In 2024, Mastering Video Marketing An Expert Playbook

In 2024, Mastering Video Marketing An Expert Playbook

Chloe Lv12

Mastering Video Marketing: An Expert Playbook

Video marketing is the process of promoting a product, service, or brand using videos intended to attract audiences’ attention and prompt them to action. With marketers and communicators working increasingly with AI, automation, chatbots, and all sorts of generative technology in 2023 and beyond, video is one of the most common digital mediums for connecting with people.

What exactly does effective video marketing look like today? This guide will take a closer look.

Part 1: How to Create a Video Marketing Campaign

ready to use video templates for marketing

Launching a video marketing campaign requires considerable planning and preparation. Follow these best practices for video campaign success:

1.Set Goals and Identify Your Audience

The aim of video marketing for small businesses or large businesses should be tied to business objectives, such as raising brand awareness, educating consumers, or driving conversions. First and foremost, define these goals.

Who are you trying to reach with video content? You need a clear picture of this. Collect insights about audiences with regard to demographics, interests, values, media habits, and existing brand impressions. With these insights, you can create unique content that appeals to your target viewers.

2.Conduct Market Research

Research what kinds of videos connect with your audiences by accounting for competitors and non-competitors successfully using video. Identify videos with the most hits, shares, subscribers generated, and other metrics through channels like YouTube Analytics, Tubular Labs or SEMrush.

From the data, conclude common themes around video length, preferred formats for content, production methodologies, and so on, which should then serve to guide your own content.

3.Craft a Compelling Story

Every great marketing video is a story. Draw a story plot with rising tension and emotion leading to resolution. The story’s exposition, rising action, climax, and denouement can be outlined by famous storytelling frameworks.

Narratives that keep viewers engaged from beginning to end result in better videos. Early validation for your script ideas can be gathered through focus groups, social listening, surveys, and interviews with members of your target audience.

4.Produce Video/Audio with Quality

Bring your story to life by investing in experienced video producers. Budgets may be wildly divergent, so always aim to achieve the best production quality.

Feature crisp, bright camerawork, professional editing, and transitions. Be sure to use intense music to underscore emotional peaks and simple but eye-catching visual effects where they make sense.

For audio, manage volumes between scenes at the same level; minimize background noise; have clear dialogue and smooth mixing. Good video and audio keep viewers glued to your content.

5. Select Suitable Video Platforms

Research where video marketing is most effective in your niche, and figure out which social platforms and media sites your target audiences use.

Being present on several different platforms is every strategy’s dream. However, the real key is finding out where your audiences are most engaged and directing them there with video content tailored for the individual user experience by the platform.

6.Implement a Strong Call-to-Action

The ending of every video narrative should take the viewer toward an action. Clicks to websites? Subscriptions to YouTube channels? Form fills? App downloads?

Your final message in your video clears CTA. Add supporting calls-to-action in the form of superimposed graphics, cards, or endscreens outside of the video to direct traffic beyond that medium and give more expression to the story.

7.Track and Optimize Performance

After videos are posted, collect data on performance. Such indicators include view counts, average % viewed, changes in viewership over time, referral traffic, subscribers gained (added), conversion rates, and so on.

Feed analytics insights into an optimization road map. To inform new video projects targeting the same KPIs, look at higher versus lower-converting videos. Test repetition of the same content on different media platforms at various time intervals, with varying images of thumbnails and so forth, to improve metrics.

Part 2: 3 Typical Types of Marketing Videos

AI text to speech tool

There are some video formats that particularly suit certain marketing objectives. Let’s explore some of the most versatile, effective genres with real-world examples:

1. Explainer Videos

Knowing how to simplify and explain complex products, services, or concepts is precisely what Seasoned Explainers do. They use motion graphics, cartoons, live action–it’s all good. They express it interestingly and help audiences understand value offerings they may be unfamiliar with.

2. Tutorial Videos

A good video tutorial leads audiences through a process one can use to employ the product, carry out the method, or develop the skill. Hands-on learning material meets user information needs, indirectly promoting brand owners of the know-how.

3. Behind-the-Scenes Content

These videos give audiences an insider’s perspective on making popular products. Getting a peek behind the curtain helps pique viewer curiosity while humanizing brands through interviews, b-roll footage, and more.

Part 3: 6 Tips for making your video effective

Video editor tool on Filmora V13

Creating personalized video marketing strategies that effectively engage your target audience and achieve your marketing goals requires careful planning and execution. You need to grab viewer attention fast, communicate your key messages clearly, and provide strong calls to action.

The key is to keep it concise, optimize for sound-off viewing, build in interactivity, showcase user-generated content, partner with influencers, and more. Apply these best practices for getting your marketing videos noticed and acted upon:

1.Keep It Concise

With a sea of content competing for viewer attention getting longer daily, shorter is better. Videos under 1 minute perform far better for driving clicks, conversions, completes, and shares. Test even 6-second bumper ads on YouTube and Facebook.

2. Capture Attention Early

You have seconds to hook audiences scrolling feeds non-stop. Dynamically edited intros with eye-catching colors, quick cuts, and dramatic questions/facts immediately grab interest versus slow fades or titles.

3.Make Sound Optional

85% of videos are now watched without sound on mobile devices. While strong audio is still important for reeled-in viewers, ensure critical info is communicated visually as well.

4.Incorporate Interactive Elements

Leverage platform tools like YouTube cards, info cards, links, hashtags, Q&As and more to keep audiences actively engaged with video content instead of passively viewing.

5. Spotlight User-Generated Content

User videos reviewing products or demonstrating branded tutorials often outperform corporate studio content now. Repurpose this UGC via reaction videos, contest highlights, and “best of” community compilations.

6.Build Influencer Partnerships

Collaborations with influencers popular with your target demos lend video credibility. Support creators with gear, access, co-promotion, etc., in exchange for branded integration and affiliate sales.

Part 4: Useful Video Editing Tool

Creative video templates on Filmora V13

Video Editing Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Video Editing Now For macOS 10.14 or later

In creating marketing videos, the right editing software should help cut together raw material gatherings and integrate graphic elements. It must also permit an easy handling of musical components and the application of effects, among other things. The final step, polishing the product into various forms for export to a multitude of servers, should all be done with minimal effort through intelligent operating interfaces (UI). Among the options used by amateurs and professionals alike, Wondershare’s Filmora is one of the most popular.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

More advanced video editing for veteran editors yet an easy-to-use, intuitive software for beginners. Key features of Filmora include:

  • Simple Drag-and-Drop Timeline Interface
  • Library Of Visual Effects and Transitions
  • Built-In Title Templates
  • Color Grading and Color Matching Tools
  • Support For Keyframe Animation
  • Background Audio Mixer
  • The Free-Use Audio, Image, Video Library
  • Instant Previews of Edits
  • Export For All Types of Platforms

From planning and carrying out shooting to editing, rendering and output, Filmora speeds up all the steps of bringing video projects to life. For marketing teams constantly producing clips, an intriguing aspect of the software is that its wide appeal to video skill levels combines well with pro-grade tools.


In the future, video marketing will only grow more critical. With virtual reality moving from gaming to experiential e-commerce, it is up to marketers to drive adoption. With these strategies, your brand can get ahead of the curve and use groundbreaking video programs to win over audiences at this time and in the years that follow.

Part 1: How to Create a Video Marketing Campaign

ready to use video templates for marketing

Launching a video marketing campaign requires considerable planning and preparation. Follow these best practices for video campaign success:

1.Set Goals and Identify Your Audience

The aim of video marketing for small businesses or large businesses should be tied to business objectives, such as raising brand awareness, educating consumers, or driving conversions. First and foremost, define these goals.

Who are you trying to reach with video content? You need a clear picture of this. Collect insights about audiences with regard to demographics, interests, values, media habits, and existing brand impressions. With these insights, you can create unique content that appeals to your target viewers.

2.Conduct Market Research

Research what kinds of videos connect with your audiences by accounting for competitors and non-competitors successfully using video. Identify videos with the most hits, shares, subscribers generated, and other metrics through channels like YouTube Analytics, Tubular Labs or SEMrush.

From the data, conclude common themes around video length, preferred formats for content, production methodologies, and so on, which should then serve to guide your own content.

3.Craft a Compelling Story

Every great marketing video is a story. Draw a story plot with rising tension and emotion leading to resolution. The story’s exposition, rising action, climax, and denouement can be outlined by famous storytelling frameworks.

Narratives that keep viewers engaged from beginning to end result in better videos. Early validation for your script ideas can be gathered through focus groups, social listening, surveys, and interviews with members of your target audience.

4.Produce Video/Audio with Quality

Bring your story to life by investing in experienced video producers. Budgets may be wildly divergent, so always aim to achieve the best production quality.

Feature crisp, bright camerawork, professional editing, and transitions. Be sure to use intense music to underscore emotional peaks and simple but eye-catching visual effects where they make sense.

For audio, manage volumes between scenes at the same level; minimize background noise; have clear dialogue and smooth mixing. Good video and audio keep viewers glued to your content.

5. Select Suitable Video Platforms

Research where video marketing is most effective in your niche, and figure out which social platforms and media sites your target audiences use.

Being present on several different platforms is every strategy’s dream. However, the real key is finding out where your audiences are most engaged and directing them there with video content tailored for the individual user experience by the platform.

6.Implement a Strong Call-to-Action

The ending of every video narrative should take the viewer toward an action. Clicks to websites? Subscriptions to YouTube channels? Form fills? App downloads?

Your final message in your video clears CTA. Add supporting calls-to-action in the form of superimposed graphics, cards, or endscreens outside of the video to direct traffic beyond that medium and give more expression to the story.

7.Track and Optimize Performance

After videos are posted, collect data on performance. Such indicators include view counts, average % viewed, changes in viewership over time, referral traffic, subscribers gained (added), conversion rates, and so on.

Feed analytics insights into an optimization road map. To inform new video projects targeting the same KPIs, look at higher versus lower-converting videos. Test repetition of the same content on different media platforms at various time intervals, with varying images of thumbnails and so forth, to improve metrics.

Part 2: 3 Typical Types of Marketing Videos

AI text to speech tool

There are some video formats that particularly suit certain marketing objectives. Let’s explore some of the most versatile, effective genres with real-world examples:

1. Explainer Videos

Knowing how to simplify and explain complex products, services, or concepts is precisely what Seasoned Explainers do. They use motion graphics, cartoons, live action–it’s all good. They express it interestingly and help audiences understand value offerings they may be unfamiliar with.

2. Tutorial Videos

A good video tutorial leads audiences through a process one can use to employ the product, carry out the method, or develop the skill. Hands-on learning material meets user information needs, indirectly promoting brand owners of the know-how.

3. Behind-the-Scenes Content

These videos give audiences an insider’s perspective on making popular products. Getting a peek behind the curtain helps pique viewer curiosity while humanizing brands through interviews, b-roll footage, and more.

Part 3: 6 Tips for making your video effective

Video editor tool on Filmora V13

Creating personalized video marketing strategies that effectively engage your target audience and achieve your marketing goals requires careful planning and execution. You need to grab viewer attention fast, communicate your key messages clearly, and provide strong calls to action.

The key is to keep it concise, optimize for sound-off viewing, build in interactivity, showcase user-generated content, partner with influencers, and more. Apply these best practices for getting your marketing videos noticed and acted upon:

1.Keep It Concise

With a sea of content competing for viewer attention getting longer daily, shorter is better. Videos under 1 minute perform far better for driving clicks, conversions, completes, and shares. Test even 6-second bumper ads on YouTube and Facebook.

2. Capture Attention Early

You have seconds to hook audiences scrolling feeds non-stop. Dynamically edited intros with eye-catching colors, quick cuts, and dramatic questions/facts immediately grab interest versus slow fades or titles.

3.Make Sound Optional

85% of videos are now watched without sound on mobile devices. While strong audio is still important for reeled-in viewers, ensure critical info is communicated visually as well.

4.Incorporate Interactive Elements

Leverage platform tools like YouTube cards, info cards, links, hashtags, Q&As and more to keep audiences actively engaged with video content instead of passively viewing.

5. Spotlight User-Generated Content

User videos reviewing products or demonstrating branded tutorials often outperform corporate studio content now. Repurpose this UGC via reaction videos, contest highlights, and “best of” community compilations.

6.Build Influencer Partnerships

Collaborations with influencers popular with your target demos lend video credibility. Support creators with gear, access, co-promotion, etc., in exchange for branded integration and affiliate sales.

Part 4: Useful Video Editing Tool

Creative video templates on Filmora V13

Video Editing Now For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Video Editing Now For macOS 10.14 or later

In creating marketing videos, the right editing software should help cut together raw material gatherings and integrate graphic elements. It must also permit an easy handling of musical components and the application of effects, among other things. The final step, polishing the product into various forms for export to a multitude of servers, should all be done with minimal effort through intelligent operating interfaces (UI). Among the options used by amateurs and professionals alike, Wondershare’s Filmora is one of the most popular.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

More advanced video editing for veteran editors yet an easy-to-use, intuitive software for beginners. Key features of Filmora include:

  • Simple Drag-and-Drop Timeline Interface
  • Library Of Visual Effects and Transitions
  • Built-In Title Templates
  • Color Grading and Color Matching Tools
  • Support For Keyframe Animation
  • Background Audio Mixer
  • The Free-Use Audio, Image, Video Library
  • Instant Previews of Edits
  • Export For All Types of Platforms

From planning and carrying out shooting to editing, rendering and output, Filmora speeds up all the steps of bringing video projects to life. For marketing teams constantly producing clips, an intriguing aspect of the software is that its wide appeal to video skill levels combines well with pro-grade tools.


In the future, video marketing will only grow more critical. With virtual reality moving from gaming to experiential e-commerce, it is up to marketers to drive adoption. With these strategies, your brand can get ahead of the curve and use groundbreaking video programs to win over audiences at this time and in the years that follow.

Guide to Create a Timelapse Video in After Effects

Time-Lapse movies are great for a variety of projects; you can use them as establishing shots in sitcoms, corporate marketing videos, and they can make lovely backgrounds for animated slideshows. A time-lapse video is essentially a series of photographs taken at regular intervals to depict how the environment changes gradually over a shorter period of time. In this article, we’ll demonstrate how you may quickly and easily build an After Effects time-lapse effect.

With that said, let’s start!

Step 1. Create a new composition

Calculating your composition length to accommodate the frame rate and number of images is the first step in generating a time-lapse video.

  1. Verify the number of images you have for your Sequence.
  2. New Composition Creation. Selecting a frame rate: A time lapse film produced at 30 frames per second will flow smoothly, but you can select any frame rate you like.
  3. To determine the duration of your composition, divide the number of photographs you have by the frame rate you’ve chosen. For instance, if you use 600 photos at 30 frames per second, your composition will last 20 seconds.

Step 2. Import your images

You are prepared to make a time-lapse sequence if all of your photographs are saved to the same folder and are in the same order. If you are working directly from your Camera, you will likely have Camera Raw files, although this procedure works with PNG and JPEG sequences.

  1. Press Command/Control I on your keyboard or select File > Import. Find the folder holding your image sequence.
  2. To begin, select the first picture in the sequence. If all of your images have accurate names, After Effects will be able to identify a sequence of images.
  3. Make sure the Force Alphabetical Order and Camera Raw Sequence checkboxes are selected. Your Time-Lapse Sequence will display in the Project Browser Panel after you click Import.
  4. Once you’ve watched how it plays, you can adjust the Frame Rate by right-clicking the Sequence in the Project Browser and selecting Interpret Footage > Main.
  5. To update your time-lapse, modify the Frame Rate setting and click OK.

import images into after effects

Step 3. Create movements

  1. After Effects’ Time-Lapse Sequence can be used just like any other standalone clip. This implies that you may give your time-lapse clip movement by adding Keyframes and Effects.
  2. Place your Playhead at the beginning of the clip after choosing the Image Sequence. Make a keyframe for the scale or position.
  3. To generate a second Keyframe for the value of your choice, move to the end of the clip. Make any necessary Clip modifications.
  4. Right-click on the timeline, choose New > Adjustment Layer, then add your effects to the Adjustment Layer to add effects like noise and grain.

Step 4. Create slow motion from a video

You can import your video after you’ve shot it to prepare it for editing. The same steps, including naming your photos in order, must be taken for the Time Lapse sequence. It may be advantageous to entirely rename both your Image Sequence and Performer clip.

  1. Drag the finished Time Lapse sequence to your Timeline after completing it as previously explained.
  2. Over the Time Lapse, add the Performer Clip to the Timeline.
  3. Choose Time>Time Stretch by performing a right-click on the performer clip.
  4. You can alter the Stretch Factor or Duration in the dialogue box. When you alter one parameter, the other will reflect the new Stretch Factor or Duration for you.

Step 5. Make an overlay

You can alter the Stretch Factor or Duration in the dialogue box. When you alter one parameter, the other will reflect the new Stretch Factor or Duration for you.

  1. Find Luma Key in the Effect Control Panel and drag it to your clip.
  2. Change the Key Type setting in the Effect Control Panel to Key Out Brighter.
  3. The Threshold, Tolerance, and Edge settings should be adjusted until only the silhouette is visible.
  4. Use the Pen or Mask Tool to create a circle around the parts you want to delete if you discover any corners of your clip that are still visible.
  5. Add any Effects, such as Light Leaks, to your Adjustment Layer by choosing “Right-click > New > Adjustment layer.”

make an overlay after effects

After Effects CC must be opened, a new project must be created, the Import File menu option must be selected, and the appropriate folder containing the altered still images must be located and selected before the time-lapse photos can be turned into a film. You need to make sure that the JPEG Series box is checked, as well as the Force Alphabetical Order box.

Once you have clicked on the first image in the sequence. The time-lapse video that you uploaded appears in the project library. After performing a right-click on the filename, select “New Comp from Selection” from the context menu.

Step 6. Exporting your video

After getting our sequence to perform some kind of slow, understated animation so that it appears as though the camera is moving dramatically, we will need to export a video file. Go to File > Export > Add to Render Queue, then open the Render Queue dialog box by going to Window > Render Queue. From there, you can choose the Output Module and change the settings in the options dialog box. Finally, choose the Output To option and select the location on your computer where you would like to save the video clip that we are currently rendering and exporting.

add to render queue after effects


No matter how you make your time lapse videos, After Effects has a ton of features you can use to modify and enhance the way they look. Now that you are familiar with the fundamentals, you can play with the Frame Rates and Composition options. Check out this helpful manual for more information on Time Stretching and Remapping in After Effects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

How to Make Flying Objects in Wondershare Filmora

Let us be honest here, you want to create fly objects in the air but don’t want to get into the witchcraft school. In that case, we have got your back!

In this article, you can learn how to make objects fly in the air! Technically you will not do that in real-time, but with the latest technology and editing tools at your disposal, you will exactly do that.

Use Wondershare Filmora to create the flying object effect. Scroll below to get the guide to the whole process of creation.

Part 1. What will you need to make a flying object?

This is not witchcraft, so we will abstain from using potions and herbs. Instead, to fly objects in our videos, we will use simple techniques that you may also be familiar with.

Video Cameras

The camera, in this scenario, will be the essential accessory as it will capture your video with the proper aspect ratio. This video camera can now be from a mobile phone or a high-quality DSLR. It will all depend upon your preference for quality and frame rate.

dslr camera

Tri-Pod or camera stands

Selecting the Tri-Pod is also crucial to your quality of video taking as it will ensure stability while capturing the video from the camera.

tri pod stand

Stability is the key here, as the captured videos will be masked and combined in the later stages of the steps. To do so, consistently capturing the video in the same ratio is necessary. You can stabilize the video with a simple gorilla pod that you can get of good quality or a simple tripod.

The prop

The prop will be the object that we will be flying in the video. It could be a fluffy toy, a ball, a box, or anything you desire to be flying in your video.


Note: In this article, we are going to use a ball as a prop.

the prop ball

Wondershare Filmora

Now that we have all the physical requirements for the video, our next goal is to ensure that we have the correct video editing software. And what’s best than Wondershare Filmora? Obviously, there’s nothing!

Filmora allows you to edit your videos with ease and comfort. With its interactive UI, even a beginner feels easy to edit a video. With skills on hand, an expert can edit videos ranging from green screen effects to flying objects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

wondershare filmora logo

Good presentation

Now, if you want your video to shine like the good ones, you will need to know how to present it. In this section, the requirement will be yourself. As you are not flying an object, you must act the part.

A good presentation will allow you to make the video more natural. Because no matter how skilled you are with video editing, a video with props will only be of quality until the subject acts their part with quality.

Part 2. How to capture the footage?

Before we get into how we edit our footage, we need to know how to shoot the video to edit. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Set up your camera on a tripod or a gorilla pod.
  • After setting up the camera, record an empty frame.


Note: An empty frame video will be the one you will use to mask the original clip.

Reference video

Start recording a five-second clip of the sofa where you will be sitting without yourself or the prop. Here you don’t need to add anything except the reference. Follow the guidelines below when making the reference video:

  • The video should be plain.
  • It should be simple.
  • There should be no moving object or subject.

reference video

Main video

After shooting the empty frame video, move on to shooting the video with yourself in it. Follow the below to achieve something unique:

  • Your focus should be on the prop.
  • Use a thread or a rope to attach the prop to it. (In this case, we are using a ball.)
  • Attach the ball to the thread and hand it on the roof.
  • Record yourself now with the prop with your desired content or script.

main video

After completing the video, simply stop recording. Now you will end up with two video clips.

Adding these two clips in the Wondershare Filmora , you can easily create the flying object effect. To do so, follow the steps explained in the section ahead.

Part 3. Stepwise guide to making flying objects in Wondershare Filmora

Now that we have looked into our requirements, let us dive into how we will apply our skills to achieve an object to fly in Wondershare Filmora .

Of course, without the software, our editing will not be possible, so download Wondershare Filmora from the steps explained below.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Open the Wondershare Filmora software
  • Open the Wondershare Filmora software and Click on the New Project icon on the window.
  • After you have clicked on the New Project icon, our main workplace will be launched.
  • Here you can see various options.
  • To get started, we need to import our video clips to edit them.

steps explaining how to import media

  • Here, you can see two ways to import your clips in Wondershare Filmora.
  1. Shows you how to import by Right-Clicking on File and selecting the import media option.
  2. Shows you to drag and drop the file from your main directory simply.

You can choose whatever suits you the best!

Step2Add your clips to your timeline

Now that we have imported our videos into the timeline, our next step will be to add our videos to the timeline.

  • Simply click on the imported clips on the import window.
  • Then drag it to the timeline below.
  • Doing so will create a working timeline you can view and edit as you go along the editing process.

dragging video clips to the timeline

Step3Size the reference video to the original video

Now, remember that we recorded a five-second clip that we will use to create the masking effect. You will need to size it to the original video for that to work. Doing so is simple and will require you to take some easy steps.

  • First, click on the clip.
  • Then, when it is selected, move on to the tab above to choose the speed option from the bar.
  • Here, you will also see options such as cropping, Green screen, and color.
  • Choose the option of speed.
  • Then, a drop-down tile will pop up. Here you can see different options available to speed up your video.

adjust the speed of the video

  • You can speed up your video and slow it down.
  • For now, we will have to slow it down.


Note: Slowing it down will increase the time of the video clip and allow you to match it with the original video clip.

Don’t worry about the speed, as the video is already empty, and there will be no distractions to disturb our editing.

Step4Add the masking effect

Now that we have our video aligned with the reference video we are using. Let’s move to the next step.

This step will try to remove the thread attached to the ball; otherwise, it will show in the video, and our effect will be ruined. However, before we do that, we will need to know what masking is.

What is the Masking effect in Wondershare Filmora?

Have you ever seen the behind-the-scenes of those big-budget movies? Then you might have seen the actors and the stunt workers hanging from big ropes performing stunts in front of green screens.

Well, the directors capture the video in real-time. But they can do those big stunts on TV with editing and CGI, and one of the effects is “Masking.”

The masking effect allows you to mask the object on the screen with a reference video. So that’s how the ropes attached to the stuntmen get removed in the original videos.

How to add a masking effect?

Although there are numerous ways to do that, the one we will use in this video is to remove the thread. For this, follow the below steps:

  • Simply go to the effect icon that you can see in the bar above.
  • In the effects bar, move to the utility tab.
  • You will see a window showing you the many effects Wondershare Filmora provides you from default.
  • Select the shape mask tile.
  • Now drag and drop it on the timeline below.

adding the shape mask effect


Note: You must ensure the effect is applied to the main video, not the reference video.

  • When you drag the effect into the main video, you will notice a transparent shape added to the video. This is your Mask.
Step5Edit the masking effect

You must hide the thread attached to the ball with the masking effect. To do this, follow the below guidelines:

  • Double-click on the effect added to the main video.
  • You will notice another window pop up on the import library.


Note: In the pop-up window, you will see the multiple options and edits you can apply to the masking effect, such as Transform, Compositing, Motion tracking, and stabilization.

wondershare filmora effect editing panel

  • Scroll down on the window and notice a video effect tab.

In the effect tab, you will have multiple options, such as the shape mask, X, Y, and scale and blur strength options, as shown below.

  • Now adjust the mask to hide the string. It may be easy to invert the mask.


Note: That the borders of the mask are blurred. But you can also change them by inverting the mask, which turns the borders and the space between them.

Remember the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter? It works just like that, only with a solid shape.

  • Now use the X and Y options to move the mask anywhere in the video.

inverting the mask

Step6Hide the sharp borders

You may notice the shape of borders that do not blend with the background. To blend the borders with the background, follow the steps below:

  • Simply Double-click on the effect in the timeline.
  • Then, in the editing tab, find out the blur strength option.

blending or fading the border of the mask

  • Simply drag the bar to increase the blur strength.


Note: Please keep looking in the window on the right. Check and increase the blur strength until you are satisfied with the result.

  • Lastly, click on OK when you are done.
Step7Creating the popup effect

Now, if you want your object to appear out of thin air, you must create that pop-up effect. You can create the pop-up effect in simple and easy steps, as shown below:

  • First, drag the timeline dragger to the point where you want the prop or the ball to pop up.

Your presentation should be accurate and precise!

Imagine you were doing a “swoosh“ action, similar to swinging a wand. Now you want your object to appear at that time.

Split the Video:

  • Drag the timeline dragger to that point.
  • Now press Ctrl+B to split both videos.

Add Popup Effect:

The masking effect will be applied from the start. Our goal is to hide the masking effect before the ball pop-ups. For this, follow the below steps:

  • Go into the setting by Double-Clicking the masking effect on the original video.
  • Then move the mask over the ball instead of on the thread. Doing so would make the ball disappear.

moving the mask to hide the ball

Final Results:

  • Lastly, click on Ok when done.

Play the clip from the start, and you will notice the ball popping up according to your action.

final preview

Congratulations! You did it. You are now able to fly objects with the power of your mind.

Following the abovementioned steps, you can control objects and make them fly in the air. The catch is that you will have to use Wondershare Filmora . But, of course, this is not a witchcraft school now.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Well, there comes a time when one needs to make flying objects. Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool that will allow you to add the masking effect to create the illusion of flying objects in the air.

The video quality at the end will only depend upon how clearly you show during the editing process. Try the above steps and enjoy the results!

the prop ball

Wondershare Filmora

Now that we have all the physical requirements for the video, our next goal is to ensure that we have the correct video editing software. And what’s best than Wondershare Filmora? Obviously, there’s nothing!

Filmora allows you to edit your videos with ease and comfort. With its interactive UI, even a beginner feels easy to edit a video. With skills on hand, an expert can edit videos ranging from green screen effects to flying objects.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

wondershare filmora logo

Good presentation

Now, if you want your video to shine like the good ones, you will need to know how to present it. In this section, the requirement will be yourself. As you are not flying an object, you must act the part.

A good presentation will allow you to make the video more natural. Because no matter how skilled you are with video editing, a video with props will only be of quality until the subject acts their part with quality.

Part 2. How to capture the footage?

Before we get into how we edit our footage, we need to know how to shoot the video to edit. Follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Set up your camera on a tripod or a gorilla pod.
  • After setting up the camera, record an empty frame.


Note: An empty frame video will be the one you will use to mask the original clip.

Reference video

Start recording a five-second clip of the sofa where you will be sitting without yourself or the prop. Here you don’t need to add anything except the reference. Follow the guidelines below when making the reference video:

  • The video should be plain.
  • It should be simple.
  • There should be no moving object or subject.

reference video

Main video

After shooting the empty frame video, move on to shooting the video with yourself in it. Follow the below to achieve something unique:

  • Your focus should be on the prop.
  • Use a thread or a rope to attach the prop to it. (In this case, we are using a ball.)
  • Attach the ball to the thread and hand it on the roof.
  • Record yourself now with the prop with your desired content or script.

main video

After completing the video, simply stop recording. Now you will end up with two video clips.

Adding these two clips in the Wondershare Filmora , you can easily create the flying object effect. To do so, follow the steps explained in the section ahead.

Part 3. Stepwise guide to making flying objects in Wondershare Filmora

Now that we have looked into our requirements, let us dive into how we will apply our skills to achieve an object to fly in Wondershare Filmora .

Of course, without the software, our editing will not be possible, so download Wondershare Filmora from the steps explained below.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Step1Open the Wondershare Filmora software
  • Open the Wondershare Filmora software and Click on the New Project icon on the window.
  • After you have clicked on the New Project icon, our main workplace will be launched.
  • Here you can see various options.
  • To get started, we need to import our video clips to edit them.

steps explaining how to import media

  • Here, you can see two ways to import your clips in Wondershare Filmora.
  1. Shows you how to import by Right-Clicking on File and selecting the import media option.
  2. Shows you to drag and drop the file from your main directory simply.

You can choose whatever suits you the best!

Step2Add your clips to your timeline

Now that we have imported our videos into the timeline, our next step will be to add our videos to the timeline.

  • Simply click on the imported clips on the import window.
  • Then drag it to the timeline below.
  • Doing so will create a working timeline you can view and edit as you go along the editing process.

dragging video clips to the timeline

Step3Size the reference video to the original video

Now, remember that we recorded a five-second clip that we will use to create the masking effect. You will need to size it to the original video for that to work. Doing so is simple and will require you to take some easy steps.

  • First, click on the clip.
  • Then, when it is selected, move on to the tab above to choose the speed option from the bar.
  • Here, you will also see options such as cropping, Green screen, and color.
  • Choose the option of speed.
  • Then, a drop-down tile will pop up. Here you can see different options available to speed up your video.

adjust the speed of the video

  • You can speed up your video and slow it down.
  • For now, we will have to slow it down.


Note: Slowing it down will increase the time of the video clip and allow you to match it with the original video clip.

Don’t worry about the speed, as the video is already empty, and there will be no distractions to disturb our editing.

Step4Add the masking effect

Now that we have our video aligned with the reference video we are using. Let’s move to the next step.

This step will try to remove the thread attached to the ball; otherwise, it will show in the video, and our effect will be ruined. However, before we do that, we will need to know what masking is.

What is the Masking effect in Wondershare Filmora?

Have you ever seen the behind-the-scenes of those big-budget movies? Then you might have seen the actors and the stunt workers hanging from big ropes performing stunts in front of green screens.

Well, the directors capture the video in real-time. But they can do those big stunts on TV with editing and CGI, and one of the effects is “Masking.”

The masking effect allows you to mask the object on the screen with a reference video. So that’s how the ropes attached to the stuntmen get removed in the original videos.

How to add a masking effect?

Although there are numerous ways to do that, the one we will use in this video is to remove the thread. For this, follow the below steps:

  • Simply go to the effect icon that you can see in the bar above.
  • In the effects bar, move to the utility tab.
  • You will see a window showing you the many effects Wondershare Filmora provides you from default.
  • Select the shape mask tile.
  • Now drag and drop it on the timeline below.

adding the shape mask effect


Note: You must ensure the effect is applied to the main video, not the reference video.

  • When you drag the effect into the main video, you will notice a transparent shape added to the video. This is your Mask.
Step5Edit the masking effect

You must hide the thread attached to the ball with the masking effect. To do this, follow the below guidelines:

  • Double-click on the effect added to the main video.
  • You will notice another window pop up on the import library.


Note: In the pop-up window, you will see the multiple options and edits you can apply to the masking effect, such as Transform, Compositing, Motion tracking, and stabilization.

wondershare filmora effect editing panel

  • Scroll down on the window and notice a video effect tab.

In the effect tab, you will have multiple options, such as the shape mask, X, Y, and scale and blur strength options, as shown below.

  • Now adjust the mask to hide the string. It may be easy to invert the mask.


Note: That the borders of the mask are blurred. But you can also change them by inverting the mask, which turns the borders and the space between them.

Remember the invisibility cloak from Harry Potter? It works just like that, only with a solid shape.

  • Now use the X and Y options to move the mask anywhere in the video.

inverting the mask

Step6Hide the sharp borders

You may notice the shape of borders that do not blend with the background. To blend the borders with the background, follow the steps below:

  • Simply Double-click on the effect in the timeline.
  • Then, in the editing tab, find out the blur strength option.

blending or fading the border of the mask

  • Simply drag the bar to increase the blur strength.


Note: Please keep looking in the window on the right. Check and increase the blur strength until you are satisfied with the result.

  • Lastly, click on OK when you are done.
Step7Creating the popup effect

Now, if you want your object to appear out of thin air, you must create that pop-up effect. You can create the pop-up effect in simple and easy steps, as shown below:

  • First, drag the timeline dragger to the point where you want the prop or the ball to pop up.

Your presentation should be accurate and precise!

Imagine you were doing a “swoosh“ action, similar to swinging a wand. Now you want your object to appear at that time.

Split the Video:

  • Drag the timeline dragger to that point.
  • Now press Ctrl+B to split both videos.

Add Popup Effect:

The masking effect will be applied from the start. Our goal is to hide the masking effect before the ball pop-ups. For this, follow the below steps:

  • Go into the setting by Double-Clicking the masking effect on the original video.
  • Then move the mask over the ball instead of on the thread. Doing so would make the ball disappear.

moving the mask to hide the ball

Final Results:

  • Lastly, click on Ok when done.

Play the clip from the start, and you will notice the ball popping up according to your action.

final preview

Congratulations! You did it. You are now able to fly objects with the power of your mind.

Following the abovementioned steps, you can control objects and make them fly in the air. The catch is that you will have to use Wondershare Filmora . But, of course, this is not a witchcraft school now.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later


Well, there comes a time when one needs to make flying objects. Wondershare Filmora is an excellent tool that will allow you to add the masking effect to create the illusion of flying objects in the air.

The video quality at the end will only depend upon how clearly you show during the editing process. Try the above steps and enjoy the results!

Record Slow Motion Videos With Phantom Slow-Mo Camera

In the media industry, you can find many professional and high-end cameras. Such cameras use advanced mechanisms to create slow-motion videos. Moreover, they capture natural colors and shades in the video with precision. Phantom slow-mo cameras are one of the prominent examples of the industry’s leading camera brand. To learn more about this camera brand, this article will consist of all the details.

With a Phantom slow-motion camera, you can get high-resolution results. Through this guide, you can discover a detailed analysis of the Phantom slo-mo camera. Also, we will suggest an affordable alternative that can make slow-motion videos efficiently.

Slow Motion Video Maker Slow your video’s speed with better control of your keyframes to create unique cinematic effects!

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What Do You Know About Phantom Camera Company?

Vision Research manufactures a Phantom camera that can be used in many professional fields. This company first came into being in 1950 by the name of “Photographic Analysis Company .”During the initial years, the company produced many cameras that could tackle the need for high-speed photography. However, in 1992, the company decided to create a separate entity to create high-speed cameras that wouldn’t depend on photographic film for imaging.

The US Patent Office acknowledged the use of innovative technology in the Phantom high-speed cameras. The main aim of this company is to produce robust cameras that can capture faster frame rates in high-speed photography. Many industries like defense, academia, and science research use Phantom slow-motion cameras. They are used in microfluidics, transparent flows, imaging, etc.

Part 2: Best Phantom Slow Motion Camera To Try

Phantom offers many slow-motion cameras with different features. This section will list down some of the best Phantom slow-motion cameras with pricing:

1. TMX 7510

The TMX 7510 is built to produce high-end videos with different speed combinations. It uses a side-illuminated camera sensor to capture high-definition images. It can deliver 75,000 FPS with 1280 x 800 resolution. It offers up to 512GB RAM to help in making high-speed images. You can use its built-in Binning Mode with flexible options. It also supports many file formats like Cine RAW, TIFF, JPEG, etc.

phantom tmx7510

2. T – Series T4040

The T-Series of Phantom includes many features to capture images with precision. The T4040 camera supports 9,350 fps with 2560 x 1664 resolution. It offers a peak Quantum Efficiency rating of 90% that can produce images in low-light conditions. Moreover, this Phantom slow-motion camera uses flow visualization techniques to capture minute details with high precision. It also offers EDR that balances exposure in the saturated areas of the image.

phantom t series t4040

3. Machine Vision S200

This machine vision camera applies CXP technology to capture long-duration high-speed photos. It includes GPIO for events and ready signals. It’s economical and available in a compact size. Users can also use the time stamp on the frame to check the time code. Moreover, it can reach up to 6,950 fps with full resolution. You can trigger the recording with the given software or the GPIO trigger signal.

phantom machine vision s200

4. VEO 710

VEO series are specifically designed for film production and science laboratories. It has 7,400fps with a 1-Mpx 35mm sensor. The sensor format used in this camera is ideal for high-quality camera lenses. There are two options for the VEO body: S (full) and L (light). By purchasing the S model, you can experience many on-camera controls. Moreover, the body of this camera is made with aluminum to increase its reliability in tougher situations.

phantom veo 710

5. Micro C and N C321

The Micro C and N series are built to meet the challenges of using a standard camera. The lightweight body and on-board protection make this camera ideal. It supports a maximum fps of 1480 with full resolution. With high sensitivity, it can capture low-noise images with vibrant colors. The advanced features of this camera can provide high-end images while preserving the natural colors.

phantom micro c 321

6. 4K and Media Production Flex4K

For professional cinema, Phantom has developed the Flex4k camera. This Phantom slo-mo camera supports 4K imaging with up to 1,000 fps. It provides three battery mounts with an on-camera menu system. The produced images are compatible with many color grading and video editing tools. Furthermore, it offers many remote-control options to ease your workflow. All the images that are produced will be delivered in the Cine RAW file format.

phantom production flex4k

Part 3: No Phantom Camera? Still, Create a Slow Motion Video

Are you unable to buy a Phantom slow-mo camera? No worries, as Filmora can help you generate slow-motion videos with a normal camera. After recording a video from any standard device, you can add slow-motion effects with this tool. It provides a speed ramping feature that allows you to manage the speed of your video. It contains 6 speed ramping templates that you can try for professional purposes. Moreover, it provides a drag-and-drop interface to provide you with robust controls.

Filmora can make any ordinary video look cinematic. You can incorporate special backgrounds in your video without using a green screen. Furthermore, it can remove all the production flaws from your video within a few taps.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Instructions to Produce Slow Motion Video With Speed Ramping

This part of the guide will include all the basic steps to make slow-motion videos . Thus, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1Import the Video File

Start by launching Filmora on your desktop. Select “New Project” to open its interface. Once done, press “Ctrl + I” to import the preferred video file.

import video to filmora

Step 2Select Speed Ramping

Once done by dragging it to the timeline, right-click on it to open a pop-up menu. Select “Speed” and then choose “Speed Ramping”. From the right panel, you can manage the speed ramping settings.

navigate to speed ramping section

Step 3Adjust the Speed Settings

Select “Customize” for the preset and scroll a little bit. Here, you can adjust the pointers by using the cursor for speed modification. By dragging the point downwards, you will decrease the speed. In contrast, moving the points upwards will increase the speed.

add preset or customize

Step 4Generate Final Results

Navigate into the “AI Frame Interpolation” section to smoothen the effect. From there, select “Optical Flow” to create a slow-motion effect of the best quality. To see the results, choose the “Render Preview” option given on the toolbar of the timeline. After modifying the video, save and export the results.

perform interpolation and export

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

  • Auto Reframe: This feature adjusts the aspect ratio of a video in an automated manner. You can make your video vertical for TikTok and YouTube Shorts. In a similar way, it can make videos horizontal to fit to Instagram.

  • AI Audio Denoise: The AI audio denoise feature is designed to remove specific voices from your video. You can try its AI voice enhancement option to make the vocals prominent. Moreover, it can remove reverb and hiss sounds from the audio in a natural way.

  • AI Smart Cutout: To remove unnecessary objects from the video, try its AI Smart Cutout feature. After selecting the area, it offers four preview modes. By using these modes, you can make adjustments according to the background.

  • Color Correction: Filmora provides more than 40 presets for color schemes. You can access the color correction settings to make manual changes. Moreover, you can apply advanced color tuning to adjust the colors of the video deeply.


Phantom slow-motion cameras offer great high-speed image details. The cameras of this brand produce high-definition results with advanced features. However, it cannot be affordable or accessible for many users. Therefore, Filmora is the best choice for students and beginners. With this software, you can make slow-motion videos in a cost-effective manner.

Make A Slow Motion Video Make A Slow Motion Video More Features

Wondershare Filmora

Part 1: What Do You Know About Phantom Camera Company?

Vision Research manufactures a Phantom camera that can be used in many professional fields. This company first came into being in 1950 by the name of “Photographic Analysis Company .”During the initial years, the company produced many cameras that could tackle the need for high-speed photography. However, in 1992, the company decided to create a separate entity to create high-speed cameras that wouldn’t depend on photographic film for imaging.

The US Patent Office acknowledged the use of innovative technology in the Phantom high-speed cameras. The main aim of this company is to produce robust cameras that can capture faster frame rates in high-speed photography. Many industries like defense, academia, and science research use Phantom slow-motion cameras. They are used in microfluidics, transparent flows, imaging, etc.

Part 2: Best Phantom Slow Motion Camera To Try

Phantom offers many slow-motion cameras with different features. This section will list down some of the best Phantom slow-motion cameras with pricing:

1. TMX 7510

The TMX 7510 is built to produce high-end videos with different speed combinations. It uses a side-illuminated camera sensor to capture high-definition images. It can deliver 75,000 FPS with 1280 x 800 resolution. It offers up to 512GB RAM to help in making high-speed images. You can use its built-in Binning Mode with flexible options. It also supports many file formats like Cine RAW, TIFF, JPEG, etc.

phantom tmx7510

2. T – Series T4040

The T-Series of Phantom includes many features to capture images with precision. The T4040 camera supports 9,350 fps with 2560 x 1664 resolution. It offers a peak Quantum Efficiency rating of 90% that can produce images in low-light conditions. Moreover, this Phantom slow-motion camera uses flow visualization techniques to capture minute details with high precision. It also offers EDR that balances exposure in the saturated areas of the image.

phantom t series t4040

3. Machine Vision S200

This machine vision camera applies CXP technology to capture long-duration high-speed photos. It includes GPIO for events and ready signals. It’s economical and available in a compact size. Users can also use the time stamp on the frame to check the time code. Moreover, it can reach up to 6,950 fps with full resolution. You can trigger the recording with the given software or the GPIO trigger signal.

phantom machine vision s200

4. VEO 710

VEO series are specifically designed for film production and science laboratories. It has 7,400fps with a 1-Mpx 35mm sensor. The sensor format used in this camera is ideal for high-quality camera lenses. There are two options for the VEO body: S (full) and L (light). By purchasing the S model, you can experience many on-camera controls. Moreover, the body of this camera is made with aluminum to increase its reliability in tougher situations.

phantom veo 710

5. Micro C and N C321

The Micro C and N series are built to meet the challenges of using a standard camera. The lightweight body and on-board protection make this camera ideal. It supports a maximum fps of 1480 with full resolution. With high sensitivity, it can capture low-noise images with vibrant colors. The advanced features of this camera can provide high-end images while preserving the natural colors.

phantom micro c 321

6. 4K and Media Production Flex4K

For professional cinema, Phantom has developed the Flex4k camera. This Phantom slo-mo camera supports 4K imaging with up to 1,000 fps. It provides three battery mounts with an on-camera menu system. The produced images are compatible with many color grading and video editing tools. Furthermore, it offers many remote-control options to ease your workflow. All the images that are produced will be delivered in the Cine RAW file format.

phantom production flex4k

Part 3: No Phantom Camera? Still, Create a Slow Motion Video

Are you unable to buy a Phantom slow-mo camera? No worries, as Filmora can help you generate slow-motion videos with a normal camera. After recording a video from any standard device, you can add slow-motion effects with this tool. It provides a speed ramping feature that allows you to manage the speed of your video. It contains 6 speed ramping templates that you can try for professional purposes. Moreover, it provides a drag-and-drop interface to provide you with robust controls.

Filmora can make any ordinary video look cinematic. You can incorporate special backgrounds in your video without using a green screen. Furthermore, it can remove all the production flaws from your video within a few taps.

Free Download For Win 7 or later(64-bit)

Free Download For macOS 10.14 or later

Instructions to Produce Slow Motion Video With Speed Ramping

This part of the guide will include all the basic steps to make slow-motion videos . Thus, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1Import the Video File

Start by launching Filmora on your desktop. Select “New Project” to open its interface. Once done, press “Ctrl + I” to import the preferred video file.

import video to filmora

Step 2Select Speed Ramping

Once done by dragging it to the timeline, right-click on it to open a pop-up menu. Select “Speed” and then choose “Speed Ramping”. From the right panel, you can manage the speed ramping settings.

navigate to speed ramping section

Step 3Adjust the Speed Settings

Select “Customize” for the preset and scroll a little bit. Here, you can adjust the pointers by using the cursor for speed modification. By dragging the point downwards, you will decrease the speed. In contrast, moving the points upwards will increase the speed.

add preset or customize

Step 4Generate Final Results

Navigate into the “AI Frame Interpolation” section to smoothen the effect. From there, select “Optical Flow” to create a slow-motion effect of the best quality. To see the results, choose the “Render Preview” option given on the toolbar of the timeline. After modifying the video, save and export the results.

perform interpolation and export

Key Features of Wondershare Filmora

  • Auto Reframe: This feature adjusts the aspect ratio of a video in an automated manner. You can make your video vertical for TikTok and YouTube Shorts. In a similar way, it can make videos horizontal to fit to Instagram.

  • AI Audio Denoise: The AI audio denoise feature is designed to remove specific voices from your video. You can try its AI voice enhancement option to make the vocals prominent. Moreover, it can remove reverb and hiss sounds from the audio in a natural way.

  • AI Smart Cutout: To remove unnecessary objects from the video, try its AI Smart Cutout feature. After selecting the area, it offers four preview modes. By using these modes, you can make adjustments according to the background.

  • Color Correction: Filmora provides more than 40 presets for color schemes. You can access the color correction settings to make manual changes. Moreover, you can apply advanced color tuning to adjust the colors of the video deeply.


Phantom slow-motion cameras offer great high-speed image details. The cameras of this brand produce high-definition results with advanced features. However, it cannot be affordable or accessible for many users. Therefore, Filmora is the best choice for students and beginners. With this software, you can make slow-motion videos in a cost-effective manner.

Also read:

  • Title: In 2024, Mastering Video Marketing An Expert Playbook
  • Author: Chloe
  • Created at : 2024-04-24 07:08:13
  • Updated at : 2024-04-25 07:08:13
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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In 2024, Mastering Video Marketing An Expert Playbook