitable keyword and there you can see loads of GIF content on your screen in less than a second’s time. With periodic updates and a cohesive interface, this site is your storehouse of latest and trendy GIFs, anytime and anywhere.

Tenor GIF Website

06Reaction GIFs

This site is known for having an exact content database for almost every thought that crosses your mind. It serves you with a refined search mechanism, having a different pathway for every search, depending on the content you are looking for. This is a perfect aid to get exactly what you want, without having to fuss out with unwanted stuff.

Talking of search methods, you will find a drop-down menu at the right to search GIFs that express ‘Emotions’ or one word answers (preferably a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’). If you want something related to a more specific category, you can browse through the ‘Galleries’ and ‘Tags’ of the site (categories, like, OMG, LOL, etc).

Reaction GIFs GIF Website


This is again a trunk of latest, funny and entertaining GIFs tom watch and share. On this site, you get to add search filters, like, ‘Most Viewed’, ‘Latest’, ‘Top Rated’, etc., that refine your search to fetch exactly what you are looking for. You are also free to use ‘Search Tags’ grouped according to name and search count on the site.

The tag names are standard keywords (like, animals, sports, nature, etc.) and the count feature keeps a track of the most frequent searches, thus allowing you to find out your favorite GIFs in a more explicit manner. If you are clueless about anything specific, don’t worry. Hit the ‘Random GIFs’ button to explore a whole new world of fun and excitement.

GIFbin GIF Website


This site is popular in the meme world as a GIF sub-reddit that has explicitly no text threads. You can take this one as a free, GIF hosting and sharing website. While you can find loads of quality content on the site convenient to almost any genre, it is a leader in comic and funny GIFs. You can use different search tags for hilarious movie snippets, or some other fun element of your liking. This site’s image library is a hub of latest and nostalgic content.

Imgur GIF Website


This is one more hotspot for relatable GIFs and memes. The best thing about the site is that it has separate search pathways to refine your search in cohesion with your content preference. Some common pathways are explained below:

Browse the site’s homepage for the latest and trending GIF content.

Simplify your search on specific content pages using the ‘Random’, ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ navigation options.

Prefer using ‘Image Hotkeys’ on the content pages.

Try on ‘Tagging’ specific content pages (sunrise, snowfall, cats, etc.).

If you like competing with fellow visitors on the site, you can experiment with creating GIFs of your own and get ranked on the creator scoreboard. Bag a high vote count to get your GIF trending on the site.

Imgflip GIF Website


Last on the list, this is a somewhat different site in terms of features and search constraints. The exclusively unique ’Screen Capture’ feature of this site allows you to take a video of your device screen and use it to create a GIF of your own, making itself a quick and effective ‘Video to GIF Converter’ tool.

You will require creating an account on the site to maintain a library of your searched contents, which you can either tag on the site or downloaded to your device. You can further, export and share your creations across media platforms through this site.

Gyazo GIF Website

Part 2 How to Use Animated GIF Makers

Landing into the creative and exciting world of GIFs, you can easily get motivated to try hands on making your own GIFs. The online market is a pool of solutions that claim of adhering to this concern in the most effective ways. When looking for the best GIF maker tools and software, you can definitely count upon the following choices:

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This one is undoubtedly the best GIF creator software in current times. Using the plethora of audio-visual features, effects and image filters that are offered by this tool, creating animated GIFs is a spic and span process. The software grants you the liberty to play with and explore your editing skills to generate professional quality GIFs within minutes.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Here’s how you can use this software to become a pro at creating GIFs:

Step 1: Import Required Media Files

To begin with, select any desired set of images or a particular video file to the Filmora timeline. You don’t need to be format specific; the software is compatible with over 150 different file formats.

Step 2: Drag Files to Edit

Once you are done with selecting the files, you need to drag the same to the Filmora Editor Timeline, where you can transform the file contents with your editing skills.

Filmora- Editor Timeline

Step 3: Let’s Get Editing.

In the editor window, you are free tom choose from a range of effects, tools and filters suitable to your GIF content to give your artwork a new and engaging look. You can experiment with the cutting, cropping and trimming tools or play with effects, like, overlays, rotation and speed adjustments and even add texts to deliver messages that intensify your GIF.

Filmora- GIF Editing Features

Step 4: Time to Save and Share.

Now is the time to save your work locally to your device using the .gif extension with your created file, as well as share it among your peers on social communities.

Filmora- GIF Editing save and Export Interface

03Deal With It

This one is an online GIF maker tool that allows you to make top quality animated GIFs within a few seconds and you don’t even need to take up any third party software installation. Creating GIFs with this user friendly, clean interface and quick GIF generator utility is an absolute fun, to say the least.

Once you are done creating, the tools gives you the liberty to experiment with effects like, texts and glasses that would further intensify your GIF to the next level, and the best part is, all of this is available to you without having to spend a penny out of your pocket.

Explained below is the step wise user guide to use this tool for creating GIFs:

Step 1:

Navigate to official website of the GIF creator tool.

Deal With It GIF Maker

Step 2:

Choose a desired locally saved image from your device and upload it in the tool’s editor window. To do this, click on the ‘Load Image’ button.

Deal With It- File Selection

Step 3:

You can now modify the uploaded image with text and glasses. This is it. Your GIF is ready to save and export.

Deal With It- GIF Editing Interface


This one lands among the most preferred GIF maker tools available across the web. It comes with a clean interface, is free to use and does not require any third party software installation. You can create catchy and interesting GIF banners, or make captivating, animated GIF files with a series of still images using this tool. However, this GIF maker does not give you the liberty to take up editing and speed or accuracy modifications on your creation.

You need to follow the steps explained below to create your own GIF with LunaPic:

Step 1:

Open the official site of LunaPic in your web browser.

LunaPic GIF Maker

Step 2:

Upload a desired one or a set of images you wish to use for making your GIF on the site. To do this, select a group of images from your device and tap ‘Upload’


LunaPic- ‘Image Upload’ Option

LunaPic- ‘Multiple Image Upload’ Interface

Step 3:

Once uploaded, you can use your creativity to play with the effects library of the site and edit your images in its editing interface.

LunaPic- GIF Editor Interface

Step 4:

When satisfied, choose the file type as GIF and hit the ‘Save’ option at the bottom. This will save your creation locally in your device, once the file conversion gets completed.

Image Name: Finding-best-gif-websites-is-easy-as-pie—here’s-what-you-should-know-22

LunaPic- Output Format Selection

04Wondershare TunesGo

This one is another efficient animated GIF creator utility on the internet. Available to you as free online software, this tool promises you an amazing and hassle free GIF making experience. You can either create stunning GIFs of your own, or convert video files and even live photos into the same using this software. It allows you to set time slots for file conversions and make speed and flow adjustments for GIF frames, along with offering a plethora of editing effects to play with.

Wondershare TunesGo

Here’s the know-how of using this software to create top quality animated GIFs:

Step 1: Download and Launch the Software

Pay a visit to the official TunesGo website to download the software. Begin with installing and launching the same on your preferred device. When you finish, click on the ‘Toolbox’ tab at the top in the welcome screen.

TunesGo- Welcome Interface

Step 2: Upload Media Files

In the software’s opening interface, choose the GIF Maker tool. In the following window that pops-up, click on ‘Add’ to upload the desired media files saved in your device, you want to create a GIF with.

TunesGo- File Upload Interface

Step 3: Convert to GIF

Set the media file to GIF conversion time and tap the ‘Create GIF’ button in the bottom-right to initiate the conversion process.

TunesGo- GIF Conversion Interface


This one is among the latest GIF maker tools that allow you to create animated GIFs from videos. What’s quite interesting about this Gif creation platform is, you can trim videos to the exact part depending on your content preference before beginning with the conversion process. You can also save your creation as a group of trimmed clips. It is a user friendly, free access online tool that does not ask you to install any third party software, and GIF creation with its mess-free interface is absolute fun.

Wave.video GIF Maker

Take the steps listed below to make GIFs with this online tool:

Step 1: Choose a Project

To start working with this tool, you need to create an account on its official site. Having done that, just log into your account and upload a desired video you would like to use for creating a GIF. You have a choice to select a locally saved video, choose one from the templates available on the site or create something of your own.

Wave.video- Account Login

Step 2: Customization and Publishing

It is now time to try hands on editing your video with stunning effects like, overlays glasses, etc., or add impactful elements, such as, texts, stickers, etc., to make your artwork more impressive. When you are happy, navigate to the top-right and tap ‘Publish’. From the menu that drops down, select ‘GIF’.

Wave.video- GIF Publishing Interface

Step 3: Download Your Creation

Select the section of your video you wish to convert into a GIF and proceed to fix the GIF start time and play duration. Check for any frame resize requirements, set an adequate frame rate and lastly, click on the ‘Loop Clip’ checkbox. This will produce an infinite loop GIF. When everything seems perfect, tap on ‘Generate’ followed by ‘Download’ to save your creation and share it on social media.

Wave.video- GIF Save Interface

Part 3 5 Stunning Examples of Gifs in Web Design

The credibility of GIFs in market oriented content sharing and information publishing evidently does not require an introduction. These attractive snippets are expert means of business growth and customer appealing strategy planning to address attract a massive target audience within seconds.

Now that you are quite accustomed with the market reliability of GIFs, you may visibly feel motivated to use them to improvise your product websites for a next level market approach. However, before you plunge into using GIFs for your brand promotion, consider sparing a few minutes to browse through some top class product based GIFs to enhance your GIF creation and implementation aptitude.

Described below are some eye-catching examples of GIF for website background, you should certainly look forward to using in your business campaigns:


Having its roots in the United Kingdom, this is a top rated, digital media design corporation that excels in providing web design solutions to a diverse global clientele. Their unique idea of using GIFs in grayscale to depict conducive business settings is just perfect.

The monochromatic color balance with parallax scrolls makes this GIF all the more impactful. You can find impressive ways of using GIFs with a professional instinct on the company website and begin to add appeal to your market buildup strategies.

Headscape Site Homepage


This is another high ranked application marketing site that uses GIF for website background to improvise its product promotion. Equipped with a preset world class page makeover, the site’s look and appeal simply gets a boost with floating-text animated GIFs on an otherwise normal webpage.

As you move further on the Invision homepage, you will get to see a demonstration of the site’s prototype tool through GIFs that explain its working functionalities in the most interesting and convenient manner, thus putting forward and outrageously professional and effective marketing strategy.

Invision Site Homepage


This one is an excellent design utility that is equally suited to both web designers as well as site developers. On visiting the tool’s homepage, you are welcomed with a streamlined text setting on a black and white theme. Move a bit downwards, and there you see a cluster of animated GIFs in action to get you familiar with the interface and usage pattern of the Macaw design utility with utmost ease. It is convenient enough to make you feel as if you are actually using the tool.

Macaw Site Homepage

04Giant Ant

Established as a creative firm, this one is known for its appealing website design. As you navigate through the site, you will find a still image complemented by cohesive text overlays. Beneath that, there are caricature forms of everyday objects, but the real magic happens when you click on a particular object and woosh. It instantly turns into an animated GIF. This explicit style of infusing dynamism to your website is simply awesome, to say the least.

Giant Ant Site Homepage


This is intuitively a fitness tracker that keeps a record of your system vitals in the most effective manner. But that’s not all. The tracker website is equally amazing, setting the perfect example of using GIFs to improve market buildup. The site majorly utilizes the parallax scroll effect with animated GIFs to facilitate a live demonstration of the tracker functionality, coupled with an iPhone user guide and ways of sharing relatable content with fellow users.

Tinke Site Homepage

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Surfing the internet, you will land across some of the best GIF creator and downloader sites that are flooded with brilliant GIF content suited for almost every purpose.

You can create your own animated GIFs on any GIF maker website or enjoy pre-made stuff to your heart’s content, where using Filmora is certainly the best choice. To explore something more exciting, try hands on using GIFs for product marketing and brand promotions on your business sites.

Try It Free Try It Free

Want a heap of the most exiting GIFs? Here are the best websites to visit.

In this article

01 [10 Sites for Finding the Perfect GIF](#Part 1)

02 [How to Use Animated GIF Makers](#Part 2)

03 [5 Stunning Examples of Gifs in Web Design](#Part 3)

Part 1 Sites for Finding the Perfect GIF

Information was never so expressive until GIFs came up as delivery platform. Looking through the frame of content diversity and effective delivery, there’s possibly nothing that is left untouched by these short, precise and creative snippets. When the talk is about long term user credibility, creativity is one thing, while reach is the other.

No doubt about the creative aspect, but the convenient availability holds equal importance. However captivating a utility nay be, you would certainly not be interested to spend quality time searching the apt content. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular and convenient GIF website that will surely put a full stop on your search spree for a relatable GIF.


Initially launched as a GIF search engine, thin is a complete storehouse on almost everything that you can possibly think of. The extensive content library of this site is all set to meet your most specific content requirements in less than a blink’s time. You get an access to quality content in music, science, nature and what not on this free GIF website.

Talking of search flexibility, GIPHY is known to have the most advanced and updated search bar that ensures that top quality and fresh content is always at the hand of its users. You can browse through the vast GIF categories of the site or look for your exact content using a specific search keyword.



You can regard this site as a GIF membership community, where you can find a variety of impressive sub-reddits in the GIF category. The best part is, you will never find recursive content on any two or more sub-reddits as each one is developed and updated keeping different content specifications in mind.

Reddit GIF Website

You are given access to even finer content libraries in some particular sub-reddits that follow a sequential guideline to filter their entries according to user preferences. Some popular sub-reddits are listed below:


Originally a blogging site, Tumblr is simply heaven for creating and sharing GIFs across media platforms. What’s interesting about the site is its content categorization, where bloggers on the site group relatable content under specific categories, which facilitates an easy, quick and hassle free search. Most of the GIF content on the site is either created in Photoshop or taken from across the web.

While the site has exciting GIF content for almost every scenario, the comedy genre is the st5arb attraction of this GIF platform. The huge comic content library of the site has hilarious memes and GIFs that will certainly leave you rolling over the floor. To enjoy your favorite content daily, you just need to search a relatable hashtag and follow some blogs on your searched content.

Tumblr GIF Website


This one lands among the most preferred GIF sites and is packed with an enormous inventory of memes and GIFs. Not just this, this one is a free GIF maker website that allows you to convert videos from almost every media platform into GIFs, independent of the video file format via its ‘Video to GIF Converter’ tool.

You can set a daily dose of your favorite, exciting GIF content by using either the search bar or the ‘Selection Menu’ in the left of the site’s Home page. You can even browse through latest GIF categories by navigating to the ‘Trending’ and ‘Explore’ sections.

Gfycat GIF Website


You can prefer this site to enjoy your favorite GIFs on your PC or iOS device. The site gives you the liberty to share GIFs and memes directly from its library into any of your Instant Messaging chats or community conversations on social media platforms.

All you need to do is navigate to the Tenor search bar, put in a suitable keyword and there you can see loads of GIF content on your screen in less than a second’s time. With periodic updates and a cohesive interface, this site is your storehouse of latest and trendy GIFs, anytime and anywhere.

Tenor GIF Website

06Reaction GIFs

This site is known for having an exact content database for almost every thought that crosses your mind. It serves you with a refined search mechanism, having a different pathway for every search, depending on the content you are looking for. This is a perfect aid to get exactly what you want, without having to fuss out with unwanted stuff.

Talking of search methods, you will find a drop-down menu at the right to search GIFs that express ‘Emotions’ or one word answers (preferably a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’). If you want something related to a more specific category, you can browse through the ‘Galleries’ and ‘Tags’ of the site (categories, like, OMG, LOL, etc).

Reaction GIFs GIF Website


This is again a trunk of latest, funny and entertaining GIFs tom watch and share. On this site, you get to add search filters, like, ‘Most Viewed’, ‘Latest’, ‘Top Rated’, etc., that refine your search to fetch exactly what you are looking for. You are also free to use ‘Search Tags’ grouped according to name and search count on the site.

The tag names are standard keywords (like, animals, sports, nature, etc.) and the count feature keeps a track of the most frequent searches, thus allowing you to find out your favorite GIFs in a more explicit manner. If you are clueless about anything specific, don’t worry. Hit the ‘Random GIFs’ button to explore a whole new world of fun and excitement.

GIFbin GIF Website


This site is popular in the meme world as a GIF sub-reddit that has explicitly no text threads. You can take this one as a free, GIF hosting and sharing website. While you can find loads of quality content on the site convenient to almost any genre, it is a leader in comic and funny GIFs. You can use different search tags for hilarious movie snippets, or some other fun element of your liking. This site’s image library is a hub of latest and nostalgic content.

Imgur GIF Website


This is one more hotspot for relatable GIFs and memes. The best thing about the site is that it has separate search pathways to refine your search in cohesion with your content preference. Some common pathways are explained below:

Browse the site’s homepage for the latest and trending GIF content.

Simplify your search on specific content pages using the ‘Random’, ‘Next’ or ‘Previous’ navigation options.

Prefer using ‘Image Hotkeys’ on the content pages.

Try on ‘Tagging’ specific content pages (sunrise, snowfall, cats, etc.).

If you like competing with fellow visitors on the site, you can experiment with creating GIFs of your own and get ranked on the creator scoreboard. Bag a high vote count to get your GIF trending on the site.

Imgflip GIF Website


Last on the list, this is a somewhat different site in terms of features and search constraints. The exclusively unique ’Screen Capture’ feature of this site allows you to take a video of your device screen and use it to create a GIF of your own, making itself a quick and effective ‘Video to GIF Converter’ tool.

You will require creating an account on the site to maintain a library of your searched contents, which you can either tag on the site or downloaded to your device. You can further, export and share your creations across media platforms through this site.

Gyazo GIF Website

Part 2 How to Use Animated GIF Makers

Landing into the creative and exciting world of GIFs, you can easily get motivated to try hands on making your own GIFs. The online market is a pool of solutions that claim of adhering to this concern in the most effective ways. When looking for the best GIF maker tools and software, you can definitely count upon the following choices:

01**Wondershare Filmora Video Editor **

This one is undoubtedly the best GIF creator software in current times. Using the plethora of audio-visual features, effects and image filters that are offered by this tool, creating animated GIFs is a spic and span process. The software grants you the liberty to play with and explore your editing skills to generate professional quality GIFs within minutes.

Wondershare Filmora - Best Video Editor for Mac/Windows

Try It Free Try It Free

5,481,435 people have downloaded it.

Build unique custom animations without breaking a sweat.

Focus on creating epic stories and leave the details to Filmora’s auto features.

Start a creative adventure with drag & drop effects and endless possibilities.

Filmora simplifies advanced features to save you time and effort.

Filmora cuts out repetition so you can move on to your next creative breakthrough.

Here’s how you can use this software to become a pro at creating GIFs:

Step 1: Import Required Media Files

To begin with, select any desired set of images or a particular video file to the Filmora timeline. You don’t need to be format specific; the software is compatible with over 150 different file formats.

Step 2: Drag Files to Edit

Once you are done with selecting the files, you need to drag the same to the Filmora Editor Timeline, where you can transform the file contents with your editing skills.

Filmora- Editor Timeline

Step 3: Let’s Get Editing.

In the editor window, you are free tom choose from a range of effects, tools and filters suitable to your GIF content to give your artwork a new and engaging look. You can experiment with the cutting, cropping and trimming tools or play with effects, like, overlays, rotation and speed adjustments and even add texts to deliver messages that intensify your GIF.

Filmora- GIF Editing Features

Step 4: Time to Save and Share.

Now is the time to save your work locally to your device using the .gif extension with your created file, as well as share it among your peers on social communities.

Filmora- GIF Editing save and Export Interface

03Deal With It

This one is an online GIF maker tool that allows you to make top quality animated GIFs within a few seconds and you don’t even need to take up any third party software installation. Creating GIFs with this user friendly, clean interface and quick GIF generator utility is an absolute fun, to say the least.

Once you are done creating, the tools gives you the liberty to experiment with effects like, texts and glasses that would further intensify your GIF to the next level, and the best part is, all of this is available to you without having to spend a penny out of your pocket.

Explained below is the step wise user guide to use this tool for creating GIFs:

Step 1:

Navigate to official website of the GIF creator tool.

Deal With It GIF Maker

Step 2:

Choose a desired locally saved image from your device and upload it in the tool’s editor window. To do this, click on the ‘Load Image’ button.

Deal With It- File Selection

Step 3:

You can now modify the uploaded image with text and glasses. This is it. Your GIF is ready to save and export.

Deal With It- GIF Editing Interface


This one lands among the most preferred GIF maker tools available across the web. It comes with a clean interface, is free to use and does not require any third party software installation. You can create catchy and interesting GIF banners, or make captivating, animated GIF files with a series of still images using this tool. However, this GIF maker does not give you the liberty to take up editing and speed or accuracy modifications on your creation.

You need to follow the steps explained below to create your own GIF with LunaPic:

Step 1:

Open the official site of LunaPic in your web browser.

LunaPic GIF Maker

Step 2:

Upload a desired one or a set of images you wish to use for making your GIF on the site. To do this, select a group of images from your device and tap ‘Upload’


LunaPic- ‘Image Upload’ Option

LunaPic- ‘Multiple Image Upload’ Interface

Step 3:

Once uploaded, you can use your creativity to play with the effects library of the site and edit your images in its editing interface.

LunaPic- GIF Editor Interface

Step 4:

When satisfied, choose the file type as GIF and hit the ‘Save’ option at the bottom. This will save your creation locally in your device, once the file conversion gets completed.

Image Name: Finding-best-gif-websites-is-easy-as-pie—here’s-what-you-should-know-22

LunaPic- Output Format Selection

04Wondershare TunesGo

This one is another efficient animated GIF creator utility on the internet. Available to you as free online software, this tool promises you an amazing and hassle free GIF making experience. You can either create stunning GIFs of your own, or convert video files and even live photos into the same using this software. It allows you to set time slots for file conversions and make speed and flow adjustments for GIF frames, along with offering a plethora of editing effects to play with.

Wondershare TunesGo

Here’s the know-how of using this software to create top quality animated GIFs:

Step 1: Download and Launch the Software

Pay a visit to the official TunesGo website to download the software. Begin with installing and launching the same on your preferred device. When you finish, click on the ‘Toolbox’ tab at the top in the welcome screen.

TunesGo- Welcome Interface

Step 2: Upload Media Files

In the software’s opening interface, choose the GIF Maker tool. In the following window that pops-up, click on ‘Add’ to upload the desired media files saved in your device, you want to create a GIF with.

TunesGo- File Upload Interface

Step 3: Convert to GIF

Set the media file to GIF conversion time and tap the ‘Create GIF’ button in the bottom-right to initiate the conversion process.

TunesGo- GIF Conversion Interface


This one is among the latest GIF maker tools that allow you to create animated GIFs from videos. What’s quite interesting about this Gif creation platform is, you can trim videos to the exact part depending on your content preference before beginning with the conversion process. You can also save your creation as a group of trimmed clips. It is a user friendly, free access online tool that does not ask you to install any third party software, and GIF creation with its mess-free interface is absolute fun.

Wave.video GIF Maker

Take the steps listed below to make GIFs with this online tool:

Step 1: Choose a Project

To start working with this tool, you need to create an account on its official site. Having done that, just log into your account and upload a desired video you would like to use for creating a GIF. You have a choice to select a locally saved video, choose one from the templates available on the site or create something of your own.

Wave.video- Account Login

Step 2: Customization and Publishing

It is now time to try hands on editing your video with stunning effects like, overlays glasses, etc., or add impactful elements, such as, texts, stickers, etc., to make your artwork more impressive. When you are happy, navigate to the top-right and tap ‘Publish’. From the menu that drops down, select ‘GIF’.

Wave.video- GIF Publishing Interface

Step 3: Download Your Creation

Select the section of your video you wish to convert into a GIF and proceed to fix the GIF start time and play duration. Check for any frame resize requirements, set an adequate frame rate and lastly, click on the ‘Loop Clip’ checkbox. This will produce an infinite loop GIF. When everything seems perfect, tap on ‘Generate’ followed by ‘Download’ to save your creation and share it on social media.

Wave.video- GIF Save Interface

Part 3 5 Stunning Examples of Gifs in Web Design

The credibility of GIFs in market oriented content sharing and information publishing evidently does not require an introduction. These attractive snippets are expert means of business growth and customer appealing strategy planning to address attract a massive target audience within seconds.

Now that you are quite accustomed with the market reliability of GIFs, you may visibly feel motivated to use them to improvise your product websites for a next level market approach. However, before you plunge into using GIFs for your brand promotion, consider sparing a few minutes to browse through some top class product based GIFs to enhance your GIF creation and implementation aptitude.

Described below are some eye-catching examples of GIF for website background, you should certainly look forward to using in your business campaigns:


Having its roots in the United Kingdom, this is a top rated, digital media design corporation that excels in providing web design solutions to a diverse global clientele. Their unique idea of using GIFs in grayscale to depict conducive business settings is just perfect.

The monochromatic color balance with parallax scrolls makes this GIF all the more impactful. You can find impressive ways of using GIFs with a professional instinct on the company website and begin to add appeal to your market buildup strategies.

Headscape Site Homepage


This is another high ranked application marketing site that uses GIF for website background to improvise its product promotion. Equipped with a preset world class page makeover, the site’s look and appeal simply gets a boost with floating-text animated GIFs on an otherwise normal webpage.

As you move further on the Invision homepage, you will get to see a demonstration of the site’s prototype tool through GIFs that explain its working functionalities in the most interesting and convenient manner, thus putting forward and outrageously professional and effective marketing strategy.

Invision Site Homepage


This one is an excellent design utility that is equally suited to both web designers as well as site developers. On visiting the tool’s homepage, you are welcomed with a streamlined text setting on a black and white theme. Move a bit downwards, and there you see a cluster of animated GIFs in action to get you familiar with the interface and usage pattern of the Macaw design utility with utmost ease. It is convenient enough to make you feel as if you are actually using the tool.

Macaw Site Homepage

04Giant Ant

Established as a creative firm, this one is known for its appealing website design. As you navigate through the site, you will find a still image complemented by cohesive text overlays. Beneath that, there are caricature forms of everyday objects, but the real magic happens when you click on a particular object and woosh. It instantly turns into an animated GIF. This explicit style of infusing dynamism to your website is simply awesome, to say the least.

Giant Ant Site Homepage


This is intuitively a fitness tracker that keeps a record of your system vitals in the most effective manner. But that’s not all. The tracker website is equally amazing, setting the perfect example of using GIFs to improve market buildup. The site majorly utilizes the parallax scroll effect with animated GIFs to facilitate a live demonstration of the tracker functionality, coupled with an iPhone user guide and ways of sharing relatable content with fellow users.

Tinke Site Homepage

Key Takeaways from This Episode

Surfing the internet, you will land across some of the best GIF creator and downloader sites that are flooded with brilliant GIF content suited for almost every purpose.

You can create your own animated GIFs on any GIF maker website or enjoy pre-made stuff to your heart’s content, where using Filmora is certainly the best choice. To explore something more exciting, try hands on using GIFs for product marketing and brand promotions on your business sites.

Also read:

  • Title: A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos |2023|
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-05-20 03:37:18
  • Updated at : 2024-05-21 03:37:18
  • Link: https://ai-editing-video.techidaily.com/a-complete-guide-to-the-best-brand-story-videos-2023/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
On this page
A Complete Guide to the Best Brand Story Videos |2023|